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Account no. : RPAI2476 - S39T - T14D Date : 26/03/19

Customer name : RESTI HARDIANTI
Address :

Dear Sir/Mdm,

We thank you for trades with our company. We regret to notify you that the following ADDITIONAL MARGIN has come
to be necessary in your account. It is calculated as follow :

Ledger Balance : USD 17,781.00

Floating P/L : USD -15,950.00
Equity : USD 1,831.00
Necessary margin : USD 3,000.00
Call margin : USD 1,169.00

Position Date Bought Sold Closing Floating P/L

XUL10 22/03/19 10x 1308.70 1316.00 -7,300.00
XUL10 25/03/19 10x 1323.85 1315.20 -8,650.00

You are requested to DEPOSIT USD 1,169.00 before 11:00 AM at 27/03/2019. Upon your failure to deposit the above
stated Additional Margin with our company by the time and date as stated, we have the right to close out the whole of your
open trades without further call or notice and at our election and at your risk according to the Customer's Agreement.

This is a computer generated form. As such, no signature is required.

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