Electronic Bank Statement-MT940 Format PDF

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Electronic Bank Statement-MT940


Applies to:
Below configuration is based on SAP ECC 6.0. For more information, visit the Enterprise Resource Planning

This article drives you with the process of Electronic Bank Statement in SAP ECC 6.0 version for SAP FI/C0
(Finance & Controlling) Module. Here we are going through the topic of MT940 format to Import data’s to

Author: Pramitha.A.R, Praveen C & Sreehari.

Company: Applexus Software Solutions (P) Ltd.
Created on: 7 April 2011

Authors Bio
Praveen Chirakkel is working as SAP Functional Consultant with Applexus Software Solutions (P) Ltd. He
has an experience of over 2+ year in SAP FI/CO.
Sreehari is working as SAP Functional Consultant with Applexus Software Solutions (P) Ltd. He has an
experience of over 3+ year in SAP FI/CO.
Pramitha.A.R is working as SAP Techno-functional Consultant with Applexus Software Solutions (P) Ltd.
She has experience 2 +years in SAP ABAP and SAP FI/CO.

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Electronic Bank Statement-MT940 Format

Table of Contents
Electronic Bank statement Process Flow Chart ................................................................................................. 3
Electronic bank statement overview: .................................................................................................................. 3
Configuring the Electronic Bank Statement ........................................................................................................ 4
Create House Bank ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Electronic Bank Statement .............................................................................................................................. 5
Make Global Settings for Electronic Bank Statement................................................................................................... 5
1. Create account symbols ........................................................................................................................................ 6
2. Assign accounts to account symbols ..................................................................................................................... 7
4. Create keys for posting rules ................................................................................................................................. 7
5. Define posting rules ............................................................................................................................................. 10
6. Create transaction types ...................................................................................................................................... 12
7. Assign external transaction codes to posting rules .............................................................................................. 12
8. Assign bank accounts to transaction types .......................................................................................................... 13
Import Electronic Bank Statement ................................................................................................................ 14
Details of description (MT942 Format).......................................................................................................... 14
Uploading Bank Statement into SAP ............................................................................................................ 15
To view cleared documents .......................................................................................................................... 17
Checking of bank Statement (Transaction Code: - FF67) ............................................................................ 18
Double click on required statement to view the transaction details .............................................................. 19
Related Content ................................................................................................................................................ 20
Disclaimer and Liability Notice .......................................................................................................................... 21

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Electronic Bank Statement-MT940 Format

Electronic Bank statement Process Flow Chart

Electronic bank statement overview:

1. It is an electronic document sent by the bank which gives details of the transactions done by the
account holder.
2. The electronic document can be remitted by the bank in the following formats SWIFT, Multicash, BAI
3. This statement is used in SAP to do an automatic reconciliation.
4. The statement is uploaded in SAP and it clears the various Bank clearing accounts such as the
Check out, Check in account to the main bank account.
In our scenario we have the following bank GL codes (Sub accounts) for our Bank:-
330 SBT Bank – Main account a/c
332 SBT Check Issued Out
331 SBT Check Received

Checks issued out to vendors will be credited to GL code 332 SBT Check Issued Out which is a clearing
Similarly Checks Received from customer is debited to GL code 331 SBT Check Received which is a
clearing account.

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Electronic Bank Statement-MT940 Format

When the bank statement is uploaded in SAP the following will happen:-
For checks issued out – based on checks cleared in the bank account the following entry will be passed

GL code account description Debit /Credit

332 SBT Check Issued out Debit
330 SBT Bank – Main account a/c Credit

For Checks Received in – based on checks cleared in the bank account the following entry will be passed

GL code account description Debit /Credit

331 SBT Check Received Credit
330 SBT Bank – Main account a/c Debit

Thus after uploading the bank statement in the system, the Main bank account i.e. GL code 330 SBT
Bank – Main account a/c will exactly match with the balance shown in the bank. All the clearing accounts
having balances will be the reconciliation items.

Manual bank statement – In case the bank is not able to give an electronic statement then the statement can
be manually entered in the manual bank statement and uploaded.

Configuring the Electronic Bank Statement

Create House Bank
Transaction Code FI12

In the SAP system, you use the bank ID and the account ID to specify bank details. These specifications are
used, for example, for automatic payment transactions to determine the bank details for payment.

Define your house banks and the corresponding accounts in the system under a bank ID or an account ID.

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Electronic Bank Statement-MT940 Format

Electronic Bank Statement

In the following activities you make all the settings necessary for electronic bank statements.

Make Global Settings for Electronic Bank Statement

In this activity you make the global settings for the account statement. There are four main steps to be
carried out:

1. Create account symbol

Specify G/L accounts (such as bank, cash receipt, outgoing checks) to which postings are to be
made from account statement.You assign account symbols to the G/L account numbers. These are
required for the posting rules in step 2.

2. Assign accounts to account symbols

Define postings to be triggered by possible transactions in the account statement (such as bank
transfer, debit memo).
In the posting specifications debit -> credit that you define here, use the account symbols from step
1, not the G/L account numbers. This prevents similar posting rules being defined several times, the
only difference between them being the accounts to which postings are made.

3 Create keys for posting rules

Assign posting rules to possible transactions in account statement file.
A list of assignments where one external transaction code is assigned to one posting rule is called a
transaction type.

4 Create a transaction type

Assign bank details, for which the account statements are to be imported, to a transaction type.
All the house bank accounts at a particular bank are usually assigned to the same transaction type.

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Electronic Bank Statement-MT940 Format

1. Create account symbols

In this activity you create the account symbols that you later need for defining the posting specifications.
Before the posting rule is used, the account symbols are replaced with the relevant accounts to which
posting is to be made.
Define an ID for each account symbol & enter a description in the text field.

Create the account symbols BANK and CASH RECEIPT so that you can later define a posting rule for cash

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Electronic Bank Statement-MT940 Format

2. Assign accounts to account symbols

In this activity you define the account determination procedure for each individual account symbol.
Define postings to be triggered by possible transactions in the account statement (such as bank transfer,
debit memo). In the posting specifications debit -> credit that you define here, use the account symbols from
step 1, not the G/L account numbers. This prevents similar posting rules being defined several times, the
only difference between them being the accounts to which postings are made.
3. Define G/L Accounts to Account Symbols

To avoid having to define a separate account symbol for every single house bank account (with a different
G/L account in each case), the G/L account field can contain a masked output. The masking is done using
++++++ for the main bank account. For the sub accounts all the other digits are masked except the last one.
For Bank charges the actual General ledger account is entered.
Note that masked entries (using +) are always based on a ten character account number. If you are using a
shorter account number (six characters, for example), the entry must be right-aligned.


4. Create keys for posting rules

In this activity you enter descriptions for the necessary posting rules. Each posting rule represents a
business transaction from the SAP System that is included in the account statement, such as:

 Incoming check

 Credit memo

 Debit memo

 etc.

Assign posting rules to possible transactions in account statement file. A list of assignments where one
external transaction code is assigned to one posting rule is called a transaction type.

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Electronic Bank Statement-MT940 Format

5. Define posting rules

In this activity you create posting specifications for each posting rule. You use the posting specifications to
specify how a certain business transaction (such as a credit memo) is to be posted.


For posting areas 1 and 2:

1. Enter the posting type (posting or clearing G/L accounts or sub ledger accounts, reversing

2. Enter the accounts (that is, the account symbols) and posting keys for both the debit and credit
sides of the posting record. Depending on the type of posting (clearing/posting), it may be
necessary to leave the fields on either the debit or credit side blank. For example, with posting
type 8 (credit clearing for sub ledger accounts), the system uses the note to payee information to
try to identify and clear an appropriate open item. In this case, there is no need to specify the
account and posting key beforehand since they will be determined automatically during the open
item search.

3. Specify the document type.

4. If required, make entries in the optional fields for compression, special G/L indicators, and posting
keys for payment on account.

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Electronic Bank Statement-MT940 Format

6. Create transaction types

In this activity you create the names and descriptions of the various transaction types you require. House
banks that use identical lists of business transaction codes (external transactions) can be assigned to the
same transaction type later.

Create the names and descriptions of the various transaction types you require.

7. Assign external transaction codes to posting rules

In this activity you assign (external) business transaction codes to an (internal) posting rule. This means that
the same posting specifications can be used for different business transaction codes.

1. For each transaction type, assign a posting rule to each external transaction key.
2. In the "+/- sign" field, enter "+" or "-" to indicate whether payments are incoming or outgoing.
3. If necessary, define an interpretation algorithm if open items are to be cleared automatically as a
result of the posting.

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Electronic Bank Statement-MT940 Format


8. Assign bank accounts to transaction types

In this activity you assign each of your bank accounts to a transaction type. You can specify a work list of G/L
accounts. This enables you to search several bank subaccounts for open items that the system could not
clear during posting of the account statement when you post process the account statement.

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Electronic Bank Statement-MT940 Format


Assign your banks to a transaction type and, if required, to a currency class. The banks are identified by
means of the bank key and the external account number.


Import Electronic Bank Statement

Sample format of Electronic bank statement (MT940 format) which is received from bank

Details of description (MT942 Format)

: 20: Statement Date
: 25: Account Identification Bank ID/account number
: 28C: Statement and/or sequence number
: 60F: Opening Balance
: 61: Statement line field
: 86: Information to account holder
: 62F Closing Balance

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Electronic Bank Statement-MT940 Format

Uploading Bank Statement into SAP

Transaction code FF_5

Fill the details as shown in screen shot to uplad the data provided by bank.Click on Excuete button(f8) for
uploading data into ERP system.

Click on

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Electronic Bank Statement-MT940 Format



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Electronic Bank Statement-MT940 Format

To view cleared documents

After uploading Electronic Bank Statement data through Transaction Code FF_5, documents will
automatically posted into the Main Bank Account & also it clears the Sub ledgers open items as shown
below. Go to Transaction Code FBL3N.

Now, Bank Sub ledger amounts are transfer to Main Bank account

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Electronic Bank Statement-MT940 Format

Checking of bank Statement (Transaction Code: - FF67)

Click on

Double click Selected Bank

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Electronic Bank Statement-MT940 Format

Double click on required statement to view the transaction details

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Related Content
FI Electronic Bank Statement
For more information, visit the Enterprise Resource Planning homepage.

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Electronic Bank Statement-MT940 Format

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