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1. Villegas vs.

Hui Chiong Tsai Pao Ho

Facts: The Municipal Board of Manila enacted Ordinance No, the Court does not have the authority to inquire into
6537 requiring aliens (except those employed in the the wisdom of the Act. Charters or special laws granted
diplomatic and consular missions of foreign countries, in and enacted by the legislature are in the nature of private
technical assistance programs of the government and contracts. They do not constitute a part of the machinery
another country, and members of religious orders or of the general government. Also, the Court ought not to
congregations) to procure the requisite mayor’s permit so disturb the ruling of the Court of Tax Appeals on the
as to be employed or engage in trade in the City of Manila. constitutionality of the law in question.
The permit fee is P50, and the penalty for the violation of
the ordinance is 3 to 6 months imprisonment or a fine of No. The legislature has the inherent power not only to
P100 to P200, or both. select the subjects of taxation but to grant exemptions.
Tax exemptions have never been deemed violative of the
Issue: Whether the ordinance imposes a regulatory fee or equal protection clause. Herein, the 5% franchise tax rate
a tax. provided in Section 259 of the Tax Code was never
intended to have universal application. Section 259
Held: The ordinance’s purpose is clearly to raise money expressly allows the payment of taxes at rates lower than
under the guise of regulation by exacting P50 from aliens 5% when the charter granting the franchise precludes the
who have been cleared for employment. The amount is imposition of a higher tax. RA 3843, the law granting the
unreasonable and excessive because it fails to consider franchise, did not only fix and specify a franchise tax of 2%
difference in situation among aliens required to pay it, i.e. on its gross receipts but made it in lieu of any and all
being casual, permanent, part-time, rank-and-file or taxes, all laws to the contrary notwithstanding. The
executive. company, hence, is not liable for deficiency taxes.

[ The Ordinance was declared invalid as it is arbitrary, 3. The Province of Misamis Oriental vs Cagayan
oppressive and unreasonable, being applied only to aliens Electric Power and Light Company, 181 SCRA 38 [GR
who are thus deprived of their rights to life, liberty and No. L-45355 January 12, 1990]
property and therefore violates the due process and equal
protection clauses of the Constitution. Further, the Facts: Cagayan Electric Power and Light Company Inc.
ordinance does not lay down any criterion or standard to was granted a franchise on June 17, 1961 under Republic
guide the Mayor in the exercise of his discretion, thus Act No. 3247 to install, operate and maintain an electric
conferring upon the mayor arbitrary and unrestricted light, heat and power system in the City of Cagayan de
powers. ] Oro and its suburbs. Said franchise was amended on June
21, 1963 by RA 3570 which added the municipalities of
Tagoloan and Opol to CEPALCO’s sphere of operation,
2. Commissioner v Lingayen Gulf Electric GR No L- and was further amended on August 4, 1969, by RA 6020
23771, August 4, 1988 which extended its field of operation to the municipalities
of Villanueva and Jasaan.
Lingayen Gulf Electric Power operates an electric power R.A. Nos. 3247, 3570 and 6020 uniformly provide that:
plant serving the municipalities of Lingayen and Binmaley,
Pangasinan, pursuant to municipal franchise granted it by Sec. 3. In consideration of the franchise and rights hereby
the respective municipal councils. The franchises provided granted, the grantee shall pay a franchise tax equal to
that the grantee shall pay quarterly to the provincial three per centum of the gross earnings for electric current
treasury of Pangasinan 1% of the gross earnings obtained sold under this franchise, of which two per centum goes
through the privilege for the first 20 years (from 1946) and into the National Treasury and one per centum goes into
2% during the remaining 15 years of the life of the the treasury of the Municipalities of Tagoloan, Opol,
franchise. In 1955, the BIR assessed and demanded Villanueva and Jasaan and Cagayan de Oro City, as the
against the company deficiency franchise taxes and case may be: Provided, That the said franchise tax of
surcharges from the years 1946 to 1954 applying the three per centum of the gross earnings shall be in lieu of
franchise tax rate of 5% on gross receipts from 1948 to all taxes and assessments of whatever authority upon
1954. The company asked for a reinvestigation, which was privileges earnings, income, franchise, and
denied. CTA, however, ruled for Lingayen. Hence, this poles,wires, transformers, and insulators of the
petition. grantee from which taxes and assessments the
grantee is hereby expressly exempted. (Emphasis
ISSUES: supplied.)
1. Whether the Court can inquire into the wisdom of the
franchise On June 28, 1973, the Local Tax Code (P.D. No. 231) was
2. Whether a rate below 5% is violative of the uniformity promulgated, Section 9 of which provides:
clause in the Constitution
Sec. 9. Franchise Tax.—Any provision of special laws to Local tax regulation no. 3-75 issued by the secretary of
the contrary notwithstanding, the province may impose a finance on June 26, 1976, has made it crystal clear that
tax on businesses enjoying franchise, based on the gross the franchise tax provided in the local tax code may only
receipts realized within its territorial jurisdiction, at the rate be imposed on companies with franchises that do not
of not exceeding one-half of one per cent of the gross contain the exempting clause. Thus it provides:
annual receipts for the preceding calendar year.
The franchise tax imposed under local tax ordinance
In the case of newly started business, the rate shall not pursuant to section 9 of the local tax code, as amended
exceed three thousand pesos per year. Sixty per cent of shall be collected from businesses holding franchise but
the proceeds of the tax shall accrue to the general fund of not from business establishments whose franchise contain
the province and forty per cent to the general fund of the the “in lieu of all taxes proviso.”
municipalities serviced by the business on the basis of the
gross annual receipts derived therefrom by the franchise 4. LLadoc vs CIR 14 SCRA 292
holder. In the case of a newly started business, forty per
cent of the proceeds of the tax shall be divided equally Topic: gift tax is not property but excise tax. Parish is
among the municipalities serviced by the business. liable.
(Emphasis supplied.)
FACTS: M.B. Estate, Inc. donated P10,000.00 in cash to
Pursuant thereto, the province of Misamis Oriental the parish priest of Victorias, Negros Occidental, for the
enacted provincial revenue ordinance no. 9 whose section construction of a new Catholic Church in the locality. The
12 reads: total amount was actually spent for the purpose intended.
A year later, M.B. Estate, Inc., filed the donor's gift tax
Sec 12 Franchise tax – There shall be levied, collected return. CIR issued an assessment for donee's gift tax
and paid on businesses enjoying franchise tax of 1/2 of against the parish, of which petitioner was the priest.
1% of their gross annual receipts for the preceding
calendar year realized within the territorial jurisdiction of Petitioner filed a protest which was denied by the CIR. He
the province of Misamis Oriental. then filed an appeal with the CTA citing that he was not
the parish priest at the time of donation, that there is no
The provincial treasurer of Misamis Oriental demanded legal entity or juridical person known as the "Catholic
payment of the provincial franchise tax from CEPALCO. Parish Priest of Victorias," and, therefore, he should not
The company refused to pay, alleging that it is exempt be liable for the donee's gift tax and that assessment of
from all taxes except the franchise tax required by RA the gift tax is unconstitutional. The CTA denied the appeal
6020. Nevertheless, in view of the opinion rendered by the thus this case.
provincial fiscal, upon CEPALCO’s request, upholding the
legality of the revenue ordinance, CEPALCO paid under ISSUE: Whether petitioner and the parish are liable for the
protest on May 27, 1974 the sum of Php4,276.28 and donee's gift tax.
appealed the fiscal’s ruling to the secretary of justice who
reversed it and ruled in favor of CEPALCO. RULING:
Issue: Whether or not CEPALCO is exempt from the Yes for the parish. The Constitution only made mention of
payment of franchise tax. property tax and not of excise tax as stated in Section 22,
par 3. The assessment of the CIR did not rest upon
Held: Yes. RA 3247, 3570 and 6020 are special laws
general ownership; it was an excise upon the use made of
applicable only to CEPALCO, while PD 231 is a general
the properties, upon the exercise of the privilege of
tax law. The presumption is that the special statutes are
receiving the properties. A gift tax is not a property tax, but
exceptions to the general law because they pertain to a
an excise tax imposed on the transfer of property by way
special charter granted to meet a particular set of
of gift inter vivos, the imposition of which on property used
conditions and circumstances. The franchise of
exclusively for religious purposes, does not constitute an
respondent CEPALCO expressly exempts it from payment
impairment of the Constitution.
of “all taxes of whatever authority” except the 3% tax on its
gross income.
No for the petitioner. The Court ordered petitioner to be
This court pointed out that such exemption is part of the substituted by the Head of Diocese to pay the said gift tax
inducement for the acceptance of the franchise and the after the CIR and Solicitor General did not object to such
rendition of public service by the grantee. As a charter is in substitution.
the nature of a private contract, the imposition of another
franchise tax on the corporation by the local authority
would constitute an impairment of the contract between
the government and the corporation.
5. Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. The Estate of Issue:
Benigno P. Toda, Jr 1) WON respondent Estate is liable for the 1989 deficiency
income tax of Cibeles Insurance Corporation.
Facts: Cibeles Insurance Corporation (CIC) authorized 2) WON the scheme employed by Cibelis Insurance
Benigno P. Toda, Jr., President and owner of 99.991% of Company constitutes tax evasion.
its issued and outstanding capital stock, to sell the Cibeles
Building and the two parcels of land on which the building Held:
stands for an amount of not less than P90 million. Toda 1) Yes. The decision of the Court of Appeals is reversed
purportedly sold the property to Rafael A. Altonaga, who, and respondent Estate of Benigno P. Toda Jr. was
in turn, sold the same property on the same day to Royal ordered to pay P79,099,999.22 as deficiency income tax
Match Inc. (RMI). For the sale of the property to RMI, of Cibeles Insurance Corporation for the year 1989.
Altonaga paid capital gains tax in the amount of P10
million.CIC filed its corporate annual income tax return for It is worth noting that when the late Toda sold his shares
the year 1989, declaring, among other things, its gain from of stock to Le Hun T. Choa, he knowingly and voluntarily
the sale of real property in the amount of P75,728.021. held himself personally liable for all the tax liabilities of CIC
Toda then sold his entire shares of stocks in CIC to Le and the buyer for the years 1987, 1988, and 1989.
Hun T. Choa, as evidenced by a Deed of Sale of Shares Paragraph g of the Deed of Sale of Shares of Stocks
of Stocks. Three and a half years later Toda died. specifically provides:

The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) sent an “xxx SELLER undertakes and agrees to hold the buyer
assessment notice and demand letter to the CIC for and Cibeles free from any and all income tax liabilities of
deficiency income tax for the year 1989. Cibeles for the fiscal years 1987, 1988 and 1989.”

The new CIC asked for a reconsideration, asserting that When the late Toda undertook and agreed “to hold the
the assessment should be directed against the old CIC, buyer and Cibeles free from any all income tax liabilities of
and not against the new CIC, which is owned by an Cibeles for the fiscal years 1987, 1988, and 1989,” he
entirely different set of stockholders; moreover, Toda had thereby voluntarily held himself personally liable therefor.
undertaken to hold the buyer of his stockholdings and the Respondent estate cannot, therefore, deny liability for
CIC free from all tax liabilities for the fiscal years 1987- CIC’s deficiency income tax for the year 1989 by invoking
1989. The Estate of Benigno P. Toda, Jr., represented by the separate corporate personality of CIC, since its
special co-administrators Lorna Kapunan and Mario Luza obligation arose from Toda’s contractual undertaking, as
Bautista, received a Notice of Assessment from the contained in the Deed of Sale of Shares of Stock.
Commissioner of Internal Revenue for deficiency income
tax for the year 1989. 2) Yes. The scheme, explained the Court, resorted to by
CIC in making it appear that there were two sales of the
The Estate thereafter filed a letter of protest. The subject properties, i.e., from CIC to Altonaga, and then
Commissioner dismissed the protest, stating that a from Altonaga to RMI cannot be considered a legitimate
fraudulent scheme was deliberately perpetuated by the tax planning.
CIC wholly owned and controlled by Toda by covering up
the additional gain of P100 million, which resulted in the Fraud in its general sense, “is deemed to comprise
change in the income structure of the proceeds of the sale anything calculated to deceive, including all acts,
of the two parcels of land and the building thereon to an omissions, and concealment involving a breach of legal or
individual capital gains, thus evading the higher corporate equitable duty, trust or confidence justly reposed, resulting
income tax rate of 35%. The Estate filed a petition for in the damage to another, or by which an undue and
review with the CTA alleging that the Commissioner erred unconscionable advantage is taken of another.”
in holding the Estate liable for income tax deficiency.
It is obvious that the objective of the sale to Altonaga was
In its decision, the CTA held that the Commissioner failed to reduce the amount of tax to be paid especially that the
to prove that CIC committed fraud to deprive the transfer from him to RMI would then subject the income to
government of the taxes due it. It ruled that even only 5% individual capital gains tax, and not the 35%
assuming that a pre-conceived scheme was adopted by corporate income tax. Altonaga’s sole purpose of
CIC, the same constituted mere tax avoidance, and not acquiring and transferring title of the subject properties on
tax evasion. Hence, the CTA declared that the Estate is the same day was to create a tax shelter. Altonaga never
not liable for deficiency income tax and, accordingly, controlled the property and did not enjoy the normal
cancelled and set aside the assessment issued by the benefits and burdens of ownership. The sale to him was
Commissioner. Court of Appeals affirmed the decision of merely a tax ploy, a sham, and without business purpose
the CTA. and economic substance. Doubtless, the execution of the
two sales was calculated to mislead the BIR with the end
in view of reducing the consequent income tax liability.
In a nutshell, the intermediary transaction, i.e., the certified the case to the Supreme Court for the reason that
sale of Altonaga, which was prompted more on the the errors assigned involved only questions of law.
mitigation of tax liabilities than for legitimate business
purposes constitutes one of tax evasion. Issue: Whether the Society is required to secure municipal
permit to allow it to sell and distribute bibles and religious
Generally, a sale or exchange of assets will have an literature, and to pay taxes from the sales thereof.
income tax incidence only when it is consummated. The
incidence of taxation depends upon the substance of a Held: No. Section 27 (e) of Commonwealth Act 466
transaction. The tax consequences arising from gains (NIRC) exempts corporations or associations organized
from a sale of property are not finally to be determined and operated exclusively for religious, charitable, or
solely by the means employed to transfer legal title. educational purposes, Provided however, That the income
Rather, the transaction must be viewed as a whole, and of whatever kind and character from any of its properties,
each step from the commencement of negotiations to the real or personal, or from any activity conducted for profit,
consummation of the sale is relevant. A sale by one regardless of the disposition made of such income, shall
person cannot be transformed for tax purposes into a sale be liable to the tax imposed under the Code. Herein, the
by another by using the latter as a conduit through which act of distributing and selling bibles, etc. is purely religious
to pass title. To permit the true nature of the transaction to and cannot be made liable for taxes or fees therein.
be disguised by mere formalisms, which exist solely to Further, Ordinance 2529, as amended, cannot be applied
alter tax liabilities, would seriously impair the effective to the Society, for in doing so it would impair its free
administration of the tax policies of Congress. exercise and enjoyment of its religious profession and
worship as well as its rights of dissemination of religious
To allow a taxpayer to deny tax liability on the ground beliefs. The fact that the price of the bibles and other
that the sale was made through another and distinct entity religious pamphlets are little higher than the actual cost of
when it is proved that the latter was merely a conduit is to the same does not necessarily mean that it is already
sanction a circumvention of our tax laws. Hence, the sale engaged in the business or occupation of selling said
to Altonaga should be disregarded for income tax “merchandise” for profit. Furthermore, Ordinance 3000 of
purposes. The two sale transactions should be treated as the City of Manila is of general application and it does not
a single direct sale by CIC to RMI. contain any provisions whatsoever prescribing religious
censorship nor restraining the free exercise and
6. American Bible Society vs City of Manila enjoyment of any religious profession. The ordinance is
not applicable to the Society, as its business, trade or
Facts: In the course of its ministry, American Bible occupation is not particularly mentioned in Section 3 of the
Society’s Philippine agency has been distributing and Ordinance, and the record does not show that a permit is
selling bibles and/or gospel portions thereof (since 1898, required therefor under existing laws and ordinances for
but except during the Japanese occupation) throughout the proper supervision and enforcement of their provisions
the Philippines and translating the same into several governing the sanitation, security and welfare of the public
Philippine dialects. and the health of the employees engaged in the business
of the Society.
On 29 May 1953, the acting City Treasurer of the City of
Manila informed the Society that it was conducting the 7. CIR VS SC JOHNSON & SON, INCS AND CA [G.R.
business of general merchandise since November 1945, No. 127105. June 25, 1999]
without providing itself with the necessary Mayor’s permit
and municipal license, in violation of Ordinance 3000, as FACTS: JOHNSON AND SON, INC a domestic
amended, and Ordinances 2529, 3028 and 3364, and corporation organized and operating under the Philippine
required the Society to secure, within 3 days, the laws, entered into a license agreement with SC Johnson
corresponding permit and license fees, together with and Son, United States of America(USA), a non-resident
compromise covering the period from the 4th quarter of foreign corporation based in the U.S.A. pursuant to which
1945 to the 2nd quarter of 1953, in the total sum of the [respondent] was granted the right to use the
P5,821.45. On 24 October 1953, the Society paid to the trademark, patents and technology owned by the latter
City including the right to manufacture, package and distribute
the products covered by the Agreement and secure
Treasurer under protest the said permit and license fees, assistance in management, marketing and production
giving at the same time notice to the City Treasurer that from SC Johnson and Son, U. S. A. The said License
suitwould be taken in court to question the legality of the Agreement was duly registered with the Technology
ordinances under which the said fees were being Transfer Board of the Bureau of Patents, Trade Marks and
collected, which was done on the same date by filing the Technology Transfer under Certificate of Registration No.
complaint that gave rise to this action. After hearing, the 8064 . For the use of the trademark or technology, SC
lower court dismissed the complaint for lack of merit. the JOHNSON AND SON, INC was obliged to pay SC
Society appealed to the Court of Appeals, which in turn Johnson and Son, USA royalties based on a percentage
of net sales and subjected the same to 25% withholding
tax on royalty payments which respondent paid for the private respondent must prove that the RP-US Tax Treaty
period covering July 1992 to May 1993.00 On October grants similar tax reliefs to residents of the United States
29,1993, SC JOHNSON AND SON, USA filed with the in respect of the taxes imposable upon royalties earned
International Tax Affairs Division (ITAD) of the BIR a claim from sources within the Philippines as those allowed to
for refund of overpaid withholding tax on royalties arguing their German counterparts under the RP Germany Tax
that, since the agreement was approved by the Treaty. The RP-US and the RP-West Germany Tax
Technology Transfer Board, the preferential tax rate of Treaties do not contain similar provisions on tax crediting.
10% should apply to the respondent. Respondent submits Article 24 of the RP-Germany Tax Treaty, supra, expressly
that royalties paid to SC Johnson and Son, USA is only allows crediting against German income and corporation
subject to 10%withholding tax pursuant to the most- tax of 20% of the gross amount of royalties paid under the
favored nation clause of the RP-US Tax Treaty in relation law of the Philippines. On the other hand, Article 23 of the
to the RP-West Germany Tax Treaty. The Internal Tax RP-US Tax Treaty, which is the counterpart provision with
Affairs Division of the BIR ruled against SC Johnson and respect to relief for double taxation, does not provide for
Son, Inc. and an appeal was filed by the former to the similar crediting of 20% of the gross amount of royalties
Court of tax appeals. The CTA ruled against CIR and paid. At the same time, the intention behind the adoption
ordered that a tax credit be issued in favor of SC Johnson of the provision on relief from double taxation in the two
and Son, Inc. Unpleased with the decision, the CIR filed tax treaties in question should be considered in light of the
an appeal to the CA which subsequently affirmed in toto purpose behind the most favored nation clause.
the decision of the CTA. Hence, an appeal on certiorari
was filed to the SC. Other topics:
Most favored nation clause
THE MAIN ISSUE: The purpose of a most favored nation clause is to grant to
WON SC JOHNSON AND SON, USA IS ENTITLED TO the contracting party treatment not less favorable than that
THE MOST FAVORED NATION TAX RATE OF 10%ON which has been or may be granted to the “most favored”
ROYALTIES AS PROVIDED IN THE RP-US TAX among other countries. It is intended to establish the
TREATY IN RELATION TO THE RP-WEST GERMANY principle of equality of international treatment by providing
TAX TREATY. that the citizens or subjects of the contracting nations may
enjoy the privileges accorded by either party to those of
HELD: the most favored nation. The essence of the principle is to
The concessional tax rate of 10 percent provided for in the allow the taxpayer in one state to avail of more liberal
RP-Germany Tax Treaty could not apply to taxes imposed provisions granted in another tax treaty to which the
upon royalties in the RP-US Tax Treaty since the two country of residence of such taxpayer is also a party
taxes imposed under the two tax treaties are not paid provided that the subject matter of taxation, in this case
under similar circumstances, they are not containing royalty income, is the same as that in the tax treaty under
similar provisions on tax crediting. which the taxpayer is liable. The RP-US Tax Treaty does
not give a matching tax credit of 20 percent for the taxes
The United States is the state of residence since the paid to the Philippines on royalties as allowed under the
taxpayer, S. C. Johnson and Son, U. S. A., is based there. RP-West Germany Tax Treaty, private respondent cannot
Under the RP-US Tax Treaty, the state of residence and be deemed entitled to the 10 percent rate granted under
the state of source are both permitted to tax the royalties, the latter treaty for the reason that there is no payment of
with a restraint on the tax that may be collected by the taxes on royalties under similar circumstances.
state of source. Furthermore, the method employed to
give relief from double taxation is the allowance of a tax Purpose of a Tax Treaty
credit to citizens or residents of the United States against The purpose of these international agreements is to
the United States tax, but such amount shall not exceed reconcile the national fiscal legislations of the contracting
the limitations provided by United States law for the parties in order to help the taxpayer avoid simultaneous
taxable year. The Philippines may impose one of three taxation in two different jurisdictions. The goal of double
rates- 25 percent of the gross amount of the royalties; 15 taxation conventions would be thwarted if such treaties did
percent when the royalties are paid by a corporation not provide for effective measures to minimize, if not
registered with the Philippine Board of Investments and completely eliminate, the tax burden laid upon the income
engaged in preferred areas of activities; or the lowest rate or capital of the investor. Thus, if the rates of tax are
of Philippine tax that may be imposed on royalties of the lowered by the state of source, in this case, by the
same kind paid under similar circumstances to a resident Philippines, there should be a concomitant commitment on
of a third state. the part of the state of residence to grant some form of tax
relief, whether this be in the form of a tax credit or
Given the purpose underlying tax treaties and the rationale exemption. Otherwise, the tax which could have been
for the most favored nation clause, the Tax Treaty should collected by the Philippine government will simply be
apply only if the taxes imposed upon royalties in the RP- collected by another state, defeating the object of the tax
US Tax Treaty and in the RP-Germany Tax Treaty are treaty since the tax burden imposed upon the investor
paid under similar circumstances. This would mean that would remain unrelieved. If the state of residence does not
grant some form of tax relief to the investor, no benefit
would redound to the Philippines, i.e., increased Rationale of reducing tax rates in negotiating tax
investment resulting from a favorable tax regime, should it treaties
impose a lower tax rate on the royalty earnings of the In negotiating tax treaties, the underlying rationale for
investor, and it would be better to impose the regular rate reducing the tax rate is that the Philippines will give up a
rather than lose much-needed revenues to another part of the tax in the expectation that the tax given up for
country. this particular investment is not taxed by the other country.

International Double Taxation and Rationale Tax refunds

International juridical double taxation is defined as the Tax refunds are in the nature of tax exemptions, and as
imposition of comparable taxes in two or more states on such they are regarded as in derogation of sovereign
the same taxpayer in respect of the same subject matter authority and to be construed strictissimi juris against the
and for identical periods; The apparent rationale for doing person or entity claiming the exemption.
away with double taxation is to encourage the free flow of
goods and services and the movement of capital, Burden of proof in tax exemption
technology and persons between countries, conditions The burden of proof is upon him who claims the exemption
deemed vital in creating robust and dynamic economies. in his favor and he must be able to justify his claim by the
clearest grant of organic or statute law.
When is there double taxation?
Double taxation usually takes place when a person is
resident of a contracting state and derives income from, or
owns capital in, the other contracting state and both states
impose tax on that income or capital.

Methods of eliminating double taxation

First, it sets out the respective rights to tax of the state of
source or situs and of the state of residence with regard to
certain classes of income or capital. In some cases, an
exclusive right to tax is conferred on one of the contracting
states; however, for other items of income or capital, both
states are given the right to tax, although the amount of
tax that may be imposed by the state of source is limited.
The second method for the elimination of double taxation
applies whenever the state of source is given a full or
limited right to tax together with the state of residence. In
this case, the treaties make it incumbent upon the state of
residence to allow relief in order to avoid double taxation.
In this case, the treaties make it incumbent upon the state
of residence to allow relief in order to avoid double

Methods of relief on 2nd method

There are two methods of relief, the exemption method
and the credit method.

Exemption method, the income or capital which is taxable

in the state of source or situs is exempted in the state of
residence, although in some instances it may be taken into
account in determining the rate of tax applicable to the
taxpayer’s remaining income or capital.

Credit method, although the income or capital which is

taxed in the state of source is still taxable in the state of
residence, the tax paid in the former is credited against the
tax levied in the latter.

The basic difference between the two methods is that in

the exemption method, the focus is on the income or
capital itself, whereas the credit method focuses upon the

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