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1. What is the name of ground military forces? Army

2. What is someone that cannot see called? –Blind
3.. What do you call the middle of something?-Center
4. Whose job is it to treat people that are ill or have an injury at a hospital?-Doctor ;.
5. What is the process of teaching and learning called?-Education
6. What kind of book is written by a person about their own life? –Autobiography
7. What is the red liquid that flows through a body?- BIood
8. What is the payment of a student's education by an organization called? – Scholarship. 9. What is the piece of
paper with official information written on it called? –Document
10:What is the name of a building where you can borrow books? -Library
11. Who is a person that makes bread, cakes and pastries? -Baker
12. What organ controls your speech, feelings, body movement and thoughts? -Brain
13. What piece of equipment shows a person what direction they are traveling?-Compass
14. What is a series of events that happen in your mind while you are sleeping? -Dream
15. What is a person that belongs to an organization called? -Member
16. Who cut men’s hair? – Barber
17. What is it called when two or more people are speaking to each other? Conversation
18. What is a violent conflict between two or more countries? – War
19. What do you call the number of people living in specific area? – Population
20. What do you call a person that can’t hear? – Deaf
21. What is the day that someone is born? Birth day
22. What plan shows how much money is available and how it will be spent? – Budget.
23. What is the name of a system of government in which the people elect their leaders? – Democracy
24. What planet do we live on? – Earth.
25. What is the job of someone that looks after your teeth and sums? -Dentist
26. What is the time period before noon called? -Ante meridian(A.M.)
27. What is the time after noon called?- Post meridian(P.M,)
28. What organ cardiologists specialize in?-Heart
29. Which section of a newspaper gives the editor an opinion?-Editorial
30. What instrument would you use to examine very small life forms? "Microscope
31.What is the destructive program that spreads from computer to computer?-Virus
32.What term is issued for animals that gives birth to its young? -Mammals
33.What is the piece of paper that you receive after you have bought an item? -Receipt
34.What do you call the document that tells your qualificat!0n and .work exp? - CV, curriculum vitae, resume. 35. How
would you describe an economy that is largely based on farming? - Agricultural, Rural
36. What is the study of stars and planet called? Astronomy
37.In business and advertising, What does PR stand for? Public relations 38, What emergency service is called at
sea? – Coastguard. 39.Name of the month falls between April and June. - May
40. What word describes moving a file from the Internet to your computer? - Downloading / Download 41. What do
we call a picture that doctors take to see inside our body? -X-ray
42. What crime has someone stealing from a shop committed? -Shoplifting
43. If someone is feeling ill, they will say “I am feeling under the -----“? - Weather
44.. Under the weather - Feel sick, poor health, tired or exhausted
45. Who is the person in charge of a football match? - Referee
46. What is the last game in a sports competition that decides the champion? –Finals
47. What is the general term for painting at countryside or natural view? –Landscape
48. There are two types of sporting contests: One is amateur; and other is____? – Professional.
49. Where would you find a whale – tropical forest or ocean? – Ocean.
50. If a coat had a stain on it, where would you take it? - Drycleaner's
51, What are the things that hens lay? - Eggs
52, The people who protect the public from criminals are called?-Police
53. On what geographical location would someone be living if their country is surrounded by water on all side? –
54. What general part of the day is known as dawn?- Sunrise
55. What are the people that plant food, raise crop commonly known as? –Farmers
56. If a button has come off a shirt, what would someone most likely use to put it back on?.. - Needle and thread
57. What appliance do people use to keep their food cool and prevent it from spoiling?- Fridge
58. What do we call a period of 1000 years? -- Millennium
59. What do we call a period of 100 years? -- Century
60. What do we call a period of 10 years? -- Decade
61. What is a painting of a person's head called? - Portrait
62. Where do we find urban areas - in a city or countryside? - In a city
63. What we call it when the moon completely blocks out the light from the sun? - A solar eclipse / an eclipse 64.
What point of the compass is directly opposite east? -West
65. Where do you pay for your purchases at a supermarket? - (at the) Till / Checkout / Cashier
66. What do you call apartment that is below ground level - a basement apartment or a penthouse apartment? r - A
basement apartment. 67. What features do pianos and computers have in common. –Keyboard
68. If you are feeling “Fed up’ is it a positive or negative feeling? - A negative feeling
69. What we call a period of ten years? Decade 70. A specialist who repairs leaking water pipes is called as a ? -
71. A famous canal links the Mediterranean Sea with the Indian Ocean, is it the Corinth or Suez canal? - Suez Canal
72. Where would you keep the meat you wish to keep frozen at home? –Freezer
73. What is the most important document you would have to show if you would to hire a car? Driver’s license.
74. Where would you go to work out a treadmill? – Gym/ Gymnasium.
75,What piece of equipment would you use to go diving in a sea - an aquaplane or an aqualung? - An aqualung 76.
Where would you most likely go to buy some flour - a bakery, a florist or a supermarket? -Supermarket 77. Which
hospital department would you go for an X-ray - radiology or cardiology? – Radiology
78. Where would you go to see an exhibition of sculptures? - Art gallery/Museum
79. Would you measure volume of water in liters or kilos?-Liters
80. What is the joint called where your hand is connected to your arm? -Wrist
81. A picture of a globe is shown) what is this field of study? -Geology
82.What do you call an equipment we use to look at stars? --Telescope
83. What is the chemical name of Gold - Mg, Au or 02? --Au 84. In which century was the automobile manufactured
on a large scale? -- 20thCentury
85. Name a country located in North America? -- The United states of America/Canada
86.Name a country located in the Southern hemisphere. ---Australia;
87. This work is due for submission, one month from 15th June. On what date is it to be submitted?--15th July 88.
What is the name of the instrument used to measure variations in temperature? -- Thermometer
89.Which section of the train timetable will tell you, what time the train leaves? – Departures
90. What do we call the list of steps, which tells you to put something together?—Instructions
91. What is the job title of someone who designs buildings? --Architect
92. What is vaccine used for ?:prevent disease
93. What word is used for someone watches a sport event? -- Spectator 94. What object you will use to climb up to
the roof of the house?--Ladder
95. What do we call the organ in our chest that we need to breath?--Lungs
96. What is the source of solar energy?. -- ,.Sun
97. When the writer of the book is unknown, what word do we use for the writer?-- Anonymous
98. What is the collective term for cows and bulls, especially on the farm? --Cattle
99:If something such as fabric or medicine is artificially made, what do we say it is?—Synthetic
100. What do we call the alphabetical, at the end of the book that tells you where to find specific information?- Index.
101. What is the word for the place where rivers start? – Source.
102, Who is the main journalist responsible for producing newspaper or magazine? -- Editor
103. In the animal kingdom, is the purpose of camouflage to attract a mate, to find food or to hide? -- To hid,
104. The opposite direction of southwest in a compass is?--Northeast
105. What do we call the date a piece of work must be finish by?--Deadline / Due date
106, What do dermatologist specialized in? - Skin
107. How do butterflies fly?. Flutter
108, What is hematology related to? -- Blood 109. Which major branch of science deals with classification of human
beings? –Biology. 110. What does the term otolaryngology mean? - ENT: Ear, Nose & Throat
111.What do ophthalmologist specialize in?- Eye operations
112. What is the name for the huge natural body that orbits the sun? - Planet
113.. What is term Neuro-Psych?- brain injury or mental health. 114. Increase in iron, good or bad for health? – Good
115. If telescopes are Used to locate distant objects, what instrument is employed to magnify miniscule objects?
(electron) Microscope 116, A list of events placed in time order, is usually described in what? - chronology/a timeline
117. Which kind of punishment for a crime the less severe, an imprisonment or community service? Community
118. How many sides are there in a bilateral agreement? - Two
119. Which is the longest: a decade, a millennium or a century? - A millennium
120. A manufacturing process releases poisonous gases. What is the most important safety measure for workers at
this plant - ensuring good ventilation, or appropriate footwear? - (Ensuring good) Ventilation
121. A list of events placed in time order is usually described as what? - A chronology / a Timeline
122. If a figure is hexagonal, how many sides does it have? - Six
123. What key mineral makes sea water different from fresh water? - Salt
124. Who would you consult to treat a fear of crowded places, a philosopher or a psychologist? ..psychologist.
125. How would most people travel to work each day, in big cities like Hong Kong, Tokyo and New York?-- By public
126. In which direction does the sun come up? - East
127. What term is used for the amount of money you pay a landlord for living their house or apartment? - Rent 128.
What do we call a company or organization that give money to a sports or arts event in exchange for advertising?
Sponsorship 129. Would it be better to jogging at noon or in the early morning, if you wanted to avoid the hottest part
of the day? - In the early morning
130. Jane and Peter have three children they are 4,13 and 15 years old, they only have one son who is the youngest
child, how old is their middle child? - 13 years old
131. When would it be safe to take medication, which causes drowsiness, before sleeping, driving or operating
machinery?- before sleeping.
132. When you create a table, the data in horizontal dimension is organized in rows and the data in vertical
dimension is organized in what? – Column.
133. Historians use evidence to draw conclusions about the past, would a contemporary artist’s painting of an ancient battle be an
original source or secondary source?- Secondary source
134. Where would you expert to find equipment like microscopes, bounce and burner, breaker and petri dish?
135. Profit mean gain or loss? – Gain.
136. What do we call the time before noon? – Morning
137. How many days in a week? – 7 days.
138. Which of the 5 senses are you using, if you detect the odor of gas in a laboratory or in your kitchen? - Smell
139. Which is usually considered against the law? Use of illicit drugs or use of prescribed medication? - Use of illicit
drugs .
140. To improve their health and fitness,, most people either try to improve their diet or? Do more physical exercise
141. There are two main ways to pay for goods bought in a shop, one is by. cash, and the other is by? - Credit card
142. Would you go to a pharmacy or a surgery to get a prescription filled visiting a doctor? - A pharmacy
143. What-special document does most people traveling between country to another need to carry? - A passport 144.
Which would be better to report the population of a major city, hundreds, millions or billions? - Millions 145. Which of
these would probably be found in most homes around the world, a computer, a bed or a television? A bed
146. In most universities, there are two ways of being assessed, one is orally, and the other is through? - Written

147. Despite all the advances in equality between the sexes, would more men or women play professional
football? – More man
148. At what ceremony do students receive their degree or diploma at the end of their period of study? Graduation
149. Which of the following is not mammal? (With pictures) - Butterfly
150. With Picture: How many courses do students have this semester? - Four
151. Which department has increased their revenue over the three years? - Sale
152. What do we call the meeting, where an employer ask potential employee questions bout their work experience?
153. What is the quickest way to get to the 21st floor? - By elevator / lift .
154. If a person is doing an experiment, what would he wear to protect his eyes? Glasses/goggles
155:Why people wear gloves when they do experiment? - Protection
156. What do you need to see thing which are far away? - Binoculars
157, From where can you have a full view of a building, the outside, inside or top? -The outside
i158. Computer, telephone and typewriter, which first invented? -Typewriter
159. Which is better, high employment or Iow employment?.- High employment
160. What is the subject that involves geometry and algebra?- Mathematics
161. Which of the following is not a means of transportation? - Car sample , 162. Picture (people holding a certificate)
what is in the man's hand? - Certificate
163. Which symbol is used to complete a sentence?- Full stop / period
164. What is the name of field of study that studies the human mind and behavior?- Psychology
165. What is the subject of study at a culinary institute?- Cooking
166. In medical terms, are antibodies harmful or beneficial for patients?- Beneficial
167. In a recession, does economic activity increase or slow down? Slow down.
168. To which of our sense do all of the following words relate, opaque, vivid, brilliant, shiny? - Vision
169. How many years does it take to finish undergraduate study? - Three or four years
170. The large island just off the coast of mainland Europe is the home to which country? - The United Kingdom
171. Will it be better to use km or kg to measure the distance between two cities? - Kilometer
172. What is the last thing to do when baking a cake? - Cook it in the oven
172. What kind of equipment is used to protect motorbike rider's brain from injury? - Helm";
174. What can be added to a drink to cool it down on a hot day? - Ice 175. Would letter or email be the fastest way to
get a message to your professor?- Email
176. Which of these was last to be explored, the Himalayas, the moon or Australia?- The moon 177. In-which season
would people be least likely to go snow skiing?- In summer
178: Some calendars begin the week on Sunday, what is the other day which commonly starts a week? -
Monday 179.Whatmdoes the main difference between a wristwatch and a clock relate to? - Their relative sizes
180.Name a month that falls between September and November. - October
181,In which room of their home would someone usually wash their clothes? - In the bathroom 182. Which of these
would pro found it an office, a printer, a blanket or a nailbrush?- A printer
183. What is the general terms of painting of the countryside or natural views? -Landscape 184. What is the
economic sector that deals with farming? - Agriculture 185. A business doesn’t want to make a loss - what does it
want to make? - Profit
186. What is the word in geometry for a shape that that has three sides?- Triangle. . 187.What do people wear if they
can't see very well? - Glasses / contact lenses '% 188. Which major branch of science deals with the classification of
living things? - Biology / Ecology
189. Which major branch of science deals with the classification of human beings? – Anthropology
190. What do we call a book that contains lots of words with their meanings – Dictionary.
191. What does a king or queen wear on their head at official ceremonies? – Crown.
192. If someone lives in an urban area, where do they live? - City / Town
193. If you don't feel like eating, ,what do we say you don't have? - Appetite
194. Name a city in the U.S. -New York / Washington / Boston
195. What are winter, spring, summer and autumn?- Seasons
196. Which sweet food do bees produce? - Honey
197. What is the opposite of southeast?- Northwest
198. What is the antonym of vertical? - Horizontal
199. What do we call the first meal of the day?- Breakfast
200.What is the source of solar energy? - The sun
201. What is the month between January and March? – February
202.what kind of liquid do mammals feed their babies?- Milk
203. What type of food is an apple?-Fruit
204 How many seasons are there in a year? - Four
205 How many days are in a leap year?-366
206. Where can people go to borrow book?:Library
207. If something is not expensive, what do we say it is?-Cheap . 208. What desk should you go to when you first
arrive to stay at a hotel? - Reception/Check-in
209. How many people are there in a quartet? – Four
210. What is the meeting point of Sea and Sky called? – Sky level
211. What is this instrument called? - Telescope
212. How many months are in a year? -Twelve
213. What is 3 quarters of 100%?- 75%
214. Who serves food in a restaurant? - Waiter / Waitress
215. Which is the last departure train? - 7:39pm
216. When was the tractor invented? (With Table) - 1982
217. How do you call the person who faces you? - Judge
218. Tons kg and stones measure what property? - Weight
219, What does the black square represents? - Students
220. What do you call a piece of equipment we use to look at stars? - Astronomical telescope
221. Who left this footprint, a bear or a wolf / bird? - Bear
222, What is more fuel-efficient, car or truck? - Car
223. What is inside the circle? - Telephone
224. What does ASAP mean? -As soon as possible
225. What is the ocean on the west of American? Pacific
226. Would a town, city or village probably cover the largest area?
227. What is the ceremony called for marriage ?- wedding
228. What is line between sea and land? horizon
229. Which subject is using a periodic table? - Chemistry 230. What is term immunology? Immune related. 231. Use
diameter to measure? Sphere.
232. Why people wear gloves when they do experiment? Protection.
233. What kind of editorial is published daily? Newspaper
234. Which one is more fuel efficient? car or truck? Car
235. What is the money that people pay to the government? Tax
236. Which planet is that person standing on ? (with picture) the moon
237. Which is the fastest way to go to level 15- escalator or elevator? Elevator
238. Which group does safety goggles belong :to? Glasses
239. What is the name of the field of study that studies the human mind and behavior? Ps
240. What organ do optometrist specialize in? Eyes
241, What organ do dentist study? Teeth
242, Historians use evidence to draw conclusions about the past, would a contemporary artist's painting of an ancient
battle be an original source or secondary source? A secondary. source
243. Who shall we call the person who decides if a person is guilty !n the court? - Judge
244. A lack of what kind of weather causes drought, weather? Rainy weather .
245. Which is usually considered against the law? Use of illicit drugs or use of proscribed medication? - Use of illicit
drugs ." 246. Where is the natural habitat of animals classified as aquatic, in the land, in the sea or in the sky? In the
247. Which of the 5 senses are you, if you detect the ordour of gas m a laboratory or m your kitchen? - smell 248. To
which of our sense do all of the following words relate, opaque, vivid, brilliant, shiny? -vision
249. Birds fly to warmer places in winter, mitigation or migration? – migration
250. What is the struture river to transport stuff?. – Bridge.
251. The phrase used to describe the way the something repeatedly increase and decreases or rises and fails – ebb
and flow.
252. Sleep enjoyed in the afternoon. Siesta or Nap? - Siesta
253. Language which is confused and unintelligible. Jargon or vocabulary? - Jargon
254. A man whose wife is dead. Is he a Widow or Widower? - Widower
255. A place where dead bodies are kept. Cemetery or Mortuary? - Mortuary
256. One whose business is to find out criminals. Detectives or police? Detectives
.257. The government runs by the dictator. Autocracy or Democracy- Autocracy
258. One who prepares plans for buildings. - Architect
259: A place where fishes are kept - Aquarium 260. The science of animal life: Biology or Zoology? Zoology.
261. One who kills animals and sells their flesh, butcher or barber? Butcher.
262. A decrease which spreads by contact, Contagious diseases.
263. An animal living both on land in water – Amphibian.
264. Art and science dealing with rules of language, grammar or Literature. - Grammar 265. Not limited by-person or
number. Infinite or finite – infinite.
266. Something that is quickly and easily set on the fire and burned. Flammable or Nonflammable. – Flammable.
267 The one who is unable to pay his debts. In debt or Insolvent-Insolvent
268. Medicine which induces - Narcotic
269. Having a lot of fat in one’s body- Obesity
270. A notice of death in a newspaper - Obituary
271. A thing no longer in use. Obsolete or Out of date? – Both.
272. What is skeleton made of? Bones. 273. What is the name of fish?
274. What is the person doing? - to extinguish
275. What is the redline called? - equator
276. What is this book about? - cooking
Geography and climate History and migration Regional cooking Festivals and
celebrations Cooking tools and equipment Classic ingredients
Soups Dim sum Fish and shellfish Poultry Meat Rice and noodles Vegetables Sweet things

114 132 146

Suppliers Index
156 158
277. Name this device which is used to generate electricity? - windmill
278. What is this building? - Indoor stadium
279. Why this man wearing gloves? - painting

u o buna
280. What does this man wearing? – Goggles
44 | Page

281. What does bird do with its wings? Flutter or grasp?

- Flutter
Email: Tel: 03 9670 8868; 0425 465 522 Address: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC 3000

1. What is the soild form of water? –Ice
2. What studies the structure of earth, geology or geography? –Geology
3. If you sold your house for more money than you bought, did you make a profit or loss? –
4. What is the pointing device of a computer? –Mouse

5. What is the location of the spotted egg? –On the right (有图,一共三个蛋,有斑点的


6. What is the time of a day before noon called? –Morning

7. How do we call 7 days in time period? – Week
8. What do you call a person who is working for a company? – Employee
9. Horse is a mammal, amphibian or reptile? – Mammal
10. What’s the fastest way to get from the 20th floor to the 1st floor? – (By) Elevator
11. What is the quickest way of traveling from Tokyo to Paris? – (By) Airplane
12. What information does a terrestrial globe provide? – Geography
13. Name a month that falls between September and November. OCTOBER
14. Which of these would probably be found in most homes around the world - a computer, a bed,
or a television? A BED
15. Some calendars begin the week on Sunday. What is the other day which commonly starts a
week? MONDAY
Email: Tel: 03 9670 8868; 0425 465 522 Address: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC 3000

16. Which country is in the southern hemisphere, Australia or Canada? AUSTRALIA

17. Jane and Peter have three children. They are 4, 13 and 15 years old. They only have one son,
who is their youngest child. How old is their middle child? 13
18. Which section of the newspaper gives the editor’s opinion? THE EDITORIAL
19. What instrument will you use to examine very small objects or life forms? A MICROSCOPE
20. What is a destructive program that spreads from computer to computer? A VIRUS
21. What term is used for animals such as humans that usually give birth to live young. Mammals or
Reptiles? MAMMALS
22. What do you call a system of government in which people vote for the people that will represent
23. What do we call the piece of paper that proves that you have bought an item? A RECEIPT
24. What do you call the document that gives details of your qualifications and work experience? A
25. How would you describe an economy based largely on farming? AGRONOMICS /
26. What is the study of the stars and planets called? ASTRONOMY
27. In business and advertising, what does PR stand for? PUBLIC RELATIONS
28. What emergency service is usually called when someone is in trouble at sea. Ambulance or Coast
29. What word describes moving a program or other material from a website to your computer?
30. What do we call a picture that a doctor takes to see inside your body? AN X-RAY
31. What crime has someone stealing from a shop committed? Shop fitting or Shop lifting? SHOP
32. If someone is feeling a little ill, they may say they are feeling under the what? WEATHER
33. Who is the person in charge of a football match? THE REFEREE
34. What do we call the last game in a sporting competition which decides the champion? THE FINAL
35. What is the general term for paintings of countryside or natural views? A LANDSCAPE
Email: Tel: 03 9670 8868; 0425 465 522 Address: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC 3000

36. Which of these would probably be found in an office? A printer? A blanket? Or a nailbrush? A
37. What is the job title of someone who designs buildings? AN ARCHITECT
38. What term is used for the amount of money you pay a landlord for living in their house or
apartment? RENT
39. What do we call the meeting where the employer asks the potential employee questions about
their work experience? AN INTERVIEW
40. What is a painting of a person’s head usually called? A PORTRAIT
41. Where would you find an urban area? In the city or in the countryside? IN THE CITY
42. What point of the compass is directly opposite east? WEST
43. What do you call an apartment that is below ground level? A basement apartment or a
penthouse apartment? A BASEMENT APARTMENT
44. What feature do pianos and computers have in common? THE KEYBOARD
45. If you are feeling fed up, is it a positive or a negative feeling? NEGATIVE
46. What do we call a period of ten years? A DECADE
47. A specialist who repairs leaking water pipes is called a? PLUMBER
48. Where would you store meat you wish to keep frozen at home? THE FREEZER
49. What is the most important document you have to show if you wanted to hire a car? YOUR
50. Where would you go to work out on a treadmill? THE GYM
51. Where would you most likely go to buy a flower? A bakery, a florist or a supermarket? A FLORIST
52. Which department of a hospital would you go for an x-ray? Radiology or Cardiology? RADIOLOGY
Email: Tel: 03 9670 8868; 0425 465 522 Address: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC 3000


1. Two girls are doing something on laptop. What are they doing?
2. Male and female table and their designations are given. What is the name of female employee in
3. A windmill is given in the picture. Name this device which is used to generate electricity?
4. A telephone is circulated (Inside Circle). What is the item which is circulated?
Email: Tel: 03 9670 8868; 0425 465 522 Address: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC 3000

5. A table with 4 to 5 rows and columns with different course names? How many courses the
student took? FOUR
6. A table is given with different years and months. What is the Preceding year of April? Preceding
means previous tax year. 2003
7. An image showing a big indoor stadium. What is this building?
8. Look at the table and find sales of which product were increasing every month. 5-6 products were
given and only sales of one product was increasing every month. Which one of the production is
outperforming others?
Email: Tel: 03 9670 8868; 0425 465 522 Address: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC 3000

9. An image of sunrise is given. What is this image showing? Dawn or Dusk?

10. Data is table is given showing bus timing, Stations and departure and arrivals. What was the
departure time of bus to downtown? 12:01 (This is just a demonstration.)
11. An image was given and girl was sitting and paper was in the air. What is happening to the paper?
12. An image was given in which 2-3 people had flasks (funnel shaped) in their hand. What are these
people doing? EXPERIMENT.
13. A paint in going on in background and a man is wearing gloves. Why is man wearing gloves?
14. A person was wearing goggles blue in colour. What is this person wearing?
15. People are doing something in space on moon. Where are these people?
16. A butterfly is shown in an image. How does the butterfly fly?
Email: Tel: 03 9670 8868; 0425 465 522 Address: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC 3000


We acknowledge all the information and memory notes provided by students. We also acknowledge open
source from various books and journal articles. All questions and answers are prepared and annotated by
the Australian Institute of Language. All rights reserved. Not for any commercial purposes, for personal
study only.
We have attempted to provide as accurate information as possible to assist all students with the exam
preparation. Please note, however, that due to the accuracy of the memory, there may be subtle
differences in words and phrases. When in actual exams, please carefully read the questions before using
any of the sample answers.
If you would like to provide any information about the content or raise a question, please contact . We would appreciate your feedback.
© Australian Institute of Language
Email: Tel: 03 9670 8868; 0425 465 522 Address: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC 3000

Answer Short Question Question Bank

Official Guide (Lauren Kennedy, 2012)
Who would you consult to treat a fear of crowded places, a philosopher or a psychologist?
A psychologist
How would most people travel to work each day, in big cities like Hong Kong, Tokyo and New York?
By public transportation
Would a supermarket, a café, or a book store probably have the widest range of products available?
A supermarket
In which room of their home would someone usually wash their clothes?
in the bathroom
Despite all the advances in equality between the sexes, would more men or women play professional
In most university courses there are two ways of being assessed, one is orally, the other is through...?
written assignments
Name a month that falls between September and November.
Email: Tel: 03 9670 8868; 0425 465 522 Address: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC 3000

Would a town, a village or a city probably cover the largest area?
a city
Which of these would probably be found in most homes around the world—a computer, a bed, or a
a bed
What does the main difference between a wristwatch and a clock relate to?
their relative sizes
Would it be better to go jogging at noon, or in the early morning, if you wanted to avoid the hottest part
of the day?
In the early morning.
In which century did the auto mobile become manufactured on a mass scale?
The 20th century.
Name a country located in North America.
The United States
Some calendars begin the week on Sunday. What is the other day which commonly starts a week?
Where would you go to see exhibits of dinosaurs?
A museum
Which country in in the southern hemisphere, Australia or Canada?
Email: Tel: 03 9670 8868; 0425 465 522 Address: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC 3000

In which season would people be least likely to go snow skiing?

In summer
Which of these was last to be explored, the Himalayas, the moon, or Australia?
the moon
Would letter or email be the fastest way to get a message to your Professor?
Jane and Peter have three children. They are 4, 13 and 15 years old. They only have one son, who is their
youngest child. How old is their middle child?
13 years old.
Which would be better to report the population of a major global city – hundreds, million or billions?
This work is due for submission, one month from 15 June. On what date should it be submitted?
15 July
What is the quickest way to travel from Hong Kong to Paris?
By plane
What is the name for a huge natural body that orbits the sun?
A planet
What can be added to a drink to cool it down on a hot day?
Email: Tel: 03 9670 8868; 0425 465 522 Address: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC 3000

What special document do most people traveling between one country and another need to carry?
A passport
What kind of equipment is used to protect motorbike riders’ brains from injury?
A helmet
What is the last thing to do when baking a cake?
Cook it in the oven
Would you go to a pharmacy or a surgery to get a prescription filled after visiting a doctor?
A pharmacy
There are two main ways to pay for good bought in a shop, one is by cash, the other is by...?
Credit card
How many days are in a leap year?
To improve their health and fitness, most people either try to improve their die or ...?
Do more physical exercise
Would it be better to use kilometres or kilograms to measure the distance between two cities?
The large island just off the coast of mainland Europe is home to which country?
The United Kingdom
Email: Tel: 03 9670 8868; 0425 465 522 Address: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC 3000

Practice Test Plus

(Kate Chandler, 2013)
Which section of a train timetable will tell you what time your train leaves?
What do we call the list of steps that tell you how to put something together?
What do we call the meeting where an employer asks a potential employee questions about their work
What desk should you go to when you first arrive to stay at a hotel?
What is the job title of someone who designs buildings?
What term is used for the amount of money you pay a landlord for living in their house or apartment?
What do we call the first meal of the day?
What word is used for someone who watches a sports event?
What object would you use to climb up to the roof of a house?
Email: Tel: 03 9670 8868; 0425 465 522 Address: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC 3000

If you don't feel like eating, what do we say you don't have?
What do we call the organs in our chest that we use to breathe?
If someone lives in an urban area, where do they live?
a city /a town
What does a king or queen wear on their head at official ceremonies?
a crown
What do we call a book that contains lists of words with their meanings?
a dictionary
What is the source of solar energy?
the sun
When the writer of a book is unknown, what word is used for the author?
What do we call a company or organization that gives money to a Sports or arts event in exchange for
a sponsor
What do we call the study of living things?
What are winter, spring, summer and autumn?
Email: Tel: 03 9670 8868; 0425 465 522 Address: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC 3000

What is a collective term for cows and bulls, especially on a farm?

If something is not expensive, what do we say it is?
What do people wear if they can't see very well?
glasses/contact lenses
If something such as fabric or medicine is artificially made, not natural, what do we say it is?
What type of food is an apple?
How many months are in a year?
What is the opposite of east?
When ice is at room temperature, what does it become?
Which sweet food is produced by bees?
Where can people go to borrow books?
Who serves food in a restaurant?
Email: Tel: 03 9670 8868; 0425 465 522 Address: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC 3000

What is the word in geometry for a shape that has three sides?
What do you call the alphabetical list at the end of a textbook that tells you where to find specific
What is the word for the place where a river starts?
Who is the main journalist responsible for producing a newspaper or magazine?
A business doesn't want to make a loss - what does it want to make?
What is the economic sector that deals with farming?
agricultural (sector)/agriculture
What do you call the very long essay that students have to write for a doctoral degree?
What is the word for a period of one hundred years?
At what ceremony do students receive their degree or diploma at the end of their period of study?
What do we call the date that a piece of work must be finished by?
Email: Tel: 03 9670 8868; 0425 465 522 Address: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC 3000

deadline/due date
Test Builder (Taylor, 2012)
Which section of a newspaper gives the editor's opinion?
What instrument would you use to examine very small objects or life forms?
What is a destructive program that spreads from computer to computer?
a virus
What term is used for animals such as humans that usually give birth to live young: mammals or reptiles?
What do you call a system of government in which people vote for the people who will represent them?
What do we call the piece of paper that proves you have bought an item?
a receipt
What do you call the document that gives details about your qualifications and work experience?
CV, curriculum vitae, resume
How would you describe an economy based largely on farming?
agricultural, rural
Email: Tel: 03 9670 8868; 0425 465 522 Address: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC 3000

What is the study of the stars and planets called?

In business and advertising, what does PR stand for?
public relations
What emergency service is usually called when someone is in trouble at sea: ambulance or coastguard?
Name a month that falls between April and June.
What word describes moving a program or other material from a website to your computer?
What do we call a picture that a doctor takes to see inside your body?
(an) X-ray
What crime has someone stealing items from a shop committed: shopfitting or shoplifting?
If someone is feeling a little ill, they may say they are feeling "under the ... " what?
Who is the person in charge of a football match?
(the) referee
What do we call the last game in a sporting competition, which decides the champion?
(the) final
Email: Tel: 03 9670 8868; 0425 465 522 Address: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC 3000

What is the general term for paintings of the countryside or natural views?
Which of these would probably be found in an office: a printer, a blanket, or a nail brush?
a printer
What is a painting of a person's head usually called?
a portrait
Where would you find an urban area: in a city or in the countryside?
in a city
What do we call it when the Moon completely blocks out the light from the Sun?
an eclipse / a solar eclipse
What point of the compass is directly opposite East?
Where do you pay for your purchases at a supermarket?
(at the) till / checkout
What do you call an apartment that is below ground level: a basement apartment or a penthouse
a basement apartment
What feature do pianos and computers have in common?
a keyboard
If you are feeling fed up, is it a positive or a negative feeling?
(a) negative (feeling)
Email: Tel: 03 9670 8868; 0425 465 522 Address: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC 3000

What do we call a period of ten years?

a decade
A specialist who repairs leaking water pipes is called a... .
A famous canal links the Mediterranean Sea with the Indian Ocean. Is it the Corinth or the Suez Canal?
(the) Suez (Canal)
Where would you store meat you wish to keep frozen at home?
(in) a freezer
What is the most important document you would have to show if you wanted to hire a car?
(a/your) driving/driver's licence
Where would you go to work out on a treadmill?
(to) a gym, gymnasium
What piece of equipment would you use to go diving in the sea, an aqualung or an aquaplane?
(an) aqualung
Where would you most likely go to buy some flour: a bakery, a florist or a supermarket?
(a) supermarket
Which hospital department would you go to for an x-ray: radiology or cardiology?
Where would you go to see an exhibition of sculpture?
(to) an art gallery/ (to) a museum
Email: Tel: 03 9670 8868; 0425 465 522 Address: Level 2, 388 Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC 3000

Would you measure the volume of bottled water in litres or kilos?

What's the joint called where your hand is connected to your arm?
(your/the) wrist
References Kate Chandler, S. C. (2013). PTE Academic Practice Tests Plus. Harlow: Pearson Education
Lauren Kennedy, C. C. (2012). The Official Guide to PTE Academic. Harlow: Pearson Education
Taylor, E. (2012). PTE Academic Testbuilder. London: Macmillan Education.

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