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The Seventh-day Sabbath Christ Our Righteousness The Immutable Law of God

The Non-Immortality of the Soul The Three Angels’ Messages The Sanctuary
Volume 16, Number 11 November 2001

A Time of Probation
for Churches

A Greater Preparation
S eptember 11, 2001, will go down
in American history as the date
of one of the greatest of all
tragedies for our nation up to this
time. America and the world will
before thee, and our sins testify
against us: for our transgressions
are with us; and as for our iniqui-
ties, we know them; in transgressing
and lying against the LORD, and
vol. 9, 11-17, and was also published
in the July 2001 issue of Our Firm
Foundation. You will find some other
sobering statements in the compilation
in this issue entitled “What Ellen
never be the same again. Two of our departing away from our God, White Saw a Century Ago.”
own commercial jetliners, hijacked speaking oppression and revolt, As I read her words, I cannot
by demon-inspired terrorists, conceiving and uttering from the help but wonder whether Sister
crashed into the World Trade heart words of falsehood. And White was shown the destruction of
Center’s twin towers in Manhattan, judgment is turned away backward, the Word Trade Center’s twin towers.
New York City. Two other planes and justice standeth afar off: for Now, dear Seventh-day Adven-
were hijacked and crashed as well, truth is fallen in the street, and tists, not only are we seeing porten-
one of which crashed into the equity cannot enter.” Isaiah 59:12–14. tous signs in the world, but also
Pentagon, the headquarters of the How solemn and unprecedented sadly we are seeing them in our
United States’ Defense Department. are the scenes which the remnant beloved church.
The impacts, with their resulting Seventh-day Adventist Church will We are told by our prophet that
fires, and the collapse of the build- soon pass through! This tragedy is a “the very last deception of Satan
ings, brought instant death to wake-up call to all Seventh-day will be to make of none effect the
thousands of Americans, disintegrat- Adventist leaders, pastors, and laity, testimony of the Spirit of God,” 2 and
ing frightened passengers and office for it has catapulted us another that just before probation closes,
workers in flames and rubble—to giant step toward the very end of drums, celebration-type music, and
await the final judgment. time in this present world. Probation dancing would come into our
As Americans sat shocked and is about to close! What did the angel churches. 3 Also, there would be one
paralyzed before their television sets, say? great final apostasy, called the
watching the trauma played out in “I was pointed to the remnant on Omega, just before the end. 4 The
the smoking ruins of the multi- the earth. The angel said to them, fulfillment of these prophecies is
billion-dollar World Trade Center, ‘Will ye shun the seven last now before us.
we were reminded of 1941 and Pearl plagues? Will ye go to glory and The words of Jeremiah apply to
Harbor, when 2,500 service men and enjoy all that God has prepared for our Laodicean condition: “My
civilians died in the three-hour those who love Him and are willing bowels, my bowels! I am pained at
Japanese attack. to suffer for His sake? If so, ye must my very heart; my heart maketh a
The world is stirred with the die that ye may live. Get ready, get noise in me; I cannot hold my peace,
spirit of war! From now on there ready, get ready. Ye must have a because thou hast heard, O my soul,
will be no more peaceful moments greater preparation than ye now the sound of the trumpet, the alarm
among the children of men—“Men’s have, for the day of the Lord cometh, of war. . . . For my people is foolish,
hearts failing them for fear, and for cruel both with wrath and fierce they have not known me; they are
looking after those things which are anger, to lay the land desolate and sottish children, and they have none
coming on the earth.” Luke 21:26. to destroy the sinners thereof out of understanding: they are wise to do
The powers of darkness are it. Sacrifice all to God. Lay all upon evil, but to do good they have no
making a last effort to gain posses- His altar—self, property, and all, a knowledge.” Jeremiah 4:19, 22.
sion of the souls of all mankind. living sacrifice. It will take all to enter May we hasten to yield our hearts
“For we wrestle not against flesh glory. Lay up for yourselves treasure and minds fully to God while the last
and blood, but against principalities, in heaven, where no thief can moments of probation linger. 
against powers, against the rulers of approach or rust corrupt. Ye must be
the darkness of this world, against partakers of Christ’s sufferings here Ron Spear, Executive Editor
spiritual wickedness in high if ye would be partakers with Him
places.” Ephesians 6:12. of His glory hereafter.’ ” 1 1
Early Writings, 66–67, emphasis supplied.
Listen to Isaiah describe the As I write I am reminded of 2
Selected Messages, book 1, 48.
wickedness of our world today: “For another very important vision of our 3
See ibid., book 2, 35–37.
our transgressions are multiplied prophet. It is recorded in Testimonies, See ibid., book 1, 193–205.

2 Our Firm Foundation

table of contents
Volume 16, Number 11 November 2001
It is the mission of Hope International
and the editors of Our Firm Foundation to
clearly present Christ and His truth. The
days that yet remain of this world are

few, and what we do we must do quickly.
We must boldly proclaim the historic A Time of Probation for Churches
truths of Adventism that place us on so Bob Jorgensen
firm a foundation in the midst of this Does the Seventh-day Adventist Church still
troubled world. –Editors
represent God’s chosen people?
Executive Editor: Ron Spear
Administrative Editor: Bill Humeniuk
Managing Editor: Harvey Steck
Layout & Design: Kevin Patterson

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9 What Ellen White Saw a Century Ago
Ellen G. White
Did God show Sister White the recent tragedies in
New York City?

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Colin Standish
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17 Will the Real Adventist Please Stand Up!
Ron Spear
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Volume 16, Number 11
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A Time of Probation
for Churches

Bob Jorgensen

This is the first in a three-part series church, we do not agree that the departure and apostasy from God.
of articles on the subject of the church. organized church has become Yet the misuse of such gifts of the
Much misunderstanding exists as to Babylon, or that apostasy has Spirit—even in such a widespread
what different groups believe, and which caused God to close the door of manner—does not automatically
view is correct. This series attempts to probation on the organized confer- cause the rejection by God of the
set forth answers to these difficulties. ence church yet. whole church.
—The Editors Statements have been made that In this three-part series we will
seem to assume that we view the address several of the many issues

I n Seventh-day Adventism there

appears to be several directions
of thought that have been
developing. One of these is the
thought that developments of
conference leadership as being the
church. However, in reality the
conference leadership is only a part
of the church—and a small part at
that. The Seventh-day Adventist
relating to this controversy about the
church: “The Application of the
Vineyard”; “The Close of Probation
for Churches”; “The Chosen People
and the Fullness of the Time”; “The
apostasy in the organized confer- Church has over 12 million mem- Seventh-day Adventist Church and
ence church have surely reached the bers, but only a small fraction of this the Sealing.”
point where God has fully spewed number are elected officials or
The Application of the Vineyard
the church out of His mouth, and employees of the denomination.
that He has no further use for it. The positions and responsibili- In Matthew 21 is recorded a
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Another view is that no matter how ties of conference leadership could parable that Jesus told of a vineyard
great the apostasy gets in the be considered as being a part of the in which a householder set up a
organized conference church, it will exercise of the gift of “governments.” vineyard and put husbandmen in
always be God’s one and only true “Governments” are given for the charge of it. There were vines in the
church, and that those who deter- perfecting of the church, just as are vineyard that were to be cared for,
minedly stay with it will eventually prophecy, teaching, and so forth. But and fruit to be yielded and har-
be saved. Some of us who have been like the other gifts, “governments” vested. There was a winepress and
caught up in the fray are accused of can be perverted and misused by also a tower. It was walled in with a
being Judaizers, along with many those who are in positions of hedge. In the time of harvest the
other unflattering terms, because, responsibility and leadership. The householder sent servants to receive
though we agree there is great misuse of such gifts usually results the fruits of the vineyard. However,
apostasy and worldliness in the in serious and subtle, yet extensive, the servants were beaten, stoned,

4 Our Firm Foundation

and killed. He sent other servants, to that nation. The wise men (who But what made it the last straw?
and they were treated likewise. He probably had a better understanding Did God’s patience wear out? Was
finally sent his son, but he too was than the leaders of Israel) were the rebellion getting too close to Him
killed. Jesus made an application of directed by God first to go to Jerusa- to allow it to continue? Did God just
this parable to the Jewish nation as lem to come in contact with the arbitrarily “drop the curtain,” as it
God’s church on earth, and He sacred writings and the temple were, and say, “Enough is enough”?
showed that the ensuing result of establishment. After a period of time Some other aspects of the fullness of
rejecting and murdering the Son there, they were directed to go on to the time will be discussed later, but
would be that the kingdom of God Bethlehem. it must clearly be emphasized here
would be taken from Israel and All of these developments that it was not so much a failure of
given to another group of people. depended upon the existence of a the patience of God, but rather the
There are several points that recognized nation and a religious loss of ability on the part of Israel
need to be noted carefully. First, in identity in an organized form that that sealed their fate.
that parable the vineyard repre- God pointed to as His chosen When God closed the door and
sented God’s people, or His people and His church on earth. We the temple curtain was rent in two,
church. 1 The husbandmen who would expect that no one would God was saying to the world that
were left in charge of it were the argue with the assessment given by Israel had ruined their capability to
leaders of Israel. The tower was the Inspiration that at that very time the be of any further value in the
temple, which was the center of the Jewish nation had become the development of truth and in the
religious services committed to the agency of Satan to pervert and working out of God’s plan. By
nation. In spite of the merchandis- mislead people from the truth. God officially rejecting Christ and mur-
ing and criminal activities going
on in the temple it was still
claimed by Jesus as belonging, not
to the leadership (who were in Inspiration also tells us that at the time of the birth of
dark apostasy and rebellion), but
rather to His Father. He called it
Christ the height of the deception of sin had been
“My Father’s house.” John 2:16. It reached—more within Israel than in any other nation.
was not until a matter of hours
before His death that Jesus spoke
of the temple as “your house,”
which was to be left desolate. It simply illustrated that He could still dering Him, they had placed their
was then no longer His Father’s fulfill His purpose, in part at least, nation where it was an impossibility
house. Yet it was the Father’s house within the very nation of Israel. for them to develop any more truth.
all through the centuries of dark Inspiration also tells us that at the And here every Jew remains who
apostasy and rebellion that pre- time of the birth of Christ the height does not accept the Son of God as
ceded those final moments of of the deception of sin had been his Saviour. He must accept Christ
Christ’s ministry and death. In reached—more within Israel than in as the Messiah in order to progress
spite of the fact that the husband- any other nation. into an understanding of the New
men were in charge of the vineyard We would call attention to Covenant and the three angels’
and were going contrary to the another point: The rejection and messages. Much that to us is simple
directions of the master, it was still murder of the servants that were and basic gospel truth is hidden in
the master’s vineyard. Anyone who sent did not close probation for the mystery and darkness to every Jew
would say that it belonged to the husbandmen and the vineyard. It until he faces the reality of his
husbandmen would be taking the was the rejection and murder of the history and accepts Christ as his
side of treason and disloyalty. Son that finally closed the probation Messiah. It is simply a matter of fact
The application to Israel is of the Jewish church. It is very that the “organic” function of the
apparent. Though, like an airplane important to understand the differ- human mind of the person and the
that has been hijacked, the nation ence between the rejection of the church that rejects Christ as the
was under the leadership and prophets and the rejection of the Messiah is totally unprepared to
oppression of men in rebellion Son. Without the rejection of the Son, understand and participate in the
against God; though at the time of Israel could conceivably have developments of truth that came
Christ’s birth the office of high priest continued on for many more years after A.D. 31.
was often gained by fraud, bribery, rejecting and killing the prophets— The fullness of the time here
and murder; yet God claimed the yet their probation would still have includes the fact that a final, ulti-
nation as His chosen people, remained open. However, it was the mate, testing truth has arrived. It is
declaring that out of that nation a rejection and murder of the Son that the time of visitation. 2 Previously, all
Light would shine. Those who were sealed their fate. That was the “last other truths pointed to and prepared
seeking the Light were often directed straw,” as we sometimes say. the way for this development of

Volume 16, Number 11 5

truth. In symbols and ceremonies Heaven’s purpose was still taking cry message is actually an an-
Israel had held the promise of the place within Israel. nouncement that our country has
fullness of time in terms of a final filled up its cup, which closes its
The Close of Probation for
testing truth to arise from within probation. It is when the national
their midst. To have closed their Sunday legislation is passed that the
probation previous to the arrival of Recently, there have been discus- limit of God’s forbearance will be
this final development would have sions in which the idea of a close of reached, and national apostasy will
destroyed the whole plan of salva- probation for churches has been be followed by national ruin. See
tion and given Satan the victory. questioned or denied. The idea of a such statements as the following:
This will be discussed more fully in role for the denominated Seventh- “As the approach of the Roman
the section called “The Chosen day Adventist Church as far as any armies was a sign to the disciples of
People and the Fullness of the further usefulness in the develop- the impending destruction of
Time.” ment of God’s plan, has been Jerusalem, so may this apostasy be a
In the light of these consider- rejected by some. Yet, it seems to me sign to us that the limit of God’s
ations, I would like to emphasize that some important statements and forbearance is reached, that the
that we do not dispute the statement considerations are being overlooked. measure of our nation’s iniquity is
found in The Desire of Ages, 232: A concept that is described in the full, and that the angel of mercy is
“The Sanhedrin had rejected Spirit of Prophecy is that there is an about to take her flight, never to
Christ’s message and was bent upon account kept with nations, and return.” 3
His death; therefore Jesus departed when the account, or cup, is full, Let us consider the experience of
Babylon in the time of Belshazzar in
which the words were written by the
hand of an unseen Watcher on the
Israel had a standing as a nation and also as a church. walls of the palace in burning letters
of fire: “Thou art weighed in the
Certainly we would not question whether or not they balances, and art found wanting.”
experienced a close of probation as a nation. Daniel 5:27. This meant simply that
Babylon’s probation had come to an
end, and that the scepter of power
had passed to another nation. When
from Jerusalem, from the priests, the then its probationary time comes to probation for a nation comes to an
temple, the religious leaders, the an end, and judgments take place. end, when its cup of iniquity has
people who had been instructed in One of the many places where this been filled, it simply means that God
the law, and turned to another class concept is discussed is in the noted withdraws His protection, favor,
to proclaim His message, and to section of Testimonies, vol. 5, that and blessing, and that nation is left
gather out those who should carry deals with the sealing of God’s to reap the results of their sin and
the gospel to all nations.” people. This section, though written apostasy. This usually takes the
Rather, such statements actually prior to 1898, still deserves some form of destruction or subjugation to
serve to illustrate the very emphasis very careful analysis. It gives a last- another nation.
that we are making in this re- day application of a prophecy that We are also told that an account
sponse—namely, that when the was written in Old Testament times. (time of probation) is kept with
majority of the leadership rejects the On page 208 we find this thought: families 4 and with individuals. An
important truths, God works with “With unerring accuracy the Infinite account is kept with cities as well. It
other classes within His church. In One still keeps an account with all was when the men of Sodom tried to
ancient Israel when the ecclesiastical nations. While His mercy is ten- rape the angels who visited their
authorities rejected Jesus, He turned dered with calls to repentance, this city that their cup was filled, and
to another class—not to another account will remain open; but when then judgments came upon them.
nation or another group. It was not the figures reach a certain amount Their probation had closed. 5
at this time that the gospel was which God has fixed, the ministry of Israel had a standing as a nation
given to the Gentiles, but rather to His wrath commences. The account and also as a church. Certainly we
another class of Israel. Even when is closed. Divine patience ceases. would not question whether or not
talking to non-Israelites He empha- There is no more pleading of mercy they experienced a close of proba-
sized that “salvation is of the Jews.” in their behalf.” tion as a nation. They are referred to
John 4:22. He did not mean by this This idea of an account (time of as a nation divorced from God. 6
that the leadership had the clearest probation) which is maintained for Interestingly, and significantly, they
light from Heaven, or that they were nations is also discussed in many are referred to also as a nation
even walking in the truth—rather, other passages—such as in The Great unchurched. “It was not the hand of
He was confirming that the oracles Controversy, 627. We should be the priest that rent from top to
of truth, and the development of familiar with the fact that the loud bottom the gorgeous veil that

6 Our Firm Foundation

divided the holy from the Most Holy the statement reads: “In the balances described in Ezekiel 9. Perhaps it
Place. It was the hand of God. When of the sanctuary the Seventh-day will help us see that just as Israel
Christ cried out, ‘It is finished,’ the Adventist Church is to be weighed. was preserved, in spite of rebellion
Holy Watcher that was an unseen She will be judged by the privileges and apostasy, to bring forth the
guest at Belshazzar’s feast pro- and advantages that she has had. If Messiah, so the Seventh-day Adven-
nounced the Jewish nation to be a her spiritual experience does not tist Church was brought into
nation unchurched. The same hand correspond to the advantages that existence and will be preserved, in
that traced on the wall the charac- Christ, at infinite cost, has bestowed spite of apostasy and rebellion, to
ters that recorded Belshazzar’s on her, if the blessings conferred initiate the sealing of God’s faithful
doom and the end of the Babylonian have not qualified her to do the people. Until that sealing com-
kingdom, rent the veil of the temple work entrusted to her, on her will be mences, until the separating of the
from top to bottom, opening a new pronounced the sentence: ‘Found wheat and tares takes place, we are
and living way for all, high and wanting.’ By the light bestowed, the unwarranted in concluding that the
low, rich and poor, Jew and Gentile. opportunities given, will she be probation of the Seventh-day
From henceforth people might come judged.” 8 This was written in 1903, Adventist Church has closed. And
to God without priest or ruler.” 7 several years after 1898, but it let us keep in mind that the move-
When Christ was crucified, the repeats a theme that was empha- ment that finally emerges following
Jewish nation became unchurched— sized in an earlier period when the the embattled Seventh-day Adventist
meaning that it had lost its status as commentary on the sealing was Church is a purified movement—the
a church in God’s eyes. It was no published in Testimonies, vol. 5, 207– first in history ever to be free of any
longer His church—His chosen 216. tares.
agency for the development of
truth—His special depositary for the
oracles. A new movement now Let us keep in mind that the movement that finally
became God’s visible church. It has
always been this way. When God emerges following the embattled Seventh-day Adventist
closes the probation of a church, He
points people to a new movement as Church is a purified movement—the first in history ever
His church. Thus, when probation
closed for the Jewish church at the
to be free of any tares.
crucifixion of Christ, immediately
the attention of true seekers of truth
began to be directed to the new That same passage in the Any new group that attempts to
apostolic church which rapidly Testimonies, speaks of a time of supersede the Seventh-day Adventist
gained prominence through the visitation (a reminder of Israel’s Church and yet still contains wheat
Divine—the Holy Spirit—working experience as God’s church and and tares together, would simply
and intervening. chosen nation), of rapidly swelling perpetuate apostasy, rebellion, and
Thus it was with the Protestant figures (indicating an account, a would undoubtedly arrive at further
churches in 1844. By rejecting the time of probation, a filling up of the depths of apostasy than what we
proclamation of the first angel’s cup), and signs of approaching ruin. already have—but in a shorter
message, they closed and sealed It speaks of the little company in the length of time. In fact, it would have
their destiny. God at that very time church when the danger and to either totally disqualify the whole
was raising up a new movement, depression of the church is the Advent movement since 1844, or else
drawing attention to it as the new greatest. It speaks of a time when disqualify itself, since all it would be
depositary of truth and the oracles God’s presence has left the church, doing is repeating the accomplish-
of God. The ministry of a prophet and of overflooding worldliness ments of the Advent movement
marked God’s designation of the throughout the membership of the previously. Furthermore, to super-
new movement as being His chosen church. At this time the sealing will sede the Advent movement of 1844–
people—the visible church of God commence in the church, followed 2001 it would need to provide
on earth. This movement is what by the beings with slaughtering similar, if not greater, credentials in
became known as the Seventh-day weapons carrying out the judgments terms of the ministry of prophecy, of
Adventist Church. of God. Let us remember that the providential interpositions, and
Interestingly, we are clearly told sealing renders a person’s destiny compel worldwide recognition on a
that the Seventh-day Adventist secure for all eternity. greater scale than that of the Advent
Church will be “weighed in the In the section on the sealing and awakening of the 1840s—which we
balance”—which means that it the Seventh-day Adventist Church have been told was the purest and
definitely has a probationary status we will look more fully at the greatest since Pentecost. 9
and will come to a time when the characteristics of what is taking Many statements clearly refer to a
account will be settled. Notice how place in the church in the time probationary status for the Seventh-

Volume 16, Number 11 7

day Adventist Church, and the them, saying: ‘O Jerusalem, Jerusa- being promoted in the organized
possibility of filling up its account. lem,’ how can I give thee up? ‘How church as are now taking place in
See for example in Testimonies, vol. 5, often would I have gathered thy the other channels. There is much
529: “It is time that we were closely children together, even as a hen ignorance regarding how the Lord
examining our hearts to see whether gathereth her chickens under her has led, and what the pillars of
or not we are in the faith and in the wings, and ye would not!’ Matthew truth have been. Is it not presump-
love of God. If there is not an 23:37.” tuous for us to feel or claim that
awakening among us who have had There are some today who feel probation has now closed for the
so great light and so many privi- that they are God’s new movement, Seventh-day Adventist (organized)
leges, we shall sink to ruin and our that they have a “present truth”— Church, and that our group or our
fate will be worse than that of that they are now His church, that ministry is the superseding repre-
Chorazin and Bethsaida; ‘for,’ as supersedes the Seventh-day Adven- sentative of the true remnant
Christ said of those cities, ‘if the tist Church, that they are the pure church? Surely, we must study
mighty works, which were done in and true remnant who are giving the more diligently and take a more
you, had been done in Tyre and loud cry and experiencing the power careful survey of all aspects before
Sidon, they would have repented of the latter rain. It would seem that making any such bold assump-
long ago in sackcloth and ashes.’ we need to more earnestly study the tions. 
Matthew 11:21.” passage found in Early Writings that
Also see Testimonies, vol. 8, 67: clearly describes what qualifies as Next month in part two of this series
“Jerusalem is a representation of “present truth.” 10 In Life Sketches, we will cover the topic of “The Chosen
what the church will be if it refuses 196, we have been told that we need People and the Fullness of the Time.”
to walk in the light that God has not fear for the future unless we
given. Jerusalem was favored of God forget how the Lord has led, and 1
See Prophets and Kings, 15–22.
as the depositary of sacred trusts. His teaching, in our past history. 2
See The Desire of Ages, 235, and many other
But her people perverted the truth, Surely, if we are to be honest similar references.
and despised all entreaties and with ourselves, we must acknowl- Testimonies, vol. 5, 451. See also Signs of
the Times, June 12, 1893; and so forth.
warnings. They would not respect edge that there is as much or more 4
See Patriarchs and Prophets, 165; Signs of the
His counsels. The temple courts confusion among all the various Times, September 11, 1884; and so forth.
were polluted with merchandise and ministries, home churches, and See Patriarchs and Prophets, 159.
See The Acts of the Apostles, 145.
robbery. Selfishness and love of independent groups as is to be 7
The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commen-
mammon, envy and strife, were found in the organized church. I tary, vol. 5, 1109.
cherished. Everyone sought for gain have never heard so many strange Testimonies, vol. 8, 247.
See The Great Controversy, 401.
from his quarter. Christ turned from teachings and winds of doctrine 10
Early Writings, 63.

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8 Our Firm Foundation
What Ellen White
Saw a Century Ago
Ellen G. White
In the light of the recent terrorist fireproof. And just as Sodom perished York, only that I know that one day
attacks in the United States, how solemn in the flames of God’s vengeance, so the great buildings there will be thrown
are the words of the Lord’s messenger will these proud structures become down by the turning and overturning
written a century ago! We share with ashes. . . . The flattering monuments of of God’s power. . . . Death will come
our readers this sampling of what she men’s greatness will be crumbled in the in all places. This is why I am so
recorded, sent to us by Bob Jorgensen. dust, even before the last great destruction anxious for our cities to be warned. 6
We encourage each one to prayerfully comes upon the world. 2
study to know our duty for the hour in On one occasion, when in New
which we are living. The destruction by fire of the York City, I was in the night season
The Editors stately buildings supposed to be called upon to behold buildings
fireproof is an illustration of how in a rising story after story toward heaven.

I n the night I was, I thought, in a

room but not in my own house. I
was in a city, where I knew not,
and I heard explosion after explo-
sion. I rose up quickly in bed, and
short time earth’s architecture will lie in
ruins. 3

Men will continue to erect expen-

sive buildings, costing millions of
These buildings were warranted to
be fireproof, and they were erected to
glorify their owners and builders. . . .
The scene that next passed
before me was an alarm of fire.
saw from my window large balls of money; special attention will be called Men looked at the lofty and
fire. Jetting out were sparks, in the to their architectural beauty, and the supposedly fireproof buildings and
form of arrows, and buildings were firmness and solidity with which they said: “They are perfectly safe.” But
being consumed, and in a very few are constructed; but the Lord has these buildings were consumed as if
minutes the entire block of buildings instructed me that despite the unusual made of pitch. The fire engines
was falling and the screeching and firmness and expensive display, these could do nothing to stay the destruc-
mournful groans came distinctly to my buildings will share the fate of the temple tion. The firemen were unable to
ears. I cried out, in my raised posi- in Jerusalem. 4 operate the engines. 7
tion, to learn what was happening:
New York City Other Statements
Where am I? And where are our
family circle? Then I awoke. But I His message must be given in The ungodly cities of our world
could not tell where I was for I was in Greater New York. The people must are to be swept away by the besom
another place than home. I said, Oh be shown how it is possible for God, of destruction. In the calamities that
Lord, where am I and what shall I do? by a touch of His hand, to destroy are now befalling immense buildings
It was a voice that spoke: “Be not the property they have gathered and large portions of cities, God is
afraid. Nothing shall harm you.” 1 together against the last great day. 5 showing us what will come upon
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the whole earth. He has told us,

I have seen the most costly structures I have no light in particular in “Now learn a parable of the fig tree;
in buildings erected and supposed to be regard to what is coming on New When his branch is yet tender, and

Volume 16, Number 11 9

putteth forth leaves, ye know that money getting, the whirl of excite- destroyer. His temptations are leading
summer is nigh: so likewise ye, ment and pleasure seeking, the thirst multitudes to ruin. Intemperance
when ye shall see all these things, for display, the luxury and extrava- dethrones reason; sensual indulgence,
know that it [the coming of the Son gance, all are forces that, with the strife, and bloodshed follow. Satan
of man] is near, even at the doors.” great masses of mankind, are delights in war, for it excites the worst
Matthew 24:32–33. 8 turning the mind from life’s true passions of the soul and then sweeps into
purpose. They are opening the door eternity its victims steeped in vice and
Already His judgments have to a thousand evils. Upon the youth blood. It is his object to incite the nations
begun to fall upon the inhabitants of they have almost irresistible to war against one another, for he can
the land. He can touch the largest power. 12 thus divert the minds of the people
so-called fireproof buildings, and in from the work of preparation to stand
two or three hours they are as noth- But erelong there will be such in the day of God.
ingness, burned to the ground. 9 strife and confusion in the cities, Satan works through the ele-
that those who wish to leave them ments also to garner his harvest of
Other Things Ellen White Said
will not be able. We must be prepar- unprepared souls. He has studied
O that God’s people had a sense ing for these issues. This is the light the secrets of the laboratories of
of the impending destruction of that is given me. 13 nature, and he uses all his power to
thousands of cities, now almost given control the elements as far as God
to idolatry. 10 The work of the people of God is allows. . . .
to prepare for the events of the While appearing to the children
We shall see troubles on all future, which will soon come upon of men as a great physician who
sides. Thousands of ships will be them with blinding force. In the can heal all their maladies, he will
bring disease and disaster, until
populous cities are reduced to ruin
and desolation. Even now he is at
There will be such strife and confusion in the cities, that work. In accidents and calamities by
sea and by land, in great conflagra-
those who wish to leave them will not be able. We must tions, in fierce tornadoes and terrific
be preparing for these issues. hailstorms, in tempests, floods,
cyclones, tidal waves, and earthquakes,
in every place and in a thousand
forms, Satan is exercising his power.
hurled into the depths of the sea. Navies world gigantic monopolies will be He sweeps away the ripening harvest,
will go down, and human lives will be formed. Men will bind themselves and famine and distress follow. He
sacrificed by millions. Fires will break together in unions that will wrap imparts to the air a deadly taint, and
out unexpectedly, and no human effort them in the folds of the enemy. A few thousands perish by the pestilence.
will be able to quench them. The men will combine to grasp all the These visitations are to become more
palaces of earth will be swept away means to be obtained in certain lines and more frequent and disastrous.
in the fury of the flames. Disasters by of business. Trades unions will be Destruction will be upon both man
rail will become more and more frequent; formed, and those who refuse to join and beast. 16 
confusion, collision, and death without a these unions will be marked men. 14
moment’s warning will occur on the References:
great lines of travel. The end is near, There are not many, even among Manuscript Releases, vol. 11, 361. All empha-
sis has been added by the compiler. Note:
probation is closing. Oh, let us seek educators and statesmen, who According to sources at the Ellen G. White
God while He may be found, call comprehend the causes that underlie Estate, the correct wording here is “explo-
upon Him while He is near! 11 the present state of society. Those sion after explosion,” not “expression after
who hold the reins of government expression,” which is a transcription error.
Selected Messages, book 3, 418–419.
The world over, cities are becoming are not able to solve the problem of 3
This Day With God, 152.
hotbeds of vice. On every hand are the moral corruption, poverty, pauper- 4
The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commen-
sights and sounds of evil. Every- ism, and increasing crime. They are tary, vol. 5, 1098.
Manuscript Releases, vol. 3, 311.
where are enticements to sensuality struggling in vain to place business 6
Review and Herald, July 5, 1906.
and dissipation. The tide of corrup- operations on a more secure basis. 15 7
Testimonies, vol. 9, 12–13.
tion and crime is continually Counsels on Health, 268.
The Publishing Ministry, 190.
swelling. Every day brings the Through spiritualism, Satan 10
Evangelism, 29.
record of violence—robberies, appears as a benefactor of the race, 11
Messages to Young People, 89–90.
murders, suicides, and crimes healing the diseases of the people, Country Living, 5–6.
Ibid., 11.
unnamable. and professing to present a new and 14
Ibid., 10.
Life in the cities is false and more exalted system of religious faith; 15
Testimonies, vol. 9, 13.
artificial. The intense passion for but at the same time he works as a 16
The Great Controversy, 589–590.

10 Our Firm Foundation

defending the faith

What Was Accomplished at the Cross?

How to mark your Bible and be ready to share your faith

“Sanctify the Lord God in your What did Jesus accomplish by His death on the cross? He paid the price
hearts: and be ready always to give for our sins, didn’t He? Yes, but that is just a superficial answer. Over a
an answer to every man that asketh dozen things were accomplished by His death. While this study does not
you a reason of the hope that is in assume to cover all of them, we pray you will be blessed as you study each
you with meekness and fear.” of the following points and ask the Lord what impact it should have on
1 Peter 3:15. We need to be able to your life.
give an answer for our faith. Mark-
ing your Bible can give you the edge Romans 5:10—We were recon- humble and willing to serve.
you need. It takes work, but the ciled to God.
rewards are worth all the effort. Isaiah 53:3–5—He proved that
We pray that you will be blessed Hebrews 2:13—We are brought God loves us so much that He was
by these studies. As you mark them, back to our Father’s house. willing to endure anything.
may you be encouraged to spend
more time in God’s Word and to Zechariah 13:7—God showed Hebrews 5:8—He demonstrated
search out the hidden things of God. how much He abhors sin. obedience to the point of death.
Always be sure to look for opportu-
nities to share them with others. Ephesians 1:7—Jesus earned the Luke 23:29–31— Those who do
The Editors right to forgive our sins. See also not accept Jesus’ death for their sins
Hebrews 9:22. will experience hell and the second
Bible Marking Directions death. See Revelation 20:13–15.
• On a blank page in the front or 1 John 1:7—To obtain forgive-
back of your Bible, write the study ness, we must walk in the light. Matthew 5:17–18—He fulfilled
title, the code, and the first reference. the demands of the law, thereby
This month’s entry would appear as 2 Corinthians 5:14–15—He gave vindicating the law.
follows: What Was Accomplished at the us the choice to serve Him out of
Cross? (WAC) Romans 5:10. love for Him. Psalm 85:10—He demonstrated
• Turn to the first verse and write the righteousness and mercy of God.
the code, the comment (if you wish Romans 5:6–9—He took our
to use the comments), and the next place and paid the penalty of the John 13:1—He loved us more
reference beside it. If the comment is second death that we deserve. than He loved Himself.
long, you can write it at the top or
bottom of the page, with an asterisk John 17:3–4—Jesus came to show Revelation 5:8–9—Don’t you
or the code of the study to refer you us His Father. He justified God, His want to join the redeemed in prais-
to it. laws, and His government, before ing Jesus for what He has shown us
• Turn to the next text and repeat the whole universe. by His death?
the process until you come to the
end. Beside the last text, write the Philippians 2:6–8—He demon- Revelation 7:9–10—You can if
study code and “End.” strated that the Godhead was you choose.
• Go through the study to check
Photo: © Corbis

for broken links. For more information on Bible marking, or for a greater selection of
• Share the study with someone! studies, go to or refer to “Mark Your Bible!”
in the August 2001 issue of Our Firm Foundation.

Volume 16, Number 11 See page 3 for shipping and sales-tax information. 11
The Destiny
of the
Adventist Church
Colin Standish

A few months ago, we asked the

question, “Is it time for a new
denomination?” 1 Our conclu-
sion was: No, in spite of our insub-
ordination as a people, it is not
time—the Papacy and America. But
when Communism engulfed almost
half the population of the world, our
evangelists lost their nerve and ceased
preaching this message. Yet in 1980 I
apostasy. Such wisdom would also
forecast that the worldliness and
wickedness so prevalent in our
church today will continue to erode
every fiber of morality for which the
God’s plan for us to organize the was impressed to preach this message Seventh-day Adventist movement
true and faithful Seventh-day once again, because I believed the once stood.
Adventists into a new organization. Word of God which “faileth not”— However, we pay scant attention
We believe that a thorough study though I could see no evidence of to what human wisdom dictates, for
of the words of Inspiration leads to the collapse of Communism. But, as we are men and women of the Book.
the conclusion that God will purify you know, my faith in the Word has We demand a plain “Thus saith the
His church and prepare His people since been wholly validated. Lord.” From inspired sources, we
for translation by the sifting and Then as we came to the end of find no basis for forming a new
shaking process. the 1980s, the media was ignited by denomination. Rather, we see the
the news that Saddam Hussein of angels hard at work, separating the
Experience Not a Safe Guide
Iraq was planning to rebuild wheat from the tares, and sifting
We must never make crucial Babylon. But, according to Jeremiah and shaking the house of Israel.
decisions solely on the basis of what 51:61–62, Babylon will never be Fiery trials and winds of strife will
we observe or what we experience. rebuilt. I began to preach that blow away every speck of chaff.
Two personal experiences have Hussein would never achieve his Only the pure grain will remain in
convinced me of the importance of goal—little knowing that the Gulf God’s sieve—the church—that He
holding to the Word alone: War would end his dream. will have perfectly purified.
In the late 1940s and early 1950s, Looking at the state of our
Key Questions
I heard evangelists boldly thunder beloved church, we see no way for
that Communism would not be a its purification and triumph. Human I wish to present eight questions
major player in end-time events wisdom dictates that the rampaging that I believe hold the key to the
because Revelation 13 allowed for decline in the teaching of present destiny of the Seventh-day Adventist
only two superpowers at the end of truth will be followed by yet deeper Denomination:

12 Our Firm Foundation

1. Is there still a faithful remnant of godly leaders, ministers, work- “Woe be unto the pastors that
within the Seventh-day Adventist ers, and laity who give evidence of destroy and scatter the sheep of my
Church? their unwavering loyalty to God pasture! saith the LORD. Therefore
God has always had a faithful and to His truth. Let me share a thus saith the LORD God of Israel
remnant. Sometimes we say that the couple of statements from Inspira- against the pastors that feed my
Seventh-day Adventist Church is the tion: “You will take passages in people; Ye have scattered my flock,
remnant church because its members the Testimonies that speak of the and driven them away, and have
are the remnant. However, this is a close of probation, of the shaking not visited them: behold, I will visit
false premise. The remnant are those among God’s people, and you will upon you the evil of your doings,
who do not engage in iniquity (see talk of a coming out from this saith the LORD. And I will gather the
Zephaniah 3:13), and those who people of a purer, holier people remnant of my flock out of all
keep the commandments of God and that will arise. Now all this countries whither I have driven
have the testimony of Jesus Christ. pleases the enemy. We should not them, and will bring them again to
See Revelation 12:17. They are not needlessly take a course that will their folds; and they shall be fruitful
the remnant of the world, but the
remnant of God’s church.
“Except the LORD of hosts had left
unto us a very small remnant, we When anyone is drawing apart from the organized body
should have been as Sodom, and we
of God’s commandment-keeping people . . . then you
should have been like unto
Gomorrah.” Isaiah 1:9. (See Romans may know that God is not leading him.
9:27–29 for a New Testament
application of Isaiah’s prophecy.)
We—the members of the Seventh-
day Adventist Church—would long make differences or create dissen- and increase. And I will set up
have been left to our rebellion had it sion.” 3 “When anyone is drawing shepherds over them which shall
not been for the faithful remnant in apart from the organized body of feed them: and they shall fear no
the church. God’s commandment-keeping more, nor be dismayed, neither shall
Ellen White tells us that the people, when he begins to weigh the they be lacking, saith the LORD.”
acceptance of the wine of Babylon church in his human scales and Jeremiah 23:1–4; see also Ezekiel
would “convert the church into begins to pronounce judgment 34:12–14.
Babylon.” 2 This wine, of course, is against them, then you may know Yes, the Seventh-day Adventist
the exaltation of Sunday over the that God is not leading him.” 4 Yes, Church is still the fold of God.
true Sabbath and the immortality of God still has a faithful remnant
the soul, along with related heresies. within the Seventh-day Adventist 3. In light of the apostasy existing
Sister White makes it clear that the Church structure. in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, is
Seventh-day Adventist Church is not it still the church militant?
Babylon because it does not embrace 2. Is the Seventh-day Adventist Some would have us believe that
these errors. Church still the fold of God? the church cannot be the church
It therefore stands to reason that The servant of the Lord clearly militant if open sin is allowed to exist
if the worldwide body were ever to declares that the Seventh-day uncorrected. However, let us consider
endorse Sunday sacredness or Adventist Church is God’s fold: the Biblical record. Israel remained
natural immortality—or even to “The church on earth is greatly God’s chosen people and the deposi-
make these beliefs optional, as the beloved by God. It is the fold tary of truth throughout centuries of
Worldwide Church of God recently provided for the sheep of His the most grotesque apostasy—
did with the Sabbath—this would be pasture.” 5 including idolatry, human sacrifices,
an official sellout to Babylon, and While God has provided the and much more. By Jesus’ time the
would doubtless require the faithful church as a fold for His sheep, we spirit of rebellion and apostasy was
to leave. Because the church has not must sadly recognize that wolves— rooted even more deeply; yet Christ
taken this step—either in practice, or false shepherds—have come over the still declared to the Samaritan woman:
by the vote of a worldwide General wall and have scattered the sheep “Salvation is of the Jews.” John 4:22.
Conference—one cannot claim and driven some of them out. Those Despite incredible corruption in the
inspired support for the idea that it who are faithful do not lose their temple precincts, Jesus still called the
is now time to abandon corporate salvation if they are wrongfully cast temple “My Father’s house.” John
Adventism and start a new organi- out of the fold, for Christ will not 2:16. He likewise stated to the Jewish
zation. forget who His faithful sheep are. leaders in the parable of the wicked
We cannot deny the widespread The church is still the fold of God, husbandmen: “The kingdom of God
wickedness so evident in God’s and He has promised to bring the shall be taken from you, and given
church; yet there is still a remnant faithful back into the fold: to a nation bringing forth the fruits

Volume 16, Number 11 13

thereof.” Matthew 21:43. You cannot Yet we are promised: “The work is more, signifieth the removing of
take from someone what they no soon to close. The members of the those things that are shaken, as of
longer possess. church militant who have proved things that are made, that those
Sister White says: “Has God no faithful will become the church things which cannot be shaken may
living church? He has a church, but triumphant.” 10 remain.” Hebrews 12:27.
it is the church militant, not the Yes, the Seventh-day Adventist This shaking is frighteningly
church triumphant.” 6 Later on in Church is still the church militant. thorough: “Soon everything that can
the same chapter she describes some be shaken will be shaken, that those
of the uncorrected apostate condi- 4. Is the Laodicean message able to things that cannot be shaken may
tions existing within the church prepare a people for the kingdom of remain.” 12
militant: “False doctrine is one of the heaven? The heresies that come into the
satanic influences that work in the When we review the Laodicean church cause the shaking:
church, and brings into it those who message, which has primary appli- “God will arouse His people; if
are unconverted in heart. . . . Instead cation to the Seventh-day Adventist other means fail, heresies will come
of the unity that should exist among Church, there is no question that the in among them, which will sift them,
believers, there is disunion. . . . Men church is “wretched, and miserable, separating the chaff from the
arise speaking perverse things to and poor, and blind, and naked.” wheat.” 13
draw away disciples after them- Revelation 3:17. “I asked the meaning of the
selves.” 7 How does God then regard Yet in His great love God gives shaking I had seen, and was shown
the church? “Although there are the antidote: “Gold tried in the fire, that it would be caused by the
evils existing in the church, and will that thou mayest be rich; and white straight testimony called forth by the
be until the end of the world, the raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, counsel of the True Witness to the
Laodiceans. This will have its effect
upon the heart of the receiver, and
will lead him to exalt the standard
God will arouse His people; if other means fail, heresies and pour forth the straight truth.
Some will not bear this straight
will come in among them, which will sift them,
testimony. They will rise up against
separating the chaff from the wheat. it, and this will cause a shaking
among God’s people.” 14
A large proportion of God’s
professed people will be swept out
church in these last days is to be the and that the shame of thy nakedness of the church: “When the law of
light of the world that is polluted do not appear; and . . . eyesalve, that God is made void the church will be
and demoralized by sin. The church, thou mayest see. As many as I love, I sifted by fiery trials, and a larger
enfeebled and defective, needing to rebuke and chasten: be zealous proportion than we now anticipate,
be reproved, warned, and counseled, therefore, and repent.” Verses 18–19. will give heed to seducing spirits
is the only object upon earth upon In spite of the threat to spew us and doctrines of devils.” 15
which Christ bestows His supreme out of His mouth, Jesus is still Who will be shaken out?—“The
regard.” 8 knocking at the door of our hearts. careless and indifferent, who did not
“Let everyone who is seeking to See verse 20. join with those who prized victory
live a Christian life, remember that If God’s people accept the and salvation enough to
the church militant is not the church Laodicean message, they will be perseveringly plead and agonize for
triumphant. Those who are carnally taken to heaven: “Those who come it, did not obtain it.” 16
minded will be found in the church. up to every point, and stand every The angels of God perform the
. . . It may be that in the church there test, and overcome, be the price what sifting. If humans were to take it
are those who are cold, proud, it may, have heeded the counsel of upon themselves to call those whom
haughty, and un-Christian, but you the True Witness, and they will they believed to be faithful out of the
need not associate with this class. receive the latter rain, and thus be Seventh-day Adventist Church,
There are many who are warm- fitted for translation.” 11 surely they would make many
hearted, who are self-denying, self- Yes, the Laodicean message will mistakes.
sacrificing, who would, were it purify a people to be translated to Yes, the shaking and sifting will
required, lay down their lives to heaven. purify a people unto the Lord.
save souls. Jesus saw the bad and
the good in church relationship, and 5. Will the shaking and the sifting 6. Are the faithful sifted out of the
said, ‘Let both grow together until purify God’s church? church while the wicked stay in?
the harvest.’ Matthew 13:30.” 9 The book of Hebrews tells us that “For, lo, I will command, and I
The church militant will be God’s church will be terribly will sift the house of Israel among
defective until the close of probation. shaken: “And this word, Yet once all nations, like as corn is sifted in a

14 Our Firm Foundation

sieve, yet shall not the least grain had privileges and opportunities to “God has a church, a chosen
fall upon the earth.” Amos 9:9. become intelligent in regard to the people; and could all see as I have
The servant of the Lord says: truth, and yet who continue to seen how closely Christ identifies
“The church may appear as about to counterwork the work God would Himself with His people, no such
fall, but it does not fall. It remains, have accomplished, will be purged message would be heard as the one
while the sinners in Zion will be sifted out.” 20 that denounces the church as
out—the chaff separated from the Thus, unlike the first five ques- Babylon.” 23
precious wheat.” 17 tions, this question must be an- “Again I say, The Lord hath not
Note that the chaff and tares—or swered with an emphatic, NO—the spoken by any messenger who calls
the wicked and unfaithful—are faithful are not sifted out while the the church that keeps the command-
sifted out, while not one grain of wicked remain in the church. ments of God, Babylon. True, there
wheat falls to the ground. The Bible are tares with the wheat; but Christ
is very plain that at the end of time 7. Is the Seventh-day Adventist said He would send His angels to
the shaking will drive out the Church still the depositary of God’s first gather the tares and bind them
wicked as God cleanses His church, truth? in bundles to burn them, but gather
but the faithful will remain in “God is leading out a people. He the wheat into the garner. I know
Jerusalem: “And it shall come to has a chosen people, a church on that the Lord loves His church. It is
pass, that he that is left in Zion, and the earth, whom He has made the not to be disorganized or broken up
he that remaineth in Jerusalem, shall depositaries of His law. He has into independent atoms. There is not
be called holy, even every one that is committed to them sacred trust and the least consistency in this; there is
written among the living in Jerusa- eternal truth to be given to the not the least evidence that such a
lem: when the Lord shall have world. He would reprove and thing will be. Those who shall heed
washed away the filth of the daugh- correct them.” 21 this false message and try to leaven
ters of Zion, and shall have purged
the blood of Jerusalem from the
midst thereof by the spirit of judg-
ment, and by the spirit of burning.” Just as ancient Israel was the depositary of the law, and
Isaiah 4:3–4.
It is also noted that while the
truth could be found in the Jewish faith, so it is true
terrible judgments of God are poured today in the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
out upon the unfaithful in His church,
the faithful are still in Jerusalem, even
when the glory of the Lord has
departed. See Ezekiel 9:3–5. “God has called His church, as others will be deceived and pre-
The Spirit of Prophecy is very He called ancient Israel, to stand as pared to receive advanced delusions,
clear that the end-time shaking will a light in the earth. By the mighty and they will come to nought.” 24
remove the apostate majority from cleaver of truth—the messages of the “We see the unbelief, and the
professed Adventism: first, second, and third angels—He stout resistance of some who have
“The shaking of God blows has separated a people from the had great light, and although
away multitudes like dry leaves. churches and from the world, to evidence has been piled upon
Prosperity multiplies a mass of bring them into a sacred nearness to evidence, they have kept themselves
professors. Adversity purges them Himself. He has made them the in stubborn resistance. The Lord has
out of the church. As a class, their depositaries of His law, and has sent messages of warning and
spirits are not steadfast with God. committed to them the great truths of entreaty, messages of reproof and
They go out from us because they prophecy for this time. Like the holy rebuke, and they have not been in
are not of us; for when tribulation or oracles committed to ancient Israel, vain. But we have never had a
persecution arises because of the these are a sacred trust to be com- message that the Lord would
Word, many are offended.” 18 municated to the world.” 22 disorganize the church. We have
“As the storm approaches, a Just as ancient Israel was the never had the prophecy concerning
large class who have professed faith depositary of the law, and truth Babylon applied to the Seventh-day
in the third angel’s message, but could be found in the Jewish faith, Adventist Church, or been informed
have not been sanctified through so it is true today in the Seventh-day that the ‘loud cry’ consisted in
obedience to the truth, abandon their Adventist Church. calling God’s people to come out of
position and join the ranks of the Yes, saving truth can still be her; for this is not God’s plan
opposition.” 19 found in the Seventh-day Adventist concerning Israel.” 25
“At the eleventh hour the Lord Church. “My brother, I learn that you are
will gather a company out of the taking the position that the Seventh-
world to serve Him. There will be a 8. Is the call out of Babylon a call to day Adventist Church is Babylon,
converted ministry. Those who have leave the SDA Church? and that all that would be saved

Volume 16, Number 11 15

must come out of her. You are not small, faithful remnant who are It would be tragic if one of
the only man the devil has deceived proclaiming the three angels’ Satan’s most successful deceptions
in this matter. For the last forty messages. against the elect would be to con-
years, one man after another has My great burden is that all will vince them that the Seventh-day
arisen, claiming that the Lord has now reexamine their relationship Adventist Church, as we know it
sent him with the same message; but with God, His truth, and His today, were to be so unredeemable
let me tell you, as I have told them, righteousness. This is the time to that we must abandon it. My earnest
that this message you are proclaim- make our calling and election sure prayer is for all to follow God’s
ing is one of the satanic delusions and to join the ranks of those who plain path to His kingdom. 
designed to create confusion among are sighing and crying for the
the churches.” 26 abominations done in the church. References:
There is not the slightest hint in “In the time when His wrath 1
See Our Firm Foundation, August 2001, 4;
the Bible or the Spirit of Prophecy shall go forth in judgments, these see also Testimonies, vol. 5, 211-212.
that the Seventh-day Adventist humble, devoted followers of Christ See Selected Messages, book 2, 68; see also
Testimonies to Ministers, 61–62.
Church will become Babylon. will be distinguished from the rest of 3
Selected Messages, book 1, 179.
Indeed, the evidence is all in the the world by their soul anguish, 4
Ibid., book 3, 18.
other direction. which is expressed in lamentation Signs of the Times, October 31, 1900.
Testimonies to Ministers, 45.
Israel and Judah were called and weeping, reproofs and warn- 7
Ibid., 47–48.
harlots, whores, and adulterers ings. While others try to throw a 8
Ibid., 49.
when they joined the ecumenical cloak over the existing evil, and Review and Herald, January 16, 1894.
Evangelism, 707.
movements of their day, yet they excuse the great wickedness every- 11
Testimonies, vol. 1, 187.
were never called Babylon. And so where prevalent, those who have a 12
Ibid., vol. 9, 15–16.
today: though our church has zeal for God’s honor and a love for Ibid., vol. 5, 707; see also ibid., 80.
Ibid., vol. 1, 181.
moved into the frightening abandon- souls will not hold their peace to 15
Selected Messages, book 2, 368; see also Tes-
ment of its call to be separate from obtain favor of any. Their righteous timonies, vol. 4, 89.
the world, and many members and souls are vexed day by day with the 16
Ibid., vol. 1, 182.
organizations are embracing the unholy works and conversation of The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commen-
tary, vol. 7, 911.
ecumenical agenda, God does not the unrighteous. They are powerless 18
Testimonies, vol. 4, 89.
call it Babylon. Yes, it can be called to stop the rushing torrent of 19
The Great Controversy, 608.
apostate Israel. And in that sense it iniquity, and hence they are filled Manuscript Releases, vol. 20, 320.
Selected Messages, book 2, 66.
is more culpable 27 than Babylon with grief and alarm. They mourn 22
Signs of the Times, January 25, 1910.
because of the great light it has had. before God to see religion despised 23
Testimonies to Ministers, 20.
Just as wicked Judah was allowed to in the very homes of those who have Selected Messages, book 2, 68–69.
Review and Herald, October 3, 1893.
remain while the faithful heralded had great light. They lament and 26
Testimonies to Ministers, 58–59.
the birth and ministry of our Saviour afflict their souls because pride, 27
American Heritage College Dictionary, 337,
during His first advent, so wicked avarice, selfishness, and deception “Deserving of blame or censure as being
wrong, evil, improper, or injurious.”
modern Israel is allowed to remain of almost every kind are in the 28
Testimonies, vol. 5, 210.
today because it contains a very church.” 28

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16 Our Firm Foundation

Will the Real Adventist
Please Stand Up!

Ron Spear

W e have entered into a

crisis hour in our beloved
Seventh-day Adventist
Church, for now every wind of
doctrine is blowing through our
Isaiah 58:13–14? “If thou turn away
thy foot from the sabbath, from
doing thy pleasure on my holy day;
and call the sabbath a delight, the
holy of the LORD, honourable; and
have accepted this qualification and
have experienced victory over
temptation, having perfected their
characters by the power of the Holy
Spirit? These qualifications are the
churches. “That we henceforth be no shalt honour him, not doing thine only way God can be sure we are
more children, tossed to and fro, and own ways, nor finding thine own safe to save, and that we will never
carried about with every wind of pleasure, nor speaking thine own bring sin into His new creation.
doctrine, by the sleight of men, and words: then shalt thou delight Overcoming all sin by the power
cunning craftiness, whereby they lie thyself in the LORD; and I will cause of the Holy Spirit is the only way
in wait to deceive.” Ephesians 4:14. thee to ride upon the high places of God can be absolutely sure that we
It is now very evident that the the earth, and feed thee with the are safe to save. “And unto the
devil has come down with great heritage of Jacob thy father: for the angel of the church of the
wrath, for he knows he has a very mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.” Laodiceans write; These things saith
short time. “And to the angel of the How many understand how keep- the Amen, the faithful and true
church in Pergamos write; These ing the Sabbath is related to the witness, the beginning of the
things saith he which hath the sanctuary message, which is so creation of God; I know thy works,
sharp sword with two edges.” clearly presented in Scripture and that thou art neither cold nor hot: I
Revelation 2:12. supported by the Spirit of Prophecy? would thou wert cold or hot.”
It is time that each of us as How many understand why we Revelation 3:14–15.
Seventh-day Adventists examine are the remnant church? How many The tragedy is that many of our
ourselves, whether we are in the understand the 2,300-day prophecy pastors, leaders, and laity believe
faith. The doctrines given to us by of Daniel 8:14, the great disappoint- that the experience of overcoming
God through our pioneers and our ment of 1844, and the 1,260-year will be given to Seventh-day Adven-
prophet Ellen White—the sanctuary prophecy of Daniel and Revelation, tists at the time of the Sunday law
message, and the three angels’ which reveals the Pope and the and the latter rain. This is a decep-
messages of Revelation 14:6–12— Papacy as the antichrist power? tion of Satan, reminding us once
have separated us from the churches How many believe that they can again that only a small number have
of Babylon. We now have more than overcome sin, and that God has been safe to save in every genera-
Illustration: Bob Bresnahan

12 million souls claiming to be enough power to keep them from tion. “Except the LORD of hosts had
Seventh-day Adventists by baptism sinning, that perfection of character left unto us a very small remnant,
and church membership. is a requirement for eternal life, and we should have been as Sodom, and
We need to ask now, How many that there has been only a small we should have been like unto
of us keep the Sabbath according to remnant in every generation who Gomorrah.” Isaiah 1:9.

Volume 16, Number 11 17

Why? We turn for the answer to natural lineage went back to in the flesh. Though I might also
the pen of Inspiration: Abraham; but he had more than the have confidence in the flesh. If any
“There is no greater evidence that heritage of being an Israelite. In his other man thinketh that he hath
those who have received great light spiritual life he had overcome and whereof he might trust in the flesh, I
do not appreciate that light, than is gained the victory over guile (decep- more.” Philippians 3:3–4. What we
given by their refusal to let their tion), by the power of the Holy understand then is that Jesus and
light shine upon those who are in Spirit. Jesus knew he was a Jew, but Paul were telling us that the Jews of
darkness, and devoting their time He called him an Israelite, indicat- Abraham’s lineage who were not
and energies in celebrating forms ing he was a member of the true born of the Spirit, and were not
and ceremonies. Thoughts of the spiritual Israel. obedient to God’s gospel portrayed
inner work, the necessary purity of Thereby we see that Jesus was in the Old Testament, were no better
heart, are not entertained. The telling us that there are two types of in God’s eyes than the Gentiles. On
absence of harmony with God Israelites: 1) those in the flesh or the other hand, truly converted
becomes apparent. The light grows lineage of Abraham, Isaac, and Gentiles who were obedient to the
dim, goes out; the candlestick has Jacob, and 2) the spiritual Jews who true gospel were considered by
been removed. There is much were born of the Spirit of God and Heaven to be true Israelites.
exercising of man-made authority by were obedient to all of the com- Can we, therefore, apply these
those to whom God has not given mandments of God. same principles to ourselves?
His wisdom because they did not Paul also deals with this problem What about the promise of God
feel the need of the wisdom from of an Israelite of the flesh and an to ancient Israel? We know that God
above.” 1 Israelite of the Spirit: “Behold, thou will not fulfill those promises to the
Israel of the flesh—the godless Jews
who have now formed a nation
Who were the real Israelites in Elijah’s day at Mount called Israel. They can only be
grafted back in, according to Romans
Carmel? . . . God recognized only the 7,000 out of all 9 and 11. Consider these verses
the Israelites at that time as His true believers, His especially:
“For they are not all Israel, which
faithful church members. They were the people who are of Israel: neither, because they are
the seed of Abraham, are they all
loved God and kept His commandments. children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed
be called. That is, they which are the
children of the flesh, these are not the
So from Inspiration we can art called a Jew, and restest in the children of God: but the children of
understand why we are so power- law, and makest thy boast of God.” the promise are counted for the seed.”
less to carry out the gospel commis- Romans 2:17. “Thou that makest thy Romans 9:6–8; see also verses 27–28.
sion to its completeness. boast of the law, through breaking “What then? Israel hath not
Now we must ask another the law dishonourest thou God? For obtained that which he seeketh for;
question—Who are the real Seventh- the name of God is blasphemed but the election hath obtained it, and
day Adventists? among the Gentiles through you, as the rest were blinded (according as
In answering this question we it is written. For circumcision verily it is written, God hath given them
must ask another: Who were the real profiteth, if thou keep the law: but if the spirit of slumber, eyes that they
Israelites in Elijah’s day at Mount thou be a breaker of the law, thy should not see, and ears that they
Carmel? Remember, Elijah thought circumcision is made should not hear;) unto this day. . . .
he was the only one who had uncircumcision.” Verses 23–25. “For Well; because of unbelief they were
remained faithful, but God said “No, he is not a Jew, which is one broken off, and thou standest by
there are 7,000 who have never outwardly; neither is that circumci- faith. Be not highminded, but fear: for
bowed the knee to Baal.” See sion, which is outward in the flesh: if God spared not the natural
1 Kings 19:14, 18. Therefore, God but he is a Jew, which is one branches, take heed lest he also spare
recognized only the 7,000 out of all inwardly; and circumcision is that not thee. Behold therefore the good-
the Israelites at that time as His true of the heart, in the spirit, and not in ness and severity of God: on them
believers, His faithful church the letter; whose praise is not of which fell, severity; but toward thee,
members. They were the people who men, but of God.” Verses 28–29. goodness, if thou continue in his
loved God and kept His command- A Jew who did not keep the law goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be
ments. 2 by the power of the Holy Spirit was cut off.” Romans 11:7–8, 20–22.
Remember, when Jesus met uncircumcised in his heart: “For we So now, the true Seventh-day
Photo: © PhotoDisc

Nathaniel, He said: “Behold an are the circumcision, which worship Adventists—Israelites indeed—are
Israelite indeed, in whom is no God in the spirit, and rejoice in those who are obedient to all of the
guile!” John 1:47. Nathaniel’s Christ Jesus, and have no confidence commandments of God, by the Holy

18 Our Firm Foundation

Spirit. They have overcome all guile the sins of the world and for the sins when the danger and depression of
(deception). They have crucified the of our beloved church? the church are greatest, the little
flesh through the Holy Spirit. They “The crisis is fast approaching. company who are standing in the
have the humility and power of The rapidly swelling figures show light will be sighing and crying for the
Christ. that the time for God’s visitation has abominations that are done in the
When we look prayerfully and about come. Although loath to punish, land. But more especially will their
carefully into our own hearts and nevertheless He will punish, and that prayers arise in behalf of the church
lives, we must ask, Are we not speedily. Those who walk in the light because its members are doing after
following men—placing our confi- will see signs of the approaching the manner of the world.” 3
dence in pastors and leaders who are peril; but they are not to sit in quiet, May the true Israelites—the real
not preaching and living the present unconcerned expectancy of the ruin, Seventh-day Adventists—now please
truth as it is in Jesus, the Scriptures, comforting themselves with the belief stand up and prepare for the coming
and the Spirit of Prophecy? “Thus that God will shelter His people in the crisis. It will come as an overwhelm-
saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that day of visitation. Far from it. They ing surprise to all Seventh-day
trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his should realize that it is their duty to Adventists who have not been born of
arm, and whose heart departeth from labor diligently to save others, looking the Spirit. 
the LORD.” Jeremiah 17:5. Are we with strong faith to God for help. ‘The
striving to reach that experience of effectual fervent prayer of a righteous References:
being complete overcomers by the man availeth much.’ James 5:16. Review and Herald, July 16, 1895.
See The Acts of the Apostles, 11; The Upward
Holy Spirit’s power? Are we weeping “The leaven of godliness has not Look, 315.
between the porch and the altar for entirely lost its power. At the time 3
Testimonies, vol. 5, 209–210.

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of a Man Waters, Tom
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chaotic life and find time for God, As we make these commitments with Christ, the devil will rise up to
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Volume 16, Number 11 19

This month we share with you the
next in a series of articles that discuss
how we can cultivate Christian character
traits in the hearts of our children. “The
Garden of the Heart,” in the February
2001 issue of Our Firm Foundation,
laid the foundation for this series. It is
available upon request.
The Editors
I n this series, we have studied a
number of character traits that
Christian parents should seek to
develop in their children. With each,
I have given a practical definition of
worked together into the soil of the
heart of the child.
Impatience Is Natural
The human heart, without the
Develop Order and Regularity
in the Home
Many parents face impatience,
both within themselves and with
the trait we will study. I think it is renewing power of God, is by nature their children, because there is no
helpful if we define these words— impatient. Some of us seem to have a order or regularity in the home. The
which are so familiar to us—in more amiable personality than most basic way we can begin to
practical terms and with illustrations others, but most of us find, when we cultivate patience in our children is
that help us see how we can cultivate become parents, that we are lacking to have a home schedule. Many
these character traits in our children. in patience. Our children are no parents have said to me, “We have
Simply stated, patience is waiting different; their hearts are naturally written numerous schedules, and
calmly for the desired end. This impatient, and they want what they they do not work.” I have written a
means that our children learn to want now. few myself, and they were not
wait patiently and calmly when Even in infancy you can begin to effective because I did not work the
mother is busy—not pulling on her see the weed of impatience growing. schedules. You see, we like to write
skirts yelling, “Mother! Mother!” Crying is the only way that babies a schedule that looks good on paper,
This means they sit quietly waiting have to communicate, but all parents but we do not like to make any
for their meal—not banging on the know that their children have changes in our practical life to
table or screaming. different types of cries. There is the follow the schedule, because it
Notice what the Scriptures say cry of real need, which should be requires discipline. Our adult mind
about this character trait: “But let met as soon as possible according to finds many reasons and
patience have her perfect work, that the need. Then there is a very circumstances to deviate from the
ye may be perfect and entire, different cry of impatience. Babies schedule, and so our children do the
wanting nothing.” James 1:4. God’s often cry impatiently, and as they same. If the phone rings, it takes
Word describes patience as being get a little older and they can talk, precedence. When somebody drops
vitally important to the Christian they come to their mother yelling, in, that takes precedence. And so we
experience. If patience has her “Hurry up, Mommy! Hurry! Hurry!” find that our lives become chaotic.
perfect work, the individual will From babies to toddlers to I would encourage you to start
become Christlike, perfect, and parents to grandparents—we all with a foundational, basic schedule:
entire—wanting nothing. This suffer with the same thing. We all a time for personal worship, family
means that all the other need the renewing grace of God in worship, meals, chores, and
characteristics of Christ will be our lives to help us overcome this recreation. Does that mean that you
developed along with patience. I defect, and as parents it is our write on your schedule that at 10:00
hope we can understand that we responsibility to help our children o’clock we have to fold the clothes,
cannot develop and cultivate our learn the precious lesson of patience. at 10:30 we have to take a walk, and
Photo: © PhotoDisc

child’s patience and leave out I will give you several practical at 10:45 we have to do this?—No,
honesty, meekness, kindness, self- suggestions on how you can begin with a basic schedule and set
dignity, or respect. These all must be cultivate patience in your children. aside the blocks in between your

20 Our Firm Foundation

routine daily activities for school or interrupted. First of all, tell your you.) This is not really patience, and
work time (depending on the age of children, “When Mommy or Daddy when I see my children start to do
your child) and your free time. For is busy (and define what busy is), this, I will just motion for them to
the work time, think of activities that we want you to stand and wait stay, or I will say, “I want you to
you can do along with your child to patiently. I will let you know, by stay here until I am done.” Then I
improve the house, yard or garden, raising my hand, that I know you finish up as quickly as possible so
and during this time you can be are there.” After you have explained that I can listen to what they have to
teaching your child important, your expectations, then practice say. This encourages patience in the
practical lessons. During free time them with your children. You might older children.
help your children decide on say, “Emily, I want you to come here In this study we have looked at
appropriate activities to occupy their and just pretend you have several simple, practical ways that
time. We teach our children how to something to tell Mommy that is you can help your children
make right choices by giving them very important. Then Mommy will develop the lovely trait of patience.
only right things to do. In other put up her hand. That tells you that There are many other ways, but I
words, we do not say to our I know you are there, and you can trust that as you begin to
children, “It is play time now. Go do wait patiently until Mommy turns implement these, the Lord will lead
what you would like,” because often and says, ‘Yes, Emily, what do you and guide you as you seek to train
they end up getting into something need?’ ” This role-playing helps your children for the right—for the
that we do not want them to do. the child clearly grasp exactly Lord. 
Instead, we might say, “Okay, now what you expect of her. The next
it is time to go outside. Would you time Emily rushes in ready to tell Next month we will discuss how
like to swing, or play in the me something, and I hold up my to cultivate perseverance.
sandbox, or ride your bicycle?” Give hand, she will remember, Yes, I
the children directions with can be patient.
appropriate activities from which Now, I want to make something
they can choose. very clear: I am not talking about Cultivating
Let Others Make Choices
parents who are so consumed with Christian
life that they have no time for their
Another way our family children, and they constantly put
cultivates patience, especially in a them off until the children must in
child who is enthusiastic and wants become more and more vocal in Children
his opinions to be heard, is to take order to get just a little of their
turns, letting different family parents’ attention. If we want our
members make choices about the children to be patient, we ourselves Alane Waters
day’s activities. For example, the must have realistic goals. We should
father might choose the type of give them so much of our time each
recreation that evening, or the day that when we have those In this series Alane pre-
mother might choose the story that occasional times of occupation, they
sents the important role of
will be read. In this way, the child can learn how to be patient and
sees that, although he so often likes wait for a few minutes until we can the parent as the gardener of
to make the choices, he is not the attend to their needs. the heart. Then 18 different
only one who has opinions, and he As my children have grown character qualities are dis-
can wait his turn to have the older and are now youth, I can just cussed, showing some of the
privilege of deciding a family turn and give them eye contact, and common pitfalls, as well as
activity. they know that I realize that they how to practically plant and
have a need and that I will make
Train the Child Not to cultivate the right seeds of
every effort to meet that need as
quickly as I can within a realistic character.
We can cultivate patience in our time frame.
children by teaching them not to If you have older children, you Set of 6 Audio Cassettes
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and Daddy to listen right away. to do. (Young children have one- See page 3 for shipping and
However, we can help our children track minds, but older children often sales-tax information.
learn patience by teaching them how think of something else they would
to act when we cannot be rather be doing than waiting for

Volume 16, Number 11 21

news watch
renegade Seventh-day Adventists hospitals would no longer be able to
Adventist’s Anti-Papal
who believe the papacy is leading a prefer Seventh-day Adventists in
Billboard Stirs Up Catholic
plot to undermine modern liberties. hiring. Unless they could wean
... themselves away from government
News Items: “A billboard proclaim- “Nationwide, dozens of congre- funds—a practical impossibility in
ing the pope is the Antichrist has gations calling themselves ‘Historic both cases—they would eventually
unleashed the wrath of the Catholic Seventh-day Adventists’ cling to lose their religious distinctiveness.”
community, sparked a debate over anti-Catholic beliefs that mainline Pacific Union Conference Department of
First Amendment rights, and led to Adventists cast aside decades ago. Public Affairs & Religious Liberty,
death threats against the man “One leader in the movement Church State Newsflash, July 3, 2001.
behind the message. estimates a U.S. following of about
Private Schools in California
“The red, white and blue sign, 400,000.” Catholic Sentinel, August 3,
Threatened by Gender Law
located along Interstate-5 just north 2001.
of Medford, Oregon, reads, ‘The News Item: In California “the State
Columbia Union College
POPE Is The ANTICHRIST, Free Board of Education shoehorned into
Court Victory Troubling
Proof,’ and provides a website California’s legal code a new
address for more information. . . . News Item: “The 4th Circuit U.S. definition of gender. According to
“Larry Weathers, a 50-year-old Court of Appeals ruled last week Title 5 of the state code, ‘gender’ no
barber from the small town of that the Establishment Clause of the longer means male or female, but
Talent, sponsored the sign. He says First Amendment does not permit instead ‘a person’s actual sex or
he has no intention of taking it Maryland to exclude Columbia perceived sex and includes a
down, despite a flurry of death Union College, a Seventh-day person’s perceived identity, appear-
threats. . . . Adventist college, from its Sellinger ance, or behavior, whether or not
“Weathers has been flooded with grant program. This paves the way that identity, appearance, or behav-
reaction—both negative and posi- for CUC to obtain some $800,000 in ior is different from that traditionally
tive—since an editorial published grant funds on an annual basis, associated with the person’s sex at
this week in the Catholic Sentinel restricted only by the requirement birth.’. . .
urged the public to call for the sign’s that they not be used for sectarian “California may be the first state
removal.”, July purposes. to shape-shift its legal code to snare
28, 2001. “In its ruling, the 4th Circuit private schools in the net of ‘sexual
“After receiving hundreds of upheld the lower court decision correctness.’ The state’s Code of
angry phone calls, a southern finding that CUC was ‘not perva- Regulations, revised in April,
Oregon billboard company will not sively sectarian.’ It found little risk effectively adds transsexuals and
renew a contract for a sign that calls that direct financial aid to CUC transvestites to the list of protected
the pope the Antichrist. would result in monies aiding a students and employees in Califor-
“The sign, on Interstate 5 near ‘sectarian’ purpose. It also rejected nia schools—public, private, and
the small town of Gold Hill, will the legal principle that direct aid not religious. . . .”
stay up until May 2002, when the be given to ‘pervasively sectarian’ California’s Board of Education
contract expires, says Steve Croft, organizations. . . . “has decided that there can be no
general manager of sales for “This ruling is a sharp repudia- discrimination on the basis of
Medford-based Outdoor Media tion of the historic principle that gender at any ‘local agency.’ A local
Dimensions. . . . direct aid not flow to religious agency is defined as ‘a school
“Croft and Park say the sign, schools and colleges. While it may district, governing board, or county
which appeared in May, will need result in more aid becoming avail- office of education or a local public
to stay up until next spring because able to religious schools in the short or private agency which receives
the contract with Rogue Valley run, the long term implications are direct or indirect funding or any
Historic Seventh-day Adventist troubling. If religious schools are not other financial assistance from the
Church is legally binding. . . . really all that religious, then why state or federal government to
“The controversy apparently should their religious freedom be provide any school programs or
hastened a corporate shake-up at protected? Why should they have activity.’
Outdoor Media Dimensions. An the right to use religious criteria in “ ‘Direct and indirect’ taxpayer
employee reports that the regional hiring and admissions policies? . . . funding that turns private schools
sales manager, Jeff Herson, has been Liberals in Congress are insisting into ‘local agencies’ currently flows
fired and the firm bought by an that if faith-based organizations into many private religious schools
undisclosed Seattle company. . . .” wish more government money, they in the state, according to Rohn
Referring to the church group’s must forfeit the right to use religious Ritzema of the Association of
leader, the article states: “Weathers criteria in hiring. If that principle Christian Schools International.”
is part of a loose association of were applied today, our colleges and World, June 16, 2001.

22 Our Firm Foundation

“ ‘The law recognized that Cardinal Husar “said that churches indicate they will not install
private schools contract to provide Ukraine and its Church must ministers who do not adhere to the
educational programs and activities become a bridge between East and beliefs. By the end of June, the Con-
with our money,’ Joanne Lowe, West. He added that the future of fessing Movement had signed up 538
Deputy General Counsel for the state Christianity in his country lies in of 11,200 PCUSA congregations.”
education board, told WORLD. ‘If ecumenism.” National Catholic Christianity Today, August 6, 2001.
they take our money, they have to Register, July 15–21, 2001. “According to Agape Press, the
play by our rules, and our rules are latest statistics from the Presbyterian
Presbyterians Favor Gay
nondiscrimination.’ ” Ibid. Church (USA) paint a picture of a
End-time Perspective: There will be denomination in rapid decline. In
a heavy price to pay by any Adven- News Items: “Leaders of the Presbyte- what the denomination notes as the
tist organization that damages its rian Church (USA) [PCUSA] have biggest decline in membership since
separation from the state by accept- voted overwhelmingly [317–208] to 1994, close to 35,000 names were
ing any monies or surplus property overturn a ban on ordaining homo- dropped from the membership roles
from the government. Let us always sexuals as ministers of the church. . . . last year. Other vital church statis-
be vigilant advocates of the separa- “The measure will now be sent tics such as baptisms reflect that
tion of church and state. to the church’s regional governing trend.” (Religion Today
bodies, or presbyteries, for consider- News), May 8, 2001.
Russians Impressed by the
ation and must be passed by a End-time Perspective: The Adventist
majority of them over the next year church tends to follow in the wake
News Item: “Russians seem to be before it can take effect. of the other denominations in
favorable to a papal visit after seeing “If the proposal is ratified, wrestling with spurious errors—
extensive media coverage of John individual churches would deter- only lagging somewhat behind.
Paul II’s trip to Ukraine, where local mine whether or not to allow gay Could these issues become para-
prelates say the Holy Father greatly and lesbian clergy. Iwon News mount in our church’s future?
advanced the cause of unity between (Reuters), June 16, 2001.
Americans Believe Satan NOT
East and West. “An even bigger issue is simulta-
“President Vladimir Putin has neously in question: salvation of
already said he is open to a papal humanity through Jesus Christ. News Item: Nearly three-quarters of
visit, though he is cautious so as not “The very essence of Christianity Americans do not believe that Satan is
to offend the Orthodox Church, was debated at the annual denomi- real. Even many professed Christians
according to the Italian newspaper national conference as some del- disbelieve in his existence. Only about
Avvenire. egates proclaimed Jesus is one way one in five Catholics, Episcopalians,
“Last month, for the first time, a to salvation—but not the only way. and Methodists think he is real.
papal visit captured the attention of The significance of this issue cannot In other survey findings: “69% of
Russian television and newspapers. be overstated, as Presbyterianism Americans believe God is ‘the all-
Live coverage—and positive media has historically been considered the powerful, all-knowing perfect creator
commentaries—tracked John Paul bastion of conservative Christian of the universe who still rules the
II’s visits to Kiev and Lviv in theology. . . . world today’; 41% believe the Bible
Ukraine. . . . “In the end, an acceptable resolu- is totally accurate in all it teaches;
“According to a survey pub- tion affirming Jesus as ‘uniquely 40% believe Jesus lived a sinless life
lished last week by Interfax Russian Savior’ was approved by nearly 80 on Earth.’ ” 32% believe in prosely-
news agency, 63% of Russians said percent of the Assembly’s commis- tizing those of other faiths in
they want to see John Paul II. Only sioners—about 550 delegates repre- personal evangelism. National
17% are opposed to the visit. . . . senting presbyteries in the United Catholic Register, July 8–14, 2001.
“For years the Communist press States and around the world. But the End-Time Perspective: No wonder
portrayed the Holy Father as an debate has left more conservative Satan is so effective, even among
authoritarian and despotic head of a members of the church wondering Christians, when his existence is
foreign hostile power. Instead, where their denomination is head- disbelieved or unappreciated. “Be
Russians saw a frail elderly man, ing.”, July 1, 2001. sober, be vigilant; because your
who appeared modest and respect- “Conservatives, meanwhile, have adversary the devil walks about like
ful. . . . formed a Confessing Church Move- a roaring lion, seeking whom he
“Meanwhile, Catholic-Orthodox ment within the PCUSA (CT, June 11, may devour. Resist him, steadfast in
relations will change for the better in p.15). The movement adheres to three the faith.” 1 Peter 5:8–9, NKJV.
Ukraine, says Cardinal Lubomyr basic beliefs: Jesus alone is the way of Now, if we lived lives of greater
Husar, who contends that the salvation; the Bible is God’s revealed victory and example, would more
rigidity of the Orthodox hierarchy Word; and marriage is the only people believe in the sinless life of
does not reflect the thinking of its appropriate relationship for sexual Jesus and the validity of His Holy
faithful. . . .” intercourse. By implication, joining Scriptures? 

Volume 16, Number 11 23

Separation From the
Ellen G. White

“T he hand of our God is upon

all them for good that seek
him; but his power and his
wrath is against all them that
forsake him.” Ezra 8:22. Such were
the king no armed force for their
Before setting out on the journey,
he assembled his companions—
men, women, and little children—
Ahava on the twelfth day of the first
month, to go unto Jerusalem: and the
hand of our God was upon us, and
he delivered us from the hand of the
enemy, and of such as lay in wait by
the words spoken by Ezra, the “at the river of Ahava,” (verse 21), the way. And we came to Jerusa-
Hebrew priest and scribe, to the king where a solemn fast was pro- lem.” Verses 31–32.
of Persia. Ezra was about to return claimed, prayer offered to God for Ezra and his companions had
to Jerusalem with authority for the His blessing upon the undertaking. determined to fear and obey God,
rebuilding of the city, and the Says Ezra: “I was ashamed to and to put their trust wholly in Him.
enforcement of the law of God. He require of the king a band of soldiers They would not form a connection
was accompanied thither by a body and horsemen to help us against the with the world in order to secure the
of his countrymen to assist in the enemy in the way: because we had help or friendship of the enemies of
work. Before them was a journey spoken unto the king, saying, The God. Whether they were with the
which would occupy several hand of our God is upon all them many or the few, they knew that
months. They were to take with for good that seek him; but his success could come from God only.
them their wives and children, and power and his wrath is against all And they had no desire that their
their substance, besides large them that forsake him.” Verse 22. success should be attributed to the
treasures for the temple and its And in recording the events that wealth or influence of wicked men.
service. Ezra was aware that en- followed he adds: “So we fasted and Ezra would run the risk of trusting
Photo: © PhotoDisc

emies lay in wait by the way to besought our God for this: and he his cause with God. He well knew
attack, plunder, and destroy him was intreated of us.” Verse 23. that if they failed in their important
and his company; yet he asked from “Then we departed from the river of work, it would be because they had

24 Our Firm Foundation

not complied with the requirements knowledge and true holiness. Paul Oh, how many ease-loving souls
of God and therefore He could not wrote to the Colossians: “Ye are there are among us, who virtually
help them. dead, and your life is hid with unite with sinners, and while in
The Scriptures furnish abundant Christ in God.” Colossians 3:3. This their society say and do nothing to
evidence that it is safer to be joined is true of all real followers of Christ. awaken conviction, nothing to
to the Lord, and lose the favor and They walk in humble obedience to disturb their carnal security! Many
friendship of the world, than to look the requirements of God. While in who profess to be sons and daugh-
to the world for favor and support, the world, they are the light of the ters of God, and call themselves the
and forget our dependence upon world. light of the world, reflect no light
God. It was because they were
convinced of this truth that the Jews
had refused to allow their adversar- There is an element called love which would teach us to
ies to unite with them in the work of
building the temple. They saw in the praise and flatter our associates, and not to faithfully
propositions of those idolaters a
device of Satan to beguile God’s tell them of their dangers and warn and counsel them
people into union and fellowship
with His enemies. for their good. This love is not Heaven-born.
The Lord Himself has estab-
lished a separating wall between the
things of the world and the things “As many as are led by the Spirit upon its darkness. If these half-
which He has chosen out of the of God, they are the sons of God.” hearted, slothful, pleasure-loving
world and sanctified to Himself. The Romans 8:14. They are living professors of Christ were what they
world will not acknowledge this examples of Christianity. They are profess to be, how much good they
distinction; they claim that it is called Christians because they might do! It is their privilege to walk
needless. The servants of mammon represent Christ in life and charac- in the light of Christ’s countenance,
make every effort to break down the ter. They cannot follow the customs to learn His commandments and do
barriers, and destroy the line of or practices of the world; for these them, and by precept and example
demarcation between the holy and are from beneath, and are of the reflect light upon those who are in
the profane. Many of the professed wicked one. Those who follow the darkness of error. But not
followers of Christ are determined to Christ will have the principles of partaking of the Spirit of Christ, they
break it down, and to maintain holy love in their hearts. They will do not apprehend and enjoy the
concord between Christ and Belial. cherish the faith that works by love privileges of children of God; they
But God has made this separation, and purifies the soul. are so far separated from Jesus that
and He will have it exist. In both the There is an element called love with their limited conceptions and
Old and the New Testaments the which would teach us to praise darkened understanding they
Lord has positively enjoined upon and flatter our associates, and not cannot comprehend heavenly things,
His people to be distinct from the to faithfully tell them of their and do not love to meditate upon
world, in spirit, in pursuits, in dangers and warn and counsel them. They do not enjoy the pres-
practice, to be a holy nation, a them for their good. This love is ence of God; they know not the
peculiar people, that they may show not Heaven-born. Our words and power of His grace
forth the praises of Him who hath actions should be serious and Those who persist in neglecting
called them out of darkness into His earnest, especially before those the only salvation that can deliver
marvelous light. The east is not who are neglecting their soul’s from the ruin of this fallen state,
farther from the west than are the salvation. If we profess to be sons have no prospect before them better
children of light, in customs, prac- and daughters of God, we should than that of the beasts that perish.
tices, and spirit, from the children of pursue such a course toward the This consideration should lead
darkness. unbelieving that our souls will be everyone who loves and fears God
This distinction will be more clear of their blood when we meet to be faithful to His trust, to walk in
marked, more decided, as we near them in the great day of final the light, gathering strength and
the close of time. It is not a profes- reckoning. If we unite with them in wisdom day by day, that His light
sion of faith, or a name registered in lightness, trifling, pleasure-seeking, may shine forth clear and bright to
the church book, that constitutes us or in any pursuit which will direct sinners to the Lamb of God.
children of God. We must have a banish seriousness from the mind, By neglect of the salvation presented
vital connection with Christ; we we are constantly saying to them in the gospel, the world is becoming
must be one with Him, imbued with by our example, “Peace, peace; be more and more hardened. Satan’s
His Spirit, partakers of the divine not disturbed. You have no cause power increases; his deceptions
nature, crucified to the world with for alarm.” This is saying to the become more captivating, his
its affections and lusts, renewed in sinner, “It shall be well with thee.” delusions stronger. Christians must

Volume 16, Number 11 25

now come to the front; the help of experience. Your faith must be wheat. There are betrayers, accusers,
every soul is needed. All should let strong, your consecration complete, traitors, in the camp. These will
their light shine forth, not merely in your love pure and sincere, your wound, misrepresent, and falsely
profession, but in good works. They zeal ardent, tireless, your courage accuse you. They are false brethren,
should be heavenly guides, setting an unshaken, your patience unwearied, meddlesome and indiscrete, stum-
example of faithfulness, of self-denial, your hopes bright. Upon everyone, bling blocks to others. They are
of prompt, decided, vigorous action to old or young, rests a responsibility doing a work for Satan far more
push the triumphs of the cross. in this matter. successfully than if they were not
A genuine Christian experience Parents, I entreat you, for Christ’s connected with the church. Some
unfolds day by day, bringing to its sake, for the sake of your dear who have not spiritual discernment
possessor new strength and earnest- children, teach them that God has will fail to distinguish between the
ness, and leading to constant claims upon them, and that they false and the true, and will highly
growth in spiritual life. But the must be fully prepared for whatever esteem those who have no connec-
Christian world abounds with work they may find to do. Educate, tion with God. Those who have been
professors of religion who are train them to have the eye single to indifferent and neglectful, and have
merely religious dwarfs. Many seem the glory of God. In order to grow in failed to grow in grace and in the
to have graduated as soon as they grace, they must become acquainted knowledge of the truth, will be
learned the rudiments of the Chris- for themselves with the reasons of deceived. They do not comprehend
tian faith. They do not grow in grace our faith. Teach them to be learners the first principles of doctrine and
experience, which secure to man the
perfection of Christian character.
Not all the names that stand registered in the church Our duty, our safety, our happi-
ness and usefulness, and our
books will at last appear in the Lamb’s book of life. salvation, call upon us each to use
the greatest diligence to secure the
There are tares among the wheat. There are betrayers, grace of Christ, to be so closely
connected with God that we may
accusers, traitors, in the camp. discern spiritual things, and not be
ignorant of Satan’s devices. Those
who are willing to be instructed will
or in the knowledge of the truth. in the school of Christ, to obtain a heed the counsels and warnings of
They do nothing, either with their knowledge of the Scriptures, to the Spirit of God. The Lord gives
means or their influence, to build up diligently employ every means of these admonitions and reproofs in
the cause of God. They are drones in grace, that their love may abound mercy. When His professed people
the hive. This class will not long more and more, that they may move in blindness, yield to tempta-
stand where they are. They will be approve things that are excellent. tion, and lose their hold upon Him,
converted and advance, or they will Everyone who shall be found He sends them a message of reproof,
retrograde. The perils of the last with the wedding garment on, will of warning, of counsel; if they refuse
days will test the genuineness of our have come out of great tribulation. to be corrected, if they rise up in
faith. Slothful servants will be found The mighty surges of temptation will rebellion, and cast reproach upon
under the black banner of the beat upon all, and unless they are the messenger whom He sends, they
powers of darkness. riveted to the eternal Rock, they will reject not the messenger, but the
The message borne to the people be borne away. Do not think that Lord. When the people refused to
by the faithful servants of God will you can safely drift with the current. listen to the counsel of Samuel the
not be calculated to lull them to If you do, you will surely become the prophet, the Lord said unto him:
carnal security. They will have helpless prey of Satan’s devices. By “They have not rejected thee, but
words to speak to stir them to diligent searching of the Scriptures, they have rejected me.” 1 Samuel 8:7.
action. We call upon those who are and earnest prayer for divine help, Some have a heart of unbelief,
imitating Meroz to arouse. Go to prepare the soul to resist temptation. and in their self-confidence and self-
work; do something for the salvation The Lord will hear the sincere deception they cannot see their
of souls, something to advance the prayer of the contrite soul, and will errors. They are blind to their defects
cause of God; and do it now. You lift up a standard for you against and their dangers. Did they see their
have but little time in which to labor. the enemy. But you will be tried; sins and errors, and still continue in
The Lord has given to every man his your faith, your love, your patience, them, the Lord would give them up
work according to his ability. To your constancy will be tested. to blindness of mind and hardness
meet the claims of God, you will Not all the names that stand of heart, to follow their own ways,
have to make personal effort; and in registered in the church books will and be ensnared and ruined.
this work you will need the re- at last appear in the Lamb’s book of Anciently when any neglected or
sources of an ever-growing Christian life. There are tares among the refused to heed the words of reproof

26 Our Firm Foundation

and warning sent them of God, His which shortsighted mortals fail to purchased with the blood of Christ
protection was removed from them, discover. Finite wisdom cannot are lost, because of the unfaithful-
and they were left to be deceived discern the necessity for sharp ness of those who profess to stand
and deluded to their own ruin. Only rebukes, for urgent warnings and as sentinels for God.
those who, with tears of contrition, entreaties. Those who are themselves God’s Word represents but two
listened to the voice of God and deceived in men and in their great classes among men. Said Jesus
gave heed to the warning, escaped purposes, will pronounce against to His disciples: “If ye were of the
the tempter’s snare. the messages of reproof which God world, the world would love his
Those who refuse to receive sends, and will undertake to inter- own: but because ye are not of the
reproof and to be corrected, will pret the matter to suit their own world, but I have chosen you out of
manifest enmity, malice, and hatred ideas. They turn aside the counsel of the world, therefore the world hateth
against the instrument that God has God, that it shall not do the work you.” John 15:19. There are but two
used. They will leave no means which He designed. Those who classes of religious teachers. Of one
untried to cast stigma upon the one have confidence in them are misled, class the apostle John declares:
who bore to them the message. They and through their influence they “They are of the world: therefore
will feel as did Ahab toward Elijah, cast aside the warning which God speak they of the world, and the
that God’s servant is the one who is sends them, and then Satan stands world heareth them.” 1 John 4:5. Of
the hindrance, the curse. Said Ahab: ready with his delusions to ensnare the other class he says: “We are of
“Art thou he that troubleth Israel?” their souls. The Lord would have God: he that knoweth God heareth
1 Kings 18:17. But Elijah threw back saved them from the ruin if they had us; he that is not of God heareth not
the imputation: “I have not troubled listened to His voice. Those who us.” Verse 6.
Israel; but thou, and thy father’s should have helped them, but who “Whatsoever is born of God
house, in that ye have forsaken the only injured them, must render an overcometh the world: and this is
commandments of the LORD, and thou account at the bar of God. They have the victory that overcometh the
hast followed Baalim.” Verse 18. influenced souls to doubt, to disbe- world, even our faith.” 1 John 5:4. 
He who can read the hearts of lieve, to disregard, and finally reject
men as an open book, sees that and bitterly oppose His work. Souls Review and Herald, January 8, 1884.

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Volume 16, Number 11 27

Christians, Are We?
To m W a t e r s

H ave you thought recently

about what it means to
carry the lovely name of
“Christian” in the world today?
Paul the apostle reminds us that we
on the telephone, and how we speak
to our wives, to our husbands, and
to our children? What would they
think if they saw us retire at night,
and then drag ourselves out of bed
hear thy words, but they will not do
them: for with their mouth they shew
much love, but their heart goeth after
their covetousness.” (All emphasis
supplied unless otherwise noted.)
are surrounded by “so great a cloud in the morning with just enough Are we sitting before the Lord today,
of witnesses.” Hebrews 12:1. What time to throw on our clothes and get claiming to be His people, singing,
do they see in you and me? The on with the day’s work—totally “Oh, How I Love Jesus,” when our
people of the world, without know- forgetting our Saviour? What would lives show that we are seeking first
ing how to speak the words, are any observers say about our Chris- that which pleases us alone? With
saying: “We would see Jesus. We are tianity, brothers and sisters? Would our mouths we profess the love of
hungering and thirsting to see they see Christ, the hope of glory, in Jesus, but with our lives we hold on
Jesus.” Are we showing them Jesus? us? Would they say: “I want this to our selfishness.
Are we really the Christians that we kind of gospel—a gospel that saves
A Close Connection
profess to be? Or when people look me from myself”? Or would they
at us do they think: “Those people say: “I see the same selfishness that I I remember one day when I was
aren’t that different from the others I struggle with in my own life. Why sitting at my desk making the
see who profess Christianity. I don’t would I want their Christianity?” necessary calls to close a real estate
notice any difference in how they Paul could say in Philippians transaction. That morning I had
conduct their business, how they 1:21: “For to me to live is Christ.” prayed: “Lord, I want to be kept
treat their wives, or in the way that What a powerful statement! Paul through this day. Remind me by
they train their children.” was saying, For me to live my daily your Holy Spirit if I begin to wan-
The world is longing to see Jesus life is simply to allow Christ to live der, if I begin to slip away from the
reflected in the people who claim to within me, because “I am crucified path of holiness.” As I picked up the
follow Him. For too long people with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet phone to make the last call that
have heard about the Cross, but to not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the would finalize the deal, the Holy
many it has lost its meaning because life which I now live in the flesh I Spirit did just what I had asked Him
the cross that they have seen in you live by the faith of the Son of God.” to do—in that still small voice, God
and me has not been the Cross of Galatians 2:20. Paul’s Christianity was prompting me to come apart for
Christ. When they see self crossed in was alive with the freshness of a few moments and revitalize my
you and me, so many times they see Christ. What about yours and mine? connection with Him. But as I felt
the self that clamors—the flesh that We profess to believe that Christ the impression, I pushed it back. I
cries out to be heard. can live through us, and that He is reasoned: “Lord, I have just one
If unseen observers were watch- the power unto salvation to every- more call to make, and I will be
ing you in your home, what would one that believes in Him. However, done. I can take time then.” So I
they see? We say we are Christians. unfortunately, we are so often like picked up the phone and dialed the
Photo: © PhotoDisc

We carry the lovely name of our the people described in Ezekiel number. I am sure God knew what
Saviour, but what would any 33:31: “And they come unto thee as was going to happen on that phone
observers have heard this past week the people cometh, and they sit call, and He had wanted to prepare
as they listened to our conversations before thee as my people, and they me; but I resisted His call.

28 Our Firm Foundation

During that phone call, the went forth to meet the bridegroom. upon their hearts; for them, the crisis
transaction began to fall apart. And five of them were wise, and five reveals only the lovely character of
Things were not going the way I were foolish.” Matthew 25:1–2. Have Christ.
wanted and expected them to go, you ever asked yourself, “Am I a
Facing the Crisis
and the flesh began to agitate and to wise or a foolish virgin?”
start to rise up inside. I began to try What was the difference between One morning, as we were driving
to work through it in my own these two groups?—The five who to the church where we were
strength, and by the end of the were wise went in through the door conducting meetings, my family was
conversation I was disappointed to receive an everlasting reward, but practicing a song we were planning
and frustrated. the five who were foolish were left to sing for the sacred service. As we
Just then my wife came in and outside. I want to remind you that practiced, I felt that we were off a
said: “Honey, could I have a few the five who were foolish knocked at little on our timing in one small
minutes of your time?” She needed the door. They expected to be let in. section. When I suggested that we
to work through a little situation she Christ’s Object Lessons says of the ten change the way we were singing
was having with the children. I had virgins: “All claim to be Christians. that section, my wife said that she
told her many times before: “You All have a call, a name, a lamp, and felt that the timing was correct as we
can come to me anytime. My family all profess to be doing God’s service. were singing it. Now, I want to ask
is my priority.” Yet at that moment All apparently wait for Christ’s you, Was that a crisis?—Yes, it was.
was my heart prepared for my wife appearing. But five are unready. Five I must decide, Would I allow self to
to come to me?—No, because I had
pushed away the impression of the
Holy Spirit, and I had begun to Was my heart prepared for my wife to come to me?—No,
operate in the flesh—not in the
Spirit. I did not want to deal with because I had pushed away the impression of the Holy
what my wife wanted to share with
me. Self was not subdued. I told my Spirit, and I had begun to operate in the flesh—not in
wife, “Honey, I think you need to
handle this situation by yourself. It
the Spirit.
is a good experience for you. You do
not need to come to me with every-
thing.” I took my self-pity and will be found surprised, dismayed, rise up? Would I force my will upon
frustration out on my innocent wife. outside the banquet hall.” 1 my wife and family as to whether
There were others listening as I If all of the virgins claimed to be we would count two beats or four? I
chided and reproved my wife for Christians, as we do, how do we had to decide right then and there
something she had not done. Three know whether we are among the whether I was going to allow the
younger sets of eyes and ears were wise or the foolish? The answer is grace of God, which is as free as the
observing my behavior. This situa- stated very well in the same refer- air we breathe, to soften and subdue
tion affected my entire family. I ence: “It is in a crisis that character my heart. I allowed the gospel of
thank God that the Holy Spirit was is revealed.” 2 Do you know what a Christ to keep me! It was a decision
able to break through my selfish- crisis is? It is any difficult situation of faith.
ness, and to help me realize what I in which our character is revealed— It is in a crisis that our characters
had done. As a family we sat down a trial in which we are tempted to are revealed, over and over again. I
together and talked about what had let self rise up. It can be a flat tire remember one winter, the first day
just happened and how I had let go when you have to be at the airport that we needed to plow snow off the
of the Lord. There, before my family, in ten minutes. It can be a glass of driveway. As I went out to get into
I confessed and repented of my lack water spilled on a new sofa. How our wood-hauling, snow-plowing
of reliance upon the Lord. The Lord we react in a crisis reveals the class truck, I had this thought: “Put the
is so good! He is able to bring to which we belong. chains on the tires.” I did not accept
victory out of defeat if we are willing God’s Word tells us that when this impression as coming from the
to cooperate. Through this experience the great controversy is ended, sin Lord because it did not really fit
each of us went deeper in our under- will never rise up again—through- with what I wanted to do right then.
standing of the importance of re- out the ceaseless ages of eternity. I thought: “Lord, there are only three
sponding to God’s calls to our hearts None will enter heaven who would or four inches of snow on the
and what it means to truly repent. violate the peace and happiness of ground; I really do not need the
that place. In the large and small chains. All I am going to do is just
The Wise and the Foolish
crises of life, our characters are push this little bit of snow off the
In Matthew 25 we read the being revealed. We can know that if driveway. I pushed six or eight
familiar parable of the ten virgins. self rises up when we face these inches off last year without the
Jesus said: “Then shall the kingdom crises we are not wise virgins. The chains.”
of heaven be likened unto ten wise virgins have experienced the As I climbed into the truck, I was
virgins, which took their lamps, and transformation of the grace of Christ thinking: “I’ll save time this way. I

Volume 16, Number 11 29

have so many other things to do, I again, saying: “Do not let go. I want
Finding Rest
really do not have time to put the to keep you through this. You will
chains on the tires.” I began to plow understand why later.” Praise God, As you consider your life, you
up the driveway slowly. I reached He gave me the grace to hold on! I may be thinking: “No, I am not a
the end of the driveway without stayed there and finished the task—as Christian. Christ’s character is not
difficulty, and then I turned the the subduing grace of God pushed reflected in my life. No one knows
truck around and began to come away the wave of self that had been what it is like in my marriage
back. As the road started to slope trying to create a crisis inside of me. behind closed doors. No one knows
downward, the whole truck began to When the job was done, I went the example my children see in me.”
slide right off the driveway. At that inside to join my family at the dinner Do not become discouraged, brothers
moment I realized why the Lord had table. As we were eating one of the and sisters. Satan would have us
impressed upon me to put on the children said to me, “Daddy, we were despair, but Jesus is saying to us:
chains. I had failed to remember that watching you out of the window. “Come unto me, all ye that labour
there was a solid layer of ice under That was a very big trial, wasn’t it?” and are heavy laden, and I will give
the snow. As a result I found myself I asked, “Children, did you know you rest. Take my yoke upon you,
sitting with two wheels on the it was a trial for me because of the and learn of me: for I am meek and
driveway and two wheels just a few expression you saw on my face, or lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest
unto your souls.” Matthew 11:28–29.
Have we been willing to do this?
Do not become discouraged, brothers and sisters. Satan How many of us take time to come to
the Burden Bearer? We think we are
would have us despair, but Jesus is saying to us: “Come so busy that we do not have time for
the Saviour. We may read a quick
unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I devotional page and bow on our
knees for five minutes in the morning,
will give you rest.” but we do not take time to be holy.
Jesus invites us to give our burdens to
Him, but it takes a commitment to take
feet from the garden fence and with because of the circumstances that the time to become acquainted with
the plow stuck sitting at an angle in you saw me in?” I wanted to know our Saviour. The devil wants to keep
a different direction. I crawled out of whether I had shown any anger and us so distracted and preoccupied with
the truck to look over the whole sad frustration at the situation; if so, I all the busyness of life that we never
situation. The plow was twisted at had not passed the test. learn to really know Jesus. It takes a
such an angle that it was impossible They said: “Daddy, we saw it in conscious commitment to seek first the
to unhook it from the truck. My only the circumstances. We know that Kingdom of God and His righteous-
option was to put the chains on the you had the victory.” Praise God! ness.
truck and see whether it could pull I wish that my children had the Inspiration tells us that Jesus
itself out of this predicament. First, I opportunity to see Jesus in me each found His strength morning by
tried just one chain on the wheel and every day of their lives, but, morning: “As a man He supplicated
that I thought would do the job the friends, the Lord wants to help us the throne of God till His humanity
best, but when I tried to pull for- now—whether we are eighty years was charged with a heavenly current
ward, the truck only slid farther old or five years old—to begin to let that should connect humanity with
down, coming to a stop six inches His character shine through us. He Divinity. Through continual commun-
from the garden fence. wants to show our husband or wife ion He received life from God, that He
At this point there was a crisis that there is, indeed, power in the might impart life to the world. His
building. I jumped out of the truck gospel that we profess. He wants to experience is to be ours.” 3
again and struggled for a while, show our children that the words Do you want that experience? Do
trying to disconnect the plow, but we speak from the pulpit are not just you want to be a living Christian? I
with no greater success than previ- words that we mouth, but rather the would like to leave you with this
ously. Back underneath the truck I power of God unto salvation to thought taken from the book Mount
worked to put the chains on the everyone that believeth. Do you of Blessing: “It is the love of self that
most difficult-to-reach wheels, while want that experience? It does not destroys our peace.” 4 God’s grace is
my back sank into a snowdrift. As I happen by accident, but it can be sufficient to help each one of us
lay there in that strange position, a our experience, as we are kept by overcome our worst enemy—self.
huge chunk of snow and ice broke His Spirit moment-by-moment. We Will you accept the peace He
loose and fell right down my neck. do not have a once-dead-to-self - offers—through death to self? 
At that moment I was in a crisis! always-dead-to-self religion. God’s
What would not have been a crisis Word teaches us that true Christian- References:
an hour earlier in the day, was now ity is the experience of a daily death Christ’s Object Lessons, 412.
a crisis. Right then that still, small to self and a resurrection into the 3
The Desire of Ages, 363.
voice entreated my conscience once newness of life. 4
Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, 16.

30 Our Firm Foundation

letters to the editor
Have a letter to share?
contact or see page 3 for our mailing address.

I am writing to tell you about the had 20 crusades in our districts, and ward to receiving some from you.
letter I received from a pastor in more than 400 souls were baptized. SM, Zambia
Ghana, West Africa. [The writer had Thousands more accepted Christ and
helped Lyla Miller send old Our Firm are today in baptismal classes. We I acknowledge the receipt of the
Foundation magazines to Africa.] I need your hands in supplying us books and magazines you sent me. I
never expected to receive a letter, but I with handouts, Bibles, and maga- thank God for the effort you are doing
have answered it and expect to keep zines. in furthering the gospel commission.
the correspondence up. If I can help My work in the church is doing I also thank Hope International for the
this pastor and his church or work in medical missionary work. I use the two videotapes.
any way, like sending him books or training I took at Hartland Institute in All the magazines are already dis-
literature, I will do it. Virginia, and I work day and night, tributed to people and a lot of the recipi-
Thank you so much for what you wherever the church calls me. ents have appreciated the contents,
are doing. I would encourage anyone We have so many people being which are reviving their souls. I myself
receiving this magazine to send it on healed of cancer, T.B., diabetes, stom- have been revived by the books Laodicea,
to others. I feel that I have really been ach ulcers, rheumatism, and so forth, Her Authority, Organization, and Destiny,
blessed from God and your organiza- using God’s natural remedies. and Issues Clarified. I thank God for you
tion already, just by receiving this first Apart from this, my work deals people and what you are doing. May
letter. with writing pamphlets on health for the Almighty Father continue shower-
May God bless you and Our Firm handouts. Some of these materials are ing blessing upon you for the noble
Foundation. used in hospitals. Some go to the course of blowing the trumpet on the
MR, USA churches to be used in evangelistic walls of Zion and making it give a cer-
crusades. It is a very big work for me tain sound.
Thank you so much for the Our Firm alone. I have no income and am not Kindly brethren, continue laboring
Foundation magazine. Through the employed by our organization. in the Lord’s vineyard, for God shall
years I have found it always to be the With so many requests for my really reward you.
“straight message,” not yielding to any work, many people wanted to know MN, Zambia
man. It is an encouragement to know if a health school had been opened,
that there are still the “7,000” who will but this needs someone who is will- I thank you for the April copy of Our
not/cannot bow the knee to the present- ing, and who hears God’s call to join Firm Foundation you mailed to me. It led
day Baal. Our prayers are with you that hands with me. Prayers are very im- me to a deep heart-searching, and ad-
the Heavenly Father will continue to portant. Right now, as I am writing monished me to put away evil traits of
bless your faithful work! this letter, we have American evange- sinful indulgence in preparations to
C, via e-mail lists conducting a very big, 21-day meet the Lord. The one area I ask you to
crusade in a stadium here using their pray for me in is the point of health re-
I will start this e-mail by telling you own expenditures. Many thousands form. I also believe that once one has
that you publish the best Adventist and thousands come nightly. We ex- conquered in the area of appetite, he
magazines and articles available to- pect thousands to be baptized. will be able to conquer any temptation
day! It has helped me to maintain a JN, Malawi from the devil. I would like to subscribe
closer relationship with Jesus and to to Our Firm Foundation, but my financial
have a rock-solid foundation. As an May the grace of the Lord be with capability is lower than the price. How-
ordained elder of the Seventh-day you. I am hereby begging, if you can ever, I will send what I can.
Adventist Church, I appreciate the send me books of the Word of God. I I am also interested in the book
straight testimony that you present in am a person who likes witnessing in Preparing for Eternity compiled by Ron
your articles. villages and doing Bible studies in the Spear.
JS, via e-mail church. But I have no materials like CM, South Africa
books to use. I am a church elder of
the local SDA church. I do not know Greetings in the name of the Lord!
From Overseas
the Word of God very well. My faith I am very happy that I visited your
We are a very busy church here in is not very strong. Send me books that site. I am moved by the enlightening
Malawi, Africa. Last time I wrote to can help my faith be strong in Jesus. I words that I have been reading.
you I asked you to send us a package want to know more about God and The Lord is using you in His min-
of Earth’s Final Warning magazines. Jesus. And send me tracts so that I can istry. May He continue to do so. God
These are very powerful maga- give to the people I witness to. bless you and I will include your min-
zines to be used in our evangelistic I shall be very glad if you will istry in my prayers.
crusades as handouts. This year we send me some books. I am looking for- CG, Philippines

Volume 16, Number 11 31

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