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JAPAN (Land of the Rising Sun)


From the sixth century, the history of education in Japan dates back, when Chinese learning was
introduced at the Yamato court. Teachings and ideas from the Chinese flowed into Japan from the sixth
to the ninth century. Even Buddhism was formally introduced to Japan. Chinese system of writing and its
literary tradition and Confucianism also came. Almost of the ancient activities were patterned from the

Confucianism and Buddhism's ethical teachings takes into the way of life of Japanese. Even though Japan
had already developed their own religion which is “Shintoism”, Chinese educational ideas are still


Shinto and Buddhism are Japan's two major religions. Shinto is originally from the culture while
Buddhism was just imported from the 6th century.

SHINTOISM- Optimistic faith, as humans thought to be good and evil is believed to be caused by evil
spirits. Rituals is to keep away evil spirits by giving offerings to “Kami.



Elementary and Secondary Education is COMPULSORY. It also covers:

MORAL EDUCATION- intended to teach students to respect one another and the environment, to
understand the importance of life, to respect the rules of the society and learn self-control.

SPECIAL ACTIVITIES- activities that emohasize teamwork and cooperation such as field trips and school
Elementary School Curriculum covers:



-Social Studies

-Arts and Handicrafts




-English is required in 5th and 6th grade.

Secondary School Curriculum (TEXT BOUND ORIENTED) covers:

-Japanese -Arts and Handicrafts

-Social Studies -P.E.

-Mathematics -Fine Arts

-Science -Foreign Languages

-Music -Homeroom Time

Tertiary Education has two options:

-Junior College (2 years)

-University (4 years)

School Educational Objectives/Aim

The fundamental responsibility of education has a development of:

-well-rounded children with the integration of right morals and physical strength, who make good
judgments and think creatively; and

-humane and rich children who have solidarity with society and the common good.


Japanese consists of two scripts, Hiragana and Katakana, two versions of the same set of sounds in the
language. It also consists of lesser than 50 letters.

Kanji, Chinese characters characterized in Japanese. This is also heavily used in the Japanese writing.

The greatest contribution of Japan to the world is Vocational Education.

The greatest contribution of Japan is also showing the world that a society can be organized in such a
way that things work reasonably well. The people are polite and organize, the place is clean and safe,
the trains or buses are running on time, the medical system is widely and fairly cheaply available, and the
infrastracture and buildings are constantly updated.

But there are still innovations and products that Japan has contributed to the world like:

-Bullet Train

-Pocket Calculator

-Android Robots


-Instant Noodles and Sushi

-Anime and Manga

-Martial Arts

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