ATA29-A310 Chapter Tests

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A310 Test  

Chapter 29 – Hydraulic Power 

1. What is the ffunction of priorityy valve on blue HP manifold? 3. Where is the

t brake supply valve located?
a. Inhibbits the operation of flaps if pressu
ure falls below 190 00 PSI. a. O
On green servo coontrol manifold.
b. Inhibbits the operationn of spoilers if thhe pressure fallss below b. ►
►On green HP ma anifold.
19000 PSI. c. O
On wheel well ceiliing.
c. ►Inh hibits the operattion of slats if th
he pressure fallss below d. O
On yellow HP man nifold.
19000 PSI.
d. Prote ects the system against
a over pressure above 3450 0 PSI.
On blue HP manifold d the priority valv
ve inhibits slats operation
o if the pressure 4. Where can Hydraulic Rese
ervoirs be pressurized from?
s down 1900 psi to give priority tot the servo conttrol manifold use ers. It is
a. Engine No.1 High pressure compre essor.
autoomatically reset w
when pressure inccreases.
b. Engine No.2 High pressure compre essor.
c. Air bled from Air bbleed system and d also pressure connected
o blue Hyd. Servicces panel.
2. How many accumulators are installed and whe
ere are they locatted?
d. ►
►Answers A and C are both correc ct.
a. 4 and inside wheel we ell area. T
The same system pressurizes the 3 reservoirs by means
m of:
b. ►5 a and inside wheel well area. - Air bled from the
t LH engine HP H compressor. A pressure reducing valve
c. 5 and inside wheel we ell and RH wing root.
r re
egulates the presssure to 50 psi.
d. 5 and inside wheel we ell and LH wing rroot. - Air bled from the
e air bleed systemm. The maximum delivered pressu ure is 43.5
The power accumula ators, connected to the High Pre essure manifold iin each p
systtem, decrease p pump delivery pu ulsations and any pressure surges and - Overpressure is avoided by the d depressurization/rrelief valve assoc
ciated with
storee energy for im mmediate use. One electrically d driven pump is used
u to e
each reservoir (seervicing panels).
presssurize the brake es accumulators or to operate the e cargo doors. N
No other - On the Blue e panel a pre essurization co onnector allows s the air
use of it is possible. p
pressurization of a
all 3 reservoirs us
sing a ground air cart.

A310 Test  
Chapter 29 – Hydraulic Power 

5. Yellow hand pump is located and used for: 7. The servo control manifold filters are of:
a. On Yellow pressure manifold and for brake accumulator a. By passing type in case of clogging.
charging. b. ►None by passing type with a clogging indicator.
b. ►On Yellow pressure manifold and for cargo door manual c. Operates at 170 PSI differential pressure.
operation. d. Cleanable and can be cleaned in situ.
c. On Yellow pressure manifold and for Normal brake operation. They are of the non-bypassing type, with a clogging indicator set to operate at
d. Answers A and B are both correct. 87 psi. When the filter is installed, do not forget to reset the clogging indicator.
The yellow Electric Pump and the Hand Pump are mounted on the aft wall of An automatic shut-off mechanism in the filters, prevents any leakage of fluid
the hydraulics compartment. during removal or installation, it also prevents air to enter into the system.
The hand pump lever is stowed on the aft wall close to the pump.
For ground operation, if the electric pump is not available, a hand pump may
be used to operate the cargo doors. The hand pump will pressurize only the 8. Green High pressure manifold is located:
cargo doors system and no other part of the yellow system.
a. In the LH wing root, next to blue reservoir.
b. ►Inside main L/G wheel well on LH side AFT wall.
c. Inside main L/G wheel well on the center.
6. Where is Blue high pressure manifold located?
d. Inside main L/G wheel well on R/H side Aft wall.
a. Inside wheel well LH wall. BLUE : in the LH wing root, next to the Blue reservoir.
b. Inside wheel well FWD wall. GREEN : inside the main landing gear wheel well on the LH side of the aft
c. Inside wheel well AFT LH wall. wall, next to the Green reservoir.
d. ►In the LH wing root direct from Main gear leg bay. YELLOW: inside the main landing gear wheel well, on the RH side of the aft
BLUE : in the LH wing root, next to the Blue reservoir. wall.
GREEN : inside the main landing gear wheel well on the LH side of the aft
wall, next to the Green reservoir.
YELLOW : inside the main landing gear wheel well, on the RH side of the aft 9. One Green Engine Driven pump low pressure warn on ECAM System
wall. Display cause:
a. ►Master Caution + Single Chime.
b. Green System depressurized.
c. Answer A and B are both correct.
d. None of the answers are correct.
In case of single Green Pump failure the warnings are triggered but on the
ECAM system display the chart will remain green except the pump symbol
which becomes amber (LO).
The system is still pressurized by the remaining pump.

A310 Test  
Chapter 29 – Hydraulic Power 

10. Servo control selector switch in off position means: d. Green electric pumps and Reservoir Air pressure system.
a. Supply to pressure manifold is lost.
b. ►Supply to servo manifold is lost.
c. Supply to return manifold is lost.
d. Answers A and B are both correct.
The servo control manifold delivers pressure to the flight control sub-systems
through an electro-hydraulic servo control selector valve.

11. When selecting Electric pump switch “ON” on Hydraulic panel:

14. How can we close E.D.P.’s hydraulic shut off valves?
a. Both pumps start simultaneously.
b. ►A 3 seconds delay on electrical supply line avoids a. From hydraulic panel.
simultaneous starting. b. ►By Engine Fire handles.
c. Only pump Number one starts. c. By Engine Fire handles and from Hydraulic panel.
d. Only pump Number Two starts. d. From Maintenance test panel (MTP).
Two parallel-mounted electric pumps supply power : The fire shut-off valves are electrically controlled by the fire handle action.
- to the Green system
- to the Blue and Yellow systems through PTUs.
The Green Elec Pumps are used mainly on the ground, for testing or preflight
test procedures. They can also be used in flight to boost fluid flow or in case
of failure. When pressed the ELEC PUMPS P/B switch activates both pumps.
A 3 seconds delay on a pump electrical supply line avoids the simultaneous
starting of both pumps.

12. Where can we test the electric pumps (Green) individually?

a. ►From MTP.
b. From Hydraulic System Control Panel.
c. On phase unbalance detector.
d. Listening to pump operating noise inside wheel well.
On the maintenance panel, a 3 positions ELEC PUMPS TEST switch allows
power to be supplied to each pump individually.

13. Which of the following Hydraulic Systems can be tested from MTP? 15. The yellow hydraulic shut off valve will close when:

a. Green electric pumps. a. LH Engine Fire handle is pulled.

b. Engine driven pumps. b. RH Engine Fire handle is pulled.
c. ►Green electric pumps and Reservoir overheat.

A310 Test  
Chapter 29 – Hydraulic Power 

c. The 5 liters low le evel switch on yellow Qty tran nsmitter

d. ►An nswers B and C a are both correct.
The yellow fire shut-ooff valve is controolled by the 5 literrs low level switch at the
ow reservoir quantity transmitter. When the switch
yello h closes, the yellow fire
shutt-off valve closes to save fluid and d air pressure for RAT operation. T The fire
shutt-off valves are ellectrically controllled by the fire han
ndle action too.

16. Engine Drive

en pump control sswitch pressed in
n will cause:
a. ►Soolenoid De-energized, pump activaated and pump de elivery.
b. Sole
enoid Energized, p
pump activated a
and pump deliveryy.
c. Sole
enoid Energized, p
pump de-activateed and pump no fflow.
d. Sole
enoid de-energize
ed, pump de-activvated and pump n
no flow.

18. To check
k Hydraulic Quanttity directly on Re
a. Electrical power must
m be switched on.
b. Electrical power must
m be switched off.
c. MMaintenance bus sswitch selection o on is enough.
d. ►►Electric power has no effect on th his indicator.
Fill with fluid until the pointer align
F ns with the illumiinated light. If no
o electrical
power is available e, use the direct re
eading gauge fitte
ed on the reservo oir.

ydraulic power su
19. Yellow hy upplies:
a. Fllight controls, slatts, brakes and ca
argo doors.
17. Engine Drive
en hydraulic pum
mps supply: b. ►
►Flight controls, fflaps, brakes and cargo doors.
a. Servvo control manifold. c. Fllight controls, flap
p, slats, brakes an
nd cargo doors.
b. Presssure manifold. d. Fllight controls, flaaps, brakes, carg go doors and no ose wheel
c. ►Se ervo control manifold and pressure e manifold. stteering.
d. Servvo control manifold and return man nifold.
The hydraulic fluid iss routed from the e EDP’s to the S Servo Control Maanifolds 20. Where arre servo control manifold valves located and how
w are they
and then to the High h Pressure Manifo fold. The Servo C Control Manifolds
s supply operated?
the primary flight con
ntrols, spoilers and the Wing Tip Brakes. a. ►Inside wheel well area and solenoid operated.

The High Pressure M Manifolds are equipped with priorityy valves, which is
solate b. In
nside E&E compa artment and electrrically operated.
the slats, flaps and the
t gears, if the system pressure e drops below 18885 psi, c. In
nside wheel well and
a mechanically y operated.
i.e. in
i this case the primary flight controls have priority.. d. In
nside wheel well and
a they are alwaays open.

A310 Test  
Chapter 29 – Hydraulic Power 

- Landing gear doors closed. If using the hand pump one door may remain
21. Which of the following Reservoirs has the most nominal servicing open.
volume? Before filling the Yellow reservoir :
- Cargo doors closed
a. Blue.
- Brakes accumulators pressurized.
b. ►Yellow.
c. Green.
d. Blue and Yellow.

22. Gen electric pumps:

Two parallel-mounted electric pumps supply power :
- to the Green system
- to the Blue and Yellow systems through PTUs.
The Green Elec Pumps are used mainly on the ground, for testing or preflight
test procedures.
They can also be used in flight to boost fluid flow or in case of failure.
Removal of either pump is done with a negligible loss of fluid owing to a self-
sealing coupling at the suction inlet and a check valve at the delivery and
case drain outlets.

23. Reservoir servicing:

A single device enables the 3 reservoirs to be filled from the Green system
ground service panel.
Before filling any reservoir, check that :
- No system pressure (Hyd. pressure = 0 on ECAM)
-Concerned system depressurized using the pressure relief/manual
decompression valve (HP manifold)
- Flight controls to neutral
- Speedbrakes and spoilers down
- Reservoir AIR pressurized.
Before filling the Green reservoir :

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