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Exemplary Proficient Developing Beginning

 All aspects of the poem integrate  Most aspects of the poem  Some aspects of the poem  Connection between theme and
theme and topic with successfully integrate theme and successfully integrate theme and topic is limited or extremely
Theme vague.
sophistication. topic. topic while others seem
 Diction is exceptionally fresh and  Diction is original and generally  Diction is sometimes clichéd or  Diction is clichéd and/or
original. There are no clichés. free of clichés. repetitive. repetitive.
 Diction is specific and purposeful.  Diction is specific.  Much of the poem is vague or  The poem is too vague, too
Diction and  Rich, unique details are used to  Specific details are used to show awkwardly worded. generalized, and/or too
Details vividly show the readers the the readers the poem's world  Details are sometimes used to awkwardly worded.
poem's world. show, but there is a great deal of  There are few details or details
telling. lack the specificity to show
rather than tell.
 A compelling and engaging voice  The writer's personal voice is  Some sense of the writer's  Little or no personal voice is
is evident in the poem. fairly evident. personal voice is evident. evident.
 The reader can infer how the  The reader can mostly infer how  The reader can occasionally  The reader has difficulty
author thinks or feels about the the author thinks or feels about infer how the author thinks or inferring how the author thinks
subjects or ideas explored in the the subjects or ideas explored in feels about the subjects or ideas or feels about the subjects or
poem. the poem. explored in the poem. ideas explored in the poem.
 The poem contains no errors.  The poem contains few errors.  The poem contains some errors.  Poem contains numerous errors
 The writer shows a clear  The writer shows understanding  The writer shows some that compromise meaning.
understanding of the rules of of the rules of capitalization, understanding for the rules of  Writer shows little
Conventions capitalization, punctuation and punctuation and spelling OR capitalization, punctuation, and understanding for the use OR
spelling OR consistency and consistency and intentionality in spelling OR some consistency manipulation of conventions in
intentionality in breaking the rules. breaking the rules. and intentionality in breaking writing.
the rules.
 The structure is intentional and  The structure is linked to content  The structure loosely relates to  The structure does not relate to
Form meaningfully connects to the a clear way content. the content.
 The author demonstrates diligent  The author demonstrates  The author misses some key  The author shows little or no
Process revision that achieves effective effective revision of organization, elements of revision of revision of organization,
organization, content, diction, and content, diction, and level of organization, content, diction, content, diction, and level of
level of detail. detail. and level of detail. detail.
Comments: Grade:

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