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By Joyce Kilmer

I think that I shall never see

A poem as lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is
Against the earth’s sweet
flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
All lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has
Who intimately lives in rain.
Poems are made by fools like
But only God can make a tree
Rhyming Words
Rhyming words
are words that
have the same
ending sounds.
cream – scream
teacher – player
someday – way
lawyer - character
Say each pair of words.
Put a check (√) if they
rhyme. Put an (x) if they
do not rhyme.
____1. today
____2. same
____3. pencil
____4. book
____ 5. winner
Thanks for Everything
By Helen Isabella Tupper

For all that God in mercy send;

For health and children, home and
For comfort in time of need,
For every kind word and deed,
For happy thoughts and holy talk,
For guidance in our daily walk,
For everything, give thanks! For beauty
in this world of ours,
For verdant grass and lovely flowers,
For song of birds, for hum of bees,
For refreshing summer breeze,
For hill and plain, for streams and wood,
For great ocean’s mighty flood,
For everything, give thanks!
For sweet sleep which comes with night,
For the returning morning’s light,
For the bright sun that shines on high,
For the stars glittering in the sky,
For these and everything we see,
O Lord, our hearts we lift to thee.
For everything, give thanks!
Get a partner. Read each line together. Then, think of a word that
rhymes with the last word of the first line. The first one to say a
rhyming word wins.
1. Look up in the sky,

Something is flying _______.

2. Mirror, mirror on the wall,

Who’s the fairest of them ________?

3. The sun, a ball of light,

Up in the sky, it shines so __________.

4. Don’t stamp on the floor,

Don’t tap the _________.

5. Tell me, tell me, what do you want boy?

Please give me, give me a _______.

The following sentences are events that happened in the story “Funny Macmac”. Use the signal words
First, Next, Then, and Finally to arrange it in order.

__________ Macmac falls into the well.

__________ Ted sees Macmac run around
the well.
__________ Ted gets Macmac out of the
__________ Ted gets a big net.

Identify the Rhyming words from the poem “Thanks for Everything”.

1. ___________ __ __________________

2. _____________ __________________

3. _____________ __________________

4. _____________ __________________

5. _____________ __________________

6. _____________ __________________

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