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Honorary Research Fellow Research Assistant
This analysis was contracted by Acknowledgements Suggested citation Tallinn, 2019
the Strategy Unit of the Government This report has been informed by Bento, J., Laopoulou, T. (2019).
Office of Estonia and funded under all the interviewees, including the Spatial design leadership: The
the Operational Programme for state architects and the directors role, instruments and impact of
Cohesion Funds 2014–2020, in the five European States, state architect (or similar) teams
priority 12 “Administrative capacity”, listed in Chapter 2, as well as by in fostering spatial quality and
objective 12.2 “Improving the helpful comments from Barbara a place-making culture across
quality of policy-making”. Feller, Gerhard Jagersberger five European states. UCL
and Veronika Valk-Siska. Bartlett School of Planning.
The design quality of our buildings and places has a tect teams have long been established in several coun-
direct effect on people’s quality of life. tries and states around the world, in several others, the
Bartlett School of Planning, UCL
14 Upper Woburn Place London
State Architect and their supporting team is a relatively
WC1H 0NN Although the importance of design quality in achiev- recent position within public administration. In addition,
UK ing a more sustainable urban development has been in the European landscape, this is still the exception
recognized in several international declarations, in most and mostly a northern European phenomenon.
metropolitan and urban peripheries, places with good
spatial quality continue to be the exception rather than To better understand the impact of spatial design lead-
the norm. Acknowledging that this situation is socially ership in processes of design governance, it is rele-
and ecologically unsustainable, one of the main chal- vant to clarify the specific contribution of a State Archi-
lenges ahead is how to change the current system of tect (or similar) team and examine whether or not it can
production and its embodied values, so as to produce effectively improve the role of the state in promoting
more sustainable, economical and socially equitable high quality environments. Additionally, little is known
built outcomes. on the role and competences of a State Architect team
or similar unit whose aim is to push for better develop-
In the European panorama, the public sector already ment outcomes – for instance, on the different design
has a great influence on the design of the built environ- policy tools they have at their disposal and their impact
ment, either by planning policy or by developing control extent.
systems, and thereby involving almost all sectors and
levels of the state. This means that it is crucial to better Therefore, this research’s main objective is to under-
co-ordinate and reconcile design policy across many stand how spatial design leadership and spatial aware-
different areas and priorities. Furthermore, the design ness (to arrive at more informed political decisions) is
quality of places may be regarded as a ‘wicked prob- being delivered in different European states through
lem’ as it is determined by a huge number of actors, the formation of State Architect (or similar) teams, or
public and private, and is the result of embedded social through other means. More precisely, it will be devel-
norms and cultural values. Considering its social and oped a comparative analysis of the roles, instruments
complex nature, it is necessary to create a favourable and impact of State Architect (or similar) teams across
climate for good spatial design through a diversified five European states: Denmark, Ireland, Scotland
policy agenda that covers a wider spectrum of areas. (United Kingdom), Vienna (Austria) and Flanders (Bel-
gium). In some of those states, there is a State Archi-
Departing from a broad view on public policy, this tect office in place, while in others the system operates
research assumes that state intervention is a necessary in other ways and through other instruments.
condition. Although the strength of the state appears
to be somehow diminished, it is widely accepted that Following an inductive research strategy, this study
the state continues to play an important role in society, examines the operational system in place in the above
namely in market regulation and in the steering of soci- mentioned states, be it by a State Architect teams, or
etal goals, place-making being no exception. To do so, any other form of an advisory expert group that pro-
the role of the state has extended to a new dimension: vides the state with expertise on architectural and spa-
besides defining the regulatory framework, it also takes tial design policy, as well as other relevant actors. After
an active role of leadership, disseminating a message gathering information on existing stakeholders, the
of quality and promoting the general public’s apprecia- study proceeds to a comparative analysis on the main
tion of architectural, urban and landscape culture. differences and similarities across the five case stud-
ies, allowing the extraction of policy lessons about the
In this context, several countries and states have different experiences and the added value of having a
appointed a State Architect (or similar) team within State Architect (or similar) team. Finally, conclusions
their administrations to provide design leadership and are drawn on the role and impact of state design cham-
strategic advice to government to improve the design pions on processes of design governance and the
of public constructions, promote spatial quality and importance of a strong and committed governmental
foster a placemaking culture. Although State Archi- spatial design leadership for achieving better places.

Summary 4
CONTENTS 1.1 Context LEADERSHIP IN 8.1 The role of and instruments of State
1.2 Research questions Architect teams
1.3 Aims PRACTICE: FIVE 8.2 The impact of State Architect teams
1.4 Spatial design as a holistic concept 8.3 Spatial design leadership:
CASE STUDIES 30 pursuing a design agenda

2. RESEARCH 5.1 The Irish case

5.2 The Scottish case 9. REFERENCES 94
APPROACH AND 5.3 The Flemish case
5.4 The Viennese case
METHODOLOGY12 5.5 The Danish case
2.1 Research approach:
a cross-national comparative inquiry 6. STATE BIBLIOGRAPHIC
2.2 Methodology
2.4 Limitations
FRAMEWORK16 6.1 The role of State Architects JÄRELDUSED98
6.2 State Architects policy instruments
3.1 Design governance as a research agenda 6.3 Limitations and challenges of State 11.1. Riigiarhitekti meeskondade roll ja
3.2 Spatial design leadership Architects teams töövahendid
11.2. Riigiarhitekti meeskonna mõju
11.3. Ruumiloome eestvedamine:
4. THE RISE OF 7. SPATIAL DESIGN eesmärkide saavutamine


4.1 The role of the State Architect PERSPECTIVE84
4.2 The State Architects in Europe
4.3 State Architects elsewhere 7.1 Public policy on architecture
4.4 Other similar structures 7.2 State design champions
7.3 Other relevant actors
1.1 CONTEXT disseminating a message of quality and promoting the
general public’s appreciation of architectural, urban
Although the importance of design quality in achieving and landscape culture.
a more sustainable urban development has been rec-
ognized in several international and European conven- In this framework, the present study intends to explore
tions and declarations1, in most metropolitan and urban the role of state leadership in processes of design gov-
peripheries, places with good spatial quality continue ernance through the use of non-statutory design instru-
to be the exception rather than the norm. Acknowl- ments, namely, by the appointment of a State Architect
edging that this situation is socially and ecologically team, or similar institutional approaches. In fact, little
unsustainable, one of the main challenges ahead is evidence is known on the potential value of governmen-
how to change the current system of production and tal design leadership in enabling better places and fos-
its embodied values so as to produce more sustain- tering a place-making culture. Even less is known on
able, economical and socially equitable built outcomes. the specific competences of State Architect (or simi-
Therefore, there is a need to better understand which lar) teams, which policy instruments they have at their
levers need to be pulled and how to ensure that suc- disposal and its impact extent on the overall system
cessful places are consistently created and maintained. of design governance, whose aim is to push for better
development outcomes. As such, a comparative study
In what has been described as a shift from govern- of current practices is relevant to help inform the design
ment to governance, all around the world, national, of public policy as well as to find out what are the appro-
regional and local administrations have established a priate policy instruments to intervene in the design pro-
wide range of non-statutory instruments, where the cesses and encourage a desirable societal shift.
use of negotiation and advocacy complements the tra-
ditional set of regulatory and control mechanisms. As 1.2 RESEARCH QUESTIONS
will be discussed, the design quality of places may be
regarded as a ‘wicked problem’ as it is determined by The starting point for this research was the observa-
a huge number of actors, public and private, and is the tion that several countries and states have appointed
result of embedded social norms and cultural values. a State Architect team within their administrations to
Considering its social and complex nature, it is nec- provide design leadership and strategic advice to gov-
essary to create a favourable climate for good spatial ernment to improve the design of public buildings and
design through a diversified policy agenda that covers enhance the quality of the built environment. In this
a wider spectrum of areas. sense, it could be argued that a State Architect rep-
resents an innovation on design governance, embody-
Departing from a broad view on public policy, this ing a number of policy tools that improve the role of
research assumes that state intervention is a necessary public bodies in promoting better places. Although
condition (see Chapter 3). Therefore, the basic ques- State Architect teams have long been established in
tion is not whether or not the state should intervene, several countries and states around the world (e.g.
but with which means. In the European panorama, USA or Australia), in several others, the State Archi-
the public sector already has a powerful influence on tect and their supporting team is a relatively recent
the design of the built environment, either by planning position within national or state public administrations.
policy or by developing control systems, and thereby In addition, in the European landscape, this is still the
imposing a huge amount of design regulations which exception and mostly a northern European phenome-
define almost every aspect of the built environment. non (Bento, 2012).
Nonetheless, the role of the government has extended
to a new dimension: besides defining the regulatory In this context, it is relevant to explore the role of state
framework, it also takes an active role of leadership, leadership in processes of design governance through
the use of formal and informal design instruments,
1 Documents such as: Sustainable Developments Goals (UN, 2016); namely to clarify the specific contribution of a State
New Urban Agenda (UN-Habitat, 2016); DAVOS Declaration
(2018); Conclusions on Architecture (EU, 2008); Leipzig Charter on
Architect and examine whether or not it can effec-
Sustainable European Cities (EU, 2007). tively improve the government role in promoting high

BACK TO INDEX Introduction 8

quality environments. This constitutes the background tual frame. The term architecture has different accep- common reference points for identifying and grouping
research question that this will inquiry try to address. tations and extensions, being considered a polysemic phenomena. In fact, concepts are used as categories
Having this said, the following specific questions can term. According with its context, architecture may be for collecting and sorting information and its operation-
be raised: understood in its broad sense as ‘built environment alisation allows the development of theory and enables
design’ (crossing several design disciplines, involving the test of hypothesis through empirical inquiry (Rose,
• Does a State Architect team enable the delivery not only design issues but also processes of gover- 1991). Despite the difficulty in identifying concep-
of spatial design leadership across the different nance, etc.); or it may be understood in its narrower tual equivalence in dissimilar contexts, Rose (1991a)
sectors and levels of public administration? If yes, sense as the ‘design of individual buildings’ (usually argues that it is possible to develop comparative anal-
what are its main policy instruments? associated with the work performed by architects for ysis across nation states by identifying concepts that
a single client). This conceptual gap is aggravated by are functionally equivalent among different contexts,
• To what extent have the State Architects had an contextual factors, in which traditions and conceptual which in turn will provide a suitable conceptual frame-
impact on design governance processes? frames tend to change from place to place (Bento, work for conducting comparative analysis (Mangen,
2017). 1999; Rose, 1991).
Considering that other countries use different institu-
tional approaches delivering the same set of goals, an When referring to the built environment as a whole, the This issue is particularly relevant for this investigation.
additional research question can be made: British prefer to use ‘urban design’ as its keyword. In As discussed above, the concept of architecture is
fact, the broad notion of architecture as built environ- not equivalent across nations, which raises a concep-
• What is the role of spatial design leadership in ment design is very similar to the definition of urban tual hardship in the selection and grouping of informa-
design governance processes? design, which is focused on creating better places for tion from five different national contexts. To overcome
people (Carmona, Heath, Oc, & Tiesdell, 2003). In the this dilemma, it is important to make use of a sufficient
1.3 AIMS Scottish case, for example, the scope of its Architec- holistic concept that may embraces all different mean-
tural policy has progressively expanded as new policy ings associated with the notion of architecture and
The research’s main objective is to understand how versions were adopted. Although its first policy focused the design of the built environment. In this view, this
the challenge to raise spatial awareness (to arrive at mainly on building design, the second policy expand its research deliberately uses the term spatial design along
more informed political decisions) in different Euro- scope to a wider urban and rural design agenda, intro- this report, which refers to design of spaces in a broad
pean states has been tackled through the formation ducing the concepts of urban design and placemaking. sense, crossing the boundaries of traditional design
of State Architect (or similar) teams, or through other specialisms such as architecture, interior design, infra-
means. More precisely, develops a comparative analy- A similarly broad approach is followed by Germanic structure, landscape design and urban design.
sis of how spatial design goals have been achieved in states, where the main concept adopted is baukultur,
arriving at informed (quality) decisions that concern the which is broadly defined as the design of the built envi-
development of the built environment in five European ronment. In fact, the recent Davos Declaration (2018)
states: Denmark, Ireland, Scotland (United Kingdom), defines it as an aspect of cultural identity and diversity,
Vienna (Austria) and Flanders (Belgium). In some of which ‘holistically embraces every human activity that
those states, there is a State Architect office in place, changes the built environment, including every built and
while in others the system operates in other ways and designed asset that is embedded in and relates to the
through other instruments. natural environment.’ The same is adopted by Vienna
(Austria), which will be discussed in Chapter 5.
Following this approach, it will be possible to compare
models of spatial design leadership equipped with a By the same token, the more recent Swedish Govern-
State Architect with other models which provide spatial ment Architectural policy prefers to promote the notion
design leadership by other ways and means. Therefore, of designed environment (2018), to complement the
this study is expected to show the benefits and down- restricted meaning of architecture and avoid misun-
falls of the operational system in place in the above derstandings that would restrict grasping the broader
mentioned states, to carry out certain tasks of the spa- picture. Therefore, the term architecture, even when it
tial development competence unit, or the spatial com- is understood as built environment design, has been
missioner’s office / the institution of the State Architect, losing strength as the policy subject expands to wider
or any other form of an advisory expert group that pro- environments, where other concepts appear to better
vides the state with expertise on national spatial plan- portray the complex set of interactions, rules and norms
ning and architectural design of the living environment. involved in the design of the built environment.

1.4 SPATIAL DESIGN AS A As will be discussed in the following Chapter, an

HOLISTIC CONCEPT important issue in cross-national comparative research
is the correspondence of concepts across differ-
After describing the context and setting the research ent socio-cultural contexts, as they constitute the
framework, it is relevant to introduce its main concep- basic ingredient of any research endeavour providing

BACK TO INDEX 9 Introduction 10

2.1 RESEARCH APPROACH: A CROSS- on policy experiences developed elsewhere, or just
NATIONAL COMPARATIVE INQUIRY gaining better insights of how social processes oper-
ate (1999, p. 93). Following this reasoning, cross-na-
As described previously, this research intends to anal- tional comparative research is a methodology that aims
yse the impact of governmental leadership in design at making comparisons between countries regarding a
governance processes through the appointment of given phenomenon.
State Architect Team, or other similar institutional
approach. To do so, it was decided to select five Euro- Although at first sight cross-national comparative re­
pean states that would provide interesting examples search appears to readily generate national findings
of State Architect (or similar) teams, in order to exam- that enable us to extract general conclusions on the
ine their roles, instruments and impact. After gather- role and impact of State Architects (or similar) teams,
ing information on existing organisations, the research the interpretative effort dedicated to comparative anal-
would then proceed to a comparative analysis on the ysis is not actually as simple as it may seem. As in all
main differences and similarities across the case stud- methodologies, cross-national comparative research
ies, allowing to extract policy lessons about the differ- presents several conceptual challenges and limitations,
ent experiences and some conclusions on the added which will be addressed in Section 2.4.
value of having a State Architect (or similar) team.
In practice, a cross-national comparative research
In this background, methodologically, this research is design does not imply a predetermined way to admin-
an exercise in cross-national comparative research. In ister cross-national research. As in other approaches,
the field of policy analysis, this methodology has been research methods are generally tailored to the research
used, among others, to develop better insights on how questions, and, no less important, to the resources
to deal with policy problems by drawing lessons from available. In this case, the research findings are the
the experience of other governments (Rose, 2005). result of a research methodology that included desk-
Even so, the aim is not to copy their approaches but to based research and semi-structured interviews with
learn under what circumstances and to what extent cer- key stakeholders in the different case studies.
tain programs may effectively deal with a specific policy
problem. The study of policy differences between gov- In this framework, the research work was divided
ernments regarding a shared problem offers several into three phases, spread between July and October
advantages, namely the opportunity to compare the 2018. The first phase sought to take stock of the exist-
strengths and weakness of different policies and draw ing design governance landscape (identifying relevant
lessons for other countries (Ibid, p. 4). stakeholders, architecture and spatial design policies,
informal policy tools, etc.) in each of the chosen Euro-
2.2 METHODOLOGY pean states. As result of this, a brief review of the archi-
tecture policies development was carried out at the
According to Hantrais (1999), a cross-national com- beginning of each section on Chapter 5.
parative research is concerned with observing social
phenomena across nations, to develop robust explana- However, unpacking the policies’ discourse and gath-
tions of similarities and differences and to assess their ering information on the existing structures did not pro-
consequences, whether for the purpose of testing a vide proper information on ‘how’ the State Architect (or
set of hypothesis in different settings, drawing lessons similar) Teams work in practice. Therefore, the second

BACK TO INDEX Research approach and methodology 12

phase sought to collect different views on the main List of Interviews 2.3 SCOPE 2.4 LIMITATIONS
virtues and limitations of the State Architect Teams in
a real-life context, or other spatial design policy units Ireland Vienna (Austria) The research study covers five European states: Ire- The methodology chosen for this research has some
that may exist, the range of tools available and impact land, Flanders (Belgium), Scotland (United Kingdom), limitations. First, as in any cross-national compara-
extent, through a series of semi-structured interviews to Office of Public Works / Gerhard Jagersberger Denmark and Vienna (Austria) (see Fig. 1). The first tive research design, an important issue is the equiv-
the key players in each of the case studies (see below). State Architect Federal Chancellery / three states were selected due to the fact of having alence of concepts across different socio-cultural
Department for Visual a State Architect Team operating within their adminis- contexts (Hantrais, 1999, p. 104). Concepts consti-
The final stage sought to produce a report on the main Kathryn Meghen Arts, Architecture, tration for several years; in the cases of Flanders and tute the basic ingredient of any research endeavour
research findings, namely, a brief review of the archi- Royal Institute of the Design, Fashion, Pho- Scotland for almost twenty years. The remaining two, as they provide common reference points for identify-
tectural policies and of the role and tools of the State Architects of Ireland tography and Media Arts Denmark and Vienna (Austria), were chosen because ing and grouping phenomena (Rose, 1991). The prob-
Architect Teams or equivalent spatial design institu- (RIAI) / CEO they did not have a position of a State Architect Team, lem in cross-national comparative research is that not
tions in each of the case studies. This was followed by Barbara Feller which could provide interesting counterpoint examples all concepts travel well across cultural and linguistic
a cross analysis of the role and instruments of the State Scotland (UK) Austrian Architectural of other ways by public authorities to exercise spatial boundaries because the same term may embody dif-
Architect Teams across the first three cases studies, as Foundation / Director design leadership through the use of innovative institu- ferent meanings and the same set of ideas may be cat-
well as a discussion on the similarities and differences Ian Gilzean tional arrangements. egorized under a different term. This is the case of the
of the design governance systems and spatial design Scottish Government / Franz Kobermaier German term baukultur, which will be referred to in the
leadership across the all five case studies. Finally, some Chief architect Vienna Architecture and case of Vienna, or the term placemaking also referred
conclusions were drawn. Urban Design Depart- to in the Irish and Scottish contexts. To be able to
Karen Anderson ment / Director accommodate the different meanings associated with
Selection of interviewees Architecture and Design Scotland the concept of architecture and urban design, the main
Scotland (A&DS) / CEO Denmark concept used for the present study was spatial design
The selection of the interviewees was based on the fol- (see Chapter 1).
lowing rationale; firstly, the State Architects themselves Denmark Flanders (Belgium)
in the three states where this position was in place (Ire- Second, due to the short period of the time available to
land, Flanders and Scotland). In the two states where Birgitte Jahn Leo Van Broeck carry out this research (3 months) it was only possible
there was no such position, it was decided to interview Danish Agency for Cul- Flemish Government Ireland to interview two to three people in each state, which
the senior officer leading the correspondent unit or divi- ture and Palaces / architect / State Archi- Flanders diminish the diversity and richness of viewpoints about
sion (Denmark and Vienna). Secondly, it was decided Ministry of Culture tect the role and impact of State Architects (or similar)
to interview key stakeholders working at senior level in Teams. Considering that spatial design policy is shared
other spatial design institutions in the different coun- Tinna Saaby Olivier Bastin by several levels and sectors of the state, it is difficult
tries/states, to have an external viewpoint on the role, Copenhagen Royal Federation of Bel- to perceive the real impact extent of the State Architect
instruments and impact of the State Architects (or sim- City Council / gian Architects’ Associa- Fig. 1 – European location of the five case studies (and similar) teams across the administrative structures
ilar) Teams, such as: architecture cultural organizations, City Architect tions / CEO as well as the wider system of production, without a
national design champions and architects’ professional In terms of administrative structures, the present study deeper examination of the current situation in each of
bodies. Interview invitations were sent by email to Tine Weisshappel Sofie de Caigny covers two unitary administrations (Ireland and Den- the case studies. Therefore, in future research, it would
those institutions within the five case studies. Due to Holmboe Flanders Architecture mark) and two federal administrations (Austria and Bel- be recommendable to carry out a higher number of
the short time available, it was only possible to carry Danish Association of Institute (VAI) / gium). For the latter, it was decided to examine only one interviews per case study, to increase the range of the
out 13 telephone semi-structured interviews (see list Architectural Firms / Director state of each country as building and planning policy individual viewpoints, including both private and public
on the right). Chief Officer are state competences. In Belgium, it was decided to stakeholders as well as actors from the consumer and
study Flanders because of the Flemish Government producer side of the market.
Architect. In Austria, it was decided to study Vienna
as it is Austrian capital city, which in turn would be Third, the semi-structure interviews were mainly made
equipped with a more diversified design policy tools by telephone or videoconference (skype), which
than the remaining eight Austrian states due the higher decreases the openness of the replies and slightly
level of financial and human resources usually del- restrains the communication flow between the inter-
egated to a capital city. In the case of Scotland, the viewer and the interviewee. However, due to time and
administrative structure of the UK is quite unique as it budget limitations it would have been impractical to
includes four countries, each with their own system of travel to each of the countries/states to collect the
administrative and geographic demarcation. information in person. Therefore, in future research, it
would be advised to carry out face-to-face interviews
with main actors and stakeholders in each of the case
studies to obtain information that is not easily collected
via telephone interviews.

BACK TO INDEX 13 Research approach and methodology 14

Although this chapter does not offer a literature review
on the topic of spatial design leadership, it intends to
make a brief incursion on the debate around the gover-
nance of design, which will be used as a framework
to explore and discuss the different models of State
Architect (or similar) teams that exist within the five case
studies. To do so, the present chapter is two folded.
A first part will start with a brief discussion about the
governance of design and the legitimacy of the state to
intervene in the design of the built environment. In addi-
tion, it will present a typology of design governance
tools. A second part will explore the notion of design
leadership ending the chapter with a small discussion
on the role and skills of individual design champions.

BACK TO INDEX Theoretical framework 16

3.1 DESIGN GOVERNANCE AS Nevertheless, it is widely recognized that in the last the built environment tend to somehow diminish the typically with architects and planners in opposite sides
A RESEARCH AGENDA decades there have been significant changes in the importance of design quality in favour of economic (Hall, 1996, p. 1).
role of the state in society, in which market forces play factors, resulting, more often than not, in unsatisfac-
3.1.1 The governance of design an increasingly important role. The rise of neo-liberal tory environments. Acknowledging that this situation The most persistent critique of design policy is based
ideas, deregulation, privatization of public services and is ecologically and socially unsustainable, one of the on the argument that design is essentially a subjective
The design of the built environment is the result of con- public-private partnerships have all contributed to a main challenges ahead is how to change the current discipline. In this view, any attempt to influence design
tinuous intervention of a wide range of actors and deci- loss of power of the state. Despite these developments system of production and its embodied values so as through statutory processes is inevitably value-landed
sion-makers involved in the production of the built envi- it is argued that the role of the government should be to produce more sustainable, economical and socially and arbitrary and constrains design freedom and private
ronment. Almost all urban interventions are based on maintained and in particular should be inspirational, equitable built outcomes. To address these concerns property rights (Carmona et al. 2003). However, most
capital accumulation mechanisms as they demand high leading by example (Harvey, 2008; Nelissen, 1999). several countries have developed national architec- of the criticisms about design control focus on aes-
financial investments and require previous careful plan- Therefore, the role of the government has extended to a tural policies recognizing the value of good design thetic and stylistic aspects of development neglecting
ning and conscious forethought. Since each actor has its new dimension: besides defining the regulatory frame- and setting up public bodies to promote better quality important aspects of urban design, such as functional-
own interests, goals and motivations, the development work, it also takes an active role of leadership, dissem- environments. ity, integration, etc. Based on the argument that design
process is marked by a constant negotiation system inating a message of quality and promoting the general is largely a subjective matter and generally regarded as
leading to a fragmented and pluralistic decision process public’s appreciation of architectural, urban and land- Before exploring the policy tools available to the state a ‘no-go’ area for planners, some local authorities use
(Adams, 1994: 2). This in turn leads to a complex pro- scape culture. to promote high quality environments, it is necessary this as a justification for not offering more construc-
cess of bargaining and negotiation over often divergent to address the broader question of the public sector’s tive advice about what good design might be (Ibidem,
interests and over how design quality came to be inter- In this sense, the term governance rather than govern- legitimacy to intervene in the processes of designing p. 36). In this sense, the debate about design control
preted by the different stakeholders. Within these pro- ment has gained popularity because it embodies the the built environment. From an urban planning per- which focuses only on issues of architectural design
cesses, spatial design professions (architecture, urban notion that a whole range of institutions, actors, tools spective, public intervention and regulation of urban and external appearance is a narrow view. Instead,
and landscape design) are essential tools for achieving and relationships are involved in the process of govern- development are seen as necessary responses to design control should focus on an overriding concern
successful built outcomes. However, several external ing – a notion that better portrays a new way of think- market failure (Adams, 1994). Therefore, the public with urban design over architecture (design of build-
factors, such as site constraints, client’s aims and regu- ing about state capabilities and state–society relation- sector has, in principle, the responsibility to protect the ings) and aesthetic issues (Carmona, 1996).
lations have a strong influence on the choices made by ships (Pierre & Peters, 2000). In fact, the concept of public interest as the market alone cannot ensure good
designers, who have to reconcile all these requirements governance reveals that the state actors must operate quality environments (Carmona et al., 2003). The prob- Nevertheless, the design quality of the built environ-
and come up with a coherent and appealing solution. in a new ways (Rhodes, 1997), which should not be lem of this equation is that the public interest is a com- ment – buildings, streets, parks and public spaces –
‘based on the use of authority and sanctions of govern- plex concept and in matters of architecture and urban has a deep effect on people’s wellbeing because every-
Among the vast number of agents that intervene in ment’ (Stoker, 1998). Consequently, rather than com- design most of the times there is no consensus on one uses buildings and their surroundings in their daily
these processes, the public sector has the responsi- mand-and-control, the public sector’s principal instru- what constitutes good design. For this reason, public lives. Consequently, the design quality of the built envi-
bility to guarantee the enhancement of the public realm ments become those of bargaining, negotiation and intervention in design processes, particularly in issues ronment is a matter of collective interest (AAP 1996).
and to promote a sustainable development. Based on persuasion (Steve Tiesdell & Adams, 2011). of design control has been the cause of much con- As Simmons (2008, p. 2) points out: ‘No building exists
these broad principles, the public sector seeks to regu- flict and tensions between public and private actors, only for the people who paid for it or who use it. Every-
late the development process and promote the efficient In this context, the concept of design governance fits
use of resources through the planning system, build- well to this new way of governing, changing the empha-
ing codes and other regulations, and the provision of sis in policy delivery from (direct) management to (indi-
infrastructures and services (Carmona et al., 2003, p. rect) enablement. Matthew Carmona (2016) defines
227). By setting the public policy and regulatory frame- design governance as the ‘process of state interven-
work it provides the context for private sector invest- tion in the means and processes of designing the built lesser lesser
ment decision-making. environment in order to shape both processes and out-
comes in a defined public interest’. This means that the
Although there is a widespread agreement on the value role of the state is much more than just ‘controlling’ or evidence
of architecture and good urban design, this goal is ‘guiding’ design and development form. As will be dis- guidance


not fully shared by the several players that intervene cussed, the public sector has the potential to influence


in the built environment and more broadly the general the development process and the quality of the built


incentive promotion
public. As the values and practices of market actors environment through the employment of a wide range
have a major influence on the design quality of places, of statutory and non-statutory functions. evaluation
the public sector has also the potential to influence control
the quality of places through the use of non-statutory 3.1.2 Design quality: the need greater greater
instruments, such as information, education and man- for public intervention
agement. So, the public sector has a powerful influ-
ence on the design of the built environment through the Architecture and urban design are all around us and,
use of building and planning policy, by imposing a huge even if not intentionally, everything is designed. This Fig. 2 - Formal (left) and informal (right) tools of design governance, ordered by degree of intervention.
Adapted from Carmona (2017, p. 6 & 19)
amount of design regulations but also by the mobiliza- means that the design quality of our buildings and
tion of resources to influence actor’s behaviours and places has a direct effect on people’s quality of life.
change mind-sets towards better built outcomes. However, the processes involved in the production of

BACK TO INDEX 17 Theoretical framework 18

body has to live with it. Streets and parks belong to us approaches and actions that might be employed by particulars of the UK planning system, but direct analo- son (2006, p. 7) offers the following integrative defini-
all.’ This means that although many organizations and policy makers to influence the production of urban gies can be made to other systems in the EU. tion of leadership:
individuals have an interest in the design and use of environments – a ‘toolbox’ for design policy.
places, design quality cannot be solely a matter of par- On the informal tools side, evidence refers to the “A leader is one or more people who selects,
ticular individuals. As a consequence, the conflict of Carmona’s work is built upon two foundations: his con- research or audit capabilities of governmental or advi- equips, and influences one or more follower(s)
interests existing in society about the urban form and tinued examination of design policy literature over the sory bodies. Knowledge includes the creation of best who have diverse gifts, abilities, and skills and
environment need to be mediated by the public sector last years (e.g. Carmona, 2017; Carmona, 2016) practice guides, case studies libraries or education & focuses the follower(s) to willingly and enthusi-
in order to guarantee an effective balance between and, on the other hand, his study of the work of CABE training initiatives. Promotion is about awards, cam- astically expend spiritual, emotional, and phys-
particular and public interests. As Hall (Hall, 1996, p. (Commission for the Built Environment), an advisory paigns and partnerships. Evaluation includes different ical energy in a concerted coordinated effort to
2) notes: ‘quality in the context of urban design is a body operating in England from 1999 to 2011. The types of reviews and certifications, as well as, poten- achieve the organizational mission and objec-
public matter and must (…) be derived, wholly or par- particulars of CABE’s work are slightly out of the scope tially, competitions. Finally, assistance might involve tives”.
tially, from the public interest and must also be a legiti- here, and of course not easily generalizable outside its financing of projects or the direct help of a public offi-
mate concern of local government organizations.’ particular national context. The academic research that cial to applicants shaping a proposal (always via trans- In this view, leadership is closely associated to the idea
builds on this work though provides, we believe, a cat- parent procedures). of movement and getting a body of followers to move
Assuming that public intervention on the design pro- egorisation that transcends the original case study and in an intendent direction to achieve an institutional goal.
cess is a condition to safeguard the public interest, the can be useful when examining the role of State Archi- In almost all real-life scenarios, it’s unlikely that just In management literature, the concept has also been
debate on design policy and control is not about the tects and similar organisations. one of these tools would be enough to accomplish a associated to the idea of design leadership where
need for ‘some type of intervention but rather about the desired outcome – a mix-and-match approach would the strategic value of design has become increas-
methods employed and the exact nature of design that The first distinction that Carmona makes in building normally by necessary. Circling back to the position able important in differentiating products that compa-
is being controlled’ (Hall, 1996, p. 2). Hall (1996) sug- his typology is one between formal and informal tools. of a State Architect (or similar), it’s also highly likely nies cannot afford to ignore (Turner, 2016). Companies
gests that if design quality is an important aspect for Formal tools are tied to the regulatory responsibilities of that the intended outcome would have much more to such as Apple or Audi are usually credited with appre-
the quality of life of citizens, then it is legitimate for the the state, as legally defined – they are, in other words, do with indirect effects (for example, influencing the ciating the value of design quality and providing design
public sector to attempt to influence and improve the designed to execute what is required of the state. Infor- behaviour of actors involved in the development pro- leadership.
design quality of developments, mitigating inequalities mal tools, on the contrary, are discretionary, optional. cess) rather than direct ones (changing one particular
and safeguarding the public interest. This means that This is the major distinction that determines where project, for instance). It’s therefore plausible to suggest In the scope of planning theory, place leadership has
the need for public intervention in design processes is particular methods are placed in the toolbox. Beyond that the State Architect position involves the use of the been entangled within urban governance and collab-
justified by the inherent limitations of the development that, a second distinguishing aspect is defined as the informal tools, as defined in this typology, equally if not orative planning literature (Healey, 1998), namely it’s
process. degree of intervention that a tool is built for – in a rela- more than the use of formal ones. implication in place-making (Collinge & Gibney, 2010).
tional definition of lesser to greater (see Fig. 2). Within this field, there is a huge amount of literature
The functioning of the market alone is not able to gen- To better understand which are the main instruments examining the role of regions and local authorities as
erate qualified urban environments. In general, devel- This is a combination of the target of each tool as well used and initiatives proposed, the next chapter will ‘place-shapers’ with responsibility for developing the
opers are strongly guided by commercial interests as its ‘directness’. Some tools focus more on the ‘prod- review the role of State Architects in a transversal per- local economy and the built environment. Considering
and market considerations, which do not assume a uct’ of urban design (specific sites or projects) and are spective, providing practical examples of State Archi- that local authorities and politicians have an important
longer-term view (AAP 1996). Aiming to appropriate intended to help shape a particular outcome (hence, tects in Europe and beyond. Before that, the following role in the definition of urban areas, strong and com-
the development value of sites, their objectives are direct). Others focus more on the ‘process’ of creating section will discuss the notion of spatial design leader- mitted place leadership has the potential to enhance
essentially financial and short-term (Carmona et al., urban spaces, on influencing the decision-making envi- ship and the role of design champions. place-making in the city. Frequently, city mayors are
2003, p. 223). Therefore, public sector intervention ronment within which choices about particular places referred to as visionary place leaders with strong inter-
and regulation of the development process is a natu- are made. These are the more indirect tools, whose 3.2 SPATIAL DESIGN LEADERSHIP est in better urban spaces (e.g. Mayor Pasqual Mara-
ral response to the dysfunctions of land and property impact is likely to be long-term and diffused; whereas gall of the city of Barcelona) supporting the relation-
markets (Ibidem, p.238). This means that some form direct, product-focused tools are more immediate and 3.2.1 Place leadership as a tool ship between quality of place and the ability of areas to
of public intervention and regulation of development is clear-cut in their impact (Ibid, pp. 4-5). This is not to say attract population, investment, employment and visitors
inevitable. that direct or formal tools are better though, quite the The discussion on the concept of leadership and the (UK, 2016).
contrary. In fact, part of the significance of this typology set of attributes it entails has gradually transformed into
3.1.3 The design governance toolbox lies in its recognition of the importance of informal tools a specialized field of research in management, busi- In this context, place leadership involves creating the
and the long-lasting impact that they can have. ness and organizational literature. Management manu- right conditions under which better places emerge and
One of the strategies to face the issue of design qual- als usually define leadership as a process in which one setting the urban agenda, enabling better built out-
ity is to adopt a mix of policy tools, which can address This typology then specifies three categories of formal individual influences a group of individuals towards a comes (Adams & Tiesdell, 2013). Successful local
different development actors and stimulate a beneficial tools (guidance, incentive, control) and five categories common goal (Collinge & Gibney, 2010). In this per- place leaders are able to coordinate and communicate
circle of production. What exactly those tools are, how- of informal ones (evidence, knowledge, promotion eval- spective, leadership encompasses the ability of an indi- a vision of a fairer, more efficient and sustainable city.
ever, or how they might be classified, remains an open uation and assistance). Very briefly outlined, guidance vidual or an organization to lead or guide other individ- In addition, place leaders have the ability to balance the
question. Different typologies have been proposed in mainly includes design standards and coding, incen- uals, teams or organizations. Nevertheless, according economic as well as the environment and social quali-
relevant literature but there is no widely accepted con- tive is about subsidies or bonuses and direct invest- to Northouse (2010), the notion of leadership tends to ties of place. Therefore, place leadership is important in
sensus as of yet. For the purposes of this report, we ment, while control refers to planning applications and have multiple dimensions and approaches depending place-making as it drives action towards a certain goal
propose the typology presented by Carmona (2017) as permits, developer contributions, or consent. Again, on the context it is being used. Addressing this issue, in the future, reducing possible risks and increasing
a useful model of examining the types of instruments, these are of course mainly defined to respond to the after an extensive literature review, Winston and Patter- public participation (Ibidem). According to Adams &

BACK TO INDEX 19 Theoretical framework 20

Tiesdell (2013), there are four specific tasks that char- Although this study does not intend to review the grow- 3.2.2 The role of design champions trum - from a more limited role of the ‘design advisor’
acterize good place leadership: ing literature on this topic, the notion of place leader- to the more expansive one of ‘change agent’ or ‘change
ship is useful for the discussion on the role of the gov- As will be discussed in the next chapter, in some coun- leader’, as outlined in Table 1 on the left.
• Promoting a place-making culture – convincing ernment in promoting better designed environments, tries there is an old tradition of having a State Architect
politicians, stakeholders and the public to move namely the role the State Architect teams plays and the (in some referred to as Chief Government architect) In one side of the spectrum, in its narrowest sense, the
further beyond standardized regulations as a impact it may have on the wider system of design gov- while in others this position has just been recently cre- design advisor “operates within, and adds capacity to,
means to achieve place quality ernance. Considering the complex interplay of public ated to champion design across public administration. the statutory planning system and is primarily develop-
and private stakeholders that are continuously contrib- For example in the UK, several organizations have been ment-control-oriented, supporting ‘mainstream’ planning
• Charting a vision for the future – providing specific uting to the transformation of the built environment, the appointing individuals to act as proactive champions officers during pre-application discussions on develop-
goals to achieve in service of a wider agenda for way that public authorities position themselves towards of better design, entrusted with leadership, educational ment projects and thereafter on negotiations and report
better places the development process - as either a more passive or and advocacy roles (Tiesdell, 2011).2 Addressing the writing on formal applications” (Ibidem, 2011, p. 237).
proactive actor - will have a determinant effect on the same aims, several countries has also created orga- Assuming a more proactive role, it is possible that the
• Influencing and motivating people – explaining the overall quality of places. If government wants to play a nizations to act as express design champions, such appointed design advisor may also ‘help shape design
specific value of creating better places for different leading role in the design and place agenda, it needs as the case of the Architecture and Design Scotland policies in development plans, development/design
groups and engaging them in the process to assume its responsibility in placemaking and provide (A+DS), which will be discussed further ahead in this briefs and area strategies/frameworks and masterplans’
spatial design leadership. report, or the former Commission for Architecture and (Ibid.).
• Mobilizing resources – facilitating partnerships the Built Environment (CABE).
that might be able to provide the necessary On the opposite side of the spectrum, some local
resources for projects In this sense, the idea of ‘design champion’ embraces authorities may appoint a design champion as change
individual positions as well as organizations. Examples agent, with a much more ambitious role. According with
of the former include individuals appointed as design the two authors, this is a “strategic and political role, in
champions within national or local authorities (state or which the change agent develops a vision of positive
city architects) and private companies, generally sup- change and leads a project to transform an organisation
ported by advisors and administrative staff. Examples of by getting people – politicians, local authority officers,
the latter may include an entire department or advisory the local design and development communities, amenity
board inside a public organization, a non-departmental groups and the general public – to think differently about
public body (NDPB) or a non-profit private association. place-making; to alter everyday working practices; and
This means that the role of design champion may be ultimately to achieve better outcomes on the ground”
performed by an individual as well as an organization (Ibid.).
dedicated to promote and advocate for better places.
Table 1 - Spectrum of archetypal design champion roles Although this research is focused on State Architects, Not all cities and municipalities require such an
which are entrusted to champion design inside public enhanced role to be assigned to their design champion,
Design advisor Change agent/design champion
administration, the concept of ‘design champion’ will of course. Where a place-making culture is already well
Role • More limited • More expansive
be useful for this research because it helps to frame rooted it might well be more beneficial to have advi-
• Design support – to increase design capacity/skill • Change agent – to provoke,
level, and to provide design support for mainstream enable and lead organisational different policy instruments that government may use sors operating at the more limited end of the spectrum.
development management/control planners culture change to offer spatial design leadership across the five case In other locations though, a larger project of change
studies. might be required, to establish, for instance, new and
Focus • Operational, detail • Strategic, broad brush innovative regulatory / planning frameworks for real
• Engagement with planning as a • Engagement with planning as a proactive 3.2.3 Mission of design champions estate development – and to trigger a wider cultural
• reactive development control/ city-making/place-shaping activity change in the way place-making and place quality are
• management activity • Urban design and place-making
Looking at the British context (although this problem regarded, for all of which the ‘change agent’ role is a
• Architectural and urban architectural (second-order design)
• design (first-order design)
can be found in other countries too), Tiesdel & Adams key part of the project.
(2011) notice that the lack of design skills within local
Timespan • Continuous – permanent salaried position • Temporary – time-limited appointment
planning authorities has long been a concern of the 3.2.4 The skills of individual design champions
Activity • Direct (hands-on) involvement with projects, • Involvement with visions and organisation
planning applications, design review, pre- cultural change at the strategic level design community, developers and policymakers. In this
application negotiations, design/development briefs sense, appointing a design advisor (and other design As mentioned in the previous section, appointing a
Profile • Less public, less high-profile role • More public, more high-profile role staff) was a practical way of addressing this skills defi- design champion is a capacity-building instrument,
• Limited engagement with local media • Significant engagement with local media cit. Analysing the role of ‘design champions’ in local which represents an ‘investment’ in “strategic capacity
authorities in the UK, Tiesdell (2011) propose that the and typically involving organisational culture change”
(Source: Adapted from Tiesdell (2011, p. 237)) role of design champions can be positioned in a spec- (Ibidem, p. 237). In 2006, the former CABE published
a small booklet, directed to house builders, arguing for
2 According to CABE, in 2006 there were design champions in the importance of the appointment of a ‘design cham-
England and Wales in 65 per cent of local authorities, 78 per cent pion’ within their corporation with responsibility for
of primary care trusts, 67 per cent of local education authorities,
83 per cent of police authorities, and a growing number of volume
delivering design quality. In CABE’s perspective, the
housebuilders (CABE, 2006). purpose of a design champion would be to “promote

BACK TO INDEX 21 Theoretical framework 22

good design in every area of the organization, ensur- Although most of the characteristics listed above are
ing that design issues play a central role in corporate quite ambiguous, they are relevant for the discussion
strategy and deliver demonstrable commercial bene- about the set of skills that a design champion should

fits” (CABE, 2006). have, to enable organisational culture change. As dis-
cussed earlier on the concept of leadership, a design
In this sense, it is argued that the added value of design champion must be a person who is able to convince
champions is not just for high-profile projects but to others to change their way of doing things, towards a

embed design quality concerns within the everyday specific direction. For achieving this, the level of power
working practice of the organization, as dedicated and or influence on others as well as the type of resources
determined leadership is required to be able to create available will be decisive elements. First and foremost,
places with consistently good design quality. Accord- the design champion’s place on the hierarchy will deter-
ing to CABE (2006), the key duties of a design cham- mine their authority within the organization, and there-
pion should include: fore also the extent to which they are able to connect
different departments and maintain high standards and
• leading from the front and generating enthusi- consistency of approach – all of which requires a high- The previous chapter introduced the theoretical back­
asm for good design promoting the value of good er-level position. ground on design governance and spatial design
design as a catalyst for innovation and customer leadership that will be used as a framework to analyse
satisfaction; Secondly, the professional experience of design or a the different models of State Architect (or similar)
recognised design qualification will be a relevant attri- teams on each of the five case studies. Considering
• ensuring that all relevant staff are aware of the bute of the design champion. Most followers, in this the aims of this research – to examine the role, instru-
external advice available from public bodies pro- case, built environment professionals will only pay ments and impact of State Architect teams (or similar
viding a visible point of contact for external organ- proper attention if they recognize enough design skills bodies) in fostering spatial quality and a place-making
isations and internal discussion. and competence in its leader. Personality and motiva- culture -, this chapter intends to provide a snapshot
tion will also be important characteristics of those key of the different State Architect teams in Europe and
More specifically, a design champion should be/have: actors whose role it is to champion design. A person beyond. As was the case with design champions, the
without a sincere passion and commitment for good position of State Architect team is an old tradition on
• an executive or a non-executive board member design will not be able to persuade colleagues both several countries and states around the globe, while
knowledgeable about design and able to persuade within the organization and the wider system of pro- in others this position as just been recently created.
colleagues both within the organization and in the duction of the commercial and social benefits that Similarly, the main functions vary across these local
wider industry of the commercial and social bene- design quality can offer. contexts as each position tries to address specific
fits that design quality offers; local issues and particularities, but there are certainly
As will be seen in the case studies where there is a also common elements and apparent influences across
• able to work with all relevant teams within the State Architect office in place, the selection process regions and borders.
organization; for the State Architect position is very demanding, fol-
lowing a series of steps and interviews procedures
• able to see the bigger picture and help develop a based on multi-criteria assessment, evaluating things
corporate vision; such as personality, ability to solve complex problems
and communication skills.
• a commitment and passion for good design;

• significant professional experience of design or a

recognised design qualification;

• technical support available within the organization;

• an understanding of the industry context and

commercial relationships across the supply chain

BACK TO INDEX 23 The rise of state architect teams 24

4.1 THE ROLE OF THE STATE ARCHITECT ing and approving designs prepared by private-sector environment policy, such as ministries or departments there are several states that have the position of State
architects. – although there are many cases where such depart- Architect: Ohio, California, Colorado and Tennessee,
At the global level there are many national and state ments take on some of the roles mentioned in the pre- to mention just a few.
governments that have a public official within its admin- Taking in consideration the wide range of sectoral vious section, to varying extents.
istrative organisation entitled ‘State Architect’ or ‘Chief departments involve in design, the role of the State The Division of the State Architect (DSA) of California
Government Architect’ (for now on, only referred as Architect is to provide leadership and strategic advice The Netherlands have had a Chief Architect since the provides design and construction oversight for public
State Architect). The State Architect is often supported to Government to improve the design of public build- beginning of the nineteenth century, under one name schools, community colleges, and various other state-
by a small team composed of a group of officials and ings and spaces. Besides planning and design- or another (Netherlands, 2006). Nowadays, the Dutch owned and leased facilities. The division also develops
administrative staff, whose size and structure varies ing public buildings, the State Architect is also usu- Chief Architect is assisted by a Board of Government accessibility, structural safety, and historical building
according with its specific competencies (Bento, ally called to provide advice to the government about Advisors and a small staff team. Among other tasks, codes and standards utilized in various public and pri-
2012). The State Architect and its subordinates usu- building regulations or other related legislation. It also the Chief Architect promotes and monitors the urban vate buildings throughout the state of California.
ally form an organizational unit with the same name of contributes to policy and design advocacy, namely in integration and architectural quality of all government
the State Architect (e.g. the Office of the State Archi- the definition and development of architecture and built buildings, harmonizing architecture with urban and The Office of the State Architect (OSA) of Colorado
tect, Division of the State Architect, Chief Government environment policy. rural planning, monument preservation and the use of is statutorily responsible for the administration of state
Architect Team, or similar). art works. funded planning, construction, energy conservation
Although the specific functions of a State Architect and real estate transactions at state agencies and insti-
Although the specific competences and areas of may vary from state to state, it may include: The position of the Chief Architect of the Netherlands tutions of higher education. Additional responsibilities
responsibility of a State Architect vary according later served as influence for regions of Belgium to include: establishing policies and procedures, provid-
with the national/state context, they normally involve • Preparing designs and specifications for state- establish their own version of the post, called ‘Bou- ing technical support and training, recommending the
responsibility for the design and/or construction of owned building or renovation projects; wmeester’, starting with Flanders at the end of the annual controlled maintenance state-wide budget and
public buildings. With expansion of the welfare state, • Selecting and overseeing the work of architectural 1990s, which is one of this research case studies. state agency capital construction budget requests to
governments needed to plan and built a wide range firms contracted by the public sector to prepare Then in 2007 the position was also introduced in Wal- the Governor’s Office of State Planning and Budgeting
of public facilities, such as administrative buildings, designs and specifications for state-owned build- lonia leading to the creation of the ‘Architecture Cell of and the Capital Development Committee of the general
schools, universities, hospitals, medical centres, justice ing projects; the Wallonia-Brussels Federation’ and kept spreading assembly.
courts, defence and security buildings, etc. Therefore, • Reviewing and approving designs prepared by pri- across the country. In 2009 the Brussels Government
there was a practical need to have someone respon- vate-sector architects for buildings owned by the chose their own first Bouwmeester for a five-year term, The other place where the position of State Architects
sible for the design of public buildings, usually within state such as schools, courts, hospitals, etc; Charleroi followed soon after and Gent is expected to is well established is Australia. Australia employs a
the Office of Public Works or similar body in charge • Providing advice and participate in the develop- follow suit. Government Architect for each of its territories except
for the planning and development of public amenities. ment of building codes and regulations; for Tasmania, where the position was established 2009
This means that the State Architect will work closely • Developing and managing public funds for state In a case that will also be discussed in more detail later, but went under review and finally lapsed when its holder
with other technical departments constituted by a wide building construction programs; the Irish policy established the position of State Archi- resigned in 20125. New South Wales, Queensland and
variety of professionals (e.g. structural and safety engi- • Coordinating and providing inspection programs tect in 2009, essentially as an upgrade of the previous Western Australia have had Government Architects
neers, surveyors, urban planners, etc.) as well financial for public building projects. position of ‘principal architect’ within a specific depart- (under various names) since the 19th century, while the
or law departments. ment. Elsewhere, while the position does not offi- Northern Territory, Victoria and Capital Territory posi-
It should be noted that the State Architect (or similar) cially exist today, Iceland’s first State Architect Gudjón tions were created after 2000.
However, the need for proper facilities for performing teams are normally separated from the licensing board Samúelsson (1887-1950) designed important public
state activities is shared by all sectors and levels of the or professional institutions responsible for regulating building such as the National Theatre. Each territory office is different, with slight variations in
administration, involving almost all public policies of the the profession through rules of admission (like exams) its role and responsibilities. In general, though, the gov-
state, such as education, health, justice, defence, etc. and for licensing practicing architects in the country/ More recently, in September 2018, Sweden´s govern- ernment architects’ duties involve providing advice and
In many countries, each sectoral area has its own small state. In some countries, such as in the United King- ment has appointed it first national architect, who will expert opinion/evaluation on particular projects as well
public works department responsible for the manage- dom, a person may only practise or carry on business be responsible by the supervision of the new national as fostering collaborative relationships with external
ment and maintenance of their sectoral building stock, under any name using the word architect if it has the architecture policy for Sweden4. bodies (universities, cultural foundations etc.). Advice
while in other countries this is centralized in major title of architect registered at the Architects Registra- and consultation are provided to other governmental
building and property agencies3. tion Board. 4.3 STATE ARCHITECTS ELSEWHERE bodies; government architects might assess private
development proposals but they don’t, as a general
Regardless of the size and distribution of the architec- 4.2 THE STATE ARCHITECTS IN EUROPE In the United States of America there is a long tradition rule, engage with private developers in the design pro-
ture pie slices, most of these state departments do not of chief architect office. At the federal level, there is a cess. Also shared across territories is the responsibil-
have the capacity to prepare the designs and specifi- Specific case studies from Europe are of course the chief architect for the Public Buildings Service (PBS), ity to champion design quality and to promote the role
cations for larger public (as in, state-owned) building focus of this report, presented in later sections. For of the General Services Administration (GSA). Consid- of, and appreciation for, architecture and urban design.
projects. In this sense, the office of the State Architect a brief overview of State Architects globally however, ered one of the most influential architectural roles in the
helps in the process of selecting and overseeing the it would be useful to take here a very quick glimpse government, the chief architect oversees thousands Finally, one rather unique element in the Australian case
work of architectural firms contracted by the state. Fol- across the European panorama. This is just regarding of PBS owned and leased assets. At the state level,
lowing this phase, in some cases it also helps review- specifically the role of state or government architects,
in example places where that exists; and not the formal 4 Sweden’s National Bill for architecture and design tasmanian-government-architect-resigns-position-un [accessed
3 Danish Building and Property Agency government structures dealing with architecture & built (Prop. 2017/18: 110) 20/09/18]

BACK TO INDEX 25 The rise of state architect teams 26

that is worth mentioning specifically is that the Gov- was established particularly to champion the highest files, sample selection PV and attribution, etc.) that iv. Communications, including undertaking
ernment Architects are connected through a formalised standards in architecture and placemaking, advocat- facilitate the work of local operators. Meetings with and publishing research, weighing in on
network, the Government Architects Network of Aus- ing a better understanding of the importance of quality the Walloon regional tutelage have also clarified current problems, issuing recommenda-
tralia (GANA)6. This is a national collaborative exchange design in both the public and private sectors. A+DS its position, which is now in line with this way of tions etc.
platform, with annual meetings, whose aim is to facili- works through six programmes to advocate the ben- proceeding.
tate knowledge and information exchange between efits of excellence in design, including urban design, v. and finally, sharing experience on an inter-
the different offices and to enable them to benefit from design review, school design and healthcare design. II. Support and develop the integration of works of national level, by promoting the French
each other’s experience, skills and resources. Other similar examples from different national contexts art in public buildings; for which we will not go into concept of ‘savoir-faire’ beyond the nation
include the following: detail here, and finally, and participating in discussions on harmo-
4.4 OTHER SIMILAR STRUCTURES nizing policy and practices across Europe.
Ministerial Advisory Group on Architecture and III. Promote architecture as a cultural discipline,
Several countries have been supporting cultural orga- the Built Environment (Northern Ireland) through a policy of implementation and support Local architecture advisory bodies
nizations directly engaged with the promotion and for both public and private initiatives involved in
awareness of architectural culture. One of the main In 2006, the Northern Ireland government adopted the the identification, promotion and enhancement of Some countries have created local architectural advi-
aims of the architectural polices is to create a favour- Policy for Architecture and the Built Environment and architecture and its associated disciplines sory bodies dedicated to promoting design quality at
able climate for the generation of design quality. To do in 2007 established a publicly appointed group of pro- the local level. Some of these bodies give free tech-
so, they aim to raise awareness of the general public, fessionals. Now comprising a Chair, 7 Members and MIQCP | Inter-ministerial Mission for the nical advice to clients and local authorities as others
which in turn will have an impact on the quality of the 21 Specialist Advisors, the Ministerial Advisory Group Quality of Public Buildings (France) charge a small commission for their expert service,
built environment by raising consumers (clients, buyers, (MAG) advises on the implementation and develop- such as helping to set up architectural competitions
communities) expectations about the quality of design. ment of the Policy. MIQCP was created in 1977 to promote quality in (Bento, 2012). For example, the Netherlands created
In this sense, the recognition of the importance of the public construction sector, which is considered the Architectuur Lokaal foundation, an independent
communicating the value of Architecture to the gen- The MAG Group undertakes its roles in a number of to include any new or maintenance work on buildings, centre of expertise and information devoted to commis-
eral public has led several governments to financially ways including: briefing and design workshops, design infrastructures and open spaces under the responsi- sioning building development in the Netherlands. This
support new cultural organizations, mainly through the reviews, consultation responses, site visits, sympo- bility of the State or local authorities. MIQCP works lightweight structure (10 people) is subsidised by four
ministries of culture, obtaining the remaining funding siums, position papers, research, advising and working mainly by bringing together different actors involved in Ministries concerning architecture (culture, town plan-
from privative sponsorship and donations. with government departments and district councils built environment projects, and its specific actions fall ning, environment and transport), and is in contact with
under five key themes: both public and private clients: these include the local
In this sense, cultural institutions have been develop- Cellule Architecture (Wallonia – Belgium) authorities as well as real estate developers and private
ing programmes targeting different audiences, such i. Client involvement, where the main goal individuals involved in building operations. AL mission
as young generations (via school workshops, teach- The missions of the Cellule architecture are articulated is to mobilise all clients and to foster pro- is to act as a link between national policies and local
ing materials etc.), professional designers (lectures, around three main objectives: ductive relationships with state and local practices, to help local agents apply national policies
debates, etc.) and wider public (exhibitions, open authorities, using its position as an impar- as well as incorporate local practices and experience
houses, TV programmes, etc.). Although the scale and I. Guarantee architectural quality in buildings and tial body to mediate where necessary. In into national decisions.
concept differ between the different bodies, their main spaces accessible to the public, by promoting a this, the MIQCP acts as the expert con-
objective is to present and provide information about creative architecture, integrating environmental sultant, involved in the all stages of the City architects
architecture and urban matters, creating spaces for and energy performance, and by using the disci- development process prior to actually
debate about the future of the built environment. plines associated with architecture such as land- breaking ground, as well as in design Several municipalities have appointed City Architects to
scape, furniture design and signage, scenography, competitions. develop work as local authority design champions explic-
To ensure that design quality is a core aim of all state etc. itly tasked with providing design leadership. According
departments and agencies many cities and municipali- ii. Contribution to the evolution of proce- with Tiesdell (2011), design leadership involves culti-
ties have created an architectural advisory body to pro- To achieve this, the Architecture Unit accompa- dures, which refers to general and specific vating the conditions under which place-making rises
mote design quality within the public sector. The con- nies the implementation processes of the designer regulatory frameworks. MIQCP advises up the urban agenda, enabling better outcomes on the
figuration and competence of these bodies changes designation contracts (assistance with the drafting on the preparation of legislation, engages ground. As will be seen in the Danish case, there are 7
considerably from country to country depending on of programs, identification of constraints, estab- with professional bodies and acts as a cities in Denmark that have appointed a City Architect.
administrative structure and preferences of domestic lishment of favourable conditions for the smooth resource centre open to public clients and The same has happened in The Netherlands, where
actors. Nevertheless, all have the general principle that running of teams’ competition, communication, project consultants. several cities created with this position, as well as in
the state should lead by example, being a role model etc.). The objective is to give the buildings of the other northern European countries. For example, Riga’s
for society as a building promoter, client and property Wallonia-Brussels Federation to those it co-fi- iii. Training and increasing awareness, which City Architect Office has the following mission:
owner. nances or whose design it accompanies an exem- includes training courses and consul-
plary value for the community. tations open to clients and professional “to facilitate well-balanced and sustainable devel-
A characteristic example is that of Scotland and the bodies, on themes such as the challenges opment of Riga’s urban environment by improving
A+DS, which was briefly mentioned already and will The Architecture Unit has developed a series of of maintaining design quality and the train- the work of municipality in supervision of archi-
be revisited when examining this case study. A+DS standard documents in a practical guide (choice ing of jury members for competitions. tectural quality – upgrading the set of admin-
of procedure, terms of reference, timeline, organ- istrative instruments and maintaining a regular,
6 ization of the jury, pre-analysis framework for the open, timely, comprehensive and professional

BACK TO INDEX 27 The rise of state architect teams 28

discussion about the ideas and projects that are
significant to the community and popularising the
best achievements in Latvian architecture in other

countries and cities.” (Riga, 2005)

Although with a different nature, the Mayor of London

Sadiq Khan has just appointed 50 Mayor’s Design

Advocates to work on the Good Growth by Design
programme, an architecture and spatial design strategy
of Great London Authority. According with the Mayors
webpage, the aim is for London’s public organisations

to create quality buildings and public spaces that will
enrich London’s communities now and in the future.
They will support London authority and address the
challenges facing’s our built environment.7

As discussed in the previous chapter, the position of In this context, this Chapter will describe the five
State Architect and its supporting teams has long been selected case studies. For each of them, there will be
established in several countries and states around the a brief description of the public policy on architecture
world (e.g. USA or Australia). In several others, the State and objectives, the main actors and its design policy
Architect is a relatively recent position within national or tools, as well as other relevant actors. The following
state public administration. In addition, in the European chapters will carry out a comparative analysis on the
context this is still the exception and mostly a northern different models found, in their main differences and
European phenomenon. As such, some questions can similarities. The first (Chapter 6) will discuss the main
be raised about the role and importance of such a posi- advantages of having a State Architect team, the main
tion. Which are the practical advantages of having a policy instruments and any limitations. The second
State Architect? Does government need a State Archi- (Chapter 7) will look across the five case studies and
tect position to deliver good spatial design leadership? discuss the importance of spatial design leadership.
If yes, what are its main competences and instruments? Finally, a last chapter will present some conclusions on
Last but not least, what has been the impact of State the role, instruments and impact of States Architect (or
Architects on processes of design governance? similar) teams in fostering a placemaking culture.

This is the type of questions to which this chapter will

try to provide an answer. As explained in Section 2.3,
besides three states that have a State Architect team
– Flanders, Ireland and Scotland – it was decided to
also select two additional states that do not have such
a position – Austria and Denmark –, with the aim to
explore their design governance system, the design
advisor teams that may exist and the way in which gov-
ernmental spatial design leadership takes place. Fol-
lowing this approach, it would be possible to compare
models of spatial design leadership that feature State
Architect teams with models that provide spatial design
leadership in other ways.

guidance/about-good-growth-design (accessed 15/8/2018)


5.1 THE IRISH CASE icy’s main aim was ‘to place architecture higher on the Building on the previous policy, the 2009 policy docu- change of title from Principal Architect in the Office
political and cultural agenda and in so doing to remove ment introduced 15 new key policy statements, plac- of Public Works (OPW) to State Architect of Ireland.
5.1.1 The architectural policy of Ireland impediments to the achievement of a built environment ing more emphasis on sustainable development and According to the Irish architectural policy (2009), the
of good quality’ (Ireland, 2002, p. 5). However, at the urban design. As such, the concept of place-making State Architect is responsible for ‘leading and man-
The development of the first Irish architectural policy end of its implementation period in 2005, the policy’s is more central than in the previous version. Never- aging the OPW architectural team, with oversight of
goes back to early nineties, when a working group of lack of practical results began to come to light. One theless, it continues to ‘encourage and support high the architectural input to construction projects, mainte-
experts was set up within the Royal Institute of the of the reasons for this was a strong restructuring of quality modern architecture, incorporating architec- nance of the quality of the fabric of the state’s property
Architects of Ireland (RIAI) to prepare a policy draft the Irish government in 2002. The Department of Arts tural heritage in a holistic, integrated manner’ (Ireland, portfolio and the conservation of heritage properties
and deliver it to the government. These efforts led to ceased to exist and the architectural policy respon- 2009, p. 2). In addition, the new policy continues to in state care, as well as being the main advisor to the
the establishment of a governmental interdepartmen- sibilities were transferred to the new Department of promote ‘awareness and understanding of the contri- Government in relation to architectural matters.
tal working group that developed a public consultation Environment, Heritage and Local Government. Con- bution of good design to the daily life and well-being
document, which was approved by the Council of Min- sequently, only some of the actions envisaged would of society as a whole’ (Ibidem, p. 6). The revised policy The Architectural Services division of the OPW is in
isters in 1996. This first step represented a major mile- come to fruition (Mee & Wakely, 2008, p. 24).8 contains 45 actions divided into six parts, covering a charge of architectural design, construction and sup-
stone for the Irish policy development as, for the first number of recurring themes. Its implementation pro- port services for most public facilities except schools
time, Ireland had an official document at the national Nevertheless, the architectural policy action 11, which gramme extends for seven years and the execution of and hospitals, and develops a wide range of projects,
level recognizing the social and cultural importance of provided for the creation of a new Virtual Architecture its actions is distributed among several public and pri- including major restoration and refurbishment projects
architecture. Centre, would facilitate the establishment of the Irish vate stakeholders. for historic properties and cultural institutions, office
Architecture Foundation (IAF), in 2005. As such, in an accommodation for government departments and
indirect way, the first Irish architectural policy facilitated Unlike the first period, there was a strong commitment other agencies, police stations, prisons, social welfare
the creation of the IAF, enabling an institutional part- from the government to implement the policy action offices, etc. Besides managing the Architectural Ser-
nership between public and private actors in which plan. One of the factors that contributed to the good vices, the State Architect role also includes the follow-
everyone contributed with a certain amount to support levels of success was the ability to work across differ- ing functions:
the new Irish Architecture Foundation financially, which ent departments. Considering the transversal aims of
agreement is still maintained today. the GPA, one of the main difficulties in policy imple- • advising on the implementation of the Architecture
mentation is to get enough political support to be able Policy Actions;
After the implementation period of the first architec- to persuade the different departments and state agen-
Fig. 3 – Irish public consultation document tural policy, which ran from 2002 to 2005, work on the cies to follow and execute the assigned policy actions. • contributing to the Government Construction
on architectural policy (1996)
development of a revised policy on architecture com- As will be seen, this problem cuts across all the case Contracts Committee (GCCC) to developing pro-
menced. In October 2007, the government appointed a studies. curement and contracting policies in support of
Despite these initial steps, it would take seven years for steering committee with representatives from a broad design quality in State funded projects;
the adoption of the first formal Irish architectural policy. spectrum of the public and private sectors and three One of the first actions that was put in place was the
In 1997, four months after the consultation process, a focus groups. A series of public consultation meetings change of title of the Principal Architect in the Office • advising on legislation and regulations affecting
first architecture policy statement was approved set- coordinated by the IAF were held throughout the coun- of Public Works (OPW) to State Architect of Ireland quality in architecture and the built environment;
ting the basis for an action programme. However, due try, and a website was created as part of the public (GPA Action 6). Besides the change in the title, the
to several political changes, only in 2000 a new inter- consultation process. Finally, in June 2009, the gov- State Architect also held a higher position in OPW • give unrequested advice regarding the design
departmental working group was established to define ernment adopted the new policy entitled Towards a hierarchy. To improve the co-ordination of the policy quality of all infrastructural programmes.
concrete policy actions and initiatives. Finally, in 2002, sustainable future: Delivering quality within the built implementation, two structures were also established:
Ireland’s first policy on architecture was adopted, under environment. 1) an Advisory Committee, a high-level advisory group In this sense, the State Architect assumes a multi-fac-
the title: Action on Architecture 2002-2005. of stakeholders/partners to advise the government on eted role leading the Architectural Services of the
policy actions delivery and implementation; and 2) the OPW and promoting a culture of best practice inside
Implementation Group, an inter-sectoral platform that the state. In short, his role is to champion design quality
managed aspects concerning the implementation of the in public buildings, similarly to other States Architects
actions as required. In addition, to administer the policy elsewhere (see chapter 4).
and better coordinate the actions, it was decided to
have a full-time person responsible for monitoring the At first glance, the change of the title by itself does
policy actions on an ongoing basis. The higher number not seem to have much impact on how the other state
of actors involved in the delivery of the actions is note- departments manage the design quality of their own
worthy, which may be a problem if the partners do not construction works. However, the current State Archi-
collaborate. This will be examined in the next chapter. tect mentioned that the new title has given him a stron-
ger position inside the government as well as the abil-
Fig. 5 – Second Irish architectural policy (2009) 5.1.2 The State Architect of Ireland: ity to persuade other departments to raise the design
Fig. 4 – First Irish architectural policy (2002) role and instruments quality of their projects (2018: interview). In fact, the
State Architect sits at the board of OPW administra-
As its name suggests, the first formal Irish architectural 8 One of the few Architectural policy actions delivered was the creation
As mentioned above, one of the first measures put in tion at the same level as the other first line directors
policy defined a programme embracing action. The pol- of a biennial award aimed at young practitioners. place by the second Irish architectural policy was the reporting directly to the general manager. Therefore,


his power of influence across OPW was reinforced Selection procedure Table 2 – Principal Core Funding Arts Council / Architecture division
Contributions to IAF in 2008
in terms of hierarchy, which also give him more status
inside the wider public administration (Ibidem). The position of State Architect in Ireland is a seven-year Source Amount €
The Architecture division of the Irish Arts Council pro-
mandate. According to the State Architect, the selec- motes a national programme entitled ‘Engagement with
Arts Council 58,000
The current State Architect of Ireland mentioned that tion and appointment procedure is very demanding, Architecture’, which provides funding for specific archi-
DOEHLG 60,000
the new title has brought on a reinforced authority including several stages and interviews (2018: inter- tecture culture initiatives aiming to enhance the pub-
to demand better buildings from other departments, view). Applicants are required to take an aptitude test Dublin City Council 30,000 lic’s experience of architecture. They also offer travel
which otherwise would not feel obliged to receive and, in the final stage, to present their vision for what Office of Public Works 30,000 & training awards as well as an open call for exper-
advice from someone outside their organization (2018: they want to achieve during their tenure and answer RIAI 50,000 imental, ambitious projects. These schemes can be
interview). In this framework, he mentioned that the questions on that. The application is publicly advertised TOTAL 228,000 awarded to architecture-related projects, but they are
status of State Architect has helped him in several sit- and open to anyone, including international applicants. open to a range of artistic fields and practices – and,
uations, for example in meetings with different groups (based on the Report of the Arts Council as such, it’s not the built environment per se that is their
Public Engagement & Architecture, 2008)
or in making an argument for the need to pay greater 5.1.3 Other relevant actors focus, rather the cultural dimension of architecture.
attention to design quality (Ibidem). Regarding public
agencies responsible for public-private partnerships Built Heritage and Architectural Policy Following the discussion on chapter 3, IAF constitutes Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland (RIAI)
for example, which generally say that they do not have Unit / Department of heritage a national design champion promoting the cultural value
to follow his advice because they are a different organi- of architecture and advocating for better design in the The RIAI is the professional body responsible for the
zation, the State Architect explained that “if they do not The Built Heritage and Architectural Policy Unit is built environment. Among several initiatives aimed at regulation of the profession, ensuring that standards
[agree to] raise the design standards he would go to responsible for the development and cross-sectoral broader audiences, it organizes expositions, educa- are put in place and upheld. They are also active in two
the office of the Prime Minister and complain that they coordination of the Government Policy on Architec- tional programmes, etc. According to its website, the further areas, supporting and promoting. Supporting
are not cooperating (ibid.).” ture 2009-2015 implementation, which involves ongo- IAF is a “focal point for the many people and organi- refers to the representation of the views of Ireland’s
ing interdepartmental and agency co-operation. The sations that wish to champion the power of architec- architects on a wide range of industry bodies and inter-
An additional perspective on the significance of the work requires the involvement of: the Department of ture to transform lives and improve the places where national organisation, while promoting includes events
title was offered by Kathryn Meghen, the director of the the Environment, Heritage and Local Government; the we live and work. Through a programme of self-initi- and awards, producing guidelines for architectural
RIAI, who pointed out that it also carried a symbolic Department of Education and Skills; the Department of ated events, it inspires people to become thoughtful practice and supporting its members.
importance, both within the country and as a senior Arts, Sport and Tourism; the Department of Finance; and engaged stewards of the visual landscape.”
representative abroad (2018: interview). In her words, the OPW, professional bodies and institutions such as
“it shows an acknowledgement by the government that the RIAI and the IAF; state agencies etc. As such, the IAF has become an important player in the
they value what architects have to contribute” (Ibid). Irish context. Recalling its mission, its strategic focus
It also assumes the following functions and services: is to promote the value of architecture and engage the
In terms of his position within the official government public in design. Soon after its establishment, the IAF
structure (as opposed to an independent role found • Providing an administrative, policy and legislative managed the Loving Architecture festival (2005) and
in other case studies), the Irish State Architect (2018: framework to protect architectural heritage as a since 2006 it has managed the Open House, offering
interview) believes that it is vital for his work, mainly national resource; the public an opportunity to visit buildings of architec-
because it means he gets to be part of policy making tural interest. In 2008, the IAF was responsible for man-
early on in the process. In his view, having his office be • Promoting increased public awareness and appre- aging the public consultation process on behalf of the
part of the formal government structure means that the ciation of architecture and national built heritage; government, aimed at informing the development of a
State Architect is not a political appointment, affiliated new national architecture policy, while also co-curating
with any particular party, and can therefore ensure con- • Ensuring that built heritage is conserved, managed Ireland’s entry to the Venice Biennale of Architecture.
sistency and maintain his influence as expert across and planned, for an effective, sustainable manage-
government changes. ment of heritage resources; Considering that IAF is a small organization, with only
two full-time staff, its importance seems to exceed its
Following the discussion on chapter 3 about design • Promoting best practice in contemporary architec- current capabilities. The Foundation is linked to the
leadership, it is possible to conclude that the position ture and urban design. State Architect’s office, by means of financial as well
of State Architect, attributed to someone with a rec- as operational support and board membership. As in
ognized ‘professional status’, plays an important role Irish Architecture Foundation (IAF) other case studies, this relationship between the State
in championing design quality throughout the govern- Architect team and an external cultural body seems to
mental structure. To achieve this, it is necessary to have As mentioned, in an indirect way, the first Irish architec- be beneficial for both parties.
a continuous action that is not awarded legal status tural policy facilitated the creation of the IAF, enabling
and cannot be measured in terms of specific outputs. an institutional partnership between public and private
Most of these soft actions include informal talks with actors in which everyone contributed with a certain
key actors, convincing them for the need to raise stan- amount to support the new IAF financially (Table 2).
dards and adopt a long-term approach towards a more
social and environmentally sustainable built outcomes.


Kevin Street Divisional Garda Year: 2018
Masterplan And Landscaping Location:
(Police) Headquarters
Location: For Backweston Laboratory Celbridge, Co.kildare, Ireland
Architect: Dublin, Ireland Campus
Year: 2005 OPW grant funds the Irish The collections housed by the
OPW Architects Architectural Archive to the Archive comprise the largest body
Photographer: Architects:
OPW Architects sum of €30,000 annually of historic architectural records
Artur Sikora
in Ireland and as such constitute
The mission of the IAA is to collect a vital national cultural resource.
and preserve material of every kind They include the most significant
Ceide Fields Visitor Center Year: 1993 relating to the architecture of the body of historic Irish architectural
entire island of Ireland, and make it drawings in the world, with in
Architect: Location:
available to the public. excess of 2.5 million drawings and
OPW Architects County Mayo, Ireland
related documents ranging in date
from the late seventeenth to the
early twenty-first centuries. Also
housed in the Archive are over
500,000 photographs, making
it one of the largest collections
of photographs in Ireland, and
an extensive reference library,
with more than 25,000 items of
printed matter. The holdings of
the Irish Architectural Archive
contain material - primary or
secondary - on every notable Irish
architect, on every important Irish
building period or style, and on
most significant buildings in the 32
counties of Ireland.

Kevin Street Divisional Garda Year: 2018

(Police) Headquarters
Location: Wexford Garda (Police) Year: 2018
Architect: Dublin, Ireland Regional Headquarters
OPW Architects Location:
Photographer: Architect: Wexford, Ireland
Artur Sikora OPW Architects
Aisling Mccoy

Waterford Courthouse Year: 2018

Architect: Location:
OPW Architects Waterford, Ireland

Conservation maintenance Architect:

and management works OPW National Monuments
at Skellig Michael (Sceilg
Mhichíl) (Unesco World Location:
Heritage Site) Ireland


The Blasket Island Visitor Year: 1993 Wexford Opera House Year: 2008
Location: Architect: Location:
Architect: Dun Chaoin, Dingle Peninsula, Co. OPW Architects and Keith Wexford, Ireland
OPW Architects Kerry, Ireland Williams

The State Laboratories Year: 2005

Office Accommodation Year: 2009
Architect: Location:
Architect: Location: OPW Architects Backweston,
Grafton Architects Dublin, Ireland Co. Kildare, Ireland

Denis Gilbert

Refurbishment of the National Year: 2017

Gallery of Ireland
Architect: Dublin, Ireland
Heneghan Peng Contributing to the production
Photographer: of building standards covering
Marie-Louise Halpenny the ‘Conservation of Fuel and
Energy – Buildings other than
Dwellings’ along with other
government departments

Year: 2017

The Marine Institute Year: 2006 Drogheda Courthouse Year: 2017

Location: Architect: Location:
Architect: Oranmore, Co. Galway, Ireland OPW Architects Drogheda, Ireland
OPW Architects


The Restoration of the Year: 2004 Commemorative Bridge Year: 2018 Open House Event, organised The events in 2018 saw over
Palmhouse Complex Competition by Irish Architecture 31,088 visits to 170 events across
Location: Location: Foundation (IAF) is an Dublin.
Architect: National Botanic Gardens, Architect: Irish National War Memorial architectural festival where
OPW Architects Dublin, Ireland To be announced pending result of Gardens, Dublin, Ireland buildings are opened to the A total of 29 no. OPW operated
completition (feb 2019) public over a 3 day period in buildings took part attracting
Photographer: 9,112 visitors
October every year
Ross Kavanagh
The OPW participates, assists in OPW grant aids the IAF €30,000
the organisation and part funds annually
the event.

EU Food And Veterinary Year: 2002

Architect: Grange, Co. Meath, Ireland
OPW Architects

Letterkenny Courthouse Year: 2017 Wexford Courthouse Year Of Completion:

Architect: Location: Architects:
OPW Architects Letterkenny, Co. Donegal, Ireland Newenham Mulligan & Associates Location:
(Nma) And Wejchert Architects Wygram Place, Wexford

Fionn McCann
Advisory Role:

The Office of the State Architect The National Children’s Hospital

has participated in an advisory role
on a number of significant public The Central Bank Headquarters
infrastructural projects including: Building

Doolin Coastguard Station Year: 2014

Architect: Location:
Dominic Stevens Architects With Doolin, Co. Clare, Ireland
Dorman Architects
Ross Kavanagh


5.2 THE SCOTTISH CASE tecture, design and planning in the built environment. life. After several public meetings, the Scottish Gov-
Considered a major policy achievement, A&DS took ernment adopted a new Architecture and Place Policy,
In terms of administrative structure, Scotland has had over and expanded the activities of the Royal Fine Art in June 2013.
its own devolved Parliament and Government since Commission for Scotland (RFACS). The role of A&DS
1998, with the power to legislate in all areas of policy will be explored further ahead.
except for those overarching ones reserved to the UK
government (such as immigration, foreign policy, and In 2006, the Scottish Executive published a strategy on
defence). The devolved government runs the country in the future of cultural policy. There was a commitment to
relation to all other matters; its responsibilities include ‘develop and launch a new architectural policy state-
health, education, justice, rural affairs, housing and the ment, with a strengthened role to influence the quality
environment9. of the built environment’ (2006, p. 53). In 2007, a new
architectural policy document was adopted. Although
The government is structured into a number of direc- the new Scottish policy was only signed by the Cul-
torates which, with their internal divisions as well as via ture Minister, it stated that there was a need to expand
related public bodies, are responsible for putting policy Fig. 6 – Scottish public consultation document on archi- the policy scope to a wider urban design agenda plac-
into practice10. Planning and architecture are a respon- tectural policy (1999)
ing an emphasis on the broad concept of place-mak- Fig. 9 – Third Scottish architectural policy (2013)
sibility of the Local Government and Communities ing (Scotland, 2007, p. 10). As such, the scope of the
Directorate, as a specific policy area and, organisation- Under the coordination of the Chief Architect’s Office, revised Scottish policy was expanded to the whole built The revised policy was signed by the Culture Secre-
ally, a separate division operating under a Chief Plan- a series of public meetings was held across Scotland environment advocating an urban design approach. tary and the Minister for Local Government and Plan-
ner. Within that operates the internal division of Archi- to collect views and comments on the policy docu- ning. Thus Scotland had, for the first time, a national
tecture & Place, headed by the Chief Architect, whose ment (LGC, 2000). Following the consultation period, inter-ministerial policy for the built environment.
functions run the gamut of built environment aspects, the first architectural Policy in Scotland was formally Despite the new scope and strategy, the third Scottish
from housing and heritage to community engagement, adopted by the Parliament, in 2001. policy builds upon the solid foundation of the previous
promotion and advocacy or development delivery11. policies, maintaining more or less the same concep-
The main aim of the Scottish policy was ‘to seek tual framework, objectives and tools. Nevertheless, the
5.2.1 The architectural policy of Scotland improvements in the quality of Scotland’s buildings, Chief Architect (2018: interview) referred that:
both public and private, and in the quality of the built
The development of the Scottish architectural policy environment’ (2001, p. 4). To achieve this broad aim, “this more close connection between planning
started with the Scottish devolution process in 1997. the policy advocated for a wider recognition of the and design policy was made possible due
Within this process, the Government Programme, importance and value of good design identified five key to team work resultant from the new
drafted by a coalition agreement between the Labour objectives. To achieve these objectives, the Scottish Architecture and Place Division.”
Party and the Liberal Democrats, included the following policy established 40 government actions intended
initiative: “We will develop the first ever national policy to help raise awareness of the value of good building About the cultural connections and engagement
on architecture’ (Scotland, 1999)12. design and to promote recognition of the importance of objectives, the revised policy continues to encourage
architecture (Scotland, 2005). Fig. 8 – Second Scottish architectural policy (2007) debate on the role of architecture and to enhance the
In September 1999, four months after the Scottish understanding of building design through several cul-
elections, the new Executive published a framework The main aim of the second Scottish policy remained tural programs, mostly delivered by A+DS. As such,
document for public consultation entitled ‘The devel- basically the same but with greater focus on place A+DS continues to have a pivotal role with regard to
opment of a Policy on Architecture for Scotland’, set- quality and sustainability. The policy argued that poor the implementation of architectural policy through its
ting out the issues, the range of policy objectives and design still remained evident in many parts of Scot- enabling activities and services of design review, both
actions (Scotland, 1999). land, mainly in the periphery of cities (Scotland, 2007). at the national and local level.
Hence, there was a need for a reinforced architectural
policy that could stimulate a virtuous circle of produc- In terms of implementation mechanisms, the Policy
tion, promoting more awareness of the added value of on Architecture Progress Group (PAPG) was estab-
9 (accessed 15/8/2018) design. lished to provide a permanent platform to assist in the
10 (accessed co-ordination of initiatives across departments, to mon-
15/8/2018) In 2008, the Scottish Government created a new itor the success of the policy actions and to provide
11 Directorate for the Built Environment, bringing together a forum. Due to the transversal nature of architectural
Scottish-Government/SG-contacts/TeamStructures (accessed Fig. 7 – First Scottish architectural policy (2001) interests on planning, building standards and archi- policy, the position of Chief Architect and the existence
tecture. As part of this reform, the Architectural Policy of an interdepartmental platform appear to be a criti-
12 The idea of developing a formal architectural policy was in part
One of the first policy outputs was the establishment of Unit merged with the Design Division of Planning to cal strategy to turn design quality into a corporate aim
influenced by several architectural major events at the end of nineties:
the national debate on the design of the new Parliament building, funding to deliver a wide range of activities, events and form the new Architecture and Place Division (APD). across government.
which was animated by the results of an international competition initiatives in support of architecture. In 2005, the Archi- In May 2012, the APD published a paper to underpin a
and exhibition; the Glasgow year of architecture and the recent
establishment of a national centre for architecture and design, The
tecture and Design Scotland (A&DS) was established public consultation process discussing how architec-
Lighthouse. as an independent national champion for good archi- ture and place could help provide a better quality of


5.2.2 The Chief Architect of Scotland: • create successful, thriving and sustainable com- tate a year-long celebration of Scottish innovation non-departmental public body (NDPB) which deliv-
role and instruments munities; and talent (Year of Architecture and Design 2016), ers exhibitions, events and an education programme
• deliver better public buildings which contribute and a specific Festival of Architecture as part of for the public as well as advice, resources and sup-
The position of Chief Architect already existed within to improved service delivery and represent good that. All these were delivered in collaboration with port to practitioners in the built environment sector.
Scotland’s public administration before the Scot- value for money; and other cultural or industry bodies. Considered a major policy achievement, A&DS took
tish devolution process in 1997. Nevertheless, in May • tackle the barriers to good quality development, over and expanded the activities of the Royal Fine Art
1999, after the regional elections to elect its deputies through education, skills and advocacy. • Scottish Scenic Routes Pilots Commission for Scotland (RFACS). Inspired by the
and constitute a Government, the Scottish Executive former English CABE, one of the A&DS roles is to
took possession and started working on a draft for the To do so, APD promotes best practice in planning, The Scottish Scenic Routes pilot programme, develop design review at national level, which is a UK
first national Scottish architecture policy, under the architecture and design by assessing authorities’ per- launched in June 2013, has resulted in the design particularity.
coordination of the Chief Architect’s Office. In 2001, formance, namely through the planning performance and construction of eight innovatively designed
with the formal approval of the first Scottish architec- framework, and also by funding external organisa- viewpoints at popular visitor spots. The proposals In 2009, due to financial difficulties, most of the activities
tural policy the Chief Architects Office became the tions and supporting a number of events, awards and for each pilot site were selected through design of The Lighthouse were transferred to A&DS. Through-
Architecture Policy Unit (APU), with the Chief Architect competitions: competitions aimed at supporting emerging design out the years, A&DS continued to develop several proj-
of Scotland as head of the unit. talent. The initiative was supported by a number of ects. One of them was working with the Scottish Gov-
• Performance partners. ernment Health & Social Care Directorate (SGHSCD)
In this context, APU had the co-ordinating role on and Health Facilities Scotland (HFS) to support Health
architecture and building design quality issues, across APD publishes quarterly and annual statistics on According to the Chief Architect (2018: interview), Boards and create better health buildings and places,
Executive Departments and beyond, developing stron- timescales and approval rates for planning applica- its position is important to get different state actors by ‘assisting those commissioning new, or substantially
ger links with external bodies. Adding to this, in 2004, tions. These statistics also provide information on involved in the policy formulation, to monitor the policy redeveloped facilities, to set strategic design standards
the Minister of Culture established the Policy on Archi- local reviews and enforcement activity. All planning progress and improve inter-departmental co-ordina- for the project’ (A&DS website, consulted July 2015).
tecture Progress Group to inform Executive decisions authorities, and seven of the key agencies, prepare tion promoting design quality as a corporate aim. The In 2017-18, the Scottish executive provided funding
on initiatives to take forward the implementation of an annual Planning Performance Framework (PPF) Chief Architect also mentioned that he is able to work of £1,670,000 to A&DS to promote the value of good
policy commitments and to provide a platform to assist report which provides a measurement of quality of across departments, partly due to the relatively small, architecture and sustainable places in support of cur-
in the co-ordination of initiatives between built envi- the planning service and how it can be improved. manageable size of the Scottish Government, and rent architecture and place policy.
ronment bodies in Scotland and representatives from APD also assess the reports against a set of 15 partly due the current administration’s attitude towards
across Executive Departments. The Group also had the key performance markers. In this framework, APD inter-departmental cooperation – the desired goal, as Interestingly, in all the case studies, state governments
task of monitoring the success of actions taken and prepare an annual Planning Performance Frame- he described it, is a model where “the departments have set up a specific institution to champion the cause
providing a networking forum. work (PPF) report; the Directorate for Planning won’t really matter as much as what the outcomes are, of good design, promoting the importance of architec-
produces an annual review of the Planning and and some of these outcomes are shared” (2018: inter- ture amongst wider audiences, working with planning
As mentioned earlier, in 2008, the Scottish Govern- Environmental Appeals Division 2015-16. view). Per his descriptions, he works in close proxim- authorities and the development industry. For the Scot-
ment created a new Directorate for the Built Environ- ity to other departments, both operationally (towards tish case, the Chief Architect commented specifically
ment, bringing together interests on planning, build- • Funding: Architecture and Design Scotland common aims, such as improving education) as well as on the role of the A&DS, starting with a recognition
ing standards and architecture. As part of this reform, physically (“I can walk down the corridor and in a few that, as an external organisation, it has more freedom
the Architectural Policy Unit (APU) merged with the In 2017-18, APD provided funding of £1,670,000 seconds talk to colleagues in Education” – Ibid.), the than his own office – to work with a wider range of cli-
Design Division of Planning to form the new Architec- to Architecture and Design Scotland (A&DS) to latter being no less important. ents, or directly with communities, for example (2018:
ture and Place Division (APD), which means that the promote the value of good architecture and sus- interview).
same governmental unit was now in charge of both the tainable places in support of current policy. A+DS Nevertheless, other interviewee mentioned that the
Architecture and Place policies. is an executive non-departmental public body Chief Architect could be placed higher in the gov- Maintaining autonomy is then crucial for the role that
(NDPB) which provides exhibitions, events and ernmental structure, to increase his or her capacity to these institutions play, but only as part of a balance
APD is led by the Chief Architect and its main role an education programme for the public as well as demand higher design standards in other public agen- where the other end is a close working relationship with
is to promote quality in design and the built environ- advice, resources and support to practitioners in cies outside his department. This means that, despite the ‘insiders’, in this case the Chief Architect. The CEO
ment, namely, by advising Ministers on design aspects the built environment sector. the title and the small team that supports its activities, of A&DS describes the position as “a voice that has an
of planning and for the development and implementa- inter-departmental barriers will continue to be a difficult independence, but not an entirely separate view from
tion of policies on design in the built environment. A • Awards & Events challenge if the Chief Architect does not have enough the government. We are charged with delivering gov-
key focus of the Chief Architect team is the promotion political support (Bento, 2017). ernment policy and to advise on how to do that best,
of the importance of design considerations in reaching The APD supports, in various ways, awards for: so that sits slightly different from the absolutely inde-
planning decisions. The Chief Architect also takes for- Quality in Planning, Best Building in Scotland 5.2.3 Other relevant actors pendent voice who might question government policy”
ward programmes which link good design in the built (annually), Client of the Year (recognising the other (2018: interview).
environment to the goals and objective for the Direc- side of architectural projects), a number of the- Architecture and Design Scotland (A&DS)
torate for the Built Environment. In sum, the role of the matic ones (for housing design, positive impact in
Chief Architect and its supporting division is to help local communities, photography) and finally one for As explained, the Architecture and Design Scotland
turn policy intentions into action, with a view to: student design work. APD was actively involved in (A&DS) was established in 2005 as an independent
Scotland’s contribution to the 2016 Venice Bien- national champion for good architecture, design and
nale, while at the same period they helped facili- planning in the built environment. A&DS is an executive


Innovative design and the Dundashill presentation event.
delivery of housing: 6 architects were asked by the
Creating Places 2013: Example: Self and Custom Build client, Scottish Canals to develop
Cultural Connections V&A Dundee – new design Challenge Fund launched a custom-build prototype for the
museum delivered as part of December 2017. redevelopment of Dundashill
“The development of creative Dundee’s waterfront regeneration, adjacent to canal-side site in North
places should be encouraged supported by Scottish The Scottish Government is Glasgow
as an effective approach to Government grant of £25million. supporting seven pilots to
delivering high quality sustainable Architect Kengo Kuma encourage more user-involvement Photo:
environments” in the design of housing sites Scottish Canals
Photos: across the country. Images from
Ian Gilzean

Creating Places 2013 Images: Westbank Street Design

Workshop supported by Scottish
Engagement and Empowerment – Government grant to develop
Design processes should harness community led design proposal for
Designing Streets 2011: Architect: the knowledge of communities a key site in Portobello, Edinburgh
Street design must consider Proctor Matthews and encourage active participation
in the design process to deliver Photos:
place before movement
Photo: accessible, quality places Ian Gilzean
The Scottish Government worked Kristen Anderson
with house-builder Mactaggart
and Mickel to demonstrate how
‘Designing Streets’ policy could be
applied on an exemplar residential
development in East Renfrewshire


Creating Places 2013: Images from Scotland’s Word
Cultural Connections Cities Expo – ‘pop-up’ innovative
low cost pavilion installations from
The Scottish Government worked a number European cities adjacent
in partnership with RIAS on to National Galleries of Scotland,
the 2016 Year of Innovation, June 2016
The Place Place Standard masterclass – Architecture and Design with
Standard Tool Edinburgh City Council many events taking place Bergen pavilion
over the course of the year to
Place Standard app accessible on Dundee Pavilion architect
launched December 2015: The promote the quality Scotland’s
AppleStore Kengo Kuma
Place Standard tool provides an built environment to international
accessible way for communities visitors and engage the public at Photos:
Place Standard in use on site in
to evaluate the quality of their home Ian Gilzean
Sydhaven, Copenhagen during
place from a quality and health
CityLink Festivall workshop
perspective. The Place Standard
September 2017
tool has been extremely effective
in action and won the RTPI’s Photos:
UK National Award Planning Ian Gilzean
Excellence Award in 2017. The
World Health Organisation
held a Healthy Cities Network
masterclass in Edinburgh in 2017
and the tool has been translated
into Danish and Dutch for use in
Denmark and the Netherlands

Scotland’s Housing sale and social rent were selected

Expo 2010 after a design competition in
2007 and were opened up to the
International engagement artists, architects and young Supported by Scottish public in August 2010 attracting
people and the innovative Government and Highland over 30,000 visitors. 8 years on
‘The Happenstance’ Scotland’s approach to co-creation of Council, Scotland’s Housing the housing is fully occupied,
contribution to the 2018 Venice under used spaces which has Expo at Milton of Leys on the the landscape has matured and
Biennale at the Palazzo Zenobio been emerged in recent years in edge of Inverness showcased the Expo continues to act as a
created a new garden and Scotland innovative sustainable housing. reference point for innovation in
resource for the local community Place-making, low energy design housing design
to reflect the overall curatorial Photo: and new construction techniques
theme of ‘Freespace’. As well Ian Gilzean were applied in the 50 house site Masterplan by:
as creating a well-loved and to engage the public about the Cadell2
critically acclaimed event space, future of housing and provide a
the curators of The Happenstance well-designed alternative to the
Ian Gilzean
Wave Particle/Architecture and standard housing developments
Design Scotland showcased around the growing city of
creative collaborations between Inverness. A mixture of housing for


5.3 THE FLEMISH CASE Culture supports this publication, which gives an over- would benefit from his high moral authority and powers Hans Ibelings (2009) believes that the current archi-
view of recent architectural designs and public spaces of persuasion to be accepted throughout public admin- tectural policy implemented in the Flanders region has
Flanders is the Dutch-speaking northern part of the together with essays on important issues and develop- istration (Ibid.). Since the beginning of his mandate that been successful and is starting to show evidence. The
Kingdom of Belgium13, which is established as a fed- ments in the field of architecture and urbanism in Flan- Bob Van Reeth started to receive numerous requests author states that one of the visible results that demon-
eral constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary ders. For this, a group of experts is appointed inside to provide design advice on projects and participate in strate this positive influence is the high quality build-
system of governance. Belgium is divided into three and outside the country to make a meaningful selection competition juries. In this framework, he set up a ‘qual- ings that received commission support by the Flemish
highly autonomous regions – the Flemish Region, the of buildings and public spaces for inclusion in the Year- ity chamber’ to give continues advice on projects and Government Architect. Adding to this, in his view, even
Brussels Capital Region and the Walloon Region – and book (Schreurs, 2000, p. 63). comprehensive consideration to architectural policy if the Flemish policy could be relaunched or receive an
three communities: the Dutch-speaking region of Flan- on government buildings. This led to the development extra impulse, the “current policy is certainly not wrong”
ders in the north, the French-speaking Wallonia region Nevertheless, it was noticed that in seven years there of the Open Call, a method of selection architects for and the instruments put in place (the Flanders Architec-
in the south, and the German-speaking cantons in the were only six government buildings in the yearbooks. design assignment requested by public bodies17. ture Institute, the Flemish Government Architect, and
east14. Despite this division, the Federal Government Despite the government’s good intentions to pro- creating subsidies for local architectural initiatives) are
continues to have several political powers, such as, mote better built environments, there was little evi- Beside the position of the Flemish Government Archi- weapons against architectural illiteracy, which will have
foreign affairs, national defence, justice, finance, social dence of higher standards in public building policy tect, there was a political recognition that to create a positive impact at the long term. As such, the policy
security, etc.15 The Regional and Community govern- (Ibidem). This means that the Flemish government had better places it was also necessary to foster a culture implementation in Flanders has led to a new architec-
ments have a wide range of specific competencies: the the practical challenge of leading by example, demon- of placemaking and raise public awareness on the value ture (including urban design, landscape architecture
Regional government is responsible for material sub- strating its commitment to design quality through its of design quality. Within the Flemish Cultural Policy, the and infrastructure) and building culture (Ibidem).
jects (housing, environment, space planning, econ- own buildings. In practical terms, there was a need to government decided to establish the Flanders Archi-
omy, employment, mobility, infrastructure, etc.) and the place design quality as a corporate aim across Flem- tectural Institute (VAI), which would be responsible by
Community government is responsible for personal ish complex public administration, which did not “show the publication of the architectural yearbook, organiz-
issues (education, culture, sport, health, etc.). the slightest interest in architecture as an expression ing exhibitions and other activities aimed at making a
of contemporary culture or as an instrument for a sus- general public aware of architecture and urban design.
In the case of Flanders, the Flemish government is tainable use of space. Government commissions were As the former Minister of Culture, Bert Anciaux, suc-
the executive branch for both Flemish Community and regarded as infrastructural work and implemented with cinctly formulated in 2002:
Flemish Region of Belgium as their institutions were a logic of an engineer.” (Vervloesem&Sterken, 2006; in
merged resulting in one Parliament and one Govern- Ibelings, 2009). “my architectural policy is (…) in the first place a
ment16. Therefore, for the present study, the term ‘Flan- consciousness-raising policy: inviting people to
ders’ will be used to refer to the Flemish state in the According to Schreurs (2000), it was a continuous crit- take a good look at that physical, designed envi-
wider sense, including all the administrative structures icism of the quality of public buildings in Flanders that ronment, getting them to think about the influ-
independently of divisions of competences that may led the then Minister of Finance, Budget and Health ence that this has on everyday activities, bringing
occur at the state level. Policy, Wivina de Meester, to take the first step towards them into contact with good examples, and Fig. 11 – Recent policy of the Flemish Government Archi-
tect (2016).
the development of a Flemish architectural policy. To convincing them that the choice of good architec-
5.3.1 The architectural policy of Flanders tackle this state of affairs, partially influenced by the ture is good not only for themselves but for the
example of The Netherlands, that had a Chief Govern- whole community.” (Bert Ancieux, Forward, in: 5.3.2 The Flemish Government Architect
Although Flanders does not have an architectural policy ment Architect, the Flemish Government decided to Flanders Architectural Yearbook 00/01, Brussels
formalized into a document approved by the Parliament create a similar position to promote a culture of best 2002 (pp. 8-9) As referred above, the position of Flemish Government
or the Council of Ministers, considering a wider notion practices inside public administration and beyond: “It Architect – Vlaams Bouwmeester – was established
of public policy, the Flemish architectural policy has was clearly part of an articulated political willingness by the Government in 1999, with the appointment of
been formalized through the adoption of several spe- to change something in the region and to shake of the Bob Van Reeth, a notable Flemish architect. The Flem-
cific policy documents and by the establishment of two stigma of belonging to one of the ugliest country in the ish Government Architect occupies a leading position
architectural institutions, namely, the Flemish Govern- world.” (Ibelings, 2009) in the Flemish architectural policy, both as an institution
ment Architect in 1998 and the Flanders Architecture and as a person, which can be regarded as the corner-
Institute (VAI) in 2001. The main role of the Flemish Government Architect was stone of the government policy (Ibelings, 2009, p. 8).
to provide long-term support to regional government in According to its most recent policy program, the mis-
Some years before, the Government started to develop preparing and implementing an architectural policy that sion of the Flemish Government Architect entails:
efforts to promote architecture and urban design with would promote high quality environments in Flanders
the publication of “Flanders Architectural Yearbooks” in (Schreurs, 2000, p. 63). The Government Architect
1993. Since then, every two years, the Department of was required to ‘stimulate and inspire Flemish archi-
tectural awareness, as a way of increasing a cultural
13 Belgium has three official languages: Dutch, French and German. responsibility on the part of authorities, the relevant Fig. 10 – Joint policy of the Flemish Government Architect
and Flanders Architectural Institute (2009).
14 Adding to this, Flanders and Wallonia regions are subdivided in ten industry and the public’ (Ibidem).
provinces, which in turn are subdivided into communes and cities
Appointed in 1999, the first Government Architect, Bob 17 The Open Call was inspired by the model existing in The Netherlands,
managed by the Dutch Government Architect, where once a year
15 (accessed in 8 August 2018) Van Reeth, one of the most prominent Flemish archi- architects used to be invited to apply for consideration for public
16 Ibidem. tects, who fulfilled this function from 1999 to 2005, commissions.


Table 3 – Flemish Government Architect strategic goals for the 2017-2020 period “The aim of the post of Vlaams Bouwmeester To achieve the strategic goals summarized above, the
is to promote the architectural quality of the Flemish Government Architect has several design tools
Theme General aim Specific objectives (summarized)
built environment, understood as a synthesis at his disposal (see Table 4 on the next page). Within
Open Space To promote a view of open space as • acquire insight on the interplay of open space & urbanisation
of qualities in terms of urban environment, use these, the Open Call is the most important instrument
public good, to be preserved for the • collaborate for more continuous open
future but also made accessible to space across boundaries and perception, image quality, building tech- to raise the quality of public buildings in the Flemish
people today. To protect and create open • actively support an open space policy nology, energy, cost management and so on. This part of Belgium. The Open Call commissions that have
space networks, with a social agenda, by • promote projects related to densification commitment is demonstrated in the support of been implemented cover not only urban development
reducing spatial claims and core strengthening principals in public and semi-public projects for plans but also a broad range of buildings in various
• generate support, raise awareness and the design and construction of buildings, public fields and at different levels, ranging from subsidized
ensure communication with all levels of
space, landscape and infrastructure, and always housing and public buildings to infrastructural work
government and with the general public
related to the changing social challenges and such as bridges and roads (Ibelings, 2009, p. 8)18. In
Housing To address the housing problem (spa- • promote an increase in scale in residential design
tial congestion, car-dependent mobility, as an alternative to individual commissions
from a cross-sectional perspective of collabora- this sense, the Open Call is the most visible activity
large energy consumption per house) • support housing associations and the private sector tion with players and sectors involved.” (Flanders, of the Flemish Government Architect and the one that
by improving housing quality through a in building sustainable and affordable housing 2017, p. 2) gives legitimacy to its existence (Ibidem).
project-based approach and by initiating • support a professional rental sector
research with more collective housing Therefore, as an independent expert and advisor to the In practical terms, the Open Call is a procedure that
• promote a location-driven housing choice, with
entire Flemish government, the Flemish Government enables public principals to select designers for com-
living and working more attuned to each other
Architect is a bridge-builder who approaches proj- missions in the fields of architecture, urban design and
Heritage To promote a more active, responsi- • advocate a workable balance between heritage
ects from a cross-sectoral perspective, across policy landscape architecture. Considered as an alternative
ble attitude towards cultural heritage, value, residential quality, energetic performance and
focused less on what has been inherited economic feasibility for renovations of social housing areas. The aim is always to consider various interests selection process that place less burden for designers
and more on what should be passed on • promote change-oriented building in relation to spatial and social quality. According to the (Schreurs, 2000, p. 63), the Open Call method com-
to the next generation particularly for public buildings referred policy paper, its core tasks are: prises the following steps:
• to inform public officials and other interested parties about
good examples, through the Open Call and in other ways
1. Providing support and guidance to public principals 1. The principal formulates an assignment by means
Public Principal- To have public organizations and local • assist public principals in creating various on projects within the framework of concrete devel- of a project definition, which contains a descrip-
ship authorities that are familiar with the entre- forms of ‘negotiated urbanism’
opments; tion of the desires and ambitions and is more than
preneurial logic of construction and the • promote a project structure that involves
real estate market, and can efficiently additional private parties, within the framework just a summing up of square meters and functional
negotiate with private parties of public-private partnership projects 2. Contributing actively to the development of vision programs. In drawing up the project definition, the
• continue and enhance existing research and reflection, resulting in policy advice and initia- principal is assisted by the Flemish Government
on public-private collaborations tives related to social challenges and their impli- Architect and his team;
Regulations To have a set of regulations that func- • to specify more explicitly the intentions and results cations and possibilities in terms of high-quality
tions as a proactive quality tool, one that that the regulations aim to achieve, so that solutions design and construction. 2. The next stage is the publication of the call for ten-
leaves scope for creativity within the fully or partly outside the scope can be admitted if
ders, where architects and designers can apply as
design process and is flexible and future- they fulfil the intentions and are deemed desirable
proof by involved authorities & stakeholders
Adding to the above, three additional tasks are has candidates with a portfolio;
• to delve into the underlying mechanisms of legal and followed:
financial factors in land uses, and highlight them, in 3. The Flemish Government Architect and its team
order to tackle our use of space in an integral manner • communicating and raising awareness about topi- makes a preliminary selection of ten designers
Cross-border To promote a broader vision for the • to work closely and consult with other Chief cal issues and creating an everyday environment of from among these candidates, and after consulta-
collaborations whole area of the Maas-Schelde-Rijn Government Architects of the region high-quality architecture; tions with the principal, five of them are invited to
Delta (Eurodelta), along with a collabo- • to place a focus particularly on the Brussels present their vision of the assignment;
rative, cross-border approach to its chal- metropolitan area and its infrastructure
• advising about sticking points and gaps in the reg-
lenges • to enhance structural collaboration in particular between
Belgian and Dutch authorities and research initiatives ulations, in relation to architectural quality in the 4. The five designs are put to a jury, consisting of rep-
wide sense; resentatives of the principals and users, the Gov-
ernment Architect and an external member of the
Contributing To initiate and facilitate various • promote knowledge sharing, debate & broad communication • providing opportunities for young designers. jury;
to architecture exchanges, so that architectural and • collaborate with the International
spatial policy in Flanders remain in touch Architecture Biennale Rotterdam 5. This jury decides to whom the commission will be
with developments at home and abroad • raise awareness among policymakers on the importance
given (Ibelings, 2009, p. 8).
in the broader field of architecture of fair fees and a healthy business climate in architecture
• create synergies with design education & research programs
• have a structural collaboration with the Department As soon as the principal and architect have been
of Culture on the theme of commissioned art brought into contact with one another, the involvement

(Source: Flanders, 2017)

18 In the first ten years of its existence, until 2009, the Open Call
method has resulted in the initiation of some two-hundred projects, of
some fifty have already been completed (Ibelings, 2009).


of the Flemish Government Architect comes to an end Table 4 - Methods & procedures of the candidates move on to the next stage, where they are
Flemish Government Architect
and it is up to them to collaborate on the further elab- presented with a fictional problem akin to what a Bou-
oration and implementation of the project (Ibidem). wmeester might face, and are asked to present their
Open Call Enabling public principals to select
According to the Flemish Government Architect (inter- designers for commissions in the fields
solution, in a few different formats including presen-
view: 2018), the Open Call procedure is free of charge of architecture, urban design and land- tations and writing, within a short amount of time. A
for public clients and half of the commissions originate scape architecture. The FGA brings final stage then includes interviews with Ministers. The
from small local authorities. Although the Open Call public authorities into contact with whole process is anonymised – in that, at no stage
procedure represents the bulk of his activity, the Flem- a wide range of international design does a candidate know who their competitors are.
offices, assists them in defining the
ish Government Architect and his team also develop
scope of a project, and supervises the
several other initiatives, listed in Table 4. whole procedure.
5.3.3 Other actors and stakeholders
Advice On public and semi-public projects of
Flemish Government Architect Office a certain size, the FGA holds an advi- Flanders Architecture Institute (VAI)
sory role specified in a decree. For pro-
The office of Flemish Government Architect is orga- jects of strategic importance, the FGA Similar to the other case studies, besides the Flemish
nized in three parts: the Government Architect itself, will often take the initiative and actively Government Architect, the Flemish Government also
the Government Architect Team and a group of experts. seek out public principals to assist financially supports an architectural cultural institution
them with their commissions.
According to the Flemish Government Architect (inter- dedicated to championing design across the Flem-
Pilot projects Pilot projects link thematic research
view: 2018), the team is composed by 22 people, ish stakeholders and society in general. Established
by design carried out in the policy
employed as public officials. Most of the team has preparation phase to the realization of in 2001, VAI is responsible for the publication of the
been part of the office since its creation, allowing the pioneering projects. Specific alliances Flemish Architecture Yearbooks, intended to highlight
preservation of knowledge across different Govern- are entered into for each pilot project. architecture and to inform a broader public about it.
ment Architects mandates. Besides, the Flemish Gov- Besides completing the project, this Besides the yearbook, VAI also organizes exhibitions
ernment Architect has an annual budget of 400.000€ involves a broad communication plan and other activities that are aimed at making a general
about the learning process through
to promote studies, initiatives, pilot projects, etc. and public aware of architecture and urban design.
symposiums and publications, and the
he is allowed to make specific partnerships with other partners undertake a follow-up to har-
stakeholders. monize regulations and tools and opti- More recently, the Flemish government entrusted VAI
mize them at all levels of government. with the responsibility for the Flanders Architecture
The Flemish Government Architect can ask for specific “Labo Ruimte” Thematically organised collaborations Archives, which was taken care of by regional and pro-
advice by a group of experts, for example in the review between the FGA and other govern- vincial authorities. The Flanders Architecture Archives
of building regulations or other spatial design legisla- mental agencies, as well as external is the national and international reference point for the
experts, organizations & parties, with
tion. As noted above, one of the Flemish Government architectural cultural heritage in Flanders and Brussels.
long-term focus and the general aim of
Architect’s tasks is to provide advice about sticking a more sustainable society. Processes
In this sense, VAI manages a prestigious and constantly
points and gaps in the regulations, in relation to spatial organised under Labo Ruimte encour- growing collection of architectural archives from these
quality. In this sense, they regularly supervise the whole age collaborations across bounda- two regions. It actively seeks out interesting architec-
set of regulations that have an impact in the built envi- ries and the combination of design, tural archives, which it subsequently conserved, inter-
ronment, so that it may function as a proactive quality research & social debate. preted and make accessible to anyone interested.
tool that leaves enough scope for creativity within the Master Class Encourages public principals to offer
design process. young designers & artists a first public The VAI is a private yet government-subsidised body –
commission, with the possibility of
like others in similar positions, it has to navigate the bal-
realization under the supervision of a
Currently, the government Architect is on the depen- project director appointed by the Bou- ance of retaining its independence as well as maintain-
dence of the Minister of the Presidency of the Flemish wmeester ing a functional link with the administration. The current
Government, who replies directly to the Prime-minister “Wivina Biennial prize awarded by the Flem- Flemish Government Architect sits on their executive
of Flanders. Demeester” ish government for outstanding prin- board; but the VAI’s financing comes from a different
cipal-ship – an exemplary process department – the Ministry of Culture. At the same time,
Selection procedure organised by a principal to facilitate the the VAI takes on a lot of the outreach work related to
realization of a high-quality project
the Bouwmeester’s vision, bringing it to the public via
Bouwmeester Support for selected research-by-de-
The Flemish Government Architect has a mandate of Label exhibitions, events and so on.
sign projects proposed by researchers/
five years. According to the Flemish Government Archi-
designers, in the form of funding for
tect (interview: 2018), the appointment is the result of a the development and public presenta-
demanding procedure, where candidates are required tion of the project and promotion of the
to describe their vision for their tenure as early as their research intentions within the political
first application for the post. The first shortlist is deter- agenda
mined by an independent jury of 5-10 people repre-
senting various parts of the built environment disci- (Source: Flanders, 2017)
plines, both practitioners and academics. Shortlisted


Bridge over the Albart Canal Ney & Partners, 2011 Kazerne Dossin (Memorial, awg architecten, 2012
Vroenhoven © Stijn Bollaert Museum and Documentation © Stijn Bollaert
Centre on Holocaust and
Human Rights)
St Ursula Primary School Architects Tom Thys and Adinda ‘De Zande’ Flemish Hootsmans
Laken Van Geystelen, 2009 © Jan Community Institution Architectuurbureau, 2014
Kempenaers for Special Child Welfare © Michiel De Cleene

Theater square Antwerpen Studio Associato

Secchi-Viganò, 2009
© Stijn Bollaert

‘De Boerekreek’ sports and Coussée & Goris with

recreation centre Sint-Laurijns Studiebureau Guy Mouton, 2008
© Jan Kempenaers
Water-tower Beersel Bureau d’études Weinand, Jeroen
Beerten, Tom Louwette, 2015
© Niels Donckers

Harbour Centre Antwerpen Zaha Hadid Architects, 2016

© Tim Van De Velde


Academy Dilbeek Carlos Arroyo, 2012
© Stijn Bollaert

Waalse Krook Gent Coussee & Goris architecten,

RCR Aranda Pigem Vilalta
arquitectes, 2017
© Tim Van De Velde

Elite sports school Wilrijk Compagnie O., 2016 Maritime Museum Antwerpen Atelier Kempe Thill architects and
© Tim Van De Velde planners, Origin Architecture &

Residential care centre Sint- Van Belle & Medina

Truiden architects, 2016
© Tim Van De Velde

In Flanders Fields museum noArchitecten, 2012

Beguinage Hasselt Bovenbouw Architecten, David Ieper © Tim Van De Velde
Kohn Architects


5.4 THE VIENNESE CASE movement focused on politics and administration started tives are to comprehensively “promote building culture trol mechanisms, in 2005 the City Council of Vienna
as a bottom-up collaboration of all relevant actors in this and create a broader societal awareness of its prin- approved a policy document laying down the city vision
Austria’s administrative structure follows the federalist field: the architectural mediation scene, the chambers of ciples, especially among leaders in politics, business, for architecture and urban design, entitled the “Vienna
model and is organised in three levels: the federal state, architects and chartered engineering consultants and and administration” (Austria, 2017). To achieve this, it is Architecture Declaration”. The policy paper included
the nine federal provinces (Bundesländer) and a number all the universities and academies where architecture argued that a comprehensive strategy is needed at the three main themes: quality in planning and construc-
of app. 2100 municipalities, which are the smallest units is taught. Together, they have formed the Austrian Plat- federal level that will anchor building culture across all tion; transparency in mission statements, goals and
in the state organisation. The states or provinces have form for building culture policy (Plattform Baukulturpoli- departments and disciplines at the federal, provincial, procedures; and discourse readiness. In 2013, build-
their own legislative and executive powers, while munici- tik), former: Platform for Architectural Policy and Building and local levels. The Federal guidelines are divided into ing on this first policy initiative, the City of Vienna, under
palities do not, including building and architecture policy, Culture (Plattform für Architekturpolitik und Baukultur). six areas of action, including, for example, the devel- the auspices of the Department of Architecture and
particularly in the field of housing. However, the latter are opment of towns, cities and the landscape; promot- Urban Design which will be described below, devel-
entitled to issue general regulations and in practice carry A first milestone was a parliamentary debate on the ing awareness and public participation; research and oped Baukultur policy principles in a broad-based pro-
out many of the federal state’s administrative tasks. topic of architecture policy and building culture in March transfer of knowledge and expertise; coordination and cess, intended to further raise the quality of planning
2004. Calling in experts in the field from Austria and the cooperation and realization of urban projects.
Vienna is a particular case within this system because EU, Austrian National Parliament launched a discussion
it is a federal capital, which means that it accumulates process with the objective of improving conditions for The Vienna Baukultur policy guidelines are supposed
both administrative levels, municipality and federal prov- a contemporary culture of planning and building and to serve as a basis for planning and building projects,
ince (Bundesland). As such, the municipal and provin- providing a basis for comprehensive and intergovern- promoting high quality of urban planning and further
cial roles overlap: the City Council (municipal body) also mental architectural policies to secure the quality of life expansion of a comprehensive building culture. In addi-
exercises the functions of the Vienna Provincial Parlia- in Austria. In 2006, as a follow up of the parliamentary tion, it should inform and guide the City Council in its
ment (regional body) and the Mayor also serves as the debate, the first Austrian Building Culture Report was own construction works, where it should be seen as a
Provincial Governor. To better frame the Austrian archi- published. role model vis-à-vis private investors. It is argued that
tectural policy, first will come a brief description on the the state and city construction projects should pursue
national (federal) policy and then the specific policy of the basic principles of quality of life, usability, sustain-
Vienna. ability and participation. In this context, the following
Baukultur principles should apply to the city of Vienna:
5.4.1 Austrian architectural policy:
the Baukultur approach 1. Provide a high-quality built environment for the
Viennese population, which offers high quality of
Within the European countries that have a public policy on Fig. 13 – Austrian Federal Guidelines life, both in new buildings and in existing buildings;
for Building Culture (2017)
architecture, there are two that have a specific approach
which differentiates them from the rest: Austria and Ger- 2. Make building-cultural decisions in such a way that
many (See Bento, 2012, 2017). Due to their administra- Although within the Austrian context the term archi- the city becomes socially fairer.
tive structure – federal system – Austrian and German tecture is replaced by a broader notion, building cul-
federal governments do not have full responsibility for ture (Baukultur), the same concerns about placemak- 3. To further develop the living city through climate
architectural policy because architecture is considered ing and the importance of the spatial environment for protection as well as through sustainable con-
to also be a responsibility of the states/provinces. How- the quality of life are also present. Considering that the struction methods and uses;
ever, since 2000, both countries have been very active notion of architecture in its wider sense involves the
in promoting discussions, debates and publications on Fig. 12 – Austrian Building Culture Report (2006) design of the all built environment, the broader concep- 4. The planning, construction and renovation of
architecture and building culture under the concept of tual approach does not undermine the general aim of a all buildings and open spaces in the sphere of
Baukultur. In June 2007, following the report’s recommendations, more sustainable environment which seeks a balance influence of the City of Vienna are carried out
the Austrian Parliament agreed on the establishment of between social, economic, environmental and cultural according to quality-oriented and transparent pro-
As discussed in Section 1.4, the German expression an advisory committee for Baukultur (building culture) at objectives. The specific way of how to address this will cesses. Citizen participation is seen as a positive
Baukultur is a broad concept that can be translated into the Austrian Federal Chancellery as a consulting body always be influence by the national political context, element in these processes and lived;
English as Building Culture, and includes all aspects for the government, in which all federal ministries as well administrative tradition and social atmosphere where
of the built environment; including building and urban as representatives of the federal states/provinces and policies are developed. 5. Integrate cooperation partners of the City of Vienna
design, infrastructure, social and economic context of other stakeholders join together to propose measures in quality-oriented Baukultur processes;
towns, cities and cultural landscapes. So, the concept to improve architecture and Baukultur in Austria. More- Viennese Architectural policy
integrates not only architecture but also all other disci- over, the issuing of a Baukultur report at a quinquennial and Baukultur principles 6. Create quality-oriented conditions and processes
plines that intervene in the spatial environment, such as: rhythm was decided upon, where a second Baukulturre- for all buildings and open spaces that are being
engineering, urban planning, heritage, landscape archi- port was published in 2011 and a third report published As explained in Chapter 2, within the nine Austrian fed- built, renovated or used in Vienna;
tecture, interior design and art for public buildings (Ger- in 2017. eral states (Bundesländer), it was decided to exam-
many, 2007). ine the state of Vienna for the present study. Although 7. Promote the vibrant, critical, diverse and innovative
More recently, in 2017, the Austrian Council of Minis- the state and municipality of Vienna has a long tradition scene of Baukulturschaffenden.
Although Austria has a long tradition in architectural ters has adopted its first national Federal Guidelines on of architecture and spatial design policy tools, such as
mediation that goes back to the early 1990s, in 2002 a Building Culture. According to the guidelines, its objec- a statuary planning framework and development con- 8. Increase public awareness of the importance of


building culture and awareness of one’s own ment of Urban Development on zoning and land use inary application and then about 6 or 8 teams will be tion with neighbouring buildings and close surround-
responsibility; plans. For example, when there is a new develop- selected for the complete design competition. ings, etc. (City of Vienna’s director, interview: 2018)22.
ment project or an area to be developed, the division In addition, the Urban Planning Department submits to
9. Promote the public discourse on building culture in gives an expert opinion on urban design. This division According to its Director (interview: 2018), besides the Advisory Board all zoning proposals and develop-
its diversity and the Baukulturvermittlung. Essen- also conducts studies and surveys for different urban the technical activity with building designs, the depart- ment plans before they are presented to the public23.
tial for this are information and transparency in design issues, for example a study for some site axes ment has a very good co-working relation with other In the former, the expressed opinion is not binding
matters concerning the built environment, and the – corridors – where it is necessary to make an analysis departments, mostly in the cases of building permis- although it tends to have a strong influence on the sub-
visualization of the benefits of Baukultur; to guarantee that there will be no skyscraper interfering sions. When there is a very difficult decision on a spe- sequent political decision. In the latter, it is mandatory
with it (ibidem). cific project or it is a special place which will result in to obtain an expert opinion on zoning proposals and
10. Promote innovation in building culture through a public debate, the department will not give its design zoning plans prior to a political decision.
education, through research and development, The second division is responsible for the design and expert opinion until the Advisory Board has examined
through innovation-oriented procurement and planning of public space and works closely with the the issue and given a recommendation. Only after The Advisory Board should operate without politi-
through a “culture of learning” (evaluation of pro- department for building streets and infrastructure. In receiving this will the department issue an expert opin- cal influence and is populated by experts from vari-
cesses, rules and results) (Vienna, 2013). addition, it also gives design expert opinion on the ion on the design quality of the project. The role of the ous disciplines. Appointed by the Mayor of Vienna,
impact of small interventions in the cityscape, such as a Advisory Board will be discussed below. the members of the Advisory Board act on an honor-
kiosk or an advertising board, to the competent munic- ary basis with a term of office of three years, including
5.4.2 Main public actor and advisory board ipal authority. It also promotes citizen participation on According to its webpage, the DAUD also promotes 12 experts in the following fields: architecture (three
the design process of public spaces and sometimes some cultural activities together with the Architec- architects), civil engineering, spatial planning, historical
Within the Vienna administrative structure there exists organizes design competitions to arrive at the best ture Centre of Vienna, which will be described further monuments, surveying, urban ecology, transport, social
a municipal (and, as explained above, also a state) solution for specific interventions (Ibid.). ahead, fostering public awareness about the design issues, green space planning and site issues. Although
Department for Architecture & Urban Design, but not quality of places, such as, exhibitions, etc. the Advisory Board structure and remit is not compara-
a specific office with a role similar to that of the State The third division is responsible for providing design ble with the political power and competences level of
Architect’s in other case studies. There is, however, expert opinions to the building municipal department, Advisory Board for Urban Planning a State Architect, it delivers an important advice com-
an advisory board (Fachbeirat) on urban planning and which is responsible for processing building permits. and Urban Design plement to the design review function of the services of
urban design: a consulting body of experts in various Because the Viennese building code has a special the Municipality of Vienna.
fields (including architecture, urban design, urban plan- paragraph which regulates the fitting into the cityscape, The Advisory Board for Urban Planning and Urban
ning and others) that serve on an honorary basis for this division receives about 7 to 8 thousand requests Design20 – hereinafter referred to as the Advisory In an historical perspective, an “Advisory Council for
three years, advising both departments in particularly per year about new buildings or renewals to see if they Board – is an independent body that provides spatial Urban Planning” was already in the core constitution
and the municipality in general. This has no formal polit- comply. These are most of the time private buildings, design advice to the City Council of Vienna. The com- of the Vienna Building Code, the Law of 1929, LGBL.
ical powers nor is it part of the official government struc- where promoters and architects have to submit a build- position and tasks of the Advisory Board are regulated 11/1930. The corresponding provision was not valid
ture. Considering the overall aim of the present study ing design to get a building permission (Ibid.). by the Building Regulations for Vienna, whose function for a long time and was repealed in 1939. Neverthe-
and background discussion on spatial design leader- is further detailed in a specific ordinance of the Vienna less, the Viennese “Advisory Council for Urban Plan-
ship, this section will examine the Architecture & Urban The last and fourth division is responsible for the design provincial government21. According to this, the Advi- ning” was re-established in 1947. Within the scope of
Design Department, as well as its advisory board. and planning of Viennese municipal buildings, such as sory Council has the following remit: a revision of the building code, the area and responsi-
schools, kindergartens, office buildings and special bility of the advisory body was extended in 1987, and
Department of Architecture & Urban Design buildings for other departments (e.g. fire department 1. appraisal of the drafts drawn up by the magistrate since then, the “Advisory Board for Urban Planning and
and the like). This is the largest division of the depart- for the establishment and modification of zoning Urban Design” maintain its present form.
Although the City Council of Vienna has a department ment and is composed mainly of architects19 as a large plans and development plans;
for urban planning as well as a department responsi- part of the work is on project development. There will 5.4.3 Other actors and stakeholders
ble for processing and issuing building permits, it has be about two hundred projects every time, in different 2. assessment of individual building projects on
also a specific department responsible for architecture phases, going for small buildings interventions, which request of the local authority, if they are of signifi- Austrian Federal Chancellery | The
and urban design policy (Municipal Department 19). is internally planned and designed by the division, to cant influence on the local cityscape. Arts and Culture Division
According to the City Council webpage, the Archi- major buildings, like a school or a kindergarten inside
tecture and Urban Design Department’s mission is to a campus. In practical terms, the Architecture and Urban Design The Austrian Federal Chancellery has many depart-
develop the Viennese cityscape in a contemporary way, Department described above submits to the Advisory ments including policy sectoral related with architec-
fostering a culture of placemaking and strengthened For the latter, the division works with external services Board individual building projects that have a signifi- ture and spatial design (e.g. heritage policy). Among
awareness and responsibility for the designed living providers, usually through design competitions. Most cant impact on the cityscape for an expert opinion these, the Department for Visual Arts, Architecture,
environment. To do so, it has several policy tools on of the time, it’s an open call competition but sometimes, about its overall design quality, including issues as Design, Fashion, Photography and Media Arts is
the topics of architecture, urban design and building when there is a special project, the division makes a functionality, visual appearance, mass, scale, integra- responsible for the financial support of programmes,
culture. two-part competition, where architects make a prelim-
22 The Advisory Board have to examine the documents submitted within
20 Its original Austrian name: Fachbeirat für Stadtplanung und a period of four weeks. If the advisory council does not submit an
According to its Director (interview: 2018), the Depart- 19 According with its Director (interview: 2018), the four divisions Stadtgestaltung. expert opinion within the set time limit, assuming that the information
ment of Architecture and Urban Design (DAUD) has of Architecture and Urban design Department have the following prepared by the magistrate was enough, the building permit
workers: in the first division, there are about 6 people; in the second 21 Ordinance of the Vienna Provincial Government July 7, 2005, LGBI
four divisions. The first division is focused on urban division there are about 8 people; in the third division there about 7 2005/33, which promulgates rules of procedure for the Advisory
procedure should be continued.

development issues and works closely with the Depart- people and in the fourth there are about 30 people working. Council for Urban Planning and Urban Design. 23 The Advisory Board meetings are not public.


projects, grants etc. for the mediation of contempo- the year, ranging from symposia, workshops, lectures to
rary architecture (in the frame of arts supporting). For guided tours, city expeditions, film series and hands-on
example, funding for houses of architecture and other formats. AzW receives its funding from the state and
institutions with a yearly programme, exhibitions, proj- City council and from sponsors.
ects, prizes for architecture, etc. It also has responsi-
bility for the organisation of international exhibitions, The AzW has established itself internationally, acquir-
like the Biennale of Venice, as well as exhibitions about ing a reputation as an outstanding institution where
aspects of Austrian architecture which are touring architecture is communicated and researched. It pro-
internationally. There are also scholarship programmes vides a comprehensive service for researchers and all
for young architects to make international experiences those interested in architecture. The facilities include
and to follow unusual/experimental projects and ideas. a public reference library, the online building database
“Architektur Austria Gegenwart” (Architecture Austria
Advisory Committee for Baukultur Contemporary), the online Lexicon of Architects, as
Einfamilienhaus - 2015 Architect
well as a unique collection of material on Austrian Pötzleinsdorfer Höhe 33 Zoran Bodrozic
In 2009, an Advisory Committee for Baukultur (Beirat architecture of the 20th and 21st century.
für Baukultur) was established at the Federal level as
Universitätsbibliothekszubau Architect:
a result of the first Austrian report about Baukultur The Austrian Architectural foundation – 2016 Reinhardt Gallister
(“Baukulturreport”). This advisory committee develops Anton-von Webern-Platz 1

measures for the government to better the situation of The Austrian Architectural Foundation (Architek-
the Baukultur in Austria and propose adequate mea- turstiftung Österreich) was founded in 1996 as a joint
sures for it; a yearly report for the government has to be open platform of Austrian architecture initiatives consti-
done and discussed in the Parliament. tuted by the architecture houses of the federal states,
the Austrian Society for Architecture (ÖGFA) and the
Federal Real Estate Society (BIG - Central Association of Architects. Adding to the legal
Bundesimmobiliengeselilschaft GesmbH) professional associations and the training centres, the
independent architecture initiatives form an import-
The Federal Real Estate Society is in the ownership ant third pillar for securing the building culture (Feller,
of the Austrian Republic and is charged with the con- 2018: interview).  
struction of buildings for the state [planning, invitations
for tenders, competitions and realisations]. Concerning The network of architectural initiatives is committed to
Wohnhausanlage - 2015 Architect:
the realisation of quality in architecture of state build- architectural excellence and promotes understanding Wittmayergasse 7, 9, 11 Hermann & Valentiny u. Partner
ings (for administration, universities etc.) BIG is the of contemporary architecture in politics, administration Architekten ZT GmbH

most important player in the field. and the public. The goal is to get people interested in
Dachausbau - 2015 Architect:
architecture and to make them ambitious partners in the Schottenring 19 RLP Rüdiger Lainer + Partner
Architecture Centre of Vienna design of the built environment. The network strength-
ens cooperation between key players in architecture:
Established in 1993, Architecture Centre of Vienna builders and users, architects, planners and engineers.
(Architekturzentrum Wien – AzW) is the major architec-
tural cultural institution in Austria dedicated to show-
case, discuss and explore how architecture and urban
development shape the daily lives of Austrian citizens.
Based in Vienna under the title of Austrian Museum of
Architecture, AzW was founded by an initiative of the
state and City of Vienna, which was an important polit-
ical signal at the time that architecture deserved to be
properly promoted and considered as one of the Aus-
trian culture achievements.
Wohnhaus - 2015 Architect:
After 8 years of provisional exhibition operation, AzW Stolberggasse 18 Josef Weichenberger architects
was substantially expanded and reopened in 2001. + Partner

Currently, it has a floor area of 2000 m2 where it offers Fassadensanierung und – Architect:
a wide-ranging program of events and exhibitions, begrünung - 2015 RATAPLAN-Architektur ZT GmbH
comprising the following: international theme-related Grabnergasse 4

exhibitions, a permanent exhibition with an overview of

Austrian architecture, and a total of 500 events during


Brandstätter Baumanagement Kindergarten - 2016 Architect
Huttengasse 57,59,61,63,65; Wolkersbergenstraße 1 Veit Aschenbrenner Architekten
Rankgasse 1,3; Enenkelstraße 12 ZT GmbH

Hotelzubau - 2016 Architect:

Gudrunstraße 138 BWM Architekten

ÖAMTC Headquarter - 2016 Architect:

Baumgasse 129 Pichler & Traupmann Architekten

Dachausbau Architect:
Aufstockung – Architect:
Siebensterngasse 52 PUK ARCHITEKTEN
Wohnhaus - 2016 Burtscher-Durig ZT
Schönbrunnerstraße 111

Balkonzubau – Architect:
Fassadensanierung und – Architect: Wohnhaus - 2017 X ARCHITEKTEN
begrünung - 2015 RATAPLAN-Architektur ZT GmbH Weyringergasse 27a
Grabnergasse 4

Umbau und Platzgestaltung – Architect:

Kirche - 2016 pointner pointner Architekten
Esslinger Hauptstraße 74


5.5 THE DANISH CASE policies in neighbouring countries. Following this trend, The new architectural policy focused on early involve- between a large number of the municipality’s tasks,
the Danish parliament would approve its first compre- ment of citizens when changes occur in their local area, helping to create growth, coherence and identity,
5.5.1 The architectural policy of Denmark hensive architectural policy in 2007, entitled, A Nation lower resource consumption, and renovation and main- whether it is about building quality, building urban
of Architecture Denmark. Settings for life and growth. tenance of rural buildings. The main policy goal is to spaces, climate adaptation, heritage conservation or
The development of Danish architectural policy goes create buildings, urban spaces and cities pleasant for road design (Brogaard, 2017).
back to early 1993, when the Conservative Party set the Danish citizens to live in. Within this domain, the
a proposal urging the Minister of Culture to prepare new policy focused on the following areas:
a bill concerning a national architectural policy in line
with the Dutch policy (Visser, 1997)24. In 1994, a first • Children, adolescents and adults are better able to
policy proposal was presented, signed by the Ministry encounter architecture with a range of new teach-
of Culture, the Ministry of Housing and the Ministry of ing and dissemination services tailored to new
Environment, entitled, The Danish Architectural Policy. media and platforms, which are linked to Common
According with Visser (1997), the draft proposal stated Objectives and the primary school reform;
that ‘architecture was of great importance to the quality
of daily physical surroundings (…) and the quality of • The municipalities are offered a number of facilities
life of each individual human being.’25 and advice to develop their own local architecture
Fig. 15 – First Danish architectural policy (2007) policies. Emphasis is placed on how an architec-
tural policy in the municipalities can help address
After introducing the benefits and values of architec- the challenges faced by municipalities in attracting
tural design, the first formal Danish architectural policy citizens and counteracting social imbalances, as Fig. 17 – The architecture policy for
the city of Copenhagen (2017)
established a policy vision aimed at placing architecture well as creating vulnerable housing areas;
on the agenda (Denmark, 2007). Therefore, the poli-
cy’s overall goal was to ensure the development of high • Architecture and sustainability – environmentally, In this context, local architecture policies are seen as
quality architecture which would improve the quality of socially and culturally – through the development important policy instruments because they bring actors
life and economic growth in Denmark. It stated that ‘the of a sustainable urban planning strategy and the together: “It is hugely beneficial to plan processes
architectural policy will advance the development of launch of a large number of example projects when all involved actors get together on future proj-
Denmark’s competitive advantage within architecture showing how architecture can enhance sustaina- ects. And it’s not just about buildings. New roads and
and that the policy will increase awareness and stim- bility across the country; parking areas, for example, have a big influence on how
ulate debate concerning the significance, conditions we experience our cities. Therefore, it is important for
Fig. 14 – Danish public consultation and possibilities of architecture in Denmark’ (Ibidem). • Value creation of architectural quality and the over- the city and our landscape that both the road engineer,
document on architectural policy (1994)
It then established ten target areas, where it described all economy of construction projects; the landscape architect and the city planner to assem-
the challenges, goals and initiatives within each target ble and find the right solutions that suit all needs. Here
In order to discuss and define the architectural policy, area to be implemented through a period of time. • There is also a focus on export and international an architecture policy can be a useful overall instrument
the ministers for Culture and Housing arranged a con- marketing of Danish architecture. for that cooperation” (Ibidem).
ference with participation from the building sector and More recently, in 2014, based on the previous policy,
representation from other relevant ministries.26 How- the Danish Government adopted its second architec- In order to ensure a broad-based follow-up of the 5.5.2 Main public actors and advisory council
ever, the Architectural policy would end up not being tural policy entitled Putting people first. The new Danish efforts, the Danish government set up a cross-depart-
formally approved (Ibid.). In the subsequent years, sev- architecture policy maintained the same goals of the mental government team, which will in future coordi- Similar to the Austrian case, there is no State Architect
eral European states continued to develop efforts in previous policy, where the government announced a nate the government’s architecture policy efforts in position within the Danish central public administra-
this area leading to the adoption of several architectural series of initiatives aimed at supporting increased pro- dialogue with the players in the field of architecture. tion. Nevertheless, the Danish Agency for Culture and
ductivity and an internationalisation of the architectural The architectural policy was developed in cooperation Palaces is the public body responsible for the national
industry (Denmark, 2014). between eleven Ministries27. Architecture Policy described above. Integrated in the
24 Two years before, the Dutch had adopted their first policy on
architecture, which was considered a pioneering document
Ministry of Culture, the Agency is responsible for the
embracing architecture and urban design in a comprehensive manner, In addition, pursuing a decentralization strategy, 37 architectural policy coordination as well as for its imple-
bridging culture and building policy. The new Dutch policy raised
Danish municipalities have adopted an architectural mentation supervision. According with first Danish
curiosity and interest of several neighbouring countries that contacted
the Dutch government to learn more about its architectural policy policy and two municipalities are developing their first architecture policy (2007), the main state developers
(See Bento 2017). policy. As the designed environment cuts across dif- are already paying attention to architectural quality, and
25 The draft policy emphasized the different state’s roles in promoting ferent departments, the municipal architectural policy in various ways they have formulated architecture pol-
better places, as legislator, administrator, planner and builder (e.g. works as a policy tool for establishing connections icies for their own work. One of those is the Danish
client); as well as on education and research. The objective was
to ensure that standards were raised, and that consideration for Building and Property Agency, which is the state’s
architecture was included in all public decision process. It also property developer, and probably the most important
highlighted the importance of energy-conservation and ecological 27 Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of
building and the need to increasing export services (Ibid). Environment, Energy and Building, the Ministry of Trade and Industry, public player in the building industry, which will also be
Ministry of Urban Affairs, Housing and Rural Affairs, Ministry of referenced below.
26 For this conference The Federation of Danish Architects had Transport, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Research, Innovation
produced and published its own proposal on Architectural Policy and Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Social Affairs, Children
(Visser, 1997) Fig. 16 – Second Danish architectural policy (2014) and the Ministry of Integration and the Ministry of Health.


Besides public bodies within government, there is also most of government departments. champion the design of the built environment. Although from the creative process, planning and urban devel-
an independent state’s advisory body in the field of arts the specific tasks of the city architects change from opment to the finished space or construction involved.
and architecture – The Academy Council – which will Although it does not have a State Architect position, city to city, one of the main tasks of the City Archi- The main goal of DAC is to create broad interest in
be describe below. This section will end up with a brief the agency develops a huge amount of design assign- tect, among other things, is to help define architectural architecture, to clear the way for new ideas traversing
reference to the position of City Architect, which plays ments for public buildings. Within this, it often orga- guidelines and visions in developing the city based on traditional boundaries and to show how architecture
an important role of design champion within a local nizes design competitions, where for some interna- the City Architectural Policy. Besides pushing for the creates cultural and economic assets for people, the
authority (see Chapter 3). tional competitions, it will be include an open design municipal architecture policy implementation, just like industry and society. To do so, it offers a wide range
competition, with a subsequent traditional restricted the State Architect, they are supposed to led, facili- of professional and cultural activities, including exhibi-
Agency for Culture and Palaces design competition31. tate and provide design advice to the politicians, City tions, seminars, city guided tours, etc.
Administration and municipal services.
The Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces operates The Academy Council (Advisory Through Danish and international exhibitions DAC pres-
under the aegis of the Danish Ministry of Culture. The body on architecture) In some cases, City Architects also promote architec- ents relevant themes and trends in architecture, con-
agency carries out the cultural policies of the Danish ture or urban design competitions for interesting new struction and urban development. The exhibitions are
government within the visual and performing arts, archi- The Academy Council of the Royal Academy of Fine angles on sustainable urban development, where major often a result of long-term development and co-opera-
tecture, music, literature, museums, historical and cul- Arts works for the promotion of art and as the state’s investments are under way in, for example, new infra- tion projects. DAC is also a platform for developing the
tural heritage, broadcasting, libraries and all types of adviser in artistic issues in the fields of architecture structure, major facilities (e.g. a hospital) or renovations entire construction industry, namely for a Building Lab
printed and electronic media28. Within this, the agency and visual arts and adjoining art. In this framework, the of larger residential areas. Therefore, the city architect DK, which is a unit of DAC, which carry out projects
provides advice to the Danish minister of culture and Academy Council is available to provide expert advice assumes a multitasking role of spatial design leader- in close co-operation with leading Danish and interna-
is involved in setting and achieving the government’s to municipal and state authorities when requested on ship, providing expert design advice and inspiration for tional participants in the construction industry. Within
cultural policy goals. Another task involves allocating architecture and spatial development projects. Never- better places. For example, the city council of Copen- this, it advises companies about innovative processes
funds for both individuals and organisations and institu- theless, the Academy Council may, on its own initiative, hagen has appointed a city architect, responsible for and support projects from the early idea through to the
tions as well as collecting, processing and disseminat- obtain information from specific design interventions or implementing the municipal architectural policy. Assum- finished solution.
ing information and findings to promote cultural devel- art projects and make statements to state authorities ing its role as public building client and as a planning
opment. The agency is also responsible for managing and public institutions, as well as, make those state- authority, the city architect takes the lead on architec- Although there are other bodies that have an important
and maintaining state-owned palaces and castles, gar- ments public. tural matters and helps develop the city’s visions and role in spatial design in Denmark, for the present study
dens and cultural properties29. goals for the built environment (Copenhagen, 2017). it was not possible to review them.
The Academy’s activities are conducted through the
Within this broad remit, the Culture Agency is respon- different departments of the Academy Council, which 5.5.3 Other actors and stakeholders
sible for the Danish architectural policy, coordinating include a Landscape Committee, Church Art Com-
the policy development and assuring the implementa- mittee, the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Jury and the Danish Architecture Centre (DAC)
tion supervision of the different policy initiatives across artistic community. Part of the Academy’s work and
all Danish administration. To facilitate this, the Govern- advising role takes place through the many persons The Danish Architecture Centre (DAC) is Denmark’s
ment has set up an architectural policy inter-ministerial appointed to the boards of directors and committees of national centre for the development and dissemination
working group. the Council, which originate from many sources, such of knowledge about architecture, building and urban
as, representatives from public and private institutions, development. DAC’s objective and legitimacy con-
Danish Building and Property Agency representatives of committees, etc. The formal basis of sist in promoting co-operation across the professional
the Academy Council was laid down by the Ministry of boundaries of the construction sector and architecture
The Danish Building and Property Agency is the state’s Culture’s Order No. 306 of 18 May 1999 for the Royal so that the players, working together, are able to con-
property enterprise and developer, operating under Academy of Fine Arts32. In addition to this, the Council tribute to the forward-looking development of architec-
the Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing. The has drawn up a set of articles of association that set the ture and construction specifically and Danish society
agency manages current and future needs of most of framework for the Academy’s work. in general.
Danish public facilities30. It has the responsibility of
creating modern, functional and cost-effective frame- City Architects DAC was founded in 1985 through a collaboration
works for some of the country’s most important public between the Danish Ministry of Culture, the Ministry
institutions, such as, universities, police, courts and Besides the municipal architectural policies, several of Economic and Business Affairs and the Realdania
Danish City Councils have appointed a City Architect to foundation. DAC’s core funding was reassured by a
28 The Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces was founded in 2016 by public-private partnership between Realdania and the
a fusion of the former Danish Agency for Culture and the Agency for
Palaces and Cultural Properties. The Danish Agency for Culture was 31 The restricted design competition, it will consist of the three winners Danish government established in 2004. DAC used
founded in 2002 when the Danish Heritage Agency, the Danish Arts from the open design competition and three prequalified teams. In to be installed in at an old harbour building called the
Agency and the Danish Agency for Libraries and Media merged. order to create transparency, the Agency announces the teams who
were prequalify for the restricted design competition prior to the open Gammel Dok, in Copenhagen. Currently it is installed in
29 (accessed in design competition. a major new building design by OMA architects, which
September 2018)
32 The ‘Royal Academy of Fine Arts’ and the ‘Royal Danish Academy of comprises several cultural institutions.
30 The Danish Building and Property Agency has a property portfolio of Fine Arts: The School of Architecture, the Visual Arts Schools’ and the
about 4 million m2 - of this about 1,2 million private leases and PPP- ‘Conservatory School’ form together the Royal Danish Academy of
projects - and more than 1,800 leases and 300 current and planned Fine Arts, which was established on March 31, 1754. Therefore, the
Danish Architecture Centre (DAC) promotes archi-
construction projects. institution celebrated its 250th anniversary on March 31, 2004. tecture as a broad concept that embraces everything


The Royal Danish Playhouse Location: Kannikegården Photographer:
Copenhagen, Denmark Anders Sune Berg
The Royal Danish Playhouse is
a theatre building for the Royal Photographer: Architect:
Danish Theatre Kontraframe Lundgaard & Tranberg

Architect: Location:
Lundgaard & Tranberg Ribe, Denmark

Year: 2016

Wadden Sea Center Photographer:

Adam Moerk

Dorte Mandrup Architects

Ribe, Denmark

Year: 2017

Carlsberg Foundation’s angled corners of which have been Christiansborg Slotsplads – Year:
Researcher Apartments cut away to create a 45 degree Urban Security 2019
corner. The bricks are laid in
This new apartment building opposite directions on alternating Type: development of a site- Architect:
comprises 22 apartments for layers to create a striking façade specific security concept in GHB Landskabsarkitekter
academic researchers who work and create a play of light and historic, urban settings
for the Carlsberg Foundation in In cooperation with:
shadow over the ceramic surface.
Copenhagen. The building has Photographer: Sweco, ÅF Consult and Professor
Thanks to these effects, the
been designed to vary in height The Agency for Culture and Steen Høyer
building incorporates the historic
between three and five storeys, Palaces
elements of ornamentation and Entrepreneur:
just like the adjacent buildings, decoration, giving them a fresh Clients: C.G. Jensen
so that it blends in perfectly with interpretation The Danish Parliament and The
its surroundings. On the ground Location:
Agency for Culture and Palaces
floor, the entrance and educational Photographer: Slotsholmen, Copenhagen,
facilities can be used by all Anders Sune Bang Denmark
residents. The six apartments on
each floor are organized around Architect:
two staircases. Every apartment is Praksis Architects, Denmark
unique and differs from the others
in size and layout, but they all have
Copenhagen, Denmark
a loggia overlooking the garden.
On the façade, the architects Year: 2017
decided to use special bricks, the


Frederiksbjerg School Photographer:
Hufton + Crow

Henning Larsen Architects

Frederiksbjerg, Aarhus, Denmark

Year: 2016
Wave Photographer:
Jacob Due

Henning Larsen Architects

Vejle, Denmark

Year: 2018

Blox - Home of the Danish Photographer:

Architecture Center (DAC) Rasmus Hjortshøj


Copenhagen, Denmark

Year: 2018


The previous Chapter provided a snapshot of the cur- Against this background, the present Chapter intends
rent system of design governance and the main actors to develop a cross-cutting analysis of the first three
in the five case studies. As was seen, all case stud- case studies with the objective of extracting some
ies have been in pursuit of a formal policy on architec- conclusions on the role, instruments and impact of
ture for more than a decade, some for almost 20 years. State Architects teams, and hopefully underpin a more
To push for its implementation, the first three (Ireland, refined answer to the background research questions
Flanders and Scotland) have established a State Archi- on the impact of design leadership on processes of
tect team within their administrative structure, to pro- design governance. To do so, this chapter is organized
vide spatial design leadership in general and improve in three parts. The first will discuss the role of State
the design of public buildings in particular, through a Architect’s teams in a comparative perspective across
diversified set of design policy tools and actions. In the the first three case studies. More specifically, it will dis-
remaining two (Denmark and Vienna) the system oper- cuss the advantages of having a State Architect office
ates in a different way, taking advantage of a robust in terms of processes of design governance. A second
cluster of actors and design advisory bodies, and with part will review the different design policy tools used
a stronger emphasis on spatial design leadership at the by the State Architects and a third part will discuss the
local level. State Architects red lines and main limitations.

The next Chapter will cross-analyse the five case stud-

ies together to compare the role and impact of the State
Architects in the three states analysed throughout this
Chapter (Ireland, Flanders and Scotland) against the
design governance system in Denmark and Vienna.


6.1 THE ROLE OF STATE ARCHITECTS the use of informal mechanisms of negotiation and more pro-active role as change agent promoting As discussed in Chapter 3, spatial design is a
persuasion instead of more traditional “command new concepts and ideas to local stakeholders and cross-sectional issue, involving different political
“I believe it is important because a State Archi- and control” instruments. wider society, while the Irish and the Scottish State decision-makers and stakeholders, each with their
tect gets to represent Ireland at a very senior Architects assume a more advisory and technical own say on development, policy, and regulatory
level. But also it shows an acknowledgement by Acknowledging that the state is one of the major role within public administration (see Section 7.2). and enabling functions of the state. According to
government that they value the contribution of clients of the construction industry and one of the Despite the differences, as discussed above, they the interviewees, the State Architects have been
design for placemaking. We don’t have a state largest property owners, the methods and criteria all deliver spatial design leadership by providing able to create new bridges and communication
engineer, wed don’t have a state surveyor, we used by public bodies are usually then adopted as design policy advice, promoting better public channels between different state departments and
don’t have a state builder, but we do have a state a model by the private sector. Whether by central buildings and fostering public awareness about public organizations, or in other words, by ‘encour-
architect – and I think that has been an acknowl- government and its agencies or by local authori- the importance of design quality, which ultimately aging organisations to act holistically and work in
edgement by government, that the quality of what ties, the state should set an example by promoting will end up improving the system of design gov- a joined-up fashion with others to achieve a quality
we are building, the quality of places and how good practices as owner, developer and user of ernment. place rather than think and act in silos to suit their
we protect our architectural heritage requires an public buildings (Ireland, 2009). Therefore, it must own professional interests’ (Tiesdell et. al. 2013).
architect at senior level.” (CEO, RIAI: Interview: present itself as an exemplary client committed to III. Providing advice on government policy To do so, they usually organize meetings with dis-
2018) quality in every aspect of building procurement tinct public departments and appeal to others to
and property development (Ibidem). In this context, Given their expert knowledge on spatial design act in a holistic manner when it comes to design
The above quote of the CEO of the Royal Institute of the State Architects assume an important role of issues, the State Architects also provide advice quality. From this perspective, the State Architects
the Architects of Ireland (RIAI) reflects her opinion on design leadership, promoting design quality as a on government policy regarding matters that may offer cooperation with different state actors to
whether the position of the State Architect was import- cooperative aim across different sectors and levels affect the built environment. In the case of Scotland persuade them to adopt a more proactive place-
ant to foster a placemaking culture in Ireland. The CEO’s of public administration, even if in practical terms and Flanders, the State Architects are responsi- making culture instead of reactive culture (Tiesdell,
reply is quite explicit in terms of the added value of this does not impose a new statutory framework. In ble for the development of architectural policies, 2010). For this they have at their disposal several
having a State Architect. She continued saying that the the case of Ireland, this is also done in a direct way supervising and monitoring the implementation policy tools, which will be discussed in the next
appointment of a State Architect by the government in by assuring the overall design and construction of the policy goals, initiatives and actions. Within section, such as promoting specialized forums to
2009 was one of the architecture policy outputs but management of a huge portfolio of public build- these processes, they may coordinate inter-sec- achieve consensus on common goals and on how
also the political recognition of the importance of ings. toral working groups to integrating as many dif- to improve results on the ground.
design for high quality places. Since then, in her view, ferent views as possible. State Architects also
the State Architect has been enormously helpful for the II. Improving the system of design governance provide advice on major development projects, V. Fostering a placemaking culture
government in leading and encouraging central and prepare policies and supervise their implementa-
local governments to aim for better places, to make One of the main advantages of having a State tion. According to the interviews, the State Architects
connections with other departments and stakeholders, Architect is, according to interviewees, the capac- have the ability to initiate a communication process
as well as to improve methods of working with local ity of the role to enhance the system of design gov- Furthermore, State Architects also propose between public actors but also with stakeholders
authorities (Ibidem). ernance. As discussed in Chapter 3, a conceptual amendments on gaps and contradictions in the in the building industry, such as private developers,
shift from ‘government to governance’ has been complex system of norms affecting the built envi- investors, regeneration agencies, transport com-
To varying degrees, the same positive view on the role taking place since the beginning of the 1990s, ronment. For example, the Flemish Government panies, designers and planners, the community
of a State Architect has been expressed by differ- which encompasses the idea of a ‘new way of Architect office formulates concrete recommenda- and all the other interest groups. Therefore, one
ent interviewees of all three countries under analysis. thinking about state capabilities and state-society tions and measures, not only for decision-makers of their main tasks is to promote an awareness of
In fact, they all agree that having a State Architect is relationships’ (Pierre, 2000). In all three case stud- in federal, provincial, and municipal administra- architecture and a design culture in society, so that
crucial in improving the role of the state, which should ies, the State Architects mentioned that they were tions, but also for educational institutions and pro- it may become possible to influence the choices of
lead by example and set an agenda for future action. To able to start and develop a process of participation fessional organizations (Interview: 2018). As such, consumers or the decisions of producers and, ulti-
better understand its role, this section will break down and negotiation between different policy actors, State Architects provide expert information and mately, arrive at better quality built environments.
the role of State Architects in five dimensions. including public and private stakeholders. This knowledge to policy-makers with a sound decision
type of informal interactions is crucial to improve basis. In all the case studies, the State Architects take
I. Providing spatial design leadership decision making processes, in policy making as part in different forums, communicating the impor-
well as in major public projects. Nevertheless, the Another role played by the State Architects is to tance to pay attention to quality and emphasising
The appointment of a State Architect is a direct State Architects impact extent and ability to influ- represent governments in international forums and the added value stemming from including design
way for the government to take a leadership role in ence others will be constrained by their mission, meetings, from open EU initiatives and events, concerns earlier in the decision process. By fos-
design governance, by fostering and promoting a specific attributions and level of political support. such as the European Heritage festival or the tering public awareness about the importance of
place-making culture. In accordance with the the- architecture biennales, to specialized international design quality, State Architects promote a mind-
oretical discussion held in Chapter 3, from a gov- Although to varying levels, all three State Archi- networks, such as the European Forum for Archi- set change of both public and private actors
ernance perspective the state should ‘steer and not tects are entrusted with the role of state design tectural Policies (EFAP). regarding the quality of the designed environment.
row’. This means that by setting a State Architect champions, in charge of promoting a mind-set This role will be played with less or more enthusi-
team aimed at promoting design quality based on a change of both public (e.g. politicians, planners, IV. Promoting inter-departmental dialogue and coop- asm depending on the personality and vision of the
medium and long-term view, the government shows etc.) and private actors (e.g. developers, design- eration State Architect.
the direction that society in general and develop- ers, etc.) about the quality of buildings and places.
ment actors in particular should take - through The Flemish Government Architect assumes a


6.2 STATE ARCHITECTS including conservation and maintenance (see sec- In certain cases, for larger state-owned building there is already a proliferation of prizes promoted
POLICY INSTRUMENTS tion 5.1). The State Architect’s office also provides projects, State Architects select and oversee the by a panoply of entities, and the impact of this
design assistance to other state departments and work of architectural firms contracted by the state type of initiative can be questioned. To counteract
As examined in the case studies, the State Archi- agencies when requested, while also promoting to prepare designs and specifications. This is this, the Flemish Government Architect introduced
tects have at their disposal a wide range of informal better urban integration and design quality for all the case of the State Architect of Ireland, whose the Client Award, which intends to promote good
design policy tools to foster and promote a place- other state buildings (e.g. healthcare facilities), team has to review and approve designs prepared commissioning practices among developers and
making culture, which supplement the more traditional even if it is not requested to do so. In the latter by private-sector architects for critical buildings promoters (See section 5.3).
mechanisms of design control and regulation. Follow- case, there will be an indirect influence, depending owned by the state such as schools, police sta-
ing the discussion on Chapter 3, informal policy tools on the will of the public promoter to accept or not tions, fire stations, etc. The Flemish Government Still within this category, State Architects coordi-
(non-statutory) are focused on enhancing the capac- the advice. Architect also evaluates designs through the Open nate state funding for spatial design initiatives, such
ity, competence and knowledge of development actors Call method, described previously (See section as support to architectural festivals and events. For
and institutions including all sorts of information, learn- The Flemish Government Architect does not have 5.3). example, the Scottish Government supported the
ing, symbolic and organizational tools. This type of direct design competences or responsibilities for Housing Expo in 2010 or the architectural festi-
policy instruments is generally seen as a form of invest- public buildings but he has a long experience of Similar to the above, although the Scottish Chief val in 2016, including a wide diversity of related
ment in the development of human, social, cultural and assisting public principals of different levels of Architect does not have design review duties, activities, such as street installations, exhibitions,
institutional capital (Tiesdell & Adams, 2010). the administration, namely, preparing and defin- he delegates this to A&DS. The organization has debates and conferences, guided walks, parties,
ing the brief, organizing the design competition been very active in managing Local Design Review design workshops, small talks, etc. Some of the
This section will examine State Architects’ policy tools and selecting the designer, through the Open Panels and supporting local authorities to improve festivals are organized every year and last for a
using Carmona’s (2017) typology of design governance Call method (see section 5.3). As such, his team the quality of the built environment, by helping couple of days, while others are biennial or tri-
tools, discussed on Section 3.3, which is divided in five directly intervene into the design process, which them to address design issues early on during the ennial. The Irish State Architect provides annual
categories: i) direct assistance with projects and/or will indirectly influence the quality of public con- pre-application stage of planning when there is funding for the functioning of the Irish Architecture
with processes of design; ii) evaluation of design qual- struction, running from small schools, to medium still time for discussion and changes. In addition, Foundation as well as for several cultural initiatives
ity; iii) promotion of design; iv) dissemination of knowl- size public offices to major urban planning frame- A&DS has been developing evaluation tools, such (e.g. Open House Dublin).
edge; and v) gathering of evidence. In Carmona’s typol- works. as the ‘Place Standard assessment tool’, which
ogy, design governance tools range along a continuum allows any user to evaluate the quality of places33. IV. Dissemination of information and knowledge
of intervention, from higher to lower level of intervention Although the Scottish Chief Architect does not
(hands-off to increasingly hands-on) (Ibidem, p. 19). have direct building design responsibilities, he reg- III. Promotion of design and exchange of ideas The fourth category focuses on the dissemination
Considering the State Architects’ specific role, it was ularly promotes meetings with other state depart- of information and the creation of new knowledge
decided to invert this order and develop this section ments that do (e.g. education), to discuss ways of The third category is focused on the promotion about design processes and the built environment,
from the greater to the lesser extent of intervention. improving the standards of design and construc- of architecture and spatial design, exchange of including best practice guides, case studies librar-
tion, which is a type of indirect initiative to improve ideas and debates, including all type of tools such ies or education & training initiatives. In the case
I. Assistance with projects and/or with processes of public built outcomes. In addition, he manages as conferences, awards, campaigns, and partner- studies, the State Architect teams usually promote
design and supervises the work of A&DS, which is the ships. State Architects usually organize symposi- the development of guides and manuals on differ-
national design champion on architecture and the ums or forums of discussion on specific themes, ent aspects of the built environment which com-
From the five categories, the first is the most built environment, an executive non-departmen- inviting different decision-makers from relevant prise a wide range of topics, such as architecture,
hands-on and proactive: direct assistance with tal public body (NDPB). Funded by government, fields and substantially contributing to areas that urban design, heritage and conservation, sustain-
building projects and/or with design processes. A&DS has a long experience of assisting different need attention. They also contribute to workshops ability, etc. This documentation is an important
Although with different scopes of intervention, public state departments and local authorities, or conferences as speakers, providing public source of information that complements existing
one of the main missions of State Architects is namely in local design review panels. Through the statements from a design perspective about spe- legislation with appealing and easy-to-read mate-
to promote high quality public buildings and con- approval of the A&DS funding and biannual activ- cific developments, even if not requested, to pro- rial drawing from examples of validated best prac-
struction works, namely by directly intervening in ities plan, the Scottish Chief Architect is able to mote debate and exchange of ideas. In this logic, tice, not only directed at the professional sector
project design and construction management. By shape the action of A&DS towards better public a State Architect may be a powerful actor to per- and public servants but also at the general public.
appointing a State Architect team, the government built outcomes. suade others and promote a culture change about For example, the Irish State Architect support sev-
is reinforcing and improving public sector design the importance of achieving better places. eral publications in the areas of architecture, urban
competences, which will in turn be responsible for II. Design review and evaluation design, landscape and heritage.
certain design tasks and portfolio as well as for With the objective of promoting innovation in spa-
assisting other state departments in processes of This category focuses on issues of ‘evaluation’ of tial design, some of the State Architects promote V. Provide evidence
design. particular projects, places or processes; including architectural prizes. By publicly acknowledging
different types of reviews and certifications, which extraordinary achievements, governments hope to The last set of tools is evidence, which refers to
Within the three case studies, the Irish State Archi- contain a series of tools through which judgements raise design quality and award reference projects the research or audit capabilities of State Archi-
tect is the one with more direct responsibility in the are made about the design quality, be it by the State that set up new benchmarks. Nowadays, however, tects or advisory bodies. As was seen in the case
design and/or construction of public buildings. As Architect or an external advisory board. Although studies, the State Architects are considered
a result, a large team of designers is responsible still informal, according to Carmona (2017) these important sources of expertise in design related
33 The Scottish ‘Place Standard assessment tool” was developed by
for the design and construction management of have the potential to shape particular outcomes three partners: Architecture and Design Scotland (A&DS), NHS
matters and policy. Although each state has spe-
a large portfolio of public buildings and facilities, rather than just the decision-making environment. Health Scotland and Social Justice Department. cific funding programs for research projects that


include architecture and spatial design issues, need to involve a wide range of departments and One of the main issues continues to be how to
sometimes State Architects also develop specific agencies (Bento, 2017). change the current procurement process, which
studies together with partners or simply commis- is mostly defined by EU regulation and does not
sion research to others. For example, the Flem- As discussed in Chapter3, the state is a complex potentiate the use of design competitions or other
ish Government Architect mentioned that, when organization, with its own internal disputes and solutions that may value quality beyond the “lowest
necessary, they commission specific research to interests, in which the creation of autonomous price” criteria. Unfortunately, the three State Archi-
universities (e.g. studies on ecological building semi-public agencies and outsourcing has become tects continue to struggle to introduce quality cri-
solutions). The aim is to provide new knowledge the rule. The administrative structures of modern teria in the procurement process. Another issue
and to influence development actors to adapt their states hinder the implementation of public policies reported has been the difficulty of stopping the
modus operandi. As such, the different forms of that cross many sectors and levels of the adminis- loss of design skills on local authorities and the
evidence that an administration may communicate tration. So, one of the main challenges that State introduction of more efficient design standards in
and pass through will influence the way how the Architects have to face is how to influence different the planning system.
market actors operates. state departments and improve the co-ordination of
the wide range of policies that affect the built envi- III. The need to create a virtuous circle of production:
6.3 LIMITATIONS AND CHALLENGES ronment. a long-term goal
Furthermore, the multi-level governance system, Although the State architects aspire to build
Although the appointment of a State Architect team with the increasing autonomy of local govern- high-quality environments, these aims are very
reveals a public commitment to the value of architec- ment, may hinder the State Architect’s capacity difficult to achieve in the short term. As was dis-
ture and design quality, this recognition may not be to influence local politicians without the appropri- cussed previously, design quality can be consid-
enough to improve the quality of the built environment. ate mechanisms or financial means to do so (e.g. ered a complex social problem as it is dependent
Besides demonstrating a willingness towards place- design guidance, subsidies, etc). As such, the on a wide range of actors involved in the pro-
making, governments also need to invest in the front State Architect discourse around the values of duction, maintenance and renovation of urban
end vision to achieve quality places. As discussed on design quality will only be ingrained by the different spaces. In this sense, the State Architect needs
Chapter 3, the design of the built environment is con- government actors if there are effective interde- to implement a diversified policy agenda and a
sidered a complex social problem as it is the result of partmental channels of communication. This can mix of policy tools covering a wider spectrum of
multiple interactions among public and private actors, be done by creating interdepartmental platforms areas. As noted by Adams (2013, p. 299),
most of the times with divergent interest and distinct that can build bridges and facilitate communica- if regulatory instruments are the only tools avail-
decision power mechanisms. The social and complex tion between different departments. Nevertheless, able to policymakers and planners, their primary
nature of design quality emphasizes the importance of as seen above, appointing a State Architect is one concern will be reduced to the verification of com-
creating a favourable climate for good design through of the mechanisms for the government assume pliance to the norms and of the speed in which
the implementation of a diversified policy agenda that a leading role in placemaking and push for the regulatory decisions are made. Although capacity-
covers a wider spectrum of areas. implementation of a design agenda. building tools may have a lower impact, they must
be seen as a long-term investment in people
Therefore, as all other public actors and agencies, II. Lack of statutory ‘status’ and regulatory tools geared to changing the behaviour of development
State Architects need to have strong political support actors, mainly through persuasion and by promot-
and enough level of resources to able to implement Since the majority of the State Architects’ policy ing a change of mind set, focused on enhancing
diversified design policy tools to produce substantial instruments are essentially capacity-building, the skills, competence and knowledge of develop-
impact and give an impetus to cultural change. In this generally referred in this study as informal policy ment actors. Only by enabling a cultural change in
framework, State Architects’ capacity of intervention on tools, or tools without teeth, the State Architects relation to the built environment will it be possible
processes of design will always have certain limitations face the danger of not being able to influence to achieve more integrated and sustainable places.
and challenges to deal with along its mandates. This the choices of producers (investors, developers),
Section will take a look on some of these. who end up having the most decision-making
power on the overall quality of the development.
I. Interdepartmental barriers Although capacity-building tools are important to
raise awareness and stimulate both sides of the
One of the main goals of State Architects is to pro- market, development is still mostly a profit-driven
mote high standards of design as a way of achiev- process, in which commercial pressures often go
ing value for money and improving the quality of against long-term investment in design quality. In
public buildings. However, in practical terms, this this sense, exhortations of the public benefits of
objective is not easy to achieve as spatial design is good design will have a limited impact in a climate
a cross-sectional issue, involving different political in which financial value and return are the main
decision-makers and stakeholders at various sec- drivers for private sector investment (see theoreti-
tors and levels of public administration. This means cal discussion on Chapter 3).
that, to promote design quality, State Architects


After examining the role of State Architects in the first With this in mind, the present Chapter will follow the
three case studies, it is relevant to look across the five same structure used for the case studies analysis
case studies of this research to obtain a comparative (Chapter 5). A first part will briefly look across the dif-
perspective of the different design governance sys- ferent architectural policies adopted in the five states,
tems and how spatial design leadership is being deliv- which embody government’s design leadership aspira-
ered with and without the figure of the State Archi- tion. A second part will discuss the role and mission of
tect. Although each state has its specific administrative state design champions across the five states, includ-
structure and relevant actors, there are several lessons ing the State Architects already analysed and the main
that can be extracted by comparing the differences actors found in Denmark and Vienna. Finally, a third part
and similarities among them. It is important to recall will briefly look at the role of other relevant actors in
that each state has its own contextual setting: social, the design governance system of the five case stud-
culture, administrative and legal. As such, the spe- ies, where it will be shown that there are several design
cific policy instruments found in each state cannot be policy aims and tools that are being delivered by other
divorced from its background, being used in this chap- players.
ter to illustrate the different design governance innova-
tions and constraints.


7.1 PUBLIC POLICY ON ARCHITECTURE each policy has its own characteristics, the compre- Thirdly, as in all public policies, architectural policies management and maintenance of a huge portfolio of
hensive policies can be broadly described as an official will only be a useful tool if they are provided with the public buildings (except healthcare facilities and others),
As was seen in Chapter 5, all five case studies have policy document of strategic orientation with a global means and resources for an effective implementation. promoting and monitoring the urban integration, and the
been pursuing a formal policy on architecture to pro- approach on architecture in which the government Otherwise, they will be just a well-intentioned high-level design quality of most governmental constructions. In
mote quality within the built environment for more than defines the main goals and objectives to safeguard and policy statement on the value of good design, static this context, being capable of directly influence to the
one decade and some for almost 20 years. Considering promote design quality in building, urban design and in time and with no capacity of intervention with very design quality of most public buildings gives the State
that spatial design is a shared policy domain between culture heritage, to be subsequently implemented by little (if any) impact (see Bento, 2017). As was seen, all Architect a reinforced position in terms of negotiation
diverse sectors and levels of the state, besides pro- public authorities (Bento, 2017). case studies have been making efforts on their archi- and influence over others state departments in Ireland.
claiming the importance of design quality for citizens’ tectural policies’ implementation. To do so, they have
well-being, through the adoption of a public policy on Although Flanders does not have a comprehensive appointed a State Architect team, or a similar division The Flemish Government Architect has a medium-sized
architecture the different governments are setting a policy as the remaining case studies, considering a / office, which this research broadly refers to as state team of 22 people, with a more independent role, being
design policy agenda and providing leadership within wider notion of public policy, the Flemish architectural design champions, to delivery most of its policy initia- placed semi-outside the public sphere. The aim is to
the overall system of design governance. This means policy has been formalized through the adoption of sev- tives and monitor the implementation action plans. This have an independent voice on design quality, in what
that the adoption of an architectural policy is by itself an eral sectoral policy documents approved by the gov- will be discussed below. might be described as a ‘watchdog’ without teeth. The
expression of governmental design leadership intended ernment and by the establishment of two architectural range of instruments of the Flemish Government Archi-
to stimulate a placemaking culture and enhance the institutions, namely, the Flemish Government Architect 7.2 STATE DESIGN CHAMPIONS tect were developed along its twenty years of existence,
role of the government in promoting a more sustainable in 1998 and the Flanders Architecture Institute (VAI) in with the Open Call method becoming the main lever-
built environment. 2001 (see Section 5.3). As was seen in Chapter 5, all case studies have entrusted age for improving the quality of public commissions in
a public actor to act as champion for higher standards Flanders (see section 5.2). Recently, the new Flemish
Although all five case studies have adopted a formal Secondly, the main ideas and values underlying the and to promote good practices across and beyond gov- Architect introduced new tools, namely the develop-
policy on architecture, it is possible to observe sev- architectural policies discourse, which problems are ernment, in an effort to foster a place-making culture ment of pilot projects, working together with municipal-
eral differences among them, namely its institutional they supposed to solve and which target areas they and capacity. The first three states have established the ities and universities in innovative design and built solu-
approaches, type of policy documents, main concepts prioritize in their action plans, are also very site spe- position of State Architect, who acts a design champion tions, to demonstrate to market actors that it is possible
used and implementation mechanisms. Despite the cific. For example, the Viennese policy is focused on within or in the name of the government, being respon- to provide accessible housing with high design stan-
time given for this research did not allow a proper exam- the notion of building culture defining ten Baukultur sible for, among other issues, promote better design of dards and more ecological construction.
ination of the differences among the policies as well as guiding principles, which are intended to serve as a public buildings and places, advising other departments
the specific contexts and main drivers that determined basis for the city of Vienna when it comes to the design on design quality, providing support in the preparation of The Scottish Chief Architect has the smallest team
the characteristics of each policy approach, the follow- of public spaces, buildings or parks. Although the term design competitions, monitoring the implementation of with only 8 people. Nonetheless, the Chief Architect
ing aspects can be highlighted. architecture is replaced by a broader notion, the same the architectural policy actions and contributing to the is responsible for the coordination and development
concerns about placemaking and the importance of development of best practices in procurement and con- of the Scottish architectural policy, namely monitor-
Firstly, the institutional approach of each policy is the design for the quality of life are also present. This tracting policies. ing and supervising the state financial budget spent
strongly influenced by the administrative structure and means that this broader conceptual approach does not on the implementation of the different policy actions.
context where the policies were developed. From the undermine the general aim of a more sustainable envi- The State Architect of Ireland has the biggest team with One important task is the approval of the biennial work
five case studies, four have adopted a comprehensive ronment which seeks a balance between social, eco- almost 100 people. This is a quite unique situation, as programme of the Architecture and Design Scotland
architectural policy approved by the council of minis- nomic, environmental and cultural objectives. Ireland still maintains a centralized architectural service (A&DS), the design champion in Scotland, and several
ters; in the case of Vienna, by the City Council. Despite inside OPW, a central department responsible for the other related architectural initiatives. In addition, the

Table 5 – Recent architectural policy documents Table 6 – State design champions

State Name Type Year Department responsible State Position Minister / Department / Unit Staff Position
Ireland Towards a Sustainable Future: Comprehensive 2009 Built Heritage, Architectural Policy & Strategic
Delivering Quality within the Built Infrastructure Ireland State Architect Office of Public Department of Architectural 90 Inside (department)
Environment Works (OPW) Services
Flanders Government Architect Policy Sectoral 2017 Flemish Government Architect Flanders Government Presidency of Flemish Government Architect 22 Outside (office)
Statement: Creating space for Architect Ministers Team
people and nature. Scotland Chief Architect Built Environment Architecture & Place division 8 Inside (division)
Scotland Creating Places. A policy state- Comprehensive 2013 Architecture and Place Division Directorate
ment on architecture and place Denmark Chief Senior Culture / Agency Department of Architecture, - Inside (division)
for Scotland Adviser* for Culture and Pal- Planning and World Heritage
Denmark Danish Architectural Policy. Put- Comprehensive 2014 Agency for Culture and Palaces aces
ting people first Vienna Director** State of Vienna & Department of Architecture and 65 Inside (department)
Vienna Baukultur policy principles for Comprehensive 2015 Architecture and Urban Design City Council Urban Design
* Senior Adviser responsible by the supervision of the architectural policy implementation in Denmark.
** Director responsible by advising on the quality of architecture and urban design within the state of Vienna.
- No information


Chief Architect works closely with the urban planning Missions of state design champions In between, there is the State Architect of Ireland, early on during the pre-application stage of planning.
team responsible for monitoring the spatial planning whose mission can be placed in the middle of the spec- In Denmark, the Academy Council is an independent
framework and urban design guidelines that are issued One of the lessons taken from the comparative analysis trum, as he has an important role as a design adviser body who provide expert advice to municipal and state
for the local authorities. is that the State Architect teams, or similar spatial design but assumes a proactive leadership across government authorities when requested on architecture and spatial
units, have different roles and competences according influencing and motivating people. Finally, the Scottish development projects. In addition, it may, on its own
Therefore, as already discussed, despite the different to their position within the administrative structure. Fol- Chief Architect is more on the left side of the spectrum initiative, obtain information from specific design inter-
sizes and levels of competences, the State Architect lowing Tiesdell and Adams’ (2010) conceptions of the but it is a special case as he supervises and works with ventions or art projects and make statements to state
teams in the first three case studies (Ireland, Flanders role of local authority ‘design champion’, it is possible A&DS, a national institution whose mission is to cham- authorities and public institutions, as well as, make
and Scotland) have an important role of spatial design to place the State Architects and main actors of the five pion spatial design. those statements public.
leadership, expressed through a varied set of design case studies along a spectrum, from a more limited role
policy tools. of ‘design advisor’ to a more expansive role as a ‘change 7.3 OTHER RELEVANT ACTORS In the case of Vienna, besides the role of design review
agent’ or ‘change leader’ (see Chapter 3). carried out by the Department of Architecture and
Although Denmark and Vienna do not have a State Spatial design advisory boards Urban Design, there also exists a specific Advisory
Architect position, they have their own clusters of At one extreme, the state design champion can have Board for Urban Planning and Urban Design, com-
state actors. The Danish situation is the most decen- a more limited role as a design advisor who operates As discussed throughout Chapter 5, the State Archi- posed of a group of experts and persons, to provide
tralized, where the Agency of Culture and Palaces of within, and adds capacity to, the statutory planning tects also carry out important spatial design advisory design advice about projects with a strong impact on
the Ministry of Culture assumes the task of supervis- system and supports the building and urban develop- functions34. This can vary from specific project design, the public realm and about new zoning plans (see Sec-
ing the architectural policy implementation across state ment departments, for example, on reviewing the design zoning or master plans, to policies or regulations that tion 5.4). Parallel to this, several municipalities are also
departments. In addition, there are two important exter- quality of building permits of development projects have may affect the design of the built environment. appointing City Architects to promote a liveable and
nal actors: the Academy Council of the Royal Acad- and the subsequent negotiations and report writing on These specific tasks are determined by the political, inclusive urban spaces, as was seen in the case of
emy of Fine Arts, which is the state’s adviser in artis- formal applications. Within this role the design advisor social and cultural context of each state35. Nonethe- Denmark.
tic issues in the fields of architecture, and the Danish may also help to shape design policies in development less, it was possible to observe that in three of the five
Building and Property Agency, the state’s property plans or zoning codes (Ibidem). This is the case of the case studies, there was a specific body with spatial Architectural cultural institutions
developer responsible for a huge amount of design Architecture and Urban Design Department in the state design advisory tasks, operating as non-departmental
assignments for public buildings, operating under the and municipality of Vienna or the Danish Department public bodies (NDPB) or as an independent advisory In all five case studies, governments have been sup-
Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing. of Architecture, Planning and World Heritage form the board. porting, with more or less expenditure, the function-
Agency of Culture and Palaces. ing of architectural cultural institutions dedicated to
The state of Vienna is quite different from the rest due Table 7 – Spatial design advisory boards the promotion and championing of architecture, urban
to its federal system and being both a state and a cap- More proactively, on the opposite side of the spectrum, design and the built environment in general. The rec-
State Advisory board Tutelage Statute
ital city. Within its municipality functions, it has a spe- governments may appoint a design champion as change ognition of the importance of communicating the value
Ireland State Architect Office of Public
cific Department of Architecture and Urban Design agent, with a much more ambitious role. This is a strate- of Architecture to the general public has led the five
Public Works
responsible for design review and advice about the gic and political role, in which the “change agent devel- (OPW) governments to financially support architectural cultural
quality of private building projects, public space and ops a vision of positive change and leads a project to Flanders Government Presidency of Public
organizations, mainly through the ministries of culture,
urban design, as well as design of public facilities. The transform an organisation by getting people – politi- Architect Ministers obtain the remaining funding from private sponsorship
department is constituted by a large number of design- cians, local authority officers, the local design and devel- Scotland Architecture and Built Environ- NDPB and donations.
ers (around 65 people) delivering design advise and opment communities, amenity groups and the general Design Scotland ment Directo-
working together with the different municipal depart- public – to think differently about place-making; to alter rate Table 8 – Architectural cultural institutions
ments. Based on the concept of building culture everyday working practices; and ultimately to achieve Denmark Academy Council Does not Independ-
State Name Year Main
(baukultur), the department also works closely with the better outcomes on the ground” (Ibid.). This is the case apply ent funding**
Architecture Centre of Vienna in specific cultural exhi- of the Flemish Government Architect, whose mission is Vienna Advisory Board State of NDPB Ireland Irish Architecture 2005 Public &
bitions and events (this will be discussed below). to promote a placemaking culture and charting a vision for Urban Plan- Vienna & City Foundation (IAF) Private
ning and Urban Council
for the future. Flanders Flanders Architecture 2002 Public
Institute (VAI)
Fig. 18 – Spatial design leadership spectrum In Scotland, Architecture and Design Scotland (A&DS) Scot- Architecture & Design 2005 Public
was entrusted with several design informal tools, includ- land* Scotland (A&DS)
ing design review local panels, which are designed to Denmark Danish Architecture 1984 Public &
support local authorities to improve the quality of the Centre (DAC) Private
Denmark Ireland Flanders built environment by helping to address design issues Vienna Architecture Centre of 1992 Public
Vienna (AzW)

34 In Ireland and Flanders, design advice is part of the States Architects * In Scotland there is also the Glasgow
Design Change
Architecture Centre - The Lighthouse
advisor leader functions, which have design expertise inside their own organization
and in the case of Flanders, if necessary, can request assistance to
** Adding to the main funding all the institutions
an expert group.
receive private sponsoring for specific initiatives.
Vienna Scotland 35 As already refereed in Section 2.3, the five states have different
administrative organizations: unitary (Denmark and Ireland), federal
(Flanders and Vienna) and the specific case of Scotland (UK).


Although the structure and remit differ between the Professional organizations
different institutions, their main objective is to present
and provide information about architecture and urban In most countries, there are professional bodies
matters, creating spaces for debate on the future of entrusted with the professional regulation of architects
the built environment. These include programs target- and other designers, mainly by the obligation of regis-
ing different audiences, such as young generations tering the title. The range of designers covered by these
(school workshops, teaching materials, etc.), profes- institutions change from country to country, where in This investigation explored the role of governmental The present Chapter outlines the most significant con-
sional designers (lectures, debates, etc.) and the gen- some countries access is limited to architects while in spatial design leadership through the appointment of clusions of this research following the structure pro-
eral public (exhibitions, open houses, TV programmes, others it includes several design professionals, such as State Architect (or similar) teams and their (potential) vided by the three specific research questions. The first
etc.). The main aim is to create a climate favourable architects, urban designers, landscape designers and contribution to the wider processes of design gover- section will review the main conclusions on the role
to generating design quality, which will in turn have an engineers. For example, in Austria the professional body nance. It started by setting out a general outline of the and instruments of State Architect teams (first research
impact on the quality of the built environment by raising includes architects and engineers. From the five case theory of design governance, the different design policy question). The second will discuss the impact of State
consumer (clients, buyers, communities) expectations studies, Scotland is the only one that has a specific instruments at hand, and an overview of the role of Architects in processes of design governance in the
about the quality of design. organization in charge of registering the Architect title design champions. This was followed by a brief review first three states (second research question). The third,
for all the UK, entitled the Architects’ Register, which is of the role of State Architects in general, and of several and last section, will revisit the background research
Within these five institutions, the Scottish A+DS independent of the professional organization, the Royal examples of this position in Europe and beyond. All of question on the potential contribution of spatial design
assumes some of the tasks of the State Architect to Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS). these constituted the general landscape within which leadership on processes of design governance across
champion the highest standards in design in both the the State Architects would be examined throughout the five states (third research question).
public and private sectors. A+DS works through six Table 9 – Architect’s professional organizations this research. Considering that several states had a
programmes to advocate the benefits of excellence in State Architect within their administration, three were
State Organization Mandatory
design, including urban design, design review, school chosen for inquiry: Ireland, Flanders and Scotland. The
Ireland Royal Institute of the Architects of Yes
design and healthcare design. In this perspective, objective was to determine whether a State Architect
Ireland (RIAI)
there is a formal delegation of design competences to could improve the role of the state in promoting better
Flanders Order of Architects Yes
a national non-departmental public body, which is quite places by delivering a more effective governmental
Scotland Royal Incorporation of Architects in No
particular within the international context. spatial design leadership.
Scotland (RIAS)
Denmark Danish Association of Architects Yes
Public building and property agencies Against this framework, it was decided to also examine
Vienna Federal Chamber of Architects and Yes
two other states that do not have a State Architect in
In some of the case studies there is a public agency place, in order to understand what other ways of spatial
in charge of the management, construction and main- One way of increasing the design quality of built proj- design leadership are being practiced, how does the
tenance of most state buildings and properties. For ects is by demanding a higher leve of skills from design- system of design governance operate and what design
example in Denmark, the Building and Property Agency ers, through a more demanding system of access to policy tools were being used. To do so, as explained in
is the state’s property enterprise and developer, which the profession. In this context, there has been a Euro- Chapter 2, Vienna and Denmark were chosen to pro-
manages current and future needs of most of Danish pean tendency to enforce the registration of the title vide counterpoint information on the approach followed
public facilities, such as universities, police, courts and as a requirement to practice. For example, in Ireland, by the first three case studies. This would provide a
most of government departments. Although it does the mandatory registration of the title of ‘architect’ was more enriched panorama on the background question
not have a State Architect position, the Danish agency imposed by a revision of the Building Control Act in of the role of spatial design leadership. The end result
develops a huge amount of design assignments for 2007, where RIAI was designated as the registration is a three-part analysis that addresses: the current sit-
public buildings and often organizes design competi- body and the competent authority with regard to archi- uation in each of the five case studies (Chapter 5), a
tions (see section 5.4). tects. Although this change was not part of the 2002 cross analysis of the role and tools of the State Archi-
Irish Architectural policy, the RIAI CEO (2018: inter- tects teams (Chapter 6) and a comparative analysis of
In Ireland, this role is played by Office of Public Works view) referred that the Irish Architectural policy facil- the spatial design leadership across the five case stud-
(OPW), already mentioned in this report, which man- itated the introduction of the new system. In a more ies (Chapter 7).
ages and maintains most of the state’s property port- demanding way, some of the states have introduced
folio. The State Architect of Ireland is in charge of the the obligation for prospective designers to gain a mini-
OPW architectural services, assuming a Director posi- mum period of professional experience before entering
tion at the same level of other board directors, which the Register of Architects.
gives him a good position to negotiate and influence
other departments inside OPW (Interview, 2018) (see
section 5.1). In Austria, the Federal real estate society
(BIG) is in charged with the construction of buildings
for the state (planning, invitations for tenders, competi-
tions and realisations), including the procurement and
assignment of the architecture of most federal build-
ings (for administration, universities etc.).


8.1 THE ROLE OF AND INSTRUMENTS The State Architects may also develop and sup- According to the experience of the three case stud- ership changes from place to place, according to its
OF STATE ARCHITECT TEAMS port cultural activities to promote spatial design as a ies, the role played by the State Architects has led to specific administrative, political, historical and social
cause, and provide public statements from a design better processes of design governance, namely by context.
As was seen along this report, the appointment of a perspective about specific developments, even if not improving coordination and interaction between differ-
State Architect team is a practical way for governments requested. This set of informal design governance tools ent stakeholders. As was seen, spatial design policy Nevertheless, the findings reveal that the same policy
to implement a public policy on architecture and spatial are focused on raising public awareness about archi- is organized and managed by very different sectors goals of better design quality are present in all five
design. In line with the theoretical discussion in Sec- tecture and place quality, promoting a design culture and levels of administration, which makes it extremely case studies. So, the background discussion is still
tion 3.2, in order to raise the standards of design and in society, so that it may become possible to influence difficult to persuade the constellation of public man- not about whether the state should intervene, but with
achieve better places, there must be a consistent effort the choices of consumers by raising their expectations agers and principals to give more priority to design which means this intervention should occur. In the last
on the part of all the actors and stakeholders that inter- about their everyday environment. This in turn can influ- quality. Within this, State Architect teams have been ten/twenty years, as this research has shown, differ-
vene in the built environment. As national legislator, ence producers’ choices and, ultimately, lead to better able to work across and cooperate with different state ent European states have appointed State Architects
planner and development controller, the state plays a quality built environments. In this logic, the State Archi- departments with spatial design responsibilities and teams, where governments assume the need to lead
key role in the definition of the built environment through tects assume an important role of leadership, acting as persuade them to improve their standards, promoting by example and improve the quality of public buildings
several statutory and non-statutory functions embrac- the state design champions fostering and promoting round tables and meetings to debate different design and places. As discussed in Chapter 4, other coun-
ing a wide range of tools and instruments. In view of a culture change about the importance of achieving solutions and integrate as many different views as pos- tries and states as the USA or Australian states have
its special responsibility, the government should set better places. sible. Therefore, the State Architects’ initiatives and a long tradition of State Architects. Although this inter-
an example for the community at large, providing lead- actions have increased the overall opportunity space national context is not easily comparable with the Euro-
ership in design matters and promoting better public 8.2 THE IMPACT OF STATE for interchange and cooperation, which is fundamen- pean model, it shows a continuous commitment of
buildings and places. ARCHITECT TEAMS tal to arrive at better spatial design solutions in public their governments in fostering a placemaking culture
building projects and major developments plans. and providing design capacity to their organization and
In this sense, through the appointment of a State Archi- Starting from an interpretative stance, this research beyond.
tect, governments are creating the institutional condi- believes that policymaking is a continuous and incre- Considering the complex system of norms and regu-
tions for improved public action in this domain. Taking mental process in which the main ideas and values sus- lations affecting the built environment, State Archi- Looking at the five case studies, a first critical lesson
into consideration the wide range of sectoral depart- tained by a community will have a determinant effect tects have also facilitated the conciliation of interests is that spatial design leadership involves a public com-
ments involved in design, the role of the State Archi- on the type of policies adopted. As discussed above, and establishment of compromises between deci- mitment to promoting design quality. To deliver this
tect is to provide leadership and strategic advice to most of the State Architects’ policy tools have an infor- sion-makers and different policy-making actors, namely policy ambition across public administration, it is pos-
government, to be able to improve the quality of public mal nature (non-statutory) and are focused on people’s by increasing participation in the definition of policy sible to observe that all case studies have established
buildings and places. Besides planning and designing mindsets, that is, reframing actors’ value systems about goals and legal frameworks. This means that part of the institutions to champion good design within govern-
public constructions, the State Architect is also usually placemaking. As such, it is not possible to assess this impact of the State Architects is not expressed in vis- ment structures, raise awareness and stimulate cul-
called upon to provide advice regarding building regu- sort of ‘fuzzy’ impacts by using quantitative inference ible artefacts but as invisible drivers of design gover- tural debate. The size and structure of these institu-
lations or other related legislation. Therefore, they also of the number of actions generated by the State Archi- nance processes. Therefore, informal policy tools must tions varies according to the level of resources and
contribute to policy and design advocacy, namely in tects. Nevertheless, through the cross-analysis of the be seen as a long-term investment in people, geared to preferences of domestic actors. Therefore, to ensure
the definition and development of architecture and built three case studies it was possible to identify the main changing the behaviour of development actors, mainly the effective implementation of spatial design policies,
environment policy, through the involvement of other strengths and weaknesses of State Architects and its through persuasion and by promoting a change of new bodies and organisations were put in place, some
stakeholders leading to a more participatory design main policy outputs. Based on this data, it is possi- mind-set, focused on enhancing the skills, competence to manage and monitor the policies action plan, others
governance processes. ble to conclude that the State Architect teams have and knowledge of development actors. In sum, State to directly implement and execute different policy initia-
had a positive impact on the wider design governance Architect teams have had a positive impact in design tives and actions.
As previously explored, the State Architects can make system of the three case studies. governance processes, mainly by enhancing the role of
use of a variety of informal design governance tools the state in promoting design quality as a policy ambi- Another key finding is that, through the appointment of
shaping stakeholders’ decision-making environment As discussed in Chapter 3, placemaking as a goal tion, which is something that needs to be managed, a state design champion – be it by a State Architect or
where design occurs (Tiesdell and Adams, 2011). The can be easily overlooked by politicians believing that cherished and promoted. other institutional approach –, governments are provid-
specific competences and areas of responsibility of the institutionalized system of urban governance (e.g. ing leadership within the overall system of design gov-
a State Architect vary according to the national/state building and planning permits, municipal develop- 8.3 SPATIAL DESIGN LEADERSHIP: ernance by pursuing a design policy agenda. Although
context. Some involve responsibility for the design and/ ment plans, etc.) already provides the necessary tools PURSUING A DESIGN AGENDA spatial design policy may be different from place to
or construction of public buildings while others involve to shape and create good built environments (Steve place, the public sector needs strong design leadership
working closely with other state departments, help- Tiesdell & Adams, 2011, p. 124). However, plans As already mentioned, this investigation explored the to charter a vision for the future and mobilize resources,
ing them in the process of selecting and overseeing and design regulations by themselves will not ensure potential contribution that spatial design leadership namely for the promotion of better public buildings that
the work of architectural firms contracted by the state. places with good quality – they may achieve minimum plays in the wider processes of design governance may inspire and serve as an example for the private
For example, the Flemish Open Call is an instrument, standards and avoid the worse but will not create good and whether it can improve the role of the state in pro- sector, as well as for a more efficient use and applica-
free of charge for public clients, based on the principle quality places (Ibidem). Therefore, the reinforcement of moting better places. The different models of spatial tion of public funds. In this view, state design champi-
that great outcomes are derived from a good program, state functions with a proactive actor responsible for design leadership, found in the five European states, ons improve the role of the state in promoting better
an interested patron and great designer. The underly- developing initiatives and actions that promote a place- reveal that there is not one single solution and a best places, as they deliver better governmental spatial
ing belief is that, by improving the design process that making culture is a step forward and a critical contribu- model of dealing with the problematic of spatial design design leadership, creating the right conditions under
leads to the public construction, we can also, in turn, tion for achieving long-term quality places and a more quality. As the research has shown, the specific way in which good places emerge setting the urban agenda
improve the overall quality of the built outcome. sustainable built environment. which governments exercise good spatial design lead- and enabling better built outcomes.


Assuming the role of maestros, state design cham- Following the lessons learned from the case studies,
pions steer and motivate the diverse public actors to it is advised that governments appoint a public actor
raise design standards and seek the most innovative to act as state design champion that may lead a cul-
and effective ways of creating better built outcomes. As tural change in relation to the built environment and
seen in the previous section, state design champions be in charge for a diversified policy agenda promoting
have the potential to improve inter-sectoral coordina- a favourable climate for design quality. Nevertheless,
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improve current practices and enhance place-mak- addition, successful design leadership is able to coor- Guidelines for Building Culture Architecture Denmark, Settings Journal of Social Research Edimburgh: The Scottish Executive.
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ing. Nevertheless, it is important not to reduce spatial dinate and communicate a vision of a fairer, more effi- Architectural Policy 2007. Scotland. (2005). A Policy on
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BACK TO INDEX 93 References 94

João Ferreira Bento Terpsi Laopoulou
Honorary Research Fellow, Bartlett School of Planning Research assistance, Bartlett School of Planning |
| University College London University College London

João is a trained architect and urbanist graduated Terpsi is a trained architect engineer and urban
from the Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon. researcher, holding an integrated master’s in Architec-
He started his research career at the Architecture and ture from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and a
Town Planning Division of the National Laboratory of Master of Research in Interdisciplinary Urban Design
Civil Engineering, Portugal. João has recently con- from the Bartlett School of Planning, UCL. She had
cluded his PhD at the Bartlett School of Planning, Uni- briefly worked as an architectural assistant in Greece
versity College London, where he used to work as PhD and Germany during her studies, before turning towards
researcher and teaching assistant for master courses research and teaching. For the past three years she has
on urban design. His PhD thesis focus on the role and mainly been working at the Bartlett School of Planning,
effectiveness of national architectural policies in the where she also started a PhD - first as a researcher
EU. In this context, he conducted a Survey on Archi- and then as teaching assistant for undergraduate and
tectural policies in Europe published into a book with postgraduate courses on urban analysis, design and
support from the Swedish Museum of Architecture. In strategic planning. In parallel, she has also worked for
2017, João started working at the Unit for the Assess- the architectural practice of Farrells and the non-profit
ment of Plans, Programmes and Projects at the Portu- Locality as an independent researcher, assisting on
guese Environment Agency. Recently, João assumed various urban-related projects.
an Honorary Research Fellow position at the Bartlett
School of Planning, UCL.


Uuring käsitles riigi rolli ruumiloome eestvedamisel rii- 11.1. RIIGIARHITEKTI MEESKONDADE
giarhitektide (või sarnaste) meeskondade ja nende ROLL JA TÖÖVAHENDID
võimaliku panuse kaudu disainijuhtimise protses-
sides. Esmalt toodi välja disainijuhtimise teoreetiline Uuringust nähtub, et riigiarhitekti meeskonna ametisse
üldraamistik, teadaolevad arhitektuuripoliitika töövahen- määramine on valitsustele praktiline viis arhitektuuri- ja
did ja nn arhitektuurivedurite edulugude ülevaade. Sel- ruumipoliitikat ellu viia. Ruumiloome standardite tõst-
lele järgnes riigiarhitektide rolli lühikirjeldus koos mit- mine nõuab kõikide osapoolte pidevat pingutust, kes
mete näidetega Euroopast ja kaugemalt. Mainitu seadis ehitatud keskkonda sekkuvad. Riigi õigusruumi seadja,
üldise maastiku, mille taustal riigiarhitekte uurida. Pal- planeerija ja arendustegevuse kontrollijana on riigil
judel riikidel on riigiaparaadis riigiarhitektid ja nende tähtis roll ehitatud keskkonna kujundamisel paljude
seast valiti analüüsimiseks Iirimaa, Flandria ja Šotimaa seadusandluse järgsete ning sellest väljapoole jäävate
haldusüksused. Eesmärk oli määratleda, kas riigiar- vahenditega. Kõrgendatud vastutuse vaates peaks val-
hitekt parendab kohaloome edendamisel tõhusama itsus ruumiloome eestvedamisel ja parema kohaloome
liidrirolli kaudu riigi osalust ruumiloome eestvedamisel. edendamisel laiemale ühiskonnale eeskujuks olema.

Niisuguse raamistiku taustal otsustati täiendavalt uurida Riigiarhitekti nimetamisega loovad valitsused institut-
veel kaht näidet: Taanit ja Viini liidumaad Austrias, kus sionaalsed tingimused valdkonna paremaks avalikuks
ei ole riigiarhitekti, et mõista ruumiloome riiklikul tase- toimimiseks. Ruumiloomega on seotud suur hulk asu-
mel eestvedamise muid praktilisi viise: kuidas disain- tusi, riigiarhitekti ülesanne on pakkuda valitsusele stra-
juhtimise süsteem sel juhul toimib ja milliseid arhitek- teegilist nõu, kuidas tõsta avalike hoonete ja ruumi
tuuripoliitika töövahendeid kasutati, erinevalt kolmest kvaliteeti. Avalike objektide ruumilise planeerimise ja
eelpool toodud riigiarhitekti näitest. Nii näeme ruumi- kavandamise kõrval küsitakse riigiarhitektidelt tavaliselt
loome eestvedamisel rikkamat panoraami. Tulemusena nõu ehitusvaldkonna regulatsioonide ja seotud õigu-
valmis kolmeosaline analüüs, mis käsitleb kõigi viie saktide kohta. Seetõttu panustavad nad ruumiloome
näite praegust olukorda, riigiarhitekti meeskondade poliitikakujundamisse ja eestkõnelemisse, täpsemalt
rolli ja töövahendite analüüsi ning ruumiloome eestve- arhitektuuri- ja ehitatud keskkonnapoliitika määratle-
damise võrdlevat analüüsi kõikide näidete koosvaates. mise ja arendamise kaudu, kaasates disainijuhtimise
osalusprotsessi erinevaid huvirühmi.
Järgnevalt toome välja peamised järeldused kolme uuri-
misküsimuse lõikes: Riigiarhitektid kasutavad otsustusprotsesside mõjuta-
miseks ka mitmesuguseid mitteformaalseid disainijuh-
• Kas riigiarhitekti meeskond võimaldab ruumiloome timise töövahendeid. Riigiarhitektide pädevus- ja vas-
sektoriülest eestvedamist avaliku halduse erineva- tutusvaldkonnad on riigiti erinevad. Mõnel juhul hõlmab
tel tasanditel? Kui jah, siis millised on peamised see vastutust avalike hoonete kavandamise ja ehitamise
poliitikainstrumendid? eest, kui mujal võib see tähendada tihedat koostööd
teiste valitsusasutustega, et aidata neid arhitektuu-
• Mil määral mõjutavad riigiarhitektid disainijuhtimise ribüroode väljavalimisel ja nendega riigi sõlmitavate
protsesse? lepingute alusel valmiva töö järelevalvel. Näiteks, Flan-
dria avatud voorud on avaliku sektori klientidele tasuta
• Milline on ruumiloome eestvedamise osa riigi töövahendid, mis juhinduvad põhimõttest, et parima
disainijuhtimise protsessides? tulemuse toovad hea lähteülesanne, huvitatud tellija ja
suurepärane arhitekt. Seda toetab veendumus, et ava-
like objektide projekteerimisprotsessi parendamine viib
üldisemas plaanis kvaliteetsema ehitatud lahenduseni.


Riigiarhitektid võivad ruumiloome edendamiseks ellu viia erinevad haldustasandid ja -sektorid, keeruline on vusvaheline kontekst ei ole võrreldav Euroopa mudeliga, ehitussektori ja laiema üldsuse ruumipädevust.
ja toetada ka muid kultuuritegevusi ja seisukohavõtte, veenda sedavõrd paljusid asjaosalisi ruumikvaliteedi näitab see valitsuste pidevat pühendumust ruumiloome
mis puudutavad konkreetsete arenduste kavandamist prioriteetsuses. Ometi on riigiarhitektid suutnud tegut- edendamisele ja oma institutsioonide ning laiema üld- Juhtumiuuringutest õpitu põhjal tuleb valitsustele soov-
ruumiloome vaatest, isegi kui seda ei ole neilt palutud. seda sektoriüleselt ja teha koostööd ruumiloome eest suse ruumipädevuse tõstmisele. itada ruumiloome juhi määramist, kelle abiga jõuaks
Sellised mitteformaalsed disainijuhtimise võtted kes- vastutavate riigiasutustega ning veenda neid selles, et ühiskond ehitatud keskkonna arendamisel kultuurilise
kenduvad avalikkuse arhitektuuri ja kohaloome kvali- standardeid tuleb tõsta, samuti läbi viia ümarlaudu ja Viie juhtumianalüüsi esimene oluline õppetund on see, muutuseni ja kes oleks mitmesuguste poliitikate kujun-
teedi alase teadlikkuse tõstmisele, edendades ühis- kohtumisi, et arutada ruumilahendusi, mis arvestaksid et ruumiloome eestvedamine sisaldab endas avalik- damise eestvedaja, mis looksid ruumiloome kvaliteedi
konna ruumikultuuri, mõjutades tarbija valikuid ja tõstes võimalikult paljude eri huvidega. Riigiarhitektide alga- kuse seotust ruumiloome kvaliteedi edendamisega. Nii- tõstmiseks soodsaid tingimusi. Riigi ruumiloome juhil
nende ootusi igapäevasele elukeskkonnale. See oma- tused ja tegevused on seega avardanud üldisemaid suguse poliitilise eesmärgipüstituse läbiv omaksvõtt on võimalik disainijuhtimise protsesse parendada siis,
korda võib mõjutada tootjate valikuid ja lõpuks viia koostöövõimalusi, mis on paremate ruumiloome lahen- avalikus halduses on nende näidete puhul viinud insti- kui tal on tugev poliitiline toetus ning vajalikud tööva-
parema kvaliteediga ehitatud keskkonnani. Sellise loo- duste alustalaks avalike objektide kavandamisel ja tutsioonide loomiseni, mis aitavad valitsusstruktuuridel hendid mitteformaalsete poliitikavõtete elluviimiseks.
gika põhjal on riigiarhitektid oluliseks eeskujuks, kes arendamisel. edendada ruumiloomet, tõsta ruumipädevust ja alga-
tegutsevad nn arhitektuuriveduritena ning tugevdavad tada arutelusid. Nende institutsioonide suurus ja struk- Kokkuvõttes on valitsustasandi ruumiloome juhtroll
ja edendavad kultuurimuutust, mis võiks viia parema Ehitatud keskkonda mõjutavate normatiivide ja regu- tuur erineb kasutada olevate ressursside ja riigisiseste oluline, sest juhib avaliku sektori tegevusi parema ehi-
ruumiloomeni. latsioonide keeruka süsteemi valguses on riigiarhitek- eelistuste tõttu. Ruumipoliitika tõhusa rakendamise tatud keskkonna suunas, vähendades võimalikke riske
tid osutunud ka headeks n-ö lepitajateks ja eri huvisid tagamiseks on loodud uusi üksusi ja organisatsioone, ja tõstes avalikkuse kaasatust. Ruumiloome edukas
11.2. RIIGIARHITEKTI MEESKONNA MÕJU arvestavate kompromisside väljatöötajateks otsus- kellest mõned haldavad ja seiravad poliitika tegevus- juhtimine annab võimaluse koordineerida ja kommuni-
tajate ja huvigruppide vahel, suurendades kaasatust kava elluviimist, teised viivad otsesemalt ellu mitmesu- keerida visiooni õiglasemast, tõhusamast ja kestliku-
Selle uuringu autor usub, et poliitikakujundamine on poliitikaeesmärkide ja seadusraamide määramisel. Nii guseid poliitikaalgatusi ja tegevusi. mast ruumiloomest, kvaliteedi tõstmise ja ühistegut-
pidev ja järkjärguline protsess, kus ühiskonna põhiväär- ei väljendu riigiarhitektide töö tihti nähtaval kujul, vaid semise sõnumitoojana. Ehitatud keskkond peegeldab
tused ja ideed mõjutavad ning määravad kõige enam, disainijuhtimise nähtamatu protsessina. Mitteformaal- Teiseks, ruumiloome eestvedaja ametisse määra- ühiskonda ja vastutus selle üldise kvaliteedi eest on
mis tüüpi poliitikaid kokkuvõttes rakendatakse. Suure- seid poliitikavahendeid tuleb seetõttu näha pikaaegse misega (riigiarhitekti nimetamise või muu institutsio- suures osas avaliku sektori õlul, avalik võim peab ruumi-
mal osal riigiarhitekti töövahenditest on mitteformaalne investeeringuna inimestesse, et muuta arengut mõju- naalse lähenemisega) võtavad valitsused riigi disain- poliitikaga hoidma ruumiloome väärtusi kõrgel, et eden-
iseloom (väljaspool seadusandlust) ja nad keskendu- tavate tegurite toimimismustreid – seda eeskätt veen- ijuhi rolli ruumipoliitika eesmärkide elluviimisel. Kuigi dada ehituskultuuri ja kohaloomet.
vad inimeste mõtteraami, st ruumiloomet puudutavate mise ja mõtteviiside muutmise kaudu, keskendudes ruumipoliitika on riigiti erinev, vajab avalik sektor ruumi-
väärtussüsteemide ümbermõtestamisele. Seega ei ole ruumiloome oskuste, pädevuse ja teadlikkuse tõst- loome juhtimist, et tekiks tulevikuvisioon ja oleks võima-
võimalik niisugust hägusat mõju mõõta kvantitatiivselt, misele. Kokkuvõttes on riigiarhitektidel olnud disaini- lik mobiliseerida ressursse nt paremate avalike hoonete
nt riigiarhitekti elluviidavate tegevuste arvuga. Siiski oli juhtimise protsessidele positiivne mõju, kasvatades riigi ehitamiseks, mis oleks erasektorile eeskujuks, ning
kolme riigiarhitekti näite ristanalüüsil võimalik tuvas- rolli ruumikvaliteedi edendamisel poliitikaeesmärgina, kasutada avalikke vahendeid tõhusamalt. Riigi ruumi-
tada riigiarhitekti ning tema poliitikaväljundite peamised mida tuleb hallata, hoida ja väärtustada. loome juhid suurendavad riigi rolli parema ehituskultuuri
tugevused ja nõrkused. Saadud andmete põhjal võib ja kohaloome edendamisel, pakkudes disainijuhtimise
järeldada, et riigiarhitektidel on kolme juhtumiuuringu 11.3. RUUMILOOME EESTVEDAMINE: tuge, mis loob hea ehitatud keskkonna tekkeks vajali-
puhul olnud positiivne mõju laiemale disainijuhtimise EESMÄRKIDE SAAVUTAMINE kud tingimused.
Analüüsiti ruumiloome eestvedamise võimalikku Ruumiloome eestvedajad juhivad ja motiveerivad pal-
Ruumiloome kui eesmärk võib poliitikutel kergesti panust laiemas disainijuhtimise protsessis ja kas see jusid avalikkuse osapooli ehituskultuuri standardite
märkamata jääda kui usutakse, et institutsionaalne suurendab riigi rolli ruumiloome edendamisel. Erine- tõstmisel ja kõige uuenduslikumate ning tõhusamate
linnaehituse juhtimine (üldplaneeringute olemasolu, vad ruumiloome eestvedamise mudelid, mida nägime planeerimis-, projekteerimis- ja ehitusviiside rakend-
detailplaneeringute menetlemine, ehituslubade väl- viie Euroopa juhtumianalüüsi puhul, näitavad, et ei ole amisel. Riigi ruumiloome juhid võivad kaasavama polii-
jastamine jne) juba pakubki vajalikke töövahendeid, et olemas ainsat lahendust või parimat mudelit ruum- tikakujundamise kaudu parendada sektoritevahelist
vormida ja luua head ehitatud keskkonda. Vaatamata iloome kvaliteedi probleemi käsitlemiseks. Uuring koostööd ja huvigruppide suhtlust. Ruumiloome juhtidel
sellele ei pruugi planeeringu- või ehitusregulatsioonid näitas, et konkreetsed viisid, kuidas ruumiloomet riigiti on seega positiivne mõju laiemas disainijuhtimise prot-
kvaliteetset ruumiloomet üksinda tagada – tellija võib edendatakse, erinevad haldus-, poliitilise, ajaloolise ja sessis, viies tõhusama ja kooskõlalisema halduseni.
nt juhinduda miinimumnõuetest ja vältida halvimat, kuid sotsiaalse konteksti tõttu.
kõrge kvaliteediga elukeskkond sel viisil ei teki. Seetõttu Avalikul võimul ja poliitikutel on ruumiloomes oluline
on riigi funktsioonide tugevdamine probleemide kerki- Vaatamata sellele ilmnes, et kõigi viie näite puhul keh- roll, mistõttu on ruumiloome tugeva ja pühendunud juh-
mist ennetava üksusega, kes vastutab ruumiloome tivad samad kvaliteetse ruumiloome poliitikaeesmärgid. timise kaudu võimalik praegust praktikat parendada
edendamise tegevuste algatamise ja arendamise eest, Nii ei ole küsimus selles, kas riik peaks sekkuma või ning ehituskultuuri ja kohaloomet edendada. Oluline on
kriitilise tähtsusega samm kvaliteetsema ruumiloome ja mitte, vaid kuidas selline sekkumine peaks toimuma. siiski mitte piiritleda ruumiloome juhtimist ühe inimese
kestlikuma ehitatud keskkonna tekkel pikemas vaates. Uuringu põhjal saab ka öelda, et viimase 10–20 aas- või organisatsiooniga, vaid pidada meeles kollektiivse
taga on hakatud Euroopas riigiarhitekte ametisse tegutsemise olulisust ruumiloome edendamisel. Muud
Kolme juhtumiuuringu kogemus näitab, et riigiarhitek- nimetama seal, kus valitsused peavad riigi juhtivat rolli valitsusvälised organisatsioonid nagu arhitektuuri vald-
tide tegevus on huvigruppide koostöö ja suhtluse ruumiloomes ning ehituskultuuri ja kohaloome eden- konna asutused või erialaühendused mängivad disaini-
tõhustamise teel viinud parema disainijuhtimise prot- damist vajalikuks. Ka Austraalia ja USA osariikides on juhtimise protsessis samuti olulist rolli, sest edendavad
sessini. Ruumipoliitikat kujundavad ja viivad ellu väga pikaaegne riigiarhitektide traditsioon. Kuigi nende rah- ehitatud keskkonna kvaliteeti ja erialast kompetentsi,


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