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Witness Statements

Witness 1
Max Salamander asked if we needed help hanging posters for the
carnival and we gladly accepted the offer. We gave him some posters,
markers, and tape and sent him down to the theater area. Later we
noticed that there were no posters hung up and they were in the trash
can outside the boy’s bathroom. We also found a wig in the trashcan.
Witness 2
I saw Paula Peck hanging around the media center. I said hi to her, but
she just ran off toward the 6th grade area. She looked like she had
something under her shirt. She usually doesn’t talk much anyway. She
is so obsessed with her squishy collection.
Witness 3
Juliette Romano is on Student Council with me. Her mom came to pick
her up early and they called her over the intercom. She was already
gone when we came outside.
Witness 4
Billy Toombs was telling me in Science class about how we were going
to read “Taming of the Shrew” in ELA and how much he liked
Shakespeare. He couldn’t wait to start the unit.
Witness 5
I was on the late bus with Laney Lombard. Laney was mad about being
late for Lacrosse practice and after yelling about that a bit, went inside
to use the bathroom. Laney took an empty backpack with her and when
she came back, it looked like it had something in it. She had also
changed into her lacrosse uniform and her shoes were really muddy.
She was mad about that too, and she was complaining that now she
would have no time to practice playing her instrument. She was really
having a bad day!

Witness 6
I sat outside with Harmony White waiting for our rides. It was so hot.
My mom came before her ride came, but when I looked in the rear
view mirror, I saw her getting into a car. It looked funny because it was
a little convertible and she had a big violin.

Witness 7
Savannah Weasel went all around the building begging people for a ride
home. Apparently she had missed the bus before and she knew she was
in big trouble for missing it today. None of us were going straight home
after school or lived close enough to her to help out. She was really
mad and was kicking her stuff up the hall. We all just stayed away. I
even saw a squishy pop out of her bag, I’m not sure if she saw it, but we
were all too afraid of her to tell her about it.
Witness 8
Greta Stills came outside to wait on her ride after tutoring. She had a
bunch of markers in her hands and she put them down on the bench
and told us not to touch any of them and walked back in the building.
She was gone for such a long time that when her ride got here, they
had to page her over the intercom. She came out of the building
wearing a coat that she didn’t have on before, scooped up her markers,
and jumped into the car. She never has been very nice.
Witness 9
Mrs. Yonkers, the pupil clerk said that according to the computer check
out system, William McGuillicuddy’s mom checked him out at 1:57. He
left and didn’t come back to school.

Witness 10
I was across the hall in Ms. Dawson’s room making posters. I went to
Mrs. Thrash’s room to borrow some tape. When I walked in, I saw
Johnny Pool just sitting at a desk staring at the clock. He looked
miserable, so I was pretty sure he was serving a detention.
Witness 11
Layla Parmely rode the bus home with me. She sat right beside me. I
am sure because she had a French horn and she almost pushed me out
my seat because it was so big.
Witness 12
I saw Winston hanging around the Dasani machine. He looked surprised
when I saw him. He had a green pen with the cap off in his hand and I
think he was about to write on the wall if I hadn’t walked up. He
mumbled something about waiting for Ms. Stephens and then he
walked towards the orchestra room. I saw him throw something in the
trashcan by the boy’s bathroom as he went down the hall.

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