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Buapakthawittaya School
Midterm Examination English (En.33102 ) For M.6Time : 40
minutes (20 Points)

5. Fill in do, does , have, has, can , is , are and answer the questions.

1. ……………… play the guitar?


2. ………………. you got a pet?


3. …………………your parents work in the morning?


4. ………………..your friends English?


5. ……………….your teacher got long hair?


6. …………….. your best friend like football?


7. ……………… your English teacher give you a lot of homework?


8. ………….... there a zoo in your town?


9. ……………. Your friends live near you?


……………………….The end……………….

Buapakthawittaya School
Midterm Examination English (En.31102 ) For M.4
Time : 50 minutes (20 Points)
มาตรฐาน ต1.1
่ ฟั
เข ้าใจและตีความจากเรืองที ่ งและอ่านจากสือประเภทต่
่ างๆและแสดงความคิดเห็นอย่างมี

เหตุผล ตัวชีวั้ ดที่ 2,3 และ 4 (ข ้อ 1-7 )

Direction : Read the following passage then choose the best answer
“Taxi, taxi!” A woman stood at the street corner in the business
part of town. She was waving her arms wildly and she looked tried.
Before long a taxi pulled up beside her and the driver asked her
where she want to go.
“ I want to go to the railway station.” Said the woman. “ how
much do you want ?”
It was one mile from the street corner to the station, but the
texi-driver thought she would pay a lot of money because she was so
tired. “ One hundred bath.” He said.
To his surprise she said, “All right” immediately.
He was even more surprised, however, when he opened the door
for her and she said, “ No, I don’t want to get into your taxi. I have
my own car just here, but I’m not used to this town center. There are
so many cars and streets everywhere that I have completely lost my
way. My house is not far from the station. If you drive your taxi in
front of me. I can follow in my car and soon get home. It only a few
minutes’ drive to there.
1. Where was the woman standing when she called the taxi ?
a. Outside the station. c. At a street corner.
b. Next to the railway station. d. Not far from the
town center.
2. How far was it from the street corner to the railway station ?
a. A few miles. c. Two minutes’ drive.
b. One mile. d. Two or three miles
3. What happened to the woman ?
a. She lost her way. c. Her car had no petrol.
b. She could not drive a car. d. She was too tried to
drive a car.
4. Why didn’t the woman get into the taxi ?
a. The taxi-driver frightened her. c. She felt angry with the
b. She did not like the taxi-driver d. She had her own car.

5. Why did the woman tell the taxi-driver to drive in front of her ?
a. It was getting dark and there were many cars.
b. The taxi-driver knew the way to the railway station.
c. The railway station was not far from the street corner.
d. The taxi-driver know the way to her house.
6. Which sentence is true ?
a. The woman wanted the taxi-driver to fix her car.
b. The taxi-drive did not agree to drive in front of the woman.
c. It was only a few minutes’ drive from the station to the
woman’s house.
7. The railway station was not far from the street corner but the
taxi-driver asked the woman to pay him a lot of money for the
fare. This shows that the taxi-driver was ……………. .
a. reliable c. unfriendly
b. dishonest d. intelligent
มาตรฐาน ต 1.2 มีทก ่
ั ษะการสือสารในการแลกเปลี ่
ยนข ้อมูลข่าวสาร
แสดงความรู ้สึกและความคิดเห็นอย่าง
มีประสิทธิภาพ ตัวชีวั้ ดที่ 1 และ 4 ( ข ้อ 8- 11 )
Direction : Read the conversation and choose thebest answer for
each item .
Suituation : Peter is talking to Ladda about a weekend trip to
the beach.
Peter : What are you doing this weekend ?
Ladda : No, in fact, It’s going to be a bit boring for me. Everyone I
know is going away during the
school holidays. But I can’t go anywhere because my parents
are too busy.
Peter : Would you like to go to the beach for a couple of days ?
Ladda : It depends. Do you have any specific place in mind ?
Peter : Not really. ..9……………………………………………………………
Ladda : What about Pattaya ?
Peter : …(10)…………………………………………………………………..
Ladda : Great! When are you going ?

Peter : When would it suit you ?

Ladda : Any time.
Peter : What about leaving this Friday afternoon and coming back
Sunday evening ?
Ladda : …(11)………………………………………………………………………
Peter : See you.
8. a. Do you have any special plans ? b. Do you need my
help ?
c. Why don’t you go together ? d. Will you stay home ?
9. a. How can I help you ? b. Would you owe with
me ?
c. Where would you like to go ? d. Which one do you
prefer ?
10. a. That’s good for me. b. That’s good to
c.That sounds good to me d. That’s not my choice.
11. a. That’s all. b. I’m not sure about
c.I don’t think so. d. That should do.

มาตรฐาน ต 1.3 นาเสนอข้อมู ลข่าวสาร ความคิดรวบยอด

่ างๆโดยการพู ดและการเขียน ต ัวชีว้ ด
และความคิดเห็นในเรืองราวต่ ั ที่ 1,2 และ
3 ( ข้อ 12-16 )

Complete the conversation by using the words given.

a. Be glad to b. do me a favor c. thank you d. Could I

possibly e.I’m afraid

A : Could you …(12)……… ?

B : Sure. I’ll …….(13)…………… ?
A : I’ve got a problem. I have to write a composition for my English
class and I don’t have a
dictionary ……….(14)……. . borrow your ?
B : I’m sorry. ………(15)…………… I don’t have one.
A : Do you know everybody who does ?

B : Yes. You should call your friend. I sure she will be happy to lend
you hers.
A : …(16)……….. I will call her right away.

มาตรฐาน ต 2.1 เข ้าใจความสัมพันธ ์ระหว่างภาษากับวัฒนธรรมของเจ ้าของภาษา

และนาไปใช ้ได ้อย่างเหมาะสมกับกาลเทศะ ตัวชีวั้ ดที่ 1,2 และ 3 ( ข ้อ 17-20 )
Choose the best answer.
17. The Mississippi River, which flows into the Gulf of Mexico, is……
river in the United
States of America.
a. the most important c. most important
b. more important than d. much more
important than

18. He received …………salary than anyone else in the company.

a. a big b. a bigger
c. bigger d. the biggest
19. She was ………. by the news of her uncle’s death.
a. shock b. shocking
c. to shock d. shocked
20. We want to arrive on time ; ………… we were delayed by the
a. because b. however
c. otherwise d. therefore

มาตรฐาน ต 2.2
เข ้าใจความเหมือนและความแตกต่างระหว่างภาษาและวัฒนธรรมของเจ ้าของภาษากับภาษ
าและวัฒนธรรมของไทย และนามาใช ้อย่างถูกต ้องและเหมาะสม ตัวชีวั้ ดที่ 2 ( ข ้อ 21-25 )

Direction : Choose the correct answer.

21. September is comes ………… August and October.

a. before b. after c. with d.


22. In Thailand winter begins …………… November.


a. at b. in c. on d.
23. London is …………………. than Bangkok , isn’t it ?
a. larger b. large c. the largest d. as
24. Before you go to abroad, you’ll have to get a ……….. in
your passport.
a. entrance b. visa c. cheque d.
25. Jane : Excuse me, Mary. I fell sick. I want to go home.
Mary : ………………………………… . Where does it hurt ?
Jane : Every part of my body hurts. My head is hot.
a. Are you O.K. ? c. I’m sorry to hear that.
b. How about you ? d. You have to take care
of yourself.

มาตรฐาน ต 3.1

ใช้ภาษาต่างระเทศในการเชือมโยงความรู ้กบ ่
ั กลุ่มสาระการเรียนรู ้อืน

และเป็ นพืนฐานในการพัฒนาแสวงหาความรู ้ และเปิ ดโลกทัศน์ของตน
ต ัวชีว้ ัดที่ 1
Direction : Choose the correct answer.

26. My brother is very interested in wild animals. He is writing

a book ………… them.
a. for b. about c. to d. in
27. Re member to clean your teeth …………….. a meal.
a. for b. before c. after d.
28. Few foreigners learn how to eat …………. Chopsticks.
a. by b. with c. in d. for
29. Water consists ………….. hydrogen and oxygen.
a. on b. with c. by d. of
30. This table is made ………. Wood.
a. for b. of c. from d. by

มาตรฐาน ต4.1 ใช้ภาษาต่างประเทศในสถานการณ์ตา ้

่ งๆทังในสถานศึกษา
ต ัวชีว้ ัดที่ 1 (ข้อ 31-35 )
Direction : Choose the correct answer.
31. A : Would you like to come to dinner at my house tonight ?
B : ………………………………………..
a. I’d love to but, I’m afraid I have to do my homework.
b. No, thanks. I’m full.
c. No, thanks ,I’d like it.
d. Thanks, but I’m afraid I have to go to by bus to your house.
32. Network TV refers to groups of TV stations that ………..
many of the same programs all over the country though radio
waves in the air.
a. subscribe c. sent
b. broadcast d. record
33. I want to take an English course in Sydney, so I wrote to a
few school and asked them to send me a/an ………………form.
a. application c. document
b. registration d. identification
34. Conservation is the …………….of natural things ,eg. Plants
and animals..
a. presentation c. investigation
b. prevention d. protection
35. There was an accident this morning. One driver was killed
the other driver was badly …………… and both cars were badly
a. operated c. treated
b. injured 4. suffered
มาตรฐาน ต 4.2 ใช้ภาษาต่างประเทศเป็ นเครืองมื ่ ้
อพืนฐานในการศึ กษาต่อ

แลกเปลียนเรียนรู ้ก ับสังคมโลก (ข้อ 36-40 )
Direction : Choose the correct answer.
Fill in each blank with of the following sentences.
Situation : At a bus stop

a. How often do the buses run ?

b. I’ll manage.
c. You’re welcome.
d. How do I get there by bus ?
e. How long will it take ?
A tourist : Excuse me , I’m trying to get to the victory Monument.
You : Well any bus except number 4. Number 4 turns off at Siam
Square and go down
Phayathai Road.
Tourist : ……(37)……………………………………
You : About every five minutes. There’ll be one along in a few
Tourist : Fine. …..(38)………………………..
You : About fifteen minutes. It’s not very far.
Tourist : Thank you very much. I’m ……(39)………………..
You : ……(40)………………………….


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