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Experiment No.

a. To conduct a boiler audit and determine the efficiency of the boiler.
b. To identify various factors which decrease a boiler’s efficiency.
c. To determine the evaporation ratio.

In general engineering, a boiler, also termed as steam generator,is an enclosed vessel in
which water or other liquid is heated, generating steam or vapor under pressure or vacuum
for use external to itself particularly for heating or power generation, by the direct application
of energy from the combustion of fuels, from electricity or nuclear
energy(, 2013). Just like any other device or equipment, a boiler’s
performance reduces with time. Several reasons may be accounted for such deterioration
including poor combustion, heat transfer fouling and poor operation and maintenance.
Deterioration of fuel quality and water quality also leads to poor performance of boiler
(, 2013). There is, therefore, a necessity to assess and evaluate a boiler’s
A boiler system is usually comprised of three parts: a feed water system, a steam system,
and a fuel system. The feed water system provides water to the boiler and regulates it amount
automatically to meet the steam demand. The steam systemcollects and controls the steam
produced in the boiler and directs it through a piping system to the point of use. The fuel
systemon the other hand includes all the equipment used to provide fuel to generate the
necessary heat.

Just like any other device or equipment, a boiler’s performance reduces with time.
Several reasons may be accounted for such deterioration including poor combustion, heat
transfer fouling and poor operation and maintenance. Deterioration of fuel quality and water
quality also leads to poor performance of a boiler (, 2013). There is,
therefore, a necessity to assess and evaluate a boiler’s performance.
Efficiency testing helps us to determine how far the boiler efficiency drifts away from the
best efficiency possible. Any observed deviations can therefore be investigated to pinpoint
the problem area for necessary corrective action. In this experiment, we have conducted an
audit of several parameters of the diesel-fired steam boiler of UPV’s food processing plant.
Two of the most commonly encountered quantities used for assessing the performance of
a boiler include boiler efficiency and evaporation ratio. The term boiler efficiency is often
substituted for combustion or thermal efficiency. Whereas combustion efficiency refers to the
effectiveness of the burner only and relates to its ability to completely burn the fuel and
thermal efficiency refers to the effectiveness of the heat transfer in a boiler and hence does
not take into account boiler radiation and convection losses, true boiler efficiency is the
measure of fuel to steam efficiency (, 2013). That is, boiler efficiency relates
the boiler’s energy output to the boiler’s energy input and hence in simplest terms can be
expressed as (, 2013):
Boiler Efficiency = (heat output/heat input) x 100
= (heat in steam output/heat fuel input) x 100

Various standards employed for calculating the boiler or fuel to steam efficiency exist
among which include the British standards, BS845: 1987 which states that for the testing to
be done, the boiler should be operated under steady load conditions (generally full load) for a
period of one hour after which readings would be taken during the next hour of steady
operation; ASME Standard: PTC-4-1 Power Test Code for Steam Generating Units and IS
8753: Indian Standard for Boiler Efficiency Testing. But basically, boiler efficiency can be
determined by the following methods:

1. The Direct Method or the input – output method, where the energy gain of the working
fluid (water and steam) is compared with the energy content of the boiler fuel.
2. The Indirect Method or the heat loss method, where the boiler efficiency is the
difference between the losses and the energy input.

The direct method is also known as the ‘input-output method’ due to the fact that it needs
only the useful heat output (that of steam) and the heat input (that of fuel) for evaluating the
efficiency of the boiler. Hence, in this method, the boiler efficiency can be evaluated by:

Boiler Efficiency = (heat output/heat input) x 100

Boiler Efficiency = [Q(H - h)/(q x GCVfuel)] x 100

Where: Q = mass flow rate of steam (kg/h)

H = enthalpy of steam (kcal/kg)
h = enthalpy of feed water (kcal/kg)
q = mass flow rate of fuel (kg/h)
GCV = gross calorific value of the fuel (kcal/kg)

Fig.1- Quantities of Heat considered for Boiler Efficiency calculation using the direct
Both heat input and heat output must therefore be measured for the direct method testing.
The measurement of heat input requires knowledge of the calorific value of the fuel and its
mass flow rate. In the experiment, the fuel utilized is diesel. Diesel fuel is a mixture of
hydrocarbons obtained by distillation of crude oil. Petroleum-derived diesel is composed of
about 75% saturated hydrocarbons (primarily paraffins including n, iso and cycloparaffins)
and about 25% aromatic hydrocarbons (including naphthalenes and alkylbenzenes). The
average chemical formula for common diesel fuel is C12H23, ranging approximately from
C10H20 to C15H28(, 2013).

The calorific value of diesel is an important value to know. It is the specific amount of
heat diesel produces by its combustion at constant pressure and under standard conditions
(i.e. at 0oC and under a pressure of 1,013 mbar) (, 2013).The
combustion process generates water vapor and certain techniques may be used to recover the
quantity of heat contained in it through condensation. The heat recovered from this
condensed water vapor is the Gross calorific value (GCV) and for diesel, GCV amounts to
44,800 kJ/kg (19,300 Btu/lb) (, 2013).

For the measurement of heat output, one has to know the mass flow rate of steam, its
enthalpy and the enthalpy of the feed water. To determine the mass flow rate of the steam for
an hour period, we can measure the steam’s linear velocity and multiply it with its density
and the pipe flow area. However, an alternative to this method (since steam’s linear velocity
is difficult to measure) is a crude process which involves “capturing” the steam for a period
through condensing it with ice and then measuring its mass. Steam enthalpy will depend on
the temperature and pressure of the steam directly exiting the exhaust whereas feed water
enthalpy will solely depend on the temperature upon its entry to the boiler.
The direct method offers several advantages in determining boiler efficiency. Using this
method, plant operators and personnel can evaluate quickly the efficiency of boiler since it
requires few parameters for computation and needs few instruments for monitoring.
However, it does not give clues to the operator as to why efficiency of system is lower.
Various losses accountable for various efficiency levels are not as well calculated and
evaporation ratio and efficiency values may be misleading if the steam is highly wet due to
water carryover.

For the indirect method testing, efficiency can be measured easily by measuring all the
energy losses occurring in the boiler and subtracting these percentage heat losses from 100.
Since this method calculates the various heat losses associated with boiler, the inherent
disadvantages of the direct method can be overcome. Aside from this, an important
advantage of this method is that the errors in measurement do not make a significant change
in the efficiency value. Thus, if boiler efficiency is 90%, an error of 1% in direct method will
result in significant change in efficiency, i.e. 90 ± 0.9 = 89.1 to 90.9 whereas for the indirect
method, a 1% error in measurement of losses will result in efficiency = 100 – (10 ± 0.1) = 90
± 0.1 = 89.9 to 90.1.

For the indirect method, the following losses are applicable to liquid, gas and solid-fired
L1 - Loss due to dry flue gas (sensible heat)
L2 - Loss due to hydrogen in fuel (H2)
L3 - Loss due to moisture in fuel (H2O)
L4 - Loss due to moisture in air (H2O)
L5 - Loss due to carbon monoxide (CO)
L6 - Loss due to surface radiation, convection and other unaccounted*
(*Losses which are insignificant and are difficult to measure)
In addition to these losses, the following losses are applicable to solid fuel-fired boilers:
L7 - Unburnt losses in fly ash (Carbon)
L8 - Unburnt losses in bottom ash (Carbon)

Fig. 2 - Quantities of Heat considered for Boiler Efficiency calculation using the indirect

Hence, boiler efficiency by this method is calculated as,

Boiler Efficiency = 100% – Σ% losses = 100% - (L1+L2+L3+L4+L5+L6+L7+L8)

In our case, with diesel (liquid) as the fuel,

Boiler Efficiency = 100% – Σ% losses = 100% - (L1+L2+L3+L4+L5+L6).
The following are the losses associated with the boiler:

1. L1, Heat loss due to dry flue gas (%)

This is the greatest boiler loss and can be calculated with the following formula:
L1 = [mCp (Tf – Ta) / GCVfuel] x 100
Where: m = mass of dry flue gas in kg/kg of fuel (kg dfg/kg fuel) = Combustion products from
fuel: CO2+ SO2+ Nitrogen in fuel + Nitrogen in the actual mass of air supplied + O2in flue gas.
(H2O/Water vapor in the flue gas should not be considered)
Cp = heat capacity of dry flue gas (kcal/kg dfg0C)
Tf = temperature of dry flue gas (0C)
Ta = ambient temperature (0C)
GCVfuel = gross calorific value of the fuel (kcal/kg fuel)

2. L2, Heat loss due to evaporation of water formed due to H2 in fuel (%)
The combustion of hydrogen causes a heat loss because the product of combustion is
water. This water is converted to steam and this carries away heat in the form of its latent
heat. This loss is calculated as:
9 (H2 )[584 + Cp (Tf − Ta )]
L2 = x100
Where: H2 = kg of hydrogen present in fuel on 1 kg basis (kg H2/kg fuel)
Cp = specific heat of superheated steam (kcal/kg steam 0C)
584 = Latent heat corresponding to partial pressure of water vapor

3. L3, Heat loss due to moisture present in fuel (%)

Moisture entering the boiler with the fuel leaves as a superheated vapor. This
moisture loss is made up of the sensible heat to bring the moisture to boiling point, the
latent heat of evaporation of the moisture, and the superheat required to bring this steam
to the temperature of the exhaust gas. This loss can be calculated with the following

M[584 + Cp (Tf − Ta )]
L3 = x100
Where: m = kg of moisture in fuel in 1 kg basis (kg moisture/kg fuel)
Cp = specific heat of superheated steam (kcal/kg steam 0C)
584 = Latent heat corresponding to partial pressure of water vapor
4. L4, Heat loss due to moisture present in air (%)
Vapor in the form of humidity in the incoming air, is superheated as it passes through
the boiler. Since this heat passes up the stack, it must be included as a boiler loss. To
relate this loss to the mass of fuel burned, the moisture content of the combustion air and
the amount of air supplied per unit mass of fuel burned must be known. The mass of
vapor that air contains can be obtained from a psychrometric chart. This loss is hence
calculated as:
AAS (humidity factor)[Cp (Tf − Ta )]
L4 = x100
Where: AAS = actual mass of air supplied per kg fuel (kg air/kg fuel)
Humidity factor = kg of water/kg of dry air
Cp = specific heat of superheated steam (kcal/kg steam 0C)

5. L5, Heat loss due to incomplete combustion (%)

Products formed by incomplete combustion could be mixed with oxygen and burned
again with a further release of energy. Such products include CO, H2, and other various
hydrocarbons. These are generally found in the flue gas of the boilers. However, carbon
monoxide is the only gas whose concentration can be determined conveniently in a boiler
plant test.

%CO(C) 5744
L5 = [ ]x( ) x100%
%CO + %CO2 GCVfuel

Where: %CO = volume of CO in flue gas analysis

%CO2 = volume of CO2 in flue gas analysis
C = Carbon content of fuel (kg C/kg fuel)
5744 = Heat loss due to partial combustion of C
If CO is in ppm:
CO formation (MCO) = CO (in ppm) x 10-6 x Mf x 28
L5 = %MCO x 5744
Mf = fuel consumption (kg fuel/ h)

6. L6, Heat loss due to radiation and convection (W/m2)

The other heat losses from a boiler consist of the loss of heat by radiation and
convection from the boiler casting into the surrounding boiler house. Normally, surface
loss and other unaccounted losses are assumed based on the type and size of the boiler as
given below:
For industrial fire tube / packaged boiler = 1.5 to 2.5%
For industrial watertube boiler = 2 to 3%
For power station boiler = 0.4 to 1%

However it can be calculated if the surface area of boiler and its surface temperature
are known as given below:

Ts 4 Ta 4 196.85Vm + 68.9 W
L6 = 0.548 [( ) −( ) ] + 1.957(Ts − Ta )√ (in 2 )
55.55 55.55 68.9 m

Where: Ts = Surface temperature (K)

Ta = Ambient temperature (K)
Vm = Wind velocity in m/s

Another quantity which enables us to assess if a boiler is efficient or not is evaporation

ratio as defined by the following equation (, 2013):

quantity of steam generated

evaporation ratio =
quantity of fuel consumed

a. Materials or Instruments
Diesel (fuel) Water Aluminum foil Screen
Ice Tin can/container Scissors/cutter Basin

b. Laboratory Equipment
Digital Weighing scale Diesel-fired boiler Steam-jacketed kettle
Thermometer Thermogun (Infrared/type K thermometer)
Envirometer Flue gas analyzer


a. Stabilization of the diesel – fired boiler

In accordance with the British standards, BS845: 1987, the boiler was
operated under steady load conditions for a period of one hour prior to taking
readings of the various parameters for feed water, ambient air, steam and fuel as
well as the boiler surface temperature every 15 minutes during the next hour of
steady operation.

b. Getting the temperature of feed water

The temperature of the feed water was measured at four randomly selected
regions in the feed water tank every 15 minutes for an hour period using a
thermometer. From the temperature values collected at each region for every 15
minute – reading, the average temperature at each region werethen calculated.
Then, the average of the computed average temperaturesobtained was determined
and will serve as the final temperature of the water fed into the boiler.
c. Determining the temperature of the inlet fuel
The fuel temperature was obtained through use of a thermometer placed at the
fuel tank inlet. Temperature readings were obtained every 15 minutes of boiler
operation for an hour period.

d. Obtaining important parameters for steam

The temperature of steam at the steam outlet pipe located just above the boiler
was measured using a thermometer every 15 minutes for an hour. In the
determination of the mass flow rate of the steam, first, a material that will be
utilized for catching the steam was constructed using a tin can, plastic net,
aluminum foil and scissors or cutter. The material constructed was then initially
weighed. Then in the steam outlet pipe directly attached to a steam - jacketed
kettle, water is continuously added to the kettle to facilitate preliminary reduction
in temperature of the steam to easily condense it later on. The steam was collected
for a specific period of time by allowing it to undergo condensationthrough
wrapping the pipe with cloth that was immersed in a bath of ice and cold water
and by surrounding or placing the can in that bath mentioned. After some time
interval, the water - filled can was then weighed to get the mass of steam
collected.A total of four readings were or steam collection was made. Average
value for the mass of steam collected was then obtained and considered as the
mass flow rate of steam for the calculations later on.

e. Analysis of the flue gas

Using a flue gas analyzer, the concentrations of the different components of
the flue gas together with its temperature and other important parameters
weremeasured and recorded. The reading was done every 30 seconds for an hour
each time the boiler starts.

f. Getting the ambient air temperature, % relative humidity and wind velocity
The parameters such as percent relative humidity, temperature and wind
velocity for ambient air within the boiler room were measured through use of an
envirometer. Readings for each parameter were taken every 15 minutes for an
hour and the average values for each parameter were determined and considered
as the values to be used for the calculations.

g. Obtaining the boiler surface temperature

Using a thermogun, the temperature of the boiler surface was obtained at
different portions of the boiler every 15 seconds for one hour. Values obtained
were then averaged to get the boiler surface temperature to be used inthe

A. Raw Data
Table 1 – Temperature of feed waterobtained for 1 hour at 15-minute intervals.

Temperature (°C) Ave. Temp.

at 4 regions
Time (min)
1 2 3 4 on the feed
0 30 30 30.5 30.5 30.25
15 30 30 29.5 29.5 29.75
30 30 30 30 29.5 29.875
45 29.5 30 29.5 30 29.75
60 29.5 30 30 30 29.875
Average feed water temperature (°C) 29.9

Table 2 – Ambient air parameter values, fuel temperature and steam temperature.

Ambient air Temperature, °C

Ambient air
Time (min) velocity
% RH Fuel Ambient Air Steam
0 0 30.8 32 34.3 98
15 0 27.4 32 35.4 100
30 0 30.6 32 34.3 100
45 0 31.0 32 34.9 100
60 0 31.4 32 34.3 100
0 30.24 32 34.64 99.6

Table 3 – Data for determining steam mass flow rate.

Initial weight Final weight

(I) of the (F) of the Mass of
Mass flow
Reading/ set container w/o container w/ condensed H2O Time (s)
rate (kg/hr)
condensed condensed (I-F in g)
steam (g) steam (g)
1 59.7 259.3 199.6 59.3 12.11737
2 68.3 303.1 234.8 61.88 13.65999
3 69 274.3 205.3 63.09 11.71469
4 69.9 300.2 230.3 62.07 13.35718
Average steam mass flow rate 12.71231
Table 4 – BoilerSurface Temperature.

Time Temperature (ºC)

0 34.1
15 37.75
30 37.625
45 38.05
60 39.35
Average surface temperature 37.375

Table 5 – Flue gas analysis.

Component/Parameter Value Unit
CO2 8.7375 %
CO 521.6667 ppm
O2 10.0333 %
Temperature 315.75 (ºC)

B. Data necessary for calculations

Type Water tube
Model Chia Tung 26C-B6-BLS-003
Diameter 29 in
Height 56.5 in
Surface temperature during operation 37.375 °C
FUEL – Diesel
Temperature 32 °C
Components % Mass
C 87.3
H 12.6
(from Perry’s handbook 8th Ed., p.
Ultimate O 0.04
24-9, Table 24-6)
Analysis N 0.006
S 0.22
Ash < 0.01
(from Shell) Moisture content = 0.05 (mass fraction)
Fuel Consumption 7.5L/hr = 6.225 kg/hr
Density (from Shell) 0.83 kg/L
GCV (from 44,800 kJ/kg
Temperature 34.64 °C
Wind Velocity 0 km/h
% Relative Humidity 30.24
Temperature 29.90 °C
Enthalpy at T = 29.90 °C, P = 1atm (from 125.28277 kJ/kg
Perry’s handbook, 8th Ed., p. 2-413, Table 2-
Temperature 315.75 °C
Flue Gas Analysis (% volume = % mole for CO2 = 8.7375, CO = 521.6667 ppm ≈
ideal gases) 0.05217, O2 = 10.0333, N2 = 81.2292
Cp (, 2013) 1.03 kJ/kg·K
Mass Flow Rate 12.71231 kg/hr
Temperature 99.6 °C
Pressure (gauge) 5 kgf /cm2
Saturation Pressure 0.59166MPa
Saturation Temperature (from Perry’s
158.15944 °C
handbook, 8th Ed., p. 2-413, Table 2-305
Enthalpy at T = 158.1574 °C, P =
0.59166MPa (from Perry’s handbook, 8th 2754.62836 kJ/kg
Ed., p. 2-414, Table 2-305)
Cp(rom Perry’s handbook, 8th Ed., p. 2-414,
Table 2-305)

C. Calculations
1. Fuel Consumption
L kg
Average fuel consumption = 7.5 x0.83 = 6.225 kg/h
h L

2. Feed water
By linear interpolation,at T = 29.90 °C and P = 1atm (from Perry’s handbook, 8th Ed., p.
2-413, Table 2-305)
kJ 1mol g
Enthalpy, h = 2.2575955 x x103 =
mol 18.02g kg
kJ kJ
125.2827691 ≈ 125.28277
kg kg

3. Dry Flue Gas (DFG)

521.6667kg CO
%CO = x100% = 0.05216667% ≈ 0.05217%
106 kg DFG

Assuming that SO2, H2, CO2and other possible combustion products are negligible
because of their small concentrations in the flue gas,
%N2 = 100% − %CO2 − %O2 = 100% − 8.7375% − 10.0333% = 81.2292%
4. Steam
kg f 0.0980665 MPa
P sat (absolute) = 5 2
(gauge)x ( kg
) + 0.101325 MPa
cm 1 f
= 0.5916575 MPa ≈ 0.59166 MPa

From Perry’s handbook, 8th Ed., p. 2-413, Table 2-305, the saturation temperature,
enthalpy and CPof steam at this pressure value obtained by linear interpolation are:

T sat = 431.3094364 K ≈ 431.30944 K or 158.15944 °C

kJ 1mol g
enthalpy, H = 49.63840307x x103 =
mol 18.02g kg
kJ kJ
2754.628361 ≈ 2754.62836
kg kg

kJ 1mol g
CP = 0.04451059101 x x103 =
mol 18.02g kg
kJ kJ
2.470066094 ≈ 2.47007
kg kg

5. Boiler efficiency


Solving for the boiler efficiency using the equation below:

Q (H − h)
Boiler Efficiency = × 100%
q × GCV
(12.71231 hr) (2754.62836 − 125.28277)kJ/kg
Boiler Efficiency = kg kJ
× 100%
(6.225 hr) (44,800 kg)
Boiler Efficiency = 11.998546194% ≈ 11.98546% ≈ 12%


Calculating the theoretical air requirement for combustion using the equation below:
(11.6 × C) + {34.8 (H2 − 2 )} + (4.35 × S)
Theoretical air =

where C, H2, O2 and S refer to the percentage of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen
present in the fuel

[(11.6 × 87.3) + {34.8 (6.3 − )} + (4.35 × 0.22)] kg air
Theoretical air = ( )
100 kg fuel
kg air
Theoretical air = 12.3279
kg fuel

Solving for the % excess air supplied (EA):

O2 %
EA = × 100%
21 − O2 %

EA = × 100%
21 − 10.0333
EA = 91.48877967% ≈ 91.48878%

Solving for the actual mass of air supplied per kg of fuel (AAS):
AAS = (1 + ) × Theoretical air

91.48878 kg air
AAS = (1 + ) × 12.3279
100 kg fuel
kg air
AAS = 23.60654527 ≈ 23.60655
kg fuel

Solving for the total mass of the dry flue gas:

Total mass of DFG = mass of actual air supplied + mass of fuel supplied

On a basis of 1 kg fuel,
Total mass of DFG = 23.60655 + 1
kg DFG
Total mass of DFG = 24.60655
kg fuel

Solving for L1:

mCp (Tf − Ta )
L1 = × 100%
kg DFG kJ
(24.60655 kg fuel ) (1.03 kg DFG∙K) (315.75 − 34.64)K
L1 = kJ
× 100%
44,800 kg fuel
L1 = 15.9032627% ≈ 15.90326%

Solving for L2:

9 H2 {584 + Cp (Tf − Ta )}
L2 = × 100%

CP of the superheated steam (present at the flue gas)obtained fromPerry’s Handbook, p.

2-414, Table 2-305 by linear interpolation at TF = 315.75°C = 588.9K and P = 1atm is CP
= 0.038658477 kJ/mol·K = 2.145309489 kJ/kg·K = 0.5124962947 kcal/kg·K. GCVfuel=
44800 kJ/kg = 10702.34114 kcal/kg
kg H
2 kcal
9 (0.063 kg fuel ) {584 + (0.5124962947)(315.75 − 34.64)} kg
L2 = kcal
10702.34114 kg fuel
× 100%
L2 = 3.857235125% ≈ 3.85724%

Solving for L3:

M{584 + Cp (Tf − Ta )}
L3 = × 100%
kg moisture kcal
0.0005 kg fuel {584 + (0.5124962947)(315.75 − 34.64) kg }
L3 = kcal
× 100%
10702.34114 kg fuel

L3 = 3.4014410909x10−3 % ≈ 3.40144x10−3 %

Solving for L4:

AAS (humidity factor)Cp (Tf − Ta )
L4 = × 100%

Based on Fig. 12-1, p. 12-7 of Perry’s handbook 8th Ed., the humidity factor of air at dry
bulb T = 34.64°C, %RH = 30.24% is 0.0105 kg moisture/kg dry air.

L4 =
kg air kg moisture kcal
23.60655 kg fuel (0.0105 ) (0.5124962947 kg.K) (315.75 − 34.64)K
kg dry air
10702.34114 kg fuel
× 100%
L4 = 0.3336645405% = 0.33366%
Solving for L5:
%CO(C) 5744
L5 = ( ) × 100%
%CO + %CO2 GCVfuel
(0.05217)(0.873) 5744 kg
L5 = ( ) × 100%
(0.05217 + 8.7375) 10702.34114 kcal
L5 = 0.27810%

Solving for L6:

Ts= 37.375 0C + 273. 15 = 310.525 K Ta = 34.64 + 273. 15 = 307.79 K

Ts 4 Ta 4 196.85Vm + 68.9
L6 = 0.548 [( ) −( ) ] + 1.957(Ts − Ta )1.25 √
55.55 55.55 68.9
310.525 4 307.79 4 196.85(0) + 68.9
L6 = 0.548 [( ) −( ) ] + 1.957(310.525 − 307.79)1.25 √
55.55 55.55 68.9
W (Asurface )boiler
L6 = 25.47156341 2 × 100%
m fuel flow rate (GCVfuel )
Asurface = πDH

where D is the diameter of the boiler equal to 29 in = 0.73679m and H is the height of the
boiler equal to 56.5in = 1.43547m.
W π( 0.73679m)(1.43547m) ( 1W )
L6 = {(25.47156341 2 ) 6.225kg J 1hr
} × 100%
m (44,800,000 ) ( )
hr kg 3600s
L6 = 0.1092517618% ≈ 0.10925%

Solving for the Boiler Efficiency using the equation below:

Boiler Efficiency = 100% − (L1 + L2 + L3 + L4 + L5 + L6 )

Boiler Efficiency
= 100%
− (15.90326 + 3.85724 + + 3.40144x10−3 + 0.33366 + 0.27810
+ 0.10925)%

Boiler Efficiency = 79.51508625 %

Boiler Efficiency = 79.51509 %
Boiler Efficiency ≈ 79.52 %

6. Evaporation ratio
quantity of steam generated
evaporation ratio =
quantity of fuel consumed
quantity of steam generated
quantity of fuel consumed
12.71231 h
= kg
= 2.042138153 ≈ 2.04214
6.225 h

D. Analyses/ Discussion

From the results, boiler efficiency using the direct method is approximately 12% while it
is approximately 79.52% using the indirect method. The large difference between the two
values is accounted to the big dissimilarity between the two methods used for calculating the
boiler efficiency. The direct method only takes into account the heat output from the steam
and the heat input coming from the fuel without considering various heat losses that may
occur during the process unlike the indirect method.Ideally, the direct method should give a
higher efficiency which is more or less similar to that obtained using the indirect method
since it does not account all the heat losses during the process.
In the case of the experimental procedure, data was hard to collect especially the flow
rate of condensed steam because a flow meter was not available to measure it. Instead, an
improvised apparatus was used and henceresulted to inaccuracies. A large quantity of steam
escaped the apparatus and were not completely condensed, thus the mass flow rate obtained
for steam was significantly affected, givingconsiderable error to the calculation of the boiler
efficiency. In the direct method, as we know, efficiency is directly determined by the
difference in the enthalpy of the feed water and of the steam so measuring the mass flow rate
of steam is very critical in this method.

Steam collected was assumed to be saturated. At a pressure of 5kgf/cm2 or 0.59166 MPa,

the corresponding saturation temperature from the handbook should be 158.15944 °C.
However, it was noticed that the measured temperature of steam at the exhaust was 99.6 °C
which is lower than the value expected. This deviation may be due to the location where we
measured the steam temperature. The temperature should be measured within the boiler
where the steam is produced. In our case, we measured the temperature at the exhaust or
vent. Expansion of steam in the vent caused reduction in steam pressure and hence led to a
lower temperature value. In addition, the temperature of the flue gas was measured at the
chimney or stack. The temperature that was measured was lower than what it is supposed to
be. All the measurements regarding the combustion gases should have been made at some
point near the furnace to minimize errors in reading because as the gases flow through the
chimney, there will be heat losses involved which can greatly affect the calculations.


From the results, boiler efficiency using the direct method is approximately 12% while
it is approximately 79.52% using the indirect method. Based on the results, a concrete
conclusion cannot be made regarding the efficiency of the boiler since the two calculated
values are very different from each other. Based on the direct method, we can say that the
boiler is very inefficient. With the indirect method however we can say that the boiler
operates efficiently because in most literature and based on industrial practice, boiler
efficiency should be between 80-90%.

There are several factors which can decrease a boiler’s efficiency including the heat
losses due to: dry flue gas, evaporation of water formed because of H2 content of the fuel,
presence of moisture in fuel, incomplete combustion and radiation and convection losses.
Other causes of inaccurate determination of boiler efficiency would be caused by human
errors unintentionally done during the experiment such as inaccurate readings using the
various instruments, inefficient collection of the condensed steam, measuring temperature of
flue gas at the stack etc. and unavailability of measuring instruments such as steam mass flow
rate meter and built-in thermometer in the boiler.

The evaporation ratio obtained from the experiment is 2.04214 which indicates that we
can generate or obtain steam approximately twice the value or amount of fuel consumed
during combustion.
Perry, R.H. & Green, D.W. 2008.Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook, 8th ed.,
China: McGraw – Hill, pp. 2-413, 2-414, 12-7, 24-9.

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BS ChE V Section No.: 2

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