Sorry, Lady, Right, Wrong, Job, Curtains, You, Complain, Boring, O'clock

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1. Fill in the gaps using the following words:

sorry, lady, right, wrong, job, curtains, you, complain, boring, o’clock,

Gabriel: We’ve finished the cleaning job.

Mick: Good. You’ve got time to do another _____________.
Spike: But it’s already three ___________________ and it’s so hot!
Mick: It’s for an old _____________. She wants you to put some _____________.
Spike: Curtains! Very interesting!
Mick: If you go now, you’ll have lots of time. You’ll do it easily in half an hour.
Spike: Why do Gabriel and I always get the _______________ jobs?
Mick: Spike, if you _________________ any more, I’ll give you a really difficult job.
Spike: Thank ____________ very much.
Mick: What’s got into her?
Mrs. Grant: Oh, no.... The dry cleaner has sent me the ______________ curtains!
Spike: I don’t believe it!
Mrs. Grant: I’m __________________ I didn’t check them before you put them up.
Gabriel: That’s all ___________________ Mrs. Grant. Don’t worry about it.

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of Past Simple:

Dear Suzy,

Thanks for your letter. It ______________1 (be) great to hear from you. Well, I’m here in
Newquay at last! I ___________________2 (arrive) this morning at 11.30. Believe it or not, the
journey ______________3 (take) twelve hours altogether from London. It _______________4 (not
be) much fun. In fact it ___________________5 (be) a nightmare!
First of all, the other girl in the sleeping compartment ____________________6
(complain) because she ____________________7 (not have) the bottom bunk and then, when she
_______________8 (climb) up to go to bed, she almost ___________________ 9 (step) on my face!
Later, when I ______________10 (go) to the toilet in the night, I _______________11 (trip) over
my shoes (you know how clumsy I am!) and the noise ____________________12 (wake) her up.
After that there _____________13 (be) a signal failure near Plymouth and the train
__________________14 (stop) for ages. Luckily, there _______________15 (be) a phone on the
train so I _________________16 (phone) my aunt and ___________________17 (tell) her about the
delay. In the end I ___________________18 (be) over three hours late when I
__________________19 (get)
to Newquay. But guess what? I _____________________20 (meet) a really nice South African
guy at the bus stop near the station. He’s a surfer. He’s called Jake and he’s cool.
I’m starting my holiday job tomorrow so I’m going to relax and take things easy this
Write soon!

3. Give pieces of advice using “should” or “shouldn’t” in the following situations:

a) Jake: I have a terrible headache!
You: ______________________________________ (go to see the physician).
b) Sarah: My dress has a stain on it and I don’t know what to do.
You: ______________________________________ (take it to the cleaner’s)
c) Mick: My best friend is very upset with me.
You: ______________________________________ (not call her).
d) Jessica: I want to learn to drive.
You: ______________________________________ (have driving classes).
e) Mrs. Grant: My hair looks awful!
You: ______________________________________ (talk to the hairdresser).

IV. Choose the correct answer.

1. Take your umbrella! It ….. outside.

A. is raining B. rains C. raining
2. I..... a red ball when I was six.
A. have B. has C. had
3. We ….. eat three balanced meals a day.
A. must B. mustn’t C. don’t have to
4. You ….. drink lemon tea if you don’t like it.
A. must B. mustn’t C. don’t have to
5. I have got a terrible headache. What ….. I do?
A. must B. should C. could

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