High Flyers / Answer Key G / Unit 4: Grammar

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High Flyers / Answer Key Book G / Unit 4


Date: / / Name: 

Grammar: / 10 Vocabulary: / 10 Listening: / 10 Reading: / 10 Writing: / 12

A Fill in the gaps. ................. / 6 points

How How What What What Where

1. How big is it?

2. What color is it?
3. What body parts does it have?
4. How much does it eat?
5. Where does it live?
6. What does it do?

B Fill in the gaps. Words are used more than once. ................. / 4 points

its their

1. Seahorses use their tails to hold things.

2. The whale breathes by blowing water out its back.
3. Sharks are amazing. Their fins help them to swim.
4. I like this turtle. The shell on its back protects it from other animals.

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A Read and match. ................. / 5 points

dolphin seahorse crab lobster eel

B Read and match. ................. / 5 points

coral reef scales gills octopus flippers

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A Listen and check ( ). ................. / 5 points

What is Luke’s favorite animal? 4. What does Luke say is the same
a dog about sea lions and seals?

a seal They make loud noises.

a crab They warm up in the sun.

2. Janet said the crab was … T hey live in water and on the
5. What are Janet and Luke talking
things Janet likes to do at the
3. Janet said the sea lions sounded beach
like …
the animals Janet saw at the
a dog. beach
a seal. Luke’s pet fish
a crab.

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B Listen and check ( ). ................. / 5 points

Where did Carter go on Saturday? 4. What is Ted’s favorite animal?
to a cave a shark
to the aquarium an eel
to the ocean a dolphin
2. Carter thought that the tropical 5. What are Carter and Ted talking
fish were … about?
a little boring.  hat Carter learned on his
very fast swimmers. trip

interesting. animals that live in caves

3. Carter did not see … why dolphins can swim fast

the shark.
the octopus.
the dolphin.

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A Read and check ( ). ................. / 5 points

Green turtles live in the ocean. Many of them live around Costa Rica,
Indonesia and Australia. Female green turtles lay eggs in the sand. They lay
about 110 eggs! When the baby turtles hatch, they dig out of the sand and
walk towards the ocean. Baby green turtles spend the first few years of their
lives looking for food so they can grow strong. But, green turtles don’t eat
fish. Instead, they eat plants from the ocean. Sometimes green turtles have to
swim very far to find food. Some swim all the way across the ocean! Staying
healthy is important, because they live a long time. Most green turtles live
about 80 years, but some can live to be 100 years old! Green turtles breathe
air, but they spend most of their lives underwater. They can hold their breath
for up to five hours!

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1. Where do green turtles lay their eggs?
in the sand
on a rock
2. How long do most green turtles live?
80 years
100 years
110 years
3. What do green turtles eat?
4. What do green turtles do after they are born?
walk towards the ocean
look for fish to eat
swim across the ocean
5. Where do green turtles spend most of their time?
in the sand
on the beach

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B Read and check ( ). ................. / 5 points

Every Sunday, Sally the shark swims across the coral reef with her friend,
Wilma the whale. They like to look at the tropical fish and seahorses. Then on
the other side of the reef they eat lunch.
“I’m very hungry today,” said Sally. She was swimming very fast.
“Slow down!” said Wilma. “I’m too big to swim fast, and I don’t want to hurt
the coral.” Sally was hungry and she didn’t want to swim slowly. Wilma tried
to swim faster.
Sally was swimming very fast and thinking about lunch. Then she heard
Wilma scream. When she turned around, she saw that Wilma was stuck in a
cave! She was too big to get through. Sally quickly went to help Wilma. She
pushed and pushed until Wilma was out of the cave. When both Wilma and
Sally were safely back in the the deep water, Wilma said, “Next time, let’s
have lunch at home.”

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1. Why did Sally swim fast?

She was very hungry.

She wanted to find a cave.
She wanted to escape from a shark.

2. Why did Wilma swim slowly?

She didn’t want to hurt the coral.

She wanted to stay home.
She didn’t like the deep water.

3. What do Sally and Wilma do every Sunday?

look for caves

have lunch at home
swim across the reef

4. Why did Sally help Wilma?

Wilma was stuck in a cave.

Wilma was too tired to swim fast.
Wilma wanted to go home.

5. What is the story mostly about?

finding food for lunch

looking at tropical fish
swimming through a reef

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