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1 Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys

MK Banerjee, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India
r 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

2.1.1 Introduction 2 Stages of Heat Treatment 2 Heating Step 2 Heating rate 3 Heating temperature 3 Soaking Stage 4
2.1.2 Heat Treatment of Steel 4 Production of Homogeneous Austenite 8 Effect of Excess Heating Beyond Homogenization 8 Common Heat Treating Processes 9
2.1.3 Heat Treatment Process Variables 9 Austenitization 10
2.1.4 Introduction of Alloying 11 Classification of Alloying Elements 11 Effect of Alloying Elements 12 Effect of individual alloying elements in summarized form 14 Effect of Alloying Elements on TTT and CCT Curves 15
2.1.5 Annealing 20 Full Annealing 20 Isothermal Annealing 20 Patenting 21 Incomplete Annealing or Intercritical Annealing 22 Spheroidizing Annealing 23 Homogenization or Diffusion Annealing 24 Recrystallization Annealing 24 Subcritical Annealing 27
2.1.6 Normalizing 27 Distinctions between Annealing and Normalizing Purpose 28
2.1.7 Hardening 29 Factors Influencing Hardening Process 31 Adequate carbon content to produce hardening 31 Austenite decomposition to produce pearlite, bainite, and martensite structures 31 Temperature of heating, rate of heating, and the time of holding 32 Temperature 32 Heating rate and soaking time 32
2.1.8 Heat Treatment Fundamentals of Nonferrous Alloys 32 Age-Hardening Treatment 32 Annealing of Nonferrous Alloys 34 Martesite Formation in Nonferrous Alloys 34 Heat-treat principles of nonferrous alloys exhibiting polymorphic transition 35 Application of heat treatment principles in Mg-alloys 36
2.1.9 Quenching and Quenching Medium 36
2.1.10 Tempering 39 Stages of Tempering 40 Formation of Bainite in Steels 42 Mechanism of bainite formation 42 Martempering 43 Austempering 44
2.1.11 Retained Austenite 45 Subzero Treatment 46
2.1.12 Heat Treatment Defects 47 Quench Cracks 47 Overheating 48

Comprehensive Materials Finishing, Volume 2 doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-803581-8.09185-2 1

2 Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys

References 48
Further Reading 49
Relevant Website 49

2.1.1 Introduction • To improve physical properties viz. electrical and magnetic

Heat treatment is essentially a process of heating and cooling a • To induce such other unique material functionalities as
material to achieve a desired set of physical and mechanical are possible due to specific phase transformation; some
properties. The properties of materials are dependent upon their examples are transformation induced plasticity, metamag-
structural aspects. The structures may be of different scales of netic shape memory effect, etc.
magnitude viz. macrostructure, microstructure, nanostructure,
crystal structure, or atomic structure. In general, heat treatment Stages of Heat Treatment
of metals and alloys concerns the change in microstructure.
Planned thermal treatment may affect desired changes in The heat treatment as a process is accomplished in the fol-
the defects structure of metallic crystals; this in turn alters the lowing three stages:
mechanical properties of the metals and alloys. During the
• Heating to a high temperature to obtain homogeneous
course of heat treatment, the metals and alloys may undergo single phase. In a multiphase alloy system, the homoge-
change in crystal structure (polymorphic transformation), neous single phase can be obtained at high temperatures
change in chemical composition and change in the degree of only with special care, as described later.
order; depending upon the system, these changes may take
• Holding at the high temperature for preselected time
place either singularly or in combination. However these period.
changes have direct bearing on the final properties of the
• Cooling the object under treatment to room temperature
material. Also it will be seen that without any of the above or below.
three changes, heat treatment may enable to obtain desired
properties of materials by way of changing its substructure. Again, it may be required to repeat the same three stages
In a nutshell, heat treatment of metals and alloys envisages: with different process parameters. It is necessary to know, how
to select the heating temperature. Equally important is to acquire
• Polymorphic change with or without change in local the knowledge about the criteria of selecting the rate of heating
composition with in a system. The average composition to reach the selected temperature and the duration of time one
however remains the same. This type of change is very needs to spend at the heating temperature. During cooling
common and Fe–C system is a classic example. operation knowledge about the cooling rate to use is also
• Overall change in chemical composition at the surface of a required. If the cooling rate is very slow, equilibrium micro-
component followed by above mentioned polymorphic structure in accordance with the prediction of phase diagram of
change as stated above. This type of change is realized in the concerned system is possible to achieve. It is pertinent to
surface hardening of metals and alloys. remember that, attainment of equilibrium during cooling of a
• Change in local composition at a very fine scale of mag- multicomponent system undergoing phase changes may be
nitude. Age hardening in alloy exemplifies such incidence. possible only if infinitesimal rate of cooling is practiced; it is very
• Dissolution of unwanted second phase particles, and for- difficult to impose such a slow cooling rate in practice, although
mation of clean single phase alloy. it is not impossible in today’s technological scenario. The prac-
• Grain refinement of a pure metal or a single phase alloy tice of heat treatment at such slowest possible cooling rate to aim
which is previously subjected to mechanical working at a at achieving the equilibrium microstructure is called annealing.
low temperature. If an iron–carbon alloy contains equilibrium phases in its
microstructure, the alloy is said to reach its softest state. This
It is to be understood that changes stated above are brought
is why annealing of iron–carbon alloy is quite often considered
about by previously chosen thermal treatment with an eye to
as a softening process, whereas all other processes leading to
achieving a predefined set of properties. Thus the purposes of
deviation from equilibrium structures may be looked as hard-
heat treatment of metals and alloys are:
ening process. However this behavior is not generic and is not
• To improve strength, hardness, and wear resistance prop- authenticated in many alloy systems, where the nonequilibrium
erties. phase is softer than its equilibrium counterpart. One such
• To increase toughness and ductility. example is Cu–Zn–Al alloy, which when rapidly cooled from a
• To obtain fine grain size. high temperature is seen to produce softer phase than that
• To remove internal stresses induced by differential defor- present in annealed condition.
mation by cold working, nonuniform cooling from high
temperature during casting and welding. Heating Step
• To improve machineability.
• To improve cutting properties of tool steels. One of the main objectives in the heating stage is to obtain a
• To improve surface properties of materials especially in homogeneous single phase unless otherwise dictates of com-
respect of wear and corrosion resistance. pulsions are there; for example, hypereutectoid steels are
Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys 3

deliberately heated to a two-phase region for accruing certain temperature with appreciable volume change, the stress
specific benefits, as narrated in later sections. Another target of due to transformation may lead to plastic deformation of
heating stage is to attain uniform temperature throughout the the component being heated. Thus distortion or warpage
cross-section of the object being heat treated. Rapid heating becomes inevitable. In such cases manipulation in heating
may allow one part of the object to expand faster than another rate is of little use.
and as a result distortion or warpage may take place. However • Beyond the temperature of transformation only thermal
the heating rate depends on several factors. One important stress is important and a slower rate of heating might
factor is the heat conductivity of the component. A metal with appear to be a solution. However, it is certainly not because
a high-heat conductivity heats at a faster rate than one with a a slower heating implies a higher time to reach the soaking
low conductivity. The size of the stock to heat treat and its temperature. In many alloy systems there is ample chance
initial structural condition determine the rate at which it of chemical degradation due to heating at high tempera-
should be heated. A slower heating helps to get rid of thermal ture. A slower rate of heating leaves a greater scope for
shock due to differential heating at surface and at the center. A chemical degradation, as the total residence time at the
component with higher cross-sectional area should be sub- elevated temperature is quite high. So, it is desirable to
jected to a slower heating rate in order to minimize the dif- employ a higher heating rate to reach the soaking tem-
ference in temperature between surface and center of the stock. perature as soon as possible. The chemical degradation may
This helps to minimize the chance of warpage and distortion. be due to reaction with aerial gases in the furnace envir-
Parts with nonuniform cross-sections experience uneven tem- onment (as in titanium alloys), internal oxidation by
perature rise across the section and hence a slower heating rate entrapped oxygen in aluminium alloys, etc. Further a fast
must be used to avoid cracking or warpage. heating across the transformation temperature will raise the
transformation temperature due to hysteresis effect and this
results in higher degree of superheat and enhancement of Heating rate
driving energies for transformation. A controlled soaking
Whenever there is a phase transformation involving a change
time and temperature envisage the formation of fine-
in crystal structure, volume change ought to occur. In a heat
grained single phase alloy. However for cases of heating to
treatment process, the heating step comes across two different
subcritical temperature for specific heat treatment types
types of stresses: one is the thermal stress due to the existence
(stress relieving, second stage graphitization in cast iron), a
of temperature differential between surface and center of the
slower heating rate is preferred.
object being heat treated. This stress is consequential to ther-
mal expansion of the material. Heating temperature
The other type of stress originates from the volume change
The microstructure of the heat-treated component may follow
accompanying the phase transformation. These two stresses
from the dictates of equilibrium phase diagrams; sufficient time
make the component vulnerable to distortion or warpage. In
at the transformation temperature is available for diffusion
extreme cases cracking may also occur for an otherwise intricate
processes to take place. Near-equilibrium state is normally
geometry. Difference in magnitude of thermal expansion at the
attained in case of extremely slow cooling. With increasing
surface and the center of the component depends upon the dif-
cooling rate, availability of time to attain equilibrium at each
ference in temperature between the two at any instant of heating.
stage of transformation is a constraint. This leads to a none-
This temperature difference is further dependent on the thermal
quilibrium situation. Thus quantitative estimation of phases by
conductivity, specific heat, and the section size of the object.
the usual technique of applying lever rule is not tenable. Even
The rate of heating is therefore decided by both the thermal and
under deviation from equilibrium a system may undergo dif-
the transformational stresses. As previously mentioned, thermal
fusional transformation, and can form phases qualitatively
stresses may be managed by a slower heating rate, whereas
similar to what are predicted by the phase diagrams.
magnitude of transformational stresses is fixed for a definite
However, the phases so formed will increasingly differ in
phase transformation. However phase transformation takes place
composition, morphology, and amounts with increasing
within specific range of temperature and so special care is taken
cooling rate. This aspect is quite prevalent in case of iron–
in heating the material through this range of temperature. Quite
carbon system where normal cooling in air called normalizing,
often at temperature near to, where phase transformation is likely
leads to significant difference in structure and property of the
to occur, a short holding time is recommended. The purpose of
alloy. Faster cooling leads to a lower transformation tem-
this holding time is to equalize the temperatures at the surface
perature as compared to that of the annealed samples. In such
and center of the stock. Thus there is no thermal stress, only the
cases it is prudent to study the isothermal transformation
transformation stress is to be taken care.
behavior of the samples at lower transformation temperatures.
There are a number of constraints to come across during
However diffusional transformation in solid state is limited by
heating. These are:
certain critical cooling rate (CCR), beyond which the system
• Thermal properties of the material are functions of tem- can no longer undergo diffusional transformation; rather it
perature and these are not accurately known for all metal tends to produce supersaturated solid solution. Depending
and alloys under all conditions of heating. This leads to the upon the system, where polymorphic transformation is una-
problem of unpredictable and nonuniform thermal stresses voidable, crystal structure of the product phase changes
to take care by manipulation of heating cycle. through diffusionless shear transformation, where large-scale
• The flow stress of the material decreases at elevated tem- atomic movement is not required. Such kind of transforma-
perature and if a phase transformation takes place at a high tion is called martensitic transformation and it is observed in
4 Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys

rapidly cooled iron–carbon alloy. On the contrary, there are

many systems, like a number of aluminum alloys, where there
is no possibility of polymorphic transition and hence rapid
cooling simply produces supersaturated solid solutions. In
either case super saturation may be relieved by gently heating
the supersaturated solid solution above room temperature so
that the solute atoms gather appreciable mobility. Such pro-
cess of getting rid of supersaturation through rejection of
solute-rich phase is called precipitation. Soaking Stage

When the preselected temperature is reached the component
undergoing heat treatment is required to be kept at that tem-
perature until the desired degree of structural homogenization
take place. This process is generally termed ‘Soaking.’ The length
of time the object is kept at the soaking temperature is known
Figure 1 Temperature differential between surface and center.
as ‘Soaking period.’ The soaking period depends upon the che-
mical composition of the material being heat treated, its thermal
history, initial microstructure, maximum section size, and the
weight of the component. In parts having different cross-sections
the soaking period is decided by the largest cross-sectional area.
As mentioned earlier, the temperature at the center of finite-sized
workpiece lags behind the temperature at its surface.
Therefore the center of the stock will reach the soaking
temperature at a later time than the surface. Hence the soaking
time has two components: one is the time required for
equalization of temperature at the surface and the center while
the other one is the time for the structural homogenization to
take place. The homogenization process may be simple dis-
solution of solute-rich phase into the matrix phase or a com-
bination of both phase transformation with crystal structure
change and second phase dissolution.
Figure 1 qualitatively shows the temperature differential to
exist between surface and center of the heat treating stock. In
most of the practical and industrial operation a time of 15 min
is considered sufficient to make the temperature uniform
across the section. Taking homogenization time in considera-
tion, a thumb rule of 1 h per 25 mm of section size is normally
employed for soaking at the high temperature. However in an
industrial situation when a number of components are to be
heated together, the thumb rule of 1 h per 25 mm thickness Figure 2 A complex heat cycle.
may not work out. In every such case, it is needed to under-
stand the temperature profile within a furnace, and based on Different types of heat treatment processes applicable to
this knowledge, the time to be taken for all the items to attain various material systems are shown in Figure 3.
the heat treatment temperature need to be deduced. However Majority of the aforementioned heat treatment practices are
the general approach must be to keep the holding time to its implemented in different types of steel. Therefore to elucidate
minimum possible value. Too high a holding time may lead to the fundamentals of these heat treatment processes, the fol-
grain coarsening and chemical degradation, whereas an lowing discussion is made with reference to steel panel of
inadequate soaking time may not yield homogeneous single iron–carbon alloys.
phase everywhere within the workpiece.
As shown in Figure 2, sometimes the metal is brought from
room temperature to the soaking temperature in more than 2.1.2 Heat Treatment of Steel
one step; the workpiece is first heated slowly to a temperature
where phase transformation is likely to take place and then it The steel is an alloy of iron and carbon with a maximum
is held at that temperature for some predefined period of carbon content of 2 wt.%. The steel panel of Fe–C phase dia-
time so that the temperature of the workpiece is equalized gram as shown in Figure 4 is extended up to the extremum of
throughout its cross section. This action is called ‘preheating.’ eutectic isotherm.
Following preheating the workpiece should be finally heated The present discussion is confined to the metastable phase
to the required heating temperature at a faster rate. diagram of the system, because of the obvious reason that
Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys 5

Figure 3 Different types of heat treatment processes.

a very long time is taken by the system to attain the Fe–C alloy. The alloying elements added in iron–carbon sys-
stable state. The information about the different phases pre- tem are classified broadly in to two types:
sent at different temperature–composition combination may One group of alloying elements is known to stabilize fer-
be obtained from the above equilibrium diagram. It may be rite; these alloying elements are called ferrite stabilizers and
noted that, A1, the lower critical temperature denotes the in general the crystal structure of ferrite stabilizing elements
minimum temperature up to which austenite(g) can be pre- is body centered cubic (BCC). Cr, Mo, W, Nb, etc. are some
sent; A3, is the upper critical temperature describing the examples of ferrite stabilizer.
equilibrium between g and ferrite(a); whereas Acm, is the line Similarly, the elements stabilizing austenite are called
describing the solubility of carbon in g. Quite often the suffixes austenite stabilizer. The austenite stabilizers are mainly those
c, e, and r are used with the critical temperatures. For example, with face centered cubic (FCC) crystal structure; Cu, Mn, Ni, C,
Ac1 denotes the temperature at which g forms from ferrite etc. are austenite stabilizers.
during heating. Its equilibrium counterpart is written as Ae1, If ferrite stabilizing elements are added to steel, there will be
whereas Ar1 stands for g to ferrite transformation during rise in A1 and A3 temperatures, which restrict the austenite
cooling. Similar meanings are assigned to Ac3, Ae3, Ar3, Accm, phase field; on the other hand the addition of g stabilizing
Aecm, and Arcm. Addition of alloying elements tend to alter elements will depress A3 and A1 lines in the equilibrium dia-
the position of A1 and A3 lines; at the same time it changes gram. The effect of commonly used alloying elements on A1
the eutectoid composition which is 0.8 wt.%C in pure binary temperature and eutectoid carbon content is shown in Figure 5.
6 Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys

Figure 4 Combined iron–graphite and Fe–Fe3C phase diagram showing steel panel up to 2.11 wt.% carbon.

Figure 5 Effect of alloying element on the carbon content of the eutectoid composition.

As stated earlier the prediction of equilibrium phase dia- microconstituents. The heat treatment practices in general take
gram is of limited use in practical heat treatment processes resort to finite cooling rate causing deviation from equili-
except for annealing, which attempts to achieve equilibrium brium. As discussed previously that up to a certain degree of
Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys 7

rapid cooling, it is possible to effect diffusional transformation temperature, the time required to start the diffusional transfor-
and thus realizing the microconstituents qualitatively similar mation is seen to increase. This retardation of transformation
to what are presented in the corresponding equilibrium dia- kinetics below a critical transformation temperature describes
gram. To understand this situation it is important to review the overriding influence of the diminution of rate of growth
the isothermal transformation behavior of steel at temperature of the product phase. The growth of a nucleus is accomplished
below the equilibrium isotherm. This isothermal transforma- by continuous attachment of the atoms through long-range
tion behavior is described by time–temperature–transformation migration. The mobility or the diffusivity of atoms are strongly
(TTT) diagram as shown in Figure 6. dependent on the temperature. Below a certain critical value
It is clear from the diagram that for transformation of steel of temperature, the diffusivity of atoms becomes so low as to
at any temperature less than the equilibrium one needs some stop the growth of nuclei; as a result there is a net increase in the
time to start the diffusional transformation and this gets time to start transformation, thereby making the TTT diagram
completed after some more time as seen in the TTT diagram. C-shaped.
The nature of TTT diagram is generic and is applicable for any This is supported by the curve in Figure 7, which shows
diffusional transformation. As can be seen from the diagram, the variation of rate of nucleation and rate of growth with
it is a C-shaped curve. As the transformation temperature is temperature.
lower: The point, at which incubation period is minimum, is
known as the nose of TTT diagram. Incidentally, the portion of
• the driving energy for phase transformation, i.e., diffusional
the curve below the nose of TTT diagram of 0.8 wt.%C steel
decomposition of austenite to ferrite and carbide (pearlite)
does not represent same type of transformation as it is above
the nose of the curve. It is evident from the equilibrium diagram
• the diffusional transformation of g is due to nucleation and
shown in Figure 4 that austenite of 0.8 wt.%C completely
growth mechanism (readers may consult any text book of
transforms to pearlite below the eutectoid isotherm. Taking
physical metallurgy of steel for details of diffusional
this steel as a reference, the transformation of g till the nose of
decomposition of austenite); and
TTT diagram represent the transformation of austenite to pear-
• the increase in driving force for phase transformation tends
lite and below the nose of plain 0.8 wt.%C steel, austenite
to lower the critical nucleus size and energy of nucleation.
decomposes to the aggregate of ferrite and carbide through a
Thus a higher number of nuclei are formed at lower different mode of phase transformation known as ‘bainitic
transformation temperature. This phenomenon accelerates the transformation’ (please refer to book Physical Metallurgy Princi-
overall transformation kinetics so long as the growth rate due to ples authored by Robert E. Reed-Hill or any other text book).1
lowering of transformation temperature is not reduced to any The TTT diagram of a plain carbon 0.8 wt.%C steel is con-
objectionable value. It is for this reason, the time required to tinuous, and so it is difficult to distinguish the exact point of
start the transformation called ‘incubation period’ decreases transition from a pearlitic reaction to a mechanistically different
with decreasing transformation temperature, i.e., with increasing bainitic reaction. It is quite certain that above the nose of TTT
degree of undercooling. The reduction in incubation time con- diagram, at about 550 1C, only pearlitic reaction takes place; it
tinues till a particular temperature is reached. Below this critical is also clear that transformation at any temperature below
450 1C austenite undergoes bainitic transformation. It is pre-
sumed that from around 550 1C till 450 1C both pearlite and
bainite reaction may take place. Isothermal transformation of

Figure 7 Variation of nucleation and growth rate for eutectoid steel

Figure 6 Hypothetical cooling path on isothermal transformation of with temperature. Mehl, R. F.; Dube, A. Phase Transformation in Solids;
eutectoid steel. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.: New York, NY, 1951; p. 545. © 1951.
8 Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys

austenite indicates several important aspects of phase transfor- The fixing of ideal soaking temperature is a critical job. The
mation in steel. It describes the transformation of austenite soaking temperature is always fixed above the critical tem-
to pearlite above the nose of TTT diagram; it also helps to perature describing the formation of single phase. For an
understand the bainitic reaction in plain C-steel below the nose example, temperature above Ac3 line in iron cementite dia-
of TTT diagram. It is obvious that continuous cooling cannot gram. Increasing the soaking temperature has the advantage
give rise to the formation of bainite in plain C-steel. If cooling of making the system homogenous at an earlier time and
rate is such high, as to bypass the nose of TTT diagram, neither thereby saving time and energy in the process. But unlimited
pearlite nor bainite can form; instead, metastable austenite enhancement of the soaking temperature to take advantage of
transforms by diffusionless shear mechanism to form a super- achievable higher productivity is constrained by the chance of
saturated solid solution of BCT structure called ‘martensite.’ In grain coarsening. Many systems require a dissolution of solute
this context it is important to note that equilibrium diagram is rich second phase and subsequent homogenization of these
of limited use in actual heat treatment operation, as it cannot high temperature phases. This is essentially a thermally acti-
provide any information about the product of transformation vated process and is time dependent. Higher is the tempera-
when in industrial heat treatment the cooling rate deviates from ture, shorter is the time requirement to achieve identical result.
equilibrium. However large reduction in soaking time is restricted due to
In case of annealing a steel, care is taken to effect the the fact that soaking temperature is limited by its greater
decomposition of austenite at a low supercooling such that the vulnerability to chemical degradation and higher chance of
transformation takes place in near-equilibrium condition. grain coarsening. Hence optimization of heating temperature
Since austenite decomposition envisages diffusion of partici- is very important. Normally the temperature of soaking is kept
pating atom species, the alloy steel with higher stability of 50–75 1C higher than the equilibrium temperature.
austenite is required to be annealed at a considerably slower
cooling rate, 10 1C h1. The cooling rate can be effectively Effect of Excess Heating Beyond Homogenization
controlled at a low value by providing suitable means of
power input marginally less than what is required during Grain coarsening takes place if heating temperature is made
the soaking period to maintain the constancy of temperature. excessively high. Coarsening of grains also results if holding
Incidentally annealing of chromium bearing steels encounters time is unnecessarily prolonged even when homogeneous
the probability of embrittlement at a temperature around austenite has been formed. The initial grain size of austenite
550 1C. Therefore after transformation of austenite to ferrite depends upon the number of nuclei formed due to super-
and carbide as near to equilibrium temperature as possible, heating.
the steel is cooled rapidly to avoid the precipitation of chro- The grain coarsening is a thermally activated process and
mium carbide. Whenever stress relieving during annealing is requires movement of grain boundaries. So long as there are
an important issue as is the case of intricate shaped casting, the constraints for grain boundary movement in presence of pre-
slow cooling should continue till room temperature. cipitates or compositional heterogeneity, the grain boundary
movement is restricted; under such circumstances, once
homogenized such barriers are no longer existent. Production of Homogeneous Austenite
Any further holding at high temperature will cause, grain
As a first step of heat treatment the workpiece is required to be coarsening to set in, because coarse grains are thermo-
heated to a temperature high enough to produce a homo- dynamically stable. Grain coarsening leads to reduction in
genous single phase alloy. However there are exceptions like grain boundary area and thus the surface free energy and hence
hypereutectoid steel where heating is carried out quite often the total energy of system decreases. It may be noted that there
to a temperature having a two-phase microstructure. In all are grains which are inherently fine and can remain so, even if
cases, the final temperature is selected on the basis of infor- heated to as high as 1000 1C or more. Rapid grain growth in
mation provided by the equilibrium diagram of the concerned these steels can take place only upon heating to 1050 1C or
system. In many cases (as in steels), achieving a single phase at beyond. In contrast inherently coarse-grained steels exhibit
high temperatures involves both polymorphic transformation rapid grain growth much earlier. The different tendency for
and dissolution of the second phase constituent. In such cases, grain growth is ascribed to the internal deoxidation practice.
the first formed single phase alloy is compositionally inho- The air melted aluminum-killed steels are known to produce
mogeneous requiring a special attention to make the system aluminum nitrides which are uniformly distributed within the
homogeneous. In some other cases the initial microstructure matrix. These fine precipitates of aluminum nitride inhibit
may be of multiphase structure, needing dissolution of solute grain coarsening. Likewise many alloying elements, viz. tita-
reach second phase without any phase transformation under- nium, vanadium, niobium, or other strong carbide formers,
going in between. In those cases heating temperature is to retard grain growth till they are not completely dissolved
be decided by the equilibrium diagram which shows the during austenitization. However inherently fine-grained steels
temperature at which a single phase solid solution may be do not mean that their grain sizes will always be less than
obtained. Only in case of subcritical heating, the kinetic aspect those of the inherently coarse-grained steels; as shown in
of the target activity is to be paid attention to. For an example, Figure 8, the initial rate of grain growth in inherently fine-
when second stage graphitization is envisaged, that is, when grained steel is much slow as compared to that of the inher-
the pearlitic cementite is required to decompose into graphite, ently coarse-grained steels which start growing appreciably
temperature of heating is decided by the kinetics of the quite early in the heating stage with a nearly constant rate of
process. grain growth.
Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys 9

The inherently fine-grained steels experience an initial slow and holding there for sufficient time to make up a homogeneous
grain growth, which becomes much rapid at higher temperature solid solution. Following this, the alloy is rapidly cooled to
and the ultimate grain size can be higher than its inherently produce the supersaturated solution. This supersaturated solid
coarse-grained counterpart. Quite often alloy steels containing solution is heated in a controlled manner; super saturation of
strong carbide forming tendency are required to be austenitized solid solution is relieved by precipitation of solute reach phase.
at much higher temperature due the fact the alloy carbides do If a is the solid solution of B in A and b is a B-rich phase
not go in solution so easily and take longer time or higher age-hardening process is described by:

asaturated at high temperature ! asupersaturated ! asaturated at room temperature þ b

quench aging ðcontrolled heatingÞ

temperature to completely dissolve. As a result, they behave Annealing is generally a softening process in which the
as inherently fine-grained steels because grain coarsening can metals are heated to form the equilibrium high temperature
take place only after complete dissolution of all the carbide phase and then allowed to cool very slowly. The purpose of
particles which finally remove the barriers to grain boundaries annealing is to obtain the equilibrium microstructure; it aims to
movement. It is pertinent to remember the importance of improve machinability, formability, and sometimes magnetic
achieving small grain size after heat treatment. Hall–Petch properties.
relation is given by Normalizing is a process of natural cooling in still air from
a preselected high temperature where the required single phase
ky is formed. This results in increase in strength with a little
sy ¼ so þ pffiffiffi
d reduction in ductility. Its purpose is to refine grain structure, to
where, improve mechanical properties, and to relieve internal and
surface stresses.
sy ¼ yield stress, Stress relieving is a process of heating to a relatively
so ¼ material constant for starting stress for dislocation low temperature to reduce the level of residual stresses in a
movement, material.
ky ¼ strengthening coefficient, and Quenching is a process of rapid cooling of a material from
d ¼ average grain diameter. its homogeneous state at high temperature. The different
media may be used to quench the material; it may vary from
In accordance with above, yield strength of a single phase
forced air, oil, water with or without addition of salt, and
alloy is enhanced by its decreasing grain size. In general, struc-
polymers. Steel is hardened by heating to austenitic phase and
tural fineness of a material gives rise to higher strength and
then quenching it to room temperature; this results in the
toughness of the same; therefore wherever structural fineness
formation of martensite which is a very hard and brittle con-
is described by grain size, the prediction of Hall–Petch rela-
stituent in iron–carbon system.
tionship holds good. In order to gain more insight into it, the
Tempering involves gentle heating of hardened steel and
readers may consult the text book Mechanical Metallurgy authored
allowing it to cool slowly so that brittleness of the hardened
by Dieter.2
material is reduced. Tempering of steel refers to softening by
decomposition of iron–carbon martensite which is very hard Common Heat Treating Processes and brittle. Tempering of martensites in steel leads to relieve
of its supersaturation through various structural changes
The heat treating practices most commonly employed for
as described in later section. Also for nonferrous alloys, tem-
commercially important metals and alloys are cited below:
pering brings about precipitation of different phases intra-
Age hardening is the process where a supersaturated solid
granularly at the internal faults within martensites and also in
solution is formed by heating the material in single phase region
intercrystalline manner at the lath/plate boundaries of mar-
tensite crystals.

2.1.3 Heat Treatment Process Variables

On the basis of previous discussion it is evident that the major

process parameters influencing the quality of heat treatments
are holding temperature, holding time, and rate of heating and
cooling. The required magnitudes of these variables are deci-
ded by the chemical composition, size, and shape of the object
along with the desired properties in the metals/alloys. If the
chemical composition of the alloy to be heat treated is such
that the material is highly prone to oxidation or is inherently
coarse-grained material having a high tendency toward grain
Figure 8 Austenitic grain growth in inherently fine- and coarse- growth, the heat treatment of the same may result in poor
grained steels. mechanical properties unless special precautions are taken.
10 Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys

In order to minimize the problem of oxidation or grain structure which is qualitatively similar to that in the equili-
growth, two salt bath heat treatment furnaces are sometimes brium diagram. By increasing the cooling rate beyond this
employed. In one furnace, the object is heated to a tempera- limit, structures produced will consist of either nonequilibrium
ture up to which there is no appreciable oxidation or grain transformation products or the high temperature phases re-
growth. The object is then transferred to the second furnace, tained by sudden quenching.
heated rapidly for a short time, and maintained at heat treat-
ment temperature for minimum period. This practice reduces
the total time of holding at the higher heat treatment tem- Austenitization
perature and thus the above mentioned problems are reduced. Austenitization is the first step of heat treatment of steel.
The temperature–time relationship for such a heating cycle is Avoidance of microstructural gradient in the heat-treated part
shown in Figure 2. is very much necessary; else the final property will be different
In addition to the mode of heating up to heat treatment in different portion of the heat-treated part. The same strategy
temperature, the rate of heating is also of significance. The as discussed in the preceding section is applied during auste-
heating rate depends on the size and shape of the object and nitization process. Formation of austenite from the initial
the thermal conductivity of the alloy. Almost all metallic alloys microstructure of ferrite and cementite is a nucleation and
have good thermal conductivity and thus, in general, these growth process. It may be recalled that the austenitization
parameters play only a marginal role. However, in the case of process involves a polymorphic transition of BCC-ferrite to
alloys like stainless steels, thermal conductivity is an important FCC-austenite and subsequent dissolution of cementite in
factor to consider while deciding the employable rate of austenite. The initial composition of austenite is the weighted
heating. Secondly, low heating rates ensure better homo- average of those of ferrite and austenite in the intercritical
geneity of the structure and reduce the holding time at the heat region and the entire austenitization process is controlled
treatment temperature. Complicated shapes, sharp cornered by diffusion. The first nucleus of austenite will form above
objects, and objects with variable sections are also heated A1 temperature at the high energy interphase boundaries (like
slowly. Some alloys, such as high carbon steels and austenitic ferrite–ferrite and ferrite–cementite) as available within the
stainless steels, are subjected to slow heating rates. Smaller and initial structural configuration. If the initial microstructure is
simple shaped objects can be heated with higher heating rates lamellar pearlitic, the formation of austenite is quite rapid. Its
and homogeneity of the structure can be ensured in such cases nucleation will start at the ferrite–cementite boundaries as
by increasing the holding time. Also, for the alloys that are shown in the Figure 9.
prone to oxidation at high temperatures of heat treatment, On the contrary if initial microstructure contains globular
faster rates of heating are recommended at high temperature cementite embedded in the ferritic matrix, nucleation of aus-
range. Heat treatment temperature is governed mainly by tenite will generally takes place in ferrite–ferrite boundaries,
chemical composition of the alloy, prior heat treatment, if any, although cementite–ferrite interfaces are not excluded from
and the final properties required. Heat treatment of steel is being the potential nucleation sites. Evidently such situations
accomplished by heating it above upper critical temperature of dispersed cementite within the ferrite matrix will take a
(Ac3). This is known as austenitizing temperature, and can be longer time for the formation of homogenous austenite.
determined from the iron–carbon equilibrium diagram. For Figure 9 demonstrates the stages of formation of austenite
plain carbon steel, Ac3 temperature decreases with increasing from pearlite upon isothermal holding at a particular tem-
carbon content. During heating, actual austenitizing tem- perature. The time–temperature plot for such process is shown
perature is raised above the equilibrium temperature. Similarly in Figure 10.
upon cooling the transformation temperature is depressed. It is evident from the above isothermal transformation
Hence, during heat treatment practice, temperatures in excess diagram that initiation of austenite formation from pearlite
of equilibrium temperature are employed. The austenite pro- takes a definite incubation time which is a function of tem-
duced at these temperatures is homogeneous. In case of alloy perature. Upon formation of initial nuclei of austenite on
steel, some alloying elements or their compounds do not ferrite boundary, the nuclei of austenite will gradually grow;
dissolve easily in austenite and so they need to be austenitized concurrently cementite will dissolve in newly formed auste-
for longer time at higher temperature. Unlike cementite which nite as a demand of equilibrium. However equilibrium is not
dissolves readily in austenite, the dissolution of alloy carbides attained and dissolution of cementite lags behind the for-
is rather slow. For an object having variable section size, mation of austenite by polymorphic change of ferrite. A stage
the soaking time is determined on the basis of largest section may be visualized when partially transformed austenite coexist
size. Lowering of heat treatment temperature has the impli-
cation of higher holding time. Generally soaking time of alloy
steels is kept higher than plain carbon steels of low carbon
content and the thinly enriched alloys. Heavy sections, com-
plicated shapes, objects with variable section thickness, and
highly enriched alloys should be cooled slowly. Extremely
slow cooling results in the development of a structure as evi-
dent from the equilibrium diagram. The size, shape, distribu-
tion, and relative proportions of microconstituents can be
controlled over a wide range by way of varying the cooling
rates. Up to a certain limits, higher cooling rate results in a Figure 9 Stages in austenitization.
Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys 11

sulfur, is an alloying element, even though in majority of cases

sulfur is considered an unwanted element in steel due to its
adverse effect on the properties of steel, for example, inducing
hot-shortness to steel. Steels containing alloying element are
called alloy steels. So long as the total alloying element content
is less than 5 wt.%, the steels are considered as low alloy steels
whereas the steels with alloying elements in excess of 5 wt.% is
called high alloy steels. Classification of Alloying Elements

The alloying elements in steel are classified in to two broad
types. Some alloying elements stabilize the higher temperature
phase austenite, which is of FCC crystal structure. The crystal
structure of these austenite stabilizing elements is FCC. The
other class of alloying elements is those which stabilize ferrite
phase. These ferrite stabilizing elements are in general of BCC
Figure 10 Time–temperature relationship in forming homogeneous
austenite. crystal structure. The majority of ferrite stabilizers are seen to
be strong carbide formers. However at room temperature any
alloying element in steel has to be present either in solution in
with pearlite. Upon further holding at the transformation
ferrite or in carbide. The austenite formers do not in general
temperature the entire pearlitic ferrite is converted to auste-
form carbides. It is to be recalled that any element added to
nite with some cementite still remaining to dissolve in aus-
steel is partitioned between the two phases, carbide and ferrite.
tenite. This cementite dissolution is a diffusional process and
The austenite formers which partition to ferrite are not gen-
it takes some time to produce 100% austenite in the micro-
erally found in carbide. The austenite stabilizing elements are
structure. However even after completion of austenite for-
appreciably soluble in austenite by being of FCC crystal
mation it does not immediately become homogenous. This is
structure; these elements delay austenite to ferrite transfor-
because the regions where the dissolution of cementite took
mation, i.e., the basic lattice transformation in Fe–C system.
place last will be of higher carbon concentration than else-
However when austenite to ferrite transformation takes place,
where. Further holding for some more time will produce
an austenite stabilizer can have altogether two options: either
homogenous austenite, ready for subsequent heat treatment
it goes in solution within ferrite or it gets precipitated in ele-
mental form. Whether the austenite stabilizing alloying ele-
This process of achieving a homogenous single phase alloy
ment will remain in solution within ferrite will depend upon
is generic in the sense that for any initial multiphase micro-
how the concerned solute obeys the other rules of alloying.
structure, the sequence described above is followed by other
In the case of nickel, it is observed that nickel partitions to
systems, as for example, solutionizing of age hardenable alloy
ferrite. The atomic radius of iron and nickel are very near to
at elevated temperature.
each other, as a result nickel goes in solution in ferrite at ease.
On the contrary, one would find that copper with FCC struc-
2.1.4 Introduction of Alloying ture is not soluble in ferrite. Moreover it is not carbide former;
hence it is left with the lone option of being precipitated in
Plain carbon steels are of limited use because of its deficiencies element form. The precipitates of copper lead to hardening
on many counts. They are unsuitable for applications where of steel.
considerably higher strength and toughness properties are Majority of austenite formers being non carbide formers
required. These steels are incapable to withstand highly cor- are either present in ferrite or get precipitated depending upon
rosive environment, neither they are useful for high temperature the solubility of the concerned element in BCC ferrite. Man-
or cryogenic applications. Plain carbon steels can be hardened ganese is the exceptional austenite stabilizer, which forms
only to a limited section and exhibit a marked tendency for isomorphous carbide with cementite. Thus manganese gets
softening at higher temperature. The above limitations of plain partitioned between ferried and carbide, forming (Fe,Mn)3C
carbon steel are overcome by alloying steels with other ele- type of carbide.
ments. By definition, the elements that are deliberately added On the contrary, the ferrite stabilizers like Cr, Mo, Nb, etc.
to achieve desirable properties in a metallic system are called are generally carbide formers. In steel containing more than
alloying elements, whereas those elements that are inevitably one carbide formers, the formation of carbides and partition-
present in steel without any deliberate intention to serve addi- ing between ferrite and carbide depend upon their relative
tional purposes are known as impurities. For example, the steel affinities for carbon and solubility in ferrite.
making operation cannot fully remove sulfur and therefore The alloying elements have significant influence on the
some amount of sulfur is always present in steel. Sulfur in such phase transformation behavior of steels. All the alloying ele-
situation is called an impurity. Again the same sulfur when ments influence the decomposition behavior of austenite and
present in appreciable amount has the capacity to make chips in the process, the alloying elements exert their characteristics
brittle during machining. A particular variety of steel, known as effects on the equilibrium phase diagram, TTT or continuous
free-cutting steel contains deliberately added sulfur. In this case cooling transformation (CCT) diagrams.
12 Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys

Some of the important purposes of alloying are: strain due to difference in size of solvent and solute; this directly
influences the solubility of C in austenite as well as in ferrite.
1. To enhance strength and toughness at room temperature.
The diffusionless shear transformation proceeds through
2. To improve strength, ductility, and impact properties at
stacking shifts of atoms on the habit planes. The presence of
high as well as very low temperature.
alloying elements changes the strain field distribution on the
3. To improve resistance to degradation under aggressive
habit plane and thus influences the stacking shifts required for
service condition.
martensitic transformation. This leads to the stabilization of
4. To develop wear resistant steel for employment at ambient
either the parent or the product phase and is characterized
and elevated temperatures.
by depression or elevation of the characteristic transformation
5. To develop magnetic properties with minimum hysteresis
temperature. The general microstructure of steel at room tem-
perature is comprised of ferrite and carbides. Alloying elements
6. To improve the strength of steel without aid of quenching.
like Ni, Si, Al, Zr, P, S, and Cu dissolve at ease in austenite and
However, alloying elements cannot change the structure also in ferrite at different degrees. Some of these elements like
insensitive properties like stiffness of the steel. The stiffness is Si, Al, and Zr may form oxides and be present in steel in
dependent on the elastic modulus, which is the slope of true the form of nonmetallic inclusions. Similarly Mn and Zr may
stress–true strain (s–e) curve within elastic limit. Although form sulfide inclusions. These elements however do not have
alloying elements can improve elastic limit, it cannot appre- appreciable tendency toward formation of carbides. The other
ciably change the modulus of elasticity which is a structure elements like Cr, W, V, Mo, Ti, Nb, and Mn have tendencies for
insensitive properties. forming carbides. In the absence of carbon to react with, these
elements should be in a ferrite solution. The increasing order
of carbide forming tendency is Mn, Cr, W, Mo, V, and Ti. The Effect of Alloying Elements
alloying elements dissolved in ferrite increase the hardness
Alloying elements bring about changes in the Fe–Fe3C equi- due to solid solution effect and it is schematically shown in
librium diagram. It is to be understood that by the addition of Figure 11.
alloying elements, it is possible to alter the composition and As stated earlier, addition of alloying elements not only
properties of phases, without giving rise to the formation of modifies the transformation temperature of austenite to ferrite,
entirely new phases in general. Since alloying elements are but also the eutectoid point. Thus both A1 and A3 tempera-
responsible for change in transformation temperature and tures are altered due to the addition of alloying elements.
the rate of decomposition of austenite, the properties of plain Figure 12 shows the effect of alloying addition on the eutectoid
C-steel can be modified by alloying. transformation temperature. From the diagram, it can be seen
Addition of alloying elements changes the free energy of that those alloying elements that are known to stabilize aus-
participating phases in phase transformation, either diffusional tenite would lower the A1 temperature. Whenever ferrite sta-
or diffusionless. Therefore the transformation temperature of bilizers are added by a large amount, the austenite loop
austenite is changed by the addition of alloying elements. gradually becomes narrower due to the increase in upper cri-
The diffusional decomposition of alloyed austenite neces- tical temperature; beyond some specific concentration of fer-
sitates adequate movement of the atoms of alloying elements. rite stabilizers like Cr, the austenite may not form at all and the
Since such movement is generally sluggish the alloying ele- steel remains ferritic at both elevated and room temperature.
ment influences the kinetics of diffusional decomposition. All the alloying elements except cobalt shift the TTT- and
Solubility of C in austenite as well as in ferrite is modified by CCT-diagrams toward right. Austenite forming elements
the addition of alloying elements. This is because the alloying stabilize the metastable austenite and delay its diffusional
elements dissolved in austenite or ferrite tend to induce lattice decomposition. Therefore it is easy to understand that all

Figure 11 Effects of various alloying elements on hardness of steel.

Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys 13

Figure 12 Effect of alloying element on eutectoid temperature of steel.

Figure 13 Diagram showing shift of TTT diagram due to alloying with nickel and chromium.

austenite stabilizers should cause a rightward shift of TTT- or elements influence the kinetics of both pearlitic and bainitic
CCT-diagrams. The ferrite stabilizers are in general carbide transformation. Any specific alloying element is liable to shift
formers. It is known that nucleation of pearlite from austenite is pearlitic reaction and bainitic reaction to larger times but by
initialized by the formation of Fe3C. In the presence of strong different magnitudes. A carbide forming element is expected to
carbide formers, the formation of Fe3C at prior grain bound- shift the pearlitic reaction to a larger extent than the bainitic
aries becomes more difficult. Strong carbide formers prefer to reaction due to difference in the mechanism of these two
neighbor the C-atoms in austenite; the formation of cementite transformations.
requires free C-atoms to react with iron. However getting away As seen from Figure 13 both nickel and chromium shift the
from the attraction of the neighboring atoms of carbide formers TTT diagram toward right, but to different extent. If equal
is a thermally activated process and hence time dependent. Thus amount of chromium and nickel are added, it is expected that
more time is required for the carbon atoms to make them the shift of TTT diagram will be more toward right; the mag-
available for iron atoms to form cementite. This implies a shift nitude of shift may appear to be additive. However the actual
of CCT- or TTT-diagrams toward right. The shift of TTT and CCT shift of TTT diagram is more than the summed up shifts due to
due to Ni and Cr is shown in Figure 13. addition of either elements. This effect is called ‘Synergism.’
It is clear that diffusional decomposition of austenite is Chromium and nickel are known to shift TTT and CCT dia-
delayed due to the addition of alloying elements. The alloying gram synergistically toward right. Several such synergisms are
14 Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys

observed in Fe–C system and examples may be cited of be extended up to 20 wt.% with addition of carbon up to
molybdenum–boron and copper–boron, which depress the 0.5%. It is a strong carbide former; its carbide forming
austenite to ferrite transformation temperature synergestically. tendency is greater than Mn but less than W. Chromium
However effect of each element on pearlitic and bainitic increases the resistance to oxidation by forming a very thin
reaction is different and so the pearlitic and bainitic bays get layer of chromium oxide. Chromium is a moderate hard-
retarded differently due to addition of alloying elements. enability raiser; however, Cr and Ni increase the hard-
enability of steel synergistically. It imparts very good
abrasion and wear resistance by forming chromium carbide Effect of individual alloying elements in
in the microstructure.
summarized form
• Silicon (Si): silicon is least soluble in FCC-iron, with
• Manganese (Mn): manganese has got very high solubility in solubility up to 2 wt.%. Silicon increases the activity of C in
austenite because of its FCC structure, but its solubility in ferrite. Its solubility in BCC-iron is about 18 wt.%. Silicon
BCC-iron is less than 3%. Manganese is a medium carbide hardens steels with loss in plasticity. Silicon is a very strong
former, forming isomorphous (Fe, Mn)3C carbides. Man- oxidizing element. Silicon segregates at basal plane of
ganese is a very good hardenability raiser, and is of highest graphite crystal to prohibit inherent growth form of gra-
multiplying factor in determining the hardenability of phite. Thus silicon leads to the formation of graphite flakes.
steels. It reduces hot-shortness by binding sulfur as MnS. It increases the hardenability but quite moderately. Silicon
Manganese is an austenite stabilizer. influences tempering in low carbon steels through solid
• Molybdenum (Mo): it is a ferrite stabilizer, and is extremely solution hardening. Silicon is generally used as a deox-
soluble in BCC-iron, having solubility greater than 35% idizer; however silicon as an alloying element up to 4 wt.%
whereas it is soluble only up to 3 wt.% in FCC-iron. is capable of grain orientation. This makes the steel useful
The solubility of Mo in FCC-iron is increased if carbon for transformers. Silicon improves the oxidation resistance
is added to the system. It forms intermetallic compound of steel.
with iron and therefore causes precipitation hardening in • Titanium (Ti): titanium is mildly soluble in austenite, with
Mo–Fe system. It is a strong hardenability raiser, stronger solubility less than 1%. However its solubility in BCC-iron is
than most of other alloying elements. It gives rise to higher and around 6 wt.%. It is a hardenability raiser but it is
appreciable secondary hardening. As the dissolution of generally added to steel in very low concentration for the
molybdenum carbide in austenite is a slow process, the formation of titanium carbide which enhances the material
grain coarsening temperature of austenite is significantly properties during thermo-mechanical treatment. It prevents
increased by molybdenum. It increases the high tempera- formation of austenite containing high amount of chro-
ture strength and red hardness of steel. Molybdenum mium. It also inhibits sensitization in austenitic stainless
imparts resistance to pitting corrosion in stainless steels; steel by way of forming distributed titanium carbide.
further molybdenum increases abrasion resistance by • Vanadium (V): vanadium is very little soluble in FCC-iron,
forming hard molybdenum carbide particles in ferrite with solubility up to 1 wt.% whereas its solubility in BCC-
matrix. Molybdenum reduces temper embrittlement in a iron is unlimited. It acts as hardenability raiser. It is strong
chromium bearing steel. It is not capable to inhibit the carbide former but its carbide forming tendency is less than
formation of chromium carbides, but slows down the titanium and niobium. Vanadium is excellent in giving rise
kinetics of precipitation of chromium carbide, thereby to secondary hardening. Similar to molybdenum, vana-
putting a constraint to embrittlement. dium enhances the grain coarsening temperature of auste-
• Nickel (Ni): nickel with FCC structure is an austenite sta- nite, because the dissolution of vanadium carbide in
bilizer, with unlimited solubility in FCC-iron. Its solubility austenite takes a longer time.
in BCC-iron is limited to 10 wt.%, irrespective of whether • Tungsten (W): tungsten is weakly soluble in FCC-iron;
there is any carbon or not. Nickel strengthens and toughens however its solubility in BCC-iron is quite high, around
iron by solid solution hardening. It is a moderate hard- 33 wt.%. Tungsten is a strong hardenability raiser, and
enability raiser but in combination with Cr and Mo, it is also strong carbide former. Tungsten is capable of pro-
increases hardenability significantly. Nickel is not carbide viding secondary hardening during tempering. Tungsten
former but is a weak graphitizer. Nickel does not increase is able to provide very high wear resistance due to forma-
tempering resistance of steel to any appreciable extent. tion of hard particles of carbide in microstructure. It
Nickel promotes grain coarsening at elevated temperature. also improves the elevated temperature strength property
• Cobalt (Co): cobalt is soluble in FCC-iron, with unlimited of steel.
solubility. It is extensively soluble in BCC-iron with the • Phosphorous (P): phosphorus is very weakly soluble in
limit of solubility being 75 wt.%. It improves hardness of austenite (Avner),3 whereas it is around 3 wt.% in alpha
iron by solid solution hardening and is a significant con- iron (maximum solubility in a iron at 950 1C). Phosphorus
tributor to raise hardness by way of hardening ferrite. Its leads to hardening of steel by solid solution strengthening.
carbide forming tendency is similar to that of iron and is It is also known to improve hardenability. It improves
the only alloying element which decreases the hard- machinability of free-cutting steels, by way of making the
enability when dissolved in iron. chip brittle. It also improves corrosion resistance.
• Chromium (Cr): chromium is a ferrite stabilizer and has • Aluminum (Al): aluminum is extremely soluble in BCC-
got unlimited solid solubility in BCC-iron. Limit of its iron up to 36 wt.%, whereas its solubility in FCC-iron is
solubility in FCC-iron is about 13 wt.%; however, this may around 1 wt.% (Avner).3 It strengthens ferrite by solid
Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys 15

solution hardening. However it is a graphitizer. Aluminum Thus iron atoms populated regions, relatively free of carbon
is a very good grain refiner by way of dispersing its oxides atoms, are now made available. So martensitic transformation
and nitrides throughout the matrix of ferrite. Aluminum is of austenite to upper bainitic ferrite is accentuated. Therefore
alloyed in steels to be subjected to nitriding, because the addition of such alloying elements brings about differential
strengthening of nitrided steel is realized by the formation shifts in pearlitic and bainitic bays, thereby separating the two
of aluminum nitride. bays; hence the alloy systems become amenable to bainitic
transformation by continuous cooling. This is not possible for a
plain carbon steel, where TTT curve is continuous with super- Effect of Alloying Elements on TTT and CCT Curves
imposition of pearlitic and bainitic bay as shown in Figure 14.
Shift of pearlite reaction curve and that of bainite reaction However, when the cooling rate is so fast as to bypass the
curve are different due to addition of a single alloying element. nose of CCT diagram, neither pearlite nor bainite is possible to
This is because the pearlitic and bainitic reactions are mechan- form; rather a diffusionless martensitic reaction takes place,
istically different; hence the same alloying element should else the metastable austenite phase remains as it is.
be responsive to two reactions in different ways. Taking the It is to be recalled that austenite undergoes phase transition
instance of addition of a strong carbide former like molybde- only when it attains a finite degree of metastability. This
num, it is recognized that initiation of pearlitic reaction is means that stable austenite above A3 or above A1 for eutectoid
conditioned by carbon atom being freed from the influence of steel does not undergo any transformation.
molybdenum atoms, which have high affinity for carbon atoms. Supercooling of austenite below equilibrium temperature
Since this depends upon diffusion of molybdenum atoms and makes it metastable; this then acquires driving energy for
also since such movement is quite sluggish, the reaction is transformation to product phase (for elaborate understanding
shifted to longer times. The same element will delay upper any text book of physical metallurgy may be consulted).
bainitic reaction in a different way. Upper bainite formation is In normal circumstances, finite cooling rate is applied to
conditioned by taking away carbon atom from the vicinity of gain sufficient driving force for transformation to takes place.
iron atoms, so that the carbon-depleted austenite transforms Thus as previously mentioned, the equilibrium phase diagram
martensitically to bainitic ferrite. The presence of molybdenum is of limited use in practical heat treatment. Equilibrium
itself aids to this as it removes some carbon atoms from the cooling is not generally practiced; nevertheless knowledge of
influence of iron atoms by way of neighboring the carbon equilibrium diagram of a system is extremely important to
atoms it has affinity with. understand its heat treatment behavior. Equilibrium diagram

Figure 14 T–T diagram of a 0.33 wt.% carbon, 0.45 wt.% manganese, and 1.97 wt.% chromium steel (Austenitized at 870 1C).
16 Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys

provides information about which phase is stable at what to reach the temperature of the nose is less than or equal to its
temperature–composition combination. incubation time, diffusional decomposition of austenite is
From the information one can decide the temperature of completely suppressed.
heating to get a single phase alloy at higher temperature. The time required to start the transformation at a temperature
Equilibrium diagram denotes the stability of different is the incubation time required by the system to overcome the
phases at various temperature–composition combinations. It activation barrier of the concerned diffusional transformation.
provides information of possible polymorphic transition, limit The TTT diagram of hypoeutectoid steel shows its similarity
of solubility of a solute in a solvent as a function of tem- with that of eutectoid steel in the sense that:
perature and also the amount of different phases present in an
1. The curves are ‘C’ shaped characterizing diffusional trans-
alloy at any particular temperature. However all these infor-
mation are true only if equilibrium state exists all through. In
2. Being asymptotic to the critical temperatures at long time,
practice equilibrium is not maintained in most of the time;
hint that undercooling is must for transformation to take
at any finite cooling rate there is factually a deviation from
place, else infinite time will be required to effect a trans-
equilibrium. A fast cooling puts constraints to attainment of
formation which is impossible.
equilibrium in a diffusional transformation which depends
upon time. So, transformation must take place at temperature However the dissimilarity between the two is the presence of
lower than the equilibrium temperature. It is also known that a line ‘ab’ lying above and to the left of lines describing
a phase transformation takes place only with a finite under- the austenite to pearlite transformation. This line ‘ab’ is
cooling; the number of nuclei available for transformation asymptotic to A3 temperature at infinite time and defines the
depends upon the degree of supercooling and hence the formation of proeutectoid ferrite. From the cooling paths
temperature at which transformation is given to take place. imposed on the TTT diagram of hypoeutectoid steel, it is
This information however is not available from equilibrium apparent for path 1 that the proeutectoid ferrite forms between
diagram. Hence it is very important to get the information A3 and A1 temperature and holding for a long time it simply
about the transformation characteristics at temperature lower equilibrates to produce ferrite and unreacted austenite. However
than the equilibrium one. This necessitates the construction for path 2, the proeutectoid ferrite formation is followed by the
of isothermal transformation diagram; these are essentially complete transformation of remaining austenite to pearlite. In
temperature–time plot for various amounts of transformation, contrast cooling path 3 passes through the lines of TTT diagram
say transformation start, its finish or any other percentage of below its nose and leads to the formation of bainite. Although
transformation. Such diagram for eutectoid steel is shown in isothermal transformation behavior is understandable by fol-
Figure 6. It is found that pearlite and bainite transformation lowing the cooling paths drawn in Figure 15, these cooling
overlap and from the nose of the TTT curve at about 550 1C paths are not possible to be realized in practice.
upward, pearlitic reaction takes place; below 450 1C, bainitic Superimposition of cooling curves on to an isothermal
transformation is certain. From the very nature of TTT diagram transformation diagram may be made to avoid the imaginary
it is apparent that if cooling rate is such that the time required cooling path envisaged in the preceding paragraph. Cooling

Figure 15 Arbitrary time–temperature paths on the isothermal diagram of a hypoeutectoid steel.1

Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys 17

curves are essentially a temperature–time recording con- That is why TTT diagram cannot be directly used for
tinuous change of temperature of a cooling object with time. describing the transformation of austenite in practical situa-
This superimposition is demonstrated in Figure 16. For a very tion. For this purpose CCT diagrams are needed to be con-
slow cooling rate aiming to resemble full annealing, it is found structed. Incidentally it is possible to derive the CCT diagram
that transformation is completed within a narrow temperature from the corresponding TTT diagram.
band just below the critical temperature A1; the microstructure As evident from Figure 18 the supercooled austenite under
simulates that of annealed steel and consists of pearlite of large a state of continuous cooling transforms over a range tem-
interlamellar spacing. The cooling path is however the one that perature. On the contrary TTT diagrams are drawn by mon-
demonstrates the entire transformation to take place at con- itoring time dependent austenite decomposition at constant
stant temperature due to isothermal holding for sufficient temperatures.
period of time. Relatively faster cooling rate (as in cooling path The approximate CCR from a TTT diagram is obtainable by
3) has led to transformation occurring at lower temperature to the use of Grange–Kiefer formula:
yield fine pearlite. Cooling path 4 represents the CCR which
when employed disallows diffusional transformation of aus- CCR ¼ ðA 1  T nose Þ=1:5t min
tenite to pearlite. Any rate of cooling higher than the CCR will
retain metastable austenite till a different mechanism of phase where, tmin ¼ minimum incubation period at the nose of the
transformation without the aid of diffusion is realized by the TTT diagram, Tnose ¼ temperature at the nose where incubation
system. A diffusionless shear transformation has to take place period is minimum.
unless the metastability of austenite is enhanced so much so Moreover commercial heat treatment is hardly accom-
by alloying, that the temperature of martensite formation, Ms, plished isothermally at constant temperature. Therefore one
goes below room temperature (readers may check up with text needs to understand the difference between TTT and CCT
books on phase transformation). In that case metastable aus- diagram. From Figure 18, it is noticed that continuous cooling
tenite will remain at room temperature as in the case with from a temperature above eutectoid temperature reaches the
austenitic stainless steel. line for austenite–pearlite transformation after a time say t1
Unfortunately superimposition of continuous cooling second. Let it be taken that after a lapse of t1 second while
curve on a TTT diagram is not scientifically justified, although cooling the stock at the cooling rate C1, the temperature
it gives a rough estimate of phase transformation in steel under attained by the stock is T11C. It may now be presumed that
nonequilibrium cooling (Figure 17). entire stock had been at T11C for a time of t1 second with in

Figure 16 Superimposed cooling curve on TTT diagram.

18 Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys

the metastable austenite region. This is as tenable as at any

temperature higher than T11C; the stock requires more than t1
second to reach the line for pearlite start temperature. The
continuously cooled sample is not ready to form pearlite after
t1 seconds, rather it will take a slightly higher time to initiate
the reaction. Thus the point ‘a’ is shifted toward right. Again
higher time implies a greater drop in temperature. This means
the actual position of pearlite start point ‘b’ is toward right of
‘a’ as well as depressed. Similarly at the g-pearlite finish point
may be found lie at ‘d’ to mean that the ‘c’ point on TTT
diagram is shifted toward right and downward.
TTT diagram is therefore quite useful in predicting the cool-
ing rate required to avoid soft pearlitic transformation of aus-
tenite. From the foregoing discussion it is very clear that if a rate
of cooling is faster than the CCR in accordance with TTT dia-
gram, it is certain that in actual case of prediction made on the
basis of corresponding CCT diagram, the same cooling rate will
always give rise to non-diffusional products of transformation.
CCT diagram can be obtained quite accurately by a number
of techniques. Differential dilatometric technique is generally
employed to construct the CCT diagram of any steel under
preprogramed cooling schedule. Figure 19 shows the CCT
diagram drawn in Gleeble machine which makes use of dila-
tometry to accomplish the task.
From the curve in Figure 19, it is clear that transformation
Figure 17 Superimposition of cooling curves on a TTT curve under continuous cooling takes place over a range of tem-
(austenite decomposition). Cooling rates V1oV2oV3oV4oV5. perature. Since structure and morphology of phases formed

Figure 18 The relationship of the continuous cooling diagram to the isothermal diagram for an eutectoid steel (schematic). After Atlas of
Isothermal Transformation Diagram; United States Steel Corporation: Pittsburgh, 1951.
Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys 19

Figure 20 Diagram showing different cooling rates at surface and

center of the workpiece.

phase transformation, the cooling rate at the surface and at the

center of the sample ought to differ as shown in Figure 20.
The temperature difference at each time during cooling is
dependent upon two important factors. One is the material
Figure 19 Continuous cooling transformation diagram of a low
and other is the external media used to cool the object. For the
carbon steels constructed by dilatometric method.
same material, cooling from the same austenitizing temperature
but in different media like water and oil will result in different
due to phase transformation depend upon the transformation
temperature differential between surface and center of the sam-
temperature, it is imperative that there will be a structural gra-
ple. So whenever it is required to avoid the nose of a TTT or
dient in steels cooled continuously. Moreover it is pertinent
CCT diagram in a heat treatment process, it is required to decide
to remember that phase transformation in many steels is
the cooling media for the same due to following reasons:
mechanistically transient over a range of temperature, the com-
plete transformation of parent phase takes place. This is parti- 1. Different cooling media has different heat extracting ability
cularly important for low carbon steels, where the mechanisms from a specific stock of definite size, that is different
of austenite to ferrite transformation are different at different quenching media have different severity of quench; it is
temperatures. Thus quite often a multiphase microstructure is further important to note that the cooling rate achievable
obtained by continuous cooling of low carbon steels. However from a quenching medium varies with the changing tem-
microstructural gradient is not desirable in respect of deriving perature of the sample during cooling. Thus severity of
uniform properties in the heat treating object. The shape of the quench is a sole property of the quenching medium.
CCT diagram determines if there will be uniformity of micro- 2. By virtue of heat transfer ability, different materials exhibit
structure. In some alloy steel it is possible to get flat CCT dia- different responses to cooling in various quenching media.
gram in both cases of transformation start and finish, which Also each material has its characteristic section sensitivity
represent low carbon bainite and hence chances of micro- (i.e., variation of cooling rate at different places at any
structural gradient is least in this case. Whenever a decom- time). This implies that there is a sole material property
position of austenite takes place under continuous cooling, a which defines the ability of a material to avoid diffusional
number of mechanisms are operative for austenite to ferrite decomposition of the metastable parent phase. To get a
transformation depending upon the temperatures of transfor- reach to this material property, it is necessary to remove the
mation. For example, in low carbon high strength low effect of cooling rate on the ability of material to avoid the
alloy steel (HSLA) steel, progressively decreasing transforma- nose of TTT diagram of a material.
tion temperature or equivalently the increasing cooling rate,
envisages the transformation of austenite in the following This inherent property of steel is called hardenability which
sequence. describes the depth up to which a steel component is able to
avoid soft pearlite transformation. The term hardenability
originates from the fact that avoidance of the nose of CCT
AusteniteðgÞ-Equiaxed ferriteðaP Þ-Quasipolygonal ferriteðaq Þ-
curve by a cooling rate higher than the CCR leads to the
Widmanstatten ferriteðaw Þ-Massive ferriteðamassive Þ-
hardest possible phase in steel, which is martensite. This
Granular bainiteða0 BÞ-Acicular bainiteðaB Þ-MartensiteðaM Þ definition of hardenability is not universal. The idea of
increasing the hardness of a material by avoidance of diffu-
However in the regime of CCT diagram where acicular bai- sional decomposition of high temperature parent phase is not
nite or martensites are formed, the transformation mechanism is generic. It is true that if a metastable solid solution is not
practically same at all transformation temperatures, viz. martens- allowed to undergo its due decomposition by way of diffu-
itic transformation. This situation of microstructural gradient sional means at relatively high temperatures, the solid solution
is of much greater concern for finite-sized samples. Whenever a will take chance to form more thermodynamically feasible
finite sized sample is cooled from the austenite state to effect alternative phase, through diffusionless shear transformation
20 Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys

mechanism. This type of transformation, martensitic trans-

formation, takes place in a number of systems. For steel, the
martensites are extremely hard. There are many systems like
Cu–Zn–Al, Cu–Al–Ni, Ni–Ti, In–Th, where the martensite
phase is very soft. The high hardness of iron–carbon marten-
sites is ascribed to (1) solid solution hardening due to it being
a supersaturated solid solution of carbon in body centered
tetragonal structure, (2) dispersion hardening due to fine-scale
precipitation of carbide due to auto tempering, (3) dislocation
hardening due to martensite being internally faulted with
dislocations, (4) hardening due to interaction between dis-
locations and distortion dipole produced in martensite due to
asymmetric alignment of carbon atoms in the unit cell and
finally due to fine crystal size. The suppression of solid state
diffusional transformation by fast quenching is quite common
in many systems; it is true that a rapid cooling to bypass the
diffusional transformation (hence the nose of corresponding
CCT diagram) results in the formation of a supersaturated solid
solution. The supersaturated solid solution in iron–carbon
system is hardest and hence this process is called hardening heat Figure 21 Diagram showing temperature ranges of different
treatment. In other systems, the supersaturated solid solution annealing process.
may not be the hardest (e.g., Al–4 wt.%Cu) constituent, but this
may give rise to hardening when heated to slightly higher component is held for 1 h per 25 mm of section size and then
temperature and held for preselected period of time. subjected to very slow cooling. The rate of cooling should be as
However hardening of hypoeutectoid steel is carried out slow as possible and an example of industrially acceptable
50 1C above A3 temperature and then it is soaked there for cooling rate to obtain near-equilibrium structure is 50 1C h1.
sufficient period of time as discussed earlier. The homo- Again, care must be taken to avoid decarburization especially in
geneous austenite is then rapidly cooled with the aim to case of annealing high carbon steels. The aim of full annealing is
produce 100% martensite in the structure. In case of eutectoid to effect diffusional decomposition of parent phase, viz. auste-
steel, the steel requires a temperature of 780–800 1C for pro- nite in case of steel, at as low an undercooling as is possible to
duction of homogeneous austenite and then it is quenched. be provided by the furnace. The microstructure in annealed
An empirical relationship between the Ms temperature and hypoeutectoid steel consists of proeutectoid ferrite and pearlite
alloying element content may be written as, whereas it is full pearlite in eutectoid steel (Figures 22(a) and
22(b)). Hypereutectoid steels are not ordinarily put to full
Ms ð1CÞ ¼ 561  474ðwt: %CÞ  33ðwt: %MnÞ annealing. The Acm line is quite steep and full annealing of
21ðwt: %MoÞ  17ðwt: %NiÞ  17ðwt: %CrÞ ½1 hypereutectoid steel attempting to produce completely homo-
geneous austenite necessitates heating the steel to a very high
It is evident that carbon has the maximum effect to lower temperature, with associated risk of grain coarsening and dec-
the Ms temperature. Thus for high carbon austenite in hyper- arburization. However full annealing of hypereutectoid steel is
eutectoid steel, the depression of Mf temperature below room required if prior hot working is done at a very high temperature
temperature will always yield some retained austenite in the causing overheating and gain coarsening. Under such situation a
quenched microstructure. This retained austenite will make the judicious full annealing may result in partially refined grain
material softer at specific location, thereby rendering it to an structure. If cooling rate is high, network of proeutectoid con-
inferior quality material. stituents around the grain boundaries is likely to form; a slower
cooling on the other hand may lead to the formation of separate
ferrite regions in full annealed hypoeutectoid steel.
2.1.5 Annealing

Annealing is the process of heating the object to single phase Isothermal Annealing
field followed by equilibrium cooling to aim at achieving In case of isothermal annealing, steel is heated in the same
equilibrium microstructures. Depending upon the purpose, manner as that in the case of full annealing. After austeniti-
various annealing types are carried out at different tempera- zation the steel is rapidly cooled at a predetermined tem-
ture. The temperatures used for various types of annealing perature and it is held there for sufficient period of time so
operation are shown in Figure 21. that transformation of austenite becomes complete. A prior
knowledge of TTT diagram enables to determine the time of Full Annealing
holding at the isothermal annealing temperature. Isothermal
Full annealing is carried out to achieve a microstructure pre- annealing is advantageous as the total heat treatment time is
dicted by the equilibrium phase diagram of the alloy system. Full considerably reduced yet obtaining comparable microstructure
annealing process involves heating hypoeutectoid and eutectoid and properties. Isothermal annealing is particularly suitable
steels 50 1C above Ac3 and Ac1 temperatures, respectively. The for alloy steels which otherwise require at extremely slow
Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys 21

Figure 22 (a) Ferrite–pearlite microstructure of 1018 carbon steel annealed at 900 1C, (b) fully pearlitic microstructure of 1095 carbon steel
annealed at 900 1C. Courtesy of George Vander Voort, USA.

Figure 23 Isothermal annealing of alloy steel.

cooling in order to effect transformation involving the long fine wire, to be used in musical instrument as combined
range of migration of slowly moving atoms of the alloying microstructural and strain-hardening results in a very high
elements. As evident from the Figure 23, object being heat strength of the wire.
treated is cooled rapidly after austenite is completely trans-
formed to the desired phase that is pearlite. Patenting
Patenting is a specific isothermal annealing where the ‘Patenting’ is a process of annealing which is generally employed
transformation of metastable austenite is effected just at the in wire and rod manufacturing process. Patenting is normally
nose of the TTT diagram of the material under heat treatment. carried out when extra toughening is required in steels con-
Normally patenting is carried to impart high strength to taining 0.5 wt.% or higher amount of carbon. The annealing
musical wires. A high carbon steel of nearly eutectoid com- process in the name of patenting involves isothermal annealing
position is austenitized 15 1C above Ac3 for hypoeutectoid and of steels in a suitable salt bath at temperature near the nose of
above Ac1 for eutectoid composition (0.65–0.80). After pro- the TTT diagram. After austentizing the steel is cooled rapidly to
ducing homogeneous austenite rapid cooling is done in a salt the isothermal holding temperature viz. 550 1C. The object is
bath kept at about 450–550 1C and held for complete trans- kept at that temperature for sufficiently time so that complete
formation of austenite to fine ferrite–carbide aggregate. In transformation of austenite to fine pearlite is possible.4 The
accordance with the possible mechanism of transformation of objective of patenting is to produce very fine pearlite in the
austenite to fine ferrite–carbide aggregate, the microstructure microstructure (Figure 24); since smaller inter lamellar spacing of
may comprise of either fine pearlite or a mixture of fine pearlite envisages high toughness of steel it is applied to med-
pearlite and upper bainite. The patented rod is cold drawn to ium- and higher-carbon grades of steel, rod, or wire products.5
22 Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys

interfacial areas and hence the surface free energy. The dictates
of Gibbs–Thomson effect in respect of urge to lower surface
energy results in ultimate decomposition of cementite. The
state of C-atoms in a, may provide clues to such decomposi-
tion of cementite; if carbon is present at dislocations, strain
aging effect will enhance the yield strength quite significantly.
On the contrary, if carbon is assumed to cause super saturation
of ferrite solid solution hardening shall be the chief hardening
mechanism with concurrent change in the lattice parameter.
Equally the other proposals that carbon segregates at the prior
a–y interfaces,5 or that carbon precipitates out in the form of
carbide on to the dislocations9 have grounds to attract due
attention. The observation that no significant change in lattice
parameter in noted in the process may cast doubt on the ferrite
super saturation model.
There are reports10 that heavy deformation during forging
of white cast iron led to collapse of cementite lattice and that
Figure 24 1080 steel isothermally annealed at 482 1C (patenting).
Courtesy of George Vander Voort, USA.
elemental carbon released in huge quantity leads to graphiti-
zation. High carbon steel for wire drawing contains much less
Sometimes drawing and patenting steps are successively proeutectoid cementite as compared to ledeburitic cementite
repeated for obtaining the desired size and strength level. in white cast iron grown further in size due to precipitation of
Appropriate tailoring of composition may enable complete proeutectoid cementite. The author hypothesizes that heavy
transformation of austenite to fine pearlite by air cooling; this deformation during wire drawing leads to collapse of cemen-
alleviates with the use of salt bath or molten lead bath which is tite and the concurrent diffusion of carbon atoms from
health hazardous. Air patenting is less expensive than lead cementite–ferrite boundary to intragranular dislocations in
patenting but results in pearlite of varying inter lamellar spa- ferrite takes place at high temperature due to local adiabatic
cing which is not desirable. For a less, hardenable steel pos- heating. However, being energetically cheaper, the carbon
sibility of formation of proeutectoid ferrite may not even be atoms prefer to segregate at the dislocations in the form of
precluded. metastable cementite and not in elemental form. In this case
The steels to be used for manufacturing suspension bridge one will find that carbon content of ferrite is high without
wires demand extra strengthening after patenting; for this tangible rise in lattice parameter. All observations made so far
hypereutectoid steel with minor addition of chromium B0.5 wt. are also compatible to the hypothesis. Nevertheless it is of
% is now a day’s employed. Chromium induces a higher degree paramount importance to study the nature of particles present
of refinement in interlamellar spacing of pearlite in hyper- at the dislocations within ferrite; the possibility of formation
eutectoid chromium bearing steel, even down to 70 nm.6–8 Also of e-carbide and/or chromium bearing carbide of higher car-
the carbide lamella becomes shorter and discontinuous. When bon content must not be ruled out especially in situation of
steel with such fine pearlitic microstructure is subjected to heavy high strain rate deformation.
deformation during wire drawing cementite particles decom-
pose. The ferrite crystals get supersaturated with carbon. Com- Incomplete Annealing or Intercritical Annealing
plete decomposition of cementite is envisaged in chromium
bearing hypereutectoid steel. Excess carbon precipitated on dis- Incomplete annealing aims at relieving internal stresses thereby
locations within the resulting ferrite not only increases the improving machinability of the steel. Normally this type of
strength of the steels but also its work hardening rate quite sig- annealing is carried out by heating the stock just above Ac1
nificantly. This aids in suppression of delamination. Heavy and then holding there for sufficient time. Finally it is cooled
drawing of such steels reportedly leads to a super saturation of slowly within the furnace. It must be understood that this
ferrite up to 0.5 wt.% carbon with consequent UTS being about type of annealing does not eliminate proeutectoid ferrite or
1500 MPa. The degree of decomposition of cementite depends cementite from the microstructure at the annealing tempera-
upon the rise in temperature during wire drawing; the adiabatic ture. Mainly incomplete annealing of such type is applied to
heating in heavily drawn wire causes decomposition of cemen- hyper eutectoid steel. Annealing of hypereutectoid steel pro-
tite with concurrent deposition of carbon atoms at the disloca- duces the microstructure with cementite network enclosing the
tions which are pinned by the carbon atoms; as a result of pearlitic region. Whenever incomplete annealing is carried out
consequential strain aging effect yield strength of the steel is in eutectoid steel, the effect of full annealing is realized because
significantly increased. The microstructure of a 1080 carbon steel the annealing temperature lies in the austenite phase field.
is in Figure 24. Intercritical annealing of hypoeutectoid steel followed by
The decomposition of cementite phase, y during heavy rapid cooling gives rise to a duplex ferrite–martensite structure.
drawing has been ascribed to elastic interaction between dis- This type of heat treatment for low carbon micro-alloyed steel
locations and C-atoms.4,8 It is postulated by one school of is quite popular in recent years. The steel is held at a con-
thought that heavy deformation during wiredrawing leads to venient intercritical temperature till the time it is equilibrated
refinement of cementite. Upon continued deformation, the between higher carbon austenite of low volume fraction and
slip steps is formed in y; these two events lead to increase in low carbon ferrite. Upon rapid cooling from the intercritical
Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys 23

Figure 25 (a) Microstructure of intercritcally annealed 4140 alloy steel showing ferrite and martensite (Courtesy of George Vander Voort, USA)
and (b) microstructure of hypereutectoid steel annealed above Acm temperature followed by slow cooling.

annealing temperature, austenite transforms to martensite.

This biphasic structure, where martensitic island are inter-
spersed with in soft ferrite matrix strengthens the material
significantly. Figure 25(a) delineates ferrite–martensite struc-
ture in 4140 steel intercritically annealed at 775 1C within
g þ a phase field followed by water quenching.
The yield–tensile ratio of this steel is about B0.5; this
HSLAs possess excellent deep drawability and is considered to
be a very good automotive material.
Again annealing of hypereutectoid steel is essentially an
intercritical annealing as it is austenitized above A1 tempera-
ture in the two-phase field g þ cementite and then furnace
cooled. This makes the proeutectoid cementite agglomerated
or spheroidized. On the contrary if it is annealed by austeni-
tizing at temperature above Acm and then slow cooled to
room temperature, proeutectoid cementite forms a network Figure 26 Microstructure of steel after spheroidizing annealing.
along prior austenite grain boundaries. These types of micro- Courtesy of George Vander Voort, USA.
structures promote intercrystalline fracture and thus make it
brittle (Figure 25(b)). Annealing of hypereutectoid steel in two- also aimed in relatively lower carbon containing alloy steels
phase field breaks the continuous cementite network by as a pretreatment for facilitating production of homogeneous
agglomeration into spherical carbide particles. The associated austenite during the subsequent autenetization. Instead of
reduction in austenite–cementite interfacial area acts as the holding the steel just above Ac1 temperature, thermal cycling
driving force for the process. across Ac1 temperature for a number of times may also give
rise to spheroidization of carbides. During thermal cycling
across Ac1 the steel is held at a temperature just below Ac1 for Spheroidizing Annealing
predetermined period of time followed by gentle heating.
Spheroidizing annealing is meant for obtaining granular Repetition of isothermal cycles will produce the desired
cementite in a ferrite matrix. The lamellar pearlite of high spheroidized morphology. In the heating stage of thermal
carbon steel is converted to granular morphology by way of cycling carbides tend to dissolve but reappear in the following
heating the steel just above the critical temperature, 740– cooling cycles. Attempts to effect phase transformation with
750 1C and then holding at that temperature for considerable such a low driving energy entices the system to assume
period of time. This is followed by a slow cooling of the order spheroidal morphology; spheroidization diminishes the spe-
of 25 1C per hour down to a temperature of 600 1C. To obtain cific surface area and thus overcome the constraint due to
granular cementite the annealing temperature should not surface free energy term in the target phase transformation.
be too high above Ac1 and cooling rate should be so slow as Implicitly the spheroidal structures are softer with good
to allow decomposition of austenite to be completed at a machinability. As stated earlier a microstructure with spher-
low degree of supercooling. This enables the cementite parti- oidal cementite aids in production of homogeneous austenite.
cles to attain globular morpohology. High carbon steels are Figure 26 exhibits spheroidized cementite in hypereutectoid
conducive to such spheroidizing annealing temperature when steel containing 1.05 wt.% carbon steel.
heat treatment is carried at a temperature slightly above Ac1 Inter critical annealing of hypereutectoid steel gives rise to
temperature; however spherodization of cementite particles is globular cementite and thus leads to the formation of granular
24 Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys

pearlite. Within the intercritical region, undissolved cementite the possibility of achieving austenite of uniform composition.
particles tend to globularise due to prolonged heating at the However homogenization annealing as demanded to be carried
annealing temperature. Spheroidization of particles held at out at such a high temperature is liable to produce coarse-
elevated temperature is a natural event. Spheres have mini- grained microstructure along with formation of scales at the
mum specific surface area as compared to other shapes and surface of the casting. Therefore homogenization annealing is
hence spherodization of a micro-constituent leads to the followed by subsequent heat treatment process to incorporate
diminution of its surface free energy. Thus the process of the desired set of properties in the steel castings. These heat
spherodization enables the system to lower its overall energy. treatments may be conventional full annealing, normalizing or
At the temperature of inter critical annealing diffusion is not a normalizing followed by tempering depending upon the spe-
constraint; this favors the kinetics of spheroidization. During cified property requirement.
slow cooling the carbon content of austenite will gradually
decrease down the Acm line. So rejection of carbon in the form Recrystallization Annealing
of cementite may take place on to the existing cementite par-
ticles as this will reduce the requirement of supply of energy Recrystallization annealing is a process of heating cold-worked
for nucleation of new phase. When austenite is cooled just steel above the recrystallization temperature, holding at that
below the Ac1 line, austenite needs to undergo eutectoid temperature for a predetermined time and then followed
reaction which is essentially a discontinuous precipitation by normal air cooling. Recrystallization annealing is carried
where cementite is the leading nucleating phase. out for removing strain-hardening effect of multipass cold-
Eutectoidal cementite will form mostly through deposition working operation. In such case, recrystallization annealing is
on the existing cementite particles although nucleation of new an intermediate process to facilitate further deformation by
cementite on the prior austenitic grain boundaries is not cold working. On the contrary, recrystallization annealing is
excluded. In any case this cementite will have a better scope of also employed as a final heat treatment where removal of cold-
equiaxed growth and hence the overall microstructure will working effect with replacement by fine equiaxed strain-free
consist of globular pearlite. grains is derived. Proper selection of time and temperature of
Spheroidization is also carried out by holding the object annealing enables to achieve fine-grained uniform micro-
under heat treatment just below A1 temperature. Prolonged structure comprised of recrystallization. Sometimes a cold-
holding at this temperature effects spheroidization of cemen- worked structure is subjected to annealing at a temperature
tite particles, embedded in ferrite matrix. However this less than the recrystallization temperature with the purpose of
method of spheroidization is rather slow. It is not out of place rearranging dislocations to some low energy configurations.
to mention than the equilibrium shape of the particle is not This is known as a recovery process and is accomplished by
strictly spheroid but ellipsoidal. Particles assume spheroidal suitable annealing process.
morphology due to the urge to attain low energy state is rea- When metals and alloys are cold worked, that is when these
soned out by the fact that in solid state transformation strain are subjected to plastic deformation at a low temperature, say,
energy is equally important. less than 0.4 Tm (Tm is the melting point of the concerned
Maximum reduction in strain energy is not concurrent with metal or alloy in degree Kelvin), a portion of energy spent for
spheroidal growth of the particle. Rather growth of particles cold-working remains stored within the material in the form of
along specific direction reduces the lattice disregistry, and hence crystal defects. The amount of stored energy ranges from a low
the strain energy. However continued nonspherical growth to value to around 10% of the total energy spent in a deforma-
reduce strain energy is in opposition toward attainment of tion process. The work of deformation leads to generation of
stability in a system; this is because the nonspherical growth point defects and dislocations. These crystal defects are asso-
increases the surface area and hence the surface free energy. ciated with strain energy and the creation of crystal defects
Thus a situation comes, when urge to reduce surface energy during deformation is the manifestation of stored energy in
takes over and a spheroidization process sets in. This continues cold-worked materials. Obviously the magnitudes of stored
till strain energy term prohibits spherical growth and thus the energy increases with increasing amount of deformation up to
aspect ratio of the particle swings across a value near to but less a certain saturation value which is different for different
than unity. materials and deformation condition; however in most prac-
tical cases, the maximum of stored energy does not exceed
15% of the energy spent in cold working and the rest energy is Homogenization or Diffusion Annealing
dissipated in the form of heat.
Homogenization or diffusion annealing is usually carried out The above stated stored energy drives the relaxation pro-
for heavy and intricate castings which are prone to significant cesses during subsequent annealing. Upon annealing, the
intercrystalline segregation. Homogenization annealing is car- stored energy is released through different recovery processes
ried out to remove the inevitably occurring chemical inhomo- which may occur in steps. The process involved during the
geneity in heavy alloy steel casting. In reality most of steel release of stored energy is called recovery, recrystallization, and
casting produced under moderate cooling rate as in sand molds grain growth. During recovery process the point defects viz.
experience segregation of alloying elements along the cell vacancies are annihilated at the sinks like grain boundaries, or
boundary of the cellular dendritic structure. To ensure micro- it may annihilate at edge dislocation affecting its climb. The
structural homogeneity diffusion annealing is carried out at reduction in density of point defects due to recovery process
high temperature as 1150 1C so that appreciable diffusion of leads to reduction in resistivity of the metals and alloys.
atoms of the alloying elements takes place easily. This entails Resistivity is due to incoherent scattering of electrons at the
Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys 25

scattering centers like point defects. Also during recovery of dislocations is essentially devoid of dislocations and thus
process, the dislocations generated by cold working either get becomes a strain-free region. These strain-free regions within
annihilated or reorganize themselves into low energy arrays. the crystal are bound by thin arrays of dislocations, describing
Annihilation of dislocations takes place where dislocations of a small degree of misorientation across the regions; con-
opposite sign come together either through slip or through sidered as boundary, it is called a sub grain boundary. During
climb. Normally the dislocations remaining in excess after recovery of cold-worked crystals, mechanical and physical
annihilation would try to reorganize themselves into low properties are changed. The resistivity decreases with increase
energy array for the purpose of lowering the overall energy of in time or temperature till a saturation value is attained
the system. One example of such process is what is termed as (Figure 28).
polygonization. When a crystal is bent, the excess positive edge A typical microstructure containing sub grain boundaries is
dislocation may lie along the active slip planes in disorderly shown in Figure 29.
fashion. When a row of edge dislocation lie on a specific plane, When annealing is carried out at temperatures above 0.4
its total strain field in quite high; if the dislocations lying on Tm a different recovery process takes place. During this process,
different vertical planes are arranged in disorderly fashion, the highly strained grain within cold-worked material (character-
overall strain energy due to dislocations in bent crystal ized by high dislocation densities) is replaced by the strain-free
becomes quite high. However, if the bent crystal is heated, the grains. This process of relaxation is called recrystallization.
dislocation climb is possible and a regular arrangement as Recrystallization is a nucleation and growth type process as
shown in Figure 27 is realized. initiated by the formation of nuclei of strain-free grains which,
When the dislocations are rearranged in the manner as subsequently, grow by migration of its high angle boundaries.
shown in Figure 27, the tensile and compressive component of The growth of strain-free crystals continues in all directions
strain field due to adjacent dislocations will tend to cancel until there is impingement from the surrounding crystals.
each other; as a result total strain energy of the system will Being a thermally activated process, recrystallization is tem-
be reduced. The region of crystal in between any two lines perature and time dependent; also the process is influenced by

Figure 27 Recovery of crystal showing rearrangement of dislocations in bent crystal (polygonization); (a) shows irregular arrangement of
dislocations and (b) shows rearrangement to low energy array.

Figure 28 Variation of properties for cold-worked nickel due to recovery annealing. Courtesey of J.E. Indacochea University of Illinois at Chicago, USA.
26 Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys

the amount of deformation. The following observations can be Several mechanisms of recrystallization are proposed. There
made in any recrystallization process. can be different dislocation density across a grain boundary; the
grain boundary is not strictly planar but it is perturbed with
1. A minimum amount of deformation is required to effect
transient wavy character. A small bulged-type region at grain
recrystallization at a particular temperature.
boundary may move into region of high dislocation density.
2. Time required to complete recrystallization increases as the
Grain boundary acts as sinks for dislocations and annihilates
temperature of recrystallization is lowered.
them; the creation of such small dislocation free region lowers
3. With increasing deformation percent, the temperature to
the local free energy and hence becomes a stable nucleus. The
start recrystallization is decreased.
nucleus then grows to form a strain-free grain (Figure 31).
4. Recrystallized grain size becomes smaller with larger per-
The other mechanism of recrystallization is the coalescence of
centage of deformation at a particular temperature.
sub grains to form a region bound by high angle boundary and
5. New strain-free grains don’t grow into deformed grains.
hence a strain-free grain is formed under the driving force of
6. A metal or alloy with fine initial grain produces smaller
lowering of strain energy due to replacement of a number of sub
recrystallized grain.
grain boundaries by a single boundary of large misorientation.
The recrystallization kinetics in metals and alloys shows While recovery process reduces the electrical resistivity,
typical sigmoidal behavior as shown in Figure 30. recrystallization leads to reduction of hardness values with
The same figure demonstrates that increase in recrystalliza- progressive diminution of dislocation density. For a fine
tion temperature reduces the time to complete recrystallization. recrystallized grain structure both strength and ductility are
It also takes less time to initiate the process of recrystallization. simultaneously improved. The change in properties of a
heavily cold-worked metal subjected to isothermal annealing
above recrystallization temperature is shown in Figure 32.
Further annealing at still higher temperature leads to grain
growth. The driving force for grain growth is lowering of

Figure 29 TEM of 0.05C–1.5Cu–1.5Mn steel showing subgrain Figure 31 Recrystallized structure of IF steel. Courtsey of Material
boundaries. Courtsey of Material Research Centre, MNIT Jaipur, India. Research Centre, MNIT Jaipur, India.

Figure 30 Sigmoidal curves to show recrystallization kinetics. Courtesey of J.E. Indacochea University of Illinois at Chicago, USA.
Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys 27

Figure 32 Variation of mechanical properties during recrystallization.

Courtesy of J.E. Indacochea University of Illinois at Chicago, USA. Figure 33 Microstructure of subcritically annealed steel. Courtesy of
George Vander Voort, USA.
surface free energy. Anything which aids grain boundary
movement shall accelerate grain coarsening.
During recrystallization annealing proper control of example, in cases where hydrogen is known to remain dissolved
recrystallization temperature and time is required. After the in steel in excess of limit of tolerance, subcritical annealing at
completion of recrystallization, the process must be stopped; 400 1C is carried out. Diffusivity of hydrogen is quite high at
else grain coarsening will set in. this temperature, and so it diffuses out quite easily; thus chances
of hydrogen embrittlement is greatly reduced.
In certain cases subcritical annealing or high temperature Subcritical Annealing
tempering just below the lower critical temperature is employed
Subcritical annealing is generally carried out at a temperature to improve upon the sub-ambient impact strength.
below the lower critical temperature, A1. There are a number of
purposes for which subcritical annealing is considered to be a
useful heat treatment operation. Apparently subcritical 2.1.6 Normalizing
annealing is not liable to cause any phase transformation.
However it will be demonstrated in the following discussion Normalizing is the heat treatment process, which consists of
that in certain cases phase transformation may be realized in heating the object to the austenitization temperature, holding
subcritical annealing. it to produce homogeneous austenite and then allowing to
be cooled in still air. Normalizing tends to imply a normal
1. Indirect second stage graphitization of cast iron is a sub-
cooling of austenite to produce stronger steel in much shorter
critical annealing process, where cast iron with pearlitic
time than what can be obtained by full annealing. Due
matrix is heated to an elevated temperature below A1
to the fact that normalizing refines the microstructure of
temperature. Upon holding for a prolonged time, the
the steel thereby improving its toughness, it is quite often
pearlitic cementite may undergo decomposition to form
employed as the final heat treatment. Normalizing is carried at
graphite, leaving behind ferrite in the matrix. Thus com-
a temperature 50 1C above upper critical temperatures (A3 and
plete second stage graphitization will lead to the formation
Acm). Being austenitized at higher temperature (20 1C) than
of ferritic cast iron, which is a cast iron where graphite
annealing, normalizing produces greater homogeneity of
particles (flakes or other shapes) are contained in a ferrite
austenite but at a lower temperature than homogenizing an-
matrix; this makes the cast iron soft and ductile.
nealing and in shorter time. Quite often grain size becomes
2. Subcritical annealing is carried out in large and intricate
rather large after hot working; normalizing of such coarse-
castings to get rid of internal stresses. It is also carried out
grained hot work material gives rise to formation of fine-
after welding of some steels where there is a chance of for-
grained austenite which upon air cooling produces small
mation of martensite at the heat affected zone. The welded
ferrite grains and fine pearlite in the microstructure of hy-
joints are subjected to both thermal stress and stress due to
poeutectoid steels. This type of microstructures of greater
volume change accompanying martensite transformation.
uniformity helps to achieve superior mechanical properties.
Subcritical annealing relieves the thermal stress by dis- For example, when medium carbon steels are forged high
location annihilation at the grain boundaries and as well it temperature like 1100 1C, the size of recrystallized austenite
removes transformational stress by way of tempering mar- grains is quite large due to adiabatic heating; the final micro-
tensite to make it decompose to fine ferrite–carbide aggregate. structure is also very coarse (Figure 34(b)). Moreover distribu-
The microstructure of 0.10C–2Mn steel subjected to subcritical tion of pearlite and ferrite in its microstructures is nonuniform
annealing at 710 1C is shown in Figure 33. and thus the forged steel may not possess good and uniform
Sometimes subcritical annealing is employed to drive away mechanical properties. Hence it is imperative to suitably heat
the dissolved harmful gases within the steel component. For treat the forged product for refinement of its microstructure;
28 Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys

Figure 34 Microstructure of (a) 0.4 C–0.6Mn steel under normalized condition (Courtesy of George Vander Voort, USA) and (b) microstructure of
0.5 wt.%C steel forged at 1100 1C and cooled in air.

normalizing of forged steel can lead to desired structural hypoeutectoid steel, normalizing results in decrease of ferrite
refinement thereby enabling to produce fine uniform ferrite– grain size, increase of carbon content of ferrite, decrease in its
pearlite structure. Due to relatively rapid cooling, the trans- amount. All these factors increase the hardness and strength of
formation of austenite takes place at a lower temperature, the steel. Again normalizing is liable to produce higher amount
around 600 1C. The cooling rates superimposed on a CCT of pearlite with smaller colony size and interlamellar spacing.
diagram of eutectoid steel qualitatively describe the difference All these increases strength and hardness of the steel. Thus
in transformation behavior between annealing and normal- normalized steel is structurally finer than annealed steel and is
izing. The properties of the steel casting are made improved by stronger than the annealed variety. Strengthening of hypoeu-
normalizing operation. It is used to remove micro-segregation tectoid steel due to normalizing improves the machinability.
in steel castings producing thereby a homogeneous structure. The microstructure of normalized 1045 carbon steel is shown in
In hypereutectoid steel normalizing is carried out above Acm Figure 34.
temperature; this insures dissolution of carbides which aids in Low carbon mild steel is quite soft and ductile in the
removal of carbide network which might have developed in annealed state. Therefore chips of this ductile material get
prior processing. Normalized structure is highly responsive to adhered to the tool tip making the machining quite difficult.
spheroidizing treatment. Quite often normalizing is used as a Higher becomes the depth of cut, more would be the removal
preceding treatment to hardening operation, which requires a of material and the chances of tool tip jamming with adherent
uniformly homogeneous structure without any structural gra- ductile chip will increase. On the contrary, normalizing
dient. If there is a structural gradient in steel before being makes the steel strong and relatively less ductile; this
subjected to hardening operation, the hardened steel will yield entails the scope of relatively brittle chip formation and chips
nonuniform hardness consisting of localized soft and hard can easily get away from tool tip. This ultimately improves
spots. Well-normalized steel enables to overcome this difficulty. machinability. Steel compositions may be suitably tailored
Air cooling is faster than furnace cooling and so normalizing so that normalized itself can harden the steel or can even
heat treatment envisages austenite decomposition at a lower alleviate with the conventional hardening and tempering heat
temperature. The resultant microstructure is significantly differ- treatment, yet achieving equivalent or better mechanical
ent from that obtained by full annealing. A lower temperature properties. For the advantages which can be accrued from
of transformation during normalizing reduces the critical normalizing steel the recent efforts to make use of normalizing
nucleus size and the energy of nucleation of proeutectoid ferrite. as the final heat treatment process of new generation steels is
So grain size of ferrite formed due to normalizing is smaller noteworthy.11–13
than the annealed steel. Again due to faster cooling formation of
equilibrium amount of ferrite is not tenable. Thus the amount Distinctions between Annealing and Normalizing
of proeutectoid ferrite is less than its annealed counterpart. In
contrast with furnace cooling, equilibrium is not attained at any
stage of air cooling during normalizing. So ferrite contains Annealing is a widely used heat treatment operation and is
carbon in excess of equilibrium amount. Similar reasoning generally carried to refine the microstructure of materials and
applies to austenite to pearlite transformation. Lower transfor- hence to improve its ductility. Annealing also aims to relieve
mation temperature envisages higher density of operating nuclei internal stress, to eliminate micro-segregation in cast material
for pearlitic transformation. This leads to decrease in the size of for obtaining uniform grain structure, and to suitably modify
pearlite colonies. At the same time the interlamellar spacing of the microstructure when needed for a subsequent heat treat-
pearlite is reduced due to lower transformation temperature. ment processes.
Since amount of proeutectoid ferrite is reduced, the amount of In case of annealing, cooling rate is extremely slow and
pearlite is correspondingly increased as a consequence of shift of almost equilibrium microstructure is obtained. In contrast,
eutectoid point toward left upon faster cooling. Thus when normalizing heat treatment employs air cooling which also
compared with the achievable microstructure by annealing produces near-equilibrium microstructure but of a smaller grain
Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys 29

size compared to annealing. Thus for the same composition of • Annealing employs equilibrium cooling whereas cooling
steel, normalizing produces stronger and tougher steel than due to normalizing is nonequilibrium.
what can be obtained by annealing. In certain cases of high • Normalizing temperature of hypoeutectoid and eutectoid
hardenability steels, normalizing may lead to the formation of steel is 20 1C higher than the corresponding annealing
nonequilibrium martensite phase and in that case, the steel is temperature; this insures structural fineness and composi-
said to have been air hardened. tional uniformity in normalized steels.
Annealing serves identical purposes for both ferrous and
Moreover, the microstructural distinction between nor-
nonferrous metals and alloys. Air cooling may be done in
malized and annealed plain carbon steels reveals the difference
nonferrous metals and alloys to avoid the possibility of grain
between mechanical properties achievable in them.
coarsening due to slow cooling in annealing operation; how-
It is understood that when hypo eutectoid steel of low
ever, air cooling of nonferrous materials is not termed nor-
carbon content, say 0.20 wt.%, is annealed, its microstructure
malizing. Air cooling may be carried out in nonferrous alloys
consists of about 25% pearlite and 75% ferrite; as evident from
only when there is no chance of precipitation of solute-rich
equilibrium diagram, the carbon content of ferrite is very
phase. If an alloy contains high amount of solute dissolved at
small. When the same steel is subjected to normalizing the
elevated temperature, and if the solubility of solute is appre-
following microstructural changes take place.
ciably lower at room temperature, the alloy ought to be cooled
quite fast after annealing; this is because, the slow cooling say 1. The grain size of ferrite becomes smaller due to lower tem-
in air may lead to precipitation at the grain boundaries of perature of transformation of austenite. This results in higher
matrix alloy; these grain boundary precipitates, enriched with magnitude of undercooling; hence less critical nucleus size is
solute make the alloy vulnerable to premature intercrystalline envisaged. This leads to the formation of higher number of
failure. effective nuclei and hence fine-grained ferrite is achieved in
In case of annealing the cooling rate is extremely slow and its microstructure.
the rate of cooling may be same at all points across various 2. The carbon content of ferrite will be higher than that in the
section of the component under heat treatment. This implies annealed samples. This is due to the fact that a fast cooling
that annealed material is structurally isotropic. This insures provides less time for diffusion of carbon. Hence equili-
better uniformity in mechanical properties in annealed com- brium is not attained. This retains more carbon in ferrite.
ponents. On the contrary, in normalizing the nonequilibrium 3. The amount of ferrite is less than that in the annealed
cooling rate is experienced and hence in this case, micro- sample owing principally to less time available for the
structure may be different at different locations of the formation of proeutectoid ferrite, which is a diffusional
same component. This in turn results in nonuniformity in process and is time dependent.
mechanical properties across various sections of the same 4. The amount of pearlite is higher than the annealed sample.
component. Annealing employs a slower cooling rate; this 5. The colony size of pearlite is less than that in annealed
implies higher residence time of the components at higher sample because a lower transformation temperature aids in
temperatures. Therefore the chances of grain coarsening is formation of higher number of pearlite nuclei.
rather high during annealing; however, chances of grain 6. The interlameller spacing of pearlite is smaller in normal-
coarsening is relatively less in normalizing due to its higher ized steel sample than that in annealed sample. The
cooling rate which insures that less time is available for grain changes in the microstructures are shown in Figures 35(a)
growth. Hardness of normalized components is higher than its and 35(b).
annealed counterpart; this aids in improving machinability for
Each of the above changes in microstructure is brought about
very low carbon steel. However medium and high carbon
by faster cooling in normalizing; this results in enhancement of
steels have better machinability in annealed conditions. Due
strength and toughness. Thus normalized component is always
to discontinuous chip formation in normalized low carbon
stronger and tougher than the annealed component. The dif-
steel, the surface finish after machining of normalized com-
ference between the properties of annealed and normalized
ponent is better than when it is annealed. In a nutshell the
steels are furnished in Table 1.
similarity and difference between annealing and normalizing
is summarized as:
2.1.7 Hardening
• Both the process are carried out in fully austenite state for Hardening is the heat treatment process by which the hardness
hypoeutectoid and eutectoid steel. and hence the strength of a material is increased. Different
• Heating rate and soaking time for both the process are types of hardening processes are employed in different situa-
identically selected. tions. There are cases of age hardening where the material is
• Microstructures consist of diffusional transformation pro- heated to get a homogeneous single phase solid solution
duct of austenite but finer in normalized steel. which is cooled very fast from the high temperature and in the
Differences process a supersaturated solid solution is obtained. The super
• For hypereutectoid steel complete austenitization is needed saturation is relieved by precipitation of solute-rich phase
in normalizing treatment whereas its annealing requires mostly in certain sequences where coherent GP zone formation
holding within A1 – Acm but for which cementite network is followed by a series of precipitate formation; the precipitates
may form around austenite grain boundary making the in their initial stages of formation are either coherent or semi-
steel very brittle. coherent with the matrix. Equilibrium incoherent precipitate is
30 Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys

Figure 35 (a) 1045 Steel annealed from 900 1C and (b) 1045 steel normalized from 900 1C. Courtesy of George Vander Voort, USA.

Table 1 Comparison of mechanical properties of annealed and

normalized steel

Carbon Yield Tensile Elongation Reduction

% point strength in area

MPa MPa % %

0.01 179 310 45 71
0.20 310 441 35 60
0.40 351 586 27 43
0.60 413 751 19 28
0.80 482 923 13 18
1.00 689 1048 7 11
1.20 689 1054 3 6
1.40 661 1020 1 3
Figure 36 Diagram showing the hardening and tempering of
euctectoid steel.
0.01 124 324 47 71
0.20 248 255 37 64
0.40 303 206 30 48 austenite leads to the formation of martensites as discussed
0.60 337 158 23 33 earlier. This martensite is very hard in steel. So hardening in steel
0.80 358 103 15 22 is a typical quench-hardening process. In this process the steel is
1.00 351 151 22 26 heated to austenitization temperature; the temperature up to
1.20 344 165 24 39 which the steel is to be heated is also decided by whether a
Source: Taken from Brick, R. M.; Gordon, R. B.; Phillips, A. The Structure and homogeneous austenite can be achieved in reasonable period of
Properties of Alloys, 3rd ed.; McGraw-Hill Book Company: New York, NY, 1965. holding or not. Normally, for hypoeutectoid steel the heating
temperature is 50 1C above A3 temperature and that for eutectoid
steel it is 50 1C above A1 temperature. From this high holding
formed only at later stages. The process is halted before that and temperature, the steel sample is quenched at a rapid rate. The rate
the coherent or semi-coherent metastable phases give rise to of cooling which is to be applied without formation of quench
precipitation hardening through dislocation particle interaction. crack is judiciously decided as it is dependent on the composi-
Many aluminum alloys harden by such age-hardening treat- tion of the steel. The severity of quench of individual cooling
ment. So hardening in such situation is a quench-aging process. medium is different and the steel under hardening is cooled
There are many single phase systems like austenitic stainless or from high temperature in water, oil, air, or molten salt baths. The
aluminum magnesium alloys which cannot be hardened by any process of hardening is schematically shown in Figure 36.
method other than cold working where dislocation density The hardening process thus consists of three steps: First step
created due to cold working without recrystallization hardens is the production of homogeneous austenite in hypoeutectoid
the material. This is a typical work hardening process. More and eutectoid steel while austenite plus undissolved carbide in
discussion on the heat treatment of nonferrous systems are case of hypereutectoid steel. The heating temperature may
narrated in later section. range from a very high magnitude for alloy steel B1200 1C to
However in case of steels, hardening is possible by quench- quite a low value like 750 1C for hypereutectoid steel. For
hardening means; in this case rapid cooling of homogeneous hypoeutectoid and eutectoid carbon steels it varies between
Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys 31

780 and 880 1C. The heating is followed by holding for 0.7 wt.%C lowers the Mf temperature to below room tem-
predetermined time for dissolution of carbide and production perature and so, higher carbon steels quenched into water
of homogeneous austenite; in case of hypereutectoid steel, often contain appreciable amounts of retained austenite in the
however, undissolved carbide is deliberately kept in the microstructure.
microstructures for reasons stated earlier. Finally, the work-
piece is cooled at a cooling rate that produces martensitic Austenite decomposition to produce pearlite,
structure with minimum residual stress. The heat treatment is bainite, and martensite structures
required to be carried out in a protective atmosphere so that Steels must have adequate hardenability to avoid soft pearlitic
chemical degradation due to decarburization can be avoided transformation for producing fully martensitic structure
as far as practicable. Cooling is performed in different media throughout the section. For this purpose, the alloying elements
viz. water, saline water, hardening oils, polymers, salt bath, having good ability to shift TTT or CCT diagrams toward
and nitrogen or argon gas. Individual cooling medium has right are often added in steels, meant for quench hardening.
its own characteristic advantages and disadvantages; however, The microstructure of hardened steel containing martensite
salt bath quenching reduces chemical degradation as well as and some retained austenite is shown in Figure 38. During
minimizes the chance of warpage due to fact that the objects martensitic transformation some austenite remains untrans-
immersed in liquid bath experiences Pascal pressure which is formed. The amount of retained austenite depends upon the
same along all directions. Moreover the inert gas quenching like chemical composition, cooling rate, and mechanical treatment.
nitrogen or argon minimizes oxidation and decarburization. Stabilization of austenite in quenched steel is discussed in
The hardened steel is extremely brittle and cannot be put to use subsequent section.
unless it is toughened suitably. Another way of forming martensite is by fast cooling in the
Thus the salient features of hardening of steels are: softer region, i.e., the pearlitic and the bainitic region and then
1. Selection of proper quenching medium should be made so
that thermal stresses can be kept to minimum.
2. Alloy steels having high hardenability and low CCR should
be subjected to air cooling to avoid warpage or cracking.
3. High carbon steels have slightly higher CCR and has to be
hardened by oil quenching.
4. Medium carbon steels with relatively high CCR may require
judicious selection of quenching medium; many a time oil
quenching or polymer quenching is preferred to avoid heat
treatment defects. Factors Influencing Hardening Process

The hardening process of steel is appreciably influenced by the
following: Adequate carbon content to produce hardening

As stated earlier the alloying elements with the exception of Co
and Al depress the martensite reaction temperatures and
carbon exerts the strongest effect to lower both Ms and Mf
temperatures. As shown in Figure 37, carbon in excess of Figure 38 Microstructure showing martensite.

Figure 37 Carbon content vs. martensite start (Ms) and martensite finish (Mf) temperatures in unalloyed steels.
32 Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys

a comparatively slow cooling rate can be employed to produce the solid becomes supersaturated with respect to solute
martensite. concentration. Supersaturation is a state of thermodynamic
instability and hence the system becomes prone to be relieved Temperature of heating, rate of heating, and of supersaturation through what is called precipitation.
the time of holding However a homogenous solid solution becomes hetero- Temperature geneous if it is cooled rapidly from a high temperature to the
Proper selection of temperature is essential for successful room temperature. All quenched alloys contain vacancies in
hardening operation. For hypereutectoid steels the heating is excess of equilibrium number. The presence of excess vacan-
done below the Acm line, has the unique benefit of retention of cies entices the solute atoms for small-scale migration. This has
undissolved cementite in the microstructure which apart from the implication that perceptible chemical heterogeneity is
inhibiting grain growth provides high wear resistance to the created in a local scale. If the composition of the alloy lies
heat-treated parts. within its spinodal points, the alloy decomposes sponta-
neously without regard to chemical potential barrier. This fine Heating rate and soaking time scale solute-rich region created within the system is known
The heating rate is so selected that there should not be any zone, more customarily Guinier–Preston (GP) zones. The
decarburization or grain growth. For this the heating is done in aging sequence in age-hardening alloys can be obtained in text
steps. For an example heating to 800 1C and soaking for some books on light alloys and in ASM Metal Hand Book Volume 4.14
time to homogenize the structure and then heating the material Quite often the heat treatment cycle is so designed as to
rapidly to the peak temperature; this process necessitates a low maximize the density of GP zones by a low temperature aging
soaking period at the high austenitizing temperature. This leads treatment just after solutionizing followed by quenching.
to complete homogenization of austenite without appreciable Following this, a second step of aging treatment is carried out
grain growth. The soaking period and heating rate depend on at a high temperature. The preexisting GP zones dissolve
the size and shape of the part being heat treated. (above GP solvus) and give way to the formation of a series
In order to avoid defects due to hardening of steels the intermediate precipitates which are mostly coherent or semi-
following guidelines are useful: coherent with the matrix. The first step of aging at low tem-
• The properties required in the heat-treated part are perature (below GP solvus) is called natural aging and the
obtained without the parts being distorted beyond accep- aging at temperatures above GP solvus is known as artificial
table limits. aging. The overall aging process is referred to as duplex aging;
• The ideal design for a heat treatable part should be such as to duplex aging has the advantage of achieving precipitates of
attain the same temperature at its every point with minimal varying sizes which when suitably designed may lead to the
chances of abrupt change in thermal stresses. This necessi- formation of duplex precipitate structure which is extremely
tates the avoidance of abrupt change in the section sizes. beneficial in simultaneous improvement of both yield strength
• Long thin parts like connecting rods should be as symme- and fracture toughness of the heat-treated alloy. It is to be
trical as possible to reduce stresses. noted that during artificial aging a series of metastable phases
• The holes in a part should be kept centered such that metallic are formed and the formation of equilibrium precipitate may
mass around these holes are nearly same; this insures not even occurs in many cases.
balanced mass around and hence less chance of cracking. A few nonferrous alloys exhibit precipitation hardening
behavior due to the formation of fine coherent precipitates of
• The internal corners in a part should be provided sufficient
fillets and regions prone to lead to stress concentration the intermetallics during aging. In this way it resembles aging
should be avoided. in maraging steel where coherent precipitates of types Ni3Mo,
Ni3Al are formed. Cu–7.5Ni–1.5Si–1.2Cr is one such alloy
in which the quenched-aged microstructure exhibits nan-
2.1.8 Heat Treatment Fundamentals of Nonferrous ometer scale precipitates of b-Ni3Si and δ-Ni2Si.15 However it
Alloys may be noted that when transition metals like chromium is
alloyed with a full metal like copper, the as solidified alloys are
A variety of heat treatment processes are practiced to control normally heterogeneous with preferential segregation of chro-
the structure and properties of nonferrous alloys. Most of these mium.16 In conventionally cast alloys the microstructure exhib-
processes have their characteristics features that are common its large chromium rich phases. The segregation of chromium in
to the alloys undergoing such treatment; the general principles as cast condition is ascribed to high Chromium–Chromium
of individual processes adopted for heat treating nonferrous coordination in the liquid state due to differential mobility of
alloys are briefly reviewed in this section. the solute and solvent atoms at the conventional temperature of
molten alloy.16 This type of micro-segregation is the main rea-
son why these alloys containing appreciable amount of chro- Age-Hardening Treatment
mium is solution treated for as long a time as 10 h at high
A number of nonferrous alloys exhibit sloping solvus in their temperatures like 970 1C. In this connection special mention
phase diagrams. This makes the concerned alloys amenable to must be made of nickel-based superalloys like Inconel, Hastalloy,
age hardening; age hardening is the heat treatment that envi- Nimonic, Udimet, and Waspalloy which are subjected to
sages formation of a single phase by heating the alloy to a high quench and aging heat treatment, where diffusion of solute
temperature which insures complete dissolution of second atoms plays a vital role. These superalloys need to possess high
phase particles. Upon being quenched to room temperature creep resistance and hence its microstructure should be such
Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys 33

that it is not only very hard at room temperature but also can
retain its hardness at high temperature. Hard refractory com-
pounds embedded in strong and tough matrix enable the
material to attain good high temperature strength. Thus all the
superalloys are dispersion-strengthened and or precipitation-
hardened alloy. Since these superalloys contains refractory
elements like Mo, W, Cr along with some carbon and alloying
elements the hardened phase are generally intermetallic com-
pounds and carbides of refractory material.17–19 The diffusion
of these high melting refractory metals are very sluggish at the
average tempering temperature of 600–700 1C unless it is aged
for a prolonged period of time. A long holding time at the
aging temperature makes it possible to precipitate all the solute
atoms in the form of refractory intermetallics or carbides.
A sloping solvus in equilibrium diagram of a system is a
necessary but not sufficient condition for any alloy system to
be age hardenable. Example may be cited of Al–Mg system
which possesses a sloping solvus in its equilibrium diagram, Figure 39 Age-hardening curves of Al–6Mg alloy containing 0.2, 0.4,
but does not exhibit age hardening. It is postulated that GP 0.6 wt.%Sc. Dotted curve is for the base alloy.19
zones are not formed in Al–6Mg alloy due to GP solvus lying
below room temperature and that the alloy in solidified
condition contains coarse Mg2Al3-type intermetallic. However
it is found that trace additions of different elements in
several nonferrous alloys impact their aging response quite
significantly.20–23 Different trace element additions exert dif-
ferent types of effects. Some trace additions in some systems
stimulate formation of GP zones; for example, addition of
silver in Al–Mg alloy leads to formation of GP zones in the
alloy; it is not certain if these zones are magnesium atom
dominated zones or are of the same type of zones as is known
to form in binary Al–Ag alloys. Al–Ag alloy forms spherical GP
zones; hence the possibility that stimulation in GP zone for-
mation in Al–Mg alloy is due to silver rich GP zone formation
cannot be over ruled. On the contrary minor addition of
scandium leads to very prominent age-hardening effect in
Al–6Mg alloy.24,25 Scandium in aluminum forms Al3Sc pre-
cipitates and strengthens the alloy. Recent investigation through Figure 40 Variation of hardness with aging temperature for cold-
position annihilation and coincidence Doppler boundary worked Al–Cr (Zr) with trace rare earth addition.23
spectroscopy has confirmed that GP zones are not formed in
Al–Mg (Sc) alloy even though it shows excellent age-hardening become responsive to age hardening due to trace addition are
behavior.26,27 It implies that for precipitation hardening to take those for which cold-working accentuates age hardening. The
place, the formation of GP zone is not mandatory (Figure 39). aging curves in Figure 40 demonstrate that cold-worked Al–Cr
Moreover, the observation that scandium treated Al–Mg alloy is highly age hardenable even though it is otherwise a
alloys age harden but do not form GP zones while silver added quench sensitive alloy. It is described earlier28 that the first
Al–Mg alloy records GP zone formation, raises a doubt on the peak is due to the formation of CrAl7 phase which is the chief
common belief that binary Al–Mg alloy does not exhibit age hardening phase. At high temperature the CrAl7 phase dis-
hardening because its GP solvus lies below room temperature. solves and the new precipitate of Cr2Al11 appears. The volume
There is another class of alloys which have the sloping solvus fraction of this precipitate is less due to paucity of flux
in their phase diagrams but are nonresponsive to age hard- of chromium atoms against the need to form higher alumi-
ening due to quench sensitiveness. The ideal example of this nizes, Cr2Al11. Also recrystallization takes place partially due to
class is aluminum – transition metal alloys viz. Al–Cr alloy high temperature aging and so, the number of dislocations
which is highly quench sensitive. These alloys are highly prone available as nucleation sites for Cr2Al11 becomes quite low. As
to form coarse intermetallics in microstructure and do not a result the extent of age hardening is less after geeing at
exhibit age hardening in general.28 It is surmised that density 350 1C.
difference between solvent and solute leads to prevalence of Quench-sensitive alloy contains coarse insoluble in its
biased neighboring of like atoms. Treating these alloys with quenched state (Figure 41). The incoherent insoluble – matrix
rare earth elements makes the liquid alloy more homogenous interface acts as the sink for vacancy annihilation. As a result,
and as a result homogenous supersaturated solid solution is availability of vacancy in its quenched structure is limited. So
likely to form after solutionizing treatment followed by rapid solute diffusion becomes restricted; neither GP zone formation
quenching. It is further demonstrated that the alloys which nor formation of intermetallic precipitate is encouraged.
34 Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys

Figure 42 Self accommodating thermoelastic martensite in Cu–Zn–Al


the fabrication processes. Stress relieving treatment may also

be carried out for the purpose of securing partial recovery in
Figure 41 SEM micrograph of Al–6Mg–0.6Sc alloy.19 cold drawn alloys. When extremely deformed alloys are sub-
jected to low temperature annealing treatment, point defects
It is known that precipitation phenomenon involves long- are eliminated in particular and the excess lattice defects in
range transport of atoms. Cold-worked alloy provides dis- general. Such stress equalizing treatment as it is called, is
locations as the nucleation sites for precipitates and punched commonly practiced in the case of cold-worked Monel alloys
out vacancies from dislocations also make solute diffusion by annealing it at 300 1C. Sometimes propensity to stress
easy thereby aiding in precipitate formation in many quench corrosion cracking as in the season cracking of a brass
sensitive systems.29 However dislocation-induced precipita- (415 wt.%Zn) is minimized by annealing the cold-worked
tion is not generic of age-hardening alloy systems. Vacancy material below recrystallization temperature. This retains
solute atom complex formation and its easy transportation strain-hardening effect with some loss in hardness. In this
to nucleation sites is the chief controlling factor of pre- condition, the strain-hardened components do not get sof-
cipitation of Al3Sc in Al–6Mg (Sc) alloy. This alloy does show tened. However some hardness drop inevitably accompanies
any benefit in aging response after cold working following this process.
quenching. Martesite Formation in Nonferrous Alloys
Although many nonferrous alloys including a–b brass are Annealing of Nonferrous Alloys
strengthened by precipitation hardening, copper zinc alloys
The other common heat treatment processes applied to non- are not always meant for precipitation hardening. Ternary
ferrous alloys are homogenizing, conventional annealing and addition of aluminum in Cu–Zn alloys produces thermoelastic
stress reliving. For example, many copper alloys are single martensite,30–33 capable of exhibiting shape memory effect
phase solid solution and therefore can be heat treated only by (Figure 42). If the alloy is deformed in martensitic state to
the above mentioned processes. assume a different shape, the high temperature shape can be
In general the alloy castings are subjected to homogeniza- regained by the original article upon being heated beyond a
tion annealing heat treatment by heating the cast alloys to certain temperature, called recovery temperature.
a high temperature where rapid diffusion of substitutional When Cu–xZn–yAl or Cu–xAl–yNi is quenched from high
solute atoms is possible. The selected temperature should not temperature in b-phase field, martensites are formed. These
be so high as to promote unwarranted grain growth. The martensites are very soft and are amenable to shape change
alloy like Cu–Sn which shows a wide gap between solidus and with the application of small force.
liquidus temperature is prone to coring or micro-segregation. The volume change ‘ΔV’ accompanying martensitic trans-
These alloys are normally homogenized at high temperature. formation is quite small and the lattice invariant deformation
In order to relieve internal stresses and to restore the ori- mode is either twin or stacking faults (Figure 43).
ginal structure and properties that are affected during cold The reversible internal faults enable the reverse transfor-
working, the nonferrous alloys are subjected to recrystalliza- mation of martensite to parent phase to take the same path
tion annealing as usual. High solute alloy like a brass are as that of the forward transformation (b-M). The inherent
recrystallization annealed appreciably above the recrystalliza- reversibility characteristics of martensitic transformation in
tion temperature to assist diffusion of solute atoms. Stress Cu–Zn–Al and Cu–Al–Ni alloy are envisaged due to low
relieving annealing treatment of nonferrous alloys is carried thermal hysteresis.34–37
out as usual to relieve internal residual stresses those are The repetitive use of these shape memory alloys exhibit
introduced during the welding, brazing, casting, machining, or degradation in shape memory behavior due to cumulative
Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys 35

makes it possible to produce a, b, or a þ b alloy of titanium.

Therefore evolution of different kinds of phases due to various
types phase transformations accompanying heat treatment of
titanium alloys is noticed. This enables to achieve specified set
of properties in titanium alloys suiting the needs of target
applications.42–45 Being low temperature single phase system,
a-alloys are generally cold worked and annealed to achieve
grain refinement while it is in fully a-phase state. However if
fully ‘a’ alloy is quenched from b-phase field, a0 martensite may
form, with very little change in properties. Similar to many
ferrous and nonferrous systems a relatively slower cooling from
b-phase field (say air cooling) produces Widmanstatten a with a
consequent deterioration in fatigue strength. If a-alloy of
approximate composition, Ti–11Sn–2.25Al–5Zr–1Mo–0.2Si is
equilibrated at temperature within a þ b-phase field, evolution
of microstructure takes place in the same way as in duplex
Figure 43 Internal twins in Cu–Zn–Al shape memory alloy with trace ferrite–martensite steel. When the alloy is annealed at 900 1C
Zr add.26 within a þ b-phase field and then cooled fast, the b-phase
transforms to a0 martensite; on the contrary a relatively slow
cooling like air cooling produces fine equiaxed primary a and
Widmanstatten a obtained from b.
In a/b-alloys several heat treatment processes may be
adopted. The most common a/b-alloy is Ti–6Al–4V alloy.
In such a/b-alloy 4–6% b-stabilizing (V) elements are added to
retain some b even after quenching from b- or a þ b-phase.46–48
Annealing of the alloy can be done from b-phase field as well as
from a þ b-phase field. When it is annealed at b-phase and then
cooled to room temperature, Widmanstatten ‘a’ is formed in a
b-matrix or b may partially or wholly transform to a0 martensite
depending upon the cooling rate. When annealed from
a þ b-phase field the microstructure consists of equiaxed a and
transformed b. Transformed b may be Widmanstatten ‘a’ or a0 .
The strength of annealed alloy increases with increasing alloy
b-quenching: the a/b-alloy may be betatised at elevated
temperature, where single phase b is present. The b-phase is then
Figure 44 Microstructure of Cu–Zn–Al (Ti) alloy showing fine quenched. In case of dilute alloy, b may convert to a0 (hcp)
precipitates after repeated shape memory cycling.32 martensite; a0 martensite may finally convert to lath martensite
a00 or twinned martensite a000 . However in a concentrated alloy
‘b’ phase is retained as metastable ‘b’ which is then subjected
aging effect. Repetitive shape recovery cycling leads to pre- to aging heat treatment as is done in a typical precipitation-
cipitation of inter metallic compounds on to the twin hardened stainless steel. In dilute alloys b-phase may directly
boundaries and make them immobile. Thus de-twinning convert to laths of orthorhombic a0 to a00 martensite and face-
during reverse transformation is inhibited thereby, resulting centered orthorhombic a000 martensite. The transition from a0
in a loss of shape memory effect.38,39 The effect of aging pre- martensite to a00 martensite takes place with increasing solute
cipitates on the SME is elaborately studied elsewhere.40,41 content. Thus,
Excepting a few cases, formation of precipitates due to aging,
b-a00 with retained b
in general degrade shape memory behavior, with concurrent
rise in hardness (Figure 44). i.e., b-b(lean) þ b(rich)-a00 þ b(rich)
In view of apparent differences in heat treatment of some When the alloy is very rich in b-stabilizing elements, a fast
technologically important nonferrous systems, a brief review quenching from b-phase field may give rise to metastable b.
of fundamentals underlying principles of heat treating a few Aging of metastable b decomposes differently at different
such systems is done in the following paragraphs. temperature regime.
In a medium alloy aged within 100–500 1C b(metastable)- Heat-treat principles of nonferrous alloys b þ o-b þ a
exhibiting polymorphic transition In concentrated alloy b metastable-b þ b1-b þ a
Unlike aluminum, copper or nickel, titanium undergoes o-phase leads to severe embrittlement of the alloys. For-
polymorphic transition at 882.5 1C; high temperature b-phase mation of o-phase takes place through displacive mode of
is BCC and this phase undergoes phase transition through transformation; o particles are cuboidal and maintain specific
formation of hcp a below the transition temperature. This orientation relationship with b-phase.
36 Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys

Within the group of b-alloys, a relatively lean solute con- 2.1.9 Quenching and Quenching Medium
tent produces metastable ‘b’ upon fast cooling; whereas above
a critical value of the concentration of b-stabilizers stable ‘b’ In case of age hardening the supersaturation is relieved by fine-
remains present in the microstructure. The alloys are cold scale precipitation through a definite sequence. However the
formed and aged to secure high strength. alloy becomes hardest at particular time and temperature of
aging. As stated earlier in case of the Fe–Fe3C system the Application of heat treatment principles in supersaturated solid solution is the strongest phase but is
Mg-alloys extremely brittle. Heating it to some elevated temperature
In view of recent interest in commercial use of magnesium below A1 temperature decomposes the supersaturated solid
alloys due to its advantage of low specific weight, more ela- solution leading to ductilization of the alloy. As in contrast
borate discussion is made to know about the heat treatment of with the previously stated age-hardening phenomena, the
Mg-alloys. Cast magnesium alloys are quite often subjected to decomposition of the alloy leads to toughening of the alloy. As
solutionizing followed by aging. The solutionizing is carried described earlier hardening of steel is conditioned by a CCR as
out to attain a single phase from where it is cooled fast to form defined earlier. It is to be further noted that whether the
supersaturated solid solution. The cast alloys show micro- cooling rate offered by a particular cooling medium is able to
segregation and quite often cast magnesium alloys contain give rise to the formation of 100% martensite throughout the
intermetallic precipitates of the form AB, AB2 (laves phase), section or not depends upon the section size of the stock being
or CaF2 (BCC) in the microstructures. Mg–(8–10)Al–0.5Zn– cooled.
0.3Mn alloys are subjected to natural aging after solutionizing Figure 45(a) shows the effect of various cooling medium on
or first solutionizing and then artificial aging to effect intra a round-eutectoid steel bar. It is apparent that water having
granular precipitation of magnesium aluminides. On the more severity of quench can bypass the nose of CCT diagram
contrary Mg–(4–6)Zn–0.7Zr (RE) is directly subjected to T5 up to a greater depth then oil and air of lower severity of
tempering, that is artificial aging49; this leads to the formation quench. Hence to gain idea about the inherent ability of a
of Mg2Zn type precipitates. In general, magnesium alloys form material to avoid soft pearlitic transformation, it is required to
three different types of precipitates. These precipitates form at alleviate with the influence of severity of quench while deter-
grain boundaries if the alloys are cooled at moderate cooling mining the achievable depth of hardening. This is done by
rate as in sand casting. In order to improve strength and cor- imagining an ideal quenching medium with infinite severity of
rosion behavior of magnesium alloys, it is required that quench.
these intergranular precipitates are dissolved during solutio- By definition the ideal quenching medium will take away
nizing heat treatment. Subsequent aging to form intragranular the heat from the surface at the same rate as it flows to the
precipitates of intermetallic phases gives rise to significant surface from inside the bar which is being quenched. The
improvement in mechanical and mechano-chemical proper- cooling efficiency of the usual quenching media such as water,
ties. A large number of magnesium alloys are precipitation oil, brine, etc., relates with that of the ideal quenching med-
hardenable; the precipitate phases forming in different mag- ium. If round bars of varying diameters are quenched in a
nesium alloys with their precipitation sequences in furnished medium from an austenitizing temperature, there will be a
in the Table 2. particular diameter of which 50% martensite and 50% pearlite
In observance of the aging sequence in important magne- will be formed at the center. Conventionally this diameter is
sium alloys, it may be understood that most of these alloys are called critical diameter and is usually taken as the measure of
subjected to age-hardening heat treatment and in most of the hardenability. It must be noted that reckoning hardenability of
cases combined T4 and T6 is recommended so that a duplex steel on the basis of existence of 50% martensite and 50%
precipitates structure may result in the microstructure. In pearlite in the structure is not mandatory. Depending upon the
Mg–RE system, maximum strengthening is obtained due to the design requirement of steel, on the basis of strength and
formation of b00 phase which exhibits DO19 ordering. But aging toughness parameter, it is possible to describe hardenability as
at higher temperature till 250 1C leads to loss of coherency and the depth up to which 100% martensite is formed; however
the semi-coherent b0 -phase with hcp structure forms, mainly on the classical definition of hardenability, as the depth up to
to the existing dislocation. This drastically reduces creep resis- which 50% martensite and 50% pearlite is formed, owes its
tance. Solution treatment temperature for this alloy is judi- origin to the easy identification of a structure with 50% mar-
ciously selected and is normally around 420–450 1C for most of tensite and 50% pearlite. The fracture of such a material will
the commercially important alloys because it can avoid both show a transition from ductile to brittle type and a plot of
grain coarsening and chemical degradation. hardness versus the depth from the center shows a point of

Table 2 Heat treatment of Mg-alloys

System Precipitates process

Mg–Al SSSS-BCC equilibrium precipitate Mg17Al12 (b-phase) with (011)b//(0002)Mg and faceted with lath morphology
Mg–Zn–(Cu) SSSS-GP zone (coherent, disk)-MgZn2 (rods, coherent)-MgZn2 (disk, semi-coherent)-Mg2Zn3 (incoherent)
Mg–RE SSSS-GP zone (coherent, disk )-b00 MgxNd (x41) (Do19 ordered)-b0 Mg3Nd (semi-coherent)-Mg12Nd (incoherent)
Mg–Y–Nd SSSS-b00 , Mg3Nd, GP zone rods coherent Do19-b0 Mg12NdY globular þ b1 (plates) Mg3(NdY) FCC-incoherent Mg14Nd2Y FCC
Mg–Th SSSS-b00 , Mg3Th coherent (disk) Do19-b0 1 hcp, b0 2 FCC semi-coherent-b Mg23Th6 FCC incoherent
Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys 37

Figure 45 (a) Effect of cooling medium on microstructure evolution in eutectoid steel and (b) different stages in quenching.

inflexion denoting the change in curvature from positive to Once hardenability is defined as the depth to which a
negative. As stated earlier hardenability is an inherent material definite percentage of martensite can be formed, it becomes
property measuring the depth up to which the material can be obvious that all the factors which delay the diffusional
hardened with a predefined percentage of martensite in the decomposition of austenite will improve hardenability. If
microstructure. The critical diameter of steel for a definite austenite grain size is large, the nucleation sites for pearlite
quenching medium of a particular H-value can be made co- formation will decrease and hence CCT diagram will shift
related to the ideal critical diameter quenched in an ideal more toward right, thereby increasing the hardenability.
quenching medium (the details of hardenability of steel and Likewise all alloying elements except cobalt shift the CCT
methods for its determination can be obtained from physical diagram to right and improve hardenability. However indivi-
metallurgy books of steel). dual alloying elements has characteristic influence on degree
38 Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys

of shift of CCT diagram and so a multiplying factor is assigned fastest cooling of the object. After the lapse of some more
for each alloying elements to describe the quantitative effect of time with continued heat extraction from the surface of the
individual element in increasing the hardenability of steel. stock, the temperature at the surface goes down below the
From the forgoing discussion it is clear that the microstructure boiling temperature of the quenching media. Boiling stops
in continuously cooled steel depends on the cooling media and the mode of heat transfer at this stage becomes only
employed for the concerned material. convection. Thus the rate of cooling continues to reduce
During the cooling operation, a hot object is immersed in a with falling temperature of the quenching medium. It is
quenching medium – this is a complex process consisting of important to note that the progressive lowering of tem-
two major stages: perature of the heat-treated stock and hence that of the
liquid surrounding the object leads to increase in the
• Stage 1: vapor blanket stage
viscosity of cooling medium; this reduces the rate of
The temperature at the surface of the stock is initially
very high and so the cooling medium gets vaporized and convection and hence the cooling rate. These stages of
forms a thin layer of vapor around the immersed part. quenching are shown in Figure 45(b).
Under such circumstances the mode of heat transfer is Because of the fact that the thermal property of the liquid is
radiation through vapor blanket which acts as insulating a function of temperature, rate of cooling by any quenching
layer. This insulating layer puts a restraint to rapid flow of medium would automatically depend upon its temperature
heat and hence cooling of the object. Thickness of vapor dependent thermal properties. Qualitative information on
blanket around the object is determined by the quenching commonly used commercial quenching media is provided in
efficiency of the medium. The duration up to which this Figure 46.
vapor blanket stage prevails around the object is different From Figure 46 it appears that the major feature of water
for different quenching medium. It further depends upon quenching is defined by the extended vapor blanket stage over
the ratio of the weight of object being heat treated and that a wide range of temperature. Its implication is that the cooling
of the quenching medium being used. Further the specific rate at the initial stage where diffusional decomposition of
surface area and the distance between any two object put austenite is supposed to takes place is rather slow. Thus the
inside the quenching media also influence the vapor formation of diffusional decomposition product takes place
blanket stage. Figure 45(b) shows the formation of vapor with nonuniformity. The cooling capacity is of water at high
blanket around the bar. temperature is sharply reduced and with increase of tempera-
• Stage 2: the boiling stage ture of water the vapor blanket stage extended. This gives rise
In the course of cooling, the temperature at the surface of to a very nonuniform cooling rate at high temperature region,
the stock becomes low enough to reduce the rate of while quenching in water. The curve further shows that water
radiation, resulting in the loss of vapor blanket stability. offers its maximum cooling rate at a temperature between
The disappearance of vapor blanket at any region around 250 and 300 1C which belongs to the temperature range of
the object will immediately supply liquid to come in con- martensite transformation in many commercially important
tact with the hot surface of the object. The liquid start steels. The high cooling rates within Ms–Mf range is a great
boiling and the bubbles emanated thereof create turbu- concern for distortion, warpage, and even quench cracks. It
lence near to the metal surface; this enhances the rate of may be noted that increasing the temperature of water cannot
heat extraction. Since the quenching media have high latent solve the problem by the way of reducing the rate of cooling
heat of vaporization, the boiling stage experiences the during martensite transformation. On the contrary increased

Figure 46 Cooling rate vs. temperature for various quenching media 1-H2O; 2-H2O þ 10%NaCl; 3-H2O þ 50%NaCl.
Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys 39

water temperature may increase the cooling rate at certain continuously provide a slow cooling rate within the Ms–Mf
temperature. That is why quench cracks are frequently temperature range and thereby reduces the chance of
observed in case of quenching of steel in hot water. In contrast warpages.
a brine solution containing 10% NaCl in water appreciably • In the recent time, the new generation steels have been
changes the situation; the cooling capacity is increased to a developed which are hardenable by cooling in the still air.
high value even with exclusion of first stage of cooling, i.e., the The air hardening steels are particularly suitable for mini-
vapor blanket stage. Moreover the cooling by brine solution is mizing the distortion and warpage as the thermal stress
found to be uniform, although it is expected to decrease with induced during quenching is minimum. Also air–water
decrease in temperature. Because of high cooling rate at high mixtures at a pressure of 2–3 atmospheric pressure is
temperature where a vapor blanket is expected to form, the sometimes used for hardening heavy articles made up of
temperature of the metal surface decreases fast; this causes the alloy steel and are prone to crack on quenching. On
vapor blanket to become unstable and gets destroyed right at examination of the values of severity of quench for air and
the initial stage of cooling. Moreover, the NaCl salt spalling oil it would appear that air with low moisture contains is
out may accentuate the destruction of vapor blankets. The able to provide a cooling rate which is nearly same as oil.
brine solution is known to be relatively less responsive to • It is possible to increase the efficiency of hardening alloy
heating. Moreover the cooling rate within the Ms–Mf range can steels for water quenching is generally prohibitive due to
be brought down to low value by the use of concentrated brine proneness of quench cracking. A leaner alloy steels, which
solution, 40% NaOH in water is a very good quenching otherwise cannot avoid the nose of CCT diagram for the
medium which greatly minimizes the warpage and ensure a entire section, may first be subjected to more severe
clean surface after heat treatment. Unlike brine solution, quenching in water down to the level of 450–400 1C
NaOH in water is a rapidly degradable quenching medium. (assuming nose to exist between 500 and 550 1C), and
This absorbs CO2 from air and loses its properties within a day then quickly withdrawing the same from water and
or so. The low cooling rate between Ms and Mf range is an quenching it in oil which is quite efficient a quenchant
important consideration in the evaluation of efficacy of within Ms–Mf range. By this technique it is possible to
quenching medium. A fast cooling down to Mf temperature make use of lower alloying element content in steel yet
induces high thermal stress, also called macro-stress. Micro- achieving the same strength and toughness properties.
stress due to martensite transformation is quite severe and is to • Apart from what are stated above, proper immersion of
be inevitably developed during martensite formation. There- the articles in to quenching medium is very important to
fore a slow cooling rate within the Ms–Mf temperature range is avoid warpage and cracking due to hardening. The general
always advantageous in terms of reduction in cumulative recommendation in this regard is that longer articles
stresses developed in the quenched stock. Examples may be should be immersed with its main axis perpendicular to the
cited of a solution of 5% KMnO4 with 3% glycerin in water surface of quenching bars. Flats and sheets are immersed
which decreases the cooling rate in the martensite transfor- on their edges. For a better heat transfer it is advisable to
mation region to a significant extent. On the average this is create a relative movement between the article and cooling
around 50 1C s1 as against 600 1C with pure water and liquid. The lighter articles should normally be moved along
100 1C in water with 50% NaOH. the direction in which they are inserted in to the quenching
The other important quenching medium is considered to medium. But the heavy stocks may be held stationary and
be mineral oil which has a number of advantages over water as creating agitation in the quenching bath.
a quenching medium.

• Boiling point of quenching oil is around 250 1C and this 2.1.10 Tempering
mineral oil provides a very low cooling rate within the
Ms–Mf range. At a temperature around 200 1C the cooling As stated earlier the hardened steels with full martensite in
rate provided by the oil is at least 25% less than that pro- microstructure cannot be employed for useful purposes
vided by water. As evident from Figure 46, the rate of because martensite is extremely brittle; martensite formed by
cooling provided by the oil remains more or less unchan- quenching produces high internal stresses in the hardened
ged from 150 1C to room temperature. steel. The hardened steel need be heated to higher temperature
• However the oil quenching provides a low cooling rate in to reduce its brittleness; this process is called ‘Tempering.’
the intermediate range of transformation temperature, Tempering is generally carried out by heating the hardened
where austenite decomposes in to pearlite. Thus the effec- steel to temperatures below A1; it is held there for some pre-
tive hardenability significantly decreases due to oil selected period of time and then followed by cooling to room
quenching. temperature.
• Most of the commercial quenching oil is highly inflam- The selection of tempering temperature depends upon the
mable and its flash point is around 128 1C. However oil composition of the steel and the final properties desired after
with higher flash point around 170 1C is also available in tempering; this however depends upon the exact micro-
the market. structure and the hardness of the component at various points
• The cooling rate provided by the oil is rather small at low across its section. High carbon and high alloy steels are nor-
temperature. Oil preheated to 80 1C provides good fluidity mally tempered at as high temperature range as 550–650 1C
of oil, so that effective convection occurs. Being well below (Figure 47). In order to achieve good combination of strength
the flash point of oil at 80 1C does not set to fire and and ductility commensurate with the demands of service
40 Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys

characteristics reactions occurring simultaneously as the steel is

heated to higher and higher temperatures. The microstructural
changes accompanying tempering at different temperatures
following hardening of a medium carbon steel may be fol-
lowed from Figures 48(a)–48(d). Stages of Tempering

During first stage of tempering, formation of transition car-
bides occur, which can be Z carbide (eta carbide) and/or e
carbide (epsilon carbide). The crystal structure of Z carbide is
orthorhombic and bears composition formula Fe2C. However
no authentic proof about formation of the same has been
presented by researchers. The formation of e carbide of closed
pack hexagonal structure with approximate formula Fe2.4C is
already ascertained. The first stage of tempering experiences
segregation of C atom at the internal fault within martensite.
Figure 47 Tempered high carbon plate martensite in 0.9C–0.4Mn The carbon in excess of 0.2 wt.% is rejected in the form of e
steel water quenched from 900 1C and tempered at 538 1C. Courtesy
carbide. This converts high carbon martensite to a low carbon
of George Vander Voort, USA.
matensite of about 0.2%C, with a low tetragonality, as char-
acterized by a c/a ratio of 1.02, against 1.08 of a 0.8%C con-
conditions, proper selection of process parameters for tem- taining martensite. Formation of low carbon martensite is a
pering operation is necessary. The concerned process para- softening process, whereas e-carbide formation is a process of
meters are: hardening. The opposing action of these two phases results in
the hardness of the quenched steel more or less constant (in
• tempering temperature,
fact, the reduction in hardness if there is any, is only just
• time to spend at tempering temperature, and
• cooling rate from the tempering temperature.
The second stage of tempering takes place within approx-
In some alloy steels, the hardness increases during tem- imate temperature range of 200–300 1C. During this stage
pering at high tempering temperature. This is known as sec- retained austenite is transformed to bainite. However the
ondary hardening. It occurs due to the formation of transition second stage of tempering is not very important in any
phases which are coherent with the matrix. ordinary steel, as the quantity of retained austenite present in
Secondary hardening is sometimes termed as fifth stage of microstructure is not appreciable. On the contrary in case of
tempering as it takes place normally beyond the tempering alloy steel, retained austenite content is quite large and hence
temperature for globularization of cementite in plain carbon second stage of tempering becomes an important phenom-
steels. Some workers have termed this process of globulariza- enon. It is associated by rise in hardness as bainite is harder
tion during tempering as the fourth stage of tempering and so than the austenite.
secondary hardening in alloy steels are sometimes referred as The third stage of tempering takes place at 300 1C and
fifth stage of tempering. In case of chromium bearing steel the above; low carbon martensite reduces its tetragonality by way
first formed carbide is cementite at low tempering temperature of diffusing out the C-atoms, which further leads to the for-
when the diffusion of chromium atoms are very slow. However mation of elliptical ferrite of BCC crystal structure.
with increasing tempering temperature the diffusivity of chro- The e carbides dissolve and low carbon martensite loses
mium is enhanced and cementite gives way to the formation of tetragonality be rejecting carbon. Finally in the third stage of
alloy carbides. The equilibrium carbide phase forms through tempering taking place at 300 1C, the microstructure consist of
the formation of a series of transitional carbide phases. In ferrite and cementite; there is an overall contraction in volume
chromium steel, the sequence is: Fe3C-Cr7C3-Cr23C6.50–52 because low carbon martensite becomes cubic at extreme
The situation becomes more complex in case the steel rapidity at temperature near 300 1C.
contains more than single strong carbide formers; in these During third stage of tempering the ferrite phase undergoes
cases normally more than one carbide may form and the recovery; dislocations migrate to grain boundaries, resulting
sequence and amount of individual carbide phase depends in the formation of acicular ferrite structure of low dislocation
upon the relative strength in carbide forming ability of the density. Upon further heating to above 600 1C, acicular ferrite
concerned elements.53–55 recrystallizes to equiaxed ferrite. However for high carbon
The alloying elements effect carbide formation during concentration, the ferrite boundary may be pinned and thus
tempering at temperatures when their diffusion becomes per- recrystallization may take place with difficulty. The final
ceptible. If both molybdenum and tungsten are present, microstructure after third stage of tempering consists of
the sequence of carbide formation may be: Fe3C–M2C equiaxed ferrite with dispersed spheroidal cementite particles.
(MBMo&W)–M23C6–M6C. However it is to be remembered that rapid heating to the
Since tempering is the process where the hardened steel is third stage tempering temperature range, may allow the
reheated to an intermediate temperature, it must take place in changes to take place in the same sequence as described earlier.
a number of stages that may overlap considerably with Due to paucity of time, for example, e carbide may not even be
Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys 41

Figure 48 Changes in microstructures and corresponding hardness during tempering of 4140 steel after oil quenching from 870 1C.
(a) Quenched (55RC), (b) tempered at 204 1C (53RC), (c) tempered at 427 1C (45RC), (d) tempered at 649 1C (26RC) (Courtesy of George
Vander Voort , USA), and (e) tempering curve of AISI H13 steel.

formed and the tempering may result into direct formation of through rapid heating. If the tempering temperature lies above
cementite particles. the nose of CCT diagram, the transformation of austenite to
At the same time it is noted that the retained austenite pearlite will occur by diffusional means.
present in the microstructure may not undergo isothermal Upon continuation of tempering beyond 600 but below
transformation to bainite, if the tempering is carried out at 700 1C, the spheroidal cementite particles grow. The driving
temperature 600 1C, by reaching the tempering temperature force for particle coarsening is the lowering of free energy due
42 Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys

to overall reduction of surface energy. In alloy steel containing transform at various temperatures below the nose of TTT
elements like Cr, Mo a phenomenon called ‘secondary hard- diagram, phase transformation of austenite follows different
ening’ takes place at higher tempering temperature. If tem- mechanisms. The evidence of change in the manner of asso-
pering is carried out at a high temperature, where these ciation as well as the composition of carbide and ferrite phases
substitutional alloying elements have sufficient mobility, their in the microstructures of low carbon steels under situation of
carbides are formed at the expense of cementite, which dis- continuous cooling, has enticed the scientists to advocate for
solves and supplies the flux of carbon atoms for formation of mechanistically transient character of austenite transformation
alloy carbides. down to martensite transformation temperature. Study on the
If we follow the tempering curve in Figure 48(e), we observe isothermal decomposition of austenite in these steels, provides
that during the first stage of tempering there is no significant good information about the possible mechanism of phase
change in the hardness values due to reasons already stated. transformation. It has long been known that below the nose of
Possible hardening of small magnitude in second stage TTT diagram, broadly two different classes of microstructures
tempering, due to retained austenite to bainite transformation are formed. The first one forming just below the nose of TTT
is masked by the softening due to loss in tetragonality of diagram and above 300 1C is called upper bainite; upper
martensite and so there is a continuous softening during third bainite appears feathery under optical microscope. In contrast,
stage of tempering. Spheroidization followed by coarsening of the decomposition product forming below 300 1C looks aci-
cementite called fourth stage of tempering also experiences cular or needle shaped; this phase mixture is called lower
softening. bainite. In upper bainite the sheaves of fine elongated ferrite
However as the tempering temperature increases to 600 1C laths are formed. The cementite particles lie along the
and above, the cementite particles dissolve and alloy carbides boundaries between the laths of ferrite. In case of lower bai-
start to emerge. The formation of alloy carbides is a sequential nite, ferrite becomes more acicular and is appreciably super-
event, where a number of transitional carbide phases are saturated with carbon. This needle-shaped ferrite crystals
formed before the formation of equilibrium carbides. exhibited the presence of intra lath carbide particles. The
The transitional carbides are initially coherent with ferrite composition of this carbide phase is also different from that in
matrix thereby making the steel stronger through secondary upper bainite, which is orthorhombic cementite, Fe3C of
hardening. Secondary hardening is essentially an age-hard- 6.67 wt.% carbon. In contrast, the lower bainitic carbide phase
ening phenomenon where sequential change in precipitation contains 8.4 wt.% carbon with a stoichiometric formula
structure and composition occurs; thus secondary hardening Fe2.3C. The microstructure of upper bainite in 0.8%C steels is
follows mechanism of precipitation hardening. In the case of shown in (Figure 49); the transmission electron microstructure
secondary hardening initially formed precipitates are coherent gives evidence of bainitic ferrite with carbide at the lath
with the matrix and strong interaction between dislocations boundaries. A high dislocation density within the ferrite is also
and coherency strain gives rise to the strengthening. noticed. Ferrite lath in upper bainite also shows evidence of
dislocations generated presumably due to lattice invariant Formation of Bainite in Steels deformation. Similarly the optical and transmission electron
microstructure of lower bainite formed during isothermal
It is seen that diffusional transformation of austenite produces transformation of austenite in 0.8%C steel show needle-like
pearlite whereas transformation of austenite under complete ferrite crystals with intra granular carbides (Figure 50).
suppression of diffusional process takes place through diffu- In case of formation of upper bainite, diffusion of carbon
sionless shear transformation mode resulting in supersatured in austenite takes place at relatively higher transformation
solid solution of carbon in body centered tetragonal ferrite temperature 400 1C; this leads to creation of the localized
that is martensite. However there can be a situation where the carbon-depleted regions within the metastable austenite. The
driving energy for martensitic transformation is not available preceding carbon diffusion followed by the creation of the
and diffusional mode of transformation of austenite is also above stated carbon-depleted regions result in rise of Ms
improbable due to sluggishness of atomic mobility within temperature and since a highly metastable austenite below the
the temperature range intermediate to nose of TTT diagram nose of TTT diagram seeks for a suitable mode to undergo
and the martensite start temperature. Under such circum- rapid transformation for its urge to lower overall free energy of
stances a mixed mode of transformation, in the form of bai- the system, the diffusionless martensitic transformation is
nitic reaction takes place. The character of transformation is called for just when adequate driving energy commensurate
partly diffusional and partly shear. Again depending upon the with martensite formation temperature becomes available.
transformation temperature and hence the available driving This behavior is logically consistent with proposed trans-
force the diffusion of solute carbon atoms may take place formation mechanisms of lower bainite; the low transformation
before or after the FCC–BCC polymorphic transition through temperature of lower bainite tantamount to a much higher
shear mechanism. Accordingly the transformation products are available driving forces and hence austenite can undergo poly-
called upper or lower bainite. morphic transformation without regard to prior diffusion of
carbon. However one school of thought has proposed that Mechanism of bainite formation upper bainitic transformation is entirely diffusional and is
Below the nose of TTT diagram, lamellar product of decom- nothing more than a nucleation and growth type process where
position of austenite is no longer seen to form; rather discrete the ferrite crystal grow by ledge mechanism; bainitic ferrite
particles of ferrite and cementite with different morphologies sheaves are formed by sympathetic nucleation of new crystals
are observed in the microstructure. When austenite is given to at the boundary of prior crystals; according to this school of
Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys 43

Figure 49 TEM and optical photomicrograph of upper bainite (dark) and martensite (white) in 0.6%C–0.85%Mn–0.25%Si–0.8%Cr steel
(austenitized at 830 1C and partially transformed to upper bainite at 530 1C). Courtesy of George Vander Voort, USA.

Figure 50 TEM and optical micrograph of lower bainite (dark) and martensite (white) in 0.6%C–0.85%Mn–0.25%Si–0.8%Cr steel (austenitized at
830 1C and partially transformed to lower bainite at 350 1C). Courtesy of George Vander Voort, USA.

thought, upper bainite formation can no longer be con- circumstances the mechanism of basic transition of austenite
sidered to be a ‘partly diffusional and partly diffusion less to ferrite may be non-diffusional, notwithstanding if diffu-
shear transformation.’ In this context it may be recalled that sion of carbon atoms, required to form bainitic carbides takes
transformation of undercooled austenite is mechanistically place before (upper bainite) or after transformation (lower
transient and different transformation mechanisms operating bainite). Although the proposition of ledge mechanism in
at various degree of undercooling are distinguishable in formation of some form of bainite must not be reasoned out,
continuously cooled low carbon steel. As one increases the it is wiser to dispense with dogmatic documentation in favor
degree of under cooling in a pool of transforming austenite, of fully diffusional nature of any bainitic transformation. The
the phase transformation of austenite to ferrite is reported to transient transformation behavior has its origin to the com-
take place in the sequence: polygonal ferrite–widsmanstatten promise between degree of metastability of austenite and
ferrite–massive ferrite–granular ferrite (bainite)–acicular feasibility of any specific transformation mode to operate
bainite–martensite. Each transformation type takes place within the scope of available driving energy with insurance of
within specific temperature region as decided by the chemical the most favorable transformation kinetics for FCC austenite
composition and defect structure of the transforming auste- to BCC ferrite formation.
nite. It has been demonstrated earlier that granular bainite
forms by ledge mechanism; there is therefore reasons to Martempering
believe that for any specific condition of under cooling, the
driving force for polymorphic transition of austenite typifies It is stated earlier that hardening of steel gives rise to severe
a definite mode of transformation to operate. In extreme thermal stresses over and above the inevitable transformational
44 Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys

stresses. These two stresses together, quite often lead to warpage temperature, held there for sufficient period of time to produce
or cracking of the heat treating stock. ‘Martempering’ is a pro- homogeneous austenite. The selection of austenitizing tem-
cess, which can minimize the chance of cracking during hard- perature and time follows from the same principles as that
ening of alloy steels. In this process, the steel after being suitably in the case of conventional quench-hardening process. After
austenitized, is rapidly quenched in suitable medium, i.e., pre- austenitization the steel is rapidly cooled to a temperature
ferably a salt bath, which is maintained at constant temperature above Ms temperature and preferably in the region of lower
above the Ms temperature and held there for preselected period bainite transformation. The severity of quench must be such as
of time as shown in Figure 51. to be able to overcome the hardenability constraint if any. A
Temperature of holding is decided by the Ms temperature salt bath kept at the quenching temperature say 300 1C, is used
of the material being quenched that is the chemical compo- for isothermally holding the component for sufficiently long
sition of steel. On the contrary, the holding time must com- period so that complete decomposition of austenite may take
mensurate with the time required to equalize the temperatures place as shown in Figure 52.
between the surface and center of the heat treating stock, which Holding at the austempering temperature eliminates ther-
further is a function of the geometry of the stock. Too low a mal stresses and isothermal transformation of austenite to
holding time will not secure the basic purpose of this process; lower bainite in a salt bath also protects the steel from oxi-
again too high holding time will bring about decomposition dation due to neutral atmosphere and from distortion due
of austenite through diffusional means, which the process of to prevailing situation of hydrostatic pressure. Austempering
hardening of steel does not aim at. Holding the steel above Ms produces lower bainite which is composed of supersaturated
temperature for sufficient period of time, equalizes the tem- ferrite and e carbide (Figure 53). Needless to say that after
perature between center and surface of the stock. Thus the completion of bainitic transformation no other transforma-
thermal stresses generated due to differential volume contrac- tion takes place during cooling to room temperature from
tion across the section of the stock are removed; also bainitic reaction temperature.
quenching from low temp to trigger martensite formation will The low temperature tempering of hardened steel also pro-
eliminate thermal shock and hence reduce overall thermal duces low carbon martensite (i.e., ferrite of low supersaturation)
stresses. Stresses originated from volume change accompany- and e carbide. However strength and toughness properties of
ing martensitic transformation only exist. This leads to mini- austempered material are much better than the hardened and
mization of warpage and lessens the chances of formation of tempered material.
quench cracks. Thermal stresses is dependent on section size During austempering lower bainitic transformation is
and if there is sharp change in section size in a component, envisaged. This means that quenching to austempering tem-
stress localization may occur at the transition region; failure perature leads to the formation of supersaturated ferrite by
may initiate from this weak region. A larger section implies a
higher magnitude of difference in cooling rate between surface
and center; therefore thermal stress becomes quite high. Along
with this, rapid change in cross section aggravates the situation
and tendency to form quench cracks increases. Austempering
Many medium carbon low alloy structural steels achieve their
optimum properties with a microstructure similar to that of
lower bainite. This type of structure can be obtained by a heat
treatment called ‘Austempering.’ ‘Austempering’ is the process Figure 52 Austempering.
of heat treatment where the steel is heated to austenitizing

Figure 53 Microstructure showing supersaturated ferrite and e

Figure 51 Martempering. carbide. Courtesy of George Vander Voort, USA.
Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys 45

diffusionless shear transformation mechanism; but due to the of martensite formed from austenite increases as the trans-
high temperature and also due to great urge for getting relieved formation temperature is decreased within the Ms–Mf range.
from super saturation, the ferrite rejects carbon quite quickly in Martensite starts to form at Ms and its amount increases
the form of ɛ carbide of 8.3 wt.%C (Reed-Hill).1 Lower bainitic with decrease in temperature till the Mf temperature, which
ferrite is much lean in carbon content as compared to the denotes completion of transformation. This follows from
austenite and so excess carbon is rejected by the growing bai- the typical characteristics of athermal transformation. At this
nitic ferrite crystals ahead of the interface between the product point the transformed phase may contain some retained
ferrite phase and the parent austenite phase. Thus austenite austenite. Figure 56 gives evidence of retained austenite in
ahead of bainitic ferrite becomes enriched with carbon; this 0.9C steel after water quenching from 900 1C
process of formation of bainitic ferrite and continuous carbon Retained austenite is highly unstable and can be subse-
enrichment of austenite ahead of interface continues, till a time quently transformed to bainite or martensite depending upon
is reached when high carbon austenite ahead of growing ferrite the parameters of tempering operation. Sometimes a small
crystal cannot give way to the formation of bainite; at this time, amount of retained austenite is deliberately kept in the final
growth of bainitic ferrite stops and there remains high carbon microstructure. Not only it imparts toughness to the hardened
austenite, which cannot even transform to martensite during steel but also if it transforms to martensite during post tem-
subsequent cooling to room temperature, owing principally pering cooling operation, some residual compressive stresses
to its increased metastability. Such a large amount of austenite may be developed which is quite helpful to improve fatigue
retained inevitably due to incomplete bainitic reaction provides resistance.
adequate ductility to the alloy. Thus austempering enables to Retained austenite is very soft and so if it is present in large
achieve a good combination of high strength and high tough- quantity, say, by more than 15–20 vol.% in the microstructure,
ness, which otherwise would not have been possible, if the there will be a considerable reduction in the hardness of the
same steel was fully hardened and then tempered at the same quenched steel. As martensite forms, its volume strain is
austempering temperature (Figure 54). Austempering can hard- accommodated both by product martensite by lattice invariant
en complicated steel components without causing distortion deformation and by matrix austenite through plastic deforma-
and cracking. It can impart excellent toughness and ductility in tion. Continued growth of martensite plates lead to small pool
thin sections of plain carbon steel. However, the entire cross of austenite entrapped between adjacent plates of martensite.
section of the steel must be cooled rapidly enough to miss the This austenite contains a high density of crystal imperfection
nose of the IT curve. It is to note that thicker sections (43 mm)
of plain carbon steels are difficult to be austempered because of
the short incubation period at the nose of TTT diagram. So,
only thin sections are subjected to austempering. However
larger sections of alloy steels can be austempered where the
time to start the transformation is quite high.

2.1.11 Retained Austenite

In majority of cases the transformation of austenite to marten-

site does not go to completion. Presence of some untransformed
Figure 55 Martensite transformation curve.
austenite called ‘retained austenite’ is inevitable although its
amount and quality depends upon composition of steel and
its initial microstructure. Figure 55, shows that the amount

Figure 56 Microstructure showing retained austenite in quenched

Figure 54 Microstructure of 0.37C–0.48Mn–1.3Cr austempered steel.56 steel quenched from 900 1C. Courtesy of George Vander Voort, USA.
46 Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys

Figure 57 Effect of the alloying elements on the amount of retained austenite in quenched steel (1 wt.%C).

would be stress relaxation and thus greater will be stabiliza-

tion. If martensitic transformation is interrupted between
Ms–Mf ranges, then for further transformation to take place,
much higher driving force will be required by intensive
The effect of quenching temperature is linked to the mag-
nitude of thermal stresses due to transformation of austenite
to martensite. When steel is heated substaintially above A3
temperature, grain coarsening of austenite takes place, which
Figure 58 Effect of alloying addition on martensite range. further results in the formation of larger martensite plates. This
leads to higher volume fraction of retained austenite in the
viz. dislocation and is not amenable to further martensite microstructure. Higher austenitizing temperature lowers the
transformation. So they remain present in the microstructure as martensite start temperatures (Ms), due to complete dissolu-
retained austenite. tion of carbide. When hypereutectoid steels are quenched from
Both Ms and Mf temperature are functions of alloying ele- the region of pure austenite, i.e., after heating the steel above
ment content. When Mf goes below room temperature, the the Acm temperature for complete dissolution of carbides
amount of retained austenite in the microstructure will (which is not usual), the quenched microstructure consists
expectedly be higher. The amount of austenite to be retained is of martensite and retained austenite; the hardness is reduced
mainly decided by the Ms–Mf temperature range. The effect of due to high amount of retained austenite. The initial retained
various alloying elements on the amount of retained austenite austenite amount (after quenching) is dependent on the
formed during quenching of steels is shown in Figure 57. The austenitizing (hardening) temperature to a large extent. The
alloying elements which depress the Ms temperature are those higher the hardening temperature, the greater the amount of
which increase the percentage of retained austenite in the retained austenite, but this retained austenite can be made
microstructure. transformed to martensite by subzero treatment.
In alloy steels, the martensite start point Ms is lowered by
most of the alloying elements and the martensite range nar- Subzero Treatment
rows under the influence of carbon. The influence of carbon
on austenite content is stronger than that of other alloying Subzero treatment consist of cooling the metal to a tempera-
elements as shown in Figure 58. ture below 0 1C, but in general subzero treatment temperature
In addition to the carbon content and alloying elements, may range from  130 to  30 1C with holding time around
the other factor which can influence the amount of retained 1 h. In some cases the subzero treatment temperature can be as
austenite formed during quenching of steel is the rate of low as  190 1C in accordance with the Mf temperature of the
cooling between the martensite start point Ms and the final steel which in turn depends on its chemical composition. If
quenching temperature. austenite stabilization takes place at room temperature, it will
However at temperature just below Ms temperature a slow be difficult to transform retained austenite to martensite by
cooling may affect isothermal transformation of martensite subzero treatment.
formation. Here a phenomenon called the stabilization of Subzero treatment should to be done in continuation with
austenite takes place. Holding the transforming austenite the original quenching, without much residence time at room
after appreciable amount of athermal martensite has formed, temperature. If we wish to convert retained austenite to mar-
makes it prone to stabilization due to, relaxation of stress. tensite at room temperature, it must be heated to higher
Austenite stabilization takes place due to stress relaxation temperature in a region of metastable austenite. Cooling from
which leads to permanent loss of coherence between parent that temperature down to room temperature will enable aus-
and product phase. The longer the holding time, the greater tenite to transform to martensite. Multiple tempering may
Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys 47

effect transformation of retained austenite to martensite dur-

ing post tempering cooling and repetition of the process may
ultimately eliminate the retained austenite from the structure.
Subzero treatment is normally employed in high alloy
steels which are prone to form high amount of retained aus-
tenite after quenching to room temperature. However in case
of industrial scale operation, subzero treated steel is reported
to have suffered from a loss in bending strength. There are
reports confirming the enhancement of wear resistance in
ledeburitic steels. It is also observed that the bending strength
of the steel can be recovered by tempering above the secondary
hardness peak temperature. Reportedly, the three point bending
strength of material undergoing subzero processing is lower
than the non-subzero processed one. However the reason
for this apparently anomalous behavior requires further inves-
tigation.57 It is further reported that accelerated rate of pre-
cipitation due to subzero treatment contributes significantly to Figure 59 State of stresses due to quenching of a round bar.
the enhancement of wear resistance; the high wear resistance of
steel subjected to subzero treatment is ascribed to the formation
of carbides of size less than 0.5 m; also the improvement in wear
resistance outweighs the marginal loss in bending strength.
Because of the fact that the quenched hardness of the subzero
treatment is higher than that of the non-subzero treated steels, a
greater latitude in decrement of hardness due to tempering is
available. This ensures better mechanical property of subzero-
treated steel after low temperature tempering.58

2.1.12 Heat Treatment Defects Quench Cracks

When hardening is accomplished with a martensite transfor-
mation, evolution of large residual stress is inevitable. Such
stress owes its origin to differential thermal contraction of a
material cooled rapidly from a high temperature and stress due
to transformation.
Figure 60 Residual stresses in a steel cylinder quenched to form
When the steel sample is quenched rapidly from a high martensite as computed by Scott. Scott, H. Origin of Quenching
temperature to the room temperature for hardening two types Cracks. Sci. Pap. Bur. Stand. 1925, 20, 399.
of stresses are developed; one is due to volume change
accompanying phase transformation and the other is due to
differential coefficient of contraction of different phases pre- actually be present is decided by the relative cooling rate at
sent in the material. Also thermal stress due to temperature the surface and at the center of the bar; this is a function of
difference between surface and center of the component is both size of the bar and severity of quench. For large diameter
superimposed. When the cumulative value of these stresses and fast cooling, the surface will form martensite while the
becomes large enough, plastic deformation of the steel sample center is still at high temperature. Under such circumstances
may take place. This plastic deformation may lead to warpage thermal stress will be quite large and it will determine the
of the component; whenever plastic deformation is unable to pattern of volume change. Usually thermal contraction will
take care of all the quench stresses, there would be accumu- exceed expansion due to martensite transformation. On the
lation of the residual stress which when exceeds the fracture other hand for a thinner object, the difference in cooling rate
stress of the material will lead to quench crack. between surface and center is small the thermal contraction
When a round steel bar is quenched, the surface undergoes after hardening of surface is still smaller as compared to
martensite transformation before the center. It is known that expansion due to martensite transformation. The variation in
martensite transformation leads to expansion whereas rapid stress due to temperature difference between center and surface
cooling leads to thermal contraction. When expansion at the of the bar is shown in Figure 60.
surface is larger than thermal contraction, the surface will be in In many cases the tensile stress persists at the surface.
a state of tension whereas center is at the state of contraction as Initially over a large range of specimen diameter tensile stress
shown in Figure 59. is seen to increase with cooling rate differentials. Those steel
If contraction exceeds expansion at the surface the reverse which have high carbon content, transform to martensite with
stress pattern with surface under residual compressive stress higher degree volume expansion and hence in such case the
and center with tension will prevails. Which of these two will tensile stress prevails at surface. Since quench crack is formed
48 Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys

Figure 61 Widmanstatten ferrite in water quenched 1018 steel. Courtesey of George Vander Voort, USA.

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