To Begin With It's Very

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Of all sports, soccer fascinates me, both for its excitement in terms of speed, strength,

strategy and stamina and because of the teamwork it demands. I joined the university
soccer team during my 1st year. At that time the team was filled with amateurs and had
bleak chances of success. However, despite many ups and downs, in 2017 we won the
Departmental title but lost to Economic Department in the finals. Unsatisfied with the results,
my fellow players and I worked hard throughout the entire year, both individually and in
workouts planned by our coaches. Through many hours of practice, the results finally came!
We began defeating teams that would dominate us in the past; we played so well that we
reached the Championship game for the first time. Although we lost to your rivals, I learned
that there is really nothing that cannot be done with passion, determination, and hard work.

I love books! It may sound strange, but I really do. Ever since I was a little boy I've read a lot of
books. My mother even used to ask me questions about the book I was reading, because she
thought I read too fast to understand anything. But I could always retell the story. I really love to
drift away into the fantasy world of a book. This is what I think is the best about reading but
there are other advantages about reading. Let me describe a few. To begin with it's very
relaxing. You can sit down at a quiet place and just forget about the world
around you for a while. Sometimes when I feel like I have a million things to do I take a
break, make a cup of tea and cuddle up in the corner of the sofa with a good book. After just a
little while of reading I've got my strength up to take care of everything. It's also a great way to
calm down before going to bed. Secondly you can bring a book with you almost everywhere. It
doesn't matter if you’re on the subway, on the bus, on the beach or on a journey. There's always
room for a book in the bag. Another good thing is that the way to university feels so much
shorter if you have a book to read on the subway. Furthermore there are so many different
kinds of books. You can vary between reading novels with a lot of love or more educational
books. Personally I think you can learn something in every book. It's really funny to try to
identify with the characters of the book and to imagine the environment. I think reading develops
the brain and gives you the ability to understand other people. Besides, you develop your
language if you read a lot because you learn new words all the time. To sum things up you can
say that the best way to learn things, or to develop your language is to read. And though it's
educating it's also very relaxing and entertaining. Imagine a hot summer day on the beach with a
cold lemonade and a good book. Personally I can't think of anything better!

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