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Kinds, Sources and Context of Literature

If we study Pakistan and the Mo^^a World, it has some literary merits in the
for of expressive because the writer communicates certain information to the
reader in an appropnate style In this essay, expression is not so important as
information. The writer used expression and powerful language to persuade
the reader in cogency of his arguments. In this essay, information and merit
are distinguishable. But if we study Fog, Metro or The Solitary Reaper, they
give us no arguments, which are true of false, simply the expression satisfies
us by existing as an end itself and as a means to an end. Applied Literature
tends to give us information by arguments and tries to convince us of a
certain point of view in a suitable style. It is a means to an end, but Pure
Literature uses form, expression and merits of beautification as ends in
themselves. So ornamental grace is the foundation of Pure Literature.

Substance of Literature

If literature is expression, what does a writer express? He expresses the

experiences of life. So experience is the substance of literature and
expression- is the means to present this substance in a beautified form. What
ever we experience in life is the subject matter of literature. Thus the scope
of literature is illimitable because when»there is life; there is pure possibility
of experience so of literature. The experience can be logical, emotional,
informative and also entertaining but tha criterion is that it must satisfying in
itself and not cater for something beyond and oi’toide. In applied literature
experience of the author is excluded or transferred into something pleasant
in order to enjoy it. In Pure Literature, experience is expressed as enjoyable
merely by virtue of being expressed.

Communication by Literature

Mere expression of experience is not enough. The writer must communicate

his experience to the reader so that the reader feels that the writer’s
experience is his own and he must find it fresh and personal. The writer can
use his imagination combined with special words to communicate his
experience to the reader. He can use symbols, which may stand for various
experiences of life, which could be transferred in the reader’s mind. Here lies
the real skill of the artist.

Life and Literature

There is a close relationship between life and literature. It is life, which is the
subject matter of literature. Life provides raw material, which is artistically
and aesthetically formed by literature. Aristotle says that poetry is an
imitation of reality but this imitation if the objective representation of life in
literature or in other words, the imaginative reconstruction of life.

Functions of Literature
The primary function of literature is to entertain the reader and give him
pleasure. Literature must transport ecstasy and emotional heights in the
reader and make him a better man. Literature



also functions as a guide and teaches man the difference between right and
wrong and it gives us information and awareness about the present, past and
future imaginations and facts. There are also other functions of literature, for
example, literature must heighten the awareness of the reader to certain
aspects of life. There are still other functions of literature: Propaganda
Literature: is mere propaganda to popularize facts, ideas and emotions that
the writer is familiar with, but propaganda*., literature is creative which is
communicated to the reader and changes his whole attitude to life. Release
Literature: is romance, thrillers, detective stories and poems which are
written with such originality of perception and expression that they have a
quickening effect on the reader. Escape Literature: This literature provides
escape from the grim reality of life and many people need this literature to
escape boredom.

Literature and Society

Literature is tightly connected to society. Society influences literature in many

ways and the relations of litterateur with society of integral. The range of
social influences on literature is as broad as the °”HrP range of social forces:
the prevailing system of social organization - including the class structure,
the economic system, the political organization and the deep-rooted
institutions, the dominant ideas, the emotional tone. The sense of the past
and the pattern of the future, the driving inspiration and myths and their
relation to the contemporary realities. There is nothing in the compass of
social life, which does not play its part - small or large, directly, or indirectly
giving literature the impress of its surroundings. But it is not society only
which affects literature, literature, in reverse, affects society. When a writer is
born, first he is affected by society to some extent and later he affects the
society and dies. So literature is a social activity. Every society has its

Literature and Morality

There are two schools of thought about literature or art in general. Moralists,
philosophers and puritans say that a writer influences the life and character
of the reader therefore; his should be a good influence. The Aesthetics
believe that art should be for art’s sake. A writer can influence the reader but
he must not try to do that. The theory of art for art’s sak<> came in the 19th
century in France. In England, Walter Pater - the major prophet of English
Aestheticism, advocated it. This idea was later on reinforced by Oscar Wilde
who said that ’there was no such thing as a moral or immoral. Books are well
or badly written, that’s all!’ The protagonists of the theory that-literature or
art has a moral purpose are greater in number. Both Plato and Aristotle
advocated the moral value of literature. The Moralist says that life ought to
be like that and the Aesthete says that life looks like that.
Literature and Philosophy

According to Rene Wellek, we should distinguish between history of ideas and

history of philosophy; the former combines semantic and philosophic history
while the latter deals with thinkers and systems. Literary history parallels and
reflects intellectual history; writers are aware of certain philosophical
assumptions; Dante’s theology has been variously interpreted. Literature
deals with fate, freedom, necessity, nature and spirit, sin and salvation, myth
and magic, love and death, problems of family, society, state.

Marlowe reflects Italianate atheism/skepticism. Dry den is aware of deism and

fideism. George Eliot discusses moral, philosophical and social problems.
James Joyce reflects Aquinas, Bruno, Freud, Jung and Vico. We should not
confuse art with philosophy. Literature is not knowledge translated into
imagery and verse.

Literature and Psychology

Psychological approach involves study of author’s conflicts, frustrations,

traumatic experiences


and neuroses; study of creative process; and study of effect of literature on

readers; stream of consciousness technique traces the thoughts and feelings
of characters, the drama going on in their mind and soul, their attitudes,
inhibitions and complexes; literature has been influenced by Freud; conscious
can be explained with respect to the subconscious, although Shakespeare has
profound insight into human nature; behaviorist view that man is a plaything
of circumstances; determinism. D.H.Lawrence favors primitive instinctive

Branches of Literature

Poetry: The art or work of a poet; composition in verse or metrical language,

or in some equivalent patterned arrangement of language as the expression
of beautiful or elevated thought in language and a form adapted to stir the
imagination and emotions.

Drama: A play for acting on stage esp. one with high emotional content.

Prose: The ordinary form of written or spoken language, without metrical

structure, esp. as a literary form as distinct from poetry or verse.

Novel: A fictitious prose narrative or tale of considerable length representing

character and action with some degree of realism; a volume containing such
a narrative.

Criticism: The art or practice of estimating the qualities and character of

literary or artistic works; the work of auntie.

University Questions

1. Write a note on the main branches of literature.

2. Discuss the substance of literature and the various fields of its interaction.

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