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Pros and cons of ICT.

- Reach most friends, family and business contacts in seconds.
- Develop a business line without needing a real office.
- Fast development and less time to market.
- Lower prices on communications to consumers.
- Real-time interaction with other information systems.
- Home and daily tasks automation.
- Asking questions with a million people willing to help out.

- No reliable trusted sources. Information might not be accurate.
- Communicating over a distance might degrade the human approach to relations
- The mind has become lazy, not reading the entire page but going straight to the
interesting part.
- Reduced privacy
- A faster world based on technology reduces the amount of time to be with ourselves.

Following is a list of precautionary measures that may be taken.


Firstly, ICT use refers to the use of Information and Communication Technology. In simple words,
take example of a computer or any other digital devices used for the purpose of communications.

The precautions may be:-

- Patch whilst using a machine, this means that it wont be vulnerable to malfunctions.

-One should install protective software's which can help to reduce any damage to the data present
in the computer, from malfunction, data erasing, heatup's etc.

- create backup of data on a regular basis. One must always have a backup storage whether on
icloud or somewhere else, to help regain information in case any data may be lost.

Use of ICT refers to the use of Information and Communication Technology. By keeping the use of
ICT safe, we need to make sure that we do not overuse it. Almost every type of content is available
on the internet these days, but we need to avoid getting manipulated with violent, pornographic or
harmful content, and make best use of useful content. Before giving smartphones and laptops to
your children, also keep a watch on what they are viewing and how they are using them.

*******here are four sub-sectors within the IT-BPM Industry, as shown below, get access to latest
information on IT-BPM industry sectors.

IT Services

Business Process Managment

Software Products

Engineering Research and Development

IT Services (ITS) sub-sector involves a range of engagement types that include

consulting, systems integration, IT outsourcing/managed services/hosting services,
training and support/maintenance.

Business Process Management (BPM) sub-sector deals with the management of one
or more business processes by an external organisation that, in turn, owns and
manages the selected processes based on defined and measurable performance

The IT Industry segment providing services in the area of software products – through all
or any of the product lifecycles – is referred to as the Software Products (SPD) sub-

Engineering Research and Development (ERD) services are those that augment or
manage processes that are associated with the creation of a product or service, as well
as those associated with maximising the life span and optimising the yield associated
with a product or asset.
IT includes all those technologies which are expected to be used in
the library activities/ operations and other library services for
collection, processing, storage, retrieval and dissemination of
recorded information, the fast developing information technologies
have showered almost every areas of application including
libraries. In case of libraries, these are good use in the following

a) Library Management: Library management includes the

following activities which will certainly be geared up by the use of
these fast IT developments: Classification, Cataloguing, Indexing,
Database creation, Database Indexing.

b) Library Automation: Library automation is the concept of

reducing the human intervention in all the library services so that
any user can receive the desired information with the maximum
comfort and at the lowest cost. Major areas of the automation can
be classified into two -organization of all library databases and all
housekeeping operations of library.

c) Library Networking: Library networking means a group pf

Libraries and information Centres are interconnected for some
common pattern or design for information exchange and
communication with a view to improve efficiency.

d) Audio-Video Technology: It includes photography, microfilms,

microfiches, audio and tapes, printing, optical disk etc.

e) Technical Communication: Technical Communication consisting

of technical writing, editing, publishing, DTP systems etc.

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