2.IEEE Guide For The Application of Neutral Part II-Grounding of Synchronous Generator Systems

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n IEEE Guide for the Application of

Neutral Grounding in Electrical Utility

Part Il-Grounding of Synchronous
Generator Systems

Energy and Power

Sponsored by the
Surge Protective Devices Committee of the
IEEE Power Engineering Society

-+ hbhhed by the InSMute of Electrical and Elecironics Engineem, Inc., 345East 47th Street. New Y&

September 29, 1989



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IEEE Guide for the Application of

Neutral Grounding in Electrical Utility Systems
Part II-Grounding of Synchronous Generator Systems

Surge Protective Devices Committee
of the
IEEE Power Engineering Society

Approved February 2, 1989

IEEE Standards Board

@ Copyright 1989 by

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc

345 East 47th Street, New York,NY 10017-2394, USA
No part of this publication may be reproduced i n any form,
in an electronic retrieval system or othenvise,
without t h prior written permission of the publisher.

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(This Foreword is not a part of IEEE (262.92-1989, IEEE Guide for the Application of Neutral Grounding in Electrical Utility
Systems, Part 11-Grounding of Synchronous Generator Systems.)

This guide is the second in a series of documents on neutral grounding in electric utility systems. Part I1
covers the considerations and practices relating to the grounding of synchronous generator systems.
Emphasis in this guide is to be directed toward the grounding of synchronous generator systems in
electric utility systems. Generator grounding practices used in industrial systems are covered in other
guides and standards.
At the time this guide was approved, the Working Group for Part I1 had the following membership:

S. G. Whisenant, Chairman
S. Mazumdar D. W. Jackson E. R. Taylor, Jr.
W. S. Ossman I. B. Johnson 0. Nigol
G. S. Haralampu J. L. Koepfinger J. R. Detweiler

The following persons were on the balloting committee that approved this document for submission to
the IEEE Standards Board:
R. D. Ball A. R. Hileman 0. Nigol
C. L. Ballentine W. W. Hines R. Odenberg
G. D. Breuer D. W. Jackson J. C. Osterhout
J. J. Burke R. A. Jones M. Parente
J. G. Dalton S. S. Kershaw S. A. Potocny
D. C. Dawson J. L. Koepfinger R. Richman
R. W. Flugum S. Kuznetsov E. Rothong
H. E. Foelker G. E. Lee K. B. Stump
G. L. Gaibrois F. Lembo, Jr. L. D. Sweeney
E. A. Goodman D. W. Lenk A. Sweetana
R. Haas W. A. Maguire D. P. Symanski
C. D. Hansell J. A. Mambuca E. R. Taylor, Jr.
G. S. Haralampu E. H. Marrow, Jr. A. C. Westrom
D. E. Hedman F. D. Martzloff S. G. Whisenant
J. A. Hetrick D. J. Melvold E. J. Yasuda
J. J. Napiorkowski

When the IEEE Standards Board approved this standard on February 2, 1989, it had the
following membership:

Dennis Bodson, Chairman Marc0 W. Migliaro,Vice Chairman

Andrew G. Salem, Secretary
Arthur A. Blaisdell Kenneth D. Hendrix John E. May, Jr.
Fletcher J. Buckley Theodore W. Hissey, Jr. Lawrence V. McCall
Allen L. Clapp John W. Horch L. Bruce McClung
James M. Daly David W. Hutchins Donald T. Michael*
Stephen R. Dillon Frank D. Kirschner Richard E. Mosher
Donald C. Fleckenstein Frank C. Kitzantides Stig Nilsson
Eugene P. Fogarty Joseph L. Koepfingefl L. John Rankine
Jay Forstee Edward Lohse Gary S. Robinson
Thomas L. Hannan Donald W.Zipse

*Member Emeritus

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1. Scope and References ..................................................................... 7

1.1 Scope ................................................................................ 7
1.2 References ........................................................................... 7
2. Objectives of Generator Grounding ......................................................... 8
2.1 Minimizing Damage for Internal Ground Faults .......................................... 8
2.2 Limiting Mechanical Stress in the Generator for External Ground Faults .................. 9
2.3 Limiting Overvoltages on Generator Insulation .......................................... 9
2.4 Providing a Means of Generator System Ground-Fault Protection ......................... 12
2.5 Coordinating with the Other Apparatus at Generator Voltage Level ....................... 12
3. Generator Grounding Types ............................................................... 13
3.1 Unit-Connected Generation Systems .................................................... 13
3.1.1 High-Resistance Grounding ....................................................... 13
3.1.2 Ungrounded .................................................................... 14
3.1.3 Resonant Grounded ............................................................. 15
3.1.4 Other Grounding Classes ......................................................... 16
3.2 Common Bus Generators without Feeders .............................................. 16
3.2.1 Low-Resistance Grounding ....................................................... 16
3.2.2 Low-Inductance Grounding ...................................................... 17
3.2.3 Effective Grounding .............................................................. 17
3.2.4 Third Harmonic Current Flow .................................................... 17
3.2.5 Application of Other Grounding Classes ........................................... 17
3.2.6 Variation in Fault Current ........................................................ 17
3.3 Generators with Feeders Directly Connected at Generated Voltage ........................ 18
3.3.1 Preferred Classes ................................................................ 18
3.3.2 Variation in Ground-Fault Current ................................................ 18 Grounding Transformer ................................................... 18 Neutral Bussing or Switching .............................................. 18
3.4 Three-phase, 4-Wire Connected Generators ............................................. 18
4. Bibliography ............................................................................. 18

Fig l(a) Effect of Neutral Reactance on Transient Voltages (No Restrike) ........................ 10
Fig 1(b) Effect of Neutral Reactance on Transient Voltages (with One Breaker Restrike) .......... 11
Fig 2 Transient Voltage in Percent of Rated Peak Line-to-Ground Generator Voltage for
Any Number of Restrikes in the Fault Arc or Across Circuit Breaker Contacts with
Distribution Transformer and Secondary Resistor Scheme of Grounding ................. 11
Fig 3 Distribution Transformer Neutral Grounding .......................................... 13

Table 1 Permissible Short-Time Overload Factors for Distribution Transformers Used for
Neutral Grounding .................................................................. 14

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Appendix A Example of High-Resistance Grounding ........................................... 20

A1. References ................................................................. 22
Appendix B Resonant Grounding of a Unit-Connected Generator System ........................ 23
B1. Example Using the Generator System in Appendix A .......................... 23
B2. Reference .................................................................. 24

Fig A1 System One Line Diagram ............................................................. 20


Table A1 Equipment Data ................................................................... 21

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IEEE Guide for the Application of
Neutral Grounding in Electrical Utili@ Systems
Part II-Grounding of Synchronous Generator Systems

1. Scope and References [7] ANSI/IEEE Std 95-1977 (R1982), Recom-

mended Practice for Insulation Testing of Large
1.1 Scope. This section summarizes the general AC Rotating Machinery with High Direct Voltage.
considerations in grounding synchronous genera-
tor systems and discusses the factors to be consid- [8] ANSI/IEEE Std 433-1974 (R1985), Recom-
ered in the selection of a grounding class and the mended Practice for Insulation Testing of Large
AC Rotating Machinery with High Voltage at Very
application of grounding methods. The guidelines
Low Frequency.
apply to both the large and small generators
found in electric utility systems. [9] ANSI/IEEE Std 519-1981, Guide for the Har-
I t should be borne in mind by the user that this monic Control and Reactive Compensation of
report is intended solely as a guide. Statements Static Power Converters.
are necessarily of a general nature and, therefore,
do not take into account the requirements of spe-
[ 101 ANSI/NFPA 70-1987, National Electrical
cial situations that can differ considerably from
those discussed. [ l l ] AIEE COMMITTEE REPORT. Relay Protec-
tion of A-C Generators. N E E Transactions on
1.2 References Power Apparatus and Systems, vol PAS-70, 195I,
pp 275-282.
The following publications should be used in
conjunction with this guide: [12] ALLEN, J. E. and WALDORF, S. K. Arcing
[ 11 ANSI C50.10-1977, General Requirements for Ground Tests on a Normally Ungrounded 13kV
Synchronous Machines.’ 3-Phase Bus, N E E Transactions on Power Appa-
ratus and Systems, vol65, 1946, pp 298-306.
[2] ANSI C50.12-1981, Requirements for Salient
Pole Synchronous Generators and Generator/ [13] BERDY, J., CRENSHAW, M. L., and TEMO-
Motors for Hydraulic Turbine Applications. SHOK, M. “Protection of Large Steam Turbine-
Generators During Abnormal Operating Condi-
[3] ANSI C50.13-1977, Requirements for Cylin- tions,” General Electric Company, GER-2811, 1972.
drical Rotor Synchronous Generators.
[ 141 BROWN, P. G. “Generator Neutral Ground-
[4] ANSI/IEEE C37.101-1985, Guide for Genera- ing,” General Electric Company, GET 1941, 1953,
tor Ground Protection.2 pp 12-17.
[5] ANWIEEE C62.2-1987, Guide for Applica- [ 151 BROWN, P. G., JOHNSON, I. B., and STEVEN-
tion of Gapped Silicon-Carbide Surge Arresters SON, J. R. Generator Neutral Grounding, Some
for Alternating Current Systems. Aspects of Application for Distribution Trans-
[6] ANSI/IEEE C62.92-1987, Guide for the Appli- former with Secondary Resistor and Resonant
cation of Neutral Grounding in Electrical Utility Types, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus
Systems, Part I-Introduction. and Systems, vol PAS-97, no 3, May/June 1979,
pp 683-694.

‘ANSI publications are available from t h e Sales Depart-

ment, American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway,
New York, NY 10018.
2ANSI/IEEE publications are available from the Institute of 3NFPA documents are published by the National Fire Pro-
Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Service Center, 445 Hoes tection Association, Publications Sales Division, Batterymarch
Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, or from t h e Sales Depart- Park, Quincy, MA 02269. Copies a r e also available from t h e
ment, American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, Sales Department of t h e American National Standards Insti-
New York, NY 10018. tute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018.

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[ 161 D A ” , W. M. and MONTSINGER,V. M. Over- 2. Objectives of Generator Grounding

loading of Power Transformers, AIEE Trans-
actions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Oct The principle objective of grounding a synchro-
1934, p 1353. nous generator system is the protection of the
[17] EATON, J. R., PECK, J. K., and DUNHAM, generator and associated equipment against dam-
J. M. Experimental Studies of Arcing Faults on a age caused by abnormal electrical conditions. The
75kV Transmission System,AIEE Transactions on specific objectives in the protection of the genera-
Power Apparatus and Systems, vol 50, 1931, tor are as follows:
pp 1467-1479. Minimizing damage for internal ground
[ 181 GRIFFEN, C. H. and POPE, J. W. Generator Limiting mechanical stress in the generator
Ground Fault Protection Using Overcurrent, for external ground faults.
Overvoltage, a n d Undervoltage Relays, IEEE Limiting TOVs (temporary overvoltages)
Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, and transient overvoltages on the genera-
vol PAS-101, no 12, Dec 1982, p 4491. tor insulation.
[ 191 GROSS, E. T. B. “Sensitive Generator Ground Providing a means of generator system
Fault Protection,” Proceedings of the American ground fault detection.
Power Conference,vol36, 1974, p 1034. Coordinating the protection of the genera-
tor with the requirements of other equip-
[20] GROSS, E. T. B. and GULACHENSKI, E. M.
ment connected at generator voltage level.
Experience of the New England Electric System
The choice of grounding class is largely deter-
with Generator Protection by Resonant Neutral
mined by the relative importance to the user of
Grounding, IEEE Transactions on Power Appa-
each of the above objectives. The degree to which
ratus and Systems, vol Plls-92, July/Aug 1973,pp
each of the possible grounding methods accom-
plishes the desired objectives is discussed in the
[21] GULACHENSKI, E. M. and COURVILLE, following paragraphs.
E. W. New England’s 30 Years of Experience with
Resonant Neutral Grounding of Unit-Connected 2.1 Minimizing Damage for Internal Ground
Generators, IEEE Transactions on Power Appa- Faults. It has been concluded from field investi-
ratus and Systems, Sep 1984, pp 2572-2578. gations of generator failures that limiting ground
[22] IEEE COMMIITEE REPORT. Potential Trans- current magnitudes/durations during internal
former Application on Unit-Connected Genera- line-to-ground faults is no guarantee that core
tors, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus damage will be completely eliminated [ l l ] ,[26].5
and Systems, 1972, pp 24-28? However,there is an indication that low-fault cur-
rents and fast-fault clearing will minimize core
damage since iron burning and damage depend
and HADDED, M. V. Resonant Grounding (Ground
mainly on core current magnitude and duration.
Fault Neutralizer) of a Unit Connected Generator.
The energy generated in a fault is equal to 12Rft,
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and
where Rfis the fault resistance. This relationship
Systems, vol PAS-96, no 2, Mar/Apr 1977, pp
indicates that a reduction in current will have a
greater reduction in fault-heating damage than a
[ 241 PETERSON, H. A. Transients in Pmer Sys- proportional reduction in time. However, the
tems, Dover Publication, New York, 1951. energy generated by an arcing fault will not be
[25] RAJK, M. N. Ground-Fault Protection of reduced by the square of the reduced current as
Unit-Connected Generators. AIEE Transactions implied by the equation. I t will reduce more
on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol PAS-77, slowly because the arcing fault resistance is
part 111, 1958, pp 1082-1094. neither constant nor linear [25].
The available classes of grounding may be
[26] TEICHMAN, H. T. Improved Maintenance
ranked as follows in approximate order of in-
Approach for Large Generator Armature Wind-
creasing fault current:
ings Subject t o Insulation Migration. IEEE
(1) Resonant grounded
Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems,
(2) Ungrounded
V O ~PAS-92, 1973, pp 1234-1238.

IEEE publications are available from IEEE Service Center, 5The numbers in brackets correspond to those of the refer-
445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NY 08855-1331. ences listed in 1.2.

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(3) High-resistance grounded Meeting the limitation of ANSI C50.12-1981 [a]

(4) Low-resistance grounded and ANSI C50.13-1977 [3]requires that at least a
(5) Low-inductance grounded minimum value of impedance, either a resistance
(6) Effectively grounded or a reactance, be installed in the neutral of all
It should be noted that the ground-fault cur- wye-connected grounded generators where the
rent depends not only on the generator ground- zero-sequence reactance is less than positive-
ing, but also on other sources of ground current sequence subtransient reactance.
available to the generator. The last three classes In calculating the maximum currents that can
have substantially higher fault current levels flow in the generator windings during an external
than ungrounded, resonant grounded, and high- fault, it is usually sufficient to consider the gener-
resistance grounded classes (see ANSI/IEEE ator impedances alone. It can be shown that, if
C62.92-1987, Table 1 [6] for more information). sufficient neutral impedance is used to make the
In addition to the normal shutdown sequence phase-to-ground fault current less than or equal
(eg, tripping the generator breaker a n d ex- to the 3-phase fault current with the machine iso-
citation) initiated by the machine protective lated from the system, the winding currents for
relays, other measures are sometimes used to any fault will be less than or equal to the winding
reduce the magnitude and duration of the fault current for a 3-phase fault [ 141.
current a j k - the ground-fault relay has operated.
These measures are (1) use of automatic neutral 2.3 Limiting Overvoltages on Generator Insula-
circuit breakers and (2) forced field reduction. tion. The class of grounding affects generator
Automatic neutral circuit breakers are used for overvoltage protection in controlling the magni-
comparatively small machines. When a neutral tude of temporary and transient overvoltages
generator breaker is used, the Transient Recovery during a ground fault and, consequently, deter-
Voltage (TRV) characteristics of the breaker must mines the minimum rating of surge arresters that
be considered. can be employed. These considerations are com-
Where automatic neutral circuit breakers are mon to grounding all types of apparatus. The
applied, it is their function to interrupt heavy cur- available classes of grounding may be ranked as
rents in a single phase-to-ground fault within the follows in order of increasing temporary overvolt-
generators, thereby minimizing the damage. Open- ages assuming a fault resistance that yields the
ing of the neutral ground connection will change highest coefficient of grounding but neglects the
the system parameters of Xo/X1 and R o / X 1 and effects of restrikes within a solid dielectric [ 151:
result in higher than normal temporary overvolt- (1) Effectively grounded
ages on the unfaulted phases. (2) Low-inductance grounded
After the main circuit breaker has been tripped, (3) Low-resistance grounded
the fault current will continue to flow as long as (4) Resonant grounded
the fault circuit exists and until field flux in the (5) High-resistance grounded
generator decays to 0. Reduction of armature (6) Ungrounded
fault current can be accomplished with forced Ordering of transient overvoltages with ground-
field reduction of the excitatibn system. Forced ing classes is difficult (refer t o ANSI/IEEE
field reduction can be accomplished in several dif- C62.92-1987,Table 1 [6]). A comparison with the
ferent ways [13]. The decay rate of the generator effect of grounding on fault current magnitude
field flux determines the rate of reduction in indicates that very low fault currents are gener-
generator fault current. ally obtained at the risk of higher temporary and
transient overvoltages.
The insulation of all apparatus connected to the
2.2 Limiting Mechanical Stress in the Genera- generator voltage system must withstand all tem-
tor for External Ground Faults. Fault current porary and transient overvoltages occurring as a
limiting devices are generally required for ma- result of unbalanced faults, switching, and light-
chines manufactured in accordance with the fol- ning surges. Surge arresters, which may operate on
lowing standards: transient overvoltages, should be applied so as to
ANSI C50.10-1977 [ 11 be able to withstand the temporary overvoltages
ANSI C50.12-1981 [2] that occur for unbalanced faults or other condi-
ANSI C50.13-1977 (31 tions. (Refer to ANSI/IEEE C62.92-1987, Table 1
Prior to these standards, no fault current limit- [6],Class A and B. See also ANSI/IEEE C62.2-1987
ing device was required in the generator neutral. [5].) I t is, therefore, important when selecting a

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grounding class to consider the transient and The effect of grounding on the transient over-
temporary overvoltages that will result and the voltages following the occurrence and clearing of
stresses on apparatus insulation and the protec- unbalanced faults at the generator terminals with
tive margins possible with surge protective devices. and without restriking is illustrated in Figs l(a),
In any discussion of transient overvoltages, it 1(b), and 2 [ 121, ( 171, (241. The information pre-
should be recognized that numerous field tests sented in these figures was obtained from a
have been made in an attempt to set up and mea- Transient Network Analyzer (TNA) where clear-
sure high-transient voltages resulting from phase- ing and restriking of the arc in a single phase-to-
to-ground arcing faults in air. From the results of ground fault could be controlled to produce the
these tests, it may be concluded that the condi- maximum overvoltages. The system studied con-
tions for building up these high voltages in an arc sisted of a generator model, with adjustable
in air seldom exist (121, (171, (241. However, it is neutral grounding reactance, and a circuit breaker
suspected that intermittent faults through solid at generator voltage. The generator was simu-
insulations may produce the necessary conditions lated by a reactance of 1.28 R per phase, at 60 Hz,
for high-transient overvoltages. On the other hand, a winding capacitance of 0.35 pF per phase, and a
a system may have relatively high-transient over- capacitance to ground on the terminals of the
voltages during switching operations if restriking generator of 0.20 pF per phase. The neutral reac-
occurs in the breaker. Accordingly, in considering tance was varied to give a range of ratios of
any kind of grounding from the viewpoint of tran- Xo / X I . Results demonstrate the importance of
sient voltages, it is advisable to determine whether selecting the proper class of neutral grounding in
there will be switching to generator voltage at order t o limit the transient overvoltages caused
present or some time in the future. by switching surges.

Fig 1
(a) Effect of Neutral Reactance on Transient Voltages (No Restrike)



2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

xo/ x 1


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2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 m


Fig 1
(b) Effect of Neutral Reactance on Transient Voltages (with One Breaker Restrike)


2> 200

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5


C, = capacitance of all three phases to ground (3 C O )

Xc, = 1/2r fC,, f - operating frequency
Rn = effective neutral resistance

Fig 2
Transient Voltage in Percent of Rated Peak
Line-&Ground Generator Voltage for Any
Number of Restrikes in the Fault Arc or
Across Circuit Breaker Contacts with
Distribution Transformer and Secondary
Resistor Scheme of Grounding [14]


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The TNA model was such t h a t the circuit avoid temporary overvoltages that can damage
breakers on the terminals of the generator were the insulating systems or cause undesirable gen-
to force current zero sufficiently to give an arc erator ground relay operations. The lower the
extinction voltage equal to system line-to-ground generator system zero-sequence impedance, the
voltage. For these conditions, Fig 1, (a) and (b), lower will be the impressed neutral displacement
shows transient line-to-neutral voltages that were voltage. Therefore, this occurrence is a particular
obtained on the various phases of the generator consideration for resonant grounded generator
and across the neutral reactor with inductance systems.
grounding. Figure l(a) gives the results with no The user of this guide should be aware that
restrike; Fig l(b) gives the results with one re- there is a degree of uncertainty as to the impulse
strike followed by a clearing at the next current strength of the generator insulation as compared
zero. For the arc extinction voltage assumed, Fig to that of oil-insulated apparatus of the same volt-
1(b) indicates that the ratio of X o / X 1should not age because of the different types of insulation
exceed 3 if the transient voltages are to be limited systems and general construction. Because of this
to less than 250 percent of normal line-to-neutral uncertainty, care should be taken in selecting
crest voltage. However, this voltage is still less both the class of grounding and the ratings of
than 75 percent of the manufacturer’s generator surge protective equipment.
high-potential test voltage [7], [ 8 ] .Each case
should be studied using specific characteristics
2.4 Providing a Means of Generator System
and appropriate modeling techniques.
Figure 2 gives peak transient voltages for high-
Ground-Fault Protection. The grounding class
chosen for a generator has a significant impact on
resistance grounding. The voltage is plotted
the sensitivity and speed of ground-fault relaying
against the ratio of the 3-phase capacitive
for the generator and other apparatus connected
reactance to ground and the effective neutral
to the generator voltage system. In general,
resistance of the circuit, Xcg/R, (see ANSI/IEEE
ungrounded, high-resistance, a n d resonant-
C62.92-1987,Figs 1 and 2 [6]). If this ratio is kept
grounded systems allow for the most sensitive
to 1 or greater, the peak voltage can be limited to
ground-fault detection. In systems where genera-
about 260 percent of normal peak line-to-neutral
voltage, which is also less than 75 percent of the tors are bussed together at generator voltage or
where feeders are taken out at the generator volt-
generator test voltage. This curve applies for any
age, relaying requirements may dictate a ground-
number of restrikes for ratios greater than 1
ing class other than one which would provide
because each oscillation is damped out and a
maximum sensitivity for generator stator ground
buildup in transient voltage is prevented.
Figure 2 can also be used to indicate the magni-
The effects which the choice of grounding class
tude of possible transient voltages on ungrounded
may have on ground relaying are discussed in
machines. The case to be compared is where the
a general way in Section 3. A complete discus-
ratio of the 3-phase capacitive reactance to
sion of generator ground-fault protection, includ-
ground (X,,) and t h r neutral resistance ( R , ) of
ing specific relaying systems, can be found in
the circuit is less thai, the 0.1 lower limit of Fig 2.
ANSI/IEEE C37.101-1985 [4].
Thus, transient voltages of 4 to 5 times normal
line-to-ground voltage crest may be reached if
breaker restriking occurs on the ungrounded 2.5 Coordinating with the Other Apparatus at
system. Generator Voltage Level. When a generator is
Temporary overvoltages on a generator can interconnected with other systems, eg, other
also be caused by a ground fault on the high- generators, plant auxiliaries, feeders, etc, at the
voltage side of the main power step-up trans- generated voltage level, the class of generator
former. Such an occurrence impresses a neutral grounding should not be determined by consider-
displacement voltage on the generator grounding ing the generator’s needs alone. Requirements for
equipment. The generator neutral grounding in selective relaying, overvoltage control, inductive
conjunction with the transformer high to low side coordination, etc, in other parts of the system
capacitive coupling forms a voltage divider circuit may constrain the choice of a generator ground-
for the zero-sequence voltage impressed upon the ing means.
transformer high-voltage winding [23]. Consider- The specifics of these requirements for other
ation must be given to the generator grounding systems may be found in the appropriate parts
impedance and associated protective features to of this guide. The manner in which they may be


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reconciled with the generator requirements is 3.1 Unit-Connected Generation Systems. A

discussed in 3.3. unit-connected system is one in which a single
generator is connected directly to a delta/wye
step-up transformer with the delta windings at
3. Generator Grounding 'Qpes generator voltage.
The unit configuration provides the maximum
Various generator grounding classes and types freedom of choice of a means for generator neu-
have tended to become associated with particular tral grounding. The delta-connected winding of
generator system configurations. It is a logical the unit transformer isolates the generator zero-
development since configurations that allow com- sequence network from the rest of the system,
plete independence of choice of grounding means, allowing the neutral grounding of the generator
ie, the unit generator transformer, are usually to be chosen for maximum generator protection.
associated with grounding classes that maximize The classes commonly used with the unit configu-
protection of the generator. When other equip- ration are discussed below.
ment must be considered, the higher ground 3.1.1 High-Resistance Grounding. High-
current schemes are often used. In the following resistance grounding normally takes the form of a
subsections, the various grounding classes are low-ohmic value resistor connected to the second-
discussed in connection with the configuration ary of a distribution transformer with the pri-
with which they are normally employed. This mary winding of the transformer connected from
subdivision is not intended to imply that other the generator neutral to ground. The advantage
classes cannot be used, but that the ones dis- of the distribution transformer resistor combina-
cussed are used most frequently. tion is that the resistor used in the secondary of

Fig 3
Distribution Transformer Neutral Grounding



A = High-resistance grounding when 2 is resistive
B = Resonant grounding when Z is inductive.


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the distribution transformer is of comparatively Table 1

low ohmic value and of rugged construction, as Permissible Short-Time Overload Factors
compared to obtaining the same result by instal- for Distribution Transformers Used for
ling a high-ohmic, low-current resistor directly in Neutral Grounding [16]
the generator neutral. This grounding arrange-
ment is illustrated in Fig 3, Note A. Duration of Overload Multiple of Rated kVA
The current through the primary of the ground- 10 s 10.5
ing transformer for a single phase-to-ground fault 60 s 4.7
on a generator terminal is usually limited to 10 min 2.6
30 min 1.9
between 5 and 15 A, depending upon generator 2h 1.4
size and zero-sequence capacitance to ground in
the circuit operating at generator voltage.
Sufficient damping to reduce transient overvolt- the establishment of overload factors that permit
ages to safe levels can be achieved with a properly safe and reasonable overloads for various short
sized resistor. This condition can be met by mak- periods of time. These factors can be applied to
ing the value of the resistor in SZ equal to or less the maximum thermal rating to permit the use of
than the ohmic value of the 3-phase capacitance- a lower kVA rated transformer. The factor selected
to-ground; in other words, the ratio X,,lR, is depends upon the length of time a fault is allowed
equal to or greater than 1 (see Fig 2). This prac- to exist before the unit is taken offline. If manu-
tice is described in equivalent terms such as: facturer’s data is not available, Table 1 may be
used as a guide for the selection of short-time
(1) To make the resistive component of ground- overload factors.
fault current equal to or greater than the A detailed example calculation of high-
capacitive component resistance grounding using a distribution trans-
(2j To increase the power factor of the ground- former is illustrated in Appendix A.
fault current to at least 0.707 In summary, a generator system grounded
(3) To shift the phase angle of ground-fault through a distribution transformer with second-
current to less than 45” ary resistor has certain characteristics that may
(4) To make the resistor power loss greater have the following desirable features:
than the generator circuit 3-phase capaci- (1 j Mechanical stresses and fault damage are
tive VA limited during line-to-ground faults by re-
This proportioning will prevent high-transient stricting fault current between 5 and 15 A.
voltages. (2) Transient overvoltages are limited to safe
The primary voltage rating of the distribution levels.
transformer in the generator neutral should be (3j Grounding device is more economical than
equal to or slightly greater than the generator direct insertion of a neutral resistor.
phase-to-neutralvoltage. In general, a voltage rat- (4) Relay sensitivity is relatively good except
ing of the nearest standard value below the sensitivity decreases for faults nearer the
generator line-to-line voltage is used. For exam- neutral end of generator windings.
ple, generators rated at 15 kV to 22 kV frequently The following features may not be desirable:
use distribution transformers with a 14.4 kV (1) Surge protective equipment must be se-
primary. lected on the basis of higher temporary
The 240 V secondary connection is usually used overvoltages during ground faults.
to provide sufficient voltage to operate a stan- (2j Longer relaying time may be required.
dard relay. The thermal rating of the transformer 3.1.2 Ungrounded. A system is considered to
is determined by the length of time the primary is be ungrounded when no intentional connection
expected to carry fault current at the neutral volt- to ground is made, except for potential trans-
age. Since a single phase-to-ground fault may be formers connected from generator neutral to
allowed to exist for an appreciable period, the ground and supplying only relays or instruments.
thermal rating of the distribution transformer (in If the neutral potential transformer secondary is
VAj is usually determined by the product of the loaded with a substantial resistive load, the sys-
transformer’s rated primary voltage and the tem takes on the character of high-resistance
neutral current contribution to a solid phase-to- grounding.
ground fault. However, operational experience The advantages of this class are essentially the
and informed engineering judgment have led to same as for high-resistance grounding except


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that the maximum fault current is somewhat less detectable voltage will result even if a rather high
and transient voltages are not controlled well. A fault resistance is present.
disadvantage is that excessive transient overvolt- The fault resistance and the tuned LC circuit
ages may result from switching operations or are in series and form a voltage divider. Fault
intermittent faults. detection sensitivity is very high because of the
3.1.3 Resonant Grounded. The ground-fault effective amplification of the resonant tank cir-
neutralizer is a neutral reactor having character- cuit. The equivalent impedance of the LC circuit
istics such that the capacitive charging current in series with the fault is QX,,. A voltage sensing
during a line-to-ground fault is neutralized by an device set at some ratio, l l n , of the full line-
equal component of inductive current contri- neutral secondary voltage will detect a fault
buted by the ground-fault neutralizer. The net resistance at generator voltage of (n- 1) times the
fault current is thus reduced by the parallel tank circuit impedance, QX,,. Since X,, is usually
resonant circuit to a low value, which is essen- several thousands of ohms, detection sensitivity is
tially in phase with the fault voltage. After extinc- very high. Fault resistance sensitivity decreases
tion of the fault, the voltage recovery on the for faults near the neutral end of the generator
faulted phase is extremely slow with an exponen- winding, which reaches 0 at (100/n)% of the
tial time constant of Q/.rrf sec. (Q is the ratio winding length from neutral.
of inductive reactance to the effective resistance Resonant grounding creates a highly tuned cir-
of the transformer/reactor combination.) Accord- cuit, and amplified zero-sequence voltages will
ingly, any ground fault of a transient nature possibly be impressed on the generator windings
would automatically be extinguished on a from the high-voltage system because of the
resonant-grounded system. capacitive coupling through the windings of the
The application of generator resonant neutral step-up transformer. This voltage can be kept to
grounding in the United States has been applied within reasonable limits by selecting a value of Q
t o some unit-connected generators supplying in a range of from 10 to 50 without excessively
delta-connected, low-voltage windings of step-up reducing the sensitivity of the fault detection sys-
transformers. The purpose of this grounding tem [20], [23].
scheme is to provide an extremely sensitive means Zero-sequence and third harmonic voltages,
of detecting phase-to-ground faults on the gener- which are inherently present in the generator
ator voltage system and to limit the fault current output, can cause amplified zero-sequence and
to a very low value so that iron burning associated third harmonic currents to flow in the generator
with generator insulation faults to ground is mini- system. They are injected by the generator voltage
mized [21], [26]. between the neutral connection to the neutralizer
A distribution transformer and a reactor con- inductance and the generator system capacitance
nected as in Fig 3, Note B, comprise the basic to ground. This series-resonant circuit permits
components of a ground-fault neutralizer. The amplified zero-sequence currents and accentu-
reactor is selected so that the resultant reactance ates the harmonic voltages across the neutralizer
as seen from the high side of the distribution inductance. The magnitude of the neutral voltage
grounding transformer just matches the 3-phase depends upon the magnitude of the zero-sequence
capacitive reactance of the generator windings, voltage and the losses in the circuit and ap-
generator leads, step-up transformer, station serv- proximately equals E,/& [ 191. Fault detection
ice transformers, and all other equipment con- sensitivity can be degraded. These effects can be
nected directly between the generator terminals successfully dealt with by detuning and by the
and the low side of the step-up transformer. appropriate selection of Q.
Single phase-to-ground faults are detected by Ground-fault neutralizers, designed as iron-core
the voltage or current in the secondary of the dis- devices, saturate at voltages above rated voltage.
tribution transformer. For a phase-to-ground fault This action protects the resonant-grounded sys-
on the generator terminals, full generator phase- tem from the capacitively coupled high voltages
to-neutral voltage is impressed across the fault mentioned above by detuning the resonant circuit
impedance in series with the primary winding of when excessive voltages are applied. This refine-
the grounding transformer. Because the net ment has not been found necessary on resonant-
impedance of the tuned parallel LC circuit (tank grounded generators. Air core reactors have been
circuit) consisting of the generator system capaci- used exclusively in the United States. However,
tive reactance and the inductive reactance of the where calculations for an air core show that an
neutralizer is essentially a very high resistance, a unsatisfactorily low value of Q will be required to


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protect a specific system, a saturating iron-core (2) High-zero sequence voltages on the genera-
reactor may be used. Alternatively, it may be pos- tor system are possible if too high a Q is
sible to obtain saturation detuning by the use of a selected for the neutralizer.
distribution transformer with a very sharp sat- (3) Surge protective equipment must be se-
uration characteristic at rated phase-to-neutral lected on the basis of higher temporary
voltage. A thorough study of the saturation char- overvoltages during ground faults.
acteristics of the transformer/reactor combina- 3.1.4 Other Grounding Classes. As applied to
tion must be made to determine if adequate the unit configuration, the low-resistance, low-
detuning can be obtained to protect against inductance, and effectively grounded classes offer
excessive overvoltages. lower transient overvoltages. A penalty for this
Equipment tolerances may cause a slight de- improvement is the possibility of increased dam-
tuning of the system after installation. The trans- age for internal faults caused by the higher fault
former and reactor are usually specified with currents.
taps in order to vary the effective inductance. It is
not necessary to tune the equipment with the 3.2 Common Bus Generators without Feeders.
generator at rated speed; therefore, testing can be This configuration is one in which the electrical
done using 120 V or any convenient single-phase arrangement is such that the power from two or
voltage. For a complete discussion of a tuning more generators, not associated with the same
procedure, see Gross and Gulachenski [20]. prime mover systems, is supplied to a common
Resonant grounding has a number of desirable bus with circuit breakers between the generator
features that apply to unit-connected generators: terminals and the common bus. In this situation,
(1) Limits the ground-fault current to practi- it is usually considered necessary to provide selec-
cally 0 thus minimizing the mechanical tive relaying of a faulty generator without tripping
stresses and the possibility of iron burning the sound units. Protection of the generator is still
for faults within the generator windings. the primary objective; but fault current limitation
(2) Permits the option of continued operation must be sacrificed in order to provide selective
of the generator after the occurrence of a relaying. In this arrangement, the generators are
phase-to-ground fault until such time that usually grounded by means of low-inductance or
an orderly shutdown can be arranged. low-resistance grounding.
However, in this situation, there does exist 3.2.1 Low-Resistance Grounding. Low-
the possibility of progressive fault damage resistance grounding is achieved by the intention-
and the hazard of two phases being raised al insertion of resistance between the generator
to full phase-to-phasevoltage above ground. neutral and ground. The resistance may be
The experience of users in regard to reso- inserted either directly in the connection to
nant grounding of generators has neither ground or indirectly as in the secondary of a
shown progressive fault damage nor the transformer whose primary is connected between
need to trip immediately [21]. generator neutral and ground.
( 3 ) Prevents the occurrence of transient over- The main advantage of low-resistance ground-
voltages as a consequence of intermittent ing is the ability of the neutral resistance to limit
grounds. ground-fault current to a moderate value without
(4) Allows high sensitivity during operating exceeding 2.5 times line-to-ground voltage (see
conditions for the detection of localized ANWIEEE C62.92-1987, Table 1 [6]). Transient
deterioration of generator system insula- overvoltages are less for low-resistance grounded
tion. operation than for high-resistance distribution
transformer grounding. However, fully rated
Along with these desirable features are several arresters (100 percent line-to-line voltage) are
that may be considered undesirable: required.
(1) If automatic tripping is used, coordination The current through a neutral resistor can be
with generator voltage transformer (VT) limited to any value; but usually it ranges from
fuses may not be possible. VT secondary about several hundred amperes to about 1.5 times
wiring faults may cause ground indica- the normal rated generator current. The lower
tions where wye/wye connected generator limit may be based on the operation of generator
VTs are used. Coordination can be achieved ground differential relays. The upper limit of 1.5
by various methods; see IEEE Committee times normal rated current is related to the loss
Report [ 221. in the resistor during single phase-to-ground


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faults. Avalue of 1.5 times normal current through resistance or inductance, a path is provided for
a neutral resistor gives a power loss of 50 percent third harmonic currents from the generator neu-
of the kVA rating of the generator. The main dis- tral to ground. If, however, another ground cur-
advantage of low-resistance grounding is the cost rent source (eg, wye/delta transformer or another
of the grounding resistor. grounded generator) is also connected to the
3.2.2 Low-Inductance Grounding. Low- generator voltage level (generator bus), then third
inductance grounding is accomplished in the same harmonic currents will circulate between the
manner as low-resistance grounding with the generator and the other source under normal
substitution of an inductor for the resistor. The operating conditions.
value of the inductor in ohms is less than that The magnitude of the circulating current de-
required for resonant grounding. pends on the amount of generated third har-
A generator system grounded through a n monic voltage and the impedance (at 180 Hz) of
inductor may have the following desirable features: the path over which it circulates. If the generator
(1) Limits transient overvoltages on the un- neutral is grounded directly or through such a
faulted phases to a value of 2.3 per unit if low inductance as to make it effectively grounded,
Xo/Xl is no more than 10 (see ANWIEEE then third harmonic current of abnormal magni-
C62.92-1987, Table 1 [6]). tude could flow. The effect of this current on con-
(2) Allows the application of lower rated surge nected equipment should be investigated (see
arresters, which offers greater protective ANSI/IEEE Std 519-1981 [9]).
margins if t h e system is effectively With the impedance values typical of low-
grounded. resistance or low-inductance grounding, the cir-
(3) Allows differential and ground relay opera- culating harmonic current will not significantly
tion for fast clearing of ground faults [23]. load the generator windings. However, it must still
(4) Limits the line-to-ground fault current to be considered since it is a continuous loading on
values less than those caused by 3-phase the neutral grounding device and may affect the
faults. required continuous current rating of that device.
When applications of this type are contem-
A major disadvantage of low-inductance ground-
plated, an estimate should be obtained, from the
ing is that the relatively high ground-fault cur-
rents increase the possibility of iron-core damage manufacturer, of the maximum generator third
harmonic voltage. Using this information and the
for internal faults.
known or estimated impedances in the third
3.2.3 Effective Grounding. Effectively ground- harmonic circulation path, the current can be
ing the neutral of a generator has advantages and calculated and the equipment sized accordingly.
disadvantages similar to those enumerated above When grounded generators are connected to sys-
for low-inductance grounding with two signifi- tems having multiple ground sources, then an
cant differences. These are that (1) more current investigation of the effects of other harmonic
will flow through the generator windings and (2) sources may be required.
lower temporary overvoltages will result upon 3.2.5 Application of Other Grounding Clas-
occurrence of a phase-to-ground fault (see ANSI/ ses. The level of fault current associated with the
IEEE C62.92-1987 [6]). Both of these factors are above classes requires t h a t faulted units be
attributable to the lower system zero-sequence tripped immediately. When it is felt that the level
impedance and, therefore, to a lower Xo/X1ratio. of fault current is excessive but immediate trip-
Solid grounding, which is a method of effec- ping of faulted units is undesirable, one of the
tively grounding a neutral, is not recommended. classes usually associated with unit configuration
Such grounding has the risk of possible mechani- may be preferred.
cal damage, which might be caused by excessive With the resonant-grounded or ungrounded
fault currents for phase-to-ground faults near the systems, it is quite difficult to provide selective
machine terminals (see 2.2). Terminal phase-to- relaying or fault indication. With high-resistance
ground fault currents will exceed those for a grounding, a selective protective system may be
3-phase fault at the same location whenever the provided.
machine zero-sequence reactance is less than the 3.2.6 Variation in Fault Current. When sev-
subtransient reactance of the machine, which is eral generators are bussed together and each has
generally the case. its own neutral grounding, the amount of system
3.2.4 Third Harmonic Current Flow. If the ground-fault current will increase with the num-
generator neutral is grounded through a low ber of parallel units in service.


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This condition is undesirable since the maxi- ground faults can be controlled to not exceed the
mum current desired is that which is sufficient to current for a 3-phase fault. An additional advan-
operate the relays. Excessive current increases tage of this scheme is that, for an internal genera-
the damage from an internal fault. This variation tor ground fault, the fault current will cease to
can be reduced, though not eliminated, by one of flow as soon as the generator circuit breaker is
the means described in 3.3.2. tripped, eliminating the need for a neutral circuit
breaker or forced field reduction.
3.3 Generators with Feeders Directly Connected Neutral Bussing or Switching. If
at Generated Voltage. In configurations where operating conditions are such that at least one
feeders (distribution, subtransmission, auxiliary, generator will always be connected to the bus, it is
etc) are supplied from the generator bus at feasible to avoid the use of a grounding trans-
generator voltage, the choice of grounding class former by neutral switching arrangements. One
for the generator cannot be treated as an isolated scheme is to provide in the operating instructions
problem. The grounding requirements for the that only one generator is to be grounded regard-
feeder system will determine the grounding class less of the number in service. Another possible
of the generators. For example, if the feeders scheme is to connect all the generator neutrals to
require effective grounding, the generator would a common bus and then connect a single resistor
also be effectivelygrounded; if the feeder system is or reactor from the neutral bus to ground. Means
to be ungrounded, the generators will also be should be provided to disconnect each generator
ungrounded. from the neutral bus for maintenance. Nonauto-
3.3.1 Preferred Classes. If the feeder system matic breakers or disconnect switches can be
has no specific grounding requirement, low- used to connect the generators to the neutral bus.
resistance or low-inductance grounding is gener- These breakers are not operated during faults but
ally preferred (see 3.2). These classes represent a are used to isolate the generator neutral. Any
good compromise between the low-fault current bussing or switching arrangement of this type
values desired to prevent generator damage dur- must be studied to ensure that proper values of
ing internal faults and the high-fault values Ro and X o are maintained under all possible
desired for simplified feeder ground relaying. operating conditions.
High-resistance grounding is a possible alterna-
tive if selective relaying can be applied. 3.4 Three-phase,4-Wire Connected Generators.
3.3.2 Variation in Ground-Fault Current. Use Most generators with this winding connection are
of the generator neutrals for grounding the sys- of smaller size, less than 2000 kVA, and used in
tem suffers from the problem that the fault systems lower than 600 V. Usually they are auxil-
current varies with the number of generators in iary or emergency supply generators serving sys-
service. This variation in current is undesirable tems that are required by ANSI/NFPA 70-1987,
because it may interfere with the ground relaying National Electrical Code [lo] to be grounded.
and produce excessive internal fault currents in Consequently, most such generators have their
the generators. If the system is such that the neutrals effectively grounded either at the gener-
feeders will remain in service even if all the gener- ator or by the system neutral which they supply.
ators are out of service, the feeder system will
become ungrounded under this condition. Grounding Transformer. The pre-
ferred solution to this problem is to use a zigzag or 4. Bibliography
wye/delta grounding transformer connected to
the generator bus, leaving the generator neutrals AIEE COMMITTEE REPORT. Present-Day Ground-
ungrounded. The neutral resistor, if used, can be ing Practices on Power Systems, AIEE Transac-
installed in the grounding transformer neutral. tions on Power Apparatus and Systems, 1947.
The grounding transformer zero-sequence imped-
AIEE COMMITTEE REPORT. Relay Protection of
ance must be such that the desired X o / X , ratio is
A-C Generators, AIEE Transactions on Power
not exceeded for any operating condition. The use
Apparatus and Systems, vol 70, 1951, pp
of a grounding transformer in this way is equiva-
275- 282.
lent to low-inductance or low-resistance grounding
with respect to the possible fault current levels AIEE COMMITITE REPORT. Simplified Calcula-
and temporary and transient overvoltages. The tion of Fault Currents, AIEE Transactions on
maximum current in the generator windings for Power Apparatus and Systems, 1948, p 1433.


Authorized licensed use limited to: Tabriz University. Downloaded on June 17,2012 at 08:29:24 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

AIEE COMMITEE REPORT. Thermal Limits of JOHNSON, A. A. Grounding Principles and Practi-
Transformers for Short-Circuit Conditions, AlEE ces, AlEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and
Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Systems, 1945.
vol PAS-79, part 111, Feb 1961, p 1083 and 1086,
discussion by J. C. RUSS, p 1086. JOHNSON, A. A. “How to Apply Neutral Ground-
ing Devices,” Westinghouse Engineer, May 1943.
IEEE C37.102-1987, Guide for AC Generator
Protection. JOHNSON, 1. B. “Transient Analyzer Applications,”
General Electric Rewiew, Sep 1951.
ANSI/IEEE Std 32-1972,Requirements, Terminol-
ogy, and Test Procedures for Neutral Grounding MARTNER, W. E. and JOHNSON, A. A. “Generator
Devices. Grounding Using Distribution Transformer with
Secondary Resistor,” Electrical World, Dec 11,
BOYCE and HUNTER. “System Electrical Neutral
Grounding,” Electric Light and Power,Nov 1943. 1943.

CLARK, CRARY, and PETERSON. Overvoltages PAZMANDI, L. Stator Earth-Leakage Protection

During Power System Faults, AIEE Transactions for Large Generators, IEEE Transactions on
on Power Apparatus and Systems, 1959. Power Apparatus and Systems, vol PAS-94, no 4,
JUly/Aug 1975, pp 1436-1439.
Transients Caused by Switching and Faults, AIEE PETERSON, H. A. “Critical Analysis of Rotating
Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Machine Grounding Practice,” General Electric
1939. Review, Apr 1942.
HUNT, L. F. “Minimizing Fault Damage Within RUSS, J. C. “Thermal Ratings and Temperature
Generators,” Electrical World, vol 94, 1929, pp Limits for Neutral Grounding Devices,” AIEE
1263- 1264. paper CP60-1275,AIEE fall general meeting, Oct
HUNT, L. F and VIVIAN, J. H. Operating Expe- 1960.
rience with Ungrounded Neutral, EEI Bulletin, vol
TOMLINSON, H. R. Ground-Fault Neutralizer
17, 1949, pp 333-337. Grounding of Unit-Connected Generators, IEEE
JOHNSON, A. A. “Generator Grounding,” Electri- Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems,
cal Light and Pmer,Mar 1952. OCt 1953, pp 953-960.


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(These appendixes a r e not part of IEEE C62.92-1989, IEEE Guide for the Application of Neutral Grounding in Electrical Utility
Systems, Part 11-Grounding of Synchronous Generator Systems, but are included for information only.)

Appendix A
Example of High-Resistance Grounding

An example calculation of high-resistance

grounding is performed for the system described
in Fig A1 and Table A l .

Fig AI
System One Line Diagram

2500 A IPB
41 ft 41 ft



40 kA IPB
125 ft
f \ 24 kV
1450 MVA



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Table A1 flow in the secondary resistor. This current must

Equipment Data be determined in order to specify the continuous
current rating of the resistor and transformer
Phase Capacitance kVA. The maximum neutral voltage is assumed to
Equipment to Ground (CO)
be phase-to-ground voltage.
1450 MVA, 24 kV Generator (CGEN) 0.23 pF
Surge Bank (CsB) 0.125 pF
Unit Transformer (CMsrr) 3667 pF
Auxiliaries Transformer (CAVx) 1092 pF
125 ft 40 kA IPB @ 35.3 pF/ft (CMB) 4413 pF
82 ft 2500 A IPB @ 14.3 pF/ft (C,) 1173 pF 24000 1 1
-~ X -X - = 574A
&- 100 0.2413
The grounding resistor is sized so that the ratio The power rating of the resistor can be calcu-
X c g / R ,= 1. The capacitive reactance,X,,, is equal lated in the following manner:
to l / w C,. C, and R , (effective resistance between
the generator neutral and ground) are defined in PR = 12R = 5742 X 0.2413 = 79.6 kW
ANSI/IEEE C62.92-1987, Fig 1 [All. The thermal rating of the transformer is cal-
culated using full transformer voltage and the
+ CMB+ CAB1 following equation:
xco = kVA = EsecratedX I , , , , , = 240 X 574 = 138kVA

1 The basis for the transformer rating is the

- = 7239 R thermal current (I,,, )., This value is the cur-
377 x 3.664 x 10-7
rent through the neutral device during a ground-
The capacitive reactance-to-ground (Xcg) seen fault condition. Implicit in the thermal current
at the neutral is equal to the parallel combination rating is a continuous duty multiplying factor.
of the capacitive reactances-to-ground of all three Grounding resistors must be rated to withstand
phases. the full thermal current. Grounding transformers
can be rated on a short-time basis (see [A21 and
X,, = X,,/3 = 7239/3 = 2413 R Table 1, Permissible Short-Time Overload Factors
R, = X,, = 2413 R for Distribution Transformers Used for Neutral
A 24 000 - 240 V distribution transformer is
used to ground the generator neutral. Therefore, 10-min overload factor following no load is 2.6.
the secondary resistor must be calculated so that 13W2.6 = 53.1 kVA (A 50 kVA transformer is
the effective neutral resistance is equal to R,. adequate.)
24 000 This example can be extended by calculating
N (turns ratio) = - = 100 the maximum fault power and comparing it to
the fault power for resonant grounding of the
R, 2413
Rsec = 3 = -
1002 = 0.2413 R same system.
Grounding fault current If will be the vector
sum of the current I R flowing through the primary
The exact value of resistance is not critical. of the resistor-loaded grounding transformer, and
Equipment capacitive tolerances and the resist- the current Ixcg flowing from ground through the
ance change due to temperature rise cause this capacitance-to-ground of the unfaulted phases
calculation to be only an estimate. The conserva- and back to the fault through the generator neu-
tive approach for lower transient overvoltages is tral and out the faulted phase.
with a greater 12R loss or higher generator fault
current [A3]. Reducing the ohmic value of the If = IR + jIxcg
secondary resistor to reduce transient overvolt-
ages may tend to increase damage resulting from Since R has been made equal to Xcg:
ground faults. A slightly smaller resistor could be If = IR(l +jl) = IR-= 8.12A
selected based upon operational practices of the
individual generator system. Calculate the maximum energy that can be de-
During a sustained ground fault, current will livered to a fault with this system as now designed,

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where X,, = R, = 2413 0: and

Pf = If2 Rf ZT = 1.307 R,
and Maximum fault power will be equal to
If = - EE-N Rf
The admittance Y of the fault current return or
path through parallel grounding resistance and
system capacitance will be E: - N 13 8562
= 0.414 -
PSmax = 1.707 R, ,/? 2413

= 0.414 X 79.6 kW = 33.0 kW

The total impedance in the fault current will be If a solid fault occurred so Rf = 0, the power
dissipated in the grounding resistor, P,, will be:
P, = - =79.6 kW
This reduces to R,
Therefore, with conventional high-resistance
when R, = Xcg. grounding, the maximum power release in the
fault equals 0.414 times the power dissipated in
Maximum power transfer into the fault will the grounding resistance when a solid fault
occur when the fault resistance, Rf, is equal to the occurs.
impedance of the parallel combination of the
grounding resistor, R,, and the generator system
capacitance to ground, Xcg. Al. References

[All ANSI/IEEE C62.92-1987,Guide for the Appli-

cation of Neutral Grounding in Electrical Utility
and Systems, Part I-Introduction.
[A21 D A " , W. M. and MONTSINGER, V. M. Over-
loading of Power Transformers, AIEE Trans-
actions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Oct
Therefore, for conventional high-resistance 1934, p 1353.
grounding where R, is made equal to X,,, max-
imum power into fault, and maximum fault [A31 GRIFFEN, C. H. and POPE, J. W. Generator
damage will occur when Ground Fault Protection Using Overcurrent, Over-
voltage, and Undervoltage Relays, IEEE Pans-
actions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol
PAS-101, no 12, Dec 1982, p 4491.


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Appendix B
Resonant Grounding of a Unit-Connected Generator System

B1. Example Using the Generator System 10 percent E L - N each half cycle and the fault will
from Appendix A restrike each half cycle and recharge the tank.
The requirements of the transformer can be
Design for an achievable Q of 20, ie, determined as follows. Calculate maximum tank
circuit current, ie, when Rf = 0.
- _
xL - 20.
Use a distribution transformer with secondary
reactor. Select transformer with 14400 V pri- Note that this is the same value of current
mary, which will saturate and may provide slight which flows in a high-resistance grounded system
system detuning if an excessive overvoltage through the capacitance to ground, or through
occurs. (Transformer ratio = 60:l) the distribution transformer primary. The current,
For tuning, set X , = Xcg = 2413 R I L , through a resonant grounding distribution
transformer will flow through the transformer
-_ 120.7 Cl and L 2413
= -= impedance, 2,.
R = xL -
6.40 H
20 w
ZL = R + j X L = 2413 (.05 + j l ) for a Q of U.05 = 20
Calculate the fault current, and select a trans-
13 856 V
former rating. IL = = 0.286 - j5.73 A
Impedance Ztank of tuned tank circuit between 2413 (.05 + j l )
generator neutral and ground equals QXcg. Resonant-grounded fault current when Rf = 0:
Ztank = 20 x 2413 = 48260 IL = 5.74 A and I,,, = 5.74 X 60 = 344 A

If=--l3 856
48 260
- 0.287 A v,,, = -
l3 856 - 231 V (turns ratio
= N = 60)

In the resonant-grounded system, power trans- R - 2413 (.05)

fer will occur through the fault only when the
total R,,, = - - = 0.0335 R
N2 3600
fault is conducting. When a fault occurs, there is
initially full line-to-neutralvoltage across the fault total x,,,, = 5=-
= 0.6703 R
and the tuned tank circuit in series. The full volt-
age appears across the fault since there is initially
zero current in the tank and zero voltage across it. L = -0.6703
- - 1.778 mH
As fault current rises in the first half cycle,
it establishes full resonant current in the tank Z,,, = 0.0335 + j0.6703 = 0.6711 R
and a high voltage is established across the tank The distribution transformer is selected on
equal to power requirements and its R and L are checked
to ensure they are low enough to allow for the
reasonable design of the reactor to provide an
overall Q of 20.
If QX,, is large compared to Rf, the voltage The rating of transformer continuously loaded
across the fault will become very small and the equals
fault current will be momentarily extinguished.
The tank current oscillations will decay exponen- 14 400 V X 5.74 A = 82.7 kVA
tially with time constant T = Q l r f , which is 0.106 With resonant grounding, the risk of fault dam-
sec for a Q of 20. The envelope of oscillating volt- age is low and the transformer can be selected on
age crests will fall exponentially across the tank the basis of a 2-h or extended time rating when
circuit and will increase across the fault until it faulted (ANWIEEE Std 32-1972 [Bl]).A 75 kVA
restrikes in a few cycles. However, if Rf is appreci- transformer would be only 10 percent overloaded
able compared to QXcg,say at least 5 to 10 per- on a continuous basis, which is reasonable for a
cent, then voltage across the fault will rise to 5 or distribution transformer considering that it may


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C62.92- 1989

be subjected to such duty only for a few times The relative fault damage exposure between
during its normal life. resonant grounding and high-resistance ground-
Transformer rating on a 2-h basis will be ing can be evaluated. Compare the maximum
82.7/1.4 (2-h overload factor) or 59.1 kVA. A power that can be delivered to a fault by each
75 kVA rating is larger than required, and a system.
50 kVA rating would be dutied only 18 percent
over its 2-h rating. The final selection of the trans- Resonant: Pf = -
former is based on an assessment of risks and 4 Qxcg
benefits. E&-N = EE-N
High Resistance: Pfmax=
2.414 Rg 2.414 Xcg
Checking R and X Values of a 50 kVA Trans- Resonant Pfmax - 2.414 Xcg
former. 50 kVAwith 14 400/14 100/13 800/13 500/ The Ratio:
High Resistance Pfmax 4QXcg
13200 V primary voltage rating and 240 V sec-
ondary. -- 1
R = 1.2%,X = 1.7%@ 13.8 kV rating 1.657 Q
For Q in the range of 15 to 50, the maximum
I = kVA/kV = 50/13.8 = 3.62 A
fault power that resonant grounding can deliver
R = R,, X V/I = 0.012 X 13800/3.62 = 45.7 R (into a high-resistance fault, where Rf = QXcg)is
1/25th to 1/80th the maximum fault power that
R available for coil = 120.7 - 45.7 = 75 R (This is can be delivered by the high-resistance grounding
sufficient.) (where Rf = Xcg). A more practical comparison is
X = X,, X V/I = 0.017 X 13800/3.62 = 64.8 R obtained when the fault resistance Rf is low and
equal for both systems and Rf is at least an order
X available for coil = 2413 - 65 = 2348 R of magnitude less than Xcg.
In this case, the resonant-grounding fault cur-
Consequently, any transformer 50 kVA or larger is rent, If,will be determined by X,, and will be rela-
suitable. tively unaffected by RF The ratio of power into
Minimum coil X/R = 2348/75 = 31.3. a low-resistance fault for a resonant-grounded
system compared to a high-resistance grounded
The maximum power into a fault will occur when system approaches
Rf= QXcg,where QXcgis purely resistive. 1
Rf = 20 X 2413 = 48260 R If
EL-N @Q2)
R f + Qxcg as Rf approaches 0. For low-fault resistance equal
to Xcg/lO, the resonant-grounded system will
deliver between 1/370th to 1/4000th the fault
power of a high-resistance grounded system for
Q’s in the range of 15 to 50.

B2. Reference
Pf = 995 W is the maximum continuous power [Bl] ANSI/IEEE Std 32-1972 (R 1984), Require-
into a fault for a 24 kV resonant-grounded gener- ments, Terminology, and Test Procedures for
ator when Xcg = 2413 R and Q = 20. Neutral Grounding Devices.


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