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Grievance handling policy:

1. Preventive measures:
After the collection of sufficient data an appropriate action must be taken in order to resolve a
conflict before it becomes complain.
 In order to collect data of the possible complained issue a committee of three executive
member will follow the below chart.

Investigatory team of data collection

(HR Department)

Cost Controller BD


HR Manager

Compliance Officer HR Officer Officer from relevant Department

Department Head

 The investigation team will be trained on effective data collection methods with high
 The data collected in a regular basis would be given to designated HR manager daily, if the
data found very important will then be passed on to the cost controller in verbal or written.
Apart from that the HR manager will present a written report to the cost controller in a
weekly basis.
 The cost controller may call for an urgent meeting at any time during the investigation to
collect feedback whether the investigation is going through the correct company procedure
or not. Hence he/she will oversee the investigation status along with the investigatory
member’s in a meeting on the last week of the month.
2. Corrective measures:
Verbal Complain:
 Employee shall report to his/her reporting supervisor for an early stage conflict resolution,
who will later discuss this issue with department head for an appropriate solution.
 If the issue is against the supervisor then he/she may raise it to the Department Head or if
the issue is against the Department head then it must be raised to the designated HR Team
 After raising the issue to the HR team member if no solution been given within 24 hour then
it must be acknowledge to the HR manager.

Written complaint:

 An employee can raise a grievance following the above procedure.

 Alternatively he/she may wish to submit the complaint to the complaint box located into
the designated place.
 The complaint box must be checked for any complaint once in every end of the week.
 If any complain found it must be written in the register book and acknowledge to the
relevant team for immediate action.
 After receiving the complaint it must be resolve with integrity within 7days from the date it
was written in the register book and the solutions must be shared with the employee
related to the issue.
 The complainer may wish to hide his/her identity while submitting the complaint to the
complaint box.

Workers association:

 If the employee makes the complaint via the workers association/union then he/she will
directly communicate with the welfare officer or the HR department. The issue will then be
resolved immediately with the help of the senior Managers/Executive’s/lawyer if necessary.
 The HR department along with the welfare officer and the higher authority (Cost
controller/Country Head) will held meeting every month to discuss about any complaint,
conflict or feedback to any raised issue in order to keep peaceful working environment
within the organization.

The Grievance flow chart


Complaint Box Immediate Workers association


Designated HR Team

HR Manager

Cost Controller

Country Head
Grievance Policy:
The four way of dealing with Grievance:

 Written/verbal complaint via supervisor/manager

 Written complaint using the Complaint box
 Written complaint via Workers association
 Written/Verbal complaint via welfare officer

In Written/verbal complaint:
 An employee can raise any issue to his/her Supervisor in written/verbal which he/she is
facing at work that is affecting/may affect his/her job or violate the office culture. Therefore
the issue will be resolved.
 The Supervisor will then discuss the issue with department manager to resolve it with
immediate effect. In order to resolve the issue, supervisor will take advice from the
department head or the department head will resolve the issue directly if necessary.
 After analyzing the depth of the conflict the department head may wish to acknowledge the
designated HR team about the issue or suggest them to take lawful action.
 If an employee is not happy with the decision made by the Supervisor/Department Head he
may directly contact with the designated HR Team and re-open the case.

Via Complaint Box:

An employee can use the complaint box to raise any issue that has been affecting or may affect
his/her job role or violate the office culture. He/she may not wish to mention their name while

 The complaint box must be place on a secure place where an employee can submit their
complaint without any embarrassment. They must be comfortable during placing the
complaint into the complaint box.
 The complaint box must be locked at all time; the access of the box should only be given to
the designated HR team.
 The designated HR team along with the HR manager will open the box once in a week (End
of the week) and register them into the register book and filed in an appropriate manner.
Further to that depending on the depth of the issue the designated team will discuss the
issue with HR manager and proceed to an immediate action.
 The outcome/solution of the raised issue should be written in the same register book where
it was first enrolled after the complaint was made.
Via Workers associations:
 An employee can raise an issue to workers association who than process his/her complaint
directly to the HR department or bring it front of the Higher management. The workers
association will conduct meeting once in a month and discuss about any concern relates to
the employee welfare or to resolve any issue.

Via welfare officer:

 Employee can acknowledge the management about the welfare issues, complaint or any
suggestion to the management via the welfare officer so that they get justice as per the law
during their employment with the organization.
They may wish to discuss with the welfare officer or share their suggestion’s in written. If
any complaint found, that should be resolved within 7 days from the date it was first
registered in the registered book. In that case the HR department will get involve and take
immediate action. If any of the complaint requires an investigation then the HR department
will arrange an investigatory committee and resolve the issue. It may leads to the higher
management if necessary in order to resolve the complaint.

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