HEALTH 8 3rd 4th

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CURRICULUM MAP – HEALTH 8 (3rd Quarter and 4th Quarter)

A. Stages of CONTENT A1. Discusses the Why do we need to prevent A A1.1 Photo Essay A1.1 Picture A1.1. Phoenix M.A.P.E.H. 8 Common Good
infection STANDARD: stages of infection and control diseases? Analysis pages 461 - 462
The learner H8DD-IIIa-15
DAY 1 demonstrates A1.2. Recitation A1.2. Situation A1.2. PowerPoint Slides
understanding of Ideas: Analysis
principles in the Human’s problem and
prevention and struggle with the disease have
control of become more pronounced
communicable and widespread.
diseases for the
attainment of
individual wellness

The learner
responsibility and
healthful practices
in the prevention
and control of

B. Top 10 leading B1. analyzes the When is life disease-free? M B1. Illustration – B1. Let’s Apply B1.1. PowerPoint Slides Fraternity
causes of morbidity leading causes of Infographics
and mortality in the morbidity and Ideas: B1.2 Phoenix M.A.P.E.H. 8 Common Good
Philippines mortality in the The diversity of diseases page 463 – 471
Philippines grew as population grew
DAY 2 H8DD-IIIa-16 along with a variety of
attempts at preventing it.
C. Most common C1. Discusses the Why prevent and control M C1.1. Picture Analysis C1.1 Picture C1.1. Phoenix M.A.P.E.H. 8 Common Good
communicable signs, symptoms, and communicable diseases? C1.2. Matching Type Analysis page 473
diseases and its effects of common C1.2. Let’s C1.2. Phoenix M.A.P.E.H. 8
prevention and communicable Ideas: Recall page 479
control diseases People started to understand
1. Acute H8DD-IIIb-c-17 the process of disease, and
Respiratory took steps to prevent its
Infections spread and to promote
2. Pneumonia C2. Corrects healthy communities. M C2. Formal Letter C2. Let’s Apply C2. Phoenix M.A.P.E.H. 8 Cultural
3. Bronchitis misconceptions, page 480 Sensitivity
4. Influenza myths, and beliefs
5. Tuberculosis about common
(TB) communicable
6. Dengue diseases
7. Sexually H8DD-IIIb-c-18
Infections (STIs) C3. Enumerates steps M C3. Reflection Essay C3. I Stand up C3. Phoenix M.A.P.E.H. 8 Common Good
8. HIV and AIDS in the prevention and for the page 481
control of common Challenge! Fraternity
DAY 3 – 5 communicable

D. Emerging and D1. Analyzes the Why be threatened by M D1.1. KWD Chart D1.1. Quick D1.1. Phoenix M.A.P.E.H. 8 Reverence for
re-emerging nature of emerging diseases? Check page 482 Creation
diseases and re-emerging
1. Leptospirosis diseases Ideas: God-Driven
2. Severe Acute H8DD-IIId-e-20 Infectious diseases continue
Respiratory to pose danger and fear to Common Good
Syndrome (SARS) everyone. D1.2. Poster Making D1.2. Let’s D1.2.2. Phoenix M.A.P.E.H. 8
3. Chikungunya Apply page 488
4. Emerging and reemerging D1.2.2.1. PowerPoint Slides
Meningococcemia epidemic diseases pose an
5. Foot and Mouth ongoing threat to global D1.3. Reflection
Disease health security. D1.3. Think- D1.3. Phoenix M.A.P.E.H. 8
6. Avian influenza Pair-Share page 490
7. AH1N1


E. Development of E1. demonstrates How else can you improve T E1. Group Task E1. Let’s E1.1. Phoenix M.A.P.E.H. 8 Transformational
personal life skills self-monitoring skills your lifestyle to protect you - Situation Analysis Explain - Role page 487 Leadership
to prevent and to prevent from diseases? Playing E1.2. Rubrics for Presentation
control communicable Fraternity
communicable diseases Ideas:
diseases H8DD-IIIf-h-21 Efforts have been done to set
the reduction of mortality and
DAY 7 morbidity resulting from
epidemics through
prevention, control,
preparedness and response.
F. Programs and F1. promotes Will we ever be able to T F1. Concept Mapping F1. Situation F1.1. Phoenix M.A.P.E.H. 8 Transformational
policies on programs and eliminate diseases? Analysis page 488 Leadership
communicable policies to prevent F1.2. Rubrics for Presentation
disease prevention and control Ideas:
and control communicable Promulgating policies and
diseases prescribing measures for the
DAY 8 H8DD-IIIf-h-22 prevention and control.

G. Agencies G1. Identifies How else can our national T G1. Project Making G1. Housing F1.1. Rubrics for Presentation Common Good
responsible for agencies responsible agencies and policies protect - Monologue Speech F1.2. PowerPoint Slides
communicable for communicable the population form life- Fraternity
disease prevention disease prevention threatening diseases?
and control and control Transformational
H8DD-IIIf-h-23 Ideas: Leadership
DAY 9 The health policy-maker and
regulatory institutions that
retains its overall technical
authority on health.
DAY 10 Quarterly
A. Gateway Drugs CONTENT A1. Discusses How would life be different A A1. Picture Analysis A1. Quick Check A1.1. Phoenix M.A.P.E.H. 8 Cultural
1. Cigarettes STANDARD: gateway drugs without gateway drugs? page 493 – 499 Sensitivity
2. Alcohol The learner H8S-Iva-27 A.1.2 PowerPoint Slides
demonstrates Ideas:
DAY 1 – 4 understanding of A2. Identifies Gateway drugs are habit- A A2. Picture Analysis A2. 4 Pics 1 A2.1 PowerPoint Slides Common Good
factors that reasons why people forming drugs that may lead Word
influence cigarette smoke cigarettes to the use of other addictive
and alcohol use and H8S-Iva-28 drugs.
strategies for
prevention and A3. Analyzes the M A3. Seatwork: Multiple A3 Let’s Recall A3. Phoenix M.A.P.E.H. 8 Common Good
control negative health Choice page 498
impact of cigarette God-Driven
STANDARD: A3.1 describes the M A3.1. Collage Making A3.1. Let’s A3.1. Video Viewing and Common Good
The learner harmful short- and Explain Tutorial
demonstrates long-term effects of Reverence for
personal cigarette smoking on Creation
responsibility in the the different parts of
prevention of the body
cigarette and A3.2 discusses the M A3.2. Essay A3.2.Let’s A3.2. PowerPoint Slides Common Good
alcohol use through dangers of Connect
the promotion of a mainstream, second
healthy lifestyle hand and third hand
A3.3. explain the M A3.3. Concern Card A3.3. Let’s A3.3 Phoenix M.A.P.E.H. 8 Reverence for
impact of cigarette Apply page 499 Creation
smoking on the
family, environment, Fraternity
and community
B. Protective and B1. Identifies reasons Why should one be M B1.1. Multiple Choice B1.1. Let’s B1.1.1. Phoenix M.A.P.E.H. 8 Common Good
Risk Factors in the for drinking and for concerned with the risks of Recall page 501 – 503
Use of Cigarettes not drinking alcohol alcoholism? Cultural
and Alcohol H8S-Ivd-30 B1.2. Reflection – B1.2. Going B1.2.2. PowerPoint Slides Sensitivity
Ideas: Essay Beyond
DAY 5 Alcohol and cigarettes are
classified as gateway drugs B.1.3. Short Quiz
that increase the risk of
subsequent involvement with
illegal drugs.

C. Prevention, and C1.analyzes the Why is there a need to M C1 Recitation C1. Quick Check C1. Phoenix M.A.P.E.H. 8 Minority
Control of negative health prevent and control the use page 504 – 506
Gateway Drugs impact of drinking and abuse of gateway drugs? Common Good
DAY 6 – 9 Ideas:
C1.1 describes the The Filipinos are becoming M C1.1 Reflection C1.1. Let’s C1.1. Phoenix M.A.P.E.H. 8 Fraternity
harmful short- and influenced by the Western Explain page 507
long-term effects of approach to alcohol and
drinking alcohol developing problems
associated with it. Philippine
C1.2.interprets blood media, especially in TV soap M C1.2 Situation Analysis C1.2. Let’s C1.2. PowerPoint Slides Minority
alcohol concentration operas, portray drinking as - Essay Connect
(BAC) in terms of glamorous or sexy.
changes in the body Whatever motivates or leads
H8S-Ive-f-31 the youth to try drinking and
smoking cigarettes, once
C2. Explains the started will pose them to M C2. Situation Analysis C2. Role Playing C2. Phoenix M.A.P.E.H. 8 Common Good
impact of drinking potential health risks. page 507-508
alcohol on the Fraternity
family, and

C3.1. discusses M C3.1.1 Checklist Table C3.1. Quick C3.1.1. Phoenix M.A.P.E.H. 8 Transformational
strategies in the Check page 514 Leadership
prevention and
control of cigarette C3.1.2. Reflection - C3.1.2. Let’s C3.1.2. PowerPoint Slides Common Good
smoking and Oath Explain
drinking alcoholic

C3.2. apply M C3.2. Essay C3.2. Let’s C3.2. Phoenix M.A.P.E.H. 8 Common Good
resistance skills in Connect page 515
situations related to
cigarette and alcohol

C3.3. follows T C3.3. Illustrate – Easy C3.3. Let’s C3.3. Phoenix M.A.P.E.H. 8 Fraternity
policies and laws in Icons/Logo/Symbols Apply - Easy Ad page 515
the family, school Minority
and community
related to cigarette
and alcohol use

C4. Suggests healthy T C4. Project - Video C4. T.V. C4.1. PowerPoint Slides Common Good
alternatives to Making Commercial
cigarettes and C4.2. Microsoft Movie Maker Transformational
alcohol to promote Leadership
healthy lifestyle (self, C4.3. YouTube Videos:
family, community) Sample Commercials

DAY 10 Quarterly

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