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Priority – I

1. ALP should call out the correct aspect of signals loudly with hand gesture. Calling out of
signal name/ number and train speed along with aspect loudly by ALP and LP should
acknowledge the same. (Same should be monitored closely by officers/ loco inspectors
on foot plate.)

2. ALP should apply emergency brakes by opening of D-1 pilot/ RS valve quickly in case LP
is not vigilant or not reacting according to signal aspect.

3. LP and ALP should avoid the tendency of packing of their personal belongings while
approaching the terminating station/ completion of journey.

4. Always keep your train under perfect control and keep a sharp look out for correct signals
pertaining to your line. Avoid over speeding & over confidence.

5. Reduce speed proportionately in case signal aspect is restrictive and do not presume aspect
of next signal.

6. Loco pilot should stop the train at adequate distance before foot of signal when the same is
at “ON”, so as to have clear view of signal from cab, subject to clearing of fouling mark.

7. Don’t use walkie-talkie to get information about signal aspect or other operational
instructions from station staff. Authority to proceed on walkie-talkie is not permitted.

8. Crew to ensure that proper signal(s) for their train is taken OFF/ authority received, before
starting the train.

9. Ambush checks and extensive foot plate inspection by officers/ LIs should be done
especially during night hours and in automatic signal territories to check the alertness of
running staff on loco.

10. Railways should give proper learning road (LR) to running staff and extend the LR period
until staff is well conversant with the sections and confident to work independently.

11. Loco pilot of tower car shall be given PILOT DRIVER (loco pilot having LR) while
movement in other divisions.

12. Do not take alcohol drink, Narcotic, stimulant drugs or preparation 8 hours before sign
‘ON’. Breath analyzer test shall be conducted as prescribed. (GR 2.09)

13. Loco pilots should not use mobile phones while on run. They should switch off mobile
phones while driving and keep it in bag. (Random checking of call details of crew while
on duty with service providers is to be conducted and defaulters should be dealt with
D&A actions.)

14. Loco pilot should conduct brake continuity, brake feel and brake power of the train as
prescribed guidelines.

15. During fog, when LP feels that visibility is restricted due to fog, he shall run at a speed at
which he can control the train so as to be prepared to stop short any obstruction.

16. Safety devices like VCD, AWS etc. should not be isolated on line by crew, which are
otherwise in working condition.

17. Crew shall follow the procedures laid down for securing of vehicles/ loads/ trains/
locomotives at stations and block sections. In case of failure of locomotive on gradient
section the train protection as per G & SR must be ensured.

18. LP should bring MP to ‘0’(zero) notch before applying of A9 & SA9 in case of any
unusual incidence like train parting etc.

19. Close monitoring of duty hours and periodical rest must be ensured. Ensure that all loco
running staff booked to work trains have availed full rest at home station and out station
and no under rest crew shall be booked for working except in emergency conditions.

20. Continuous night duty for running staff should be limited to 2 nights. Crew should be
preferably booked for day duty hours after availing short leaves/long rest. Crew which
reports after long leave/ sickness/absent/ training should be booked after 6 AM in the
morning next day.

21. Do not discuss personal problem/ un-necessary talk during work/run. Foot plating officer/
loco inspectors should not use mobile phone as this may distract the loco pilot.

22. CLIs should be interacting with family member of crew for bringing about an awareness of
the need for quality rest at the home station. Personal problem of LPs may be given due

23. No running staff overdue for PME, safety training, refresher course or any mandatory
training should be booked on line.

24. SPAD cases on the Zonal Railways should be discussed in the training centers for
awareness. Ensure that each and every crew is imparted adequate training to prevent
SPAD. Aptitude tests as prescribed shall be conducted for crew.

25. Pairing of newly promoted crew should be avoided. One crew should have sufficient
learning road.

26. SPAD cases usually occur when loco pilot stops for prolonged periods en-route and starts.
Therefore, crew should be kept engaged and well informed during such period by the
station/control staff. Before starting, loco pilot should confirm that signal given is for your

27. Loco pilot should exchange alright hand signal with guard/ station staff after confirming
the correct signal aspect by him before starting the train.

28. Observe all permanent & temporary speed restriction rigidly. ALP shall inform LP about
each speed restriction.

29. Appear right time on duty and read all latest circulars, caution order and notifications
before signing ON.

30. Do not divert your attention from signal if any trouble occurred in loco and its trouble

31. Keep in mind the load of your train for controlling the speed and making appropriate halt.

32. Take bath before coming on duty to feel fresh and energetic for safe, efficient train

33. Railways should ensure that signal sighting committees go on line regularly and ensure
that there is no obstruction to the visibility of signal during day or night.

34. Use front cab driving during shunting. Do not leave locomotive un-manned after taking

35. If signal are located at right side or at any other critical location, Railways shall prepare
printed pocket sized signal location books/ cards and distribute the same amongst the
running staff.

36. Ensure the train is not in fully released condition while approaching EMU halt board/
engine halt board, but always keep your train in braked condition with the help of brake
controller LAP position.

37. After reaching in the cab, check for all safety equipment, proper working of head light,
flasher/ blinker light, marker light and tail light etc. Ensure functioning of brake system as
per procedure and adequate MR, BP and FP pressure.

38. Keep yourself engaged in different activities to avoid micro sleep during train operation.

39. The copy of SOB (Standing Order Book) must be sent to adjoining lobby of division also.

Priority - II
1. Condition of crew booking lobbies and running rooms should be improved as per existing
instructions, to ensure proper quality of rest. Surprise inspection of running room to be
carried out by officers.
2. CLIs are made responsible to pinpoint suspected medically/mentally unfit staff. Based on
their feedback, running staff should be sent for special medical examination.
3. Do not insert/ operate reverser lever till the signal is taken OFF.
4. If brake power is unsatisfactory it is required to regulate the speed of train accordingly.
5. Ensure proper procedure is being adopted for changing of locomotive cab in a yard line/
stabling siding.
6. Don’t talk unnecessary on walkie-talkie during train operation.
7. CMS (Crew Management System) wherever provided should be fully utilized.
8. Loco pilot should follow rigidly Signal OFF, Whistle, Exchange Bell code and Start).
9. Be in possession of two pair of spectacles, if passed with glasses.
10. Do not wear sun glasses/ color glasses while driving.
11. The officers should check the knowledge of inspectors & trainers and their regular
training must be ensured for conversant of latest modifications, equipment etc.
12. Feedback should be conveyed to running staff on highlighted abnormalities. It should
also be ensured that running staff issues pertaining to personal/accounts are addressed on
priority by the welfare inspector.
13. The main job of the loco pilot is to drive the train safely and he should not be burdened
with extraneous jobs. Guard being the in charge of train is made primarily responsible for
these duties. He can take the help of ALP, if required.
14. Running staff should be provided with railway accommodation near their headquarters as
per their entitlement on out of turn basis.
15. The public riding on the locomotive is a law and order problem and GRP needs to tackle
it as it affects the loco pilot’s performance.
16. Note the defects and isolations of your loco/ EMU log book & inform to LPC/TLC.
17. ALP & LP should be counseled to avoid unwarranted pressing of VCD
acknowledgement button.
18. Unauthorized persons should not be allowed in driving cab.
19. During train operation, be alert and vigilant and focus only on safe train operation.
20. Always keep working time table open & ensure the proper stoppage of train at every halts
as per WTT.
21. While rolling into platform always keep your train under your perfect control for
stopping without jerk.
22. In case of change in signal location due to doubling or construction works, running staff
should be accompanied by LI/ safety counselors and the change of signal location be
communicated well in advance through drivers notice book at lobbies.
23. The details of local modification carried out by shed must be available in loco log book.

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