Engineering Assessment of Coarse Aggregates Used in Peshawar PDF

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International Journal of

Advanced Structures and Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, Vol. 01, No. 02, October 2012

Engineering Assessment of Coarse Aggregates Used in Peshawar

PMU, Communication and Works Department Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Department of Civil Engineering University of Engineering & Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Abstract: This paper presents the qualification of coarse aggregates obtained from various existing quarries in
and around Peshawar city for their use in structure concrete. Out of the ten (10) four (4) quarries were
experimentally investigated. The sites were selected on the basis of being easily accessible and productive.
Various tests including Bulk Density, Soundness of Aggregates, Los Angeles Abrasion, Alkali-Silica Reactivity
(ASR), Alkali-Carbonate Rock Reaction (ACR) and Petrographic Examination of Aggregates were carried out
according to ASTM standards. The results of this study show that the aggregates investigated have no unstable
form of Silica and Reactive Carbonates. The Alkali-Silica and Alkali-Carbonate Reactions have shown no
expansion, therefore, the representative samples are considered harmless to be used in concrete. Based on the
experimental study of this research, coarse aggregates from the mentioned sources (Bara River, Basai, Loye-
Khawar and Zangali/Jani-Khawar) can be safely used in structure concrete works. Out of the above four sources
Basai is found to be the best source for coarse aggregates.

Concrete is a multiphase material consisting of coarse infrastructure if preventive measures are not
aggregates, mortar matrix and interfacial zone. Coarse considered [2].
aggregates is the strongest phase in concrete and The major role in the deposition of quaternary
responsible for the strength of concrete. The presence sediments in Peshawar is played by the Kabul River
of aggregates greatly increases the robustness of and Bara River. Khyber and Bazid Khel (Dara Adam
concrete and serves as reinforcement to add strength
to the overall composite material. Concrete is used
more than any other man-made material in the world
as of 2006 survey conducted by United State
Geographic Services (USGS); about 7.5 cubic
kilometers concrete are made each year, more than
One (1) cubic meter for every person on the earth.
The aggregates occupies at least three quarters of the
volume of the concrete and provides volumetric
stability and reduces cost. Its quality is of
considerable importance. The aggregates with
undesirable properties cannot produce strong and
durable concrete. Rather it greatly affects the
durability and structural performance of concrete. The
example of undesirable chemical properties (alkali- Khel) limestone are main sources of crush aggregates
silica reaction), are seen in the Warsak Dam main as shown in Figure 1.
building and tunnels after 20 years of construction. Figure 1: Sources of Aggregates
This phenomenon of alkali-silica reaction attracted the This assessment will provide a summary of specific
authors to investigate the engineering properties of the existing sites that have the potential to provide quality
aggregates used in Peshawar. Coarse and fine aggregates for the Region. The importance of using
aggregates of Jutana Formation and Sakeasar the right type and quality of aggregates cannot be
Limestone were suitable for road construction. The ignored. It is recognized fact that aggregates are both
coarse and fine friction of gravel of Jabbi-Warcha and strategic and vital resource for the construction
Katha Saghral qualify in strength, durability and industry in Peshawar. The fine and coarse aggregates
recommended for use in construction work [1]. The generally occupy 60% to 75% of concrete volume
aggregates of Allai river contain mylonites, slates, (70% to 85% by mass) according to ACI Education
phyllites, micro-crystalline quartz and highly strained Boliton EI-07 and strongly influence the concrete’s
quartz. These potentially reactive rocks can initiate freshly mixture and hardened properties, mixture
alkali aggregates reaction that will damage the proportions and economy.

IJASGE 010206 Copyright © 2012 BASHA RESEARCH CENTRE. All rights reserved.

A detailed survey was carried out to identify the 6. Alkali-Silica Reactivity

quarries responsible for the production of aggregates 7. (ASTM C-289& C-1260)[7]
in Peshawar zone. 8. Alkali-Carbonate Rock Reaction (ASTM C-
The following four sources, being major and 586)[8]
accessible were selected. 9. Petrographic Examination of Aggregates (ASTM
1. Bara River C-295)[9]
2. Basai
3. LoyeKhawar All the above-mentioned tests were performed in the
4. Zangali/JaniKhawar laboratories of Civil Engineering Department UET
The aggregates samples were collected from the Peshawar and Department of Geology University of
above-mentioned queries for their engineering Peshawar. Figure 3 shows the soundness test
assessment. performed on the aggregates sample.

2. Methodology
Project was divided into two parts. Sampling of
aggregates and then testing them in laboratories.
Experimental work was performed on concrete
aggregates (Coarse) in Soil Mechanics Laboratory of
University of Engineering and Technology (UET)
Peshawar, Pakistan Council of Science and Industrial
Research Laboratories (PCSIR) Peshawar and
Material Testing Laboratory Department of Geology, Figure 3: Breakage of Aggregates samples after
University of Peshawar. soundness test
Figure 4 shows the chemical method for alkali silica
2.1 Sampling of Aggregates from Quarries reaction test of the aggregates.
Sampling is equally as important as the testing, and
the sampler must use every precaution to obtain
samples that are true representative and will show true
nature and condition of the materials. The sampling of
coarse aggregates from the above-cited quarries was
done according to ASTM D-75-03 Standard [3].
According to the standard, a sample of coarse
aggregates is obtained by combining portions taken
from the Conveyer Belt, Storage Bin, Truck, Rail Car
or Stockpile. In this research, three samples were
collected from stockpile and one from conveyer belt
as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 4: Chemical Method for Alkali Silica

3. Test Results and Discussions
According to the different tests performed on concrete
aggregates (Bulk Density, Soundness of Aggregates,
Los Angeles Abrasion, Alkali-Silica Reactivity,
Alkali-Carbonate Rock Reaction and Petrographic
Examination of Aggregates) the following physical
and chemical properties of coarse aggregates were
3.1 Bulk Density
According to the test results of coarse aggregates, the
Figure 2: Samples Collection bulk densities (Unit weight) of collected samples are
2.2 Testing within the range of ASTM standards, which is 2.30 to
The samples collected from quarries were transported 3.10. These values revealed that the quarries under
to laboratories for assessment of their following investigation show good result with respect to bulk
properties. density, bulk SSD specific gravity and apparent
1. Bulk Density (ASTM C-29/C-29M )[4] specific gravity. The absorption of these samples is
2. Soundness of Aggregates within acceptable range.
3. (ASTM C-88)[5] 3.2 Soundness of Aggregates
4. Los Angeles Abrasion These tests were performed according ASTM
5. (ASTM C-131)[6] Standard in PCSIR laboratory. A typical value of

International Journal of Advanced Structures and Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, Vol. 01, No. 02, October 2012, pp 61-64
Engineering Assessment of Coarse Aggregates Used in Peshawar

material loss depends upon the type of soundness test Sample 4 Potential Aggregates
used. The value for sodium sulfate solution is ranging Loye ASR of samples
from 0 to 15 percent, while for magnesium sulfate Khawar aggregates considered
solution it ranges from 0 to 30 percent. The soundness innocuous
test on the samples obtained from the selected
quarries was performed in the solution of Sodium
Sulphate. The soundness values of the samples
collected from Bara River, Basai and Zangali/Jani 3.5 Alkali-Carbonate Rock Reaction
Khwar are 13.05, 6.61, and 8.94 percent respectively, According to the results obtained from testing of
which are within the range of 0 to 15 percent. Thus samples collected from the investigated quarries it
the aggregates from these three quaries show better was found that no Expansion in the four
resistance to freeze and thaw action. However, the representative specimens was observed after 28 days.
soundness value of the sample collected from Loye
Khawar is 17.69 percent, which is slightly higher than 3.6 Petrographic Examination of Aggregates
the upper limit range (0 to 15). These aggregates will Petrographic Examination of coarse aggregates
perform well when used in low freeze and thaw areas. collected from four representative quarries of District
Peshawar was performed in Geology laboratory,
3.3 Los Angeles Abrasion Test University of Peshawar. Petrographic examination
According to standards the percentage abrasion loss identifies potentially alkali-silica reactive and alkali-
of an aggregates should be in the range of 10 to 45. carbonate reactive constituents. Thirteen (13) thin
The aggregates having value near to 10 are considered sections were prepared from rocks samples of four
to be hard rock and the value near to 45 is considered quarries with the help of diamond blade rock-cutting
as a soft rock. The abrasion values of the samples saw and examined under petrographic microscope.
collected from Bara River, Basai, Loye Khawar and These tests were performed according to ASTM
zangali/Jani khawar sites are 21.20, 18.50, 20.00 and Standard. These sections were thoroughly studied
24.00 percent respectively. The abrasive values of the with the help of petrographic microscope. The
representative samples are toward the lower range of following precautions were made:
abrasion adapted by standard. These aggregates show
better resistance to abrasion and are considered as o Excessive heating was avoided during
hard rocks. Therefore, they are recommended for use preparation of thin sections. (Temperature< 45c)
in structural concrete due to their better resistance to o Exposure to air was minimized to avoid
abrasion. carbonation.
o Exposure to water was minimized to avoid
3.4 Potential Alkali Reactivity of Cement hydration.
Aggregates Combination (Mortar Bar Method) The results of Petrographic Examination of four
All the representative samples of District Peshawar different samples demonstrated that adverse
results are considered to be innocuous. properties such as presence of unstable form of silica
and reactive carbonates were not detected.
Table 1 shows the potential alkali-silica reactivity test
of aggregates samples. 4. Conclusions
Based on the experimental investigation conducted on
Table 1: Potential Alkali-Silica Reactivity Test coarse aggregates from the quarries located in District
(ASTM C-1260) of Aggregates Samples Peshawar, the following conclusions are made:
Sample ID Description Result  The physical properties such as Specific Gravity
of Test and Bulk Density etc. were up to the standard.
 Soundness of these Aggregates was found to be
Sample 1 Potential Aggregates resistant to changes in physical conditions except
Bara River ASR of samples for Loye Khawar which is slightly higher than the
aggregates considered upper limits.
innocuous  According to Los-Angeles Abrasion Test, the
Sample 2 Potential Aggregates percentage abrasion loss of all aggregates
Basai ASR of samples samples was within the range of 10 to 45.
aggregates considered  Alkali Silica Reactivity Test revealed that all the
innocuous aggregates samples are innocuous.
Sample 3 Potential Aggregates  According to Alkali-Carbonate Rock Reaction no
Zangali/ ASR of samples Expansion was found in representative specimens
Jani Khawar aggregates considered after 28 days.
innocuous  Petrographic analysis demonstrated that adverse
properties such as presence of unstable form of
silica and reactive carbonates were not detected.

International Journal of Advanced Structures and Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, Vol. 01, No. 02, October 2012, pp 61-64

11. References
[1] Muhammad Munawar Iqbal Gondal (2009) [5] ASTM C-88, Standard Test Method for
“Engineering properties of potential aggregates soundness and aggregates by use of sodium
resources from eastern and Central salt range, sulfates or magnesium sulfate.
Pakistan”, Geol. Bull. Punjab Univ 44. [6] ASTM C-131, Standard Test method for
[2] Naveed Ahsan (2009) “Allai aggregates for Resistance to degradation of small size coarse
rehabilitation and reconstruction of October 08, aggregates by abrasion and impact in the Los
2005 earthquake effected Allai-Banan area, Angeles machine.
NWFP, Pakistan”. Geol. Bull. Punjab Univ. 44. [7] ASTM C-289& C-1260, Standard Test Method
[3] ASTM D-75-03, Standard sample for sampling of for potential Alkali Silica reactivity of aggregates
aggregates (chemical method)
[4] ASTM C-29/C-29, Standard Test method for [8] ASTM C-586 ASTM standard is regarding the
Bulk Density (Unit weight) and voids of Alkali Carbonate Reaction of aggregates.
Aggregates. [9] ASTM C-295 Standard guide for Petrographic
examination of aggregates for concrete.

International Journal of Advanced Structures and Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, Vol. 01, No. 02, October 2012, pp 61-64

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