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Implementation of Role Play in Speaking at The First Year of SMA Negeri 9

Bandar Lampung


Diah Ripratiwi

The research was conducted based on the problem faced by the first year students

of SMAN 9 Bandar Lampung. Most students in SMAN 9 Bandar Lampung at first

year still do not master one of the components in the speaking skill, especially in

pronunciation, fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, and grammar. This problem

occured due to the inappropriateness of teaching technique used by the teacher.

Since Role Play is a good technique where students act as other characters or

themselves involved in certain situation which make them free to express their

idea to improve their speaking ability in terms of the five components of

speaking that simultaneously improve . The research was

conducted at SMAN 9 Bandar Lampung. The subject was the students of class

X.4 in the academic year of 2011/2012.

This qualitative research was conducted in two meetings. Each meeting consisted

of four steps: planning, implementation, observation, and analysis. To gain the

data of the learning product and learning process, the researcher used speaking
test and observation sheets for students involvement and teacher teaching

performance, in addition the researcher used interview and questionnaires as the


The result of the learning product shows that role play technique improves the

ment in each component. In meeting 1, there is some

students who score below 60. But in meeting 2, no students gain score below 60.

And the average score in meeting 1 is 72,6 and in meeting 2 the average score is

75,3. The score of each speaking component, pronunciation, fluency, and

comprehensibility have increased from meeting 1 to meeting 2.

Meanwhile, for the learning process in meeting 1 students have problem in the

, but in meeting 2 the problem has been reduced especially

on responding to the topic (pre-

addition, for the teacher teaching performance, the teacher scored 78 in meeting 1,

then the scored 85 in meeting 2 especially on teaching and learning process which

is suitable with the competence. This means she is able to teach the students well

by implementing role play technique in the speaking class. In short it can be


performance in teaching speaking.


iwi. She was born in Bandar Lampung, March

1st, 1989. She is the sixth child of a harmonious couple Urip Dahlan and Sri

Muinah. She has four sisters and two brothers Yani Marliana, Iis Irmawati,

S.Sos., Indri Sulistiowati, S.I.Kom., Meis Dina Santika, Deni Kuntoro, and


She entered SD Negeri 6 Gedong Air and graduated from elementary school in

2000. Then she continued her study to SMP Negeri 10 Bandarr Lampung and

graduated in 2004. She finished her High school at SMA Negeri 3 Bandar

Lampung in 2007.

In 2007, she was registered as an S-1 of English Education Program of Teacher

Training and Education Faculty through PKAB in Lampung University. In 2011,

she carried Teaching Practice Program (PPL) at SMA Negeri 9 Bandar Lampung

from 16th July to 2nd October 2012 .


This script is dedicated to:

My beloved parents, Urip Dahlan and Sri Muinah;

My beloved brothers and sisters, Deni Kuntoro, Yani Marlina, Iis Irmawati,
S.Sos., Septiardi, Indri Sulistiowati, S.I.Kom., Meis Dina Saantika.

My beloved

My almamater, Unila.

No gain without misery

That misery is often valuable

if you are patient to face it.

(Benjamin Ferdinand)

, praise be to Allah SWT, the almighty and Merciful

God for blessing the writer with faith, health, and oportunity to finish this script.

This script is entitle f Role Play in Speaking at the First Year

o . This script is presented to fulfill one of the

requirements in accomplishing the S-1 Degree at the Department of Language and

Arts of Teacher Training and Education Faculty in the University of Lampung.

The writer would like to express her gratitude to many people who have suggested

and helped in writing this script. First she delivers her gratitude and respect to

Prof. Ag. Bambang Setiyadi, M.A., Ph.D., her first advisor, and Dra. Rosita

Simbolon, M.A., her second advisor who have given their best criticisms,

suggestions, and revisions during the accomplishment of this script. Then, she

wants to deliver her gratitude to her examiner, Dr. Muhammad Sukirlan, M.A.,

for his input and contribution.

She also wants to extend my great appreciation to the Headmaster of SMAN 9

Bandar Lampung Drs. Hendro Suyono and Sempurna Ginting, S.Pd., the

English teacher of SMA Negeri 9 Bandar Lampung. Her appreciation is also

expressed to the X.4 students SMAN 9 Bandar Lampung for their good


The greatest honor and appreciation would finally be dedicated to her beloved

parents , Urip Dahlan and Sri Muinah for their patience and willingness to wait

for graduation. It is truly undoubted that loves, cares, and timeless prayers during

days and nights, are everything for her.To her beloved brothers and sisters, Deni
Kuntoro, Yani Marliana, Iis Irmawati, S.Sos., Septiardi, Indri Sulistiowati,

S.I.Kom., Meis Dina Santika, thanks for supports given to keep her spirit alive.

Last but not least, she would also adress her appreciation to all of her beloved

comrades English Department, especially Mba Lilis, Nurul, Sisil,

Ike, Ganis, Tiwi, Sih and Asty. To her best friends, Nanda and Herlina, thanks for

your support and encouragement when she was down.

She hopes that this script will be useful for the readers, especially those who are

involved in English teaching profession.

Bandar Lampung, April 2012

The Writer

Diah Ripratiwi


ABSTRACT..................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL..................................................................................................... iii

CURRICULUM VITAE .................................................................................. vi

DEDICATION ................................................................................................. v

MOTTO ........................................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGMENT.................................................................................. vii

TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................... ix

LIST OF TABLE ............................................................................................. x

LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................. xi

I. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background of the Problem ................................................................. 1

1.2 Formulation of the Problems................................................................ 4

1.3 Objective of the Research .................................................................... 5

1.4 Uses of the Research ............................................................................ 5

1.5 Scope of the Research ......................................................................... 6

1.6 Definition of Terms.............................................................................. 6

II. LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................ 7

2.1 Concept of Speaking ............................................................................ 7

2.2 Component in Speaking ....................................................................... 8

2.3 Types of Speaking............................................................................... 10

2.4 Concept of Role Play .......................................................................... 14

..................................................... 16

2.6 Procedure of Teaching Speaking Through Role Play .......................... 19

III. RESEARCH METHOD............................................................................. 22

3.1 Research Design................................................................................... 22

3.2 Step of Qualitative Research ............................................................... 23

3.3 Indicators of the Research .................................................................... 25

3.4 Instrument of the Research .................................................................. 29

3.5 Data Analysis ...................................................................................... 31

3.5.1 Learning Product ........................................................................ 32

3.5.2 Learning Process ........................................................................ 33

I V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS............................................................. 35

4.1 Result of the Research.......................................................................... 35

4.1.1 Meeting 1 ................................................................................... 35

4.1.2 Meeting 2 .................................................................................... 64

4.2 Discussion ........................................................................................... 82

V. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS.................................................. 91

5.1 Conclusions .......................................................................................... 91

5.2 Suggestions .......................................................................................... 92

REFERENCES ................................................................................................ 94

APPENDICES ................................................................................................. 96

Table Page

1. Table 1. Rubric of Grading System ......................................................... 26

2. .................................... 40
3. in Meeting 1 .... 42
4. ..................................... 66
5. .... 68
7. stionnaire in Meeting 2 ...................... 74


Appendices Page

1. Lesson Plan 1 ....................................................................................... 97

2. Lesson Plan 2 ....................................................................................... 101
3. speaking score in meeting 1 (Rater1)................................... 105
4. ................................... 106
5. .................................. 107
6. ................................... 108
7. .............................. 109
8. St .............................. 110
9. ........................ 111
10. ......................... 113
11. ... 115
12. .. 117
14. Voice transcribe in meeting 1 ............................................................. 121
15. Voice transcribe in meeting 2 ............................................................. 123

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