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We all know the popular saying “ Health is wealth “. Health is a state of complete
physical, mental, and social wellbeing. As health is crucial aspect in everybody’s life we
decided serve our community by visiting the villages and talk and provide solutions to
them and Ngo. The primary goal of ours was to create healthier society by popularizing
preventive measures and awaking them on various issues of health and hygiene.

India being a country with a population over a billion requires a large number of medical
services but only a fraction of medical service provider is there to serve even the people
of country not aware about the health care facilities provided, so this is an attempt from
our side to look into in their lives and make it better by educating them about the
importance of regular health check -up and daily hygiene and standard health care.
About our project

Non-governmental organizations (NGO) are usually non-profitable and sometimes

International Organizations and International Governmental Organizations (though often
funded by governments) are involved in humanitarian, educational, health care, public policy,
social, human rights, environmental, and many other aspects in society to bring about a change
for the better. They are thus a subgroup of all organizations founded by individuals.

Our team of students from IFIM Business school has collaborated with educare naddi village
(Himachal Pradesh) to conduct research on health and medical facilities there and nearby
villages. We made an attempt to understand the level of awareness among people in the
villages. The Social Immersion program is an opportunity for students like us from urban
backgrounds to bring about a change in society.


1. To understand the problem people were facing in their day to day lives.

2. To find tangible solutions to improve standard of living.


Educare’s development work is mainly focused in rural or rural-urban areas where we

are working to develop community based civic institutions for grassroots level
sustainable development through social entrepreneurship and volunteer action. Their
current projects include focus on socio-cultural, healthcare outreach, economic
development, education and skills development, and environment conservation issues.
The objective of our study is to understand health and medical facilities available there
and to give business solution to the problems and contribute socially. We planned to
conduct a study by spending 10 days in the village. We stayed in a guest house with the
local family so that we can observe the problems they are facing more closely. The aim
was to interact, understand and find solutions to bridge the gap. We conducted some
surveys and interactions to get insights from all the people of all age groups.

 Investigation

We made inquiries to the concerned officials of the NGO and understood the limitations
and discussed the various issues faced by them to fulfil the needs.We investigated about
the hospitals and dispensaries and emergency facilities available to the villagers and
their awareness about the problems and solutions and their willingness to contribute.

 Interaction

We met the head (panchayat) of the village and the local people to know the problem
they face daily related to health and discussed with them about the awareness they have
regarding the same. We also made efforts to understand the level of awareness they have
dealing emergency situations. However, the people seem to have limited knowledge.
The interaction with people was done at a more practical manner by talking to each and
every individual personally and by giving some temporary solutions to them.
Problem: -

• No proper health facilities for emergency cases like for pregnant women or old age
people, which causes delay in taking appropriate action for their treatment which can
cause more damage to their health, as taking them to the hospital which is far away
make their condition worse.

• Mode of transportation could be fatal for a patient as it is difficult to carry patient on

back or palki and it takes time and also it is risky as the patient can fall down from it
and the person carrying the patient can also get injured and it requires a lot of manpower.

• No awareness regarding patient handling and first AID which may lead to wrong
treatment of the patient that can cause more harm to the patient like with the wrong
medicines or wrong treatment in case of muscle injury or sprains.

• Uneven Roads: the roads are not smooth for even walking which makes more difficult
for vehicles to go through that road and people have to park their vehicles halfway and
have to walk to the village from there, it causes a lot of time to doctor and medical
facilities to reach there.

• No street lamps on the way to Baal village so its difficult to move in night and and if
not treated early can lead to death as the nearby areas are full of wild animals and it
becomes easy for them to attack in the darkness.
• One for too many: there is only doctor and his assistant to look after 60 families of baal
village and the assistant is also not qualified, he is providing treatments based upon his
experience and assumptions.


As mentioned we planned to do our sip project by visiting nearby villages and listen to their
health groups. To make an initiation, we discussed among the groups and finalized with NGO
head Mr Bhullar. Next we divided ourselves into sub-groups wherein one group was looking
into the matter of waste management as waste can be one of the reason for bad health . the
other group visited 2 villages nearby to know the health facilities and emergency dealing
solutions and got to know in case of emergency they carry the patient on their back or palki.
We gave them the solution of stretcher and asked them if we provide them with the stretcher
will they be able to maintain the stretcher or are they ready to contribute for it we received a
positive responses then we talked to Mr Bhullar (Ngo head ) regarding the same and asked
him to arrange medical camps and workshops for the same .


1. During our stay even we faced some problems related to health and we came up with
the fact that the common reason is waste (as people are throwing garbage wherever they
want). So we gave them the solution to put a big dustbin rather than small one in every
2 kms or so it will be easy for the garbage collectors to collect it from one place rather
than from different places that will make their work more efficient and easier and will
gather all the garbage in one place than scattering in different places.
2. Second problem is that there is no medical shop or clinic nearby for which
we have advised the local shopkeepers to keep at least basic medicines (like crocin,
paracetamol, saridon, etc). so, these basic problems can be cured instantly and easily as we
also faced the same problem and we had no other option to suffer as there were no medicines
available while there were a lot of general stores.

3. We even talked how they deal in case of emergency wherein the patient is not able to
walk or feel dizzy so we got to know that they carry the patient on their back or palki,
for which we talked to the NGO for providing stretcher and educate the people about
how to use it like how to lie down the patient and how to keep the head in case of neck
injury and we asked if they can contribute and maintain the stretcher, and they agreed
for this.

4. Training through workshops on First Aid and hygiene with the help of doctors and
volunteers who come to the NGO for various projects, we can use the digital mode also
by screening various hygiene and basic health solutions on a projector.

5. Internships through med life, net meds, 1mg as through this the medicines will come
into villages and delivery will be also easy and this will also create various employment
opportunities for the people of the village.
6. Adding more medical facilitators and staff as there is only one doctor and one assistant,
it become quite difficult to visit and access all the areas and this will cause more
problems during treatment of multiple people, so increasing the number of medical
facilitators will help.

7. Sign boards for tourists as it is a hilly area it is more likely that we will lose our way and
the paths are also empty so it is also difficult to ask for direction from someone and as
foreigners also visit there, language problem also occurs and because of low network
we can’t access online maps, in this case sign board will help a lot.

8. Identification of accidental spots which will make people m ore careful in these spots
and they will walk more carefully which will cause reduction in the accidents as the
pathways in the areas are sometimes curvy and slippery.

Challenges :-
Challenges we faced during our interaction and visit:

 Language barrier in communicating with the residents as some of them don’t

understand Hindi or English

 People were not ready to speak up and some not even ready to contribute as they
are irritated as they think that people come and ask about their problems in every
month or so and do nothing, the problems still remains their unsolved, which is
somewhat true.

 Roads were uneven because of which one has to walk a lot and full of ups and downs
and with animals in some places, but the good thing is somewhat the road is being
constructed to some extent.

 no proper mode of transportation because of the condition of the roads and also in
the areas where the roads are proper, the transportation is costly because of less


Manjeet 30 No Yes about it Yes Yes Yes

They didn't
Kundan 40 Maybe yes think Yes Yes No

Diksha 22 Maybe Yes Initiative Yes Yes Maybe

Shilpa 22 Maybe Yes thought of it Yes Yes No

bhadra never
singh 48 yes yes thought yes yes maybe

Abhay 37 Yes Yes about it Yes Yes Maybe

Badriram 57 Yes Yes Initiative Yes Yes Maybe

Hema 45 Maybe Maybe thought Yes Yes Maybe

Money and
Rajendra 46 No Yes initiative Yes Yes No

Narakto 100 Yes No thought of it No no No

fauju ram 69 yes Yes Initiative Yes yes No

Money and
purshotam 51 Maybe Yes initiative Yes yes No

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