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Rat ing your skills

It takes many skills to facilitate a group successfully. The real art is knowing
how and when to use them. Assess your skills and rate them alongside the
statements below:

Key: 1 - Rarely 2 - Sometimes 3 – Often 4 - Always

‘ How oft en do I...’

1 Move the group consistently towards the agreed outcomes?
2 Bring to light un-stated views, undercurrents and conflicts?
3 Ensure insights are shared between group members?
4 Provide feedback to the group and individuals?
5 Involve the group in deciding how to move forward?
6 Help the group draw parallels and reach conclusions?
7 Keep the room and the time safe from intrusion and
8 Remain neutral and objective?
9 Bring attention to key points?
10 Challenge and confront individuals when appropriate?
11 Promote collective decision-making processes?
12 Welcome challenges from the group?
13 Ensure that key decisions are noted?
14 Manage and maintain high energy in the group?
15 Check to ensure understanding?
16 Adapt and respond flexibly to the needs of the group?
17 Involve the group in setting the agenda?
18 Note non-essential issues for discussion outside the session?
19 Focus my attention on the group process rather than the
content of discussions?
20 Confront and deal effectively with disruptive behaviour?
21 Provide a structure for the issue to be discussed and resolved?
22 Ask effective questions to generate reflection and learning?
23 Acknowledge points of view and introduce new perspectives?
24 Demonstrate trust in the group through behaviour?
25 Bring the focus from the general to the specific and vice
26 Help individuals learn from what happens in the group?
27 Check for agreement and lack of agreement?
28 Acknowledge strengths of individuals and the group?
29 Help keep the group on track?
30 Listen for and surface feelings, emotions and hidden agendas?
31 Tune into and respond to non-verbal clues?
32 Communicate openly and authentically?
33 Redirect the focus when it is time to move on?
34 Encourage discussion in pairs and small groups to deepen
35 Make sure the physical space and layout are conducive to
36 Respect confidentiality?
37 Summarise key ideas?
38 Notice and highlight patterns of group or individual behaviour?
39 Maximise interaction between group members?
40 Show willingness to be ‘wrong’?
41 Manage the time to ensure an outcome is reached that
satisfies the group?
42 Ask questions that others think but no one else asks?
43 Encourage contribution from every individual?
44 Hold back on personal views unless asked?
45 Encourage the group to celebrate accomplishments?
46 Encourage the group to assess their learning and processes?
47 Elicit opinions from every group member?
48 Remain calm?

Facilit at or skills scoring

Transfer your scores to the appropriate boxes in the grid below and then
total the individual columns. The highest score for any section can be 48,
the lowest 12. Read the descriptions below to learn more about your
strengths and weaknesses.

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28
29 30 31 32
33 34 35 36
37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44
45 46 47 48
Total: Total: Total: Total:

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