K0019 Syllabus and Course Outline

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Course Syllabus

COURSE TITLE: Advanced Database Systems

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course covers the core principles and techniques of data and information management to aid students in collecting, analyzing and maintaining data
effectively. It covers processing and optimization of declarative queries, transactions, crash recovery, data stream systems, Web data management, and
information integration.

OUTCOMES: After successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:

1. describe and explain advanced database concepts,

2. utilize language and syntax enhancements in the development of database application, and
3. design and develop a database application using MSSQL.

CREDIT: 2 lec, 1 lab (2 hrs. lec per week, 3 hrs. lab per week)

PRE-REQUISITE: THEODBS – Theory of Database Systems

1. Ramez, E. and Shamkant, N. Fundamentals of Database Systems (4th ed.). Pearson Education, 2007
2. Ramakrishnan, R. and Gehrke, J. Database Management Systems (3rd ed.). McGraw-Hill, 2002
3. C.J. Date. An Introduction to Database Systems (7th ed.) . Addison Wesley
4. Elmasri, R. and Navathe, S.B. Fundamentals of Database System. Addison Wesley Co., 2006


APPROVED BY: Sibbaluca, Brandon G.

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1. Class demonstration/participation
2. Exercises
3. Periodical Examinations
4. Project

GRADING SYSTEM: The following percentage distribution shall be followed:

Prelims 20%
Midterms 20%
Pre-finals 20%
Finals 40%

The following are the recommended periodical grade components for this course:


Task Performance 50%

Class Participation (quiz, sw, hw) 20%
Major Examination 30%
Laboratory Exercises 50%
Practical Examination 50%

APPROVED BY: Sibbaluca, Brandon G.

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Course Outline
Lec Lab I- Student Strategy/ Evaluation of
Learning Objectives Wk TOPICS OHP Slides Student Output
Ses Hrs Ses Hrs Guide Handouts Methodology Learning
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1 Adapt with the course 1 1 1 Course Orientation 1-18 1-19 1-5 Discussion Ability to comprehend and Students must be able
description, learning put into practice the to:
objectives, course acquired rules
requirements, and grading Apply implemented
system rules to avoid
2 Comprehend the basic 2 1 Review of Theory of Recall and define the basic Clearly remember and
database concepts Database Systems database concepts deep define the basic
Knowledge about database concepts.
database concepts.
1 3 01 Laboratory 1-8 Laboratory Ability to produce a simple Develop a simple
Exercise 1 Exercise database application database application
3 Explain the different joins 2 3 1 Query Processing 1-16 1-10 1-4 Discussion Ability to use the different Correctly utilize the
that can be used in and Data Analysis joins in retrieving data from different joins in
retrieving data from Retrieving Data tables retrieving data from
several tables Apply the from Several Tables tables.
different joins in retrieving
data from several tables
4 1 Inner and Outer
Explicit Joins
Key Joins
Specialized Joins
Cross Joins
Natural Joins

4 Practice retrieving data 2 3 02 Laboratory 1-5 Laboratory Ability to use the SELECT Apply the SELECT
from tables Exercise 1 Exercise statement to read the data statement to read the
in a table data in a table
3 5-6 2 Common Table 1-12 1-11 1-3
5 Identify and use common Recursive Common Discussion Ability to identify and apply Accurately distinguish
table expressions Table Expressions the common table and utilize common
expressions table expressions
3 3 03 Laboratory 1-7 Laboratory Ability to use different SQL Apply the different
Exercise 1 Exercise join clauses in retrieving SQL join clauses in
data from tables retrieving data from

APPROVED BY: Sibbaluca, Brandon G.

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Lec Lab I- Student Strategy/ Evaluation of

Learning Objectives Wk TOPICS OHP Slides Student Output
Ses Hrs Ses Hrs Guide Handouts Methodology Learning
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

6 Apply the OLAP 4 7 1 Using Online 1-12 1-12 1-3 Discussion Properly use Online Completely utilize the
functionality Analytical Analytical Processing Online Analytical
Processing (OLAP) (OLAP) and its operations Processing (OLAP)
8 1 OLAP Operations Ability to use the Online and its operations.
Analytical Processing
(OLAP) and its operations
04 Quiz 1 Quiz At least 75% correct Get at least 75%
answer in a quiz. correct answer in a
4 3 04 Task Performance 1-4 Laboratory Capacity to create a Produce e a database
1 Exercise database and perform and execute SQL data
SQL data manipulation manipulation

5 9 1 PRELIMINARY Paper and At least a grade of 75% in Get at least a grade of

EXAMINATION pencil test the prelim exam. 75% in the prelim
7 Explain the concept of 6 10 1 Sub queries 1-12 1-11 1-3 Discussion Identification and Clearly distinguish the
sub queries. Introduction to Sub interpretation of the concept of sub
queries concept of sub queries queries.

11 1 Using Sub
5 3 05 Laboratory Laboratory Completely practice with Accurately examine
Exercise 1 Exercise sub queries the sub queries

8 Optimize a query. 7 12 1 Query Optimization 1-10 1-9 1-3 Discussion Identification and Clearly explain and
What is query interpretation of query manipulate an
optimization? optimization and manage optimizer.
How the optimizer how to use it.
13 1 6 3 Types of Query Laboratory Completely practice with Correctly examine and
Execution Algorithms Exercise an optimizer. use an optimizer.

06 Laboratory
Exercise 1
9 Achieve maximum 8 14 1 Indexes 1-7 1-7 1-2 Discussion Manipulation of indexes to Accurately utilize
performance using achieve maximum indexes to achieve
indexes. performance

APPROVED BY: Sibbaluca, Brandon G.

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Lec Lab I- Student Strategy/ Evaluation of

Learning Objectives Wk TOPICS OHP Slides Student Output
Ses Hrs Ses Hrs Guide Handouts Methodology Learning
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

10 Identify and use different 15 1 Indexing Methods Discussion Appropriately distinguish Clearly examine and
indexing methods. and use the different practice the different
indexing methods indexing methods.

7 3 07 Laboratory Laboratory Completely practice with Accurately examine

Exercise 1 Exercise sub queries the sub queries

11 Distinguish the 9 16 1 Introduction to 1-15 1-11 1-4 Discussion Identification of the Clearly determine the
transaction isolation level. Transactions transaction isolation level. transaction isolation
Introduction to level.
Isolation Levels
12 Distinguish the different 17 1 Isolation Levels Discussion Identification of the Correctly determine
isolation levels. different isolation levels. the different isolation

08 Quiz 1 Quiz At least 75% correct Get at least 75%

answer in a quiz. correct answer in a
8 3 08 Task Performance Laboratory Completely practice with Accurately examine
1 Exercise sub queries the sub queries

10 18 1 MIDTERM Paper and At least a grade of 75% in Get at least a grade of

EXAMINATION pencil test the prelim exam. 75% in the prelim
13 Define database security. 11 19 1 Database Security 1-14 1-13 1-4 Discussion Interpretation of database Clearly explain what a
security. database security is.

20 1 Roles and
9 3 09 Laboratory 1-7 Laboratory
Exercise 1 Exercise
Database Correctly apply the
Monitoring and means of improving
Performance database
Management performance

APPROVED BY: Sibbaluca, Brandon G.

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Lec Lab I- Student Strategy/ Evaluation of

Learning Objectives Wk TOPICS OHP Slides Student Output
Ses Hrs Ses Hrs Guide Handouts Methodology Learning
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
14 Identify the means of 12 21 1 Performance 1-11 1-7 1-3 Discussion Appropriately recognize Accurately examine
improving database Analysis Tools the means of improving the database
performance. Performance database performance. performance.
15 Monitor database 22 1 Monitoring Discussion Observation of database Correctly design and
performance. Database performance create the conceptual
Performance design.

10 3 10 Laboratory Laboratory Design and creation of the

Exercise 1 Exercise conceptual design
Database Backup
and Recovery
16 Identify and perform 13 23 1 Backup methods 1-9 1-9 1-3 Discussion Recognition and execution Clearly distinguish
appropriate database of the applicable database and use the proper
backup and recovery backup and recovery database backup and
procedures. procedures. recovery procedures.

24 1 Crash Recovery
11 3 11 Task Performance Laboratory Design and create physical Accurately design and
1 Exercise design create physical

14 25 1 PRE-FINAL Paper and At least a grade of 75% in Get at least a grade of

EXAMINATION pencil test the prelim exam. 75% in the prelim
17 Explain the concept of 15 26-27 2 Data Warehousing 1-9 1-10 1-3 Discussion Appropriately Identify and Clearly distinguish the
data warehousing. interpret the concept of concept of sub
sub queries queries.

3 12 Laboratory 1-2 Laboratory Creation of a project Correctly construct

Exercise 1 Exercise schema and GUI and create a project
schema and GUI.

18 Explain the concept of 16 28 1 Data Mining 1-7 1-7 1-2 Discussion Knowledge about the Clearly explain the
data mining. concept of data mining concept of data

29 1 13 3 12 Laboratory Laboratory Codes on the application Correctly create and

Exercise 1 Exercise put codes on the

APPROVED BY: Sibbaluca, Brandon G.

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Lec Lab I- Student Strategy/ Evaluation of

Learning Objectives Wk TOPICS OHP Slides Student Output
Ses Hrs Ses Hrs Guide Handouts Methodology Learning
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
19 Familiarize with 17 30 1 Multidimensional 1-8 1-8 1-2 Discussion Identification and Clearly determine and
multidimensional, parallel, and Parallel description of the examine the
and distributed Databases multidimensional, parallel, multidimensional,
databases. Distributed Database and distributed databases parallel, and
distributed database.

14 3 Project Presentation Laboratory Present an Alumni Correctly develop an

Exercise Database Alumni Database

18 32 1 FINAL Paper and At least a grade of 75% in Get at least a grade of

EXAMINATION pencil test the prelim exam. 75% in the prelim

APPROVED BY: Sibbaluca, Brandon G.

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