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Maugham's "Princess September" is a delightful story. Once there was a King of Siam.

He had nine daughters, all of them were

named by 'Months'. The youngest of them was called "Princess September". The King had habit of giving gifts to others during his
birth anniversary. One year, on his birthday, he gave his daughters a beautiful green Parrots in a beautiful golden cage. One morning,
the Princess September found her parrot lying dead. She burst into flood of tears and noting could comfort her. While she was lying
on the bed, alittle bird entered her room and sang beautiful song. It told the princess that it was willing to be with her in place of
dead parrot. She took the bird to her sisters and showed it them. The King and Queen felt happy to hear its sounds. The sisters of
Princess September were jealous. They advised her to the the bird in to the cage and keep it there. So, when the bird came back from
an outing. She put it into cage. The bird pleaded to the Princess to send itself free, but the Princess cared more for its safety, the bird
did not feel likes singing. The next morning the Princess found the bird did not lying as if it dead. The Princess cried and the tears,
fell on the bird. The bird opening its eyes. The bird told Princess that it would die. If it could not fly and sing. So, Princess granted the
little bird its freedom. After that the bird visited that now nad then and sang to her. Because of this bird sang the Princess grew
beautiful. When she grew old enough, she married a King of Cambedia.

Maugham itu " Princess September" adalah cerita yang menyenangkan . Pernah ada seorang Raja Siam . Dia memiliki sembilan anak
perempuan , semuanya diberi nama dengan ' Bulan ' . Bungsu dari mereka disebut " Princess September" . Raja memiliki kebiasaan
memberi hadiah kepada orang lain selama ulang tahun kelahirannya . Satu tahun , pada hari ulang tahunnya , ia memberi putrinya
sebuah Parrots hijau yang indah di sangkar emas yang indah . Suatu pagi , Putri September menemukan burung beo tergeletak mati.
Dia meledak banjir air mata dan mencatat bisa menghiburnya . Sementara dia sedang berbaring di tempat tidur , seekor burung
kecil memasuki kamarnya dan menyanyikan lagu yang indah . Ini mengatakan kepada putri bahwa ia bersedia untuk menemaninya
di tempat parrot mati.
Dia mengambil burung untuk adik-adiknya dan menunjukkan mereka . Raja dan Ratu merasa senang mendengar suara mereka .
Para suster Putri September cemburu . Mereka menyarankan agar ia burung di kandang dan tetap di sana . Jadi , ketika burung itu
kembali dari tamasya . Dia memasukkannya ke dalam kandang .
Burung itu mengaku kepada Putri untuk mengirim sendiri gratis , tapi Putri peduli lebih untuk keamanannya , burung tidak merasa
seperti bernyanyi . Keesokan paginya Putri ditemukan burung tidak berbohong seolah-olah itu mati . Putri menangis dan air mata ,
jatuh pada burung . Burung membuka matanya . Burung itu mengatakan kepada Putri bahwa itu akan mati . Jika tidak bisa terbang
dan bernyanyi . Jadi , Putri diberikan burung kecil kebebasan .
Setelah itu burung dikunjungi bahwa sekarang dan kemudian dan bernyanyi padanya . Karena burung ini menyanyikan Putri
tumbuh indah . Ketika ia tumbuh cukup tua , ia menikah dengan seorang Raja Cambedia .

1. How many daughters did the royal couple have? Answer: The fact that the names of the royal couple’s daughters started with January and ended
with September indicates they had nine daughters.

2. Why were they named after the months of the year? Answer: Because of large number of daughters they found it convenient to name them after the
months of the year.

3. The King had a peculiar habit. What was it? Why is it called peculiar? Answer: The king had a peculiar habit of giving gifts instead of receiving them
on his birthdays. Normally, people get and enjoy getting gifts during their birthdays. The kind was the opposite in this sense. So, his behaviour is called

4. (i) What was Princess September’s reaction to the loss of her parrot? (ii) What was her mother’s reaction to it? (iii) What do the reactions
indicate about the nature and temperament of each? Answer: The princess became very sad after the loss of her parrot. She was so sad that she cried

Her mother was angry at her behaviour. She said her to be left at that state because she thought that hunger and isolation will put her mental state in
proper shape.

The princess’ reaction says that she is an emotional girl. She became so emotionally attached to the parrot that she couldn’t think of anything else after the
parrot’s death.

On the other hand the On the other hand the queen is practical but somewhat rude. She doesn’t know how to console a child.

5. What pulled the Princess out of her gloom? Answer: The arrival of the little bird and its pleasant song lifted the princess out of gloom.

6. How did the Maids of Honour come to know that the Princess and the bird had become intimate friends? Answer: When the Maids of Honour
brought breakfast, they saw the bird eating rice from princess’ hands. After savouring the rice the bird sang a beautiful song. This was enough for the Maids
of Honour to know about the new friendship of the princess and the little bird.

7. The new bird was full of new songs but the old parrots always repeated themselves. What did they say? Answer: All the old parrots said the
same things, “God save the king,” and “Pretty Polly” in seven different languages.

8. What is the King’s opinion about his Councillors? Why did he form that opinion? Answer: King’s councilors always sang praise in the name of the
king. All of them were sycophants because the king could observe there was no emotion involved in the councilors saying. They parroted everything like

9. (i) The eight Princesses made an offer to Princess September. What was it?

(ii) Why, in your view, did they do it?Answer: The eight princesses offered to purchase a new parrot out of their pocket money for the youngest princess.
They were jealous of tThey were jealous of the real happiness on the youngest princess face. They were also jealous the way the King appreciated the little
bird’s song.

10. What did the sisters advice the Princess to do about her bird? Answer: The sisters scared the Princess about safety of the little bird. They advised
her to keep the little bird in a cage instead of letting it roam freely everywhere.

11. In the following sentence elaborate the parts given in bold. Under the circumstances it was a very unfortunate remark for the bird to make.
Answer: The princess was worried about the little bird’s safety as she was under her sister’s influence. On the same time the bird said that it might not have
returned on that day. This statement was enough to provoke the princess to put the little bird in the cage. The mental condition of the princess was further
aggravated by the bird’s statement leading to its imprisonment. Chances of the bird losing its freedom increased after its statement. So it was an
unfortunate statement under those circumstances.

11. In the following sentence elaborate the parts given in italics. Under the circumstances it was a very unfortunate remark for the bird to make.
Answer: The princess was worried about the little bird’s safety as she was under her sister’s influence. On the same time the bird said that it might not have
returned on that day. This statement was enough to provoke the princess to put the little bird in the cage. The mental condition of the princess was further
aggravated by the bird’s statement leading to its imprisonment. Chances of the bird losing its freedom increased after its statement. So it was an
unfortunate statement under those circumstances. nature. So the bird refused to be taken out in her cage.

14. (i) What persuaded Princess September to give the bird his freedom again?

(ii) How did the bird react to it? Answer: The falling condition of the bird and danger of its death convinced the princess to give freedom to the bird. The
bird was happy and thankful to the Princess. She promised to come everyday and sing for the Princess.

15. Princess September kept her window open day and night. (i) How did it help the bird? (ii) How did it help the Princess herself?

Answer: The open windows helped the bird to come to meet the princess as and when it wished.

The princess could getThe princess could get nature’s nourishment which enhanced her beauty. It brought a beautiful glow on her face.

16. The eight sisters kept their windows shut. How did it affect them? Answer: The eight sisters couldn’t get nature’s nourishment. They
grew pale and ugly. It is common knowledge that natural air and sunshine helps keep you in beautiful and cheerful shape.

The most powerful reason to choose this story is its theme – a story with a moral theme, freedom is the true secret of happiness.
This theme of the story that is touches my heart. Once I read the whole story I feel that the story is so easy to understand its
meaning and interpretation and myself would be involved into the story. When I seat to read the story I imbibed with the characters
of the story. Of course there are some difficulties to read the story and interpret the right meaning of some difficult words but story
is so interesting while reading. When you read the story at first time it seems to be like a fairy tale but story has so much powerful
imagination in itself. Every human being has its own fantasy, even child also has a fantasy we cannot escape ourselves far from this
fantasy. This short story reveals the fantasy of human mind and human nature. Human nature is very complicated thing to
understand. Human tendency is that to possess something which is liked by him. This little story also describes the psychology of
human nature as well as human behavior. Here I would like to quote the famous line of the world’s greatest scientist, Albert
Einstein that was published in the local newspapers often, “imagination is more important than knowledge”. These are the words of
the great scientist who believes that knowledge is ephemeral but imagination is quite eternal. Everybody wants freedom nobody
wants to puppet in the hands of the others is the theme of the whole story.

Brief Introduction of the story

Princess September is a story of a princess of Siam, now a day Siam is known as the Thailand. Princess father, the king of Siam had a
strange idea about naming his children. When he had only two daughters, he named them Day and Night, when two more were
added, he named them Spring, Autumn, Winter and Summer. Then three more daughters were born. He named them again by the
days of the week. When the eighth daughter arrived he named them again by the months, and when the ninth daughter was born, he
named the child by September. Thus, she was called the Princess September. She was the last daughter of the king of Siam and
thereafter the Queen gave birth only baby boys.
The first eight daughters had bitter mood as their names were changed more than once. Also the king had another habit of giving
birthday presents. On one birthday, he gave the present of green parrots in a beautiful golden cage to each of his daughters. When
Princess September’s parrot died and she wept bitterly. Then a tiny bird came to her and sang musical songs, she became very
happy; but her sisters advised her to cage the bird into a golden cage, which has been gifted by her father. And when the bird was
caged, it stopped singing, and did not eat food and drink very well. The little bird was suffocated into the golden cage. The bird
wanted to freedom from this beautiful golden cage. Finally princess September made it free, and then she was married to King of
Cambodia and lived a happy life with him.

(a) The elements of the fairy tale are found in this story. In this short story ‘Princess September’ by Somerset Maugham, we notice
that it contains some elements of fairy tale. Here question arises what is mean by a fairy tale? Fairy tale means something far beyond
this world or out of this actual world or supernatural, or belonging to the land of fairies, or non-human. There are five elements that
clearly show the fairy-like atmosphere, background and condition. First of all the title of the story, itself like fairy. The word
September is the name of the month, a non-human element, and it is used for the name of the princess because she is the ninth
daughter, as the month of September is ninth in the year.
(b) The personality of the Princess is more fairies like than an ordinary human being.
(c) The little bird singing and talking to the Princess is also responsible to make story fairy like.
(d) The king of Siam also behaves in a strange manner he has expressed this in naming his daughters after Day and Night, the
seasons, the days of the week and the months of the year.The jealousy and envies of the other eight princesses towards September
also makes the story a fairy tale.

Moral of the story

The moral of the story is that the writer has described a great moral lesson in the story. One theme of the story is the friendship
between the Princess and the bird, and another theme, continued in the end of the story that is on the topic of liberty. The truth
about freedom is expressed by the use of symbols of wings, wide blue sky, green rice growing in the fields. On the other hand, denied
of freedom, which is symbolized by the use of the golden cage. However the cage is made of golden, but it has no value against the
freedom. The theme of true freedom is explained by the words of the bird – “I cannot sing unless I am free, and if cannot sing, I die”.
The true melody or the real artistic work can be done in the state of freedom only and this ideal of the freedom is the moral lesson of
the story, it is the real and true secret of happiness.

Point of view about the story

As the member of the society I would like to say that do not tame the animals because they are part of the nature. Some people are
taming the animals like parrots cats and dogs for their own sake of hobby or status symbol. Some people are beating their animals
this would be stopped by the people. Animals are dumb they do not express their desire as we produce by the powerful speech they
have also sensation and feeling and they are living creature we all the people as a members of the society we should pity on them
and love them. Now the administration also has employed the law against the animals also NGO’s like WWF, PeTA are working on
these types of activities. People should also have involved in these activities and save the animals and environment. We should take
care of animals as possible as can.
This story also gives the message to the society to prevent the cruelty against the animals there are numbers of NGO’s working now
a day for the prevention of cruelty against the dumb animals. Animals are the greatest gift by the nature; we cannot survive without
the animals. The best example I would like to give here is the Project Tiger, in which saving the tiger and give emphasis on growing
up population of the tiger. The reason behind this activity is that if tiger does not survive we the mankind also does not survived. We
have learned in the elementary level in science subject that there is a ‘food chain’ in the Eco system if one affects the other also
affects. If there is no tiger at all the number of deer and other animals are increasing and it cause of the imbalance the system of
nature. It causes the effect on the environment; the environment also disturbs by this effect.

Princess September is a story of a princess os Siam, nowadays Siam is known as the Thailand. Princess’ father, the king of Siam, had
a strange idea about naming his children. When he had only 2 daughters, he named them Day and Night, when 2 more were “added”,
he named them again by the days of the week. When the 8th daughter “arrived” he named them again by the months, and when the
9th daughter was born, he named the child by September. So she was called the Princess September. She was the last daughter of
the King of Siam (after that the Queen gave birth onl to two boys). The fisrt 8 daughters had difficult character as their names were
changed more than once. Also the King had another habbit of giving birthday presents. On one birthday, he gave to each of his
daughters a green parrot in a beautiful golden cage. When Princess September’s parrot died she was desperate. Then a tiny bird
came to her and sang sweet songs. It made The Princess really happy. But her sisters envied her and they advised her to cage the
bird. And when the bird was put into the golden cage, given by the King, it stopped singing at all and it refused to eat and to drink.
The little bird was suffocating from not being free. Finally, Princess September let it free. The little bird came to Princess and sang
its wonderful songs. It made the Princess very beautiful. When she grew up she got married to the King of Cambodia and lived a life
with him.

Due to the fact that in the text we can not see the description of characters’ appearance I can affirm that the the of character
drawing is indirect.

The climax of this story is when Princess’ parrot dies. The denouement is the end of this story.

In this story there are two main themes: love and freedom. And, to my mind, the key-note of this story is that if you love somebody
you should (ought to) give him freedom. Being caught in a golden cage will never be equal to the feeling of love. These 2 things don’t
complete each other.

A lot of stylistic devices can be found in Princess September.

First of all, I’d like to mention the fact that William Somerset Maugham is well known for his fine humor. That’s why there’s irony in
this story “Of course it made the Queen very uneasy because she knew that it would distress the King very much if he had to cut off
her head. And it would not be easy for her”. Besides irony, there are a lot of epithets in this story which serve to describe the little
bird. For example: a very nice song, to sing so beautifully, admirable, the lovliest songs, cheerful voice. In addition to the devices I
have already mentioned I’d like to give examples of the metaphor: artist (this metaphor is used to describe the way the little bird
sang) and “flood of tears” (to describe how desperate Princess September was after the loss of her parrot). Furthermore there are
some examples of antithese: extremely beautiful– extremely ugly embittered – sweet (about characters), (to compare Princess
September with her sisters). Moreover it is necessary to say that there is one symbol in this story – a golden cage. This is the symbol
of life without problems but deprived of freedom. This golden cage could kill the little bird.

I do recommend everybody to read this story and some other stories written by William Somerset Maugham. These stories are
worth reading because they are interesting, unusual and deep.

Princess September adalah sebuah kisah tentang seorang putri os Siam , saat ini Siam dikenal sebagai Thailand. Ayah Princess ' , raja
Siam , memiliki ide yang aneh tentang penamaan anak-anaknya . Ketika ia hanya 2 anak perempuan , ia menamai mereka Siang dan
Malam , ketika 2 lagi yang "tambah " , ia menamai mereka lagi oleh hari dalam seminggu . Ketika putri -8 " tiba " ia menamai mereka
lagi oleh bulan , dan ketika putri 9th lahir , ia menamai anak dengan September. Jadi dia dipanggil Putri September. Dia adalah putri
terakhir dari Raja Siam ( setelah itu Ratu melahirkan onl dua anak laki-laki ) . The fisrt 8 anak perempuan memiliki karakter sulit
karena nama mereka berubah lebih dari sekali . Juga Raja memiliki habbit lain memberikan hadiah ulang tahun . Di satu ulang tahun,
dia berikan kepada masing-masing putrinya burung beo hijau dalam sangkar emas yang indah . Ketika burung beo Princess
September meninggal dia putus asa . Kemudian burung kecil datang kepadanya dan menyanyikan lagu-lagu manis . Hal itu membuat
The Princess benar-benar bahagia . Tapi adik-adiknya iri padanya dan mereka menyarankan dia untuk sangkar burung . Dan ketika
burung itu dimasukkan ke dalam sangkar emas , yang diberikan oleh Raja , itu berhenti bernyanyi sama sekali dan menolak untuk
makan dan minum . Burung kecil itu mencekik karena tidak menjadi bebas . Akhirnya , Putri September membiarkannya bebas .
Burung kecil datang ke Putri dan menyanyikan lagu-lagu yang indah . Hal itu membuat Putri sangat indah . Ketika ia tumbuh ia
menikah dengan Raja Kamboja dan menjalani kehidupan dengan dia .

Karena kenyataan bahwa dalam teks kita tidak bisa melihat gambaran tentang bentuk karakter ' Saya dapat menegaskan bahwa
para karakter gambar yang tidak langsung .

Klimaks dari cerita ini adalah ketika burung beo Princess ' meninggal . Kesudahan adalah akhir dari cerita ini .

Dalam cerita ini ada dua tema utama: cinta dan kebebasan . Dan , pikiran saya , the- catatan kunci dari cerita ini adalah bahwa jika
Anda mencintai seseorang Anda harus ( harus ) memberinya kebebasan . Terperangkap dalam sangkar emas tidak akan pernah
sama dengan perasaan cinta . 2 hal ini tidak saling melengkapi .

Banyak perangkat gaya dapat ditemukan di Princess September.

Pertama-tama , saya ingin menyebutkan fakta bahwa William Somerset Maugham terkenal karena humor denda itu . Itulah
mengapa ada ironi dalam cerita ini "Tentu saja itu membuat Ratu sangat gelisah karena ia tahu bahwa itu akan membuatku
menderita Raja sangat banyak jika ia harus memotong kepalanya . Dan itu tidak akan mudah baginya " . Selain ironi , ada banyak
julukan dalam cerita ini yang berfungsi untuk menggambarkan burung kecil . Sebagai contoh: sebuah lagu yang sangat bagus ,
bernyanyi begitu indah , mengagumkan , lagu-lagu lovliest , suara ceria . Selain perangkat telah saya sebutkan saya ingin
memberikan contoh metafora : artis ( metafora ini digunakan untuk menggambarkan cara burung kecil bernyanyi ) dan " banjir air
mata " ( untuk menggambarkan bagaimana putus asa Princess September setelah kehilangan burung beo nya ) . Selain itu ada
beberapa contoh antithese : sangat indah - sangat jelek sakit hati - manis (sekitar karakter ) , ( untuk membandingkan Princess
September dengan adik-adiknya ) . Selain itu perlu untuk mengatakan bahwa ada satu simbol dalam cerita ini - sangkar emas . Ini
adalah simbol kehidupan tanpa masalah tetapi kehilangan kebebasan . Sangkar emas ini bisa membunuh burung kecil .

Saya menyarankan semua orang untuk membaca cerita ini dan beberapa cerita lain yang ditulis oleh William Somerset Maugham .
Cerita-cerita ini layak dibaca karena mereka menarik , tidak biasa dan mendalam .

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