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Beggary in Pakistan

In Pakistan we know that majority of people are living under poverty line and literacy rate is so low
which generates so many problems for individuals suffering from poverty and society as well. As per
person income in Pakistan is too low because majority of people are unemployed and are finding short
cuts to earn money which is a big problem for people of Pakistan.

Beggary is one of the issues which are generated because of majority living under poverty line, illiteracy
rate, unemployment and some other critical issues. On the other hand beggary is also contributing in
some of the negative impacts of the society like drugs, robbery, and child harassment and kidnapping
and so on. Now in Pakistan has unemployment on its peak and people are unable to carry their routine
life which takes them to have easy money earning. One of the ways which is utilized is beggary.

When we look around we see beggars on roads, streets, market, road signals, mosques and so many
other places and these beggars job is to convince people that are the real needy and they should be
helped out. When some one sees them they analyze whether they deserve help or not and after their
analysis up to their approach. They decide whether to help or not. In majority we see child and women
because in our society we keep soft corner for ladies for ladies and children but we are not willing to
help any man who seems to be fit for any kind of job that’s why beggary is mostly done by ladies and

Now if look into it we can asses this beggary is now a profession and people take it as a short cut and
can have money without doing any hard labor. On the other hand there is a mafia working behind
beggary which forces people to work for them and major part of their collected amount is taken by the
mafia which controls their activities and supervises them.

Mostly look beggars having drugs and are seems to be people who can’t do anything and live on
footpaths and parks are a part of these mafia groups and are controlled by them on the other hand
these people are used in other criminal acts like robbery, kidnapping killing and so on . Because they
after doing such action are returned back into the profession of beggary and it is difficult to find out
these guys. Children are kidnapped and then they are forced to beg and worst side of this act is that
children are then disabled to gain sympathy of people and now they are handicapped for the rest of
their lives.
There are so many things which are yet to be addressed but basis of all discussion is that this is not only
the government duty to eliminate beggary from Pakistan but also the people of Pakistan can perform
some actions with the help of which we can control beggary in Pakistan.

As majority of population of Pakistan are Muslims and in Islam there is a concept of Zakat which is made
to help poor and needy people. There is a need to create awareness about Zakat and communicate that
Zakat is delivered to the real deserving people and it should also be delivered consistently.

On the other hand we should impart knowledge to those people who force their children to beggary but
as they are in so much tough situation that they are unable to live their lives, so there should be some
institute which can help them like Zindagi Trust by Shezad Roy.

Well civilized people should not help beggars whom they think do not deserve and also give them a
chance that they can also do some constructive work which can help them and society as well.

We should teach society that these beggars are our brothers, sisters and children so we should not
neglect them and always be available to help needy individuals in such a manner so that they can start
honorable life styles depending on their own earning.

When it comes to mafia it is the responsibility of police and law enforcing authorities to capture them.
Law authorities should suggest high charge against them so that they can’t think about it. As discussed
before this beggary also generates other crime so society can help government by pointing these sectors
and being the part of force to eliminate beggary which in result reduces crime rate in Pakistan.

Media can play a vital role to eliminate beggary in Pakistan by creating awareness and motivating people
so that we can join together and get rid of this disease called beggary.

There are so many other actions which we can perform on individual basis with the help of which we
can reduce beggary from Pakistan and make beggars a strong part of progress of Pakistan.

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