The Objectivity of Morality

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Jonalyn Mae B.


BASS 1-1

The Objectivity of Morality

How can we say that our moral judgement is objective? Our judgement to a particular

situation was different to the judgement of others. Every person has different feelings and

opinions, for example, I will say that abortion is the answer to the increasing number of our

population, others will surely have opposite opinions and will state that it is an inhumane act to

kill an innocent baby. But can we say that this judgement was affected by the environment we are

now, or by tradition and culture? Let's just say that in different culture killing was accepted and

in us it was not, does environment we belong affects our judgement, or it is our culture that help

us to decide? And how can we say that those judgements are subjective or objective.

According to William Kelly Wright in his article “The Objectivity of Morality”, he states

that “we are judging with the moral consciousness of our own century." Our values were

different from the values of our ancestors, our opinion differ from their opinions and the way we

judge a situation was also different from their judgements. We cannot say that every individual

has the same judgement because we have different experience. Their experience was not same

as our experience that is why we cannot judge the action they have done before and use our

experience to judge them. Our experience helps us to decide on what action should we take and

if people has different experience their judgement will be affected, and they will have different

judgement. A soldier was seriously injured, he cannot tell his mother the real situation he was

with, he doesn't want his mother to suffer from taking care of him, so he decided to kill himself.

Let's just think about it, if the soldier thinks that it will be good action to take his own life

because he does not want to see his mother suffer for him, is it the right thing to do? Did he do

that for the benefits of others, did it benefits him, or will his mother benefits from his action? In

that particular situation, we have different opinion, we have different judgement, and we judge

base on our opinion

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