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Are Gloves Enough?


• How safe are our hands while at work? • An effective skin safety program
& Universal Standard
• The problem with glove usage
• Implementing a sustainable
• The true state of skin safety at work skin safety & protection program

• Recognizing the early signs of skin

health issues
How safe is our skin at work?

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

How safe is our skin at work?

are potentially
to chemicals that
can be absorbed
through the skin.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012
How safe is our skin at work?

OSD are the 2nd

most common type
of occupational
disease, and cost
U.S. businesses
are potentially over $1B per year.
to chemicals that
can be absorbed
through the skin.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012
How safe is our skin at work?

OSD are the 2nd

most common type
of occupational
disease, and cost
Contact dermatitis
U.S. businesses
are potentially constitutes
over $1B per year.
exposed approximately
to chemicals that 90-95% of all cases
can be absorbed of OSD in the
through the skin. United States.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012
How safe is our skin at work?

OSHA Standard: 1910.138(a)

General requirements. Employers shall select and require
employees to use appropriate hand protection when
employees' hands are exposed to hazards such as those
from skin absorption of harmful substances; severe cuts
or lacerations; severe abrasions; punctures; chemical
burns; thermal burns; and harmful temperature extremes.
(emphasis added)

Occupational Safety and Health Administration |

How safe is our skin at work?

Gloves are extremely important and effective at protecting against:

How safe is our skin at work?

Gloves are extremely important and effective at protecting against:

How safe is our skin at work?

Gloves are extremely important and effective at protecting against:


How safe is our skin at work?

Gloves are extremely important and effective at protecting against:


How safe is our skin at work?

“A case-crossover study of transient risk factors for Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA)
occupational acute hand injury”, Sorock et al., Occupational and
Environmental Medicine, 2004, ?p_table=PREAMBLES&p_id=1021
How safe is our skin at work?

Like all PPE, gloves only work

if you actually use them!
But even when you do, is that enough?
The Problem with Wearing Gloves
The Problem with Wearing Gloves

Not only do gloves cause sweating,

which macerates the skin, they trap
contaminants close to the skin and
potentially foster growth of bacteria,
all of which may contribute to full blown

“Effect of glove occlusion on the skin barrier”, Tiedemann et al.

The Problem with Wearing Gloves

Not only do gloves cause sweating,

which macerates the skin, they trap
contaminants close to the skin and
potentially foster growth of bacteria,
all of which may contribute to full
blown dermatitis.

Studies show skin barrier damage as

a result of occlusion from prolonged
glove usage in combination with
using soaps & detergents.

“Effect of glove occlusion on the skin barrier”, Tiedemann et al.

The Problem with Wearing Gloves
% for which the issue is noticeable

Independent Study Commissioned by Deb Group - 2013

The Problem with Wearing Gloves
% for which the issue is noticeable

Perspiration Feel Damage to Skin / Foul Odor from

Inside the Glove Uncomfortable Cracked Hands Glove Wear

74% 51% 47% 44%

Allergic Reaction Allergic Reaction Dermatitis

from Substances to Gloves on Hands

48% 40% 42%

Independent Study Commissioned by Deb Group - 2013
The Problem with Wearing Gloves

Metal fabrication workers reported a

greater problem with perspiration,
discomfort, foul odor and damaged
skin than workers in other segments.

Independent Study Commissioned by Deb Group - 2013

The Problem with Wearing Gloves

Metal fabrication workers reported a

greater problem with perspiration,
discomfort, foul odor and damaged
skin than workers in other segments.

Workers wearing chemical

gloves experience greater
problems with all issues tested
than wearers of single use and
mechanical gloves.

Independent Study Commissioned by Deb Group - 2013

The True State of Skin Safety at Work

Despite the Risks to Hands & the Focus on Gloves:

of blue collar workers show signs of of U.S. workers suffer

work related skin damage. from dermatitis
Internal Deb study of 417 blue collar workers, 2017 Luckhaupt et al; American Journal of Industrial Medicine
56:623-634 (2013)

of workers will suffer a skin issue of lost workdays reported were

at some point in their working life due to work-related skin disease

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Occupational injuries and illnesses counts, rates, and
characteristics, 1995. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of Labor,
Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1998
The True State of Skin Safety at Work

Skin Issues May Be Underreported By 10-50 Times.

European Dermatology Forum White Book – Skin Diseases in Europe

How many of your workers

are potentially at risk?
The True State of Skin Safety at Work

OSD Cost U.S. Businesses Over

$1 Billion per Year!

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The True State of Skin Safety at Work

OSD Cost U.S. Businesses Over

$1 Billion per Year!

200 Million
Egg McMuffins

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The True State of Skin Safety at Work

OSD Cost U.S. Businesses Over

$1 Billion per Year!

200 Million Five F-35C

Egg McMuffins Fighter Jets

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The True State of Skin Safety at Work

OSD Cost U.S. Businesses Over

$1 Billion per Year!

200 Million Five F-35C The

Egg McMuffins Fighter Jets Chicago Cubs

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

When it comes to total hand safety,
including skin protection


Recognizing the Early Signs of Skin Health Issues

What do skin condition issues really look like?

Recognizing the Early Signs of Skin Health Issues

Common Questions – Similar, but very different responses

Do you have problems with Do workers complain

dermatitis or occupational about dry, rough, and
skin disorders? cracked skin?

Recognizing the Early Signs of Skin Health Issues

Good Skin Condition

• No visual signs of dry skin

around finger nails, tips of
fingers, or between fingers
• No cracks around finger nails
• No calluses
Recognizing the Early Signs of Skin Health Issues

Minor Skin Condition Issues – Early Signs

• Starting to see dry skin

around finger nails
• Starting to see cracks
around finger nails
• Patches of dry skin
(white patches) starting
to emerge
Recognizing the Early Signs of Skin Health Issues

Minor Skin Condition Issues – Early Signs

• Starting to see dry skin

around finger nails
• Starting to see cracks
around finger nails
• Patches of dry skin
(white patches) starting
to emerge
Recognizing the Early Signs of Skin Health Issues

Moderate Skin Condition Issues

• Dirt embedded around

finger nails
• Cracks around finger
nails and tips of fingers
• May describe washing
as being painful
Recognizing the Early Signs of Skin Health Issues

Moderate to Severe Skin Condition Issues

• Dry skin around finger

• Red patches of irritated
• Skin scaling
Recognizing the Early Signs of Skin Health Issues

Serious Skin Condition Issues – Diagnosed Dermatitis


Recognizing the Early Signs of Skin Health Issues

Serious Skin Condition Issues – Diagnosed Dermatitis

Recognizing the Early Signs of Skin Health Issues

Impacts of Skin Condition Issues

• Difficult to work with small, detailed objects, ie, nuts & bolts
• Makes gripping tools difficult
• Painful when working and washing

All of which may decrease individual performance,

productivity and worker well-being.
An Effective Skin Safety Program
An Effective Skin Safety Program

Often Requires Culture Change:

Workers have to be encouraged to
speak up when they see early signs
of skin issues.

Red, Cracked, Sore Hands Should Not Be “Normal”

An Effective Skin Safety Program

The Best Practice is a Universal Standard.

The 3-Moments of Skin Care
An Effective Skin Safety Program

The 3-Moments of Skin Care.

1: Apply pre-work cream before starting a work period
• Acts as a supporting layer for the skin’s defense mechanism.
• Facilitates removal of irritants from the skin surface
by capturing them and washing them off at the next
hand-washing event
An Effective Skin Safety Program

The 3-Moments of Skin Care.

2: Apply Cream After Washing Hands
• Soap and water is known to dry the skin and deplete its natural moisturizing
factors and oils.
• Conditioning cream should be applied to hands after hand washing and drying to
maintain skin barrier integrity.
• Workers returning to work immediately after washing hands may replace
conditioning cream with pre-work protective cream.
An Effective Skin Safety Program

The 3-Moments of Skin Care.

3: Apply Conditioning Cream After Work
• At the end of the shift, workers again wash or cleanse
their hands.
• Applying a conditioning cream to hands helps restore
skin health for the following day.
An Effective Skin Safety Program

Benefits of Skin Safety Intervention

A major study found that using protect (pre-work)
and restore creams prevented deterioration in skin
condition or improved skin condition in 73% of
workers after one year.

“Effectiveness of skin protection measures…”, Kutting et al,

British Journal of Dermatology, 2010
Skin Safety & Protection in 4 Steps

Four steps to implementing an effective skin safety program

Skin Safety & Protection in 4 Steps

Four steps to implementing an effective skin safety program





Skin Safety & Protection in 4 Steps

Four steps to implementing an effective skin safety program


Measuring skin health:

• Establishes a baseline to show improvement
• Allows for early detection of skin issues
• May uncover more serious cases that
have not been reported but may be
effecting performance, productivity
and worker engagement
Skin Safety & Protection in 4 Steps

Four steps to implementing an effective skin safety program


Assess the site for the types of exposures

and recommend essential products
Skin Safety & Protection in 4 Steps

Four steps to implementing an effective skin safety program


Assess the site for the types of exposures

and recommend essential products
Skin Safety & Protection in 4 Steps

Four steps to implementing an effective skin safety program


Train workers and safety teams on:

• Why particular products were selected
• How and when to use products
• Benefits of the program to worker
health and safety
Skin Safety & Protection in 4 Steps

Four steps to implementing an effective skin safety program


Integrating the skin safety program into your

existing safety program will reinforce employee
health and well-being and improve compliance.
• Think of skin safety program as a part of
regular PPE plan
Skin Safety & Protection in 4 Steps

Four steps to implementing an effective skin safety program


Integrating the skin safety program into your

existing safety program will reinforce employee
health and well-being and improve compliance.
• Integrate into regular trainings
and reviews
Skin Safety & Protection in 4 Steps

Four steps to implementing an effective skin safety program


Integrating the skin safety program into your

existing safety program will reinforce employee
health and well-being and improve compliance.
• Encourage workers to self monitor,
look for early signs of skin condition issues,
and provide support as they are reported
In Summary
• There are risks to hands and skin in all work environments
• Gloves are an important part of protecting hands, but a majority of
workers may not always wear gloves
• Even when workers do wear gloves, there are risks to the skin that can
have serious impacts to productivity and worker health
• Occupational skin issues cost U.S. businesses over $1 Billion each year
• Recognizing early signs of skin problems is critical
• Best Practice for skin care is a universal standard called
The 3 Moments of Skin Care (
• Four steps to implementing an effective skin safety program:
• Establish a baseline for skin health: Perform skin health evaluations
• Site survey: Right products  Right places  Right time
• Training: reinforce the benefits of the program
• Make Skin Safety Sustainable: integrate skin safety into your
existing safety plan

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