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Social Studies 11 Mr.


World War 1
Illustrated Timeline
 For this assignment you will create an illustrated timeline for Canada’s
war years covering the information from 1914 and the causes of the war,
to 1919 and the treaty of Versailles.

 Your timeline should include all of the major issues for Canada during the
First World War. These should include:

o 5 causes of World War One

o Events that start the war
o Major Canadian Battles
o Conscription
o Women during the War
o Halifax Explosion
o Vimy Ridge
o Illustrations of the deadly innovations of the War

 Your timeline must also include a special illustrated section on Vimy Ridge,
which should give a detailed explanation of the battle including,
preparations, innovations, leaders, and the significance of the battle for
Canada and the war.

 Criteria:

o Important concepts should have point form notes that explain the
idea and its importance to what Canada faced during the war.
o Information should be in-depth.
o Information should be arranged chronologically in a timeline format.
o Key images and words are used. (8-10 including innovations)
o Illustrations should use colour to effectively convey ideas and
o Information should be organized and presented in a clear, neat, and
relevant format with no spelling or grammatical errors.
o The timeline should be on at least two sheets of 11 x 17 inch paper.

 Timelines will receive a mark out of 30 based on the criteria above.

Social Studies 11 Mr. Forsyth

Each project will be marked out of 30 based on the following criteria:

Historical Accuracy ---------- /10 x 2

Creativity -------------------- /10

Historical Accuracy
9/10: Superior recall of factual content; key historical info, provided in purposeful and
organized manner
7/8: Proficient recall of factual content; key historical info, provided in organized manner
5/6: Competent recall of factual content; adequate amount of historical info, provided in
organized manner
3/4: Limited recall of factual content; lack of historical info provided
1/2: Deficient recall of factual content; historical info seriously lacking and unorganized

9/10: Timeline presentation is superior; demonstrating innovation and thoughtfulness
7/8: Timeline presentation is proficient; demonstrating considerable effort
5/6: Timeline presentation is competent; demonstrates limited imagination
3/4: Timeline presentation is limited; demonstrates little effort
1/2: Timeline presentation is deficient; demonstrates lack of planning


1. Explain what you think your project deserves and why for each of the
marking components

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