Comparing and Contrasting

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1. Fiction is not true and non-fiction is true

2. While Non-fiction focuses on ideas or events that actually took place, fiction tends to
be focussing on imaginary ideas and events.
3. Fictions are made up stories and Non-fictions are entirely fact-based writings.
4. Fictions are just entertainers and on the other hand non-fictions are informative

Fiction is made out of nothing and on the other hand non-fiction comes out of

Non-fiction involves real things, real people, real events, real places and real writing.
Fiction vs Nonfiction

Fiction is not true and non-fiction is true. This is the simplest way of defining fiction and
non-fiction. Non-fiction involves real things, real people, real events, real places and real
writing. However, fiction is just imaginary things, imaginary people, imaginary events,
imaginary places and imaginary writing.

While a writer based on his imagination creates Fiction, non-fiction is not created but
only written based on facts.

While Non-fiction focuses on ideas or events that actually took place, fiction tends to be
focussing on imaginary ideas and events. Coming to the characters, non-fiction deals
with real people and fiction only creates characters. If something is said to have happened
in real places, whether in the past or present, then it is non-fiction. But if something is
said to have taken place in a fake place, then it is fiction.

A big difference is that fictions are made up stories and Non-fictions are
entirely fact-based writings. Fictions are just entertainers and on the other hand
non-fictions are informative. Autobiography, history books and journals are examples of
non-fictions. Novels, short stories, films are all fictions.

Fiction is made out of nothing and on the other hand non-fiction comes out of

A fiction writer intends to make the audience believe that the whole things, which they read,
or view, are occurring. But a non-fiction writer cannot indulge in such a thing. Fiction
writers create stories without any commitment to their readers. They only elaborate on their
ideas and views. A non-fiction writer cannot pour out his own imaginations.

Non-fiction can be called as a prosaic piece of literature, which talks about various topics,
which are relevant for everyone. Fiction on the other hand elucidates on our imagination.
When Fiction is more symbolic, non-fiction is straightforward, fiction is
artificial as it is created from one’s own imagination. Non-fiction is natural
as it deals with events that had actually taken place. Fiction is an invented
story where as non-fiction deals with existing facts.

Fiction is a reflection of the writer’s imagination. Meanwhile, non-fiction is a recollection

of facts. Fiction tends to be more elaborate and descriptive; non-fiction tends to say only
that is necessary to establish a fact or idea. A fiction writer can run his imagination free
where as non-fiction writer cannot.

Simplicity, directness and clarity are most important in non-fiction works.

While a fiction leaves the imagination to audience or readers and they can have
their own interpretations.

Autobiography and biography are both account of a particular individual’s life.

The factuality of either one is not necessarily relevant in these terms, though generally it is
distinguished in the description of most autobiographical and biographical works. There are
also a number of subtleties to consider in the distinguishing between these.

An autobiography is technically a work that describes a life that is created by

that individual. In general this refers to a book that is written by the individual about
their life. Autobiographies can vary in their artistic and reporting approach. Some may
be intentionally entertaining and other intentionally informative. Typically
they are intended to be fairly accurate regarding hard facts. Something that is common among
some autobiographies is the work of a ghost-writer. A ghost writer may have a varying
role in different projects. For example in one work they may simply create an outline or edit
a work. In others, they may actually help in the writing of the text. Usually if a ghost-
writer writes the entire book you would expect the work to be labeled a biography.

A biography is also a work that describes a life. These works however are created
by an . Biographies are typically considered to be accurate in regard to hard facts also.
These works however are instances where differences even in the reporting of hard facts
become evident. Some biographies, especially when written about living
individuals can be the cause of controversy and the terming ‘unauthorized
biography’ has become rather common. These distinctions and the greater
possibility of revealing unwanted information attract a number of individuals to biographies
for reading. Biographies can be written by anyone and about anyone. As a result it is less
common that ghost-writers work on biographies, but it isn’t unheard of.

Autobiographies and biographies can provide information that is collected through

time consuming research. It can inform an audience and bring them closer to the people
they want to know. Many however, shouldn’t be considered the same types of reference
works as encyclopedias and dictionaries.

An essay is typically longer, requires no rhyme scheme, and has no stanzas. A poem is more succinct and often

includes rhythm and pentameter of some kind. Though both are meant to communicate ideas, they do it far

differently. An essay will communicate a specific thought or idea while a poem may be broader (an essay topic may

consequences of Facebook taking over instagram while a poem may cover industry in general). The way the information is

presented is different too. A poem may disguise its real meaning by symbolism or by other means. An essay is generally

more specific with no concern for form or the way that words sound together.
Creative non-fiction

-Compare and contrast how the elements are used in the different genre-

Types of literary genres:

Fiction vs Non-fiction

- It is not- true - it is true

- focussing on imaginary ideas and events -focuses on ideas or events that
actually took place

-made up stories - fact based writings

- just to entertain - informative

- made out of nothing - comes out with something

- create character - real people/character


- Both are literary works

Auto-biography vs. Biography

- A work that describes a life that is - a work that describes a life

created by that individual.

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