The Customs of The Tagalogs

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 The Customs of the Tagalogs- written by Juan de Plasencia, a Franciscan missionary in the Tagalog

Region in the 1578 until 1590. The writing is all about a narrative that shows the customs and
traditions of the native people of Luzon during his time based on his own observation and
 It provided an information about the government, administration, justice, inheritance, slaves,
dowries, worship, burial and superstition of the Indians in the colony.

1.) Datu (Chieftain)- the one who governed the people and were the captains in their wars, and whom
they obeyed and reverenced.
- The Datos ruled over a tribal gathering in which it is called “Barangay” (wherein it is a unit of
government ruled by a chieftain and is mainly consists of 30 to 100 houses).
- It is ascertained that a barangay in its origin was a family of parents and children, relation and
- The Chieftains executive function includes implementing laws, ensuring order and giving
protection to his subject.
- In terms of Inheritance, the chieftains eldest son inherits his position, If the 1st son dies, the
second son take over; however, in the absence of a male heirs, it is the eldest daughter that
becomes the chieftain.

Social Caste (Classes)

1.) Nobles/Maharlicas- the feudal warrior class in the ancient Tagalog society in Luzon the
Philippines translated in Spanish as Hidalgos, and meaning freeman, libres or freedman.
They belonged to the lower nobility class similar to the Timawa of the Visayan people.

- The Maharlika were a martial class of freemen.[10] Like the Timawa, they were
free vassals of their Datu who were exempt from taxes and tribute but were required to
provide military service. In times of war, the Maharlika were obligated to provide and
prepare weapons at their own expense and answer the summons of the Datu, wherever
and whenever that might be, in exchange for a share in the war spoils (ganima).
- They do not pay taxes.
2.) Commoners/ Aliping Namamahay- A higher class compared to siguiguilir , wherein it refers
to alipin that had their own houses, which was usually built on the property of their masters.

But unlike the siguiguilir, the aliping namamahay they have the right to choose someone they
wanted to marry, they can have their own property except for the land where their house is
placed, their obligations (services) cant be sold or transferred to another master and lastly they
are being paid for the services that they’ve rendered.

3.) Slaves/ Aliping sa gigilid- A type of slaves that belong to the lowest class, they owned no
property. They lived in their master’s house . They could not get married without the consent
of their master . They could also be sold anytime.

Ang mga Aliping Sagigilid ay maituturing na isa sa mga pinaka mababang antas na kung saan
ay wala itong sariling ari-arian at ito’y nakatira lamang sa kanyang amo na kung saan maari
itong magtrabaho ng walang kabayaran at naglilingkod dahil itinuturing siyang pag aari ng
kanayang amo o panginoon.
Under these three classes:

Situation 1: If these maharlicas had children among their slaves, the children and their
mother(slave) became free

Situation 2: If maharlicas had children by the slave-woman of another, the slave-woman was
compelled when pregnant, to give her master half of a gold tael.
In this case, half of the child was free if the father (Maharlica) recognized him. If not, the child will
become a whole slave.
Situation 3: If a free woman had children by a slave, they were all free, provided he were not her

Situation 4: If two persons get married, of whom one was a maharlika and the other is a slave,
their children will be divided:

Father Side: Odd Numbers, 1sr,3rd, 5th and so on.

Mother Side: Even Numbers: 2nd,4th,6th and so on.

If only child (Half Free, Half Slave)

Dowry- These are a transfer of parental property, gifts or money at the marriage of their daughter.

Usually dowries are given by the men to the women’s parents.

It is stated that if the woman’s parent is still living then they can enjoy in using it. Also, if both the
parents are already dead and the dowry has still not been consumed then it will be equally divided
equally among their children. And if the wife, at the time of her marriage , has neither his father,
mother nor grandparents presence, then she can fully enjoy the whole amount of dowry solely.

Worship of the Tagalogs:

There are no temples that can be used to perform their sacrifices, perform their adoration to their
Idols ( the one that they Worship) or the general practice of idolatry.

-No Temples that are currently established

- Simbahan- temple or place of adoration

- Pandot or worship which was formerly celebrated in the large house of the chief.

- Nagaanitos- A four day celebration where family get reunited and joined in the worship.


Badhala- maker of all things

The Sun

The Moon
Calendar system:

Their primary way of establishing dates is through the cultivation of the soil, counted by moons,
and the different effect produced upon the trees when yielding flowers, fruits, leaves.

Manner of Sacrificing:

Proclaim a feast, and offer to the devil on what they had to eat.

This was usually done in front of the Idol, which they anoint with fragrant perfumes such as musk
and civet, or gum of the storax-tree and other odoriferous woods.

Catolonan- is a priest or priestess in the indigenous religions of the Tagalog and Kapampangan

Young Girls who first had their monthly courses are usually blindfolded for fourdays and four

The friends and relatives were all invited to partake for food and drink.

Their manner of burying the dead was as follows: The Deceased was buried beside his house,

But if a chief, he was placed beneath a liitle house or porch

They mourned for four days

Maca- a place called paradise or village of rest.

Casanaan- A place of anguish

Vibit- a term they use for the word ghost

Tigbalaang- a term they use to refer to phantoms


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