MIS Research Paper-1

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IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal 721302, India
E-mail: shubhambmn14@gmail.com

Mobile phones are the most ubiquitous device one can find in today’s world. Very few could have
imagined that 10 years ago. From basic phones to today’s smart phones have really changed our world.
Features like GPRS, GPS etc. have really revolutionized our lives. It is now not really hard to imagine
what can be the future of mobile phones in let’s say 10 years. With the latest advances in nanotechnology
we can see a real wider picture of what can our mobile phones become. I would not deter in saying that
may be in next 10-15 years computers may have become extinct or they will finally converge into just
offices or schools.
Artificial intelligence is the one key aspect which can actually bring our mobile phones more nearer to
reality and our environment. What if your mobile can learn from your particular likings and surroundings?
What if it can understand your speech? What if your mobile phone never gets discharged? All such
questions and many more can now be actually asked and imagined.


3G, 4G, LTE, Artificial Intelligence, GPRS, GPS


The first handheld mobile or cellular phone was demonstrated in the year 1973. By 1990 12.4 million
people had mobile phones. By the end of 2010 ,only twenty years later the number of mobile phone users
have increased to around 5 billion(380 times). Mobiles phones have now become a necessity. From 2kg
heavy weight phones to todays slim and cool smart phones mobiles have evolved rapidly. There is a lot of
research going on as to what can mobiles with artificial intelligence plus nanotechnology may look like.
Am I talking of robots taking over the world? No. Future generations AI enabled smart phones will
change our lives completely. What if you can wear your phone like a watch and at the same time dive into
a swimming pool and your mobile phone is getting charged? Odds for such a device are really high.
Artificial intelligence is the intelligence of machines and the branch of computer science that aims to
create it. I am certainly not talking about phones that will take decisions on their own but they will
remember what to do if taught. For example remembering the names of the people you met with face
recognition system. Next time you see that person coming towards you all you have to say is who is
he/she?. Wouldn’t it be nice if your mobile will recognize his face and tell you his/her name?
Obviously such services would require a lot of data transmission. With 3G(third generation) , 4G(fourth
generation) and LTE(Long term evolution) services lot of data could be transferred instantly. 4G aims to
provide broadband wireless access at 100Mbit/s to fast moving devices and 1Gbit/s to stationary devices.
LTE promises broadband wireless speed of 233 Mbit/s to mobile users.
Human being have never been so mobile before. Globalization is bringing together people
from all parts of the world together. With such high mobility, data requirement and transfer is becoming at
most important. Features like language translator ,face detectors, water proof mobiles or even solar
powered mobiles are the need of the day. Such mobile phones can play an important role in people’s
busy lives and can make them lot easier.

The AI enabled Super Smart-phones

The new generation smart-phones would have super capabilities as compared to present smart-phones.
The things that may be incorporated in one super smart-phone are:

1. Advance face and voice recognition: As already mentioned artificially intelligent mobiles must have
the ability to recognize faces and remember them for some specified time as human memory does.
World’s first face recognition technology was developed by OMRAN technologies in 2005. Obviously the
technology is in nascent stage. The ability of a mobile phone to recognize the identity of the user will
enhance the security and safety of the mobile devices, and the data or information they may contain in
future. Some even predict that passwords may even become extinct in presence of such powerful face
recognition technology. There are many reasons why speech or speech recognition is becoming a
standard feature in mobile phones. Using mobile phone while driving is always dangerous to dial a
number one has to look down at the screen and press digits for the same. What if could just issue a
speech command “Call Shubham” and mobile phone calls him.
Although many phones have this technology at present but it is
handicapped by the vocabulary size and noise in the environment. This technology should be language
independent. If same name is pronounced differently by an Indian and Chinese the mobile phone should
understand and should respond in the same way for both. Users should have the liberty to train their
mobiles in the way they want and in the language they wants. Mobile phones should learn how its master
spell a name or even an English or Japanese words. Such a service can be really helpful in case if your
house is been attacked by robbers. It is not possible that the robbers, with your hands up in hand and a
robber pointing gun at you, will allow you to even dial a 100(emergency number for police in India). All
you have to say is may be some code word as per your wish may be “Oh God” or “Do not kill us” and the
mobile calls a police station and at the same time broadcasts help message to your neighbors and
relatives. All such technology are within reach of mankind and surely within 2020 we would have a phone
with extensive dialing vocabulary and learning skills.

2. Solar Powered mobiles : In mid of a conversation and mobile got discharged and at the same time no
power supply? The solution is solar powered mobiles. Now this feature can really come handy in places
which experiences a lot of power cuts or if your work is mostly travelling. Scientists have developed
mobile phones with solar cells embedded in it that can get charged when exposed to sunlight. The phone
developed when exposed to direct sunlight for 60 minutes, the battery gives 30-40 minutes of talk time.
Although this is not much but still sufficient enough. I think the real research should be done such that
phones becomes almost non dischargeable. Now how do I propose that? Do I want sun to remain in the
sky for ever? Certainly no. The mobile phone must work even if it is exposed to other weak light such as
sunlight on an overcast or cloudy day, indoor lighting or even candle light. Hence your mobile which is
kept near to a table lamp at night gets charged and is ready to go in the morning. This is also lower down
a lot of your carbon footing. Lot of electricity can be saved during the day time. electricity which is already
scarce and when our homes can be powered by solar energy why can’t be our mobiles.

3. Language translator : Again let me begin with a question. What if you have a meeting with a Korean
and both of you don’t have any common language to share your thoughts in? This next feature can really
come handy in such situation. right now Globalization is the phenomenon of the world, India is no
different. Often the language of conversation adopted by the world is English to communicate with each
other. What if our mobile phones have a language translator in which we can set the language in which
we want it to translate the message in and also in the language in which we will speak to it? Sounding
weird? A research agency has already developed a prototype of such a feature. Obviously such a feature
may come handy to only to few people but still its worth researching for. All it would require is some
sensors and advance voice recognition features in your mobile phones. Both sender and receiver must
have their individual mobile phones with proper settings and then all they have to do is just speak in any
language they are comfortable in and the mobile would do the rest. As per the recent figures there are
around 3000 languages in this world with more then 10,000 speakers of it. Chart is topped by Mandarin
followed by Spanish and English. Obviously such phones have large memory requirements to support all
languages, but on the other hand it can be developed for at least top 10 languages of the world which
consists of 70% of the population.

4. Water proof mobiles: This feature can be a sure pleasure for every swimming lover. Next time you
can jump into a swimming people while you are still talking to someone. Phones with this features has
been launched recently. This feature is also necessary because when your mobile can do all the above
things you don’t want to loose it to some rain water or to some accident of it falling into a bath tub. It
should be resistant not only to pure water but also to salty water of the seas and the oceans. The image
shows WP-812 first water proof mobile phone.

5. Small projector: Now you have a solar of light energy powered mobile phone and you are in a mid of a
presentation and suddenly power goes out. Your mobile will come to the rescue. with a projector attached
to it, it can handle all kinds of projections possible. Now this feature is extremely handy because all you
need is a clean wall and rest is the work of your mobile phones. Don’t like seeing movie on your mobile
screen due to its small screen. just turn out the projector and sit back and enjoy the fun on a 30 inch
projector screen. If artificial intelligence can be added to this feature what it would look like? Let’s
Suppose you see a poster on a wall of a new movie, and you want to know more about that movie. You
hold up your mobile near the poster and you can see a touch here button from your mobile phone’s
projector on the wall. When you touch it you immediately receive a video-preview of it. Sounds like a
science fiction movie or something? With the data capability and the intelligent processors that is being
developed this is going to be a future machine’s real time feature. A research is going on in this field and
the only significant requirement in this is embedded tags know as RFID. RFID tags are gaining lot of
industry acceptance and soon we may this as a real world.

6. Multi-player Interactive gaming feature: Here’s some food for all gaming freaks. Love playing Multi-
player games with voice and text exchanges, here is something for you. The phones of the future with up
to 1Gbit/s data receiving capability as well as good memory can definitely support such an gaming
application like counterstrike, Quack etc. Your phone would transfer voice as well as text messages as
you play along with your friends. The operating systems for mobile must be designed for context-aware
games and software.
It must be capable enough to transfer the current state of each player along with voice and chat
messages to every other player. “ We are really just at the beginning of making these device interface
with the real world through advanced sensors and intelligent applications,” says McGregor.

7. Personal doctors: With nanotechnology stepping in many companies have already envisioned what
our future mobiles may look like: Nokia has come forward with its Morph design that could be worn like a

Now what I suggest is that since this mobile phone will remain
attached to our body, cannot it work like our personal doctor. It can detect and constantly monitor your
body temperature, blood pressure, pulse rate and can even suggest you some prescribed medicines and
precautionary tips. Obviously nobody would trust a machine for medicines but still it can give beeps if your
body temperature rises or your pulse rate falls and you can be accustomed to some coming problems
whatsoever. It can also come with a capability to measure atmospheric pressure. Sounds nice. One thing
that all mobile companies are promising are that the future mobiles will be more cheap,small and
8. Direct to Mobile services (DTM): Heard about DTH(Direct to home) services which provide satellite
pictures directly to your mobiles. Internet TV is gaining a lot of importance in the present. What if we have
a in built device inside our smart phones which can link to satellites and bring us high quality TV viewing
experience directly at our hand. Although this technology is new and it’s innovating basically in the field of
televisions but such thing can definitely be a revolution in the past if someone can come up with a
prototype for the same. Videocon television have already came with a model in which the DTH device is
put directly embedded in your television sets a a result of which you don’t have to go anywhere to buy a
separate device for the same. The cost of data transfer is high at present scenario. With a device like this
we can enjoy live television almost free. Obviously the constraints again are cloudy weather which can
disrupt the signals coming from the satellites. The mobile must be able to connect properly because as
compared to the home DTH device it is quite different. Its position will change continuously. obviously
there are lot of constraints on battery power consumption and signal strengths, location changes but if
such a device could come up in near future may be our beloved TV boxes may become almost useless.

9. Nanotech phones: Nanotechnology is the engineering of functional systems at the molecular scale.
This covers both current work and concepts that are more advanced. In its original sense,
'nanotechnology' refers to the projected ability to construct items from the bottom up, using techniques
and tools being developed today to make complete, high performance devices. Nanotechnology soon
could enhance our cell phones with carbon-nanotube, microscopic microphones, liquid lenses,
compasses linked with global positioning system satellites ,vacuum tubes and even electronic sensors for
smelling,hearing. Now that is a bit encouraging! "Nanotechnology is all about small, light and cheap, and
you're not in the cell phone business if you're not thinking small, light and cheap -- the two are made for
each other," said David Bishop, vice president of research at Lucent's Bell Labs in Murray Hill, N.J..
Nanotechnology has the capability to shrink our present devices to their practical limits. If the research in
this field is accomplished we may soon see really small thin and extremely efficient smartphones. Such
phones can even be broken into parts and can be joined again later. A concept phone of such a model is
as shown in the figure:

Figure shows a Nano technology concept phone from Nokia.


The key player in the mobile phone especially smart phone industry are:
● Nokia: Is a Finnish multinational corporation with global annual revenue of EUR 41 Billion. It is
the key stake holder in the industry of future smart phones. At present it has a market share of
30% globally which is largest in the world. Nokia became the first phone maker to add energy
saving alerts to mobiles. Nokia offers Internet services such as applications, games, music,
maps, media and messaging through its Ovi platform. Nokia's subsidiary Nokia Siemens
produces telecommunications network equipment, solutions and services. Nokia is even engaged
in providing free map(digital) information and navigation services through its wholly-owned
subsidiary Navteq. Nokia is all set to launch its morph phones.

● Samsung: Samsung is the top handset manufacturer in US with a market share of 23.5%(as per
CBR communications mobility). Samsung mobiles is backed up by the Samsung Group.
Samsung group is South Korea's largest and the world's largest conglomerate by revenue(excess
of US $175 billion).Samsung mobiles is soon going to launch its first solar powered sets soon.
This is a clear indication that the American giant is gearing and all set to launch smartphones with
even more features that will change the world of mobiles.

● Sony-Ericsson: It is the fourth-largest mobile phone manufacturer in the world after Nokia,
Samsung and LG but it’s high on innovation quotient. It is a joint venture by a Japanese company
Sony Corporation and a Swedish company Ericsson. It has an global annual revenue of around
US $9 billion.Sony has come up with a lot of latest designs in the future mobile categories.

● iPhone: iPhone are internet and multimedia based smartphones, designed and marketed by
Apple Inc. The company has sold around 3.8 million iPhone 3G units in the second quarter of last
fiscal year 2009 and 12.6 million 3G and 3GS combined. Till now 33.75 million iPhone are sold
around the world and this number is constantly increasing.

Also each of these players have rolled out their vision of future mobile phones. Nokia has come up with its
Morph design as well as Nokia 888 model which will change our world in future to come. iPhone and
Blackberry too have dolled out designs of how there future phones would look like. Nokia “Open” (if that’s
the name of the concept) features a flexible LCD and supports 4G connectivity. Following diagram shows
what this future mobile may look like.
Future concepts:

At Nokia, research and development and design teams are creating concepts that challenge conventional
practises and may drive new innovations. They are making use of recycled and innovative Eco materials
to create concept devices that could perhaps one day be manufactured or inspire future product features.
The major objective all these innovation and research is to obviously grab market share when such
phones are launched by all smart phones developers. The main motive is obviously making more money
in future, as the demand for such phones will definitely pick up as they will be launched.

future mobiles can be as small as a coin shaped mobile by samsung

All mobile companies agree on the fact that future mobiles would be more robust in terms of features and
at the same time much lower in cost as compared to today’s mobiles. Eco sensor
A visionary design concept is a mobile phone and compatible sensing device that will help you stay
connected to your friends and family and also to your health and local environment. All mobile companies
are trying hard to bring these machines more close to our real world and our environment.

Now let’s see what are the advancement in this field. Things that smart phones are good at as of 2010 :
1. Detecting human face..
2. Determining a rough three-dimensional structure of a scene over a distance of 6 meters.
3. Solar powered mobiles with limited charging capability.
4. Water proof mobile devices.
5. Limited voice recognition capability with limited dialing vocabulary.

The things under research are:

1. Incorporation of medical devices such as a thermostat or a thermometer in the device.
2. Lip reading
3. Gesture recognition.
4. Recognizing what people are wearing.
5. Solar cells with enough capability of even getting charge to bulb light.
6. Context-aware devices as well as RFID tags are still under acceptance testing from the industry.
7. AI, sensors for receptive devices are being researched.


Some of the challenges that are confronting the mobile industries are:

1. Operating system: Popular operating systems at present include Symbian, Android, RIM,
Windows etc. All these software have limited capability both in terms of multitasking as well as
memory usage. With the smart phone of the capabilities as mentioned above, a new kind of
operating system might be required in future which will run more like the operating systems of out

2. Hardware Constraints : With the kind of application and features which are being developed,
would require large memory capacity. May be some 100Gb in future. Obviously we cannot use
the hard disks of our computer, for then are mobile will loose their portability benefit. Serious
research in nanotechnology is required in this field to actually reduce the size of the memories
and at the same time make them affordable.

3. Size Vs Features Dilemma : At present most mobile users look for following while selecting a

• Rich features
• Big HD screen
• Light weight
• Good Quality camera etc. To name a few
Now the real problem that arises is that users today want bigger screens then ever.
Nanotechnology promises that our mobile phones would be sleek and small. These features
don’t go hand in hand. To provide mobiles of bigger size can even cause the problem of
portability and even to carry it in your pockets. Obviously when so many features will be
incorporated in one phone its size as well as weight will increase. This may in turn be a negative
point for such a device

4. RFID Tags : These tags are the industrial standards for voice recognition implementation in
devices. The industry is slow in accepting these standards. If these standards don’t get through
then the advanced voice dialing feature may take a set back.

5 . Battery Backup: There is a lot of rumor that the phone with solar powered cells will be heavier
then a usual phone. Obviously to support such features your phones battery must be equally
powerful, at the same time being light.
6. Bandwidth: Bandwidth is an important requirement in the present scenario and will be even be
more important in future to come. The present 3G system allows use of both speech and data services
and according to IMT-2000 standards a peak speed of 200 Kbit/s must be provided. With the type of
application and with the increase in data transfer in future bandwidth up to 10Mbit/s is at least
necessary. Obviously 4G and LTE do promise to offer data transfer rate of up to 100Mbit/s but
only future will tell.

7. Network Security: At present most hackers are now targeting mobile networks as they are not
much secure. With the kind of data that we expect to have on our mobiles in future, what is definitely
require is an extremely secure data transfer. Mobile phones of future may be used for all office works for
ex: email, making presentations etc.. Such information may be vital at that moment in time. The main
use of wireless communication is definitely that it requires minimum set up cost and the user is free to use
internet anytime anywhere(obviously if network is present). Thus security is a big hurdle for the future
mobiles because no one will use them for business purposes as well as for confidential data transfer


What now seems to be the way ahead for the mobile phones is to make it more intelligent. May be more
trainable in future. Since mobiles have become an integral parts of our lives, we want it to be more real to
the real me. It could recognize peoples, receive and send messages as trained. May be its your friends
birthday and you forget to call him on that day. If you have saved the date of birth of your friend on the
mobile phone, it can go ahead and send some template message regarding the same. If this is done their
would not be any need to remember anything. Obviously that does not mean we would become slaves of
our mobiles and top using our heads. There is no end to which technology can take us forward. May be
astronauts may in future use mobile phones to contact to their stations on earth. who knows? Obviously
things will come gradually and would require lot of innovations as well as effort. Things like :
• Being our own doctor
• Giving answers to our questions
• Lip reading
• Gesture and posture reading
• Social intranet
• Shared webcam

Are the necessary things which are required in the present scenario
Possibility is also that future mobile applications may be big and would come at a cost. May be mobile
cloud computing can come to our help at that time. Companies can provide their users with pay per use of
these services on the clouds. Users would not have to worry to purchase them to do their job. The things
go on and on and on. Social intranet is one thing that many of us may be interested in. In this intranet all
your family members can remain connected to you all day long and the chance of them getting lost will
become zero! You can also remain connected to all your friends at the same time. Hope this future would
one day be achieved.


Lets start with some history of mobile phones. The first handheld mobile phone was launched in the year
1973. Initially it was very costly with very little features. The basic need for mobile phone was to talk on
the go. Memory capacity as well as the durability of these phones were very low. But as time has passed
mobile phones have advanced from big instruments to todays stylish multimedia internet smartphones.
This long journey was successful in mere 3 decades. Now mobile phones are in hands of more then half
of the world population. With the increasing demand for data on the go as well as for mobile devices are
tempting the big players to constantly innovate and provide rich featured mobile phones. From Ovi store
of Nokia to iPhone stores all are providing rich mobile experience to its customers. Many new and
innovative features have come up in recent past like online chatting software, water resistant mobiles,
voice recognition features etc. The chances and the future of mobile industry is bright. From just phone
calling to today's featured smartphones every possible thing is been done to bring these mobiles more
close to real life and even make them an important part of our life. With features like facebook and twitter
on your mobile you can easily connect to your social groups anytime. One drawback in the present mobile
phones are that they are not AI enabled. We want them to be trainable, to be receptive to the
surroundings, to learn from things it sees. Obviously such features will come at both cost and time, but
are definitely attainable. Lot of research is going in artificial intelligence and to know how it could be
successfully be incorporated in our mobile phones.

The main constraints to get these features are :

1. Memory constraints
2. Operating System
3. Graphics
4. Sensitive lens
5. Sensors to name a few.

These constraints have been there in the past as well and as I am talking today many of them have been
taken care off. We know have phones with 12Gb memory and even more. Sony Ericsson is planning to
launch a 12 Mega pixel camera phone with liquid crystal lens in 2012. Such phones would definitely make
our phone more receptive to images and sounds. With the kind of work and progress done in this field by
companies like Sony and Apple Inc I am sure we will have these features soon in our hand.

1.Russell Santa Clara, CA 95054, Voice Dialer 364 Speech Recognition Dialing IC1991

2. Stefan Dobler, Speech recognition technology for mobile phones.

3.Fred Kitson,2005, Mobile Media: Making it a reality.

4. http://www.nokia.com/environment/devices-and-services/devices-and-accessories/future-concepts

5. http://blog.nimbuzz.com/2010/07/21/future-phones-nokia-and-htc-phone-concepts/

6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nokia

7. http://www.nokia.com/NOKIA_COM_1/About_Nokia/Sidebars_new_concept/Nokia_firsts/Firsts.pdf

8. Charles Q. Choi, Nano World: New Cell phones from nanotech.

9. Claudine Beaumont, 18 feb 2010 what's the future for your mobile phone?

10. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/mobile_phone

11. http://www.crnano.org/whatis.htm

12. [Quote] "Nanotechnology is all about small, light and cheap, and you're not in the cell phone business
if you're not thinking small, light and cheap -- the two are made for each other," said David Bishop, vice
president of research at Lucent's Bell Labs in Murray Hill, N.J.

13. [Quote] “ We are really just at the beginning of making these device interface with the real world
through advanced sensors and intelligent applications,” says McGregor.

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