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In the study that the researchers conducted in the past year,

there are 54.90% people believed/agree that music can stimulates
and improves our visual and verbal skills as the benefits of music in
our health and also base on the questionnaire given to the
respondents, there are 69% people believed/agree that music can
keeps an aging brain healthy especially as it ages.One can expect the
benefits of better memory and mental sharpness as they age. In the
other hand, there are 51% people believe/agree that music can
make you happy because music can do so much that hits you in a
special way causes your brain to release dopamine which is known
as a feel good chemical.

1. Is it scientifically proven to affect our body?
- Yes
2. How does it affect your body?
- It affects our body because it stimulates our brain and mental
3. Does music choices predict your personality?
- Yes
4. How can it affect your daily life?
- It affects our daily lives by helping us to express our feelings.
“ I think music in itself is healing. It`s an
explosive expression of humanity . It`s
something we are all touched by.No matter
what culture we`re from,everyone loves

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