Muslim Contribitions To Science and Technology

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The Topic:

The history of Europe typically divide the
development of Western civilization

1) Greek period
2) Roman period
3) Early Middle Ages
4) High Middle Ages
5) Renaissance
6) Industrial Revolution
and Twentieth century
During the Middle Ages:

Islamic scholars made

advances in mathematics, medicine,
astronomy, engineering and many
other fields…….
In medicine:
• Muslim physicians contributed significantly to
the field of medicine.

• Al Razi:
• emphasized clinical medicine
and diagnosis
• identify and treat of smallpox
• By alcohol as an anti septic.
• medical authority in West up
to the 18th century.
Al Zohrawi:
In Medical:
1. Known as abulcasis in the west.
2. Father of surgery.
3. Instruments of surgery.
4. 200 tools of surgery.
5. Al-Tasrif was translated as The method
of medicine.
6. Al-Tasrif translated into Latin.
7. His discoveries are authentic in medical
In Mathematical science:
1. Fundamental contribution to the philosophy
of mathematics.
2. important works on geometry.
3. Theory of proportion.
4. Derived the general method
For the cubic equation.
Also conic section.
In architectural:
• Muslims combined the technology of nature
and art.
• Muslims made many masterpiece in
• They made many building. Some of them have
very historical importance.
• Some master pieces are these….
1) Cordoba mosque

This mosque is in the Spain.

This mosque has a great importance.
In this marble and granite is used.
The main hall of the mosque is very large.
Pictures show the hall and the top view of this.
2) Taj mehal

The material for this was taken from all over the India and
More then 1000 elephant and 20000 workers was used.
More then 2 million visitors come every year.
In chemistry:
He contributed a lot of in chemistry.
He gave new ideas.
Sulphuric acid.
Father of chemistry.
Aqua regia.
In Physics:
• Ibn-e-sina:
• In mechanics:
• Elaborated theory of motion.
• He made a distinction between force of
projectile and inclination.
In optics:
he urged that light has some speed.
• The Muslim world has contributed to science in a
very large extent. They not only preserved, but
also added to the achievements in medicine. They
have fostered the flame of civilization, made it
brighter, and handed it over to Europe in the best
possible condition. Europe, in turn, passed it to
the United States of America, and it will continue
like that for the time to come.

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