Centripetal Force I. Objectives

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Faculty of Engineering Physics 1 Laboratory

Group : 3 Section: 1-25

Members: Rating ___________

FLORES, Margaret E . Date submitted: March 13, 2019
FRANCO, Laurence S.
GAVINA, Jan Vincent P.
GOMEZ, Kyle Eric Francis L.

I. Objectives
The purpose of this experiment is to study the effects of varying the mass of the
object, the radius of the circle, and the centripetal force on an object rotating in a circular
II. Data and Results

Table 3.1: Varying the Radius (Constant force and mass)

Radius, m Period (T), s T2

0.12 2.13 s 4.54 s2
0.14 2.28 s 5.06 s2
0.16 2.33 s 5.43 s2
0.18 2.44 s 5.95 s2

Mass hanging over the pulley (kg) = 0.025 kg

Mass of the object (kg) = 0.208 kg
Slope from graph = 0.433

Figure 3.1. Graph of Radius (r) vs. T2 (with best fit line and equation)
Faculty of Engineering Physics 1 Laboratory

Table 3.2. Results (Varying Radius)

Centripetal Force = mg , N 2.0384 N

Centripetal Force from Slope 1.3603 N
% Difference 2.0 %

Table 3.3. Varying the Centripetal Force

Mass Over Centripetal Force =

Period (T), s
Pulley, kg mg , N
0.025 0.245 N 2.73 s 0.13 s2
0.030 0.294 N 2.38 s 0.18 s2
0.040 0.392 N 2.12 s 0.22 s2
0.045 0.441 N 1.93 s 0.27 s2
0.050 0.49 N 1.86 s 0.29 s2

Mass of the object (kg) = 0.208 kg

Radius (m) = 0.20 m
Slope from graph = 158000

Figure 3.2. Graph of Centripetal Force (F) vs. 1/T2 (with best fit line and equation)

Table 3.4. Results (Varying the centripetal force)

Mass of the Object (from scale), kg 0. 208 kg
Mass of the Object (from slope), kg 0.20011 kg
% difference 2.0 %

III. Proofs (Pictures and Calculations)

Faculty of Engineering Physics 1 Laboratory

A. Vary Radius (Constant Force and mass)
Table 3.1 Varying the Radius:
T2 = (2.13 s) 2 = 4.54 s2
T2 = (2.28 s) 2 = 5.06 s2
T2 = (2.33 s) 2 = 5.43 s2
T2 = (2.44 s) 2 = 5.95 s2

Figure 3.1. Graph of Radius (r) vs. T2:

X: Period (T2) Y: Radius (cm)

4.54 s2 12.00 cm
5.06 s2 14.00 cm
5.43 s2 16.00 cm
5.95 s2 18.00 cm

Linear Fit:
; where m = 4.33 and b = -7.71
R = 0.998
RMSE = 0.146

Table 3.2 Results (Varying Radius)

B. Vary Force (Constant Radius and mass)

Figure 3.2. Graph of Centripetal Force (F) vs. 1/T2:

X: Period (1/T2) Y: Centripetal Force (mg)

0.13 s2 24500 N
0.18 s2 29400 N
0.22 s2 39200 N
0.27 s2 44100 N
Faculty of Engineering Physics 1 Laboratory

0.29 s2 49000 N

Linear Fit:
; where m = 158000 and b = 2760
R = 0.994
RMSE = 0.1030

Table 3.3 Varying the Centripetal Force

Centripetal Force:
F = (9.8 m/ s2)(0.025 kg) = 0.245 N
F = (9.8 m/ s2)(0.030 kg) = 0.294 N
F = (9.8 m/ s2)(0.040 kg) = 0.392 N
F = (9.8 m/ s2)(0.045 kg) = 0.441 N
F = (9.8 m/ s2)(0.050 kg) = 0.490 N

1/ :
1/ = 1/(2.73 s) 2 = 0. 134 s2
1/T2 = 1/(2.38 s) 2 = 0.177 s2
1/T2 = 1/(2.12 s) 2 = 0.222 s2
1/T2 = 1/(1.93 s) 2 = 0.268 s2
1/T2 = 1/(1.86 s) 2 = 0.289 s2

Table 3.4 Results (Varying the Centripetal Force)

IV. Observation and Summary

Faculty of Engineering Physics 1 Laboratory

Upon the experimentation, several factors were determined such as the

relationship of varying radius with constant force and mass of an object; and varying
centripetal force in relation to the mass of the object. In centripetal force, when the
radius is increased, the period of rotation also increases. Because, the two
aforementioned variables have a directly proportional relationship given by the

where the center of the circular motion remains constant, as the radius increases –
the greater the circumference; thus a significant increase with the needed period of
rotation. Whereas, when the radius and the mass of the rotating object are held
constant, increasing the period will decrease the centripetal force. Supported by the

where the centripetal acceleration has greatly increased; hence requiring a greater
centripetal force to maintain the motion of the object. Because, the centripetal force
is inversely propotional to the square of the period. Moreover, the relationship
between the mass and the computed value of the centripetal force were also
determined. When the mass of the object is increased, the result of centripetal force
(either will be increased or decreased; or neither stay constan) will not be
determined. Because, the radius and the period of the object can either be considered
as constants or a varying variales. Hence, the result of centripetal force is
undetermined. However, a different case where the radius and the period are held
constant, the centripetal force will also increase as the mass of the object has a
proportional relation with the centripetal force.

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