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To use the case tools for analyzing the requirements and to design a project model for Online Banking
System which is used to maintain customer details and deal with the transactions. These requirements are
provided by the customer and are validated by project members.The documentation will provide a basis for the
system design.

The objective of this project is to provide an efficient system for withdraw of money. The system is host
centered program supporting two types of users, bank customers and administrators. The system not only
provides the end user with a user-friendly interface but it also provides the system administrator easy access to
perform system administration functions.
A customer will login to the system by providing the user name and password.The customer enters his
personal details and he is provided with a username and password. The Administrator will have the control over
the validation and all the transactions done by a customer. The administrator will maintain the account details of
all the customers.The system allows the customer to withdraw and deposit the amount from his account.The
system allows withdrawal of amount only when the customer has a sufficient balance.


 Username should accept only characters, if any special characters or number is provided, login window
should remain.
 Password should contain a minimum of 8 characters, first character should be an alphabet.

Customer Details:
 Customer Details should have the fields name, age, gender, address, state, pincode, phone number.
 Age, pincode, phone number fields should have only numbers and no alphabets or special charectors.

User account management:

 Customer accounts can be managed by the system administrator.
 For creating a new user account the screen will display a form with all appropriate attributes like
userID,name,address,phone.e-mail and account status.
 A unique ccount will be generated whenever the administrator fills in the information and submits it to
create a new account.
 The account is created when the required information is entered and submitted.
Update account:
 For updating an account we will get a different form depending on which field we want to update.
 The account is updated based on the user requirements.
 When the user requests for the account to be updated, the account is updated.

Delete account:

 For deleting an account we will get a different form with the user account number, name, address, SSN
information and will be asked to double check before the account is permanently removed from the
 The account is deleted after getting confirmation from the user.

Enable/Disable account:
 In addition we can also disable or enable an account temporarily.
 Based on the request from the user, the administrator the account is enabled or disabled.
 The account is enabled or disabled if the user is requesting so.

The Use-Case Diagram illustrates the functionality of online banking System. It has two actors.
The first one is the customer he can access the functionalities for providing details, withdrawing and depositing amount.
The second actor is the administrator he can access the use-cases like checking balance, maintaining account detail and
Allowing withdrawal and depositing money.


The activity diagram describes the system by step by step activity. The customer will login to the system by providing his
user name and password, if login details are correct then it is validated by the administrator, then the customer is allowed
for further proceedings like whether he can withdraw amount or deposit amount. Once after withdrawing or depositing he
may allowed to view current balance. If the current balance is below minimum balance, then the administrator can
produce fine amount for maintaining low balance.


Sequence Diagram will describe about the sequence of method calls between the objects. It has five objects
 Customer
 Balance
 Administrator
 Deposit
 Withdraw
First the customer will login to the system then he can withdraw or deposit or he can view current balance for that the
Respective methods will be called, and then the administrator object can view and then validate the customer’s account.
Collaboration diagram is used to depict the flow of events in the system over a timeline .
First the customer will login to the system then he can withdraw or deposit or he can view current balance for that the
Respective methods will be called, and then the administrator object can view and then validate the customer’s account.


 The System contains five classes: Account History, Account History Context, Account, Transaction
List, and Transaction.
 Account class contains the attributes Holder, Number and Type and it has methods for maintaining these
 Transaction List class contains the information about the previous transactions.
 Transaction class contains all the details about the current transaction.
 Account History class has access to both AccountHistoryContext and TransactionList class.

//Source file: Z:/SE/

public class Transaction extends TransactionList

private string date;
private string description;
private string deposit;
private string withdraw;
private string balance;

public Transaction()

@roseuid 4CA9A85401F5

public void transaction()

@roseuid 4CA9A92C0129

public void getdate()

@roseuid 4CA9A93100CC

public void getdescription()


@roseuid 4CA9A93B00FB

public void getdeposit()


@roseuid 4CA9A942005F
public void opname2()

@roseuid 4CA9A94602A2
public void getwithdraw()
@roseuid 4CA9A950016A
public void getbalance()
//Source file: Z:/SE/
public class AccountHistoryContext
private String dateFrom;
private String DateTo;
private int account;
public Account theAccount;

@roseuid 4CA9A3A001C7
public AccountHistoryContext()

@roseuid 4CA9A3AA012C
public date getDateFrom()

@roseuid 4CA9A3B203AD
public void setDateFrom()

@roseuid 4CA9A3BE01E9
public date getDateTo()
@roseuid 4CA9A3C4019B
public void setDateTo()
@roseuid 4CA9A3C903BE
public Account getAccount()
@roseuid 4CA9A3CE00A1
public void setAccount()
@roseuid 4CA9A3D30063
public void toXML()
@roseuid 4CA9A3E70007
public void fromXML()
//Source file: Z:/SE/

public class AccountHistory

private object transactionList;
private String context;
public AccountHistoryContext theAccountHistoryContext;
public TransactionList theTransactionList;
@roseuid 4CA9A2590208
public AccountHistory()
@roseuid 4CA9A2640331
public void getTransactionList()
@roseuid 4CA9A272010E
public void getAccountHistoryContext()
@roseuid 4CA9A27C0015
public void toXML()
//Source file: Z:/SE/

public class Account

private string holder;
private int number;
private string type;

public Account()

@roseuid 4CA9A7C20218
public void account()

@roseuid 4CA9A7C9018C
public void getholder()

@roseuid 4CA9A7D701AC
public void setholder()

@roseuid 4CA9A7E00016
public void getnumber()

@roseuid 4CA9A7EA0036
public void setnumber()

@roseuid 4CA9A7EF022B
public void gettype()

@roseuid 4CA9A7F503E1
public void settype()
//Source file: Z:/SE/

public class TransactionList

private ArrayList transactions;

public TransactionList()

@roseuid 4CA9A9F20220
public void TranasactionList()

@roseuid 4CA9A9FE027E
public void getTransaction()

@roseuid 4CA9AA090127
public void addTransaction()

enter account number

enter password


deposit or withdraw

amount to be deposited or
with drawn

check balance

Maintains account details

bank administrator
check balance and allow withdrawal

credit or debit the amount f rom the


initial state

Get all customer


Get the login

Number of trials check login details

yes exceed permitted no. are correct

Declare as allow access to

unauthorised user account

if withdrawal

get amount to get deposit amount

be withdrawn and credit in account

if amount less
action than balance
cancelled yes

pay the amount and

debit from account

Display the
current balance

final state

customer administrator withdrawal deposit balance

credit the account

log in withdraw


debit the account

view balance of a customer

view balance

6: vi ew balance of a customer

2: log in
7: vi ew bal ance balance

customer 4: deposit

1: credit the account

3: wi thdraw 5: debit the account


Thus the UML diagrams for banking system are drawn and the skeleton JAVA code has been

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