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Last update 23/12/98

DeviceNet Encoder Documentation - Revision 1.2


I – Introduction...................................................................................... 3
II – Object Model................................................................................... 4
III – Input Messages types .................................................................... 4
IV – Class and instance services .......................................................... 4
V – Output Messages types.................................................................. 5
VI – Identity Object : Class Code 1 ....................................................... 6
Instance Attributes........................................................................... 6
VII – DeviceNet Object : Class Code 3 ................................................. 7
Instance Attributes : DeviceNET...................................................... 7
VIII – Assembly Object : Class Code 4 ................................................. 9
Instance 1 : Value Position (input)................................................... 9
Instance 3 : Auto Zero (output)........................................................ 9
Instance 40 : Configuration.............................................................. 9
IX – Connection Object : Class Code 5............................................... 10
Instance 1 : Explicit Connection .................................................... 10
Instance 2 : Polled Connection...................................................... 11
Instance 3 : Bit Strobe Connection ................................................ 12
Instance 4 : Cyclic Connection (unacknowledged) ........................ 13
Instance 4 : Cyclic Connection (acknowledged) ............................ 14
X – Parameter Object : Class Code 15 ............................................... 16
Instance 1 : Resolution.................................................................. 16
Instance 2 : Offset ......................................................................... 17
XI – Position Sensor Object : Class Code 35...................................... 18
Instance 2 : Offset ......................................................................... 19
XII – Acknowledge Handler Object : Class Code 43 ........................... 20
Number of Instances : 1 ................................................................ 20
XIII – Connector.................................................................................. 21

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DeviceNet Encoder Documentation - Revision 1.2

I – Introduction
The Encoder is a resolver device and supports the Master/slave Connection
Set for master/slave communications on the DeviceNet network. This device
operates as a Slave and does not support the Explicit Unconnected Message
Manager (UCMM incapable).

The encoder position can be read according to 4 ways:

- activation of a connection of the type POLLING (gives position upon

request of the Master),

- activation of a connection of the type BIT STROBE upon request of the

Master of the type " broadcast " (general request) on a maximum of 63
devices simultaneously in the same request,

- activation of a connection of the type CYCLIC, in this case the encoder

gives its position by a timer programmed directly by DeviceNet protocol
(EPR attribute of the cyclic object),
- read the attribute position of the Encoder Object (accessed by Explicit

Connection of the explicit type is not planned for a reading of the encoder but
in a general way it is used to address any of the active DeviceNet objects
within the encoder as well as their attributes. One can consider that this
connection is to some extent the DeviceNet electronic mail. This explicit
connection is the first connection to be established before beginning anything
and activating one of the 3 other connections (polling, bit strobe, cyclic).

The polling and cyclic modes can not be simultaneously activated while the
polling mode and bit strobe or bit strobe and cyclic are allowed at the same

The encoder is identified in several ways:

1) as a device type of the encoder and a single serial number entered in
factory and a vendor ID given to IDEACOD by the ODVA,

2) as a node number on the network level and in relation to a main device

(number of node from 1 to 63). The factory configuration gives the node
number as 63. This number can be modified by the Master by addressing a
particular DeviceNet object and upon reception of a reset command coming
from the Master. On a same Master one can connect 63 devices.

The object model of this resolver is described on the following pages.

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II – Object Model

Object Class Class Number # of Instances

Identity 1 1
Message Router 2 1
DeviceNet 3 1
Assembly 4 3
(1 input, 1 output, 1 configuration)
Connection 5 4
( poll, bit strobe, cyclic and explicit)
Parameter 15 2
Position Sensor 35 1
Acknowledge Handler 43 1

III – Input Messages types

This device is a group 2 slave and supports the following message types.

CAN Identifier Field Group 2 Message Type

10xxxxxx000 Master Bit Strobe Command Messages
10xxxxxx100 Master Explicit Request Messages
10xxxxxx101 Master I/O Poll Command Messages
10xxxxxx110 Unconnected Explicit Request Messages
10xxxxxx111 Duplicate MACID Check Messages
10xxxxxx010 Master acknowledge for cyclic Messages

IV – Class and instance services

Following class and instance services are supported.

Service Name Service Code

Reset 0x05
Get_Attribute_Single 0x0E
Set_Attribute_Single 0x10
Allocate_Group2_Identifier_Set 0x4B
Release_Group2_Identifier_Set 0x4C

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V – Output Messages types

This device is of type group 2 slave and can send the following message (group 2
and group 1).

CAN Identifier Field Group 2 Message Type

10xxxxxx011 Slave Explicit/Unconnected Response
10xxxxxx111 Duplicate MACID Check Messages
10xxxxxx010 Master acknowledge for cyclic Messages

CAN Identifier Field Group 1 Message Type

01101xxxxxx Slave I/O Cyclic Messages
01110xxxxxx Slave I/O Bit Strobe Response Messages
01111xxxxxx Slave I/O Poll Response Messages

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VI – Identity Object : Class Code 1

Class Attributes

Attribute ID Access Rule Name DeviceNet Data Value

Data Type
1 Get Revision UINT 0x0001

Number of Instances : 1

Instance Attributes

Attribute ID Access Rule Name DeviceNet Data Value

Data Type
1 Get Vendor ID UINT 324
2 Get Device Type UINT 0x0009
3 Get Product Code UINT 0x0001
4 Get Revision Struct of :
Major Rev. USINT 1
Minor Rev. USINT 1
5 Get Status WORD Device status
6 Get Serial Num. UDINT Unique 32 bits
7 Get Product Name Struct of :
String length

Common Services

Service Code For Class For Instance Service

0x0E Yes Yes Get_Attribute_single
0x05 No Yes Reset

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VII – DeviceNet Object : Class Code 3

Class Attributes

Attribute ID Access Rule Name DeviceNet Data Value

Data Type
1 Get Revision UINT 0x0002

Number of Instances : 1

Instance Attributes : DeviceNET

Attribute ID Access Rule Name DeviceNet Data Value

Data Type
1 Get/Set Node Address USINT 63 (default)
2 Get/Set Baud Rate USINT 0 (default) *
3 Get BOI BOOL 0
4 Get/Set Bus Off USINT Range
Counter 0 – 255
5 Get/Set Allocation Struct of :
Alloc . Choice BYTE Alloc. Byte **
Master’ s USINT 0- 63 or
MACID 255 (not

* Baud Rate 0 125 k baud

1 250 k baud
2 500 k baud

** Alloc. Byte : bit 0 Explicit Message supported, 1 to allocate

bit 1 Polled supported, 1 to allocate
bit 2 Bit Strobe supported, 1 to allocate
bit 3 Reserved always 0
bit 4 Change of State not supported, 0
bit 5 Cyclic supported, 1 to allocate
bit 6 Ack Suppress supported, 1 to allocate
bit 7 reserved always 0

Polled and Cyclic connection are not permitted at the same time.
Cyclic can be set with Bit Strobe and, Polled with Bit Strobe to.

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Common Services

Service Code For Class For Instance Service

0x0E Yes Yes Get_Attribute_single
0x10 No Yes Set_Attribute_single
0x4B No Yes Allocate Master/Slave
0x4C No Yes Release Master/Slave

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VIII – Assembly Object : Class Code 4

Class Attributes

Attribute ID Access Rule Name DeviceNet Data Value

Data Type
1 Get Revision UINT 0x0001

Number of Instances : 3

Instance 1 : Value Position (input)

Attribute ID Access Rule Name DeviceNet Data Value

Data Type
3 Get Position UDINT 32 bits where
29 LSB bits
are significant

Instance 3 : Auto Zero (output)

Attribute ID Access Rule Name DeviceNet Data Value

Data Type
3 Get/Set Zero flag BOOL 0–1

Instance 40 : Configuration

Attribute ID Access Rule Name DeviceNet Data Value

Data Type
3 Get Configuration Struct of :
Resolution USINT 0–5*
Zero offset UDINT / **

* Resolution byte 0 13 bit position resolution multi turn

1 10 bit position resolution multi turn
2 2 bit position resolution multi turn
3 0 bit position resolution multi turn
4 13 bit position resolution single turn
5 10 bit position resolution single turn
** Zero offset a 32 bit value representing the offset value to have a current
position value 0. A maximum of 29 bits are significant.

Common Services

Service Code For Class For Instance Service

0x0E Yes Yes Get_Attribute_single
0x10 No Yes Set_Attribute_single

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IX – Connection Object : Class Code 5

Class Attributes

Attribute ID Access Rule Name DeviceNet Data Value

Data Type
1 Get Revision UINT 0x0001

Number of Instances : 4

Instance 1 : Explicit Connection

Attribute ID Access Name DeviceNet Data Value

Rule Data Type
1 Get State USINT 0 non existent
3 established
2 Get Instance type USINT 0
3 Get Transport class BYTE 0x83
4 Get Produced Id UINT 10xxxxxx011
« xxxxxx » node
5 Get Consumed Id UINT 10xxxxxx100
« xxxxxx » node
6 Get Initial Com USINT 0x21
7 Get Prod Cnx size UINT 7
8 Get Cons. Cnx size UINT 7
9 Get/Set Expected Packet UINT 1250 (default) with
Rate timer resolution 8 ms
12 Get Watchdog time USINT 1 (auto delete :default)
out action 3 (deferred delete)
13 Get Prod. Cnx path USINT 0
14 Get Prod. Cnx path Null
15 Get Cons. Cnx path USINT 0
16 Get Cons. Cnx path Null
17 Get Production inhibit UINT 0x0000

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Instance 2 : Polled Connection

Attribute ID Access Name DeviceNet Data Value

Rule Data Type
1 Get State USINT 0 non existent
1 configuring
3 established
4 timed out
2 Get Instance type USINT 1
3 Get Transport class BYTE 0x82
4 Get Produced Id UINT 01111xxxxxx
« xxxxxx » node
5 Get Consumed Id UINT 10xxxxxx101
« xxxxxx » node
6 Get Initial Com USINT 0x01
7 Get Prod Cnx size UINT 4
8 Get Cons. Cnx size UINT 0
9 Get/Set Expected Packet UINT 1250 (default) with
Rate timer resolution 8
12 Get Watchdog time USINT 0 (time out)
out action
13 Get Prod. Cnx path USINT 6
14 Get Prod. Cnx path Struct of :
USINT 0x20
USINT 0x23
USINT 0x24
USINT 0x01
USINT 0x30
USINT 0x03
15 Get Cons. Cnx path USINT 0
16 Get Cons. Cnx path Null
17 Get Production inhibit UINT 0x0000

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Instance 3 : Bit Strobe Connection

Attribute ID Access Name DeviceNet Data Value

Rule Data Type
1 Get State USINT 0 non existent
1 configuring
3 established
4 timed out
2 Get Instance type USINT 1
3 Get Transport class BYTE 0x82
4 Get Produced Id UINT 01110xxxxxx
« xxxxxx » node
5 Get Consumed Id UINT 10xxxxxx000
« xxxxxx » node
6 Get Initial Com USINT 0x02
7 Get Prod Cnx size UINT 4
8 Get Cons. Cnx size UINT 8
9 Get/Set Expected Packet UINT 1250 (default) with
Rate timer resolution 8
12 Get Watchdog time USINT 0 (time out)
out action
13 Get Prod. Cnx path USINT 6
14 Get Prod. Cnx path Struct of :
USINT 0x20
USINT 0x23
USINT 0x24
USINT 0x01
USINT 0x30
USINT 0x03
15 Get Cons. Cnx path USINT 0
16 Get Cons. Cnx path Null
17 Get Production inhibit UINT 0x0000

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Instance 4 : Cyclic Connection (unacknowledged)

Attribute ID Access Name DeviceNet Data Value

Rule Data Type
1 Get State USINT 0 non existent
1 configuring
3 established
4 timed out
2 Get Instance type USINT 1
3 Get Transport class BYTE 0x00
4 Get Produced Id UINT 01101xxxxxx
« xxxxxx » node
5 Get Consumed Id UINT 0xFFFF
6 Get Initial Com USINT 0x0F
7 Get Prod Cnx size UINT 4
8 Get Cons. Cnx size UINT 0
9 Get/Set Expected Packet UINT 1250 (default) with
Rate timer resolution 8
12 Get Watchdog time USINT 0 (time out)
out action
13 Get Prod. Cnx path USINT 6
14 Get Prod. Cnx path Struct of :
USINT 0x20
USINT 0x23
USINT 0x24
USINT 0x01
USINT 0x30
USINT 0x03
15 Get Cons. Cnx path USINT 0
16 Get Cons. Cnx path Null
17 Get Production inhibit UINT 0x0000

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Instance 4 : Cyclic Connection (acknowledged)

Attribute ID Access Name DeviceNet Data Value

Rule Data Type
1 Get State USINT 0 non existent
1 configuring
3 established
4 timed out
2 Get Instance type USINT 1
3 Get Transport class BYTE 0x02
4 Get Produced Id UINT 01101xxxxxx
« xxxxxx » node
5 Get Consumed Id UINT 10xxxxxx010
« xxxxxx » node
6 Get Initial Com USINT 0x01
7 Get Prod Cnx size UINT 4
8 Get Cons. Cnx size UINT 0
9 Get/Set Expected Packet UINT 1250 (default) with
Rate timer resolution 8
12 Get Watchdog time USINT 0 (time out)
out action
13 Get Prod. Cnx path USINT 6
14 Get Prod. Cnx path Struct of :
USINT 0x20
USINT 0x23
USINT 0x24
USINT 0x01
USINT 0x30
USINT 0x03
15 Get Cons. Cnx path USINT 4
16 Get Cons. Cnx path 0x20
17 Get Production inhibit UINT 0x0000

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Common Services

Service Code For Class For Instance Service

0x05 No Yes Reset *
0x0E Yes Yes Get_Attribute_single
0x10 No Yes Set_Attribute_single

Reset * for the Instance resets connection timer and change the
state from timed out to established. No action on cyclic
connection instance in unacknowledged mode (reload production

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X – Parameter Object : Class Code 15

Class Attributes

Attribute ID Access Rule Name DeviceNet Data Value

Data Type
2 Get Max Instance UINT 0x0002
8 Get Parameter WORD 0x0009
class descriptor
9 Get Configuration UINT 0x0028
assembly (40 dec)

Number of Instances : 2

Instance 1 : Resolution

Attribute ID Access Name DeviceNet Data Value

Rule Data Type
1 Get/Set Resolution USINT 0–5*
2 Get Link path size USINT 6
3 Get Link path Struct of :
USINT 0x20
USINT 0x23
USINT 0x24
USINT 0x01
USINT 0x30
USINT 0x05
4 Get Descriptor WORD 0
5 Get Data Type USINT 8
6 Get Data Size USINT 1

* Resolution byte 0 13 bit position resolution multi turn

1 10 bit position resolution multi turn
2 2 bit position resolution multi turn
3 0 bit position resolution multi turn
4 13 bit position resolution single turn
5 10 bit position resolution single turn

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Instance 2 : Offset

Attribute ID Access Name DeviceNet Data Value

Rule Data Type
1 Get Offset UDINT
2 Get Link path size USINT 6
3 Get Link path Struct of :
USINT 0x20
USINT 0x23
USINT 0x24
USINT 0x01
USINT 0x30
USINT 0x06
4 Get Descriptor WORD 0x0010
5 Get Data Type USINT 9
6 Get Data Size USINT 4

Common Services

Service Code For Class For Instance Service

0x0E Yes Yes Get_Attribute_single
0x10 No Yes Set_Attribute_single

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XI – Position Sensor Object : Class Code 35

Number of Instances : 2

Instance 1

Attribute ID Access Name DeviceNet Data Value

Rule Data Type
3 Get Position value UDINT
5 Get/Set Resolution USINT 0–5*
6 Get Zero offset UDINT
9 Get/Set Zero flag BOOL 0 – 1 **

* Resolution byte 0 13 bit position resolution multi turn

1 10 bit position resolution multi turn
2 2 bit position resolution multi turn
3 0 bit position resolution multi turn
4 13 bit position resolution single turn
5 10 bit position resolution single turn

** Zero flag When this flag is changing from 0 to 1 the Zero

offset is loaded with the current position value to
place the current position value to 0.

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Instance 2 : Offset

Attribute ID Access Name DeviceNet Data Value

Rule Data Type
1 Get Offset UDINT
2 Get Link path size USINT 6
3 Get Link path Struct of :
USINT 0x20
USINT 0x23
USINT 0x24
USINT 0x01
USINT 0x30
USINT 0x06
4 Get Descriptor WORD 0x0010
5 Get Data Type USINT 9
6 Get Data Size USINT 4

Common Services

Service Code For Class For Instance Service

0x0E Yes Yes Get_Attribute_single
0x10 No Yes Set_Attribute_single

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XII – Acknowledge Handler Object : Class Code 43

Class Attributes

Attribute ID Access Rule Name DeviceNet Data Value

Data Type
1 Get Revision UINT 0x0001
2 Get Max Instance UINT 0x0001

Number of Instances : 1

Instance 1

Attribute ID Access Name DeviceNet Data Value

Rule Data Type
1 Get/Set Acknowledge UINT 1 - 65535 ms
timer (16 default)
2 Get/Set Retry limit USINT 0 –255
(1 default)
3 Get Cyclic Producing UINT Connection
Connection Instance ID
Instance (0x0004 for cyclic)
4 Get Ack list size BYTE 0 or 1
5 Get Ack list BYTE 0 or 1
Array of UINT Null or 0x0004

Common Services

Service Code For Class For Instance Service

0x0E Yes Yes Get_Attribute_single
0x10 No Yes Set_Attribute_single
0x05 Yes Yes Reset

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XIII – Connector

Mini Male

Device NET
2 24V


Pin 1 Shielding connection

Pin 2 Power Supply to VDC (11 to 30 Volts)
Pin 3 Power Supply to Ground
Pin 4, Pin 5 Connection to CAN

Power Supply has to be stabilized and regulated

Consumption of the encoder at 24VDC : 120 mA

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