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ERRORS / WARNINGs ..........................................................................................................

Users’ Reference .......................................................................................................................... 1
Saalleess && D
Diissttrriibbuuttiioonn............................................................................................................ 1
E R R O S .............................................................................................................. 5

E1. While Log on .................................................................................................. 5

E2. ‘No delivery relevant items’ while preparing O/B Delivery............. 6

E3. ‘No Schedule lines due for delivery up to the selected date’ .......... 7

E4. While creating Sales Order error “No Availability check can be
carried out for material <material name>”..................................................... 8

E5. While creating ARE1 details error “Excise Invoice is not meant for
export” ...................................................... 8

E6. While entering Excise details, error “Condition <condition name > is
missing in Pricing Procedure <pricing proc name>”
.................................................................................................................................. 9

E7. While generating Sales Contract error “No Pricing Procedure could
be determined” ............................................. 10

E8. While saving invoice details, error “Error in Account

Determination” .................................. 12

E9. While creating bill, error “No billing documents were generated”
.............................................................. 14

E10. In case of Bill Return, while creating bill, error “No billing
documents were generated. See log. Log says Document blocked from
billing” ................................................................................................................... 14

E11. While creating SO, error “System has collected some messages”
................................................................... 15
E12. Billing document not released for Accounts with Error
“Incomplete due to FI/CO interface” .......................................................... 16

E13. While preparing contract, Error “No Item Category available.

(table T184 zdom verp). ................................................................................... 16

E15. While creating delivery (vl01n), error “Delivery Split because of

different Shipping points”............................................................................... 16

E16. While working, system closes with error “User session closed by
System” ................................................................................................................ 16

E17. While creating delivery (vl01n), error “Deficit of BA previous…” 16

E18. While working, system closes with error “Connection to Peer

Broken. Connection reset by peer” ................................................................ 17

E19. While working, system closes with error “Connection to Peer

Broken. Connection reset by peer” ................................................................ 17

E20. A warning message “ Goods issue already has been posted for
Delivery”............................................................................................................... 17

E21. Error “ No Sales Area could be determined” after entering party

code while preparing Sales Contract. ........................................................... 17

E22. Error “Deficit of BA Unrestricted-use <qty – material> ................ 17

E23. Error “Actual Goods Issue can not be future date”........................ 18

E24. Error “<party code> not defined in 1000 15 10”................................ 18

E25 Error “Account 41050035 reqiores am assogm,emt tp CP object”

while saving entry in mb51 with movement type 453................................ 19

E26. Delivery has not yet been put away / picked completely ............... 19
E27. While doing PGI error message “Status of inspection lot
100000011900 / partial lot 000000 does not allow good issue”
........................... 19

E28. While saving ZAJSRES (service PO),or message “Purchase Order

still contains faulty items” .............................................................................. 19

E29. While doing PGI error message “ Posting only possible in periods
<finyear> “ ............................................................................................................20

E30. While creating sales contract error ssage “ Material <material

code> is not defined for sales org. 1000 distri.chan.<districhanel>
languajage EN“ afer entering material code. ..............................................20

E31. While doing PGI error “ Batches / valuation type no comp…’ ........ 21

E32. While looking report doing PGI error “ Batches / valuation type no
comp…’ ...................................................................................................................22

E33. While preparing invoice (vf01), there is error, asking to look into
log. Log has error like ‘Invoice list date could not be determined’ .......22

E34. Customization fo Customer <99999> missing in table CIN mst

table ......................................................................................................................22

E35. While preparing Sales Order error message “Ship to party

<party code> not defined for sales order 1000 12 10” .............................22

E36. While cancealing Excise invoice ( j1iin) .............................................24

E37. While preparing invoice (vf01) system give message ‘Icorrect’

under Status column .........................................................................................24

Please check, invoice may be blocked in SO................................................24

E38. Customization for customer <customer code> missing in table CIN

table. .....................................................................................................................24
Maintain customer through J1Id OR maintain CIN details in customer

E39. For a cash invoice, accounting document is not created. ...............24

E40. While doing PGI of delivery error message “Batch <material code>
<plant> <storage location> <batch> does not exist. .....................................24

E41. While doing check on MIGO (against ob delivery) error message

the meaning is that received quantity is more than the quantity in ob

E1. While Log on
Following error occurs while logging on
Your computer is not connected to Network. Make sure that

(1) You are connected to Network. (chek that LAN cable is properly inserted into LAN
card in the CPU.

(2) IP Address of the server (host) is correct.

The IP address of development server is

The Production server has two IPs

The IP address of the host for users of tower should be

And for other users it will be

E2. ‘No delivery relevant items’ while preparing O/B Delivery

There is no scope as delivery against full quantity of Sales Order items is already prepared.
E3. ‘No Schedule lines due for delivery up to the selected date’

Following error occurs while preparing O/B Delivery

Open Sales Order in change mode (VA02), click on Item availability button, as shown in following

Save the information

E4. While creating Sales Order error “No Availability check can be carried out for
material <material name>”

One of the reasons is that other user may have blocked this material

E5. While creating ARE1 details error “Excise Invoice is not meant for export”
E6. While entering Excise details, error “Condition <condition name > is missing in
Pricing Procedure <pricing proc name>”

One of the probable solutions is to change the pricing procedure thr’ xd02 ( specify
sales org, dist channel and division) in customer master sales area data  sales)
E7. While generating Sales Contract error “No Pricing Procedure could be determined”

Either party is not maintained for sales area (e.g. 100/18/10 as per above screen)
The Pricing Procedure is incorrect in customer master

In case company is not maintained sales area, create the customer for said sales area by xd01
and entering details as follows:

In case the customer pricing procedure is incorrect, execute xd02. Key in Customer, Company
code, sales organization, distribution channel & division. Go to next screen by pressing ENTER.

click on tab of ‘change customer screen’. This opens up following screen ( if

Sales Area Data tab does not appear click on tab ‘Company Code Data’)
Confirm that correct pricing procedure is defined, else defined correct one against prompt

E.g. 4 for export related party.

E8. While saving invoice details, error “Error in Account Determination”

Click on Revenue Accounts tab

This shows up the price condition components.

Now, click on each component and find out for which component the GL account is not defined.

In the above screen, GL account was not defined for ZFIX

Ask consultant to define GL against this condition component.

E9. While creating bill, error “No billing documents were generated”

and following screen is displayed.

This happens in case of Cash Sales, if you gave reference of Delivery Challan. Cash Sales is
prepared against Sales Order. Hence give reference of SO #.

E10. In case of Bill Return, while creating bill, error “No billing documents were generated. See
log. Log says Document blocked from billing”

Open SO in edit mode and Remove Billing block i.e. replace ‘Check Credit Memo’ against billing
block with ‘blank line’., as shown below:
E11. While creating SO, error “System has collected some messages”

rClick on the log button. This will lead you to another screen with explanation of the error, as
shown below. The description in following screen show that one item of sales contract is not
copied to SO, the SO against this item was already prepared.
E12. Billing document not released for Accounts with Error “Incomplete due to FI/CO

Change the Billing date, as it may be out of Date Range allowed for billing.

E13. While preparing contract, Error “No Item Category available. (table T184 zdom

Extend the material for Plant, Division, distribution channel Change the Billing date, as it may
be out of Date Range allowed for billing.

E14. While saving Stock Transport Order(me21n), error “not possible to

determine shipping date for material”

E15. While creating delivery (vl01n), error “Delivery Split because of different
Shipping points”

The shipping points (plant codes) in Sales Contract & Sales Order may be different.
Plant & Shipping point may be different under tab ‘Shipping’
(to reach at tab page ‘shipping’, double click on Material )

E16. While working, system closes with error “User session closed by System”

Your Login user has been used somewhere else who opted to discontinue your session.

E17. While creating delivery (vl01n), error “Deficit of BA previous…”

Confirm that Your delivery date may be that of previous period / month and stock may not be
available in that month / period.
E18. While working, system closes with error “Connection to Peer Broken. Connection
reset by peer”

Your system is disconnected from communication with server or the link of your system with
server is weak.

E19. While working, system closes with error “Connection to Peer Broken. Connection
reset by peer”

E20. A warning message “ Goods issue already has been posted for Delivery”
You are trying to do PGI of the delivery whose PGI already has been done

E21. Error “No Sales Area could be determined” after entering party code while
preparing Sales Contract.
Go to create customer (xd01) & extend the distribution channel and division.

E22. Error “Deficit of BA Unrestricted-use <qty – material>

Material may not be available OR may not be available unrestricted.
Execute 'mmbe' for plant / material to the availability of material.

E23. Error “Actual Goods Issue can not be future date”

Change Actual GI date

E24. Error “<party code> not defined in 1000 15 10”

Extend this party code to distribution channel 15 & division 10 from existing one, using
t.code xd01.

E.g. following screen shows that customer code 109096 is being extended to 100 15 10
from 1000 15 20
E25 Error “Account 41050035 requires am assignment to CP object” while saving
entry in mb51 with movement type 453

Do this entry with t.code MIGO. Refer G:\SAPcis\UsersRef\SD - Reference\Sales

Ret Mat to own material.doc

E26. Delivery has not yet been put away / picked completely
Extend this party code to distribution channel 15 & divis

E27. While doing PGI error message “Status of inspection lot 100000011900 / partial lot
000000 does not allow good issue”


E28. While saving ZAJSRES (service PO),or message “Purchase Order still contains faulty
E29. While doing PGI error message “ Posting only possible in periods <finyear> “

This happens generally on 1st of the new month, if period is not opened for that month.
Hence, open period for posting month.

Above error message means posting of PGI possible in 2010/03 (June ’10 ) & 2010/02
(May ’10), as in financial year ’01’ stands APR, ’02’ for MAY & so on.

Every month financial & material year is opened.

Material month is valid for current month & previous month.

E30. While creating sales contract error ssage “ Material <material code> is not defined for
sales org. 1000 distri.chan.<districhanel> languajage EN“ afer entering material code.

Extend this material for sales org. & distribution channel.

Execute t.code mm01 and type material code at both material prompts.

Now click in select views. Select sales views and mention Plant, storage, sales org,
distribution channel for the plant where sales contract is being prepared and mention
plant ( & other values) from where these will be copied.

After material is extended, make sure you exit sales contract screen & re-enter the
E31 While printing invoice through /cspl/exp1 error “ Text 2301180016 ID 0020 language EN

not found “

E31. While doing PGI error “ Batches / valuation type no comp…’

Find out the stock of the material being dispatched. This may be present in various

Select the material and click on ‘Batch Split’ button.

Enter Batch, Storage Location and quantity as shown below:

E32. While looking report doing PGI error “ Batches / valuation type no comp…’

E33. While preparing invoice (vf01), there is error, asking to look into log. Log has error like ‘Invoice list
date could not be determined’

Go to customer of the contract (xd02).

Enter Sales Org., Distr. Channel, Division.

Click on ‘Billing Documents’ tab.

Enter IN (India) against prompts ‘Invoicing dates’ & ‘InvoicingListDates’.

E34. Customization fo Customer <99999> missing in table CIN mst table

Execute t.code ‘j1id’
Click in customer excise details
Click on ‘Edit’ button
Add customer number.

E35. While preparing Sales Order error message “Ship to party <party code> not defined for sales order
1000 12 10”
The party is not defined for distribution channel ‘12’. To do so-
Execute t. code xd01

Enter Customer code, company code

Under tab page ‘Sales area’;

Enter Sales Organization, Distribution Channel & Division for which customer is to be

Under tab page ‘Reference’

Enter Customer code, Company code, Sales organization, and existing Distribution
channel & Division.

And proceed further.

Look at various screens and save the information. The message ‘customer extended’ will

E.g. in above case customer 106208 is being extended for distribution channel 12 & div.
10 from dist. Channel 12 & division 40.
E36. While cancealing Excise invoice ( j1iin)

E37. While preparing invoice (vf01) system give message ‘Icorrect’ under Status column
Please check, invoice may be blocked in SO.

E38. Customization for customer <customer code> missing in table CIN table.
Maintain customer through J1Id OR maintain CIN details in customer master

E39. For a cash invoice, accounting document is not created.

Open invoice - go to header and change accounting assignment group to 'domestic

revenues' in place of 'cash sales'

E40. While doing PGI of delivery error message “Batch <material code> <plant> <storage location>
<batch> does not exist.

Please check the stock of the material in for said plant storage location and batch.
Stock may be Nill.

E41. While doing check on MIGO (against ob delivery) error message the meaning is that received
quantity is more than the quantity in ob delivery.

This happens after entering receivied quantity weight and empty truck weight. In this
case receive only that quantity which is sent to you.
E42. While preparing sales contract error message” Mandatory condition ZB00 is missing”

This condition ZB00 can be inserted manually also through tab condition.
Maintain condition type (e.g. JEXP) for plant & price group of the material.

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