Susulan Listening Health

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A. Underline the correct option to complete the sentences!

1. She shouldn’t / must not eat too much junk food.
2. My grandma has got diabetes. She ‘d better / have to consume less sugar.
3. In Indonesia, you need to / ought to be 17 or over to get the driving license
4. Tania gets obesity. To lose her weight, she ought to does/need to do exercise regularly
and eat a balance diet.
5. She could die of anorexia, so she must eat / should eat something.
6. You should/ must study hard for your exam.
7. Your hand phone is an old model. You ‘d better/ need to buy the new one.
8. You should / have to buy a new laptop; your old one is broken.
9. Hans ought to / must have a visa to enter my country.
10. You don’t have to/shouldn’t get vaccinations.

B. Complete the conversation based on the recording!

I never used to ______________(1) about my health until recently. When I was a kid, I did
loads of _____________(2). Even in my _______________(3) and thirties I was very fit and
never ill. I have been ______________(4) all my life – always in the ______________(5) of
health. I rarely _______________(6) even a cold. I suppose time catches up with
_______________(7). Now I seem to be ______________(8) lots of little aches and pains. I
should go to the doctor for a health _______________(9), but I’m too ________________(10).
The older you _______________(11), the more you worry about your _______________(12).
One good thing is that I’m ________________(13) more healthily now than ever before. I no
longer have ________________(14) food and midnight snacks. I also
_________________(15) a lot more. I’ve read that ___________________(16) seven or eight
hours sleep every night is one of the __________________(17) things you can do for your

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