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JSS campus, Dr. Vishnuvaradhan Road, Bangalore -560 060


Internal Assessment Test – I
Course Name : Elements of Mechanical Engineering – 18ME15 Date :27.10.2018
Course Code : C104 Time :9:30 – 11am
Course Year : Aug - Nov 2018 Max. Marks: 50 Marks
Semester / Branch : 1st / EC-A, B, C, EIE, IEM, MECH-A, B

1 6M(sketch)

Hydro-power or water power is power derived from the energy of falling water and running
water, which may be harnessed for useful purposes. Since ancient times, hydro-power has been
used for irrigation and the operation of various mechanical devices, such
as watermills, sawmills, textile mills, dock cranes, domestic lifts, power houses and paint making.
A power generation station which uses the potential or kinetic energy of water for the
generation of an electrical energy is called hydro-electric power station.
Water has a kinetic energy when it is in motion. While the water stored at high level has a
potential energy. The difference in level of water between the two points is called head. Such a
water head is practically created by constructing reservoirs across river or lake. Generally a dam is
constructed at high altitudes, which can be used as a continuous source of the water for the hydro-
electric power stations. The water from the dam is taken through pipes and canals to the water
turbine, which is at lower level. The turbine obtains the energy from the falling water and changes it
into a mechanical energy. This mechanical energy of the turbine is then used to drive the alternator,
which converts the mechanical energy into an electrical energy. The energy conversion involved in
hydro-electric power generation is shown in the Fig.
Ozone Depletion: The atmosphere of the Earth is divided into 5 layers, from closest to farthest
layers troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere and exosphere. The majority of
atmosphere’s ozone remains in the stratosphere, which extends from 10 kms above the surface to 50
kms. The earth's stratospheric ozone layer plays a critical role in absorbing ultra violet radiation
emitted by our sun and protects the Earth from the harmful effect of ultra violet rays; otherwise it
causes skin cancer of human and can lead to genetic damage hence, the ozone layer is essential to
life on earth, as it absorbs harmful ultraviolet-B radiation from the sun. In recent years the thickness
of this layer has been decreasing, leading to create holes in the layer is called ozone depletion in the
last thirty years, it has been discovered that stratospheric ozone is depleting as a result of chlorine
and bromine based pollutant. Every atom can destroy up to 10, 0 000 ozone molecules. Ozone
depletion occurs when the natural balance between the production and destruction of stratospheric
ozone is stopped. The main ozone depleting substances are:
1. Chlorofluorocarbons - it is used as coolants in refrigerators, freezers and air in buildings and
2. Halons - it is used in some fire extinguishers, in cases where materials and would be destroyed
by water or other fire extinguisher chemicals.
3. Methyl Chloroform - it is used mainly in industry for reducing vapor, some aerosols, cold
cleaning, adhesives and chemical processing.
4. Carbon Tetrachloride - it is used in solvents and some fire extinguishers. Chlorofluorocarbons
(CFCs) are main substance causing ozone depletion, accounting 80% of total stratospheric ozone
depletion. CFCs are not destroyed in reactions with chemicals or washed back to Earth by rain.
They simply do not break down in the lower and they can remain in the atmosphere from 20 to 30
years or more. Finally, they into the stratosphere where they broke down by ultra violet (UV) rays
from, releasing free chlorine. The chlorine becomes actively involved in the process of destruction
of ozone.

The net result is that two molecules of ozone are replaced by three of molecular oxygen, leaving the
chlorine free to repeat the process. Ozone is converted to oxygen, leaving the chlorine atom free to
repeat the process up to 100,000 times, resulting in reduced level of ozone.
Cl +O3 → ClO +O2
ClO + O → Cl +O2
There are a number of things that we as individuals can do to protect the ozone layer. These include
proper disposal of old refrigerators, the use of halon-free fire extinguishers and the recycling of
foam and other non-disposable packaging. Also, if emissions of ozone depleting are now being
controlled, the ozone layer is not likely to fully repair itself for several decades. Consequently, we
should take precautions when exposing ourselves to the Sun.

Global warming: Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of earth’s atmosphere and
oceans since the late 19th century and its projected continuation. Since the early 20th century,
earth’s mean surface temperature has increased by about 0.8 C, which is greater than that of the
increasing since 1980.
Cause of global warming: The most of scientists believe that global warming is primarily caused
by increasing concentration of greenhouse gasses produced by human activities such as the burning
of fossil fuels like coal, oil, natural gas etc. and another factor is deforestation when forests are cut
down or burned, they can no longer store carbon, and the carbon is released to the atmosphere. The
gas especially CO2 in the atmosphere are higher than at any time during the last 6.5*105 years.
Earth has warmed at a rate higher than that of previous time over the last hundred years and
particularly over the last two decades.

Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics: It is called the "zeroth" law because it came to light after the
first and second laws of thermodynamics had already been
established and named, but was considered more fundamental and
thus was given a lower number — zero. The Zeroth law of
thermodynamics states that if the bodies A and B are in thermal
2. equilibrium with a third body C separately, then these two bodies A
and B shall also be in thermal equilibrium with each other. This is 6M(sketch)
the principle of temperature measurement. +

First law of thermodynamics: The first law of thermodynamics states that energy can neither be
created nor destroyed but can be converted from one form to another. Heat is supplied into the
system, it may carry out work and also energy may change.
Net change of energy= Total energy supplied into the system−Work done by the system ΔE= Q−W
For a cyclic process, net heat transfer or energy transfer into the system is equal to the work done
by the system.
∮Q= ∮W

Second law of thermodynamics: The first law of thermodynamics does not provide the direction
of energy flow. This limitation is overcome by the second law of thermodynamics.
Clausius Statement: It is not possible to have a device that is operating in a cycle producing no
effect other than the transfer of heat from a body to lower temperature to a body of higher
temperature. It means that heat always flows from higher temperature to lower temperature, or heat
cannot flow from lower temperature to higher temperature by itself. It can flow by the addition of
work carried out on the system.

Kelvin Plank Statement: It is impossible for a device operating in a cycle to produce net work
while exchanging heat with body at a single fixed temperature.

Third law of thermodynamics: Third law of thermodynamics is law of entropy. It is a statement

about the ability to create an absolute temperature scale, for which absolute zero is the point at
which the internal energy of a solid is zero. Third law of thermodynamics states that it is impossible
to reduce any system to absolute zero in a finite series of operations.

Formation of Steam at constant Pressure:

• Consider a cylinder fitted with a piston which can move freely upwards and downwards in
it. Consider 1 kg of water at 0° C under the piston (Fig).
• A weight w is placed over the piston so that it exerts constant pressure p on the water.
• This condition of water at 0° C is represented by the point A on the temperature enthalpy
graph as shown in Fig.
• Now if the heat is supplied to water, a rise in temperature will be noticed and this rise will
continue till boiling point is reached.
• When the boiling point of water is reached, there will be a slight increase in the water as
shown in Fig.
• The saturation temperature is defined as the temperature at which the water begins to boil at
the stated pressure. This condition of water at temperature Ts is represented by the point B
on the graph.
• The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water from 0° C to the
saturation temperature Ts ° C at a given pressure is known as the sensible heat and denoted
by hf. This heat is also called enthalpy of the liquid.
• Now, if supply of heat to water is continued it will eliminate the evaporation of water while
the temperature remains at the saturation temperature Ts because the water will be saturated
with heat and any further addition of heat changes only the phase from the liquid phase to
the gaseous phase.
• This evaporation will be continued at the same saturation temperature Ts until the
Whole of the water is completely into steam as shown in Fig. This point is
represented by the point C on the graph.
• This constant pressure and constant temperature heat addition is represented by the
horizontal line BC on the graph. The heat being supplied does not show any rise of
temperature but changes water into vapor state (steam) and is called latent heat or
hidden heat or enthalpy of evaporation. It is denoted by hfg. If the steam is in
contact with water, it is called wet steam.

• Again, if supply of heat to the saturated steam is continued at constant pressure there will
be increase in temperature and volume of steam. The temperature of the steam above the
saturation temperature at a given pressure is called superheated temperature. During this
process of heating, the dry steam will be heated from its dry state, and the process of
heating is called superheating. The steam when superheated is called superheated steam.
This superheating is represented by the inclined line CD on the graph.
• The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of dry steam from its saturation
temperature to any required higher temperature at the given constant pressure is called
amount of superheat or enthalpy of superheat. The difference between the superheated
temperature and the saturation temperature is known as degree of superheat.

P1= 0.5 MPa = 500 kPa,

V1 = 0.15 m3/ s
P2= 0.95 MPa = 950 kPa,
3 V2 = 0.09 m3/ s
dU= 22 kJ/s
Initial Enthalpy = h1 = U1 + P1V1 (3M)
= U1 + 500*0.15
= U1 + 75 kJ/s

Final Enthalpy = h2 = U2 + P2V2 (3M)

= U2 + 950*0.09
= U2 + 85.5 kJ/s

Change in enthalpy = h2-h1 (4M)

= (U2 + 85.5) – ( U1 + 75 )
= (U2 - U1 + 85.5 – 75 )
= 22 + 85.5 – 75 = 32.5 kJ/s


From steam table at 12 bar pressure, TS = 188°C, hf = 798.43 kJ/kg, hfg = 1984.3 kJ/kg

(a) Enthalpy of Dry Saturated Steam: (3M)

hg = hf + hfg
= 798.43+1984.3
= 2782.73 kJ/Kg

(b) Enthalpy of Wet Steam: (3M)

Dryness fraction of steam= 0.78

h = hf + x hfg
= 798.43+ 0.78 * 1984.3
= 2346.18 kJ/Kg

(c) Enthalpy of Superheated Steam: (4M)

hsup = hf + hfg + Cps (Tsup – Tsat)

= 798.43+1984.3+2.25(250-188)
= 2922.23 kJ/Kg
4 4M(Expln)

Coal is fed to the

grate through the fire hole and is burnt. The hot gases leaving the grate move along the furnace
(flue) tubes up to the back end of the shell and then in the downward direction to the bottom flue.
The bottom of the shell is thus first heated.
The hot gases, passing through the bottom flue, travel up to the front end of the boiler, where they
divide into two streams and pass to the side flues. This makes the two sides of the boiler shell to
become heated. Passing along the two side flues, the hot gases travel up to the back end of the
boiler to the chimney flue. They are then discharged into the atmosphere through the chimney.
With the help of this arrangement of flow passages of hot gases, the bottom of the shell is first
heated and then its sides. The heat is transferred to water through the surface of the two flue tubes
(which remain in water) and bottom and sides of the shell.
The arrangement of flues increases the heating surface of the boiler to a large extent.
Dampers control the flow of hot gases and regulate the combustion rate as well as steam generation
rate. The boiler is fitted with necessary mountings. Pressure gauge and water level indicator
provided at the front. Safety valve, steam stop valve, low water and high steam safety valve and
man-hole are provided on the top of the shell.

Coal is fed to the grate through the

fire door and is burnt.
Flow of flue gases: The hot flue
gases rise upward and pass across the
left-side portion of the water tubes.
The baffles deflect the flue gases and
hence the flue gases travel in the zig-
zag manner (i.e., the hot gases are
deflected by the baffles to move in
the upward direction, then downward
and again in the upward direction)
over the water tubes and along the
super heater. The flue gases finally
escape to atmosphere through chimney.
Water circulation: The portion of water tubes which is just above the furnace is heated
comparatively at a higher temperature than the rest of it. Water, its density being decreased, rises
into the drum through the uptake-header. Here the steam and water are separated in the drum.
Steam being lighter is collected in the upper part of the drum. The water from the drum comes
down through the down comer into the water tubes. A continuous circulation of water from the
drum to the water tubes and water tubes to the drum is thus maintained. The circulation of water is
maintained by convective currents and is known as “natural circulation”. A damper is fitted as
shown to regulate the flue gas outlet and hence the draught. The boiler is fitted with necessary
mountings. Pressure gauge and water level indicator are mounted on the boiler at its left end. Steam
safety valve and stop valve are mounted on the top of the drum. Blow-off cock is provided for the
periodical removed of mud and sediments collected in the mud box. A damper is fitted as shown to
regulate the flue gas outlet and hence the draught. The boiler is fitted with necessary mountings.
Pressure gauge and water level indicator are mounted on the boiler at its left end. Steam safety
valve and stop valve are mounted on the top of the drum. Blow-off cock is provided for the
periodical removed of mud and sediments collected in the mud box.
• The water from the dam is made to +
flow through the penstock 4M(Expln)
• At the end of the penstock nozzle
is fitted which convert the pressure
(potential) energy into kinetic energy.
5 • The speed of the water jet
emerging from the nozzle can be regulated
by operating the spear valve
• The high velocity water jet from
the nozzle impinges over the blades due to
which the runner starts rotating and
thereby hydraulic energy is converted into
mechanical energy (rotation of shaft)
• After the runner, the water falls
into tail race & leaves the turbine.


Kaplan turbine is an axial flow turbine which is

suitable for low heads and hence it requires large
quantity of water to develop large amount of power.
• It was developed by V. Kaplan an Australian
• It operates in an entirely closed conduit from
the head race to tail race.
• Fig. shows the arrangement of Kaplan
• The main elements of Kaplan turbine are
Guide wheel, Guide blade, Runner and Runner blade.
• In these turbines, water turns between the
guide vanes and runner at right-angle into the axial
direction and then passes through the runner.
• The vanes attached to the hub are so shaped that the water flows axially through the runner.
• The main advantage of Kaplan turbine is that, its runner blades can be turned about their
own axis for adjusting the angle of inclination.

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