Seismic Passive Control of Cable-Stayed Bridges: Hosam-Eddin M. Ali

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Hosam-Eddin M.

Structural Research and Analysis
Santa Monica, CA 90405
Seismic Passive Control of
Ahmed M. Abdel-Ghaffar
Department of Civil Engineering,
Cable-Stayed Bridges
University of Southern California,
Los Angeles, CA 90089-2531

A three-dimensional modeling procedure is proposed for cable-stayed bridges with

rubber, steel, and lead energy dissipation devices. The passive control technique is
investigated by considering the response of bridge models with and without energy
dissipation devices. The impact of various design parameters on the seismic response
of current and future bridge designs is studied. Appropriate locations and properties
of the passive devices can achieve better performance for cable-stayed bridges by
balancing the significant reduction in earthquake-induced forces against tolerable
displacements. Proper design of passive systems can help provide solutions for retro-
fitting some existing bridges. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

INTRODUCTION tile design. The main approach that has been

used in the past to reduce the seismic inertial
Low damping ratios of 0.30-2.0% have been re- forces of cable-stayed bridges was to isolate the
ported for several existing cable-stayed bridges superstructure as much as possible from the
of300-1S00 ft. (100-S00 m) center spans (PWRI, ground motion by supporting the bridge deck
1986). Because this low damping characteristic is only by the cables (i.e., a totally floating system).
not very helpful in alleviating the bridge vibra- Guidelines for the limits expected out of such an
tions, attention has been given recently to the isolation technique can be drawn by changing the
development of special bearings and devices to support scheme at the deck-tower and deck-
dissipate the energy induced in the structure un- abutment connections (Abdel-Ghaffar and Ali,
der service and environmental loading condi- 1990). A significant change in the dynamic prop-
tions. A wide range of planned longer center erties in terms of longer natural period has been
spans of IS00-S000 ft. (4S0-1500 m) can there- reported for a floating deck system. Although the
fore become more feasible in the near future. The lengthening of the natural period is an important
current applications of these bridges cover a cen- parameter in reducing the seismic energy in-
ter or effective span of about 500-1500 ft. (150- duced in the bridge components, the total isola-
450 m) with a ratio of center span to total length tion of the deck from the towers and abutments
ranging from 50 to 60%. can produce large vibrations in the bridge deck
As opposed to short- and medium-span high- during day-to-day performance. Although the
way bridges, it is conceptually unacceptable for bridge deck can usually handle such vibrations,
long-span cable-stayed bridges to allow for a duc- motorists might be alarmed. In addition, exces-

Received October 6, 1993; Accepted January 22, 1995.

Shock and Vibration, Vol. 2, No.4, pp. 259-272 (1995)

© 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 1070-9622/95/040259-12

260 Ali and Abdel-Ghaffar

sive girder movement can result in large forces in to investigate the effectiveness and limitations of
the tower (Kitazawa et al., 1991). Accordingly, using passive energy dissipation devices to con-
special consideration has been given to the deck trol the seismic behavior of this type of bridge
connections at the abutments and the towers of structure. The study focuses on rubber and lead
some existing and recently constructed cable- devices as promising isolation and energy dissi-
stayed bridges. For example, longitudinal elastic pation units; however, the results can be applied
cable restrainers have been used to reduce vibra- or extrapolated to other passive systems as well.
tions and thermal effects in the Meiko-Nishi The motivation for proposing rubber-made bear-
bridge in Japan (Takahashi, 1984). Another ex- ings is their ability to support a high load in com-
ample of elastic devices is the spring shoe used in pression and to accommodate in shear (unlike
the connections of the Hitsuishijima-Iwaguro- other mechanical devices) one or more move-
jima twin cable-stayed bridges in Japan for verti- ments. The reinforced elastomers introduce fur-
cal and longitudinal vibrations (PWRI, 1986). A ther options into the design and use of this type
short link, acting as a pendulum, has been used in of bearing because the freedom of rubber to bulge
Yokohama Bay bridge at the two main towers can be reduced by inserting steel plates to in-
and the two end columns where the natural pe- crease the vertical stiffness (Roeder and Stanton,
riod corresponding to the first longitudinal mode 1991). The shear stiffness is not altered by the
was properly controlled by adjusting the link presence of these plates. Bearings with thin rub-
length (Sakai et al., 1989). In another application, ber layers can be produced to provide horizontal
a vane damper was proposed for Highashi Kobe isolation only. In alternate designs, low shape
bridge in Japan to moderate movement of the bearings, associated with relatively thick rubber
girder in the longitudinal direction (Kitazawa et layers, can be manufactured to provide both hor-
al., 1991). izontal and vertical isolation. Further, high
The design of a passive control system for ca- damping rubber systems are now available (Sakai
ble-stayed bridges is not as straightforward as the et al., 1989; Kelly, 1990). In addition, laminated
principle itself. Although many mechanical de- elastomeric bearings can be modified by placing a
vices were proposed to achieve this goal, most of lead plug down the center to produce consider-
them are effective only in one direction, and in able hysteretic damping and stiffer behavior for
addition, careful maintenance is regularly re- small deformations. Thus, a one component sys-
quired. Moreover, in choosing an energy dissipa- tem provides: (a) the stiffness under day-to-day
tion unit, one must account for the effect of loads loadings (wind, braking) and (b) flexibility and
arising from sources other than earthquakes. For damping under severe earthquake excitations,
wind and braking forces, the isolation device which are the basic elements required in most
should be designed so that its behavior remains seismic-isolation and energy dissipation systems.
stiff. For large magnitude but short duration ex- In this study, two main topics required for the
treme events of small probability, such as earth- eventual implementation of passive control for
quakes, the isolation system should be flexible. It cable-stayed bridges are discussed: modeling of
is likely that only a few mechanical devices could the bridge structural components and selection of
be accordingly used; however, those fabricated the passive energy dissipation devices. The im-
using rubber and lead are becoming widely popu- pact of various factors on the bridge response is
lar mainly because they offer a simple method of investigated including properties of the devices
passive control and are relatively easy and inex- and their locations, the modeling of passive con-
pensive to manufacture. Although elastomeric trol bearings, and the characteristics of the struc-
and lead-rubber bearings have been used for the ture. The study presented herein constitutes a
seismic isolation of buildings (Kelly, 1990; Na- necessary first step in an integrated and compre-
garjaiah et al., 1991) and short- to medium-span hensive technical development program required
highway bridges (Ghobarah and Ali, 1990; for the seismic-isolation and damping-augmenta-
Buckle and Mayes, 1990), a comprehensive tion of cable-stayed bridges. An experimental in-
study of their efficiency for long-span cable- vestigation of the concept is underway utilizing a
stayed bridges is still needed. newly constructed synchronously lasynchron-
The main objective of this study is to cover ously, two-shaking table facility at the University
ground other analyses of cable-stayed bridges of Southern California (Abdel-Ghaffar et al.,
have not addressed properly, taking the initiative 1992).
Cable-Stayed Bridges 261

MODELING THE BRIDGE AND challenging. Most of the difficulties encountered

ITS BEARINGS in modeling the behavior result from the material
nonlinearity of lead and the material, geometric,
Schematic diagrams of a typical cable-stayed and boundary nonlinearities, and incompressibil-
bridge and some of the installation positions of ity associated with the rubber parts. The analysis
lead-rubber and elastomeric bearings at the of the seismic performance of cable-stayed
deck-tower and deck-abutment connections are bridges encounters some difficulties. The bridge
shown in Figure 1. The elastomeric bearings can components undergo generally small strains but
be provided with uplift restrainers (Griffith et al., large displacements. The cables are pretensioned
1990), especially those at the abutments as during construction to adjust the deck deflections
shown in the same figure. Analytical modeling of and to avoid slackness. In addition, the cable sag
the behavior of lead and rubber devices is quite under its own weight affects its elongation and


Offset consideration at
cable.<feck connection


Four-node isoparametric beam element



Tower-deck connection with

Lead Steel lead-rubber bearings

FIGURE 1 Modeling of cable-stayed bridges with passive control bearings.

262 Ali and Abdel-Ghaffar

the corresponding axial tension. Moreover, the are obtained directly in terms of the global dis-
inclination of the cables generates compressive placement components measured with respect to
loads on the bridge deck and towers. the initial configuration by considering the
To accurately model the deck, the main Green-Lagrange strain linear and nonlinear
girders, and the towers ofthe bridge, a very large components. The initial tensile stresses are taken
number and different types of finite elements are into consideration. The cable configuration under
required. The problem becomes very difficult its own weight can be reached accurately with
and time consuming to solve. Instead, the global few iterations even starting with a straight line
behavior of the different sections along the struc- assumption. However, it is more efficient to esti-
ture will be considered in the present study. The mate the initial pattern using a parabolic repre-
details of the local parts of the bridge can then be sentation for the cable so that one or two itera-
estimated out of the global behavior. Beam ele- tions at most will be needed for convergence.
ments can therefore be used to idealize the deck Passive energy dissipation units are analyzed
and towers, as shown in Figure 1, without great in two steps. First, a refined analytical procedure
loss of accuracy (Nazmy and Abdel-Ghaffar, is used where sophisticated models can be used
1987). The approach is adequate and can provide for rubber, steel, and lead, which constitute the
a reasonable alternative to predict the dynamic main materials for most passive energy dissipa-
properties of cable-stayed bridges. In this study, tion devices. A large displacement/large strain
the geometric nonlinear behavior is considered, isoparametric-formulation-based model is pro-
using the total Lagrangian approach of three-di- posed for the bearings' rubber materials, adopt-
mensional four-node beam elements for deck and ing a consistent penalty approach to account for
tower modeling. The formulation of a four-node the material incompressible behavior. Both load-
beam element with rectangular cross section ing-bounding surface and multi surface stress-
(Bathe, 1982) is extended to include the possibil- point plasticity algorithms are used to capture
ity of different symmetric cross-section shapes. the nonlinear behavior of steel and lead mate-
Box sections with mUltiple vents and cutoff cor- rials. The response of the device can be obtained
ner sections as well as different combinations of in this step under the combination of loads to
rectangular shape parts, such as I-beams and which the device is exposed (Ali and Abdel-
plate sections, can be modeled. The cutoff corner Ghaffar, 1995). However, the inclusion of energy
sections can be used for towers for better wind dissipation devices along the bridge introduces
resistance, and the box sections may be used for numerical difficulties dealing with the very large
main girders and tower shafts. In the formula- number of degrees offreedom that are associated
tion, a numerical integration approach using the with accurate modeling of bearings and bridge
Gauss integration method is employed to evalu- components. A second step is therefore unavoid-
ate the element matrices. A reliable and effective able where a simplified two-node element model
solution can be obtained for such high order ele- is proposed for the dissipation devices. It is as-
ments using high order integration (Bathe, 1982). sumed that the element is capable of withstand-
The analysis ofthe cables, which are generally ing axial and shear forces. The model parameters
elastic in nature but highly nonlinear in a geomet- are to be determined out of the refined analytical
ric sense, under different configurations and approach and/or an experimental study (Ali,
loading conditions is extremely complex. Fortu- 1991).
nately, in cable-stayed bridges, vibrations of the In modeling cable-stayed bridges, cables and
cables are not very large (compared to the size of the passive devices are connected to the tower
the structure), and the geometry of the cables is and deck beam elements at eccentricities from
somewhat well-defined before the analysis. The the middle plane of the beam (Fig. 1). Accord-
use of a general and complicated algorithm will ingly, end nodes of the cable or the device do not
always be correct; however, the use of a more coincide with nodes of the beams. The problem
restrictive formulation can be more effective and becomes more pronounced if one beam is used to
may provide more insight into the response pre- model the whole deck where the considerations
diction. In this study, a four-node isoparametric of such an offset becomes inevitable. In this
cable element (Fig. 1) is proposed for cable ideal- study, the cable and device nodes are treated as
ization. The governing nonlinear equilibrium slave nodes where their degrees of freedom can
equations are established by adopting a Lagran- be expressed in terms of those at the correspond-
gian continuum approach. The element matrices ing master nodes of the beam elements. For seis-
Cable-Stayed Bridges 263

mic analysis, the HRZ lumping scheme (Cook et assumed to be 0.35 Wlft. (1.15 Wlm), where W is
al., 1989) is used for the mass matrix formulation the part of the deck weight carried by bearings.
of cable and beam elements. For bearings, the The definition of W is chosen to be consistent
mass value is relatively small and is neglected. with that used in short-to-medium span highway
bridges (Ghobarah and Ali, 1988). In cable-
stayed bridges, part of the deck weight is trans-
mitted to the towers through the cables; in high-
PASSIVE BEARINGS FOR A SINGLE-PLANE way bridges the weight of the deck is totally
BRIDGE MODEL transmitted through the bearings. The elastic
stiffness of lead-rubber bearings is assumed to be
To evaluate the effectiveness of the passive con- 10 times the asymptotic (or plastic) stiffness.
trol techniques, a simple two-dimensional bridge This assumption seemed to enjoy broad accep-
model is used. The bridge (Fig. 2) has one verti- tance among bearing designers (Robinson, 1982;
cal plane of stay cables along the middle longitu- Mayes et aI., 1984). The design shear force level
dinal axis of the superstructure. The cables are for the yielding of lead plugs (i.e., the initial size
connected to the tower at different heights and of the bounding surface) is taken to be 0.07 W.
placed parallel to each other in a harp system. In The behavior of elastomeric bearings is assumed
such a bridge type, considerable rigidity is re- to be linearly elastic where the small hysteretic
quired for the main girder to keep the change of behavior, which is usually noticed experimen-
cross-section deformations due to live loads tally, is neglected.
within allowable limits. A hollow box section is The choice of critical input ground excitations
therefore proposed for the girder. for these major structures is not an easy task.
In the seismic analysis presented in this study, Several possible ground motions should be con-
it is assumed that the bridge starts motion at rest sidered based on the earthquake history of the
in the dead-load deformation position. A nonlin- site, statistical data, and other supporting geolog-
ear static analysis is first performed to compute ical evidence. In this study, however, only one
the tangent stiffness matrix, mass matrix, inter- earthquake record is used for the numerical anal-
nal forces, displacements, and rotations, and the yses. Based on one earthquake, the results can
stress distribution of the bridge structural com- nevertheless explain the physics of the problem
ponents. In the finite element model, two slave and indicate the sensitivity of the response to
nodes are assigned to the deck-abutment and different design parameters. The seismic input is
deck-pier connections to accommodate a device assumed different in direction but uniform along
element. The cables are assumed attached to the the bridge. The duration of the strong shaking
nodes of the main girder and towers with no ec- represented by the first lOs of components S400E
centricity. During the solution process of the and DOWN of array no. 6 of the 1979 Imperial
equilibrium equations, the internal nodes of both Valley earthquake (CSMIP, 1979; Nazmy and
beam and cable elements can be eliminated using Abdel-Ghaffar, 1987) are used in the longitudinal
a condensation technique (Ali, 1991). and vertical directions, respectively. The records
The bridge model (without using passive de- are considered adequate because of the high level
vices) has the deck rigidly connected to the piers of acceleration associated with long-period
while rollers are provided at the deck-abutment ground displacements, as can be explained by
connections. For the proposed bridge case with source directivity in near fault regions (Anderson
the passive control system, lead-rubber pads are and Bertero, 1987). In the solution algorithm of
incorporated in the same bridge design at the the nonlinear model, a time step of 0.005 s is used
deck-abutment connections, and the deck is where an implicit method of solution is employed
mounted on elastomeric bearings at the piers. by using Newmark's constant average accelera-
The force-displacement response of the lead- tion numerical integration. A damping ratio of
rubber devices is assumed linear in compression 2% is considered for the first two modes using
and uncoupled from shear behavior. A loading- the Rayleigh damping approach.
bounding surface plasticity model and an equiva- The time history responses for selected loca-
lent eight-yield surface plasticity model are used tions on the bridge are shown in Figure 2 for the
to idealize the shear response behavior of lead- bridge with passive control devices compared to
rubber bearings. The combined plastic stiffness a reference case (where the deck is rigidly con-
of the bearings at the piers and abutments are nected to the piers and floating at the abutments).
264 Ali and Abdel-Ghaffar

I~r-----------------------------------, o.U1H<15
deck rigid at tower, rollers at abuboent
7-'0 ••
deck ngld at tower, rollers at abuhnent (
a ~~------~~~~~~~~--~+-~~~

·IJ.oo L...,""--,_~~--'-_...L...~'--,""--,_--L~--'-~....I-~ ~~~.........JL........----L~__'_~__'_~-'--_ _~,""--,~__,_~--,-~
~ IJIO ZJIO 3.00 ...., s.oo 6.00 7.00 1.00 9.00 10.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 '.00 6.00 7.00 I.OIJ 9.00 10.00

..- . .- .. .:t 0.40

Deck cross-section

0.452 ftZ

Z x

>t i
Pier cross-section Typical elastomeric bearing


deck rigid at tower, at abatmmt

J \.. i
\ \

-I:uJII L.........JL........----L~__'_~__'_~-'--~.:.....:::::......,.~__'_~_:'::_:J
~ 1.00 ZJIO 3.00 ...., S.oo 15.00 IJIO ZJIO 3.00 ...., 3.00 6.00 7.00
TIME (sec) TIME <sec)


i "i
i ~ deck rip at tower, rollers at abuhnent ~ ~ G.3OE-oGS

_ ~~------____c -__-c~'~~~~~,,~~~
i !Z5 -4.24_ ~------~~~~~~~~~~~~hT~
.... I, .1
2i v
~ 0471_
prvposed isolation ~\) :i!
.I~ L-'""--''__----L~--'-_...L...~.l...---..J'__----L=___:_::___:'=~
~ 1.00 :LOll 3.00 4.00 S.OO 15.00 7.00 1.00 9.00 10.00 .1.32I!<GS~
TIME (sec) TIME <sec)

FIGURE 2 Effect of passive control on the response of a single-plane cable-stayed


Generally, it can be seen that moments are signifi- the bridge case with the control devices. On the
cantly reduced with the proposed passive control other hand, displacements increase at the top of
scheme at the pier-foundation connection (53%) the towers (112%). More deflections are noticed
and at the deck-cable connection in the middle in the longitudinal direction at the midpoint of
section (40%). Further, less forces are resisted the deck (191%), accompanied with reduced dis-
by the end cable at the abutment side (78%) for placements in the vertical direction (62%).
Cable-Stayed Bridges 265

IMPACT ON PRESENT AND FUTURE may be expected with the lack of hardening char-
BRIDGE DESIGNS acteristics. For lead-rubber bearings and steel
devices, stiffness of the device at infinite defor-
Although the single-plane bridge system is aes- mations is considerably important in designing
thetically appealing, it does not represent a wide the level of isolation. The sensitivity of both
class of bridges because of its apparent limitation present and future bridges to energy dissipation
to relatively short spans. In the course of investi- parameters is studied by comparing the response
gating the sensitivity of cable-stayed bridges' re- of the two bridge models for different plastic
sponse to different parameters of passive control stiffness levels. In both bridge models all hyster-
bearings, two bridge models are proposed to rep- etic bearings are installed at the deck-abutment
resent most of the present and future bridge sys- connection while the deck is supported on elasto-
tems and their effective spans. The three-dimen- meric bearings at the towers. Two cases of plas-
sional view of the models are shown in Figure 3. tic stiffness levels are used as shown in Figure 3.
The bridge model for the present design has a The elastic-plastic ratio and the characteristic
center span of 1100 ft. (335.50 m), and two side shear strength of hysteretic units are assumed to
spans of 450 ft. (137.25 m), each with a double- be 10 and 5% of W, respectively.
plane multicable harp system. To represent the The maximum response quantities of the
future trend in cable-stayed bridge design, a sec- bridge are normalized to those of the bridge with-
ond bridge model with a center span of 2200 ft. out devices, which is assumed fixed at the
(671 m) and side spans of 960 ft. (292.80 m) is tower-deck connection, with rollers provided in
considered. A fan-type double-plane cable sys- the longitudinal direction at the abutments. The
tem is adopted. In the models, cables are an- results shown in Figure 3, which refer to the av-
chored to concrete pylons and steel box section erage values of response quantities, indicate that
deck. In the finite element models, one beam ele- the stiffer the bearings in the plastic range, the
ment is used to idealize the deck accompanied by higher the forces with respect to the bridge (with-
different slave nodes at various locations along out devices) and the lower the displacements.
the bridge to tackle the offset associated with the The behavior is consistent with the fact that
cable-deck connections and the installation of lower seismically induced forces are associated
devices with respect to the beam nodes (Ali, with higher natural periods. The results indicate
1991). that the longer span bridge is less sensitive to the
In the seismic analyses, the bridge starts mo- variation in plastic stiffness of bearings that im-
tion at rest in the dead load deformed position plies that the passive control technique is more
and the nonlinear dynamic analysis follows using effective for shorter spans.
the Newmark-,B constant average acceleration
case for a O.OI-s time step. The damping matrix is
evaluated considering the Rayleigh approach EFFECT OF BEARINGS DESIGN
utilizing the first two eigenvalues with a 2% PARAMETERS
damping ratio, which is consistent with the
measured values reported in the literature for The structural synthesis of cable-stayed bridges
these bridges (PWRI, 1986; Nazmy and Abdel- provides few options for mounting the passive
GhafIar, 1987). Components S40oE, S50oW, control devices. The deck-abutment and deck-
and DOWN of array no. 6 of the 1979 Imperial tower connections are among the few practical
Valley earthquake (CSMIP, 1979; Nazmy and locations for such installations. The option be-
Abdel-GhafIar, 1987) are considered in the longi- comes whether to have all the devices at one
tudinal, lateral, and vertical directions, respec- connection-type location or to distribute them.
tively. Moreover, many design parameters affect the be-
An efficient control system depends to a cer- havior of the energy dissipation bearings and ac-
tain extent on the plastic stiffness of supporting cordingly the seismic performance of the bridge.
units. For a perfectly plastic device, such as a These parameters have to be determined experi-
lead-extrusion device (Robinson and Greenbank, mentally or analytically depending on the type of
1976), only a given level offorces is allowed to be the passive control system. However, during the
transmitted. Accordingly, the device acts as a preliminary design, it is always desirable to use
filter for the forces generated in the bridge struc- typical parameter values and later validate the
ture. On the other hand, more displacements device's performance prior to installation. It is of

__ ______JI__ --.-
II Elastic
z~x ~
• Stiffness 'I
Boundln. Surrace
Hysteretic Bearings ~

K(e) ~
~ .. , 151D+ 3
... Master Node
o SlaveNode
~----: DIS';'. r-J!.Lt ~ ~ ~ I
J , ('
~ ~ ~ I I ~ I
) f .( I ':;03 J::t . I 10+
1011 1011
1{D~4 I 24
I (+U r::i HO


Elastic Bearings

K~h) + K!e) =0.3 W· 1ft ~h) + K!e) =1.3W·1ft ~") + K!e) =0.3 w" 1ft ~h) + K!e) =1.3 w" 1ft
Deck Mid-Section -50% -36% -48% -34%
Deck Near Abutment -40% -27% -37% -25%
Tower Foundation -41% -30% -39% -29%
Cables Axial Forces -28% -21% -25% -20%
Deck Mid-Section +25% +160/0 +25% +18%
Tower- Top +13% +9% +15% +10%
Cables Mid-Point +16% +11% +18% +12%

* refers to the deck weight supported by bearings (1 ft = 0.3048 m).

FIGURE 3 Energy dissipation for present and future bridge designs. The positive and negative signs refer to the
increase and decrease percentages, respectively, in the response value as compared to the bridge without devices.
Cable-Stayed Bridges 267

great interest to designers nevertheless to be able devices. However, displacements generally in-
to predict how sensitive the bridge behavior crease but with slower rates. The results show
would be for impractical assumptions of design that forces in towers, cables, and abutments are
parameters values. more sensitive than the displacements to the ra-
The initial elastic stiffness, for instance, as tio of asymptotic stiffness of bearings at connec-
represented by the slope of the force-displace- tions of abutments and towers. Installing stiffer
ment relationship of a device, k~h), is one of the bearings at the abutments, for example, reduces
important parameters that may influence the be- the forces in towers compared with the case of
havior of cable-stayed bridges with hysteretic deploying stiffer devices at the tower connec-
bearings. In lead-rubber bearings, this elastic tions. The results can provide a solution for ex-
stiffness can be represented as a ratio of the isting towers, piers, and abutments with inade-
asymptotic stiffness (or the bounding surface quate seismic strength.
stiffness), k1h ) , shown in Figures 1 and 3. The The seismic energy dissipation capability of a
ratio can be determined experimentally or analyt- passive control unit depends on the force re-
ically (Ali and Abdel-Ghaffar, 1995). To evaluate quired to have the device behave in the plastic
the sensitivity ofthe bridge response to the varia- range. In case of lead-rubber bearings, the pro-
tion of elastic or unloading path stiffness parame- cess becomes related to the yielding of the lead
ter, different bearing stiffness ratios (k~h) I k1h») are plugs. The shear force at which plastic behavior
considered including the case k~h)lk1h) = 10), of hysteretic units becomes predominant is an
which is the most widely used ratio for lead-rub- important parameter in the design philosophy of
ber bearings (Ghobarah and Ali, 1988, 1990). All energy dissipators. The level ofthe devices shear
the hysteretic devices are mounted at the abut- strength depends on the mechanism by which all
ment side of the bridge; the elastic bearings are lateral loads, including those arising from loads
incorporated at the deck-tower connection. The other than earthquakes, are resisted. Such shear
variation of the maximum response of the bridge force level should be selected to achieve two ob-
with the different elastic-plastic stiffness ratios jectives. First, the device is required to be stiff
of devices is shown in Figure 4. It is evident that under the action of wind, braking forces, and
the higher the elastic-plastic ratio, the larger the small earthquakes. Second, during severe seis-
reduction in response. The forces generated in mic events where forces exceed the design shear
the deck are less sensitive to the ratio that the strength, the level of forces and displacements in
forces induced in towers and cables. The results the structure are required to remain within ac-
introduce evidence for the need of an elaborate ceptable limits to ensure that the bridge con-
model for the bearings (Ali, 1991; Ali and Abdel- tinues to function satisfactorily. Different cases
Ghaffar, 1995). Overestimating the elastic-plas- with varying yield shear force are investigated
tic ratio may result in design forces and displace- for the bridge model. Various ratios of shear
ments, for some parts of the bridge, that are strength of combined devices at the abutment
considerably lower than the actual response and the tower to the part of the deck weight sup-
quantities in the event of an earthquake. ported by devices, W, up to 15% are considered
The asymptotic stiffness of the device in case in the numerical analysis. The plastic stiffness of
of a lead-rubber bearing can generally refer to its bearings at the tower connections is assumed to
stiffness without the lead plug (elastomeric stiff- be equal to that of the bearings at the abutment
ness), or refers (Fig. 1) to the tangential stiffness with a total value of 0.8 Wlft. (2.62 Wlm). A ratio
of the bounding surface of the bearing. The seis- of 10 is assumed for the initial stiffness of the
mic response of the bridge is investigated for dif- hysteretic device to the stiffness of the bounding
ferent conditions of bearing elastomeric stiffness surface. One case of the energy dissipation de-
ratios at abutments and towers. The elastic-plas- vices locations is attempted where all hysteretic
tic stiffness ratio for each bearing is assumed to devices are located at the abutment. The differ-
be 10. The hysteretic devices are placed only at ent bridge response quantities are shown in Fig-
the abutments. The maximum response values ure 6 normalized with respect to the correspond-
(Fig. 5) are normalized with respect to the corre- ing values of the bridge without devices. The
sponding values of the bridge without devices. It main advantage of lead cores (in case of lead-
is clear that the introduction of energy dissipa- rubber bearings), as devices that provide a force
tors significantly reduces the earthquake-induced limiting mechanism for the supporting structure,
forces as compared to the bridge case without is quite clear. Incorporating higher ratios of yield
268 Ali and Abdel-Ghaffar

00 0.75 1.40
;; Top of the Tower

0.70 1.30 (1) X-Displacement
f-o (2) Y-Displacement
(3) Z-Displacement
0.65 1.20

0.60 1.10 (2)
Axial Pon:e
X-Shear .-- (1)
0.55 (3) Z-Shear 1.00

(4) Z-MomeRt
!: (5) X-Moment Tower-Foundation Connection
~ 0.50 0.90
5.00 7.00 9.00 11.00 13.00 15.00 5.00 7.00 9.00 11.00 13.00 15.00

00 0.90 1.40
(oj Mid-Section
;; (1) Axial Fon:e
(2) Z-MomeRt
The Bridge's Deck

0.80 1.30
(3) Y-Moment
f-o (4) V-Shear
0 (2)
= 0.70

!: (6)

;; Mid-Section of the Deck
0.50 1.00 (1) X-Displacement

!: Near-Abutment Section
(2) Y-Displacement
(3) Z-Displaccment
~ 0.40 0.90
5.00 7.00 9.00 11.00 \3.00 15.00 5.00 1.00 9.00 11.00 13.00 15.00

00 0.85 1.40

~roil Mid-Point of Cables

0.80 1.30

0 .-- (n)
0.75 1.20 !:--
! t--- (I)
0.70 1.10
U (nl)
roil Axial Fon:es in Cables
/:I 0.65 1.00

~ 0.60 0.90
5.00 7.00 9.00 11.00 13.00 15.00 5.00 7.00 9.00 11.00 13.00 15.00

FIGURE 4 Effect of the elastic-plastic stiffness ratio of bearings for the present trend in
bridge design_

strength at the abutments significantly reduces system should achieve a relatively good balance
the forces in the tower and the displacements of between magnitude of forces along the bridge
the deck, cables, and towers, but increase the and control of deck and tower vibrations. In
forces on the abutment (for the considered loca- short-to-medium span highway bridges, a lead
tion of hysteretic bearings)_ Inspection of results yield force of about 5% of the superstructure
in Figure 6 indicates that displacements are af- weight seems to be an optimum value for bridge
fected more than the generated forces. The design applications (Ghobarah and Ali, 1988)_ In
choice of the shear strength for a passive control cable-stayed bridges, a compreheflsive statistical
Cable-Stayed Bridges 269

0.75 r----------------, 1.40

U Top of Ihe Tower

[oj (I) (I) X-Displacement
i::I 0.70 1.30 (2) Y·Displacement
!-o (3) Z·Displaccment
E 0.65 1.20
! t==:::::::--.__ (3)

fi' 0·6O r -_..:::::=""",,_ (5) 1.10
(J) Axial Force
(2) X-Shear (4) ~(I)
i::I 0.55 1.00
(3) Z-Shear
(4) Z-MolllOllt

Tower-Foundalion Connection
(5) X-Moment
0.50 '---'--'--~---''--~--'-~--'-~--' 0.90
1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00

en 0.90 r-----------------, 1.40 r----------------,

tl Mid-Section The Bridge's Deck
:> (I) Axial Force
~ 0.80 (2) Z-Momenl 1.30
(3) Y -Moment

§ (4) Y-_Sh_ear_----=16~::::::=j '---(3)

[ ..
0.70-=~(S):s------: 1.20

(3)-_ _ _- _ _ _....
Mid-5eclion of Ihe Deck

~~~==~~~(4~)----~ (I) X-Displacement

0.50 ~ (5) Axial Force (2) 1.00
(2) Y -Displacement
(6) Z-Shear (3) Z-Displacement
(7) Y-Shear Near-Abutment Section
0.40 '---'--'--~---''--~---'-~--'-~---' 0.90 '--~-'--~---''--~---''--~---'-~---'
1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 I~ I~ I~ I. 1_ 2~

O.SS ,-----------------:t 1.40

0.80 1.30
Mid-Point of Cables

o (UI)
E 0.75
! (II)
0.70 1.10
--- (III)
0.65 1.00
Axial Forees in Cables

0.(.0 0.91)
1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.on 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 '2.0n



FIGURE 5 Effect of the bounding surface stiffness ratios at abutments and towers for the
present trend in bridge design.

study is needed for analytical and experimental case of using lead-rubber bearings, that can be
results using different ground motion records. accommodated in elastomeric bearings.
The analysis presented in this study suggests a
ratio of 8-9% of W. Insignificant change in re-
sponse quantities can be noticed for higher ra-
tios. Moreover, higher ratios may create prob- The use of passive energy dissipation devices of-
lems for the required sizes of lead plugs, in the fers a potential advantage for the seismic design
270 Ali and Abdel-Ghaffar

iil 0.80~--- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _----,
1.40 r------------------,
tl Tower-Foundation Connection Top of the Tower
5: (I) X-Displacement
~ 0.15 1.30 (2) Y-Displacement
I- (3) Z-Displaccment

i:o 0.70 (1) Axial Force

(2) X-Shear

~ (3)
iil 0.65 (5) X-Moment 1.10
--=-----(5) (1) ---~---J.
~ 0.60 1.00

~ 0.55 ~~---'-~~.L---,-----L_,-----'-~-1 0.90 '-~---'_""""'__--L_..o-.-'-~'___'_~--I
0.00 0.03 0.06 0.Q9 0.12 O.I~ 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15

iil 0.90 , . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
r.l Mid-Sectlon Near-Abutment Section
1.S0 r------------------,
(1) Axial Fon:c (5) Axial Fon:c Mid-Seclioo of lite Deck
~ 0.80
(2) Z-Momcnt (6) Z-Shear
1.40 (1) X-Diopiacement
(3) V-Moment (1) V-Shear
I- (4) V-Shear (2) Y -Displacement
;:J (3) Z-Displacemcnt
E 0.10
(5) 1.30

iil 0.60 1.20t-~..._--.--..:::....~~---+-(2)
tl (3) _____
~ 0.50 1.10

E The Bridge's Deck

~ 0.40 '--~---'_""""'__--L_..o_.-'-_,___'_~----l 1.00 '-~---'_~-L_~-'-~,___'_~----l
0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 O.IS

iil 0.90 , . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , 1.40 , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,

Axial Fon:es in Cables
r.l Mid-Poinl of Cables
0.8S 1.30



I 0.80

(VI)--_ _


0.65 '-~---'_""""'__--L_..o_.___'_~'___'_~--' 0.90 '-~---'_~-L_~__'_~'___'__----l

0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 O.IS 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15

FIGURE 6 Effect of the characteristic shear strength of hysteretic bearings for the
present trend in bridge design (* refers to the part of deck weight supported by the bear-

of cable-stayed bridges. Generally, a significant technique are illustrated for both present and fu-
reduction in earthquake-induced forces can be ture trends of these bridges. However, relatively
achieved along the bridge by proper choice of shorter span bridges are better candidates for
properties and locations of the devices. How- more effective control schemes.
ever, an increase in displacements is generally to The yield strength of the hysteretic devices
be expected unless more damping is provided. can be conveniently expressed as a ratio of the
The advantages gained by the passive control part of the superstructure's weigh' carried by
Cable-Stayed Bridges 271

bearings. A ratio of 8-9% can be recommended nal of Structural Engineering ASCE, Vol. 113, No.
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