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Review Article International Ayurvedic Medical Journal ISSN:2320 5091


Dr. Budruk Pramod Appasaheb
M.D. Sharir Rachana, L.L.B.(spl), Principal- Hon.Shri. Annasaheb Dange Ayurved
Medical College, Ashta. Tal- Walwa, Dist- Sangli.
strotas, but for clarification and under-
Sharir Rachana is basic subject of medical science. Hence concepts of Sharir should be cleared.
Ayurveda gives various ideas of sharir, which should be explained on the modern basis. Strotas
is one of Ayurvedic terminology & basic thing of Ayurveda, but it should be cleared to
ayurvedic students. Charak had explained strotas as medicinal view while sushrut had explained
strotas according to surgical aspect. Pranavaha strotas is first & important strotas, which carry
pran all over body. By studying this strotas mulasthana, vidha laxanas & vahana, also by
studying concern reference regarding prahvaha strotas, respiration, etc. idea of this strotas is
explained, how it is related to respiratory system & internal & external respiration is elaborated
in this article. It will be helpful to ayurvedic students to clear ideas regarding strotas as well as
pranvaha strotas.How Pranavaha strotas related to heart,lungs and other structures like
pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein is elaborated in this article.
KEY WORDS: pranavaha strotas, prana, respiration, strotas, lungs, oxygen

INTRODUCTION standing various functions of strotas are

Sharir Rachana and Sharir Kriya are two mentioned by Sushrut and Charak. Charak
sides of coin. These two departments are
now different made by ccim but should
work hand to hand. Ayurveda never given gives 14 numbers of strotas while Sushrut
separate Sharir Rachana or Anatomy and gives 11 numbers of strotas.First and most
Physiology or Sharir Kriya. Anatomy is important strotas given by both acharyas is
well mentioned with physiology, pathology, pranavaha strotas. It is very important
surgery or medicine.We must to know basic hence we must know details of this strotas
things or anatomical concepts.Now in glob- in relation with modern science. The con-
alization world these concepts should be cept of strotas is not detail mentioned by
clear on the modern basis.Strotas is one of ancient scholars hence I am elaborating this
the major anatomical concept of Ayurveda. concept of pranavaha strotas.
It is said that ‘stroto aium purusha’ that Charak first clears concept of strotas as ,
means human body is made up of so many Yavant purushe murtimanto, Bhavavish-
How to cite this URL: Dr Budruk Pramod Appasaheb, Conceptual Study of Pranavaha Strotas With Reference to Modern
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Dr. Budruk Pramod Appasaheb: Conceptual Study Of Pranavaha Strotas With Reference To Modern Anatomy
eshanto avasmin strotasam prakar vishesh prana through all structures of the body is
|1 called as pranvaha strotas.The factor which
Charak says that number of matters or gives life to body is called as prana. Oxy-
bhava present in the body, same number of gen is very important factor for life process
strotas present in the body, hence he says which is inhaled by respiration. And the
that infinite number of strorasas present in strotas which carry this prana is called as
the body. These strotasas has individual pranvaha strotas and the system which sup-
work according to separate bhavas, that is plies oxygen is called as respiratory system.
which matter stored or conducted through it. Nadya panthano margaha sharir chidrani |5
There are mainly 16 murtimant bhav present Charak has given various synonyms of
in the body and these are prana, anna or strotas that are sira,dhamani rasayani,
food, udak or water, rasadisapatdhatu, and rasavahini, nadi, path, sharirchidrani, niket
trimala and tridosha. Indivisual each bhav but he mentioned important thing is nadi or
suggest its own strotas. All these strotas tube like structure, path or marg means spe-
come together to form body. Charaka has cial way for special matter,sharirchidrani
given example of cloth. If we seprate all fi- means vacuoles of body. These structures
bers of the cloth then we can’t say it as a are specially called as strotas.
cloth but when all fibers are collectively ar- MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY
ranged then it is said to be cloth, same way Respiratory system or mamilian airway is
separate strotas is not constitute body but all formed by nose, nasal cavity, pharynx, lar-
strotasas collectively indicates body. ynx, trachea, bronchus, bronchioles and fi-
Strotavansi khalu parinam, Prapadhema- nally alveolar sac. This sack is surrounded
nanam dahtunam vahini, bhavatyayanar- by capillaries and vessels.|6
thena |2 As air inhaled through the upper airway fil-
This gives clear idea about strotas.Strotas tered in the nose heated to body temperature
either create matter or transfer matter form and fully saturated with water vapors, partial
one place to another places recovery of this heat and moisture occurs on
Tatre pranvaha strotasan, Hrudya mulam expiration. Then air goes to glottis and glot-
mahastrotasam |3 Charak told that pra- tis to trachea, major bronchus, secondary;
navah strotas has main mulasthan is hridaya tertiary bronchioles and alveoli |7 The aci-
and secondary is mahastrotas. Chrak and nus is gas exchange unit of the lung and
Sushrut both give first priority to pranavaha comprises branching respiratory bronchioles
strotas. sushrut gives clear idea regarding and clusters of alveoli here filtered mois-
prana, agnisomvayu satvarajatama, pan- tures heated air makes close contact with
chendriya bhutatmethi prana |4 He says that pulmonary capillaries and oxygen up take
agni, soma, vayu satwa,raja and tama and and carbon dioxide excretion occurs the al-
also panchdnyanendriya are pranas because veoli lined with flattened epithelial cells. |8
due to these vital factors signs of aliveness is The gas exchange of oxygen and carbon di-
seen. one more important definition is oxide are purely passive no ATP is con-
pranaha vahantiti prana means: The sumed they depend on behavior of gases de-
chaitnya or jivana giving matter is pran.The scribed in daltens law and henry law | 9
vahan or transfer or conduction of this IAMJ: Volume 4; Issue 04; March- 2016

Dr. Budruk Pramod Appasaheb: Conceptual Study Of Pranavaha Strotas With Reference To Modern Anatomy
Transport of gases between lungs and body sciousness, vepenani means tremors of the
tissue is function of blood, when oxygen body and lastly death occurs.
enters the blood certain physical and chemi-
cal changes occurs that aids in gas transport DISCUSSION
and exchange. |10 As we seen that pranvaha strotas is first
Oxygen does not dissolve easily in the water strotas of the body. Srotas concept is based
therefore very little oxygen only 1.5 % is on following four main qualities.
carried in the dissolved state in water blood
plasma and remained oxygen 98.5% is 1. To produce specific bhava or matter that
transported as chemical combination with means utpatti of bhav.
hemoglobin inside RBC. Each 100 ml oxy- 2. to transfer or to carry these bhava from
genated blood contains about 20 ml of oxy- one place to another place means vahana
gen and 0.3ml dissolved. |11 The change of of these bhavas.
respiratory gases between lungs and blood 3. To secreat these specific bhava means
takes place by diffusion across alveolar and stravanath strothansi.
capillary walls. Collectively the layer Specific root or marg of these bhava. Some
through which the respiratory gases diffuse strotas has all four qualities but some has one
are known as alveolar capillary membrane. quality out of four the structure used for
|12 above functions. These structures are like
The heart act as two separate pumps oper- ducts, tubules, blood vessels, capillaries,
ating side by side . The right heart generate organs and ashaya. Strotas is decided ac-
circulation to lungs and left heart feeds rest cording to transfer of matter through it and it
of body. The right atrium drains deoxygen- is related to its mulsthana. charak and
ated blood from superior and inferior vena sushriut gives there mulsthana according to
cava and discharges blood in to left atrium their function or storage of bhava or relay
and in to left ventricle through bicuspid center of bhava. Second mula is considered as
valve. 13 conducting system of these bhava. In case of
Tatra pranvahanam hrudayam mullam ma- pranvaha strotas air entered from external
hastrotasam pradustanam khavisheshmedh nares to pharynx, larynx, trachea and right
Vishehsh bhavati charak |14 and left bronchus and then bronchioles and
When this strotas is not working properly finally to alveoli. This is the path of oxygen.
then special signs and symptoms or seen In this way external atmospheric oxygen is
more expiration rate, vising sounds at the reaches to lungs. In alveoli gas exchange
time of resperation, painful breathing and process of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes
tightening of chest also seen. Sushrut com- place. This is purely passive process, hence
mentrator Dhalan says that no ATP is consumed. Transport of gases
Tatra vidhasaya kroshanavinaman mohan between lungs and body tissue is physical and
bramhan vepenani maranam vaa bhavati |15 chemical process. The exchange of
When this strotas hampers then following respiratory gases takes place by diffusion
symptoms are seen croshan means to cry, method across alveoli and capillary walls.
winamana means bending forward, bram- Oxygen does not dissolve easily in the water
hana means vertigo, mohana means uncon- therefore very little oxygen only 1.5 % is IAMJ: Volume 4; Issue 04; March- 2016

Dr. Budruk Pramod Appasaheb: Conceptual Study Of Pranavaha Strotas With Reference To Modern Anatomy
carried in the dissolved state in water blood Same time carbon dioxide is absorbed by
plasma. and remained oxygen 98.5% is RBC. In each 100 ml of deoxygenated
transported as chemical combination with blood7% of carbon dioxide is dissolved in
hemoglobin is transported in chemical plasma 23% combines with hemoglobin as
combination with hemoglobin inside RBC. carbonation and 70% is converted into bi-
Each 100 ml oxygenated blood contains about carbonate ions. This carbon dioxide along
20 ml of oxygen and 0.3ml dissolved. with hemoglobin travels through veins, vena
cava to right atrium of the heart. Then it is
Hemoglobin consists of protein portion poured into right ventricle. This deoxygen-
called globins and an iron pigment called ated blood then transferred to lungs by pul-
heme. Each hemoglobin molecule has four monary arteries. Exchange of carbon dioxide
heme group can combined with one mole- and oxygen occurs in alveoli by alveolar-ca-
cule of oxygen. Oxygen and hemoglobin pillary membrane,
combine in an easily reversible reaction to Mainly carbon dioxide and oxygen ex-
form oxyhemoglobin since 98.5%of oxygen change occurs in lungs and heart. Hence
is bound to hemoglobin and trapped inside Chrak As well As Susarut both mentioned
RBC only 1.5 can diffuse out tissue capil- heart as a mulasthana, and path from nose to
laries into tissue cells. alveoli, alveoli to left ventricle, then to all
When we think sharir rachana & sharir body tissue and cells, body tissue to veins
kriya regarding pranavaha strotas. Ancient and right ventricle of the heart includes in
scholar never given separate sharir rachana the pranavahana dhamani. This gives clear
& sharir kriya. Anatomy is well mentioned idea about pranavaha strotas.
in the ayurved. We must know basic con-
cepts of the ayurveda. Now in globalization CONCLUSION
world this concept of pranavaha strotas Pranavaha strotas is impotant & main
must be proved on the modern basis. Stro- strotas of the body. It consists from nose to
toaium purusha Means body is made by so alveoli via external nares, nasal chambers,
many strotas . But for understanding these pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchus & bron-
strotas properly charak & sushrut men- chioles, which carry oxygen or carbon di-
tioned special strotas, charaka has given 14 oxide to lungs. From lungs these gases are
number of strotas while sushrut given11 transported to heart by pulmonary veins.
number of strotas. From heart oxygen is supplied to all body
Pranavaha strotas starts from nose and sup- cells. Then gases exchange occurs in tissue
ply oxygen to haemoglobin through alveoli. cell level. In this process heart plays very
This is clear path of pranavaha strotas, but important role so heart is mentioned as
next to it gases exchange occurs with the mulsthana of the pranavaha strotas. The
help of blood. This blood is firstly trans- gases path and exchange occurs nose to al-
ferred to heart by pulmonary veins and veoli, alveoli to heart by pulmonary veins,
poured to left atrium. From left atrium heart to all cells of body by arteries, all body
poured to left ventricles and all over body cells to again heart with the help of veins.
through aorta, arterioles and capillaries. This total path includes in pranavahini
Thus oxygen is supplied to every cell. dhamanya. IAMJ: Volume 4; Issue 04; March- 2016

Dr. Budruk Pramod Appasaheb: Conceptual Study Of Pranavaha Strotas With Reference To Modern Anatomy
.There is very less amount of gases trans- 6. Grey’s anatomy f or students-
ported through plasma hence ancient schol- byRichard L Drake, Wayne Vogl,
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systemic circulation hence Charak might be ISBN-0808923064 –page no.-1249
called as mahastrotasam, Thus Charak and 7. Devidson’s Principles and Practise of
Susharut both described nicely and clearly Medicines. -By Nicholas Boom,
about pranavaha strotas. Nicki R. Colledge, and Brian
R.Walkar-Churchill Livngestone
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Dr. Budruk Pramod Appasaheb: Conceptual Study Of Pranavaha Strotas With Reference To Modern Anatomy
13. Devidson’s Principles and Practise of
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Nicki R. Colledge, and Brian
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Elsevier-B.L. Catloguing Publica-
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Dr. Budruk Pramod Appasaheb
M.D. Sharir Rachana, L.L.B.(spl)
Principal- Hon. Shri. Annasaheb
Dange Ayurved
Medical College, Ashta. Tal- Walwa,
Dist- Sangli.
Mob No. - 9423284876

Source of support: Nil
Conflict of interest: None Declared IAMJ: Volume 4; Issue 04; March- 2016


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