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Traffic is the major problem which every country faces because of the increase in number of
vehicles throughout the world, particularly in large urban areas. As the problem of urban traffic
congestion spreads & occurrence of road accidents increase, there is a pressing need for the
introduction of advanced technology and equipment to improve the traffic control algorithms to
better accommodate this increasing demand. The simplest way for controlling a traffic light is
using timer for each phase. Another way is to use electronic sensors in order to detect vehicles,
and produce signal that cycles. In this paper we propose a system for controlling the traffic light
by image processing. The system will detect vehicles through images instead of using electronic
sensors embedded in the pavement. A camera will be installed alongside the traffic light. It will
capture image sequences. The image sequence will then be analyzed using digital image
processing for vehicle detection, and according to traffic conditions on the road, traffic light can
be controlled.

As the population of the modern cities is increasing day by day due to which vehicular travel is
increasing which lead to congestion problem. Traffic congestion has been causing many critical
problems and challenges in the major and most populated cities. Due to this traffic congestion
there is more wastage of time. The steady increase in the number of automobiles on the road has
amplified the importance of managing traffic flow efficiently to optimize utilization of existing
road capacity. High fuel cost and environmental concerns also provide important incentives for
minimizing traffic delays. Road accident is another main problem in modern world. If we
observe seriously the causes of road accidents, we found that narrow roads and rapid increase of
means of transport are the main reasons behind increasing number of road accidents.

Traffic Rules & Laws, Road Signs and Traffic Control Systems are used to solve the previously
mentioned traffic problems. Traffic laws are the laws which govern traffic and regulate vehicles,
while rules of the road are both the laws and the informal rules that may have developed over
time to facilitate the orderly and timely flow of traffic. Traffic signs or road signs are signs
erected at the side of roads to provide information to road users.

Traffic Control Systems

1.1.1 Manual Controlling
Manual controlling the name instance it require man power to control the traffic. Traffic polices
are allotted for a required area or city to control the traffic. The traffic polices will have things
like sign board, sign light and whistle to control the traffic. In the manual controlling system we
need more man power. As we have poor strength of traffic police we cannot control traffic
manually in all area of a city or town. So we need a better solution to control the traffic
1.1.2 Automatic Controlling
Automatic traffic light is controlled by timers and electrical sensors. In traditional traffic light
system each phase has a constant numerical value loaded in the timer. The lights are
automatically getting ON and OFF depending on the timer value changes.

Since, the traditional traffic light system is very prone to traffic congestion, intelligent traffic
light system are needed i.e. instead of a defined timer, the density of the vehicles is computed
then the timer is set. The most common mechanism is usage of electrical sensors embedded in
the pavement. This system will detect vehicles, and produce signal for the timer based on the
density of vehicles. Traffic congestion also occurred while using the electronic sensors for
controlling the traffic. Usage of electronic sensors is not that much efficient because it has high
tendency to be affected by noise & it is expensive. All these drawbacks are supposed to be
eliminated by using image processing.

Traffic light system using image processing: The system will detect vehicles through images
instead of using electronic sensors embedded in the pavement. A camera will be installed
alongside the traffic light. It will capture image sequences. Image processing is a better
technique to control the state change of the traffic light. It shows that it can reduce the traffic
congestion and avoids the time being wasted by a green light on an empty road. It is also more
consistent in detecting vehicle presence because it uses actual traffic images. It visualizes the
reality so it functions much better than those systems that rely on the detection of the vehicles’
metal content.


In Ethiopia, all of the traffic light system used is the traditional system. These systems encounter
many limitations i.e. timing is not based on number of vehicles due to this we have the following
draw backs:

1.2.1 Heavy traffic jams

With increasing number of vehicles on road, heavy traffic congestion occur substantially in
major cities. This happened usually at the main junctions commonly in the morning before office
hour and in the evening after office hours. This causes an increased time wasting of the people
on the road.

1.2.3 Green Light for an empty road

There are these times where there are no vehicles on a junction but the green light is on for that
junction. Whereas, on the other junction there exists a queue of waiting vehicles but the red light
is on for that junction.

1.2.3 No traffic, but the pedestrians still need to wait

At certain junctions, sometimes even if there is no traffic, pedestrians have to wait. Because the
traffic light remains green for the preset time period, the road users should wait until the light
turn to red.

1.3.1 General Objectives
The general objectives of this project are:

i. To develop an integrated traffic light control system based on image processing to

calculate the density of vehicle on the road and set the timer

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of this project are:

i. To select the appropriate image enhancement and edge detection techniques

useful for the vehicle detection & density computation
ii. To implement the image processing techniques & simulate the result
iii. To integrate the image processing part with the traffic light system & stepper

A traffic light system is an electronic device that assigns right of way at an intersection or crossing
or street crossing by means of displaying the standard red, yellow and green colored indications.
An addition, it also works in conjunction with pedestrian displays to assign pedestrian crossing
right of way. A traffic light, also known as traffic signal, stop light, stop-and-go lights, is a
signaling device positioned at a road intersection, pedestrian crossing, or other location in order to
indicate when it is safe to drive, ride, or walk using a universal color code (and a precise sequence,
for that are colors blind).
Nowadays, a red light meant traffic in all directions had to stop. A yellow light meant cross-town
traffic would have to slow and a green light would to go or proceed. The difficulty in understanding
this confusing color sequence was compounded by neighboring towns using another system. The
development of an intelligent control structure ensures an optimal solution for all participants in
the transportation and road traffic system.
There are different ways controlling road intersections. In the simplest cases the right-hand rule
or, if the traffic is higher, a roundabout or the signal of a policeman can help steer the traffic.
However, especially in big cities, in the complicated cases when the roads in the intersection have
several lanes, the use of traffic lights cannot be avoided. An additional issue arises when in the
intersection not only roads but also railroad tracks take part, what often occurs in suburban traffic
situations. The most common way to handle this type of intersection is the conventional cyclic
lights control.
In more enhanced control, the traffic in different directions is monitored by sensors and the signals
thus obtained control the traffic lights. In this method the control is adapting to the traffic.
The general problem is the huge number of variables and the need for large computing efforts. To
simplify this problem a possible way is the use of fuzzy techniques. In the last couple of years a
lot of simulations were done and also practical control systems were built based on simple fuzzy
rules. However in the most complicated cases where the numbers of lanes are large and maybe not
only one but more road intersections and railroad take part, it does make sense to use fuzzy
methods containing hierarchy and apply interpolation to decrease the complexity.

Benefit of Traffic Light Controller
When properly used, traffic control signals are important devices for the control of vehicular in
road. They assign the right-of-way to a choice of traffic movements and there by deeply influence
traffic flow. Traffic control signals that are properly designed, located, operated, and maintained
will have one or more of the following advantages:
I. Provide orderly movement of traffic
II. Minimize completing movement
III. Coordinated for continuous movement
IV. Provide driver confidence by assigning right way
Traffic control signals are often considered a cure for all traffic problems at intersections. This
belief has led to traffic control signals being installed at many locations where they are not needed,
adversely affecting the safety and efficiency of vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic. Traffic
control signals, even when justified by traffic and roadway conditions, can be ill-designed,
ineffectively placed, improperly operated, or poorly maintained. While traffic signals can help in
locations where they are justified and installed properly, they also have disadvantages. There will
always be some disadvantages even if the signal is justified.
Types of Traffic Signals Components and Operations
Nowadays most traffic signals will have the following components or part:
I. Main display with red, yellow and green lights.
II. Traffic signal cabinet containing the traffic signal controller and Vehicle Detection Systems,
III. Inductive loops or sensors
In the many cities, traffic signals mainly operate in three modes:
I. Fixed-time mode: Under this mode, there are no detections for any approach. The signal
continuously cycles regardless of actual traffic demand. Pedestrian walk signals are automatic and
will cycle concurrently with the vehicular signal indication.
II. Semi-Actuated mode: Under this mode, the detection system is present only on a minor cross
street. When detection is activated, the green light on a major street is interrupted to allow the
minor street traffic and pedestrians to safely enter the intersection. Pedestrian walk signals for

crossing a minor street are automatic, while those for crossing a major street are not. Pedestrians
crossing a major street must push the “pedestrian push button” to get the walk signal.
III. Actuated mode: Under this mode, there are detections for all approaches. The traffic signal
is set to provide the green light “on demand” or only in the presence of vehicles.


Image processing is any form of signal processing for which the input is an image, such as
photographs or frames of video; the output of image processing can be either an image or a set of
characteristics or parameters related to the image. Most image-processing techniques involve
treating the image as a two-dimensional signal and applying standard signal-processing techniques
to it. Image processing usually refers to digital image processing, but optical and analog image
processing are also possible.

Image Processing is a technique to enhance raw images received from cameras/sensors placed on
space probes, aircrafts and satellites or pictures taken in normal day-today life for various
applications. An Image is rectangular graphical object. Image processing involves issues related
to image representation, compression techniques and various complex operations, which can be
carried out on the image data. The operations that come under image processing are image
enhancement operations such as sharpening blurring, brightening, edge enhancement etc.
2.2.1 Image Acquisition
The first stage of any image processing operation is the image acquisition stage. After the image
has been obtained, various methods of processing can be applied to the image to perform the many
different tasks required today. However, if the image has not been acquired satisfactorily then the
intended tasks may not be achievable, even with the aid of some form of image enhancement.
Digital image acquisition is the creation of digital images, typically from a physical scene. The
term is often assumed to imply or include the processing, compression, storage, printing, and
display of such images. The most usual method is by digital photography with a digital camera but
other methods are also employed.
2.2.2 RGB to Gray Conversion
In photography and computing, a grayscale or grayscale digital image is an image in which the
value of each pixel is a single sample, that is, it carries only intensity information.

Images of this sort, also known as black-and-white, are composed exclusively of shades of
gray, varying from black at the weakest intensity to white at the strongest. Grayscale images are
distinct from one-bit bi-tonal black and-white images, which in the context of computer
imaging are images with only the two colors, black, and white (also called bi-level or
binary images). Grayscale images have many shades of gray in between. Grayscale images are
also called monochromatic, denoting the presence of only one (mono) color (chrome).
2.2.3 Image Enhancement
Image enhancement techniques in Image Processing enable you to increase the signal-to-noise
ratio and accentuate image features by modifying the colors or intensities of an image. You do the
following operations in image enhancement:
 Image deblurring
 Device-independent color management
 Image transform
 Image conversion
2.2.4 Edge Detection
Edge detection is a fundamental tool in image processing and computer vision, particularly in the
areas of feature detection and feature extraction, which aim at identifying points in a digital image
at which the image brightness changes sharply or, more formally, has discontinuities. The same
problem of finding discontinuities in 1D signal is known as step detection. The purpose of
detecting sharp changes in image brightness is to capture important events and changes in
properties of the world. It can be shown that under rather general assumptions for an image
formation model, discontinuities in image brightness are likely to correspond to,
 Discontinuities in depth,
 Discontinuities in surface orientation,
 Changes in material properties and
 Variations in scene illumination.
In the ideal case, the result of applying an edge detector to an image may lead to a set of
connected curves that indicate the boundaries of objects, the boundaries of surface markings
as well as curves that correspond to discontinuities in surface orientation. Thus, applying
an edge detection algorithm to an image may significantly reduce the amount of data to be
processed and may therefore filter out information that may be regarded as less relevant, while

preserving the important structural properties of an image. If the edge detection step is
successful, the subsequent task of interpreting the information contents in the original image
may therefore be substantially simplified. However, it is not always possible to obtain such ideal
edges from real life images of moderate complexity. Edges extracted from non-trivial images
are often hampered by fragmentation, meaning that the edge curves are not connected, missing
edge segments as well as false edges not corresponding to interesting phenomena in the image
– thus complicating the subsequent task of interpreting the image data. Edge detection techniques
To detect the edges of an image several operators are being used in
i. Sobel operator
The operator consists of a pair of 3×3 convolution kernels as shown in Figure 1. One
kernel is simply the other rotated by 90°.
ii. Robert’s cross operator
The Roberts Cross operator performs a simple, quick to compute, 2-D spatial gradient
measurement on an image. Pixel values at each point in the output represent the estimated absolute
magnitude of the spatial gradient of the input image at that point. The operator consists of a pair
of 2×2 convolution kernels. One kernel is simply the other rotated by 90°. This’s very similar to
the Sobel operator.
iii. Prewitt’s operator
Prewitt operator is similar to the Sobel operator and is used for detecting vertical and horizontal
edges in images.

2.2.5 Image Matching

Edge based matching is the process in which two representatives of the same objects are paired
together. Any edge or its representation on one image is compared and evaluated against all
the edges on the other image. Edge detection of reference and the real time images has
been done using Prewitt operator. Then these edge detected images are matched and
accordingly the traffic light durations can be set.

3.1 Image Processing
Here is the block diagram of our proposed algorithm for the image processing section. The block
diagram gives an overview of how traffic will be controlled using image processing. The
algorithm implemented is discussed in detail in the next pages.
 Reference image  Captured Image

 RGB to gray conversion  RGB to gray conversion

 Image Resizing  Image Resizing

 Image enhancement  Image enhancement

 Edge Detection
 Edge Detection

 Image Matching

 Timing Allocation

Fig 1. Proposed image processing methodology

Following are the generalized main steps involved in the image processing
 Image acquisition
 RGB to gray conversion
 Image enhancement
 Image matching using edge detection

Detailed Procedures Implemented

 Initially image acquisition is done with the help of camera
 First image of the road is captured, when there is no traffic on the road
 This empty road’s image is saved as reference image at a particular location specified in
the program
 RGB to gray conversion is done on the reference image
 Histogram equalization is done on the reference gray image to achieve image
 Edge detection of this reference image is done thereafter with the help of Canny edge
detection technique
 Images of the road are captured.
 RGB to gray conversion is done on the sequence of captured images
 Histogram equalization is done on each of the captured gray image to achieve image
 Edge detection of these real time images of the road is now done with the help of Canny
edge detection technique
 After edge detection procedure both reference and real time images are matched and
traffic lights can be controlled based on percentage of matching.

1. Image Acquisition
The first stage of any image processing operation is the image acquisition stage. After the image
has been obtained, various methods of processing can be applied to the image to perform the
different tasks required. The usual image acquisition method is by digital photography with a
digital camera but other methods are also employed. In our case we used a web camera. But for
the simulation purpose we used sample traffic images from the internet. We have taken real time
traffic photos at 4 kilo roundabout.

2. RGB to Grayscale Conversion

After the images are acquired, the Images are resized. Because, every camera has its resolution,
so when a system is designed for some camera specifications it will not run correctly for any
other camera depending on specification similarities. So it is necessary to make the resolution
constant for the application and hence perform image resizing.

After the images are resized. They are converted to Grey scale in order to ease the image
processing. In image processing a grayscale image is an image in which the value of each pixel is
a single sample, that is, it carries only intensity information. Images of this sort, also known
as black-and-white, are composed exclusively of shades of gray, varying from black at the
weakest intensity to white at the strongest.
Grayscale images are distinct from one-bit bi-tonal black and-white images, which in the
context of computer imaging are images with only the two colors, black, and white (also
called bi-level or binary images).

3. Image Enhancement
Now we want to bring our image in contrast to background so that a proper threshold level may
be selected while binary conversion is carried out. This calls for image enhancement techniques.
The objective of enhancement is to process an image so that result is more suitable than the
original image for the specific application. There are many techniques that may be used to play
with the features in an image but may not be used in every case. Listed below are a few
fundamental functions used frequently for image enhancement.

 Linear (negative and identity transformations)
 Logarithmic (log and inverse log transformations)
 Power law transformations(gamma correction)
 Piecewise linear transformation functions
 Histogram equalization
We choose normal Image Adjustment & Histogram equalization to enhance the greyscale image.
This enhancement techniques help the image processing when images are taken in foggy weather.
4. Image Matching Using Edge Detection
We proposed edge detection image matching method to identify the density of the traffic. It follows
two steps
Step 1: Edge detection: Among the key features of an image i.e. edges, lines, and points. We have
used edge in our present work which can be detected from the abrupt change in the gray level. An
edge essentially demarcates between two distinctly different regions, which means that an edge is
the border between two different regions i.e. the edge of the cars in our case.
 Edge detection methods locate the pixels in the image that correspond to the edges of the
objects (cars) seen in the image.
 The result is a binary image with the detected edge pixels.
 Common algorithms used are Sobel Edge Detection Technique, Perwitt Edge Detection,
Roberts Edge Detection Technique, Zerocross Threshold Edge Detection Technique and
Canny Edge Detection Technique.
In our project we used Canny Edge Detection Technique because of its various advantages over
other edge detection techniques. Canny edge detection gives better result as compared to others
with some positive points. It is less sensitive to noise, adaptive in nature, resolved the problem
of streaking, provides good localization and detects sharper edges as compared to others.
It is consider as optimal edge detection technique hence lot of work and improvement on
this algorithm has been done and also further improvements are possible.

Step 2: Image matching: Edge based matching is the process in which two representatives (edge)
of the same objects are paired together. Any edge or its representation on one image is compared

and evaluated against all the edges on the other image. Edge detection of reference and the real
time images has been done using canny edge detection technique. Then these edge detected images
are matched and accordingly the traffic light durations can be set.

We have used an approach of comparing a reference image with the real time image pixel by pixel.
Though there are some disadvantages related to pixel based matching but it is one of the best
techniques for the algorithm which is used in the project for decision making. Real image is stored
in matric in memory and the real time image is also converted in the desired matric. For images
to be same their pixel values in matrix must be same. This is the simplest fact used in pixel
matching. If there is any mismatch in pixel value it adds on to the counter used to calculate
number of pixel mismatches. Finally percentage of matching is expressed as

%match=No. of pixels matched successfully

total no. of pixels

 After edge detection procedure both reference and real time images are matched and traffic
lights can be controlled based on percentage of matching.
 If the matching is between 0 to 10% - green light is on for 90 seconds.
 If the matching is between 10 to 50% - green light is on for 60 seconds.
 If the matching is between 50 to 70% - green light is on for 30 seconds.
 If the matching is between 70 to 90% - green light is on for 20 seconds.
 If the matching is between 90 to 100% - green light is on for 10 seconds.

The image processing techniques are implemented on MATLAB. And the flowchart of the
Matlab code is described on the next page


Take images from the 4


Images taken from

All junctions?

Convert images to Gray

Scale No


Apply image enhancement

on the images

Apply Canny Edge Detection

on the images

Compare edge detected

images with reference

Compute the green light

timing for each junction

Pass result to LabVIEW


Fig 2. Flow chart of the MATLAB code for the image processing

The program written using MATLAB to implement the above algorithm is sent independently as
MATLAB file. However the output of each step and final results of the program are given below.

1. RGB to Grayscale Conversion

a. Original RGB image b. Grayscale converted image

Fig 3. Original RGB image & Grayscale Converted Image
2. Canny Edge Detection

a. Grayscale converted image b. canny edge detected image

Fig 4. Grayscale converted image & Canny edge detected Image

3. Image Matching Results and Timing

As we can see the output of GUI given above clearly indicates the implemented results of the
algorithm designed. The matching gives a good result in every cases. It displays the timing for the
4 junctions accordingly. It showed matching depending on the percentage of the edge detected.

“Traffic control using image processing” technique that we propose overcomes the limitations
of the earlier (in use) techniques used for controlling the traffic. Earlier in automatic traffic control
use of timer had a drawback that the time is being wasted by green light on the empty. The
technique we proposed avoids this problem. Upon comparison of various edge detection
algorithms, it was inferred that Canny Edge Detector technique is the most efficient one. The
project demonstrates that image processing is a far more efficient method of traffic control as
compared to traditional techniques. Also it is more effective than the density based system based
on since it is cost effective and less prone to error. The use of our technique removes the need for
extra hardware such as sound sensors & magnetic loop embedded in pavements. The major
advantage is the variation in signal time which control appropriate traffic density using Image
matching. The accuracy in calculation of time due to single moving camera depends on the
registration position while facing road every time.

Output of GUI clearly indicated some expected results. It showed matching in almost every
interval that were decided as boundaries like 10%, 35%, 68% etc.

The study showed that image processing is a better technique to control the state change of the
traffic light. It shows that it can reduce the traffic congestion and avoids the time being wasted by
a green light on an empty road. It is also more consistent in detecting vehicle presence because it
uses actual traffic images. It visualizes the reality so it functions much better than those systems
that rely on the detection of the vehicles’ metal content. Overall, the system is good but it still
needs improvement to achieve a hundred percent accuracy.

The hardware implementation would enable the project to be used in real-time practical conditions.
In addition, we propose a system to identify the vehicles as they pass by, giving preference to
emergency vehicles and assisting in surveillance on a large scale. The handling of emergency with
the help of assigning priority has an advantage since safety human is maintained.

The focus shall be to implement the controller using DSP as it can avoid heavy investment in
industrial control computer while obtaining improved computational power and optimized system
structure. The hardware implementation would enable the project to be used in real-time practical

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