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Finite Element Analysis-Lab

Lab Report-2
Static Structural Analysis
(Simply Supported Beam with Uniform Distributed Load)

Submitted to:

Engr. Adnan Rasheed

(Lab Engineer)

Submitted by:
Muhammad Khushnood Nazeer

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Problem Statement
To calculate the maximum deflection of 1 m long simply supported beam. If this beam is
loaded with a uniformly distributed load of 5000 N and Young’s modulus of the material
is 210000 N/mm2 while cross section of beam is square 40 mm, do simulation on ANSYS
and compare results with hand calculations.

Introduction to Static Structural Analysis System

A static structural analysis determines the displacements, stresses, strains, and forces in
structures or components caused by loads that do not induce significant inertia and damping
effects. Steady loading and response conditions are assumed; that is, the loads and the
structure's response are assumed to vary slowly with respect to time. A static structural load
can be performed using the ANSYS, Samcef, or ABAQUS solver. The types of loading that
can be applied in a static analysis include:

o Externally applied forces and pressures

o Steady-state inertial forces (such as gravity or rotational velocity)
o Imposed (nonzero) displacements o Temperatures (for thermal strain)
A static structural analysis can be either linear or nonlinear. All types of nonlinearities are
allowed - large deformations, plasticity, stress stiffening, contact (gap) elements, hyper
elasticity and so on. This chapter focuses on linear static analyses, with brief references to
nonlinearities. Details of how to handle nonlinearities are described in Nonlinear Controls.
Note that available nonlinearities can differ from one solver to another.

Basic Steps of Modeling and Analysis in Static Structural

Create Analysis System
From the Toolbox, drag a Static Structural, Static Structural (Samcef), or Static Structural
(ABAQUS) template to the Project Schematic.

Define Engineering Data

Material properties can be linear or nonlinear, isotropic or orthotropic, and constant or
temperature-dependent. You must define stiffness in some form (for example, Young's
modulus, hyperelastic coefficients, and so on). For inertial loads (such as Standard Earth
Gravity), you must define the data required for mass calculations, such as density.

Attach Geometry
When 2D geometry is used, Generalized Plane Strain is not supported for the Samcef or
ABAQUS solver.

Define Part Behavior

A “rigid” part is essentially a point mass connected to the rest of the structure via joints. Hence
in a static structural analysis the only applicable loads on a rigid part are acceleration and
rotational velocity loads. You can also apply loads to a rigid part via joint loads. The output
from a rigid part is the overall motion of the part plus any force transferred via that part to the
rest of the structure. Rigid behavior cannot be used with the Samcef or ABAQUS solver.

Define Connections
Contact, joints, springs, beams, mesh connections, and end releases are all valid in a static
structural analysis. For the Samcef and ABAQUS solvers, only contacts, springs, and beams
are supported. Joints are not supported.

Apply Mesh Controls/Preview Mesh

Provide an adequate mesh density on contact surfaces to allow contact stresses to be distributed
in a smooth fashion. Likewise, provide a mesh density adequate for resolving stresses; areas
where stresses or strains are of interest require a relatively fine mesh compared to that needed
for displacement or nonlinearity resolution.

If you want to include nonlinearities, the mesh should be able to capture the effects of the
nonlinearities. For example, plasticity requires a reasonable integration point density (and
therefore a fine element mesh) in areas with high plastic deformation gradients.

Apply Loads and Supports

For a static structural analysis applicable loads are all inertial, structural, imported, and
interaction loads, and applicable supports are all structural supports. For the Samcef and
ABAQUS solvers, the following loads and supports are not available: Hydrostatic Pressure,
Bearing Load, Bolt Pretension, Joint Load, Fluid Solid Interface, Motion Loads, Compression
Only Support, Elastic Support.

Loads and supports vary as a function of time even in a static analysis as explained in the Role
of Time in Tracking. In a static analysis, the load's magnitude could be a constant value or
could vary with time as defined in a table or via a function.

When performing a nonlinear analysis you may encounter convergence difficulties due to a
number of reasons. Some examples may be initially open contact surfaces causing rigid body
motion, large load increments causing non-convergence, material instabilities, or large
deformations causing mesh distortion that result in element shape errors. To identify possible
problem areas some tools are available under Solution Information object Details view.

Solution Output continuously updates any listing output from the solver and provides valuable
information on the behavior of the structure during the analysis. Any convergence data output
in this printout can be graphically displayed as explained in the Solution Information section.

Review Results
All structural result types except frequencies are available as a result of a static structural
analysis. You can use a Solution Information object to track, monitor, or diagnose problems
that arise during a solution. Once a solution is available you can contour the results or animate
the results to review the response of the structure.
As a result of a nonlinear static analysis you may have a solution at several time points. You
can use probes to display the variation of a result item as the load increases. An example might
be large deformation analyses that result in buckling of the structure. In these cases it is also of
interest to plot one result quantity (for example, displacement at a vertex) against another
results item (for example, applied load). You can use the Charts feature to develop such charts.

1. First of all, open Static Structure Analysis form left toolbox of Analysis Systems
2. Then double click on engineering data to select any material of the specimen or to
change the required properties or specifications of a material.
3. Back to the work bench, open geometry and draw the framing of the specimen
according to given data.
4. Now mesh the model and apply boundary conditions. Then save the project.
5. Insert the analysis quantities you want to check i.e. stress, deformation, after it solve.
6. It will show the ANSYS analysis of stress and deformation in geometry window. The
minimum and maximum values will be shown on side with colors.
7. Save the images of all analysis and save the project report

Pre Analysis Calculation:

As we know, the formula for the deflection of simply supported beam with uniform distributed
load is,

Moment of inertia will be

𝐼 = 213333.33 𝑚𝑚4

To calculate deflection,

𝑦 = 1.45 𝑚𝑚

Material Data
First of all, select the Engineering Data, from which material will be selected. The properties
of the selected material can be changed according to the requirement in this section.

Structural Steel Isotropic Thermal 6.05e-002 W

Conductivity mm^-1 C^-1
Isotropic Resistivity 1.7e-004
ohm mm
Structural Steel > Constants
Density 7.85e-006
Structural Steel > Color
kg mm^-3
Red Green Blue
Isotropic Secant 1.2e-
Coefficient of 005 C^- 132 139 179
Thermal Expansion 1
Specific Heat 4.34e+005
Constant Pressure mJ kg^-1 C^-
TABLE 18 0
Structural Steel > Compressive Ultimate TABLE 19
Strength Structural Steel > Compressive Yield
Compressive Ultimate Strength MPa Strength
Compressive Yield Strength MPa 250
250 TABLE 21
TABLE 20 Structural Steel > Tensile Ultimate Strength
Structural Steel > Tensile Yield Strength Tensile Ultimate Strength MPa
Tensile Yield Strength MPa 460

Geometry Length Y 40. mm

TABLE 3 Length Z 1000. mm

Model (A4) > Geometry > Parts
Object Name SYS\Solid Properties

State Meshed Volume 1.6e+006 mm³

Graphics Properties Mass 12.56 kg

Visible Yes Centroid X 20. mm

Transparency 1 Centroid Y -20. mm

Definition Centroid Z 500. mm

Suppressed No Moment of Inertia 1.0483e+006 kg·mm²

Stiffness Behavior Flexible Moment of Inertia 1.0483e+006 kg·mm²
Coordinate Default Coordinate System Moment of Inertia 3349.3 kg·mm²
System Ip3
Reference By Environment Statistics
Behavior None Nodes 1521

Material Elements 200

Assignment Structural Steel Mesh Metric None

Nonlinear Effects Yes CAD Attributes

Thermal Strain Yes Part Tolerance: 0.00000001

Bounding Box Color:143.175.143

Length X 40. mm
Model (A4) > Mesh

Object Name SYS\Solid

State Meshed
Graphics Properties
Visible Yes
Transparency 1
Suppressed No
Stiffness Behavior Flexible
Coordinate Default
System Coordinate
Reference By
Temperature Environment
Behavior None
Assignment Structural
Nonlinear Effects Yes
Thermal Strain Yes
Bounding Box
Length X 40. mm
Length Y 40. mm
Length Z 1000. mm
Volume 1.6e+006
Mass 12.56 kg
Centroid X 20. mm
Centroid Y -20. mm
Centroid Z 500. mm
Moment of Inertia 1.0483e+006
Ip1 kg·mm²
Moment of Inertia 1.0483e+006
Ip2 kg·mm²
Moment of Inertia 3349.3
Ip3 kg·mm²
Nodes 1521
Elements 200
Mesh Metric None
CA D Attributes
PartTolerance: 0.00000001
After meshing apply load that has to apply on structure in particular area or face. And
apply the boundary conditions whether there is need to fix the edge or to give the displacement
in particular direction say Y-axis according to the axis of geometry.

Model (A4) > Static Structural (A5) > Loads
Object Force Displacement Displacement
Name 3
State Fully Defined
Scoping Geometry Selection
Geometry 1 Face 1 Edge
Type Force Dis placement
Define By Components
Coordinate Global Coordinate Sys tem
X 0. N 0. m m (ramped)
Component (ramped)
Y -5000. N 0. m m (ramped)
Component (ramped)
Z 0. N Free 0. mm
Component (ramped) (ramped)
Suppressed No
Model (A4) > Static Structural (A5) > Displacement 3

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Model (A4) > Static Structural (A5) > Solution
Object Name Solution (A6)
State Solved
Adaptive Mesh Refinement
Max Refinement Loops 3.
Refinement Depth 2.

Model (A4) > Static Structural (A5) > Solution (A6) > Results
Object Name Directional Equivalent Stress Equivalent
Deformation Elastic Strain
State Solved
Scoping Method Geometry Selection
Geometry All Bodies
Type Directional Equivalent Equivalent
Deformation (vonMises) Stress Elastic Strain
Orientation Y Axis
By Time
Display Time Last
Coordinate Global Coordinate
System System
Calculate Time Yes
Suppressed No
Minimum -1.4602 mm 5.0296e-002 MPa 2.8497e-007
Maximum 0. mm 58.616 MPa 2.7913e-004
Average -0.5567 mm 16.455 MPa 8.1142e-005
Minimum Occurs SYS\Solid
Maximum SYS\Solid
Occurs On
Time 1. s
Load Step 1
Substep 1

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Iteration Number 1
Integrati on Point Results
Display Option Averaged
Average Across No

Directional Deformation

Model (A4) > Static Structural (A5) > Solution (A6) > Directional Deformation
Time Minimum Maximum Average
[s] [mm] [mm] [mm]
1. -1.4602 0. -0.5567
Model (A4) > Static Structural (A5) > Solution (A6) > Directional Deformation > Convergences
Object Name Convergence
State Solved
Type Maximum
Allowable Change 1. %
Last Change 0. %
Converged Yes
Model (A4) > Static Structural (A5) > Solution (A6) > Directional Deformation > Convergence

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Model (A4) > Static Structural (A5) > Solution (A6) > Directional Deformation > Convergence
Directional Deformation (mm) Change (%) Nodes Elements

1 0. 1521 200

2 0. 4591 2345

Model (A4) > Static Structural (A5) > Solution (A6) > Directional Deformation > Figure

Equivalent Stress

Model (A4) > Static Structural (A5) > Solution (A6) > Equivalent Stress
Time Minimum Maximum Average
[s] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa]
1. 5.0296e-002 58.616 16.455

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Model (A4) > Static Structural (A5) > Solution (A6) > Equivalent Stress > Figure

Equivalent Elastic Strain

Model (A4) > Static Structural (A5) > Solution (A6) > Equivalent Elastic Strain
Time Minimum Maximum Average
[s] [mm/mm] [mm/mm] [mm/mm]
1. 2.8497e-007 2.7913e-004 8.1142e-005

Model (A4) > Static Structural (A5) > Solution (A6) > Equivalent Elastic Strain > Figure

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From the given data, pre-hand calculations show that the value for max. deformation is
1.453mmand the values obtained by the ANSYS analysis is 1.46. So, the results from both is
almost equal. The ANSYS software provides ease for determining the exact value of the
deformation, deflection, stresses, strains etc. that are induced in the structure due to the applied


[1] [Online]. Available:
analysis_type.html. [Accessed april 2019].

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