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Group Screening Test, Grade 10

Read each selection silently. Then read the questions that follow and write the
letter of the correct answer in the answer sheet:


George M'elies, a French movie maker and a former magician happened to invent
special effects in movies by accident. He was filming a street scene in Paris when
his camera suddenly jammed as a bus was passing by. He stopped, fixed his camera,
then went back to filming the same street scene again. When the film was
developed, he was surprised to see a carriage in the place where the bus had been!
He discovered that the bus had changed into a carriage! From that day on, Mr.
M'elies invented many amazing techniques using his camera. He became known as
•the magician of movies". A common special effect he invented is called
projections. In this effect, a moviemaker projects a picture or a movie on a screen
behind the actors. The actors act in front of the screen. Then the camera films
the actors and the picture or the movie at the same time. This effect makes it
possible for actors to look like they are in imaginary places. Other special effects
Mr. M'elies created are: animation which makes lifeless models or objects come to
life when they are shown on screen; matte shots enabling the moviemaker to cover
or matte out part of a film that he doesn't want; and optical printer and computer-
age special effects. 217 words

1. Who became known as the Magician of Movies?

a. George Bush b. George Clooney c. George M'elies d. George Smith

2. How did Mr. M'elies invent the special effects?

a. by accident c. by asking people
b. through experiment d. through a magic show

3. What gadget is he using when he discovered the special effects?

a. television b. computer c. radio d. camera

4. Which of the following was not invented by M'elies?

a. Animation b. Projection c. Matte Shots d. Still Life
5. What special effect makes it possible for actors to look like they are in
imaginary places?
a. Projection c. Computer-age special effect
b. Optical Printer d. Matte Shots

6. What kind of special effect would be used to bring a dinosaur back to life?
a. Matte Shots b. Animation c. Projection d. Optical Printer

7. What will happen to a movie without special effects?

a. It will draw a lot of moviegoers. c. It will not be appealing.
b. It will be rich in cinematic appeal. d. It will not earn popularity.

8. Why do you think George M'elies was called "the magician of movies"?
a. He played the role of a magician in movies several times.
b. His inventions were made into a movie.
c. He studied magic before he became a movie maker.
d. He accidentally invented special effects in movies.


Early Filipinos were pagans. They tro idol and spirits. However, they believed that a
chief and all-powerful God was prevalent. This God was called Bathala or Maykapal.
Long before the coming of the Spaniards, the Arabs came to the Philippines and
introduced Islam. This religion was already well established in Mindanao, Visayas,
and in some parts of Luzon when the Spaniards came. Until now, Islam is the
religion of the Muslims of Mindanao, and they still write in Arabics.
With the coming of the Spaniards in the sixteenth century, the Filipinos became
Christians. The first converts were Humabon, the rajah of Cebu, his family and his
court. Soon in all the places which the Spaniards occupied, Christianity flourished.
All of Luzon, most of the Visayan Islands, and portions of Mindanao were
Christianized. The Muslims of Mindanao refused to be conquered by the Spaniards
and they have remained Muslims up to this day. 154 words

9. The early Filipinos were

a. Protestants b. Pagans c. Mohammedans d. Servants

10. They worshipped

a. God b. idols and spirits c. nobody d. themselves
11. Their powerful god was
a. Allah b. Bathala c. Jesus d. Anitos

12. Islam in the Philippines was introduced by the

a. Hindus b. Chinese c. Arab d. Japanese

13. Before the coming of the Spaniards, most Filipinos were

a. Christians b. Muslims c. pagans d. Protestants

14. Christianity was introduced into the Philippines by the

a. Americans b. Chinese c. Spaniards d. Arabs

15. The first converts to Christianity in the Philippines were

a. Rajah Matanda & family c. Magat Salamat & his family
b. Rajah Humabon & family d. Jose Rizal & his family


Did you see that? Joe said to his friend Bill. You're a great shooter!" Bill caught
the basketball and bounced it before throwing it again. The ball flew into the net.
"Bill, you never miss!" Joe said admiringly. "Unless I'm in a real game, Bill
complained. Then I miss all the time. Joe knew that Bill was right. Bill performed
much better when he was having fun with Joe in the school yard than he did when
he was playing for the school team in front of a large crowd. Maybe you just need
to practice more, Joe suggested. "But I practice all the time with you!" Bill
objected. He shook his head. "I just can't play well when people are watching me.
You play well when I'm watching," Joe pointed out. "That's because I've known you
since we were five years old, Bill said with a smile. "I'm just not comfortable
playing when other people are around." Joe nodded and understood, but he also had
an idea. The next day Joe and Bill met in the school yard again to practice. After a
few minutes, Joe excused himself. "Practice without me, Joe said to his friend. I'll
be back in a minute. Joe hurried through the school building, gathering together
whomever he could find-two students, a math teacher, two secretaries, and a
janitor. When Joe explained why he needed them, everyone was happy to help. Joe
reminded the group to stay quiet as they all went toward the school's basketball
court. As Joe had hoped, Bill was still practicing basketball. He made five baskets
in a row without noticing the silent people standing behind him. Hey, Bill!" Joe
called out finally. Bill turned. A look of surprise came over his face. I just wanted
to show you that you could play well with people watching you, Joe said. "Now you
have nothing to worry about for the next game! 321words
16. Joe is the ___ of Bill.
a. coach b. cousin c. friend d. MAPEH teacher

17. Which is the correct order of events in the story?

1. Bill told Joe the reason why he missed in a real game.
2. Joe and Bill were practicing in school's basketball court.
3. Bill played basketball well and was surprised when he saw people
around him.
4. Joe secretly invited people to watch Bill playing basketball.
5. Joe told Bill that he has nothing to worry about for the next game.
a. 2-3-1-4-5 b. 2-1-3-4-5 c. 2-1-4-3-5 d. 2-4-1-3-5

18. Why is Bill upset?

a. He plays better in practice than he does during games.
b. The school yard is not a good place to practice.
c. Joe watches him too closely when he plays.
d. His team loses many games.

19.Why does Joe gather a group of people?

a. because he wants more players for his team
b. because he wants to help Bill feel less nervous
c. because he wants to show his talent to them
d. because he wants more people to see the next game

20. What is the best title for this story?

a. Joe Joins the Team
b. Practice Makes Perfect
c. Bill Wins the Big Game
d. Bill's Basketball Problem

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