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M o n d a y, M a y 6 , 2 0 1 9 • N u 1 5

Education SAARC Finance
City still Meeting
The SAARC Development

unutilised Fund (SDF) conducted its

sixth Governing Council
meeting in Nadi, Fiji this
Government exploring week on the sidelines of the
SAARC Informal Meeting
options of Finance Ministers and
Annual Meeting of the
Yangchen C Rinzin Asian Development Bank. 

Four years after the former

government shut down the Inside
Education City, the govern-
ment is yet to decide on the
utilisation of the land oppo- Work begins to merge
site Wang Sisina, Thimphu. referral hospitals,
The Education City drafting of a health
whose authority is with Act 
the works and human set- Relatives of passengers who died in the Wangdue bus accident wait to claim the bodies Pg 5
tlement ministry has since at Bajo hospital on May 4
remained idle and entry into

Bus accident
the site locked. The former HOME
government looked for
ideas to put the space and Management of
infrastructure to some use, heritage buildings

claims eight lives

formed a “think tank” and should be well
explored other options, but integrated
nothing has materialised so Pg 9
The former government Last missing passenger was found yesterday evening
shut down the project in
March 2014 after the Na- Phurpa Lhamo | Wangdue muddy. Although not many accidents

tional Land Commission A search team compris- were reported, Kewathang is
said that land acquisition he last missing ing of dessups, police, com- identified as a risky road.
at Wang Sisina had con- passenger of munity volunteers, soldiers, Falling boulders also
travened provisions of the the Thimphu- officials from the Department damaged an ambulance of Thimphu
Tsirang bus of Disaster Management, Punakha hospital that was

19 9
Land Act 2007. An area of
about 1,000 acres of land accident on and relatives of the missing deputed for rescue. A secu-
was identified for the pro- May 4 was found yesterday woman combed the banks of rity guard of Punatsangchu
ject. The Land Commission evening. There were 24 pas- the river until Sunkosh yes- project also sustained inju- Max Min
called it “illegal”. sengers on board.  terday. ries on the hand. He was ad-
The project office at Mo- Her husband, who was Of the eight who died mitted at Bajo hospital.
tithang and infrastructure also a passenger, identified in the accident, six were Of the 16 survivors, 13
like bridge, a power substa- the body of the 26-year-old found dead at the spot in were admitted at Bajo hos- Trashigang
tion, boreholes, and a 2.4km woman. Kewathang, which is 16kms pital of which 10 were sent
road at Wang Sisina were
handed over to the depart-
ment of roads in 2015.
According to police, a
relative of one of the pas-
sengers who had visited the
away from Wangdue towards
Tsirang. The driver of the bus
and a three-year-old girl were
home yesterday and three
referred to Jigme Dorji
Wangchuck National Referral
11 Min
After the official with the accident site had reported among those who died on im- Hospital (JDWNRH). All sur-
roads department that was seeing a limb underneath the pact. An elderly woman died vivors are in stable condition.
responsible to look after the bus submerged in the river. in Bajo hospital. His Majesty The King also
project superannuated, the Police officials said they Sources confirmed that visited Bajo hospital. As part
project was handed over to could not find the body the bus veered off the road of the medical team, Lyonch-
the MoWHS’s directorate under the bus earlier, as the after two falling boulders hen Dr Lotay Tshering and
service. bus was half submerged and hit the tyre of the bus at Ke- the health minister were also
Pg 2 also because the river was wathang around 10:25am. at the hospital.
Page 2 Monday, May 6, 2019 | KUENSEL

Tea replaces
alcohol in Mongar
Nima | Mongar  
Alcohol losing popu-
Kidheykhar, Mongar. It is larity in rural parts of
4pm. A group of farmers are the country?
busy weeding. They break Since the start of the commu-
for tea. nity initiative, the number of
The farm’s owner, Chimi household members taking
Dema serves tea as  Lai- alcohol in Mongar decreased
chang.  One prefers to drink almost by 50 percent.
locally-brewed ara to tea. There were more than
In 2011, to reduce alco- 5,100 people consuming al-
hol consumption and its im- cohol in 2011 in Mongar. The
plications in the community, number has reduced to 2,776
it was decided that tea would today. This is according to
be served instead of alcohol. the record with the dzong-
This began from the three khag health sector. The num-
gewogs of Shermuhung, ber of alcohol liver disease
Ngatshang, and Chaskhar. decreased from 173 in 2011
Every household in Mon- to 156 in 2018. Deaths due to
gar is allowed to use only alcohol reduced almost by 50
three bottles of alcohol dur- percent after the community
ing a religious ceremony and initiative.
important occasions. Efforts The gewog administra-
are made to serve tea and tions are involved in a series
juices instead. of awareness programmes
Chimi Dema said that not
The community’s initiative is implemented in all gewogs of Mongar today
related to alcohol use. Peo-
many drink alcohol these ple dependent on alcohol are undergo detoxification.  khag. “Challenges remain, initiative to succeed.
days. “Most prefer tea.” advised and encouraged to Dzongkhag’s health of- however, what with easy Mongar Gup Tenzin
ficer, Tshering Dorji, said availability and affordability.” Wangchuk said that the ini-
that the community initiative He said that there was a tiative had the potential to

helped reduce the consump- need to limit bar licence in reduce alcohol consumption
tion of alcohol in the dzong- towns and rural areas for the nationwide.

student commits
suicide in India
Staff Reporter roommates found the door
Education City still unutilised
locked from inside and there From Pg 1 surrendered the office and government’s priority,” Ly-
Director Dhak Tshering equipment to the department onpo said. “For instance, the
A 20-year-old third year Bhuta- was no response when called.
said that there are still no of national property. government is looking into the
nese student studying Interior Two Bhutanese officials
directives from the govern- The third memo was is- possibility of coming up with
Designing in Acharya Group of from Vellore, one of whom was
ment. In the meantime, the sued for retaining of the fund a tertiary hospital.”
Institutes in Bengaluru, India a relative of the victim, claimed
Royal Audit Authority has is- in the fixed account with Bhu- Lyonpo Dorji Tshering
committed suicide on May 2.  the body. The body was flown
sued three audit memos on tan National Bank in the name said that MoWHS was never
She was a recipient of to Bhutan on Friday, May 3.
the project. of the project. “Audit asked the involved in the Education
government’s undergraduate A friend of the victim, who did
However, the director ministry to surrender the fund City project, but the project
scholarship. not want to be named, said that
said that of the three memos to the finance minister, which was handed over to the road
Indian media reported the reports in the Indian media
issued in the name of the for- the ministry did accordingly. department because of the
that the girl lived in the college were wrong and insensitive.
mer minister, Dorji Choden, We’ve already surrendered presence of road and bridge.
hostel with three of her friends. “Her father was very sup-
one memo issued in 2015 and about Nu 127 million includ- Meanwhile, an official
She left college at around 12.15 portive and loved what she was
2016 still stands. The former ing the interest,” said Dhak from the ministry earlier said
pm and locked herself in. Her doing,” he said. 
minister was the chairperson Tshering. “The education city that unless the Education
of the Education City board. is closed.” City Act 2012 is repealed, the
“The Audit memo was is- Works and human settle- project can neither be closed
sued on the project’s facilities ment minister, Dorji Tsher- nor any other developmental
like bridge, road, substation ing said that since the board work could take place as the
not being put into use,” he had dissolved by the time he project is governed by the
FOR NEWS, VIEWS AND said. “Although explanation
was given to the audit, the
assumed office, he did not
take the chairmanship of the
Act. The Parliament passed
the Education City Act in
FEEDBACK memo was not dropped.” board. However, Lyonpo said
that the government is explor-
The Act, however, was
He said that another
Call 324684 or email memo was on the underu- ing options to put the land to submitted to the National
tilisation of project office at use. Law Review Task Force for Motithang, office equipment “It is not sure, but we’re review. The task force found
including the office rent. How- hopeful that the land would the Act redundant since the
ever, the memo was dropped be put to use by next one or Education City project stands
after the Directorate Service two years depending on the cancelled.
Monday, May 6, 2019 | KUENSEL
Home PAGE 3

Five commercial banks

make Nu 2.3B net profit New FD feature
BoB launched an having to close the entire
additional feature on its FD account.
Tshering Dorji vested Nu 44.8B. about Nu 1B to Nu 22.3B as fixed deposit scheme Clients can continue
Bhutan National Bank’s of December last year. Of the yesterday that allows their FD with the balance
The country’s five commer- financial statement revealed total deposits, the bank lent clients holding fixed amount, with same
cial banks made a combined a net profit of Nu 606M and Nu 18.3B. deposit with the bank to account number, tenure
net profit of Nu 2.3B last year, Nu 439M tax. BNB earned Druk PNB’s (DPNB) profit partially withdraw the and interest rate provided
according to the audited fi- a total income of Nu 1.8B, also increased from Nu 184M required amount without during the time of opening
nancial statements of the of which a major chunk in 2017 to Nu 233M last year. having to close their entire of the FD.
banks. (Nu1.64B) is from interest That is after paying a tax of Fixed Deposit account. Bank officials said
The financial statements earning. Nu 109M. DPNB generated If a client has an fixed that with this new added
also show that all the banks The Bank has a lending Nu 403M from interest. The deposit of Nu 500,000 feature, clients can now
recorded an increase in profit accumulation of Nu 28 as of bank’s deposit based last year and requires Nu 100,000, have greater flexibility
compared with that of 2017. December 31 and a deposit of was recorded at Nu 12.6B, he/she can withdraw the with their FD accounts,
Bhutan Development Bank over Nu 30B. an increase of about Nu 8M required amount without and encourage saving.
came out of the red. Bhutan Development compared with that of 2017.
Bank of Bhutan’s (BoB) Bank Limited (BDBL), made It lent Nu 8.47B.
profit for the year constitutes a huge progress despite its T-Bank’s profit increased
more than half of the com- social mandate. The bank from Nu 112M in 2017 to Nu
bined profit. The net profit
of the bank was a little over
Nu 1B after deducting a tax
came out of Nu 921M in the
red and earned a profit of Nu
300M last year. BDBL has also
140M last year. The bank’s
deposit base was recorded
at about Nu 7.8B, of which
Court penalises
of Nu 436M. The bank gener-
ated Nu 1.99B from the inter-
est alone.
spent Nu 27M on the commu-
nity centres, which fetched
an income of only Nu 4.5M.
about Nu 6.2B was lent out.
Interest income constituted
Nu 202M, about 60 percent
three for failure to
As of December 31 last
year, the bank’s deposit base
increase to Nu 46.5B from
The bank, however, earned
an income of Nu 679M from
of the total income.
With increasing services, report crime
interest and provisioned Nu most of the banks’ income
Nu 42.8B in 2017. Of the total 5.37M tax. BDBL’s total de- from fee and commissions Tshering Palden Tashi Dendhup to three
deposit, BoB has lent and in- posit base also increased by have also increased. years in prison for robbery.
Tashi Dendup and his The court ordered the

JAB to change award rules

friends brutally beat up a four men to compensate the
person near the fuel depot victim for his cell phone. It
in Chubachu, took his mo- ordered Tashi Dendup to

from next year

bile phone and fled from the compensate Nu 2,450 - the
scene on September 29 last cost of the phone divided
year. among the four of the per-
Staff Reporter Investigative Story of the Year. from various media organisa- His friends, four of them, petrators.
Rajesh Rai of  Kuensel  took tions. stood there witnessing the Two witnesses of the in-
Recognising their exceptional home the Culture Story of the “The AJA will no longer crime but did not report the cident were ordered to pay
contributions, 34 journal- Year and the Photojournalist of accept self-submissions from incident to the police.  penalty equal to the wage
ists from print and broadcast the Year. Dawa Pem of Bhutan next year. This has been de- In court, Tashi Dendup rate of 45 days to the state.
media received awards at Broadcasting Service  Radio cided based on feedback and submitted that he had asked The court stated that
the fifth Annual Journalism (BBS) won two awards for the suggestions from the jury, the individual to lend him while the three had the re-
Awards (AJA) organised by Documentary and Talk Shows journalists, and consumers of his phone to make a call. sponsibility to inform the
the Journalists’ Association of the Year in the Dzongkha, media,” a press release from When the other person re- police about the incident
of Bhutan on the World Press Lhotshamkha and Tshangla JAB stated. “Next year, AJA mained quiet, he turned his they had fled the scene and
Freedom Day (May 3) in Thim- category. will be recognising the social back to leave the place but did not report.
phu. Of the 42 awards, eight media impact of media houses he heard his friends beating The penal code states
English newspapers took awards were cancelled, seven as well.” the man and saw them took that an individual shall be
12 awards, including one for for print and the most cov- The President of JAB, Rin- the phone. guilty of the offence of fail-
photojournalism; Dzongkha eted Jigme Singye Wangchuck zin Wangchuk, highlighted the The court established ure to report a crime, if the
newspapers took five; English Prestigious Award due to lack need for training Bhutanese that he was lying when it person, who witnesses any
radio three, radio programs in of quality, irrelevance, and the journalists. “The journalism examined the evidence sub- person committing a crime,
Dzongkha and Tshangla three; need to do things differently at community is still grappling mitted by the Office of the does not report it to the law-
English and Dzongkha TV six; the AJA. with the same old issues- sus- Attorney General obtained ful authority. The offence is
television technical three. Two The jury for (print) Dzong- tainability, high turnover of from closed circuit televi- classified as a violation.
journalists were award the kha cancelled the awards for journalists, impacting quality sion record. Another accomplice,
Most Promising Journalist of business, environment, and and professionalism, and self- The videos showed Tashi Samdrup Dorji was initially
the Year award. gender citing lack of relevance censorship, among others. De- Dendup walking up to this charged for taking care
Jigme Wangchen of Busi- of the stories to the categories spite the odds and challenges, man walking on the other of stolen property but the
ness Bhutan and Phub Dem and lack of reporting rigour. those in the field have stayed side of road. After sometime charge was later dropped in
of Kuensel (formerly of Busi- Three new awards were in- strong in trying to make a dif- three of his friends from the the course of the case.
ness Bhutan) were awarded troduced for broadcast media ference. The need of the hour group followed him. The He was, however, con-
the Most Promising Journalists at the AJA this year. There for the media industry today four of them beat the man victed of not reporting the
of the Year. were categories in television is to build capacity of the jour- and ran away with his Nu crime and was asked to pay
Kuensel claimed 13 awards for: camera, visual editor, and nalists and this is where the 9,800 worth Samsung J7 NXT fine equal to the wage rate
(highest this year), Business sound design. Additionally, government could come in to mobile phone. of 45 days.
Bhutan  four, and  The Bhu- entries for radio programmes support”. The medical report also Samdrup Dorji has been
tanese two. Sonam Yangdon in Tshangla and Lhotshamkha The event was attended showed that the victim suf- in detention for 45 and need
of  The Bhutanese  won the were included for the first time. by journalists, public officials, fered injuries. not pay any fine.
Crime Story of the Year and the JAB received 105 entries and event supporters. The court sentenced
PAGE 4 Monday, May 06, 2019 | KUENSEL

My Country, My Town
road safety 

he tragic mishap in Wangdue, where a
bus with 24 people on board plunged
into the Punatshangchu, raises the
issue on road safety, yet again. 
Motor vehicle accidents are both
traumatic and dramatic. At times like this, we are
quick to blame the roads, the weather and the
driver for the mishap. Our roads new or old are
still not safe. Rolling boulders have claimed lives
in the past and until the terrain stabilises, this
phenomenon is likely to continue. The way we
drive is, as much an issue but no driver of a pub-
lic transport, experienced as they are of driving
on mountain roads, would intentionally veer the
vehicle off a cliff. When falling boulders strike a Onion shoe!: Makes
moving bus, blaming the driver, who is no longer one wonder what’s
alive, would not salvage the country of the tragedy growing in the other
it went through. half of the pair -
We all become wise after the event. But ques- tomatoes perhaps?
tions remain. The recent incident has raised issues Photo: Kinley Wangchuk
on the state of public transport in the country.
Government policies and political promises stress
on private vehicle ownership and vehicle quotas,
not on improving public transport that a majority Send in your pictures to:
of the population use. We have for long neglected
the importance of public transport services. The
sector gets attention from policy makers and the MY Say
media only when lives are lost or when bus drivers
test positive for drugs. It is time we address this

Bhutan Telecom,
lacuna in our policies.
The other issue that has surfaced in the wake
of the mishap is on heeding to weather adviso-

please explain
ries and cautionary notices that authorities issue.
Bhutan was alerted on the impacts of cyclone
Fani and disaster management hotlines activated.
The education ministry and police had notified
schools and the public to avoid unnecessary trav- Why am I paying a hefty was that confusion a trick to from Bhutan Telecom. Please
els. Travellers were asked to take the old Thimphu price for the little that I hide the surge in charges?  use this Kuensel’s My Say
– Phuentsholing road given the risk of falling boul- get? Dear Bhutan Telecom, Gone are the days when section to explain. It’s free.
ders along the new highway. Tour operators were before I share my frustration we were notified when our And please don’t give us the
also informed.  and before BT gets into that data pack gets exhausted. excuse about background
How then were public transport operators that reason, no, I do not have any Now BT only reminds when application updates because
ferry thousands of people everyday to all parts background applications our talk time reaches Nu 10. I am not buying it. 
of the country allowed to travel during such in- running or my applications If there was ever a day light  
are automatically updating. robbery in this modern day Sincerely Frustrated
clement weather? With advanced technology, our
However, Nu 99 data that and time, this is it.  Client
weather forecasts have today become reliable. Yet, If there are data charge Sherub Dorji
lasts me three days isn’t even
we don’t tend to heed to their advisories as much giving me a day, these days.  changes, do let us know. We
as we heed to the zakar. BT needs to explain the have no choice, its either
With the rise in the number of vehicles in the sudden surge in data charges, BT or TashiCell. We will
country, we are seeing a rise in motor vehicle never mind all the confusion manage anyhow, but don’t
accidents. Last year, Bhutan recorded the high- that you have created to just kill us. With this letter,
est number of  accidents in the last seven years check available balance. Or I am expecting a response
and the highest number of deaths in the past 13
years. There were 1,360 vehicle accidents in 2018
where 135 lives were lost and 807 injured.
Driver’s error was the major cause of accidents
followed by bad road conditions, poor weather Make your opinions known. Send your letters to
conditions and mechanical failure. 
It is time we prioritise road safety and enhance
communications between agencies. It is time we
give attention to public transport.  Letters are edited for space and clarity

Managing Director - Bachu Phub Dorji, Managing editor - Ugyen Penjor, EDITOR - Sonam Pelden,
PRINTING GM - Karma Nima, Marketing & sales GM - Karma J Yangzom, KanGlung Regional Manager - Ugyen Wangdi
Monday, May 6, 2019 | KUENSEL
Home Page 5

Work begins to merge referral

hospitals, drafting of a health Act 
Dechen Tshomo in the country would be merged
as one teaching hospital. This,
To have a progressive policy and Lyonpo said was to deliver
legislation in place, the health health services, at least second-
ministry is drafting a Health Act. ary and tertiary level health ser-
Health minister Dechen vices to every nook and corner
Wangmo, during the Jigme of the country. 
Dorji Wangchuck National Re- J D W N R H ’s presi-
ferral Hospital’s second foun- dent, Lhab Dorji said the hos-
dation day on May 2, said that pital has started working on
for the health system to grow, the merger of the three referral
there must be a good enabling hospitals on the government’s
environment. directives. “This would greatly
“Talking about an enabling benefit the people.”
environment, we are looking The ministry is also look-
forward to having a progres- ing at revising the medical and
sive policy and legislation in health council Act 2002. 
place,” Lyonpo said. “The Act “We hope that we will have
will clearly specify the roles, progressive and conducive leg-
the legislative environment in islation in place so that it will
which the health system will promote the growth of profes-
grow in Bhutan.” sionalism in the health sector,” Health minister Dechen Wangmo and JDWNRH president Lhab Dorji release the annual
Lyonpo said Bhutan doesn’t Lyonpo said. “If we want to JDWNRH report on May 2
have a health Act today, which have a smooth transition as a workers, we have been working It is important to see if there assistance we will reach out to
is fundamental to the growth of developing nation into a devel- hard,” he said. “We have worked have been enough systems in our partners to help us.”
the health system in the coun- oped world then we must have a hard and will continue to provide place for the mother to be able It is also time to look at
try. “We hope that during our sound, dynamic and responsive better and quality health services to access the services, and then at human resources. “JDWNRH is
tenure we will be able to pass health system that caters to the to the people.”  the point of entry into the emer- an apex body for the health sys-
the Health Act.” need of our population.” Regarding the media reports gency, how she was handled. tem. I think it is also a body where
In terms of progressive poli- Lyonpo congratulated all on the hospital, Lyonpo said she “We want to look at whether the ministry of health looks at it
cies, Lyonpo said the ministry the staff of JDWNRH who work doesn’t look at it as criticisms of there has been a delay from the as a hub of technical assistance.
is also reflecting on what works tirelessly to make sure that the health system but an oppor- emergency to the delivery room So we really envision JDWNRH
best for the country. “If you look Bhutanese have the best health tunity to relook at the systems or the operation theatre.” as a centre of excellence for our
at Bhutan as a developing health services.  and see what best could be done If there has been delay, she health workers.”
system, we have done extremely Certificates and citations to improve it. said, they would look into what In 2018, the hospital saw
well since the adoption of Alma were awarded to national and “If we look at the death that could be done to improve it and 552,544 patients, 26,053 more
Ata Declaration in 1978.” international donors, the hos- has happened in the Neonatal follow the case from there to the than the previous year at its
“We have made leaps and pital staff in various categories, Intensive Care Unit (NICU), we NICU where the incident hap- out-patient department. Inpa-
bounds in terms of our achieve- in appreciation for their contri- want to look at not only the death pened.  tient admission increased from
ments but then as we prepare for bution. at NICU in isolation,” Lyonpo Lyonpo said that historically 17,468 in 2017 to 17,709 last year.
the transition from a low-income Some of the achievements said. “We want to look at what it is important to look at all these The bed strength of the hos-
country to a middle-income of the hospital last year include has happened during the preg- chains so that every link in the pital has extended from 350 to
country, it is time for all of us to the extension of the Paediatric nancy and whether the parents chain is strengthened and built. 381 since 2015. It has an occu-
reflect on if we have enough sys- Intensive Care Unit, the intro- have given enough information “Where there is no capacity we pancy rate of 82.3 percent with
tems in place to go through this duction of the rheumatology on the importance of taking care will request our partners to come an average length of stay at 6.2
transition,” Lyonpo said. service, and new technology of the fetus.” in, where there is no technical days. 
If we look at a developed like Neuronavigation system
health system around the world and laser equipment, and start-
in indicators such as palliative ing of home-based palliative
care, quality services, com- care, among others. Request for proposal
prehensive services, Lyonpo Lhab Dorji said the achieve-
said the country is still lacking ments are a result of the hard Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral
in terms of waiting time, post- work of the hospital staff and
operative care management. health workers. Hospital
“We hope that during our However, he said, that some Procurement division
tenure we will be able to address people who do not understand Pro/17/JDWNRH/2018-19
some of these critical elements the situation of the hospital and
of health systems,” Lyonpo said.  the media publish stories about Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital (JDWNRH) would like to invite
During the government’s the hospital.  registered consultancy firms or individuals in the country to submit proposal for
tenure, Lyonpo said it is hoped He said that this concerns developing Financial Manual for the Autonomous Hospital.
that the government would be the hospital as the government
able to define what is the best spends much to provide qual-
The detailed Request for Proposal (RFP), along with Terms of Reference can be
health. “Our dreams are that it ity services through the hospital obtained from Procurement Division paying Nu. 500/- (Non-refundable).
will be a quality and a compre- and such issues might result in Interested local consultancy firms or individuals are requested to submit your
hensive service.” people thinking that the hospi-
RFP to Procurement Division by May 20, 2019 (before 3 PM).
To do this, Lyonpo said that tal is lacking in its mandates and
there would be a few institu- that the health workers are not For further details, please contact Procurement Division at 333596/337843 or
tional reforms that will happen doing their job well. email at
in the next few years.  “From our side, from the
The three referral hospitals administration to the health
Page 6 Monday, May 06, 2019 | KUENSEL

Cyclone Fani: Classifieds

hotel at Motithang,

12 lakh moved
Thimphu. Contact 02-
Rent: Ideal for training 339555.
institute/ business
center/ office. Approx

to shelters
2600 sqft with female Announcement:
& male toilet, private Contact Zenith Cargo to
parking, kitchen near carry your goods from
Honda Showroom, Kathmandu to Bhutan.
More than 12 lakh people Heavy rainfall across guard, police, Ansar, VDP,
have been evacuated and volunteers and political 1st floor of Aadruka Call 9851022305/
Bangladesh; storm surges
moved to cyclone shelters hit coastal areas; 50 villag- party activists shifted lakhs Showroom, Babesa.
in 19 coastal districts as es inundated as embank- of people to cyclone shelters Call 17110018. Announcement: Shree
cyclone Fani is charging ments breached. from vulnerable areas.
towards Bangladesh, after The rescue operations Required: Interested Ranisati Electricals,
- Lightnings and tree
making landfall in the East- began at 10:00am and con- to buy 3 to 4 bedroom Siliguri. Wholsale of
fall kill 7
ern Indian coast yesterday - 4,071 cyclone shel- tinued till evening.  apartment around fancy lamp shades,
morning. ters in 19 districts “Our target is to evacu- Motithang area. electrical goods and
The very severe cyclonic ate 21 lakh people. But till
prepared Contact 17981820. led lights. Contact
storm, named Fani meaning - Dry food, medicine, 6:00pm, we could shift 12.40
snake’s hood, lost its speed lakh. The rescue work is still +919749884303. Email:
drinking water sent
and strength and turned into on,” Enamur Rahman, state ranisati.lites@gmail.
to cyclone shelters
a tropical storm. It was on - 32 Navy ships in minister for relief and dis- Sale: Land at Hejo, com
its way to West Bengal when operation to rescue aster management, told The Dechencholing, Olakha, Lost: Lag thram of Mrs.
this report was filed around Daily Star around 9:30pm.
people Babesa and Namseling. Tashi Pem Jamyang,
1:00am today. - Thousands still The people were taken to
It is expected to strike Bang- 4,071 cyclone shelters in 19 Contact 17330212. bearing thram no.
stranded in offshore
ladesh around midday today, islands of Noakhali, coastal districts, he added. 4818 plot no: DA1-128.
according to the Met office.  Adequate medicine,
Bhola Finders may contact
It will enter through the drinking water, dry food and
north of Khulna and south other necessary goods as
Vacancy: One slot 17111218.
of Rajshahi around noon and 17 villages were flooded as well as medical teams have bakery helper for Hotel
will remain in Bangladesh dykes in Kalapara, Mirzagonj been sent to all the shelters, Norbuling. Contact nu. per units of foreign Currency
as of yesterday
territory for 6-10 hours, said and Rangabali collapsed on said Shah Kamal, senior sec- 335697. NOTES
Shamsuddin Ahmed, direc- impacts of the tidal surge, retary at the relief and dis-
tor of Bangladesh Meteoro- said Hasanuzzaman, execu- aster management ministry. Vacancy: 2 male and 2 Buy Sell
US $ 68.35 70.45
logical Department. tive engineer at Patuakhali However, tens of thou- female helper for shop PounD 88.70 91.15
“Currently the eye of WDB. sands of people are still in at Olakha, Thimphu. EURO 76.15 78.25
the cyclone is some 300km At least three villages the offshore islands in Bhola Contact 17624123. YEN (100) 61.25 62.95
southwest of Satkhira,” in Bagerhat’s Shoronkhola and Noakhali. HK $ 8.70 8.95
he told The Daily Star at were also flooded. Around 17,000 people Required: Temporary AUS $ 47.75 49.05
11:00pm yesterday. In Barishal, many boats were stranded in Dhal Char and permanent staff Sing $ 50.00 51.45
Hindustan Times report- that went to fishing in the union of Bhola’s Charfassion for tourist standard Courtesy BNB
ed that it will further weaken deep sea did not come back as there is no cyclone shel-
by the time enters Bangla- till yesterday evening. ter there, said Abdus Salam,
desh with a wind speed of Standing crops in differ- chairman of the union.  
60-70kmph. ent districts were also dam- Despite the risk, the
But even before the strike, aged, although the extent people there cannot move
Fani already caused cyclonic was not immediately clear. to the mainland due to bad
storm with a speed of more The whole country will weather.
than 100kmph and five feet experience heavy rainfall There are two concrete
high storm surges and trig- and storm today. After mak- buildings in Dhal Char -- a
gered rainfall almost all over ing landfall in Bangladesh, police outpost and the union
the country yesterday. Fani will move towards council office -- where only
At least seven people Assam.  600 people can take shelter,
reportedly died and seven “ Though it became locals said.
were injured in lightning week, it still is a very severe Many panicked locals
and tree falls in different cyclone. The whole country were taking shelter in the
parts of the country. would experience rainfall mangroves to save their lives
At least 30 villages in and cyclonic storm on its as the water level in the Bay
Patuakhali, Bagerhat and impact tomorrow [today],” was rising, reports our cor-
Khulna were inundated said Shamsuddin Ahmed, respondent there. 
as storm surges breached director of the Met office. In Hatia, the cyclone
earthen embankments and Operations of all water shelters at Hatia Bazar and
overflew them. Water level
was also rising in rivers in
vessels will remain sus- Ali Bazar were found empty
yesterday though the district
To advertise in Kuensel:
pended until further notice.
those districts. Due to bad weather, two administration kept those Call 326191 or fax 322975;
In Cox’s Bazar’s remote domestic flights of Biman ready and requested the
island Kutubdia, at least 20 vil- Bangladesh were cancelled people to go there, accord-
lages went under water as tides while several others had to ing to our Noakhali corre- TO Subscribe: Call 327463/ 17728174
as high as four-five feet struck spondent.  
those areas yesterday morning.   
be rescheduled.   
Braving the rough weath- The Daily Star For news: Call 324684, 322483
In Patuakhali, at least er, members of navy, coast- ANN
Monday, May 6, 2019 | KUENSEL Page 7

Terma and Terton

complex mystical and transcenden- ally did not originate from one establish- discovery.
Karma Phuntsho is a social thinker
tal process involving sacred sites in ment or institution or even from one Due to the Bhutanese faith in Padma-
and worker, the President of the
which treasures are hidden, secret school although most of them belonged sambhava and treasure tradition, almost
Loden Foundation and the author of
codes (བརྡ་ཡིག་), guides (གཏེར་བྱང་), to the Nyingma tradition. They did not all of them would have enjoyed a very
many books and articles including
rituals (ཆོ་ག་), miracles (རྫུ་འཕྲུལ་) and, function as part of an organised religious good reception, hospitality and even de-
The History of Bhutan.
above all, terton (གཏེར་སྟོན་) or treasure movement or group although they loosely votion from local patrons, followers and
discoverers with special connections shared goals and stratagems. The tertons the Bhutanese public but an unfortunate
Bhutan has a rich heritage of both
to Padmasambhava and the figures were mostly individual mystics seeking few may have faced skepticism and utter
‘received teachings’ and ‘revealed
of the Yarlung dynastic period of Ti- religious treasures and hidden lands fol- rejection like the case of a recent Tibetan
teachings’. Its received teachings in-
betan history. Consequently, terma lowing the cryptic prophecies and guides tertön whose discoveries were examined
clude the transmissions of Kagyu
revelation was not merely perceived which came to their hands or their own and declared to be forgeries by the Bhu-
(བཀའ་བརྒྱུད་) school and the kama
as an ordinary practice of hiding and prognostic dreams. Besides, they shared tanese state and the person seen off un-
(བཀའ་མ་) teachings in the Nyingma
retrieving things but as a transcenden- the link to Padmasambhava and the claim ceremoniously. Today, the proliferation of
(རྙིང་མ་) school. The revealed teach-
tal revelation of religious knowledge to be his destined spiritual heirs. Most ter- clinical scientific thinking has placed the
ings consists of the terma (གཏེར་མ་) or
and objects using superhuman and tons associated with Bhutan also shared belief in ancient treasure under intense
rediscovered treasures, which started
prophetic abilities. The treasure cul- two beliefs; that the hidden lands condu- scrutiny. There are perhaps fewer persons
to develop during the Buddhist re-
ture also expanded in terms of what cive for spiritual practice lay mostly in the who claim to be tertons today than in any
naissance in Tibet in the 11th centu-
was discovered. In addition to texts borderlands south of Tibet and that these of the last ten centuries. Nevertheless, it
ry. The treasures are mostly texts, but
(ཆོས་གཏེར་), religious artefacts and holy places were filled with treasures buried by is still not very hard to find a Tibetan reli-
also included artefacts, which were
substances, (རྫས་གཏེར་), the treasures Padmasambhava and his disciples to be gious visitor travelling across Bhutan on
believed to have been concealed by
also included visionary (དག་སྣང་) and revealed when the propitious time came. pilgrimage to imbibe blessings from the
Padmasambhava or other figures
psychic revelations (དགོངས་གཏེར་). With these beliefs, they set on their jour- powerful places and also extract a treasure
during the 8th and 9th century in or-
The locus of the treasures also ex- neys mainly to find and extract treasures if it comes their way.
der to be revealed when the time is
panded with treasures discovered not but also subsequently to spread the teach- In the Bhutan, the most popular trea-
ripe by individuals destined to do so.
only from the earth but from lakes, ings which they have rediscovered. sure cycles include the Peling (པད་གླིང་), Ny-
This skilful technique of religious
cliffs, space and even the inner depths These religious explorers traversed ingthig (སྙིང་ཐིག་), Tersar (གཏེར་གསར་) teach-
preservation and regeneration per-
of the human psyche. Similarly, as the the entire country either in search of trea- ings. Even among the Drukpa Kagyu in
haps started as a simple practice of
treasure culture and its influence be- sures or on their missions to promote their Bhutan, some of the most popular teach-
burying texts for safety during trou-
gan to spread, it was no longer limited treasures. They attracted large following as ings are rediscovered terma including the
bled times and having them recov-
to the Nyingma school as it was in the they were believed to be the incarnations worship of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal
ered when the socio-political situa-
beginning. There are treasure dis- of the important persons who received the which is a visionary rediscovered treasure.
tion became conducive for their use.
coverers in all four Tibetan Buddhist teachings directly from Padmasambhava Thus, the terma culture pervades Bhutan’s
A great number of texts and objects
schools and Bon religion. Treasure and their teachings and techniques to be religious landscape and has substan-
may have been buried for safekeep-
discoverers from the Nyingma and spiritually more fresh and effective than tial impact on the lives of people. Terma
ing when the Tibetan empire crum-
Drukpa Kagyu schools of Buddhism other forms of teachings, which have be- teachings form the basis of the grand state
bled in the middle of the 9th century,
and Bon religion were active in Bhu- come stale due to gradual transmission rituals as well as the personalized practice
the state support to Buddhism was
tan. This fascinating and problematic through the ages. The teachings they dis- of hermits in seclusion. The corpus of re-
lost and political chaos ensued after
practice of religious regeneration and covered and propagated often became the discovered treasure texts, which Kongtrul
the peasant revolts. Thus, it is likely
revelation had substantial impact on trendy religious practices of their times. Yonten Thaye compiled at the end of the
that a lot of the early treasure discov-
the course of Bhutan’s history. Some Many, however, failed to leave any sig- 19th century, form one of the most impor-
eries involved only ordinary human
fifty treasure discoverers from Tibet nificant legacy for posterity and passed tant scriptures among Bhutan’s spiritual
procedures of retrieving the texts
visited Bhutan in search of treasures into oblivion. In the case of many of the heritage. Most of Bhutan’s valuable mate-
or artefacts, although the acts of re-
from the 11th century until the end minor tertöns, we do not even know when rial heritage in the form of antiques and
trieval may have been accompanied
of the 20th century and Bhutan itself they lived and what they did apart from sacred objects are also considered to be
by some religious prayers and rituals.
produced about a dozen treasure dis- a sparse mention of their acts of treasure rediscovered treasures.
However, as the practice devel-
coverer including the famous treasure
oped, the treasure culture appears
discoverer, Pema Lingpa, who is Bhu-
to have gone through an accretive
tan’s foremost local spiritual figure.
process of sacralisation and ritualis-
The treasure discoverers gener-
tic systematization. It evolved into a


How to play
Fill in the grid so
Know your LAW that every row, every
column, and every 3

What is an ‘Oral Argument’?

X 3 box contains the
numbers 1 through 9.

In any civil or criminal proceedings, proceedings take place in

two phases. One is the opportunity to submit the written state-
ments and the other is the opportunity to submit oral arguments
in favour of one’s case. The oral argument gives opportunity for
the Petitioners and the Respondents to summarize their position
before the court of law and also answer the questions of the judges
regarding the matter.

Source: BNLI
Page 8 Monday, May 6, 2019 | KUENSEL

Re-Announcement of Vacancies for pre-commission training at Indian Military

academy, officers’ Training academy, Chennai, Technical entry scheme, Gaya and
National defence academy, Pune (India)
Headquarters Royal Bhutan Army

1. With reference to earlier announcement done in advertisement ii) Degree- Graduate from recognized university with minimum
on Page 14 dated April 06, 2019. of 60% aggregate marks
2. The Headquarters, Royal Bhutan Army, Lungtenphu is pleased c) Age limit for all entries : Should not have exceeded 25 years of
to re-announce the availability in various vacancies for pre- age at the time of joining the
commission training in India as tabulated below: institution (i.e September 2019 for
SSC 110/SSC (W)- 24).
Trg Institutes Courses Vacancies
From To
d) Height for all entries: Minimum 5’6’’ (167.64 cm) for male
IMA, July 01, Dec 12,
IMA-147 12 Minimum 5’2” (157.50 cm) for female
Dehradun 2019 2020
SSC-110/- 07 (05 male September September 5. Eligibility criteria for TES-41 at OTA, Gaya
OTA, Chennai
SSC(W)-24 & 02 female) 30, 2019 05, 2020 a) Education qualification : 60% aggregate (Physics, Chemistry,
July 01, June 06,
OTA, Gaya TES-41 05 Maths and English) and 55% in
2019 2020
English in Class XII result.
June 27, May 31,
NDA, Pune NDA-142 02 b) Age limit - Should not have exceeded 20 years of age at the
2019 2022
time of joining the institution (i.e July 2019 for TES
3. Eligibility criteria for IMA 147 41).
a) Twelve (12) vacancies for Male Candidate only. c) Height - Minimum 5’ 5’’ (165.10 cm)
i) Science Stream: Graduate from recognized university with 6. Eligibility criteria for NDA-142, Pune
60% and above aggregate marks
a) Education qualification : 60% aggregate (Three best
ii) Other Streams: Graduate from recognized university with (All Stream) subjects and English)
60% and above aggregate marks and minimum 55% in English in
iii) Science stream candidates will be given preference. class XII result. However, Science
stream candidates will be given
b) Cut off point (Degree only) preference
i) Class XII- The candidates should have passed with minimum b) Age limit : Should not have exceeded 20 years of age at the
58% aggregate in class XII examination (Three best subjects time of joining the institution (i.e June 2019)
and minimum 55% in English)
c) Height : Minimum 5’ 5’’ (165.10 cm)
ii) Degree: Graduate from recognized university with minimum
of 60% aggregate marks. 7. Mandatory documents in original for all entries:
c) Age limit for all entries : Should not have exceeded 25 years of a) Class X, XII and degree certificates for IMA, SSC & SSC(W)
age at the time of joining the institution b) Class X and class XII certificates for TES and NDA
(i.e July 2019 for IMA 147) c) Citizenship identity card
d) Height for all entries: Minimum 5’6” (167.64 cm) for male. d) Security clearance
4. Eligibility criteria for SSC 110 & SSC (W) 24 e) Two passport size photographs
f) CID copies of both parents
a) A total of Seven vacancies (05 for male candidates and 2 for
female candidates) with technical background for SSC-110 and g) Admission cards
SSC(W)-24 at OTA. Chennai from recognized university as under: 8. Registration/verification will close 1400 hours on May 10, 2019.
i) Electrical -1 9. A small booklet containing detailed instructions on eligibility
ii) Architecture -1 criteria and selection process will be issued on payment of Nu.
iii) IT software Engineer -1 100/- (non-refundable)
iv) Civil -3 10. Names of the shortlisted candidates shall be announced on
v) Mechanical -1 May 14, 2019.

b) Cut off point (Degree only) 11. The vacancies for IMA, OTA, Chennai, TES Gaya and NDA due
in December 2019 and April 2020 will be announced later on
i) Class XII- The candidates should have passed with minimum confirmation of the vacancies.
58% aggregate in class XII examination (Three best subjects
and minimum 55% in English) Personnel Officer

To advertise IN Kuensel: Call 326191 or fax 326638;

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Monday, May 6, 2019 | KUENSEL PAGE 9

Management of heritage buildings

should be well integrated
Choki Wangmo A panel discussion based
on three themes was held.
The protection of heritage sites Panelists identified the need
and sustenance of cultural land- for research and development,
scape has become a daunting architectural information of the
challenge in the face of rapid de- site for visitors, and view protec-
velopment, urbanisation, and tion as a key to sustenance of
increased tourism activities in heritage sites. “We need to have
the country. coordinated approach from all
According to senior archi- stakeholders involved,” said one
tect with Department of Culture of the panelists.
(DoC), Pema, management The home ministry has held
plan would clarify the roles and consultation at the agency level
responsibilities of management and a public consultation will
partners and inform procedure follow.
to undertake protection work. “People are at the centre of
World Heritage Convention management plan. Heritage is
defines cultural landscapes as an asset and identity rather than
the “combined works of nature a burden,” said Yeshi Samdrup.
and man,” a relationship be- After consultation with
tween people and their natural Cultural landscapes are the combined works of nature and man stakeholders, the plan will be
environment. submitted to the Cabinet for
UNESCO Project officer of declared “Bhutan as a whole is heritage building of special the sustenance and continuity endorsement.
World Heritage Centre, Roland recognised for its unique cul- importance as it was one of the of the Dzong as one of the most A book titled “South Asian
Chih-Hung Lin, said that the tural landscape.” most important dzongs in the important heritage buildings,” Cultural Landscape Initiatives”
management of cultural land- The bill aims to provide val- country. “It is also a popular site said senior architect with DoC, was also launched during the
scapes should be integrated ue-based protection of heritage for tourists.” Yeshi Samdrup. program.
and have interdisciplinary ap- sites in the country.  Punakha Dzongda Karma The plan divided the site For the 12th five-year plan,
proach. “It should be associated In his address at that fifth Drukpa said that the dzong into three zones for better five sites—Punakha Dzong,
with people, governance and in- workshop on cultural landscape currently faced space prob- management and regulation. Taktsang, Kyichu, and Jampa
teraction between man people and sustaining its significance lem with increasing visitors, The core area is the dzong; the Lhakhangs, and Semtokha
and environment.” in Thimphu last week, Home lack of proper facilities for the conservation zone is the imme- Dzong were chosen as herit-
The Cultural Heritage Bill of Minister Sherub Gyeltshen monks, and risk from natural diate surroundings of the dzong, age sites.
Bhutan 2016 states: “Bhutan’s highlighted the cultural and his- disasters. and the buffer zone protects the The two-day meeting was
uniqueness lies in its cultural torical importance of Punakha “Value-based approach— visual integration of the dzong attended by international
landscape where tangible and Dzong. balanced historical, archi- and its surrounding. “The three representatives, experts and
intangible cultural heritage and Pema said that the dzong tectural, aesthetic, economic zones are further divided into members of the parliament,
nature coexist harmoniously.” It would be designated as the values for people is adopted for subzones,” said Pema. among others.

Sarpang dzong construction on track

Younten Tshedup | Sarpang ity to the structure, he said. 
“It is a perfectly designed
With almost 24.9 percent physi- structure. Should everything go
cal work completed, the new as planned, it would be one of
Sarpang dzong construction is the best dzongs in the country,”
expected to meet its deadline of the project manager said. 
June 2023.  He said the dzong would be
Pre-establishment works equipped with safety features
began in September 2016 but ac- including smoke and heat de-
tual construction works started tectors, fire hydrant and an alarm
in January last year. To date, of system. The structure would also
the 13 blocks, foundation works be disable-friendly with ramps
for five administrative blocks and other facilities.
have been completed.  The dzong’s plinth area
According to project of- spreads across 3.9 acres and will
ficials, once completed, the house the tallest Utse measuring
dzong would offer one of the 123ft, equivalent to a 10-storied
best working conditions for the building.  The new dzong is expected to complete with the 12th Plan
dzongkhag administration and Sangay Kinga said the pro-
the monk body.  ject has received good quantity want to establish a pool of our structure if we are not careful,” he timber stock and is in the process
Project manager, Sangay of workforce, however, quality own skilled workforce.” said. “We keep those works for to request for additional supply. 
Kinga, said that while the dzong and skill is a challenge. “We need He said that besides the lim- winter and focus on other works Of the total Nu 550 million
would maintain the traditional people with different skills for ited skilled workforce, weather during monsoon.” (M) approved by the govern-
architectural design, modern dzong construction, which is not is another challenge during the Meanwhile, of the 37,000 ment, the project has used Nu
technologies would be incor- readily available today,” he said. construction. “Long and heavy cubic feet (cft) of timber required 217M (37.8 percent). The gov-
porated. The use of reinforced “We are training them on the job rainfall in the area hampers cast- for the construction, the project ernment of India is funding the
cement concrete (RCC) frames so that we build our own team ing works during summer, which has received about 22,000cft. The project, which is estimated at Nu
would provide additional stabil- of experts for future projects. We could affect the strength of the project has almost exhausted its 1,037M. 
PAGE 10 Monday, May 6, 2019 | KUENSEL



Agriculture Research and Development Center (ARDC), Yusipang, MoAF, Thimphu would like to invite sealed quotations from the eligible
national bidders for the following supplies for the fiscal year 2019-2020.
Sales of tender Date and time of Date and time of
Sl.# Particulars
document bid submission bid opening
1 Office stationery
2 Office furniture
May 6, 2019 to June 5, 2019 at June 5, 2019 at
3 Office computer and equipment
June 4, 2019 11:00 AM 11:30 AM
4 Extension kits and laboratory items
5 Hardware and electrical items
6 Vehicle maintenance, hiring and tyres & tubes
7 Farm machinery spare parts and maintenance May 6, 2019 to June 6, 2019 at June 6, 2019 at
8 Maintenance of computer & its spare parts June 4, 2019 11:00 AM 11:00 AM
9 Agriculture tools and equipment
The tender documents can be downloaded at free of cost from the ministry’s website Please contact ARDC, Yusipang
office at (975)77191124, 77191125, 77191126/17358422 for any clarification.
Offtg. Program Director

Public Notification Notification

Anti-corruption commission Ministry of works and human settlement
The Commission would like to invite interested REGIONAL OFFICE, PHUENTSHOLING
Suppliers of Goods and Services and Consultancy DoR/ROP/Mtc.-01/2018-2019/1083
firms to attend stakeholder’s consultation meeting
on the Debarment Rules on the 12th May 2019. The Regional Office, DoR, Phuenstholing would like to request to all the travelers
to refrains travelling through Sombaykha to Namchukhola road (Haa Road) since
For registration or any inquiry, please contact
it is under construction phase and had not yet opened to traffic.
Ms. Kelzang Dema, Legal Officer, Anti-Corruption
Commission during office hours at 02-334863/ The condition of the road is not very safe due to rolling boulders and steep
64/66/67/68 or by email ID: gradients. Since risk is an unforeseen event that will occur during the process of
road construction, Regional office will not be held responsible if any one travelers
Last date of registration is 9th May 2019.
using this road till such time the road is officially opened to traffic.
The vehicle carrying river bed materials/boulders between Sipsu to Samtse road
should also refrain crossing bailey bridges as the capacity of the Bailey bridge is
maximum 18 tonnes only.
Vacancy announcement
The heavy vehicles usually carry 35-40 tonnes of load which is very much beyond
Ariya hotel the capacity of the existing bailey bridges.
Immediate recruitment at Ariya hotel Such overweight vehicle crossing a bridge even if it is a single crossing, will affect
Position Requirement Slot the short term behavior of the bridge and long term performance and life-cycle
cost resulting of the bridge.
CDP Continental 1
Chief Engineer
Commi 1 Indian 1
Commi 111 General 2
Interested candidate can mail CV and basic NOTIFICATION
documents at
To advertise IN Kuensel: BCCL/F&A/2019/343
Call 326191 or fax 322975; In compliance to Section 5.13 (XV) of the Rules Governing the Official Listing of
E-mail us at: Securities, this Company wish to notify the public that the Record date has been, set as 10th May, 2019.
TO Subscribe Kuensel:
All names appearing in the Shareholders register as on the Record date are
Call 327463/ 17728174 entitled to receive the dividend for the year 2018.
For news: Call 324684, 322483
Monday, May 6, 2019 | KUENSEL PAGE 11

How about introducing Disadvantage

Compensation Allowance?

t’s an undeniable fact Case 1:
that civil servants, A person stationed in
corporate employees Dorokha gets a total of 7
and almost everyone points ( 2 points for prox-
want to crowd into imity to the nearest major
Thimphu. Thimphu is burst- hub which is Samtse, 3 for
ing at the seams while other major hub classification of
towns wear a dismal look. Samtse and another 2 points
Living and working in Thim- for proximity of Samtse to
phu means being close to the Thimphu.
head office, the best referral
hospital in the country, being Case 2:
close to myriad other oppor- A person stationed in
tunities and conveniences. Samdrupcholing gets a total
A person living elsewhere is of 9 points (3 point for prox-
disadvantaged when it comes imity to the nearest major
to accessing these services hub, which is Samdrupjong-
that the capital city provides. khar, 2 for major hub classi-
Almost every opportunity fication of Samdrupjongkhar
seems to originate in Thim- and another 4 for proximity
phu. Be it training, foreign of Samdrupcholing to Thim-
travel, access to government phu.
services, business opportuni- Case 3:
ties et-cetera. Civil servants A person stationed in
stationed in remote locations Ura gets a total of 7 points
often miss out on ex-country (2 for proximity to the
trainings simply because Thimphu. nearest major hub, which
there wasn’t enough time for A recent article in Kuen- is Bumthang town, 3 for
him to make it on time. Other sel highlighting the problems major hub classification of
times, they wouldn’t even be faced by Health Ministry Bumthang and another 3 for
aware of opportunities that in sending doctors out of proximity of Bumthang to
come with short notice. As Thimphu is an apt example of Thimphu.
the most happening place, “crowding” in Thimphu. I as- The calculation is similar
civil servants in Thimphu sume similar challenges are for other cases.
have better investment op- faced by other government
portunities, be it in buying a agencies. Assuming each point is
plot of land or business con- Perhaps the new gov- valued at Nu 500, the disad-
sideration. Those in Thimphu ernment can now be more vantage allowance for each
are most likely to have post cognizant of this fact and work location is tabled below
retirement backup plan than implement measures to and living. Thimphuites will cilities available in it. The cat- I only hope this is worth
their counterparts in remote bring parity in advantage of argue that Thimphu is the egorization could also include deliberating
areas. working away from Thimphu most expensive place in the parameters such as existence
If a civil servant in Ud- by introducing what could country. But the fact remains of central school, college, Note:
zorong plans on studying in be termed “disadvantage al- that everyone wants to live in healthcare facility, gas station, All figures, grading and
Australia, he will have to avail lowance” for those stationed Thimphu. Therefore Thimphu cost of living, public transport, points mentioned are hy-
about 10 days leave to pro- away. A strategy to reward must offer something that off- entertainment and sporting pothetical conjecture, and
cess his documents, visit the and convince civil servants sets the other disadvantages. facilities etc. The more ad- meant only for illustration. A
hospital for examination, get to serve in remote locations I have prepared a hypo- vantage the town provides, the real research should be con-
his documents notarized and more willingly. thetical illustration of the less point it gets. ducted to classify the towns
process his visa application. To begin with, classifica- rationale of “disadvantage c. The actual place of work based on services, facilities
Not to mention the financial tion of towns should be done allowance” with few sample where an employee is sta- and other advantages offered
burden of such an effort. His based on access to healthcare cases just in case the policy tioned. Point is allotted based by the town. Likewise the
colleagues in Thimphu can facilities, education, other makers never looked at it from on the distance to the nearest points for proximity to Thim-
simply sneak out of office to public services, cost of living this angle. major hub. For instance, the phu and proximity to nearest
get all these done without and economic vibrancy of Three factors have been nearest major hub of Kamji is major hub also could be
availing leave and cost. that locality. The allowance considered. Phuentsholing. determined based on actual
Healthcare facility is one of should be based on proximity a. Thimphu as a factor (it distance.
the biggest advantages of tak- to such facility and proxim- is assumed that no other town The following two pa-
ing up residence in Thimphu. ity to Thimphu. Let’s take will ever match the facilities, rameters have been used to Contributed by
In the absence of comparable Mongar town for instance. It services and other advan- calculate point. Pema Tashi
healthcare facility elsewhere has a Referral Hospital (albeit tages that Thimphu provides). a. Proximity of the major Managing Proprietor,
within the country, civil sans doctor), it’s the district Thimphu as ground zero is hub to Thimphu Build Youth Bhutan
servants with aging parents head office and certain public assigned zero point. b. Proximity of the work- ECPF
or dependents with health services are available, but b. Major hub (major towns place to nearest major hub
issues find Thimphu the best can never beat Thimphu. So and district head office where For sake of illustration, I
place to live in. Thimphu must be considered certain services and public have assigned hypothetical
The farther you are from “Ground Zero” where exist facilities are available). Each points as illustrated in the
Thimphu, the greater the all the favorable conditions major hub is categorized diagram below.
disadvantage. It is no wonder and advantages of working based on the services and fa-
no one wants to budge from
PAGE 12 Monday, May 6, 2019 | KUENSEL

Samtse College to start

BA in social work
Rajesh Rai | Samtse researchers about the emerg-
ing social work and practices.
Samtse College of Education It was also conducted to create
(SME) will offer Bachelor of awareness among the people
Arts in Social Works (BASW) about social work education
from July this year. A total of and profession.
39 Class XII graduates will be “We are able to share what
the first batch. is happening in social work
In preparation for this and its history,” Dr Kinley said,
course, the college held an adding the knowledge from
international conference on the conference into the social
“emerging social work prac- work course curriculum.  
tices and education,” from May Meanwhile, UNICEF is
1 to May 3. providing technical support
The dean of research and in establishing the social work
industrial linkages at SCE, Dr program. Development of the
(PhD) Kinley said the confer- curriculum, conference, con-
ence was conducted in line nection, and social work cer-
with the recent discussions tificate are the four phases that
and conversations among vari- UNICEF is supporting SCE.
ous stakeholders on the need More than 500 Class XII
to having social work course. graduates had applied for the Samtse college of education
“Many CSOs and NGOs are course but only 39 have been
emerging in Bhutan today in- admitted for the first batch that courses just to get BASW, she
volving many people,” he said. of the conference on May 1. lated to emerging social work
starts on July 21 this year.   said, adding the conference
“We need to certify them.” More than 600 students of the practices and education were
SCE’s dean for academics would eventually help many
With the objective of start- college attended the three-day presented by both Bhutanese
affairs, Dr Karma Utha, who understand about the course.
ing the new course, the college conference. Various topics re- and international participants.
is closely involved in the de- SCE is also building the
eventually started connecting velopment of the course said course contents and curricu-
with social work institutions people had misunderstood lums with Bhutanese context
in India and other countries. about the social work course. and not copying from other
The college also had carried “Although we went to many countries, Dr Karma Utha Good Day
out social work related “cer- schools we couldn’t cover all,” said. Bhutanese cultural val- • to build new monuments
tificate courses” for the CSO she said, adding many thought ues and contexts with global • to consecrate
employees in the country. the new course was about so- social work contemporary • to appease local deities
After setting the founda- cially useful productive work knowledge, skills and profes- • to perform wealth accumulation
tion for the course, the inter- (SUPW) from the school.  sional ethics and values would ritual
A good day for rituals (laza): • to appoint to new post
national conference was next, Dr Karma Utha, however, be integrated. those born in the sheep, snake, monkey
Dr Kinley said. This provides said some understood. One and rooster years. • to hand and take over office
Prime Minister Dr Lotay • to start new business
the platform for the institution, Class XII graduate took the Tshering graced the opening Generally a good day (sogza): • to enter into new house
academia, professionals and risk of cancelling 13 different those born in the snake and horse years. • to learn astrology
A bad day (shedza): • to shift house
those born in the tiger and rabbit years. • to set up storage
FLIGHTS • to marry and celebrate
• to hold good discussion
• to sow seeds
DrukAir • to plant trees and flowers
Date Flight No. Route Departure Arrival
May 7 KB 131 Bangkok to Paro via Bagdogra 06:50 10:10 Bad Day
May 7 KB 152 Paro to Bangkok 11:00 15:10 • to sell land
May 7 KB 200 Paro to Delhi 11:30 13:40 • to take new baby out of house
May 7 KB 201 Delhi to Paro 04:45 07:15 and celebrate birth
May 7 KB 210 Paro to Kolkata 07:00 07:50
May 7 KB 211 Kolkata to Paro 08:50 10:30
May 7 KB 270 Paro to Ahmedabad 08:15 11:40
Time of issue: 03:40 PM,
Domestic SUNRISE : 5:20 am |SUNSET : 6:35 pm 5 May 2019
May 7 KB 012 Paro to Bumthang 11:15 11:50
May 7 KB 031 Yonphula to Paro 10:00 10:45
May 7 KB 050 Paro to Yonphula via Gelephu 08:00 09:40
Note : All timings in local. Timings are subject to change. Call Drukair toll free No. 1300 for latest flight information. Gasa Trongsa Bumthang Sarpang Phuentsholing
Bhutan Airlines (Tashi Air)
May 7 B3701 Bangkok to Paro via Kolkata 06:30 09:55 18 20 19 26 30
May 7 B3700 Paro to Bangkok via Kolkata 10:35 16:05 6 10 9 21 19
May 7 B3774 Delhi to Paro 08:30 11:05
May 7 B3773 Paro to Delhi via Kathmandu 11:45 14:40 Source: National Center for Hydrology and Meteorology.
For any weather information: Call hotline 335578
Note : All timings in local. Timings are subject to change. Call Drukair toll free No. 1300 for latest flight information.

Printed and published by Kuensel Corporation Limited, PO Box 204, Tel: 975-2-322483/324688, Fax: 975-2-322975, BICMA Lic no. 303000005, ISSN 0259 1499
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